bool IOPlayer::savePlayer(Player* player) { player->preSave(); Database* db = Database::instance(); DBQuery query; DBResult* result; //check if the player have to be saved or not query << "SELECT `save` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " << player->getGUID(); if(!(result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))){ return false; } if(result->getDataInt("save") == 0){ db->freeResult(result); query.str(""); query << "UPDATE `players` SET `lastlogin` = " << player->lastLoginSaved << ", `lastip` = " << player->lastip << " WHERE `id` = " << player->getGUID(); DBTransaction transaction(db); if(!transaction.begin()){ return false; } if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } transaction.commit(); return true; } db->freeResult(result); //serialize conditions PropWriteStream propWriteStream; for(ConditionList::const_iterator it = player->conditions.begin(); it != player->conditions.end(); ++it){ if((*it)->isPersistent()){ if(!(*it)->serialize(propWriteStream)){ return false; } propWriteStream.ADD_UCHAR(CONDITIONATTR_END); } } uint32_t conditionsSize; const char* conditions = propWriteStream.getStream(conditionsSize); //First, an UPDATE query to write the player itself query.str(""); query << "UPDATE `players` SET `level` = " << player->level << ", `vocation` = " << (int)player->getVocationId() << ", `health` = " << player->health << ", `healthmax` = " << player->healthMax << ", `direction` = " << (int)player->getDirection() << ", `experience` = " << player->experience << ", `lookbody` = " << (int)player->defaultOutfit.lookBody << ", `lookfeet` = " << (int)player->defaultOutfit.lookFeet << ", `lookhead` = " << (int)player->defaultOutfit.lookHead << ", `looklegs` = " << (int)player->defaultOutfit.lookLegs << ", `looktype` = " << (int)player->defaultOutfit.lookType << ", `maglevel` = " << player->magLevel << ", `mana` = " << player->mana << ", `manamax` = " << player->manaMax << ", `manaspent` = " << player->manaSpent << ", `soul` = " << player->soul << ", `town_id` = " << player->town << ", `posx` = " << player->getLoginPosition().x << ", `posy` = " << player->getLoginPosition().y << ", `posz` = " << player->getLoginPosition().z << ", `cap` = " << player->getCapacity() << ", `sex` = " << player->sex << ", `lastlogin` = " << player->lastLoginSaved << ", `lastip` = " << player->lastip << ", `conditions` = " << db->escapeBlob(conditions, conditionsSize) << ", `loss_experience` = " << (int)player->getLossPercent(LOSS_EXPERIENCE) << ", `loss_mana` = " << (int)player->getLossPercent(LOSS_MANASPENT) << ", `loss_skills` = " << (int)player->getLossPercent(LOSS_SKILLTRIES) << ", `loss_items` = " << (int)player->getLossPercent(LOSS_ITEMS) << ", `balance` = " << player->balance; #ifdef __SKULLSYSTEM__ int32_t redSkullTime = 0; if(player->redSkullTicks > 0){ redSkullTime = std::time(NULL) + player->redSkullTicks/1000; } query << ", `redskulltime` = " << redSkullTime; int32_t redSkull = 0; if(player->skull == SKULL_RED){ redSkull = 1; } query << ", `redskull` = " << redSkull; #endif query << " WHERE `id` = " << player->getGUID(); DBTransaction transaction(db); if(!transaction.begin()){ return false; } if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } query.str(""); //skills for(int i = 0; i <= 6; i++){ query << "UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " << player->skills[i][SKILL_LEVEL] << ", `count` = " << player->skills[i][SKILL_TRIES] << " WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID() << " AND `skillid` = " << i; if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } query.str(""); } // deletes all player-related stuff query << "DELETE FROM `player_spells` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_viplist` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if(!db->executeQuery(query.str())){ return false; } query.str(""); DBInsert stmt(db); //learned spells stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_spells` (`player_id`, `name`) VALUES "); for(LearnedInstantSpellList::const_iterator it = player->learnedInstantSpellList.begin(); it != player->learnedInstantSpellList.end(); ++it){ query << player->getGUID() << ", " << db->escapeString(*it); if(!stmt.addRow(query)){ return false; } } if(!stmt.execute()){ return false; } ItemBlockList itemList; Item* item; for(int32_t slotId = 1; slotId <= 10; ++slotId){ if((item = player->inventory[slotId])){ itemList.push_back(itemBlock(slotId, item)); } } //item saving stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_items` (`player_id` , `pid` , `sid` , `itemtype` , `count` , `attributes` ) VALUES "); if(!(saveItems(player, itemList, stmt) && stmt.execute())){ return false; } itemList.clear(); for(DepotMap::iterator it = player->depots.begin(); it != player->depots.end(); ++it){ itemList.push_back(itemBlock(it->first, it->second)); } //save depot items stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_depotitems` (`player_id` , `pid` , `sid` , `itemtype` , `count` , `attributes` ) VALUES "); if(!(saveItems(player, itemList, stmt) && stmt.execute())){ return false; } stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_storage` (`player_id` , `key` , `value` ) VALUES "); for(StorageMap::const_iterator cit = player->getStorageIteratorBegin(); cit != player->getStorageIteratorEnd();cit++){ query << player->getGUID() << ", " << cit->first << ", " << cit->second; if(!stmt.addRow(query)){ return false; } } if(!stmt.execute()){ return false; } //save vip list if(!player->VIPList.empty()){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "INSERT INTO `player_viplist` (`player_id`, `vip_id`) SELECT " << player->getGUID() << ", `id` FROM `players` WHERE `id` IN"; stmt.setQuery(ss.str()); ss.str(""); for(VIPListSet::iterator it = player->VIPList.begin(); it != player->VIPList.end();){ ss << (*it); ++it; if(it != player->VIPList.end()){ ss << ","; } } stmt.addRow(ss); if(!stmt.execute()){ return false; } } //End the transaction return transaction.commit(); }
bool IOLoginData::savePlayer(Player* player) { if (player->getHealth() <= 0) { player->changeHealth(1); } Database* db = Database::getInstance(); std::ostringstream query; query << "SELECT `save` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " << player->getGUID(); DBResult* result = db->storeQuery(query.str()); if (!result) { return false; } if (result->getDataInt("save") == 0) { db->freeResult(result); query.str(""); query << "UPDATE `players` SET `lastlogin` = " << player->lastLoginSaved << ", `lastip` = " << player->lastIP << " WHERE `id` = " << player->getGUID(); return db->executeQuery(query.str()); } db->freeResult(result); //serialize conditions PropWriteStream propWriteStream; for (ConditionList::const_iterator it = player->conditions.begin(); it != player->conditions.end(); ++it) { Condition* condition = *it; if (condition->isPersistent()) { if (!condition->serialize(propWriteStream)) { return false; } propWriteStream.ADD_UCHAR(CONDITIONATTR_END); } } uint32_t conditionsSize = 0; const char* conditions = propWriteStream.getStream(conditionsSize); //First, an UPDATE query to write the player itself query.str(""); query << "UPDATE `players` SET "; query << "`level` = " << player->level << ", "; query << "`group_id` = " << player->groupId << ", "; query << "`vocation` = " << (int32_t)player->getVocationId() << ", "; query << "`health` = " << player->health << ", "; query << "`healthmax` = " << player->healthMax << ", "; query << "`experience` = " << player->experience << ", "; query << "`lookbody` = " << (int32_t)player->defaultOutfit.lookBody << ", "; query << "`lookfeet` = " << (int32_t)player->defaultOutfit.lookFeet << ", "; query << "`lookhead` = " << (int32_t)player->defaultOutfit.lookHead << ", "; query << "`looklegs` = " << (int32_t)player->defaultOutfit.lookLegs << ", "; query << "`looktype` = " << (int32_t)player->defaultOutfit.lookType << ", "; query << "`lookaddons` = " << (int32_t)player->defaultOutfit.lookAddons << ", "; query << "`maglevel` = " << player->magLevel << ", "; query << "`mana` = " << player->mana << ", "; query << "`manamax` = " << player->manaMax << ", "; query << "`manaspent` = " << player->manaSpent << ", "; query << "`soul` = " << player->soul << ", "; query << "`town_id` = " << player->town << ", "; const Position& loginPosition = player->getLoginPosition(); query << "`posx` = " << loginPosition.x << ", "; query << "`posy` = " << loginPosition.y << ", "; query << "`posz` = " << loginPosition.z << ", "; query << "`cap` = " << player->getCapacity() << ", "; query << "`sex` = " << player->sex << ", "; if (player->lastLoginSaved != 0) { query << "`lastlogin` = " << player->lastLoginSaved << ", "; } if (player->lastIP != 0) { query << "`lastip` = " << player->lastIP << ", "; } query << "`conditions` = " << db->escapeBlob(conditions, conditionsSize) << ", "; if (g_game.getWorldType() != WORLD_TYPE_PVP_ENFORCED) { int32_t skullTime = 0; if (player->skullTicks > 0) { skullTime = time(NULL) + player->skullTicks / 1000; } query << "`skulltime` = " << skullTime << ", "; int32_t skull = 0; if (player->skull == SKULL_RED) { skull = SKULL_RED; } else if (player->skull == SKULL_BLACK) { skull = SKULL_BLACK; } query << "`skull` = " << skull << ", "; } query << "`lastlogout` = " << player->getLastLogout() << ", "; query << "`balance` = " << player->bankBalance << ", "; query << "`offlinetraining_time` = " << player->getOfflineTrainingTime() / 1000 << ", "; query << "`offlinetraining_skill` = " << player->getOfflineTrainingSkill() << ", "; query << "`stamina` = " << player->getStaminaMinutes() << ", "; if (!player->isOffline()) { query << "`onlinetime` = `onlinetime` + " << (time(NULL) - player->lastLoginSaved) << ", "; } query << "`blessings` = " << player->blessings; query << " WHERE `id` = " << player->getGUID(); DBTransaction transaction; if (!transaction.begin()) { return false; } if (!db->executeQuery(query.str())) { return false; } // skills for (int32_t i = SKILL_FIRST; i <= SKILL_LAST; i++) { query.str(""); query << "UPDATE `player_skills` SET `value` = " << player->skills[i][SKILL_LEVEL] << ", `count` = " << player->skills[i][SKILL_TRIES] << " WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID() << " AND `skillid` = " << i; if (!db->executeQuery(query.str())) { return false; } } // learned spells query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_spells` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if (!db->executeQuery(query.str())) { return false; } query.str(""); DBInsert stmt(db); stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_spells` (`player_id`, `name` ) VALUES "); for (LearnedInstantSpellList::const_iterator it = player->learnedInstantSpellList.begin(); it != player->learnedInstantSpellList.end(); ++it) { query << player->getGUID() << "," << db->escapeString(*it); if (!stmt.addRow(query)) { return false; } } if (!stmt.execute()) { return false; } //item saving query << "DELETE FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if (!db->executeQuery(query.str())) { return false; } stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_items` (`player_id`, `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes`) VALUES "); ItemBlockList itemList; for (int32_t slotId = 1; slotId <= 10; ++slotId) { Item* item = player->inventory[slotId]; if (item) { itemList.push_back(itemBlock(slotId, item)); } } if (!saveItems(player, itemList, stmt)) { return false; } if (player->depotChange) { //save depot items query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if (!db->executeQuery(query.str())) { return false; } stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_depotitems` (`player_id`, `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes`) VALUES "); itemList.clear(); for (DepotMap::iterator it = player->depotChests.begin(); it != player->depotChests.end() ; ++it) { DepotChest* depotChest = it->second; for (ItemDeque::const_iterator iit = depotChest->getItems(), end = depotChest->getEnd(); iit != end; ++iit) { itemList.push_back(itemBlock(it->first, *iit)); } } if (!saveItems(player, itemList, stmt)) { return false; } } //save inbox items query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_inboxitems` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if (!db->executeQuery(query.str())) { return false; } stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_inboxitems` (`player_id`, `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes`) VALUES "); itemList.clear(); for (ItemDeque::const_iterator it = player->getInbox()->getItems(), end = player->getInbox()->getEnd(); it != end; ++it) { itemList.push_back(itemBlock(0, *it)); } if (!saveItems(player, itemList, stmt)) { return false; } query.str(""); query << "DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `player_id` = " << player->getGUID(); if (!db->executeQuery(query.str())) { return false; } query.str(""); stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `player_storage` (`player_id`, `key`, `value`) VALUES "); player->genReservedStorageRange(); for (StorageMap::const_iterator cit = player->getStorageIteratorBegin(), end = player->getStorageIteratorEnd(); cit != end; ++cit) { query << player->getGUID() << "," << cit->first << "," << cit->second; if (!stmt.addRow(query)) { return false; } } if (!stmt.execute()) { return false; } //End the transaction return transaction.commit(); }