void Damage::Render() { WFont * mFont = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetWFont(Fonts::MAIN_FONT); mFont->SetBase(0); mFont->SetScale(DEFAULT_MAIN_FONT_SCALE); char buffer[200]; sprintf(buffer, _("Deals %i damage to").c_str(), damage); //mFont->DrawString(buffer, x + 20, y, JGETEXT_LEFT); mFont->DrawString(buffer, x + 32, y + GetVerticalTextOffset(), JGETEXT_LEFT); JRenderer * renderer = JRenderer::GetInstance(); JQuadPtr quad = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveCard(source, CACHE_THUMB); if (quad.get()) { //float scale = 30 / quad->mHeight; //renderer->RenderQuad(quad.get(), x, y, 0, scale, scale); quad->SetColor(ARGB(255,255,255,255)); float scale = mHeight / quad->mHeight; renderer->RenderQuad(quad.get(), x + (quad->mWidth * scale / 2), y + (quad->mHeight * scale / 2), 0, scale, scale); } else { //mFont->DrawString(_(source->getName()).c_str(), x, y - 15); mFont->DrawString(_(source->getName()).c_str(), x, y + GetVerticalTextOffset() - 15); } quad = target->getIcon(); if (quad.get()) { //float scale = 30 / quad->mHeight; //renderer->RenderQuad(quad.get(), x + 150, y, 0, scale, scale); float backupX = quad->mHotSpotX; float backupY = quad->mHotSpotY; quad->SetColor(ARGB(255,255,255,255)); quad->SetHotSpot(quad->mWidth / 2, quad->mHeight / 2); float scale = mHeight / quad->mHeight; renderer->RenderQuad(quad.get(), x + 130, y - 0.5f + ((mHeight - quad->mHeight) / 2) + quad->mHotSpotY, 0, scale, scale); quad->SetHotSpot(backupX, backupY); } else { //if (target->type_as_damageable == Damageable::DAMAGEABLE_MTGCARDINSTANCE) //mFont->DrawString(_(((MTGCardInstance *) target)->getName()).c_str(), x + 120, y); if (target->type_as_damageable == Damageable::DAMAGEABLE_MTGCARDINSTANCE) mFont->DrawString(_(((MTGCardInstance *) target)->getName()).c_str(), x + 35, y+15 + GetVerticalTextOffset()); else if(target->type_as_damageable == Damageable::DAMAGEABLE_PLAYER) mFont->DrawString(_(((Player *) target)->getDisplayName()).c_str(), x + 35, y+15 + GetVerticalTextOffset()); } }
JQuadPtr ResourceManagerImpl::RetrieveCard(MTGCard * card, int style, int submode) { //Cards are never, ever resource managed, so just check cache. if (!card || options[Options::DISABLECARDS].number) return JQuadPtr(); submode = submode | TEXTURE_SUB_CARD; //static std::ostringstream filename; //filename.str(""); string filename; filename.reserve(4096); //filename << setlist[card->setId] << "/" << card->getImageName(); filename.append(setlist[card->setId]); filename.append("/"); filename.append(card->getImageName()); int id = card->getMTGId(); //Aliases. if (style == RETRIEVE_THUMB) { submode = submode | TEXTURE_SUB_THUMB; style = RETRIEVE_NORMAL; } JQuadPtr jq = RetrieveQuad(filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", style, submode | TEXTURE_SUB_5551, id); lastError = textureWCache.mError; if (jq) { jq->SetHotSpot(static_cast<float> (jq->mTex->mWidth / 2), static_cast<float> (jq->mTex->mHeight / 2)); return jq; } return JQuadPtr(); }
JQuadPtr WCachedTexture::GetCard(float offX, float offY, float width, float height, const string& resname) { JQuadPtr jq = GetQuad(offX, offY, width, height, resname); if (jq.get()) jq->SetHotSpot(static_cast<float> (jq->mTex->mWidth / 2), static_cast<float> (jq->mTex->mHeight / 2)); return jq; }
void GameApp::Create() { srand((unsigned int) time(0)); // initialize random #if !defined(QT_CONFIG) && !defined(IOS) #if defined (WIN32) _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #elif defined (PSP) pspFpuSetEnable(0); //disable FPU Exceptions until we find where the FPU errors come from pspDebugScreenPrintf("Wagic:Loading resources..."); #endif #endif //QT_CONFIG //_CrtSetBreakAlloc(368); LOG("starting Game"); string systemFolder = "Res/"; string foldersRoot = ""; //Find the Res folder ifstream mfile("Res.txt"); string resPath; if (mfile) { bool found = false; while (!found && std::getline(mfile, resPath)) { if (resPath[resPath.size() - 1] == '\r') resPath.erase(resPath.size() - 1); //Handle DOS files string testfile = resPath + systemFolder; testfile.append("graphics/simon.dat"); ifstream tempfile(testfile.c_str()); if (tempfile) { found = true; tempfile.close(); foldersRoot = resPath; } } mfile.close(); } LOG("init Res Folder at " + foldersRoot); JFileSystem::init(foldersRoot + "User/", foldersRoot + systemFolder); // Create User Folders (for write access) if they don't exist { const char* folders[] = { "ai", "ai/baka", "ai/baka/stats", "campaigns", "graphics", "lang", "packs", "player", "player/stats", "profiles", "rules", "sets", "settings", "sound", "sound/sfx", "themes", "test"}; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(folders)/sizeof(folders[0]); ++i) { JFileSystem::GetInstance()->MakeDir(string(folders[i])); } } LOG("Loading Modrules"); //Load Mod Rules before everything else gModRules.load("rules/modrules.xml"); LOG("Loading Unlockables"); //Load awards (needs to be loaded before any option are accessed) Unlockable::load(); //Link this to our settings manager. options.theGame = this; //Ensure that options are partially loaded before loading files. LOG("options.reloadProfile()"); options.reloadProfile(); //Setup Cache before calling any gfx/sfx functions WResourceManager::Instance()->ResetCacheLimits(); LOG("Checking for music files"); //Test for Music files presence JFileSystem * jfs = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); HasMusic = jfs->FileExists(WResourceManager::Instance()->musicFile("Track0.mp3")) && jfs->FileExists(WResourceManager::Instance()->musicFile("Track1.mp3")); LOG("Init Collection"); MTGAllCards::getInstance(); LOG("Loading rules"); Rules::loadAllRules(); LOG("Loading Textures"); LOG("--Loading menuicons.png"); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("menuicons.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); #if !defined (PSP) WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("miconslarge.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); #endif LOG("---Gettings menuicons.png quads"); //Load all icons from gModRules and save in manaIcons -> todo. Change the icons positions on menuicons.png to avoid use item->mColorId vector<ModRulesBackGroundCardGuiItem *>items = gModRules.cardgui.background; for(size_t i= 0; i < items.size(); i ++) { ModRulesBackGroundCardGuiItem * item = items[i]; if (item->mMenuIcon == 1) { manaIcons.push_back(WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("menuicons.png", 2 + (float)item->mColorId * 36, 38, 32, 32, "c_" + item->MColorName, RETRIEVE_MANAGE)); Constants::MTGColorStrings.push_back(item->MColorName.c_str()); } } Constants::NB_Colors = (int)Constants::MTGColorStrings.size(); items.erase(items.begin(),items.end()); for (int i = manaIcons.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) if (manaIcons[i].get()) manaIcons[i]->SetHotSpot(16, 16); LOG("--Loading back.jpg"); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("back.jpg", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); JQuadPtr jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("back.jpg", 0, 0, 0, 0, kGenericCardID, RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq.get()) jq->SetHotSpot(jq->mWidth / 2, jq->mHeight / 2); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("back_thumb.jpg", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("back_thumb.jpg", 0, 0, MTG_MINIIMAGE_WIDTH, MTG_MINIIMAGE_HEIGHT, kGenericCardThumbnailID, RETRIEVE_MANAGE); LOG("--Loading particles.png"); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("particles.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("particles.png", 0, 0, 32, 32, "particles", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(16, 16); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("particles.png", 64, 0, 32, 32, "stars", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(16, 16); LOG("--Loading fonts"); string lang = options[Options::LANG].str; std::transform(lang.begin(), lang.end(), lang.begin(), ::tolower); WResourceManager::Instance()->InitFonts(lang); Translator::GetInstance()->init(); // The translator is ready now. LOG("--Loading various textures"); // Load in this function only textures that are used frequently throughout the game. These textures will constantly stay in Ram, so be frugal WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("phasebar.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("wood.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("gold.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("goldglow.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("backdrop.jpg", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("handback.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("shadows.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("shadows.png", 2, 2, 16, 16, "white", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(8, 8); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("shadows.png", 20, 2, 16, 16, "shadow", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(8, 8); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("shadows.png", 38, 2, 16, 16, "extracostshadow", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(8, 8); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("phasebar.png", 0, 0, 0, 0, "phasebar", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); LOG("Creating Game States"); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DECK_VIEWER] = NEW GameStateDeckViewer(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DECK_VIEWER]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_MENU] = NEW GameStateMenu(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_MENU]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DUEL] = NEW GameStateDuel(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DUEL]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_SHOP] = NEW GameStateShop(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_SHOP]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_OPTIONS] = NEW GameStateOptions(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_OPTIONS]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_AWARDS] = NEW GameStateAwards(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_AWARDS]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_STORY] = NEW GameStateStory(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_STORY]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_TRANSITION] = NULL; mCurrentState = NULL; mNextState = mGameStates[GAME_STATE_MENU]; //Set Audio volume JSoundSystem::GetInstance()->SetSfxVolume(options[Options::SFXVOLUME].number); JSoundSystem::GetInstance()->SetMusicVolume(options[Options::MUSICVOLUME].number); DebugTrace("size of MTGCardInstance: " << sizeof(MTGCardInstance)); DebugTrace("size of MTGCard: "<< sizeof(MTGCard)); DebugTrace("size of CardPrimitive: "<< sizeof(CardPrimitive)); DebugTrace("size of ExtraCost: " << sizeof(ExtraCost)); DebugTrace("size of ManaCost: " << sizeof(ManaCost)); LOG("Game Creation Done."); }
void GuiPhaseBar::Render() { JQuadPtr quad = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetQuad("phasebar"); JQuadPtr phaseinfo = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTempQuad("fakebar.png"); //new fakebar graphics //uncomment to draw a hideous line across hires screens. // JRenderer::GetInstance()->DrawLine(0, CENTER, SCREEN_WIDTH, CENTER, ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255)); const float radius = 25 * zoomFactor; for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { //the position of the glyphe in the circle const float circPos = (i - 2) * step + angle; const float glyphY = this->y + this->mHeight / 2 + sin(circPos) * radius; //the scale is computed so that the glyphes touch each other //hint: sin(circPos + PI/2) = cos(circPos) const float glyphScale = float(zoomFactor * cosf(circPos) * 0.5f); if (observer->currentPlayer && observer->currentPlayer->isAI() && !observer->currentPlayer->opponent()->isAI()) DrawGlyph(quad.get(), (displayedPhaseId - 2 + i + kPhases) % kPhases, 0, glyphY, glyphScale, 29); else DrawGlyph(quad.get(), (displayedPhaseId - 2 + i + kPhases) % kPhases, 0, glyphY, glyphScale, 0); } //print phase name WFont * font = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetWFont(Fonts::MAIN_FONT); string currentP = _("your turn"); string interrupt = ""; if (observer->currentPlayer == mpDuelLayers->getRenderedPlayerOpponent()) { currentP = _("opponent's turn"); } font->SetColor(ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255)); if (observer->currentlyActing() && observer->currentlyActing()->isAI()) { font->SetColor(ARGB(255, 128, 128, 128)); } if (observer->currentlyActing() != observer->currentPlayer) { if (observer->currentPlayer == mpDuelLayers->getRenderedPlayer()) { interrupt = _(" - ") + _("opponent plays"); } else { interrupt = _(" - ") + _("you play"); } } char buf[200]; //running this string through translate returns gibberish even though we defined the variables in the lang.txt //the conversion from phase bar phases to mtg phases is x%kPhases + 1 //todo: just to this when the displayedPhaseId updates string phaseNameToTranslate = observer->phaseRing->phaseName(displayedPhaseId%kPhases + 1); phaseNameToTranslate = _(phaseNameToTranslate); sprintf(buf, _("(%s%s) %s").c_str(), currentP.c_str(), interrupt.c_str(),phaseNameToTranslate.c_str()); #if !defined (PSP) if(phaseinfo.get()) { phaseinfo->mWidth = font->GetStringWidth(buf)+12.f; phaseinfo->SetHotSpot(phaseinfo->mWidth -4, 0); //phaseinfo->mHeight = font->GetHeight()+5.f; JRenderer::GetInstance()->RenderQuad(phaseinfo.get(),SCREEN_WIDTH_F,0,0,2.2f, SCREEN_HEIGHT_F / phaseinfo->mHeight); } #endif font->DrawString(buf, SCREEN_WIDTH - 5, 2, JGETEXT_RIGHT); }
void GuiCombat::Render() { if (NONE == cursor_pos) return; JRenderer* renderer = JRenderer::GetInstance(); renderer->FillRect(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, ARGB(200,0,0,0)); for (inner_iterator it = attackers.begin(); it != attackers.end(); ++it) if ((*it)->show) (*it)->Render(step); if (activeAtk) { float setH = 0; float setW = 0; signed damage = activeAtk->card->stepPower(step); for (vector<DefenserDamaged*>::iterator q = activeAtk->blockers.begin(); q != activeAtk->blockers.end(); ++q) { (*q)->Render(step); damage -= (*q)->sumDamages(); setH = (*q)->Height; setW = (*q)->Width; } if (damage < 0) damage = 0; if (activeAtk->card->has(Constants::TRAMPLE)) { if(activeAtk->card->isAttacking && activeAtk->card->isAttacking != observer->opponent()) { JQuadPtr enemy = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveCard((MTGCardInstance*)activeAtk->card->isAttacking, CACHE_THUMB); float oldH = enemy->mHeight; float oldW = enemy->mWidth; enemy->mHeight = setH; enemy->mWidth = setW; enemy->SetHotSpot(18, 25); enemy_avatar.Render(enemy.get()); enemy->mHeight = oldH; enemy->mWidth = oldW; } else { observer->opponent()->getIcon()->SetHotSpot(18, 25); enemy_avatar.Render(observer->opponent()->getIcon().get()); } WFont * mFont = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetWFont(Fonts::MAIN_FONT); mFont->SetColor(ARGB(255, 255, 64, 0)); { char buf[10]; sprintf(buf, "%i", damage); mFont->DrawString(buf, enemy_avatar.actX - 25, enemy_avatar.actY - 40); } } } if (ok_tex) { JQuadPtr ok_quad = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTempQuad("Ok.png"); ok_quad->SetHotSpot(28, 22); ok.Render(ok_quad.get()); } renderer->DrawLine(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + 10, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + 10, ARGB(255, 255, 64, 0)); if (FIRST_STRIKE == step) { WFont * mFont = WResourceManager::Instance()->GetWFont(Fonts::MAIN_FONT); mFont->SetColor(ARGB(255, 64, 255, 64)); mFont->DrawString("First strike damage", 370, 2); } }