bool ValueAnimation::LoadJSON(const JSONValue& source) { valueType_ = VAR_NONE; eventFrames_.Clear(); String interpMethodString = source.Get("interpolationmethod").GetString(); InterpMethod method = (InterpMethod)GetStringListIndex(interpMethodString.CString(), interpMethodNames, IM_LINEAR); SetInterpolationMethod(method); if (interpolationMethod_ == IM_SPLINE) splineTension_ = source.Get("splinetension").GetFloat(); // Load keyframes JSONArray keyFramesArray = source.Get("keyframes").GetArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < keyFramesArray.Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& val = keyFramesArray[i]; float time = val.Get("time").GetFloat(); Variant value = val.Get("value").GetVariant(); SetKeyFrame(time, value); } // Load event frames JSONArray eventFramesArray = source.Get("eventframes").GetArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < eventFramesArray.Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& eventFrameVal = eventFramesArray[i]; float time = eventFrameVal.Get("time").GetFloat(); unsigned eventType = eventFrameVal.Get("eventtype").GetUInt(); VariantMap eventData = eventFrameVal.Get("eventdata").GetVariantMap(); SetEventFrame(time, StringHash(eventType), eventData); } return true; }
bool UnknownComponent::LoadJSON(const JSONValue& source, bool setInstanceDefault) { useXML_ = true; xmlAttributes_.Clear(); xmlAttributeInfos_.Clear(); binaryAttributes_.Clear(); JSONArray attributesArray = source.Get("attributes").GetArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributesArray.Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& attrVal = attributesArray.At(i); AttributeInfo attr; attr.mode_ = AM_FILE; attr.name_ = attrVal.Get("name").GetString(); attr.type_ = VAR_STRING; if (!attr.name_.Empty()) { String attrValue = attrVal.Get("value").GetString(); attr.defaultValue_ = String::EMPTY; xmlAttributeInfos_.Push(attr); xmlAttributes_.Push(attrValue); } } // Fix up pointers to the attributes after all have been read for (unsigned i = 0; i < xmlAttributeInfos_.Size(); ++i) xmlAttributeInfos_[i].ptr_ = &xmlAttributes_[i]; return true; }
bool CSComponentAssembly::ParseComponentClassJSON(const JSONValue& json) { if (!typeMap_.Size()) InitTypeMap(); String className = json.Get("name").GetString(); classNames_.Push(className); const JSONValue& jfields = json.Get("fields"); PODVector<StringHash> enumsAdded; if (jfields.IsArray()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < jfields.GetArray().Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& jfield = jfields.GetArray().At(i); VariantType varType = VAR_NONE; bool isEnum = jfield.Get("isEnum").GetBool(); String typeName = jfield.Get("typeName").GetString(); String fieldName = jfield.Get("name").GetString(); String defaultValue = jfield.Get("defaultValue").GetString(); if (!defaultValue.Length()) { JSONArray caPos = jfield.Get("caPos").GetArray(); if (caPos.Size()) defaultValue = caPos[0].GetString(); } if (!defaultValue.Length()) { JSONObject caNamed = jfield.Get("caNamed").GetObject(); if (caNamed.Contains("DefaultValue")) defaultValue = caNamed["DefaultValue"].GetString(); } if (isEnum && assemblyEnums_.Contains(typeName) && !enumsAdded.Contains(fieldName)) { varType = VAR_INT; enumsAdded.Push(fieldName); const Vector<EnumInfo>& einfos = assemblyEnums_[typeName]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < einfos.Size(); i++) AddEnum(/*typeName*/fieldName, einfos[i], className); } if (varType == VAR_NONE && typeMap_.Contains(typeName)) varType = typeMap_[typeName]; if (varType == VAR_NONE) { // FIXME: We need to be able to test if a type is a ResourceRef, this isn't really the way to achieve that const HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ObjectFactory>>& factories = context_->GetObjectFactories(); HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ObjectFactory>>::ConstIterator itr = factories.Begin(); while (itr != factories.End()) { if (itr->second_->GetTypeName() == typeName) { varType = VAR_RESOURCEREF; break; } itr++; } if (varType == VAR_NONE) { ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Component Class %s contains unmappable type %s in field %s", className.CString(), typeName.CString(), fieldName.CString()); continue; } } if (!defaultValue.Length() && varType == VAR_RESOURCEREF) { // We still need a default value for ResourceRef's so we know the classtype AddDefaultValue(fieldName, ResourceRef(typeName), className); } else { Variant value; if (varType == VAR_RESOURCEREF) { ResourceRef rref(typeName); rref.name_ = defaultValue; value = rref; } else { value.FromString(varType, defaultValue); } AddDefaultValue(fieldName, value, className); } AddField(fieldName, varType, className); } } return true; }
bool Animation::BeginLoad(Deserializer& source) { unsigned memoryUse = sizeof(Animation); // Check ID if (source.ReadFileID() != "UANI") { URHO3D_LOGERROR(source.GetName() + " is not a valid animation file"); return false; } // Read name and length animationName_ = source.ReadString(); animationNameHash_ = animationName_; length_ = source.ReadFloat(); tracks_.Clear(); unsigned tracks = source.ReadUInt(); memoryUse += tracks * sizeof(AnimationTrack); // Read tracks for (unsigned i = 0; i < tracks; ++i) { AnimationTrack* newTrack = CreateTrack(source.ReadString()); newTrack->channelMask_ = source.ReadUByte(); unsigned keyFrames = source.ReadUInt(); newTrack->keyFrames_.Resize(keyFrames); memoryUse += keyFrames * sizeof(AnimationKeyFrame); // Read keyframes of the track for (unsigned j = 0; j < keyFrames; ++j) { AnimationKeyFrame& newKeyFrame = newTrack->keyFrames_[j]; newKeyFrame.time_ = source.ReadFloat(); if (newTrack->channelMask_ & CHANNEL_POSITION) newKeyFrame.position_ = source.ReadVector3(); if (newTrack->channelMask_ & CHANNEL_ROTATION) newKeyFrame.rotation_ = source.ReadQuaternion(); if (newTrack->channelMask_ & CHANNEL_SCALE) newKeyFrame.scale_ = source.ReadVector3(); } } // Optionally read triggers from an XML file ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>(); String xmlName = ReplaceExtension(GetName(), ".xml"); SharedPtr<XMLFile> file(cache->GetTempResource<XMLFile>(xmlName, false)); if (file) { XMLElement rootElem = file->GetRoot(); XMLElement triggerElem = rootElem.GetChild("trigger"); while (triggerElem) { if (triggerElem.HasAttribute("normalizedtime")) AddTrigger(triggerElem.GetFloat("normalizedtime"), true, triggerElem.GetVariant()); else if (triggerElem.HasAttribute("time")) AddTrigger(triggerElem.GetFloat("time"), false, triggerElem.GetVariant()); triggerElem = triggerElem.GetNext("trigger"); } memoryUse += triggers_.Size() * sizeof(AnimationTriggerPoint); SetMemoryUse(memoryUse); return true; } // Optionally read triggers from a JSON file String jsonName = ReplaceExtension(GetName(), ".json"); SharedPtr<JSONFile> jsonFile(cache->GetTempResource<JSONFile>(jsonName, false)); if (jsonFile) { const JSONValue& rootVal = jsonFile->GetRoot(); JSONArray triggerArray = rootVal.Get("triggers").GetArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < triggerArray.Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& triggerValue = triggerArray.At(i); JSONValue normalizedTimeValue = triggerValue.Get("normalizedTime"); if (!normalizedTimeValue.IsNull()) AddTrigger(normalizedTimeValue.GetFloat(), true, triggerValue.GetVariant()); else { JSONValue timeVal = triggerValue.Get("time"); if (!timeVal.IsNull()) AddTrigger(timeVal.GetFloat(), false, triggerValue.GetVariant()); } } memoryUse += triggers_.Size() * sizeof(AnimationTriggerPoint); SetMemoryUse(memoryUse); return true; } SetMemoryUse(memoryUse); return true; }
bool Scene::LoadAsyncJSON(File* file, LoadMode mode) { if (!file) { URHO3D_LOGERROR("Null file for async loading"); return false; } StopAsyncLoading(); SharedPtr<JSONFile> json(new JSONFile(context_)); if (!json->Load(*file)) return false; if (mode > LOAD_RESOURCES_ONLY) { URHO3D_LOGINFO("Loading scene from " + file->GetName()); Clear(); } asyncLoading_ = true; asyncProgress_.jsonFile_ = json; asyncProgress_.file_ = file; asyncProgress_.mode_ = mode; asyncProgress_.loadedNodes_ = asyncProgress_.totalNodes_ = asyncProgress_.loadedResources_ = asyncProgress_.totalResources_ = 0; asyncProgress_.resources_.Clear(); if (mode > LOAD_RESOURCES_ONLY) { JSONValue rootVal = json->GetRoot(); // Preload resources if appropriate if (mode != LOAD_SCENE) { URHO3D_PROFILE(FindResourcesToPreload); PreloadResourcesJSON(rootVal); } // Store own old ID for resolving possible root node references unsigned nodeID = rootVal.Get("id").GetUInt(); resolver_.AddNode(nodeID, this); // Load the root level components first if (!Node::LoadJSON(rootVal, resolver_, false)) return false; // Then prepare for loading all root level child nodes in the async update JSONArray childrenArray = rootVal.Get("children").GetArray(); asyncProgress_.jsonIndex_ = 0; // Count the amount of child nodes asyncProgress_.totalNodes_ = childrenArray.Size(); } else { URHO3D_PROFILE(FindResourcesToPreload); URHO3D_LOGINFO("Preloading resources from " + file->GetName()); PreloadResourcesJSON(json->GetRoot()); } return true; }
void Scene::PreloadResourcesJSON(const JSONValue& value) { // If not threaded, can not background load resources, so rather load synchronously later when needed #ifdef URHO3D_THREADING ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>(); // Node or Scene attributes do not include any resources; therefore skip to the components JSONArray componentArray = value.Get("components").GetArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < componentArray.Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& compValue = componentArray.At(i); String typeName = compValue.Get("type").GetString(); const Vector<AttributeInfo>* attributes = context_->GetAttributes(StringHash(typeName)); if (attributes) { JSONArray attributesArray = compValue.Get("attributes").GetArray(); unsigned startIndex = 0; for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributesArray.Size(); j++) { const JSONValue& attrVal = attributesArray.At(j); String name = attrVal.Get("name").GetString(); unsigned i = startIndex; unsigned attempts = attributes->Size(); while (attempts) { const AttributeInfo& attr = attributes->At(i); if ((attr.mode_ & AM_FILE) && !attr.name_.Compare(name, true)) { if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREF) { ResourceRef ref = attrVal.Get("value").GetVariantValue(attr.type_).GetResourceRef(); String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(ref.name_); bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(ref.type_, name); if (success) { ++asyncProgress_.totalResources_; asyncProgress_.resources_.Insert(StringHash(name)); } } else if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST) { ResourceRefList refList = attrVal.Get("value").GetVariantValue(attr.type_).GetResourceRefList(); for (unsigned k = 0; k < refList.names_.Size(); ++k) { String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(refList.names_[k]); bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(refList.type_, name); if (success) { ++asyncProgress_.totalResources_; asyncProgress_.resources_.Insert(StringHash(name)); } } } startIndex = (i + 1) % attributes->Size(); break; } else { i = (i + 1) % attributes->Size(); --attempts; } } } } } JSONArray childrenArray = value.Get("children").GetArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < childrenArray.Size(); i++) { const JSONValue& childVal = childrenArray.At(i); PreloadResourcesJSON(childVal); } #endif }