void KFindTreeView::saveResults()
    KFileDialog *dlg = new KFileDialog(QUrl(), QString(), this);
    dlg->setOperationMode (KFileDialog::Saving);
    dlg->setWindowTitle( i18nc("@title:window", "Save Results As") );
    dlg->setFilter( QString::fromLatin1("*.html|%1\n*.txt|%2").arg( i18n("HTML page"), i18n("Text file") ) );

    QUrl u = dlg->selectedUrl();
    QString filter = dlg->currentFilter();
    delete dlg;

    if (!u.isValid() || !u.isLocalFile())

    QString filename = u.toLocalFile();

    QFile file(filename);

    if ( !file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) )
                i18n("Unable to save results."));
        QTextStream stream( &file );
        stream.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForLocale() );
        QList<KFindItem> itemList = m_model->getItemList();
        if ( filter == QLatin1String("*.html") ) 
            stream << QString::fromLatin1("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\""
            "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\"><html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n"
                            "<meta charset=\"%1\">\n"
            .arg(i18n("KFind Results File"));

            Q_FOREACH( const KFindItem & item, itemList )
                const KFileItem fileItem = item.getFileItem();
                stream << QString::fromLatin1("<dt><a href=\"%1\">%2</a></dt>\n").arg( 
                    fileItem.url().url(), fileItem.url().toDisplayString() );

            stream << QString::fromLatin1("</dl>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
void RecipeActionsHandler::exportRecipes( const QList<int> &ids, const QString & caption, const QString &selection, RecipeDB *database )
	KFileDialog * fd = new KFileDialog( KUrl(),
		QString( "*.kre|%1 (*.kre)\n"
		"*.kreml|Krecipes (*.kreml)\n"
		"*.txt|%3 (*.txt)\n"
		//"*.cml|CookML (*.cml)\n"
		"*.html|%2 (*.html)\n"
		"*.mmf|Meal-Master (*.mmf)\n"
		"*.xml|RecipeML (*.xml)\n"
		"*.mx2|MasterCook (*.mx2)\n"
		"*.rk|Rezkonv (*.rk)"
		).arg( i18n( "Compressed Krecipes format" ) )
		.arg( i18n( "Web page" ) )
		.arg( i18n("Plain Text") )
		.arg( i18n("Web Book") ),
	0 );
	fd->setObjectName( "export_dlg" );
	fd->setModal( true );
	fd->setCaption( caption );
	fd->setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Saving );
	fd->setSelection( selection );
	fd->setMode( KFile::File | KFile::Directory );
	if ( fd->exec() == KFileDialog::Accepted ) {
		QString fileName = fd->selectedFile();
		if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) {
			BaseExporter * exporter;
			if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.xml" )
				exporter = new RecipeMLExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.mx2" )
			    exporter = new MX2Exporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.mmf" )
				exporter = new MMFExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*" ) {
				CategoryTree *cat_structure = new CategoryTree;
				database->loadCategories( cat_structure );
				exporter = new HTMLBookExporter( cat_structure, fd->baseUrl().path(), "*.html" );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.html" ) {
				exporter = new HTMLExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
				XSLTExporter exporter_junk( fileName, "*.html" ); // AGH, i don't get build systems...
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.cml" )
				exporter = new CookMLExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.txt" )
				exporter = new PlainTextExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.rk" )
				exporter = new RezkonvExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else {
				CategoryTree *cat_structure = new CategoryTree;
				database->loadCategories( cat_structure );
				exporter = new KreExporter( cat_structure, fileName, fd->currentFilter() );

			int overwrite = -1;
			if ( QFile::exists( exporter->fileName() ) ) {
				overwrite = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, i18n( "File \"%1\" exists.  Are you sure you want to overwrite it?" , exporter->fileName()), i18nc( "@title:window", "Saving recipe" ) );

			if ( overwrite == KMessageBox::Yes || overwrite == -1 ) {
				KProgressDialog progress_dialog( 0, QString(), i18nc( "@info:progress", "Saving recipes..." ) );
				exporter->exporter( ids, database, &progress_dialog );
			delete exporter;
	delete fd;