void PoTD::getSaveFileLocation()
    if (m_provider.isNull()) {

    KFileDialog *fd = new KFileDialog(KUrl("kfiledialog:///frameplasmoid"), QString(), 0);
    fd->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
    connect(fd, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(saveFile()));
void KFDTest::doit()
    KFileDialog *dlg = new KFileDialog( m_startDir, QString(), 0L);
    dlg->setMode( KFile::File);
    dlg->setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Saving );
    QStringList filter;
    filter << "all/allfiles" << "text/plain";
    dlg->setMimeFilter( filter, "all/allfiles" );

    if ( dlg->exec() == KDialog::Accepted )
        KMessageBox::information(0, QString::fromLatin1("You selected the file: %1").arg( dlg->selectedUrl().prettyUrl() ));

//     qApp->quit();
void KoPAView::importDocument()
    KFileDialog *dialog = new KFileDialog( KUrl("kfiledialog:///OpenDialog"),QString(), this );
    dialog->setObjectName( "file dialog" );
    dialog->setMode( KFile::File );
    if ( d->doc->pageType() == KoPageApp::Slide ) {
        dialog->setCaption(i18n("Import Slideshow"));
    else {
        dialog->setCaption(i18n("Import Document"));

    // TODO make it possible to select also other supported types (then the default format) here.
    // this needs to go via the filters to get the file in the correct format.
    // For now we only support the native mime types
    QStringList mimeFilter;
#if 1
    mimeFilter << KoOdf::mimeType( d->doc->documentType() ) << KoOdf::templateMimeType( d->doc->documentType() );
    mimeFilter = KoFilterManager::mimeFilter( KoDocument::readNativeFormatMimeType(d->doc->componentData()), KoFilterManager::Import,
                                              KoDocument::readExtraNativeMimeTypes() );

    dialog->setMimeFilter( mimeFilter );
    if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
        KUrl url(dialog->selectedUrl());
        QString tmpFile;
        if ( KIO::NetAccess::download( url, tmpFile, 0 ) ) {
            QFile file( tmpFile );
            file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
            QByteArray ba;
            ba = file.readAll();

            // set the correct mime type as otherwise it does not find the correct tag when loading
            QMimeData data;
            data.setData( KoOdf::mimeType( d->doc->documentType() ), ba);
            KoPAPastePage paste( d->doc,d->activePage );
            if ( ! paste.paste( d->doc->documentType(), &data ) ) {
                KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not import\n%1", url.pathOrUrl()));
        else {
            KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not import\n%1", url.pathOrUrl()));
    delete dialog;
void KPrWebPresentationCreateDialog::saveConfig()
    QString filename = webPres.getConfig();
    if ( QFileInfo( filename ).exists() )
        filename = QFileInfo( filename ).absFilePath();
        filename = QString::null;

    KFileDialog fd (filename, i18n("*.kpweb|KPresenter Web-Presentation (*.kpweb)"),
                    0/*parent*/, 0/*name*/, true/*modal*/);
    fd.setCaption (i18n ("Save Web Presentation Configuration"));
    fd.setOperationMode (KFileDialog::Saving);
    fd.setMode (KFile::File | KFile::LocalOnly);

    if (fd.exec ())
        webPres.setConfig( fd.selectedFile () );
文件: kfstest.cpp 项目: vasi/kdelibs
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    KCmdLineOptions options;

    KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "kfstest", 0, ki18n("kfstest"), "0", ki18n("test app"));
    KApplication a;

    QString name1;
    QStringList names;

    QString argv1;
    KUrl startDir;
    if (argc > 1)
        argv1 = QLatin1String(argv[1]);
    if ( argc > 2 )
        startDir = KUrl( argv[2] );

#if 0 // SPLIT-TODO
    if (argv1 == QLatin1String("diroperator")) {
        KDirOperator *op = new KDirOperator(startDir, 0);
        KConfigGroup grp(KGlobal::config(), "TestGroup" );
    } else
    if (argv1 == QLatin1String("localonly")) {
        QString name = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(startDir);
    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("oneurl")) {
        KUrl url = KFileDialog::getOpenUrl(startDir);
        qDebug() << "url=" << url;

    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("existingDirectoryUrl")) {
        KUrl url = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectoryUrl();
        name1 = url.url();

    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("preview")) {
        KUrl u =  KFileDialog::getImageOpenUrl();
        qDebug("filename=%s", u.url().toLatin1().constData());

    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("preselect")) {
        names = KFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(KUrl("/etc/passwd"));
        QStringList::Iterator it = names.begin();
        while ( it != names.end() ) {
            qDebug("selected file: %s", (*it).toLatin1().constData());

    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("dirs"))
        name1 = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory();

    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("heap")) {
        KFileDialog *dlg = new KFileDialog( startDir, QString(), 0L);
        dlg->setMode( KFile::File);
        dlg->setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Saving );
        QStringList filter;
        filter << "all/allfiles" << "text/plain";
        dlg->setMimeFilter( filter, "all/allfiles" );
#if 0 // SPLIT-TODO
        KUrlBar *urlBar = dlg->speedBar();
        if ( urlBar )
            urlBar->insertDynamicItem( KUrl("ftp://ftp.kde.org"),
                                       QLatin1String("KDE FTP Server") );
        if ( dlg->exec() == KDialog::Accepted )
            name1 = dlg->selectedUrl().url();

    else if ( argv1 == QLatin1String("eventloop") )
        new KFDTest( startDir );
        return a.exec();

    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("save")) {
        KUrl u = KFileDialog::getSaveUrl(startDir);
//        QString(QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/testfile")),
//        QString(), 0L);
        name1 = u.url();

    else if (argv1 == QLatin1String("icon")) {
        KIconDialog dlg;
        QString icon = dlg.getIcon();
        kDebug() << icon;

//     else if ( argv1 == QLatin1String("dirselect") ) {
//         KUrl url;
//         url.setPath( "/" );
//         KUrl selected = KDirSelectDialog::selectDirectory( url );
//         name1 = selected.url();
//         qDebug("*** selected: %s", selected.url().toLatin1().constData());
//     }

    else {
        KFileDialog dlg(startDir,
                        QString::fromLatin1("*|All Files\n"
                                            "*.lo *.o *.la|All libtool Files"),0);
//    dlg.setFilter( "*.kdevelop" );
        dlg.setMode( KFile::Files |
                     KFile::Directory |
                     KFile::ExistingOnly |
                     KFile::LocalOnly );
//        QStringList filter;
//        filter << "text/plain" << "text/html" << "image/png";
//        dlg.setMimeFilter( filter );
//        KMimeType::List types;
//        types.append( KMimeType::mimeType( "text/plain" ) );
//        types.append( KMimeType::mimeType( "text/html" ) );
//        dlg.setFilterMimeType( "Filetypes:", types, types.first() );
        if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
            const KUrl::List list = dlg.selectedUrls();
            KUrl::List::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin();
            qDebug("*** selectedUrls(): ");
            while ( it != list.constEnd() ) {
                name1 = (*it).url();
                qDebug("  -> %s", name1.toLatin1().constData());
            qDebug("*** selectedFile: %s", dlg.selectedFile().toLatin1().constData());
            qDebug("*** selectedUrl: %s", dlg.selectedUrl().url().toLatin1().constData());
            qDebug("*** selectedFiles: ");
            QStringList l = dlg.selectedFiles();
            QStringList::Iterator it2 = l.begin();
            while ( it2 != l.end() ) {
                qDebug("  -> %s", (*it2).toLatin1().constData());

    if (!(name1.isNull()))
        KMessageBox::information(0, QLatin1String("You selected the file " ) + name1,
                                 QLatin1String("Your Choice"));
    return 0;
void RecipeActionsHandler::exportRecipes( const QList<int> &ids, const QString & caption, const QString &selection, RecipeDB *database )
	KFileDialog * fd = new KFileDialog( KUrl(),
		QString( "*.kre|%1 (*.kre)\n"
		"*.kreml|Krecipes (*.kreml)\n"
		"*.txt|%3 (*.txt)\n"
		//"*.cml|CookML (*.cml)\n"
		"*.html|%2 (*.html)\n"
		"*.mmf|Meal-Master (*.mmf)\n"
		"*.xml|RecipeML (*.xml)\n"
		"*.mx2|MasterCook (*.mx2)\n"
		"*.rk|Rezkonv (*.rk)"
		).arg( i18n( "Compressed Krecipes format" ) )
		.arg( i18n( "Web page" ) )
		.arg( i18n("Plain Text") )
		.arg( i18n("Web Book") ),
	0 );
	fd->setObjectName( "export_dlg" );
	fd->setModal( true );
	fd->setCaption( caption );
	fd->setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Saving );
	fd->setSelection( selection );
	fd->setMode( KFile::File | KFile::Directory );
	if ( fd->exec() == KFileDialog::Accepted ) {
		QString fileName = fd->selectedFile();
		if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) {
			BaseExporter * exporter;
			if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.xml" )
				exporter = new RecipeMLExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.mx2" )
			    exporter = new MX2Exporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.mmf" )
				exporter = new MMFExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*" ) {
				CategoryTree *cat_structure = new CategoryTree;
				database->loadCategories( cat_structure );
				exporter = new HTMLBookExporter( cat_structure, fd->baseUrl().path(), "*.html" );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.html" ) {
				exporter = new HTMLExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
				XSLTExporter exporter_junk( fileName, "*.html" ); // AGH, i don't get build systems...
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.cml" )
				exporter = new CookMLExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.txt" )
				exporter = new PlainTextExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else if ( fd->currentFilter() == "*.rk" )
				exporter = new RezkonvExporter( fileName, fd->currentFilter() );
			else {
				CategoryTree *cat_structure = new CategoryTree;
				database->loadCategories( cat_structure );
				exporter = new KreExporter( cat_structure, fileName, fd->currentFilter() );

			int overwrite = -1;
			if ( QFile::exists( exporter->fileName() ) ) {
				overwrite = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( 0, i18n( "File \"%1\" exists.  Are you sure you want to overwrite it?" , exporter->fileName()), i18nc( "@title:window", "Saving recipe" ) );

			if ( overwrite == KMessageBox::Yes || overwrite == -1 ) {
				KProgressDialog progress_dialog( 0, QString(), i18nc( "@info:progress", "Saving recipes..." ) );
				exporter->exporter( ids, database, &progress_dialog );
			delete exporter;
	delete fd;