bool LoopClosing::DetectLoop() { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mMutexLoopQueue); mpCurrentKF = mlpLoopKeyFrameQueue.front(); mlpLoopKeyFrameQueue.pop_front(); // Avoid that a keyframe can be erased while it is being process by this thread mpCurrentKF->SetNotErase(); } //If the map contains less than 10 KF or less than 10KF have passed from last loop detection if(mpCurrentKF->mnId<mLastLoopKFid+10) { mpKeyFrameDB->add(mpCurrentKF); mpCurrentKF->SetErase(); return false; } // Compute reference BoW similarity score // This is the lowest score to a connected keyframe in the covisibility graph // We will impose loop candidates to have a higher similarity than this vector<KeyFrame*> vpConnectedKeyFrames = mpCurrentKF->GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames(); DBoW2::BowVector CurrentBowVec = mpCurrentKF->GetBowVector(); float minScore = 1; for(size_t i=0; i<vpConnectedKeyFrames.size(); i++) { KeyFrame* pKF = vpConnectedKeyFrames[i]; if(pKF->isBad()) continue; DBoW2::BowVector BowVec = pKF->GetBowVector(); float score = mpORBVocabulary->score(CurrentBowVec, BowVec); if(score<minScore) minScore = score; } // Query the database imposing the minimum score vector<KeyFrame*> vpCandidateKFs = mpKeyFrameDB->DetectLoopCandidates(mpCurrentKF, minScore); // If there are no loop candidates, just add new keyframe and return false if(vpCandidateKFs.empty()) { mpKeyFrameDB->add(mpCurrentKF); mvConsistentGroups.clear(); mpCurrentKF->SetErase(); return false; } // For each loop candidate check consistency with previous loop candidates // Each candidate expands a covisibility group (keyframes connected to the loop candidate in the covisibility graph) // A group is consistent with a previous group if they share at least a keyframe // We must detect a consistent loop in several consecutive keyframe to accept it mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates.clear(); vector<ConsistentGroup> vCurrentConsistentGroups; vector<bool> vbConsistentGroup(mvConsistentGroups.size(),false); for(size_t i=0, iend=vpCandidateKFs.size(); i<iend; i++) { KeyFrame* pCandidateKF = vpCandidateKFs[i]; set<KeyFrame*> spCandidateGroup = pCandidateKF->GetConnectedKeyFrames(); spCandidateGroup.insert(pCandidateKF); bool bEnoughConsistent = false; bool bConsistentForSomeGroup = false; for(size_t iG=0, iendG=mvConsistentGroups.size(); iG<iendG; iG++) { set<KeyFrame*> sPreviousGroup = mvConsistentGroups[iG].first; bool bConsistent = false; for(set<KeyFrame*>::iterator sit=spCandidateGroup.begin(), send=spCandidateGroup.end(); sit!=send;sit++) { if(sPreviousGroup.count(*sit)) { bConsistent=true; bConsistentForSomeGroup=true; break; } } if(bConsistent) { int nPreviousConsistency = mvConsistentGroups[iG].second; int nCurrentConsistency = nPreviousConsistency + 1; if(!vbConsistentGroup[iG]) { ConsistentGroup cg = make_pair(spCandidateGroup,nCurrentConsistency); vCurrentConsistentGroups.push_back(cg); vbConsistentGroup[iG]=true; //this avoid to include the same group more than once } if(nCurrentConsistency>=mnCovisibilityConsistencyTh && !bEnoughConsistent) { mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates.push_back(pCandidateKF); bEnoughConsistent=true; //this avoid to insert the same candidate more than once } } } // If the group is not consistent with any previous group insert with consistency counter set to zero if(!bConsistentForSomeGroup) { ConsistentGroup cg = make_pair(spCandidateGroup,0); vCurrentConsistentGroups.push_back(cg); } } // Update Covisibility Consistent Groups mvConsistentGroups = vCurrentConsistentGroups; // Add Current Keyframe to database mpKeyFrameDB->add(mpCurrentKF); if(mvpEnoughConsistentCandidates.empty()) { mpCurrentKF->SetErase(); return false; } else { return true; } mpCurrentKF->SetErase(); return false; }
void LoopClosing::CorrectLoop() { // Send a stop signal to Local Mapping // Avoid new keyframes are inserted while correcting the loop mpLocalMapper->RequestStop(); // Wait until Local Mapping has effectively stopped //ros::Rate r(1e4); //while(ros::ok() && !mpLocalMapper->isStopped()) while(!mpLocalMapper->isStopped()) { //r.sleep(); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(10000)); } // Ensure current keyframe is updated mpCurrentKF->UpdateConnections(); // Retrive keyframes connected to the current keyframe and compute corrected Sim3 pose by propagation mvpCurrentConnectedKFs = mpCurrentKF->GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames(); mvpCurrentConnectedKFs.push_back(mpCurrentKF); KeyFrameAndPose CorrectedSim3, NonCorrectedSim3; CorrectedSim3[mpCurrentKF]=mg2oScw; cv::Mat Twc = mpCurrentKF->GetPoseInverse(); for(vector<KeyFrame*>::iterator vit=mvpCurrentConnectedKFs.begin(), vend=mvpCurrentConnectedKFs.end(); vit!=vend; vit++) { KeyFrame* pKFi = *vit; cv::Mat Tiw = pKFi->GetPose(); if(pKFi!=mpCurrentKF) { cv::Mat Tic = Tiw*Twc; cv::Mat Ric = Tic.rowRange(0,3).colRange(0,3); cv::Mat tic = Tic.rowRange(0,3).col(3); g2o::Sim3 g2oSic(Converter::toMatrix3d(Ric),Converter::toVector3d(tic),1.0); g2o::Sim3 g2oCorrectedSiw = g2oSic*mg2oScw; //Pose corrected with the Sim3 of the loop closure CorrectedSim3[pKFi]=g2oCorrectedSiw; } cv::Mat Riw = Tiw.rowRange(0,3).colRange(0,3); cv::Mat tiw = Tiw.rowRange(0,3).col(3); g2o::Sim3 g2oSiw(Converter::toMatrix3d(Riw),Converter::toVector3d(tiw),1.0); //Pose without correction NonCorrectedSim3[pKFi]=g2oSiw; } // Correct all MapPoints obsrved by current keyframe and neighbors, so that they align with the other side of the loop for(KeyFrameAndPose::iterator mit=CorrectedSim3.begin(), mend=CorrectedSim3.end(); mit!=mend; mit++) { KeyFrame* pKFi = mit->first; g2o::Sim3 g2oCorrectedSiw = mit->second; g2o::Sim3 g2oCorrectedSwi = g2oCorrectedSiw.inverse(); g2o::Sim3 g2oSiw =NonCorrectedSim3[pKFi]; vector<MapPoint*> vpMPsi = pKFi->GetMapPointMatches(); for(size_t iMP=0, endMPi = vpMPsi.size(); iMP<endMPi; iMP++) { MapPoint* pMPi = vpMPsi[iMP]; if(!pMPi) continue; if(pMPi->isBad()) continue; if(pMPi->mnCorrectedByKF==mpCurrentKF->mnId) continue; // Project with non-corrected pose and project back with corrected pose cv::Mat P3Dw = pMPi->GetWorldPos(); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> eigP3Dw = Converter::toVector3d(P3Dw); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> eigCorrectedP3Dw =; cv::Mat cvCorrectedP3Dw = Converter::toCvMat(eigCorrectedP3Dw); pMPi->SetWorldPos(cvCorrectedP3Dw); pMPi->mnCorrectedByKF = mpCurrentKF->mnId; pMPi->mnCorrectedReference = pKFi->mnId; pMPi->UpdateNormalAndDepth(); } // Update keyframe pose with corrected Sim3. First transform Sim3 to SE3 (scale translation) Eigen::Matrix3d eigR = g2oCorrectedSiw.rotation().toRotationMatrix(); Eigen::Vector3d eigt = g2oCorrectedSiw.translation(); double s = g2oCorrectedSiw.scale(); eigt *=(1./s); //[R t/s;0 1] cv::Mat correctedTiw = Converter::toCvSE3(eigR,eigt); pKFi->SetPose(correctedTiw); // Make sure connections are updated pKFi->UpdateConnections(); } // Start Loop Fusion // Update matched map points and replace if duplicated for(size_t i=0; i<mvpCurrentMatchedPoints.size(); i++) { if(mvpCurrentMatchedPoints[i]) { MapPoint* pLoopMP = mvpCurrentMatchedPoints[i]; MapPoint* pCurMP = mpCurrentKF->GetMapPoint(i); if(pCurMP) pCurMP->Replace(pLoopMP); else { mpCurrentKF->AddMapPoint(pLoopMP,i); pLoopMP->AddObservation(mpCurrentKF,i); pLoopMP->ComputeDistinctiveDescriptors(); } } } // Project MapPoints observed in the neighborhood of the loop keyframe // into the current keyframe and neighbors using corrected poses. // Fuse duplications. SearchAndFuse(CorrectedSim3); // After the MapPoint fusion, new links in the covisibility graph will appear attaching both sides of the loop map<KeyFrame*, set<KeyFrame*> > LoopConnections; for(vector<KeyFrame*>::iterator vit=mvpCurrentConnectedKFs.begin(), vend=mvpCurrentConnectedKFs.end(); vit!=vend; vit++) { KeyFrame* pKFi = *vit; vector<KeyFrame*> vpPreviousNeighbors = pKFi->GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames(); // Update connections. Detect new links. pKFi->UpdateConnections(); LoopConnections[pKFi]=pKFi->GetConnectedKeyFrames(); for(vector<KeyFrame*>::iterator vit_prev=vpPreviousNeighbors.begin(), vend_prev=vpPreviousNeighbors.end(); vit_prev!=vend_prev; vit_prev++) { LoopConnections[pKFi].erase(*vit_prev); } for(vector<KeyFrame*>::iterator vit2=mvpCurrentConnectedKFs.begin(), vend2=mvpCurrentConnectedKFs.end(); vit2!=vend2; vit2++) { LoopConnections[pKFi].erase(*vit2); } } mpTracker->ForceRelocalisation(); Optimizer::OptimizeEssentialGraph(mpMap, mpMatchedKF, mpCurrentKF, mg2oScw, NonCorrectedSim3, CorrectedSim3, LoopConnections); //Add edge mpMatchedKF->AddLoopEdge(mpCurrentKF); mpCurrentKF->AddLoopEdge(mpMatchedKF); std::cout << "Loop Closed!" << std::endl; // Loop closed. Release Local Mapping. mpLocalMapper->Release(); mpMap->SetFlagAfterBA(); mLastLoopKFid = mpCurrentKF->mnId; }