文件: ow_plant.cpp 项目: 7k2/7k2
//------------ begin of function World::plant_spread ------------//
// pSpread = probability of spreading, range from 0 to 1000
void World::plant_spread(int pSpread)
    if( plant_count > plant_limit)
    if( 5 * plant_count < 4 * plant_limit )
        pSpread += pSpread;

    if(misc.random(1000) >= pSpread )

    // ------- determine temperature
    short t = weather.temp_c();

    // ------- randomly select a place to seed plant
    int y = 1+misc.random(max_y_loc-2);
    int x = 1+misc.random(max_x_loc-2);

    Location *l = get_loc(x,y);
    int build_flag = 1;
    char teraType = terrain_res[l->terrain_id]->average_type;

    // ------- all square around are the same terrain type and empty
    for( int y1 = y-1; y1 <= y+1; ++y1)
        for( int x1 = x-1; x1 <= x+1; ++x1)
            l = get_loc(x1,y1);
            // #### begin Gilbert 6/3 #######//
            if( !l->can_add_plant() || terrain_res[l->terrain_id]->average_type != teraType)
                build_flag = 0;
            // #### end Gilbert 6/3 #######//

    if( build_flag)
        char climateZone = 0;
        short plantBitmap = 0;
        for( int retry=0; !climateZone && retry < 5; ++retry)
            for( char j=0; j < 3; ++j)
                if( misc.random(5) > abs(t- opt_temp[j]) )
                    climateZone = j+1;
                    plantBitmap = plant_res.scan( climateZone, teraType, 0);
                    if( plantBitmap)
                        l = get_loc(x,y);
                        l->set_plant( plantBitmap, rand_inner_x(), rand_inner_y() );
文件: OW_PLANT.cpp 项目: brianV/7kaa
//------------ begin of function World::plant_init ------------//
// randomly select a place and call plant_spray to enlarge the
// forest
void World::plant_init()
    plant_count = 0;
    int trial;
    for(trial = 50; trial > 0; --trial)
        // ------- randomly select a place to seed plant
        int y = 1+m.random(max_y_loc-2);
        int x = 1+m.random(max_x_loc-2);

        Location *l = get_loc(x,y);
        int build_flag = TRUE;
        char teraType = terrain_res[l->terrain_id]->average_type;

        // ------- all square around are the same terrain type and empty
        for( int y1 = y-1; y1 <= y+1; ++y1)
            for( int x1 = x-1; x1 <= x+1; ++x1)
                l = get_loc(x1,y1);
                // #### begin Gilbert 6/3 #######//
                if( !l->can_add_plant() || terrain_res[l->terrain_id]->average_type != teraType)
                    build_flag = FALSE;
                // #### end Gilbert 6/3 #######//

        if( build_flag )
            short plantBitmap = plant_res.scan( 0, teraType, 0);
            short plantArray[PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE];
            for( int i = 0; i < PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
                plantArray[i] = plant_res.plant_recno(plant_res.scan(0, teraType, 0));
            if( plantArray[0] )
                plant_spray(plantArray, 6+m.random(4), x, y);

    plant_limit = plant_count * 3 / 2;

    // ------- kill some plant ----------//
    for(trial = 8; trial > 0; --trial)
文件: ow_plant.cpp 项目: 7k2/7k2
//------------ begin of function World::plant_spray ------------//
void World::plant_spray(short *plantArray, char area, char distance, short x, short y)
    // #### begin Ban 8/10 #######//
    int i, j, tempi, tempj;
    Location *newl;
    char teraType;
    for (i=-area; i<=area; i++)
        for (j=-area; j<=area; j++)
            // ###### begin Gilbert 9/11 #####//
            tempi = misc.random(distance<<2) + i - (distance<<1);
            tempj = misc.random(distance<<2) + j - (distance<<1);
            // ###### end Gilbert 9/11 #####//
            if ( ((x+tempi)<(max_x_loc-1)) &&
                    ((y+tempj)<(max_y_loc-1)) &&
                    ((x+tempi)> 0) && ((y+tempj)> 0))
                newl = get_loc(x+tempi, y+tempj);
                short basePlantId = plantArray[misc.random(PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE)]; //get type of tree
                short plantSize = misc.random(plant_res[basePlantId]->bitmap_count); //get  size of tree
                teraType = terrain_res[newl->terrain_id]->average_type;
                if( newl && newl->can_add_plant() &&
                        ((plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[0] == teraType) ||
                         (plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[1] == teraType) ||
                         (plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[2] == teraType)))
                    newl->set_plant(plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap +plantSize, rand_inner_x(), rand_inner_y());
                else if( newl && newl->is_plant() &&
                         (newl->plant_id() - plant_res[plant_res.plant_recno(newl->plant_id())]->first_bitmap) >	plantSize )
                    newl->set_plant(plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap +plantSize, rand_inner_x(), rand_inner_y() );
    // #### end Ban 8/10 #######//
文件: ow_plant.cpp 项目: 7k2/7k2
//------------ begin of function World::plant_reprod --------//
// pReprod = prabability of reproduction, range from 0 to 20
// scanDensity = scan one square per scanDensity^2
void World::plant_reprod(int pReprod, int scanDensity)
    if( plant_count > plant_limit )
    if( 5 * plant_count < 4 * plant_limit )
        pReprod++;              // higher probability to grow

    // determine the rainful, temperature and sunlight
    short t = weather.temp_c();

    // scan the map for plant
    int yBase = misc.random(scanDensity);
    int xBase = misc.random(scanDensity);
    for( int y = yBase; y < max_y_loc; y += scanDensity)
        for( int x = xBase; x < max_x_loc; x += scanDensity)
            Location *l = get_loc(x,y);
            short bitmapId, basePlantId, plantGrade;
            // is a plant and grade > 3
            if( l->is_plant() && (basePlantId = plant_res.plant_recno(
                                                    bitmapId = l->plant_id())) != 0 &&
                    ((plantGrade = bitmapId - plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap) >= 3 ||
                     plantGrade == plant_res[basePlantId]->bitmap_count-1))
                // find the optimal temperature for the plant
                short oTemp = opt_temp[plant_res[basePlantId]->climate_zone -1];
                short tempEffect = 5 - abs( oTemp - t);
                tempEffect = tempEffect > 0 ? tempEffect : 0;

                if( misc.random(100) < tempEffect * pReprod)
                    // produce the same plant but grade 1,
                    char trial = 2;
                    Location *newl;
                    while( trial --)
                        newl = NULL;
                        case 0:		// north square
                            if( y > 0)
                                newl = get_loc(x,y-1);
                        case 1:		// east square
                            if( x < max_x_loc-1 )
                                newl = get_loc(x+1,y);
                        case 2:		// south square
                            if( y < max_y_loc-1 )
                                newl = get_loc(x,y+1);
                        case 3:		// west square
                            if( x > 0)
                                newl = get_loc(x-1,y);
                        case 4:		// north west square
                            if( y > 0 && x > 0)
                                newl = get_loc(x-1,y-1);
                        case 5:		// north east square
                            if( y > 0 && x < max_x_loc-1 )
                                newl = get_loc(x+1,y-1);
                        case 6:		// south east square
                            if( y < max_y_loc-1 && x < max_x_loc-1)
                                newl = get_loc(x+1,y+1);
                        case 7:		// south west square
                            if( y < max_y_loc-1 && x > 0)
                                newl = get_loc(x-1,y+1);

                        char teraType;
                        // #### begin Gilbert 6/3 #######//
                        if( newl && newl->can_add_plant() &&
                                (plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[0] ==
                                 (teraType = terrain_res[newl->terrain_id]->average_type) ||
                                 plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[1] == teraType ||
                                 plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[2] == teraType) )
                            // #### end Gilbert 6/3 #######//
                                            , rand_inner_x(), rand_inner_y() );

                            // ------- set flammability ---------
                            //### begin alex 24/6 ###//
                            //newl->power_nation_recno = 0;
                            //set_surr_power_off(x, y);
                            //#### end alex 24/6 ####//
文件: ow_plant.cpp 项目: 7k2/7k2
//------------ begin of function World::plant_init ------------//
// plantTrial = number of places that randomly selected to plant a forest
// scanRadius = radius of the search area for killing a tree for subroutine plant_death()
//					remove a tree if the area has more than 3 trees
void World::plant_init(int plantTrial, int scanRadius)
    plant_count = 0;
    for( int trial = plantTrial; trial > 0; --trial )
        // ------- randomly select a place to seed plant
        int y = 1+misc.random(max_y_loc-2);
        int x = 1+misc.random(max_x_loc-2);

        Location *l = get_loc(x,y);
        int build_flag = 1;
        char teraType = terrain_res[l->terrain_id]->average_type;

        // ------- all square around are the same terrain type and empty
        for( int y1 = y-1; y1 <= y+1; ++y1)
            for( int x1 = x-1; x1 <= x+1; ++x1)
                l = get_loc(x1,y1);
                // #### begin Gilbert 6/3 #######//
                if( !l->can_add_plant() || terrain_res[l->terrain_id]->average_type != teraType)
                    build_flag = 0;
                // #### end Gilbert 6/3 #######//

        if( build_flag )
            short plantBitmap = plant_res.scan( 0, teraType, 0);
            short plantArray[PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE];
            for( int i = 0; i < PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
                plantArray[i] = plant_res.plant_recno(plant_res.scan(0, teraType, 0));
            if( plantArray[0] )
                plant_spray(plantArray, 1 + misc.random(3), 1 + misc.random(2), x, y);
    int xLoc, yLoc;
    short plantBitmap = plant_res.scan( 0, 0, 0);
    short plantArray[PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE];
    for( int i = 0; i < PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
        plantArray[i] = plant_res.plant_recno(plant_res.scan(0, 0, 0));

    for( yLoc = 0; yLoc < max_y_loc; ++yLoc )
        for( xLoc = 0; xLoc < max_x_loc; ++xLoc )
            Location* locPtr = get_loc( xLoc, yLoc );
                Rock *dirtPtr = dirt_array[locPtr->dirt_recno()];
                RockInfo *dirtInfo = rock_res.get_rock_info(dirtPtr->rock_recno);
                if (dirtInfo->rock_type == 'P')
                    if( plantArray[0] )
                        plant_spray(plantArray, 0, misc.random(3), xLoc, yLoc);
    // ------- kill some plant ----------//
    plant_death(1, scanRadius);
文件: OW_PLANT.cpp 项目: brianV/7kaa
//------------ begin of function World::plant_spray ------------//
void World::plant_spray(short *plantArray, char strength, short x, short y)
    if( strength <= 0)

    //---------- if the space is empty put a plant on it ----------//
    Location *newl = get_loc(x, y);
    short basePlantId = plantArray[m.random(PLANT_ARRAY_SIZE)];
    short plantSize = m.random(plant_res[basePlantId]->bitmap_count);
    if( plantSize > strength)
        plantSize = strength;

    char teraType;
    if( newl && newl->can_add_plant() &&
            (plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[0] ==
             (teraType = terrain_res[newl->terrain_id]->average_type) ||
             plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[1] == teraType ||
             plant_res[basePlantId]->tera_type[2] == teraType) )
        newl->set_plant(plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap +plantSize
                        , rand_inner_x(), rand_inner_y() );
        //### begin alex 24/6 ###//
        //newl->power_nation_recno = 0;
        //set_surr_power_off(x, y);
        //#### end alex 24/6 ####//
    else if( newl && newl->is_plant() &&
             // 1. same type, large override small
             // newl->plant_id() >= plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap &&
             // newl->plant_id() < plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap + plantSize)
             // 2. same type, small override large
             // newl->plant_id() > plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap + plantSize &&
             // newl->plant_id() < plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap + plant_res[basePlantId]->bitmap_count)
             // 3. all types, small override large
             (newl->plant_id() - plant_res[plant_res.plant_recno(newl->plant_id())]->first_bitmap) >
             plantSize )
        // same kind of plant, but smaller, override by a smaller one
        newl->set_plant(plant_res[basePlantId]->first_bitmap +plantSize
                        , rand_inner_x(), rand_inner_y() );
        //### begin alex 24/6 ###//
        //newl->power_nation_recno = 0;
        //set_surr_power_off(x, y);
        //#### end alex 24/6 ####//
        plantSize = -1;

    if( plantSize >= 0 && strength)
        char trial = 3;
        while( trial--)
            case 0:		// north square
                if( y > 0)
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x,y-1);
            case 1:		// east square
                if( x < max_x_loc-1 )
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x+1,y);
            case 2:		// south square
                if( y < max_y_loc-1 )
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x,y+1);
            case 3:		// west square
                if( x > 0)
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x-1,y);
            case 4:		// north west square
                if( y > 0 && x > 0)
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x-1,y-1);
            case 5:		// north east square
                if( y > 0 && x < max_x_loc-1 )
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x+1,y-1);
            case 6:		// south east square
                if( y < max_y_loc-1 && x < max_x_loc-1)
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x+1,y+1);
            case 7:		// south west square
                if( y < max_y_loc-1 && x > 0)
                    plant_spray(plantArray, strength-1, x-1,y+1);