QString JsCodeMarker::addMarkUp(const QString &code, const Node * /* relative */, const Location &location) { QQmlJS::Engine engine; QQmlJS::Lexer lexer(&engine); QString newCode = code; QList<QQmlJS::AST::SourceLocation> pragmas = extractPragmas(newCode); lexer.setCode(newCode, 1); QQmlJS::Parser parser(&engine); QString output; if (parser.parseProgram()) { QQmlJS::AST::Node *ast = parser.rootNode(); // Pass the unmodified code to the visitor so that pragmas and other // unhandled source text can be output. QmlMarkupVisitor visitor(code, pragmas, &engine); QQmlJS::AST::Node::accept(ast, &visitor); output = visitor.markedUpCode(); } else { location.warning(location.fileName() + tr("Unable to parse JavaScript: \"%1\" at line %2, column %3").arg( parser.errorMessage()).arg(parser.errorLineNumber()).arg( parser.errorColumnNumber())); output = protect(code); } return output; }
void QmlEngine::gotoLocation(const Location &location) { const QString fileName = location.fileName(); // TODO: QUrl::isLocalFile() once we depend on Qt 4.8 if (QUrl(fileName).scheme().compare(QLatin1String("file"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { // internal file from source files -> show generated .js QTC_ASSERT(m_sourceDocuments.contains(fileName), return); Core::IEditor *editor = 0; Core::EditorManager *editorManager = Core::EditorManager::instance(); QString titlePattern = tr("JS Source for %1").arg(fileName); //Check if there are open editors with the same title QList<Core::IEditor *> editors = editorManager->openedEditors(); foreach (Core::IEditor *ed, editors) { if (ed->displayName() == titlePattern) { editor = ed; break; } } if (!editor) { editor = Core::EditorManager::openEditorWithContents(QmlJSEditor::Constants::C_QMLJSEDITOR_ID, &titlePattern); if (editor) { editor->setProperty(Constants::OPENED_BY_DEBUGGER, true); } updateEditor(editor, m_sourceDocuments.value(fileName)); } Core::EditorManager::activateEditor(editor); } else {
/*! \a fileName is a master qdocconf file. It contains a list of qdocconf files and nothing else. Read the list and return it. */ QStringList Config::loadMaster(const QString& fileName) { Location location = Location::null; QFile fin(fileName); if (!fin.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) { if (!Config::installDir.isEmpty()) { int prefix = location.filePath().length() - location.fileName().length(); fin.setFileName(Config::installDir + QLatin1Char('/') + fileName.right(fileName.length() - prefix)); } if (!fin.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) location.fatal(tr("Cannot open master qdocconf file '%1': %2").arg(fileName).arg(fin.errorString())); } QTextStream stream(&fin); #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); #endif QStringList qdocFiles; QString line = stream.readLine(); while (!line.isNull()) { qdocFiles.append(line); line = stream.readLine(); } fin.close(); return qdocFiles; }
void QmlEngine::gotoLocation(const Location &location) { const QString fileName = location.fileName(); if (QUrl(fileName).isLocalFile()) { // internal file from source files -> show generated .js QTC_ASSERT(m_sourceDocuments.contains(fileName), return); QString titlePattern = tr("JS Source for %1").arg(fileName); //Check if there are open documents with the same title foreach (Core::IDocument *document, Core::EditorManager::documentModel()->openedDocuments()) { if (document->displayName() == titlePattern) { Core::EditorManager::activateEditorForDocument(document); return; } } Core::IEditor *editor = Core::EditorManager::openEditorWithContents( QmlJSEditor::Constants::C_QMLJSEDITOR_ID, &titlePattern); if (editor) { editor->document()->setProperty(Constants::OPENED_BY_DEBUGGER, true); QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit = qobject_cast<QPlainTextEdit *>(editor->widget()); if (plainTextEdit) plainTextEdit->setReadOnly(true); updateDocument(editor->document(), m_sourceDocuments.value(fileName)); } } else {
/*! Load, parse, and process a qdoc configuration file. This function is only called by the other load() function, but this one is recursive, i.e., it calls itself when it sees an \c{include} statement in the qdoc configuration file. */ void Config::load(Location location, const QString& fileName) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); QString path = fileInfo.canonicalPath(); pushWorkingDir(path); QDir::setCurrent(path); QRegExp keySyntax(QLatin1String("\\w+(?:\\.\\w+)*")); #define SKIP_CHAR() \ do { \ location.advance(c); \ ++i; \ c = text.at(i); \ cc = c.unicode(); \ } while (0) #define SKIP_SPACES() \ while (c.isSpace() && cc != '\n') \ SKIP_CHAR() #define PUT_CHAR() \ word += c; \ SKIP_CHAR(); if (location.depth() > 16) location.fatal(tr("Too many nested includes")); QFile fin(fileInfo.fileName()); if (!fin.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) { if (!Config::installDir.isEmpty()) { int prefix = location.filePath().length() - location.fileName().length(); fin.setFileName(Config::installDir + QLatin1Char('/') + fileName.right(fileName.length() - prefix)); } if (!fin.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) location.fatal(tr("Cannot open file '%1': %2").arg(fileName).arg(fin.errorString())); } QTextStream stream(&fin); #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTCODEC stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); #endif QString text = stream.readAll(); text += QLatin1String("\n\n"); text += QLatin1Char('\0'); fin.close(); location.push(fileName); location.start(); int i = 0; QChar c = text.at(0); uint cc = c.unicode(); while (i < (int) text.length()) { if (cc == 0) { ++i; } else if (c.isSpace()) { SKIP_CHAR(); } else if (cc == '#') { do { SKIP_CHAR(); } while (cc != '\n'); } else if (isMetaKeyChar(c)) { Location keyLoc = location; bool plus = false; QString stringValue; QStringList rhsValues; QString word; bool inQuote = false; bool prevWordQuoted = true; bool metWord = false; MetaStack stack; do { stack.process(c, location); SKIP_CHAR(); } while (isMetaKeyChar(c)); QStringList keys = stack.getExpanded(location); SKIP_SPACES(); if (keys.count() == 1 && keys.first() == QLatin1String("include")) { QString includeFile; if (cc != '(') location.fatal(tr("Bad include syntax")); SKIP_CHAR(); SKIP_SPACES(); while (!c.isSpace() && cc != '#' && cc != ')') { if (cc == '$') { QString var; SKIP_CHAR(); while (c.isLetterOrNumber() || cc == '_') { var += c; SKIP_CHAR(); } if (!var.isEmpty()) { const QByteArray val = qgetenv(var.toLatin1().data()); if (val.isNull()) { location.fatal(tr("Environment variable '%1' undefined").arg(var)); } else { includeFile += QString::fromLatin1(val); } } } else { includeFile += c; SKIP_CHAR(); } } SKIP_SPACES(); if (cc != ')') location.fatal(tr("Bad include syntax")); SKIP_CHAR(); SKIP_SPACES(); if (cc != '#' && cc != '\n') location.fatal(tr("Trailing garbage")); /* Here is the recursive call. */ load(location, QFileInfo(QDir(path), includeFile).filePath()); } else { /* It wasn't an include statement, so it's something else. We must see either '=' or '+=' next. If not, fatal error. */ if (cc == '+') { plus = true; SKIP_CHAR(); } if (cc != '=') location.fatal(tr("Expected '=' or '+=' after key")); SKIP_CHAR(); SKIP_SPACES(); for (;;) { if (cc == '\\') { int metaCharPos; SKIP_CHAR(); if (cc == '\n') { SKIP_CHAR(); } else if (cc > '0' && cc < '8') { word += QChar(c.digitValue()); SKIP_CHAR(); } else if ((metaCharPos = QString::fromLatin1("abfnrtv").indexOf(c)) != -1) { word += QLatin1Char("\a\b\f\n\r\t\v"[metaCharPos]); SKIP_CHAR(); } else { PUT_CHAR(); } } else if (c.isSpace() || cc == '#') { if (inQuote) { if (cc == '\n') location.fatal(tr("Unterminated string")); PUT_CHAR(); } else { if (!word.isEmpty()) { if (metWord) stringValue += QLatin1Char(' '); stringValue += word; #if 0 if (metWord) rhsValues << QString(" " + word); else #endif rhsValues << word; metWord = true; word.clear(); prevWordQuoted = false; } if (cc == '\n' || cc == '#') break; SKIP_SPACES(); } } else if (cc == '"') { if (inQuote) { if (!prevWordQuoted) stringValue += QLatin1Char(' '); stringValue += word; if (!word.isEmpty()) rhsValues << word; metWord = true; word.clear(); prevWordQuoted = true; } inQuote = !inQuote; SKIP_CHAR(); } else if (cc == '$') { QString var; SKIP_CHAR(); while (c.isLetterOrNumber() || cc == '_') { var += c; SKIP_CHAR(); } if (!var.isEmpty()) { const QByteArray val = qgetenv(var.toLatin1().constData()); if (val.isNull()) { location.fatal(tr("Environment variable '%1' undefined").arg(var)); } else { word += QString::fromLatin1(val); } } } else { if (!inQuote && cc == '=') location.fatal(tr("Unexpected '='")); PUT_CHAR(); } } QStringList::ConstIterator key = keys.constBegin(); while (key != keys.constEnd()) { if (!keySyntax.exactMatch(*key)) keyLoc.fatal(tr("Invalid key '%1'").arg(*key)); ConfigVarMultimap::Iterator i; i = configVars_.insert(*key, ConfigVar(*key, rhsValues, QDir::currentPath(), keyLoc)); i.value().plus_ = plus; ++key; } } } else { location.fatal(tr("Unexpected character '%1' at beginning of line").arg(c)); } } popWorkingDir(); if (!workingDirs_.isEmpty()) QDir::setCurrent(workingDirs_.top()); }