MSVehicleControl::getWaitingVehicle(const MSEdge* const edge, const std::set<std::string>& lines, const SUMOReal position, const std::string ridingID) {
    if (myWaiting.find(edge) != myWaiting.end()) {
        // for every vehicle waiting vehicle at this edge
        std::vector<SUMOVehicle*> waitingTooFarAway;
        for (std::vector<SUMOVehicle*>::const_iterator it = myWaiting[edge].begin(); it != myWaiting[edge].end(); ++it) {
            const std::string& line = (*it)->getParameter().line == "" ? (*it)->getParameter().id : (*it)->getParameter().line;
            SUMOReal vehiclePosition = (*it)->getPositionOnLane();
            // if the line of the vehicle is contained in the set of given lines and the vehicle is stopped and is positioned
            // in the interval [position - t, position + t] for a tolerance t=10
            if (lines.count(line)) {
                if ((position - 10 <= vehiclePosition) && (vehiclePosition <= position + 10)) {
                    return (*it);
                } else if ((*it)->isStoppedTriggered() ||
                           (*it)->getParameter().departProcedure == DEPART_TRIGGERED) {
                    // maybe we are within the range of the stop
                    MSVehicle* veh = static_cast<MSVehicle*>(*it);
                    if (veh->isStoppedInRange(position)) {
                        return (*it);
                    } else {
        for (std::vector<SUMOVehicle*>::iterator it = waitingTooFarAway.begin(); it != waitingTooFarAway.end(); ++it) {
            WRITE_WARNING(ridingID + " at edge '" + edge->getID() + "' position " + toString(position) + " cannot use waiting vehicle '" + (*it)->getID() + "' at position " + toString((*it)->getPositionOnLane()) + " because it is too far away.");
    return 0;