void testCompositeInertia() {
    MultibodySystem         mbs;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem  pend(mbs);

    Body::Rigid pointMass(MassProperties(3, Vec3(0), Inertia(0)));

    // Point mass at x=1.5 rotating about (0,0,0).
        body1( pend.Ground(), Transform(), 
               pointMass, Vec3(1.5,0,0));
    const MobilizedBodyIndex body1x = body1.getMobilizedBodyIndex();

    // A second body 2 units further along x, rotating about the
    // first point mass origin.
        body2( body1, Transform(), 
               pointMass, Vec3(2,0,0));
    const MobilizedBodyIndex body2x = body2.getMobilizedBodyIndex();

    State state = mbs.realizeTopology();
    mbs.realize(state, Stage::Position);

    Array_<SpatialInertia, MobilizedBodyIndex> R(pend.getNumBodies());
    pend.calcCompositeBodyInertias(state, R);

    // Calculate expected inertias about the joint axes.
    Real expInertia2 = body2.getBodyMassProperties(state).getMass()*square(2);
    Real expInertia1 = body1.getBodyMassProperties(state).getMass()*square(1.5)
                           + body2.getBodyMassProperties(state).getMass()*square(3.5);

    // Should be able to recover these inertias by projecting the composite
    // body inertias onto the joint axes using H matrices.
    const SpatialVec H1 = body1.getHCol(state, MobilizerUIndex(0));
    const SpatialVec H2 = body2.getHCol(state, MobilizerUIndex(0));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(~H2*(R[body2x]*H2), expInertia2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(~H1*(R[body1x]*H1), expInertia1);

    // This should force realization of the composite body inertias.
    SpatialInertia cbi = pend.getCompositeBodyInertia(state, body1);

    body2.setAngle(state, Pi/4);
    // This is not allowed until Position stage.
    SimTK_TEST_MUST_THROW(pend.getCompositeBodyInertia(state, body1));
    mbs.realize(state, Stage::Position);
    // Now it should be OK.
    cbi = pend.getCompositeBodyInertia(state, body1);

    mbs.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
    //cout << "udots=" << state.getUDot() << endl;

    body1.setRate(state, 27);
    mbs.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
    //cout << "udots=" << state.getUDot() << endl;
void createState(MultibodySystem& system, State& state, const Vector& qOverride=Vector()) {
    state = system.getDefaultState();
    Random::Uniform random;
    for (int i = 0; i < state.getNY(); ++i)
        state.updY()[i] = random.getValue();
    if (qOverride.size())
        state.updQ() = qOverride;
    system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);

    Vector dummy;
    system.project(state, ConstraintTol);
    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
void createState(MultibodySystem& system, State& state, const Vector& y=Vector()) {
    state = system.getDefaultState();
    if (y.size() > 0)
        state.updY() = y;
    else {
        Random::Uniform random;
        for (int i = 0; i < state.getNY(); ++i)
            state.updY()[i] = random.getValue();
    system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);

    // Solve to tight tolerance here
    system.project(state, 1e-12);
    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
void testSpeedCoupler2() {
    // Create a system involving a constraint that affects three different 
    // bodies.
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    MobilizedBody& first = matter.updMobilizedBody(MobilizedBodyIndex(1));
    std::vector<MobilizedBodyIndex> bodies(3);
    std::vector<MobilizerUIndex> speeds(3);
    bodies[0] = MobilizedBodyIndex(1);
    bodies[1] = MobilizedBodyIndex(3);
    bodies[2] = MobilizedBodyIndex(5);
    speeds[0] = MobilizerUIndex(0);
    speeds[1] = MobilizerUIndex(0);
    speeds[2] = MobilizerUIndex(1);
    Function* function = new CompoundFunction();
    Constraint::SpeedCoupler coupler(matter, function, bodies, speeds);
    State state;
    createState(system, state);
    // Make sure the constraint is satisfied.
    Vector args(function->getArgumentSize());
    for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
        args[i] = matter.getMobilizedBody(bodies[i]).getOneU(state, speeds[i]);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(0.0, function->calcValue(args));
    // Simulate it and make sure the constraint is working correctly and 
    // energy is being conserved. This should be workless and power should
    // always be zero (to the extent that the constraint is satisfied).
    Real energy0 = system.calcEnergy(state);
    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    while (integ.getTime() < 10.0) {
        const State& istate = integ.getState();
        system.realize(istate, Stage::Acceleration);
        const Real energy = system.calcEnergy(istate);
        const Real power = coupler.calcPower(istate);

        for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
            args[i] = matter.getMobilizedBody(bodies[i]).getOneU(istate, speeds[i]);
        SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(0.0, function->calcValue(args), 

        SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(0.0, power, 10*integ.getConstraintToleranceInUse());

        // Energy conservation depends on global integration accuracy;
        // accuracy returned here is local so we'll fudge at 10X.
        const Real etol = 10*integ.getAccuracyInUse()
                          *std::max(std::abs(energy), std::abs(energy0));        
        SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(energy0, energy, etol);
void testWeld() {
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
    Force::UniformGravity gravity(forces, matter, Vec3(0, -1, 0));
    Body::Rigid body(MassProperties(1.0, Vec3(0), Inertia(1)));

    // Create two pendulums, each with two welded bodies.  One uses a Weld MobilizedBody,
    // and the other uses a Weld constraint.

    Transform inboard(Vec3(0.1, 0.5, -1));
    Transform outboard(Vec3(0.2, -0.2, 0));
    MobilizedBody::Ball p1(matter.updGround(), Vec3(0), body, Vec3(0, 1, 0));
    MobilizedBody::Ball p2(matter.updGround(), Vec3(0), body, Vec3(0, 1, 0));
    MobilizedBody::Weld c1(p1, inboard, body, outboard);
    MobilizedBody::Free c2(p2, inboard, body, outboard);
    Constraint::Weld constraint(p2, inboard, c2, outboard);

    // It is not a general test unless the Weld mobilizer has children!
    MobilizedBody::Pin wchild1(c1, inboard, body, outboard);
    MobilizedBody::Pin wchild2(c2, inboard, body, outboard);
    Force::MobilityLinearSpring(forces, wchild1, 0, 1000, 0);
    Force::MobilityLinearSpring(forces, wchild2, 0, 1000, 0);

    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    p1.setU(state, Vec3(1, 2, 3));
    p2.setU(state, Vec3(1, 2, 3));
    system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);
    system.project(state, 1e-10);

    SimTK_TEST_EQ(c1.getBodyTransform(state), c2.getBodyTransform(state));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(c1.getBodyVelocity(state), c2.getBodyVelocity(state));

    // Simulate it and see if both pendulums behave identically.

    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    TimeStepper ts(system, integ);
    system.realize(integ.getState(), Stage::Velocity);
                      c2.getBodyTransform(integ.getState()), 1e-10);
                      c2.getBodyVelocity(integ.getState()), 1e-10);
void testPrescribedMotion1() {
    // Create a system requiring simple linear motion of one Q. This
    // may require that the constraint do work.
    // (The way the cylinder system is structured it only takes work to
    // keep body one at a uniform velocity; the rest are in free fall.)
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    MobilizedBodyIndex body = MobilizedBodyIndex(1);
    MobilizerQIndex coordinate = MobilizerQIndex(1);
    Vector coefficients(2);
    coefficients[0] = 0.1;
    coefficients[1] = 0.0;
    Function* function = new Function::Linear(coefficients);
    Constraint::PrescribedMotion constraint(matter, function, body, coordinate);
    PowerMeasure<Real> powMeas(matter, constraint);
    Measure::Zero zeroMeas(matter);
    Measure::Integrate workMeas(matter, powMeas, zeroMeas);     
    State state;
    createState(system, state);
    workMeas.setValue(state, 0); // override createState
    // Make sure the constraint is satisfied.
    Vector args(1, state.getTime());
                  matter.getMobilizedBody(body).getOneQ(state, coordinate));
    // Simulate it and make sure the constraint is working correctly.
    const Real energy0 = system.calcEnergy(state);   
    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    while (integ.getTime() < 10.0) {
        const State& istate = integ.getState();
        system.realize(istate, Stage::Acceleration);
        const Real energy = system.calcEnergy(istate);
        const Real power = powMeas.getValue(istate);
        const Real work =  workMeas.getValue(istate);

        Vector args(1, istate.getTime());
        const Real q = matter.getMobilizedBody(body).getOneQ(istate, coordinate);
        SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(function->calcValue(args), q, 

        // Energy conservation depends on global integration accuracy;
        // accuracy returned here is local so we'll fudge at 10X.
        const Real etol = 10*integ.getAccuracyInUse()
                          *std::max(std::abs(energy-work), std::abs(energy0));        
        SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(energy0, energy-work, etol)
void testConstraintForces() {
    // Weld one body to ground, push on it, verify that it reacts to match the load.
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
    Body::Rigid body(MassProperties(1.0, Vec3(0), Inertia(1)));

    MobilizedBody::Weld welded(matter.Ground(), Transform(),
                               body, Transform());

    MobilizedBody::Free loose(matter.Ground(), Transform(),
                               body, Transform());
    Constraint::Weld glue(matter.Ground(), Transform(),
                          loose, Transform());

    // Apply forces to the body welded straight to ground.
    Force::ConstantForce(forces, welded, Vec3(0,0,0), Vec3(1,2,3));
    Force::ConstantTorque(forces, welded, Vec3(20,30,40));

    // Apply the same forces to the "free" body which is welded by constraint.
    Force::ConstantForce(forces, loose, Vec3(0,0,0), Vec3(1,2,3));
    Force::ConstantTorque(forces, loose, Vec3(20,30,40));

    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);

    Vector_<SpatialVec> mobilizerReactions;
    matter.calcMobilizerReactionForces(state, mobilizerReactions);

    //cout << "Weld constraint reaction on Ground: " << glue.getWeldReactionOnBody1(state) << endl;
    //cout << "Weld constraint reaction on Body: " << glue.getWeldReactionOnBody2(state) << endl;

    // Note that constraint forces have opposite sign to applied forces, because
    // we calculate the multiplier lambda from M udot + ~G lambda = f_applied. We'll negate
    // the calculated multipliers to turn these into applied forces.
    const Vector mults = -state.getMultipliers();
    Vector_<SpatialVec> constraintForces;
    Vector mobilityForces;
    matter.calcConstraintForcesFromMultipliers(state, mults,
        constraintForces, mobilityForces);


    // This returns just the forces on the weld's two bodies: in this
    // case Ground and "loose", in that order.
    Vector_<SpatialVec> glueForces = 

    MACHINE_TEST(-glueForces[1], // watch the sign!
void testCalculationMethods() {

    // Create a system with two bodies.

    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
    Body::Rigid body(MassProperties(1.0, Vec3(0), Inertia(1)));
    MobilizedBody::Free b1(matter.Ground(), body);
    MobilizedBody::Free b2(matter.Ground(), body);

    // Set all the state variables to random values.

    State state = system.getDefaultState();
    Random::Gaussian random;

    for (int i = 0; i < state.getNY(); ++i)
        state.updY()[i] = random.getValue();

    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);

    // Test the low level methods for transforming points and vectors.

    const Vec3 point(0.5, 1, -1.5);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.findStationLocationInGround(state, Vec3(0)), b1.getBodyOriginLocation(state));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.findStationAtGroundPoint(state, b1.findStationLocationInGround(state, point)), point);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b2.findStationAtGroundPoint(state, b1.findStationLocationInGround(state, point)), b1.findStationLocationInAnotherBody(state, point, b2));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b2.findStationAtGroundPoint(state, b1.findStationLocationInGround(state, Vec3(0))).norm(), (b1.getBodyOriginLocation(state)-b2.getBodyOriginLocation(state)).norm());
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b2.findMassCenterLocationInGround(state), b2.findStationLocationInGround(state, b2.getBodyMassCenterStation(state)));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.expressVectorInGroundFrame(state, Vec3(0)), Vec3(0));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.expressVectorInGroundFrame(state, point), b1.getBodyRotation(state)*point);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.expressGroundVectorInBodyFrame(state, b1.expressVectorInGroundFrame(state, point)), point);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b2.expressGroundVectorInBodyFrame(state, b1.expressVectorInGroundFrame(state, point)), b1.expressVectorInAnotherBodyFrame(state, point, b2));

    // Test the routines for mapping locations, velocities, and accelerations.

    Vec3 r, v, a;
    b1.findStationLocationVelocityAndAccelerationInGround(state, point, r, v, a);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(v, b1.findStationVelocityInGround(state, point));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(a, b1.findStationAccelerationInGround(state, point));
        Vec3 r2, v2;
        b1.findStationLocationAndVelocityInGround(state, point, r2, v2);
        SimTK_TEST_EQ(r, r2);
        SimTK_TEST_EQ(v, v2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.findStationVelocityInGround(state, Vec3(0)), b1.getBodyOriginVelocity(state));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.findStationAccelerationInGround(state, Vec3(0)), b1.getBodyOriginAcceleration(state));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(b1.findStationVelocityInGround(state, point), b1.findStationVelocityInAnotherBody(state, point, matter.Ground()));
bool testFitting
   (const MultibodySystem& mbs, State& state, 
    const vector<MobilizedBodyIndex>& bodyIxs, 
    const vector<vector<Vec3> >& stations, 
    const vector<vector<Vec3> >& targetLocations, 
    Real minError, Real maxError, Real endDistance) 
    // Find the best fit.
    Real reportedError = ObservedPointFitter::findBestFit(mbs, state, bodyIxs, stations, targetLocations, TOL);
    cout << "[min,max]=" << minError << "," << maxError << " actual=" << reportedError << endl;
    bool result = (reportedError <= maxError && reportedError >= minError);
    // Verify that the error was calculated correctly.
    Real error = 0.0;
    int numStations = 0;
    mbs.realize(state, Stage::Position);
    const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = mbs.getMatterSubsystem();
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) bodyIxs.size(); ++i) {
        MobilizedBodyIndex id = bodyIxs[i];
        numStations += (int)stations[i].size();
        for (int j = 0; j < (int) stations[i].size(); ++j)
            error += (targetLocations[i][j]-matter.getMobilizedBody(id).getBodyTransform(state)*stations[i][j]).normSqr();
    error = std::sqrt(error/numStations);
    cout << "calc wrms=" << error << endl;
    ASSERT(std::abs(1.0-error/reportedError) < 0.0001); // should match to machine precision
    if (endDistance >= 0) {
        // Verify that the ends are the correct distance apart.
        Real distance = (matter.getMobilizedBody(bodyIxs[0]).getBodyOriginLocation(state)-matter.getMobilizedBody(bodyIxs[bodyIxs.size()-1]).getBodyOriginLocation(state)).norm();
        cout << "required dist=" << endDistance << ", actual=" << distance << endl;
        ASSERT(std::abs(1.0-endDistance/distance) < TOL);

    return result;
static void testObservedPointFitter(bool useConstraint) {
    int failures = 0;
    for (int iter = 0; iter < ITERATIONS; ++iter) {
        // Build a system consisting of a chain of bodies with occasional side chains, and
        // a variety of mobilizers.

        MultibodySystem mbs;
        SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(mbs);
        Body::Rigid body = Body::Rigid(MassProperties(1, Vec3(0), Inertia(1)));
        body.addDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeSphere(.1));
        MobilizedBody* lastBody = &matter.Ground();
        MobilizedBody* lastMainChainBody = &matter.Ground();
        vector<MobilizedBody*> bodies;
        Random::Uniform random(0.0, 1.0);

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BODIES; ++i) {
            bool mainChain = random.getValue() < 0.5;
            MobilizedBody* parent = (mainChain ? lastMainChainBody : lastBody);
            int type = (int) (random.getValue()*4);
            MobilizedBody* nextBody;
            if (type == 0) {
                MobilizedBody::Cylinder cylinder(*parent, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(0, BOND_LENGTH, 0)));
                nextBody = &matter.updMobilizedBody(cylinder.getMobilizedBodyIndex());
            else if (type == 1) {
                MobilizedBody::Slider slider(*parent, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(0, BOND_LENGTH, 0)));
                nextBody = &matter.updMobilizedBody(slider.getMobilizedBodyIndex());
            else if (type == 2) {
                MobilizedBody::Ball ball(*parent, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(0, BOND_LENGTH, 0)));
                nextBody = &matter.updMobilizedBody(ball.getMobilizedBodyIndex());
            else {
                MobilizedBody::Pin pin(*parent, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(0, BOND_LENGTH, 0)));
                nextBody = &matter.updMobilizedBody(pin.getMobilizedBodyIndex());
            if (mainChain)
                lastMainChainBody = nextBody;
            lastBody = nextBody;
        State s = mbs.getDefaultState();
        matter.setUseEulerAngles(s, true);

        // Choose a random initial conformation.

        vector<Real> targetQ(s.getNQ(), Real(0));
        for (MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(1); mbx < matter.getNumBodies(); ++mbx) {
            const MobilizedBody& mobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(mbx);
            for (int i = 0; i < mobod.getNumQ(s); ++i) {
                const QIndex qx0 = mobod.getFirstQIndex(s);
                s.updQ()[qx0+i] = targetQ[qx0+i] = 2.0*random.getValue();
        //cout << "q0=" << s.getQ() << endl;
        mbs.realize(s, Stage::Position);

        // Select some random stations on each body.

        vector<vector<Vec3> > stations(NUM_BODIES);
        vector<vector<Vec3> > targetLocations(NUM_BODIES);
        vector<MobilizedBodyIndex> bodyIxs;
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BODIES; ++i) {
            MobilizedBodyIndex id = bodies[i]->getMobilizedBodyIndex();
            int numStations = 1 + (int) (random.getValue()*4);
            for (int j = 0; j < numStations; ++j) {
                Vec3 pos(2.0*random.getValue()-1.0, 2.0*random.getValue()-1.0, 2.0*random.getValue()-1.0);

        Real distance = -1;
        if (useConstraint) {
            // Add a constraint fixing the distance between the first and last bodies.
            Real distance = (bodies[0]->getBodyOriginLocation(s)-bodies[NUM_BODIES-1]->getBodyOriginLocation(s)).norm();
            // (sherm 140506) Without this 1.001 this failed on clang.
            Constraint::Rod(*bodies[0], Vec3(0), *bodies[NUM_BODIES-1], Vec3(0), 1.001*distance);
        s = mbs.realizeTopology();
        matter.setUseEulerAngles(s, true);

        // Try fitting it.
        State initState = s;
        // (sherm 140506) I raised this from .02 to .03 to make this more robust.
        if (!testFitting(mbs, s, bodyIxs, stations, targetLocations, 0.0, 0.03, distance))

        //cout << "q1=" << s.getQ() << endl;

        // Now add random noise to the target locations, and see if it can still fit decently.

        Random::Gaussian gaussian(0.0, 0.15);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int) targetLocations.size(); ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < (int) targetLocations[i].size(); ++j) {
                targetLocations[i][j] += Vec3(gaussian.getValue(), gaussian.getValue(), gaussian.getValue());

        s = initState; // start from same config as before
        if (!testFitting(mbs, s, bodyIxs, stations, targetLocations, 0.1, 0.5, distance))

        //cout << "q2=" << s.getQ() << endl;


    ASSERT(failures == 0); // It found a reasonable fit every time.
    std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
void testForces() {
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralContactSubsystem contacts(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);

    // Create a triangle mesh in the shape of a pyramid, with the
    // square base having area 1 (split into two triangles).
    vector<Vec3> vertices;
    vertices.push_back(Vec3(0, 0, 0));
    vertices.push_back(Vec3(1, 0, 0));
    vertices.push_back(Vec3(1, 0, 1));
    vertices.push_back(Vec3(0, 0, 1));
    vertices.push_back(Vec3(0.5, 1, 0.5));
    vector<int> faceIndices;
    int faces[6][3] = {{0, 1, 2}, {0, 2, 3}, {1, 0, 4}, 
                       {2, 1, 4}, {3, 2, 4}, {0, 3, 4}};
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

    // Create the mobilized bodies and configure the contact model.
    Body::Rigid body(MassProperties(1.0, Vec3(0), Inertia(1)));
    ContactSetIndex setIndex = contacts.createContactSet();
    MobilizedBody::Translation mesh(matter.updGround(), Transform(), body, Transform());
    contacts.addBody(setIndex, mesh, ContactGeometry::TriangleMesh(vertices, faceIndices), Transform());
    contacts.addBody(setIndex, matter.updGround(), ContactGeometry::HalfSpace(), Transform(Rotation(-0.5*Pi, ZAxis), Vec3(0))); // y < 0
    ElasticFoundationForce ef(forces, contacts, setIndex);
    Real stiffness = 1e9, dissipation = 0.01, us = 0.1, ud = 0.05, uv = 0.01, vt = 0.01;
    ef.setBodyParameters(ContactSurfaceIndex(0), stiffness, dissipation, us, ud, uv);
    ASSERT(ef.getTransitionVelocity() == vt);
    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    // Position the pyramid at a variety of positions and check the normal 
    // force.
    for (Real depth = -0.1; depth < 0.1; depth += 0.01) {
        mesh.setQToFitTranslation(state, Vec3(0, -depth, 0));
        system.realize(state, Stage::Dynamics);
        Real f = 0;
        if (depth > 0)
            f = stiffness*depth;
        assertEqual(system.getRigidBodyForces(state, Stage::Dynamics)[mesh.getMobilizedBodyIndex()][1], Vec3(0, f, 0));
        assertEqual(system.getRigidBodyForces(state, Stage::Dynamics)[matter.getGround().getMobilizedBodyIndex()][1], Vec3(0, -f, 0));
    // Now do it with a vertical velocity and see if the dissipation force is correct.

    for (Real depth = -0.105; depth < 0.1; depth += 0.01) {
        mesh.setQToFitTranslation(state, Vec3(0, -depth, 0));
        for (Real v = -1.0; v <= 1.0; v += 0.1) {
            mesh.setUToFitLinearVelocity(state, Vec3(0, -v, 0));
            system.realize(state, Stage::Dynamics);
            Real f = (depth > 0 ? stiffness*depth*(1+dissipation*v) : 0);
            if (f < 0)
                f = 0;
            assertEqual(system.getRigidBodyForces(state, Stage::Dynamics)[mesh.getMobilizedBodyIndex()][1], Vec3(0, f, 0));
    // Do it with a horizontal velocity and see if the friction force is correct.

    Vector_<SpatialVec> expectedForce(matter.getNumBodies());
    for (Real depth = -0.105; depth < 0.1; depth += 0.01) {
        mesh.setQToFitTranslation(state, Vec3(0, -depth, 0));
        Real fh = 0;
        if (depth > 0)
            fh = stiffness*depth;
        for (Real v = -1.0; v <= 1.0; v += 0.1) {
            mesh.setUToFitLinearVelocity(state, Vec3(v, 0, 0));
            system.realize(state, Stage::Dynamics);
            const Real vrel = std::abs(v/vt);
            Real ff = (v < 0 ? 1 : -1)*fh*(std::min(vrel, 1.0)*(ud+2*(us-ud)/(1+vrel*vrel))+uv*std::fabs(v));
            const Vec3 totalForce = Vec3(ff, fh, 0);
            expectedForce = SpatialVec(Vec3(0), Vec3(0));
            Vec3 contactPoint1 = mesh.findStationAtGroundPoint(state, Vec3(2.0/3.0, 0, 1.0/3.0));
            mesh.applyForceToBodyPoint(state, contactPoint1, 0.5*totalForce, expectedForce);
            Vec3 contactPoint2 = mesh.findStationAtGroundPoint(state, Vec3(1.0/3.0, 0, 2.0/3.0));
            mesh.applyForceToBodyPoint(state, contactPoint2, 0.5*totalForce, expectedForce);
            SpatialVec actualForce = system.getRigidBodyForces(state, Stage::Dynamics)[mesh.getMobilizedBodyIndex()];
            assertEqual(actualForce[0], expectedForce[mesh.getMobilizedBodyIndex()][0]);
            assertEqual(actualForce[1], expectedForce[mesh.getMobilizedBodyIndex()][1]);
int main() {
    // Build a system consisting of a chain of bodies with every possible mobilizer.
    MultibodySystem mbs;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(mbs);
    Body::Rigid body = Body::Rigid(MassProperties(1, Vec3(0), Inertia(1)));
    Random::Uniform random(0.0, 2.0);
    MobilizedBody lastBody = MobilizedBody::Pin(matter.Ground(), Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Slider(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Universal(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Cylinder(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::BendStretch(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Planar(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Gimbal(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Ball(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Translation(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Free(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::LineOrientation(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::FreeLine(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Weld(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Screw(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())), 0.5);
    lastBody = MobilizedBody::Ellipsoid(lastBody, Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)), body, Transform(Vec3(random.getValue(), random.getValue(), random.getValue())));
    State& s = mbs.updDefaultState();
    // Choose a random initial conformation.
    for (int i = 0; i < s.getNQ(); ++i)
        s.updQ()[i] = random.getValue();
    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Instance);
    // The only constraints are the quaternions -- normalize them.
    Vector temp;
    mbs.project(s, 0.01);
    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Position);
    // Convert to Euler angles and make sure the positions are all the same.
    State euler = s;
    matter.convertToEulerAngles(s, euler);
    mbs.realize(euler, Stage::Position);
    for (int i = 0; i < matter.getNumBodies(); ++i) {
        const MobilizedBody& body = matter.getMobilizedBody(MobilizedBodyIndex(i));
        Real dist = (body.getBodyOriginLocation(euler)-body.getBodyOriginLocation(s)).norm();
        ASSERT(dist < 1e-5);

    // Now convert back to quaternions and make sure the positions are still the same.
    State quaternions = s;
    matter.convertToQuaternions(euler, quaternions);
    mbs.realize(quaternions, Stage::Position);
    for (int i = 0; i < matter.getNumBodies(); ++i) {
        const MobilizedBody& body = matter.getMobilizedBody(MobilizedBodyIndex(i));
        Real dist = (body.getBodyOriginLocation(quaternions)-body.getBodyOriginLocation(s)).norm();
        ASSERT(dist < 1e-5);
    // Compare the state variables to see if they have been accurately reproduced.
    mbs.project(s, 0.01); // Normalize the quaternions
    Real diff = std::sqrt((s.getQ()-quaternions.getQ()).normSqr()/s.getNQ());
    ASSERT(diff < 1e-5);

    std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try { // If anything goes wrong, an exception will be thrown.

    MultibodySystem         mbs; mbs.setUseUniformBackground(true);
    GeneralForceSubsystem    forces(mbs);
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem  pend(mbs);
    DecorationSubsystem     viz(mbs);
    Force::UniformGravity gravity(forces, pend, Vec3(0, -g, 0));

    MobilizedBody::Ball connector(pend.Ground(), 
                                    Transform(1*Vec3(0, 0, 0)),
                                  MassProperties(1, Vec3(0,0,0), Inertia(10,20,30)),
                                    Transform(1*Vec3(0, .5, 0)));

    connector.setDefaultRadius(0.05); // for the artwork

    //connector.setDefaultRotation( Rotation(Pi/4, Vec3(0,0,1) );
    const Real m1 = 5;
    const Real m2 = 1;
    const Real radiusRatio = std::pow(m2/m1, 1./3.);
    const Vec3 weight1Location(0, 0, -d/2); // in local frame of swinging body
    const Vec3 weight2Location(0, 0,  d/2); // in local frame of swinging body
    const Vec3 COM = (m1*weight1Location+m2*weight2Location)/(m1+m2);

    const MassProperties swingerMassProps
        (m1+m2, COM, 1*Inertia(1,1,1) + m1*UnitInertia::pointMassAt(weight1Location)
                                      + m2*UnitInertia::pointMassAt(weight2Location));
    MobilizedBody::Screw swinger(connector, 
                                    Transform( Rotation( 0*.7, Vec3(9,8,7) ),
                                    Transform( Rotation(0*1.3, Vec3(0,0,1) ),
                                              COM+0*Vec3(0,0,3)),    // inboard joint location
                                 0.3); // pitch

    // Add a blue sphere around the weight.
    viz.addBodyFixedDecoration(swinger, weight1Location, 
    viz.addBodyFixedDecoration(swinger, weight2Location, 
    viz.addRubberBandLine(GroundIndex, Vec3(0),
                          swinger, Vec3(0),

    //forces.addMobilityConstantForce(swinger, 0, 10);
    Force::ConstantTorque(forces, swinger, Vec3(0,0,10));
    //forces.addConstantForce(swinger, Vec3(0), Vec3(0,10,0));
    //forces.addConstantForce(swinger, Vec3(0,0,0), Vec3(10,10,0)); // z should do nothing
    //forces.addMobilityConstantForce(swinger, 1, 10);
   // forces.addMobilityConstantForce(swinger, 2, 60-1.2);

    State s = mbs.realizeTopology(); // define appropriate states for this System

    pend.setUseEulerAngles(s, true);


    // Create a study using the Runge Kutta Merson integrator
    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator myStudy(mbs);

    // This will pick up decorative geometry from
    // each subsystem that generates any, including of course the 
    // DecorationSubsystem, but not limited to it.
    Visualizer display(mbs);

    const Real expectedPeriod = 2*Pi*std::sqrt(d/g);
    printf("Expected period: %g seconds\n", expectedPeriod);

    const Real dt = 1./30; // output intervals
    const Real finalTime = 1*expectedPeriod;

    for (Real startAngle = 10; startAngle <= 90; startAngle += 10) {
        s = mbs.getDefaultState();
        connector.setQToFitRotation(s, Rotation(Pi/4, Vec3(1,1,1)) );

        printf("time  theta      energy           *************\n");

        swinger.setQToFitTransform(s, Transform( Rotation( BodyRotationSequence, 0*Pi/2, XAxis, 0*Pi/2, YAxis ), Vec3(0,0,0) ));
        swinger.setUToFitVelocity(s, SpatialVec(0*Vec3(1.1,1.2,1.3),Vec3(0,0,-1)));

        s.updTime() = 0;

        cout << "MassProperties in B=" << swinger.expressMassPropertiesInAnotherBodyFrame(myStudy.getState(),swinger);
        cout << "MassProperties in G=" << swinger.expressMassPropertiesInGroundFrame(myStudy.getState());
        cout << "Spatial Inertia    =" << swinger.calcBodySpatialInertiaMatrixInGround(myStudy.getState());

        int stepNum = 0;
        for (;;) {
            // Should check for errors and other interesting status returns.
            myStudy.stepTo(myStudy.getTime() + dt);
            const State& s = myStudy.getState(); // s is now the integrator's internal state

            if ((stepNum++%10)==0) {
                // This is so we can calculate potential energy (although logically
                // one should be able to do that at Stage::Position).
                mbs.realize(s, Stage::Dynamics);

                cout << s.getTime() << ": E=" << mbs.calcEnergy(s) 
                     << " connector q=" << connector.getQ(s) 
                     << ": swinger q=" << swinger.getQ(s) << endl;

                // This is so we can look at the UDots.
                mbs.realize(s, Stage::Acceleration);

                cout << "q =" << pend.getQ(s) << endl;
                cout << "u =" << pend.getU(s) << endl;
                cout << "ud=" << pend.getUDot(s) << endl;

                cout << "Connector V=" << connector.getMobilizerVelocity(s) << endl;
                cout << "Swinger V=" << swinger.getMobilizerVelocity(s) << endl;

                const Rotation& R_MbM = swinger.getMobilizerTransform(s).R();
                Vec4 aaMb = R_MbM.convertRotationToAngleAxis();
                cout << "angle=" << aaMb[0] << endl;
                cout << "axisMb=" << aaMb.drop1(0) << endl;
                cout << "axisMb=" << ~R_MbM*aaMb.drop1(0) << endl;

            if (s.getTime() >= finalTime)
catch (const exception& e) {
    printf("EXCEPTION THROWN: %s\n", e.what());
// Test calculations of Jacobian "bias" terms, where bias=JDot*u.
// We can estimate JDot using a numerical directional derivative
// since JDot = (DJ/Dq)*qdot ~= (J(q+h*qdot)-J(q-h*qdot))/2h.
// Then we multiply JDot*u and compare with the bias calculations.
// Or, we can estimate JDot*u directly with
//       JDotu ~= (J(q+h*qdot)*u - J(q-h*qdot)*u)/2h
// using the fast "multiply by Jacobian" methods.
// We use both methods below.
void testJacobianBiasTerms() {
    MultibodySystem system;
    MyForceImpl* frcp;
    makeSystem(false, system, frcp);
    const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = system.getMatterSubsystem();

    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    const int nq = state.getNQ();
    const int nu = state.getNU();
    const int nb = matter.getNumBodies();

    // Randomize state.
    state.updQ() = Test::randVector(nq);
    state.updU() = Test::randVector(nu);

    const MobilizedBodyIndex whichBod(8);
    const Vec3 whichPt(1,2,3);
    system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);
    const Vector& q = state.getQ();
    const Vector& u = state.getU();
    const Vector& qdot = state.getQDot();

    // sbias, fbias, sysbias are the JDot*u quantities we want to check.
    const Vec3 sbias =
        matter.calcBiasForStationJacobian(state, whichBod, whichPt);
    const SpatialVec fbias = 
        matter.calcBiasForFrameJacobian(state, whichBod, whichPt);
    Vector_<SpatialVec> sysbias;
    matter.calcBiasForSystemJacobian(state, sysbias);

    // These are for computing JDot first.
    RowVector_<Vec3> JS_P, JS1_P, JS2_P, JSDot_P;
    RowVector_<SpatialVec> JF_P, JF1_P, JF2_P, JFDot_P;
    Matrix_<SpatialVec> J, J1, J2, JDot;

    // These are for computing JDot*u directly.
    Vec3 JS_Pu, JS1_Pu, JS2_Pu, JSDot_Pu;
    SpatialVec JF_Pu, JF1_Pu, JF2_Pu, JFDot_Pu;
    Vector_<SpatialVec> Ju, J1u, J2u, JDotu;

    // Unperturbed:
    matter.calcStationJacobian(state,whichBod,whichPt, JS_P);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(state,whichBod,whichPt, JF_P);
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(state, J);

    JS_Pu = matter.multiplyByStationJacobian(state,whichBod,whichPt,u);
    JF_Pu = matter.multiplyByFrameJacobian(state,whichBod,whichPt,u);
    matter.multiplyBySystemJacobian(state, u, Ju);

    const Real Delta = 5e-6; // we'll use central difference
    State perturbq = state;
    // Perturbed +:
    perturbq.updQ() = q + Delta*qdot;
    system.realize(perturbq, Stage::Position);
    matter.calcStationJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt, JS2_P);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt, JF2_P);
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(perturbq, J2);
    JS2_Pu = matter.multiplyByStationJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt,u);
    JF2_Pu = matter.multiplyByFrameJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt,u);
    matter.multiplyBySystemJacobian(perturbq,u, J2u);

    // Perturbed -:
    perturbq.updQ() = q - Delta*qdot;
    system.realize(perturbq, Stage::Position);
    matter.calcStationJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt, JS1_P);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt, JF1_P);
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(perturbq, J1);
    JS1_Pu = matter.multiplyByStationJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt,u);
    JF1_Pu = matter.multiplyByFrameJacobian(perturbq,whichBod,whichPt,u);
    matter.multiplyBySystemJacobian(perturbq,u, J1u);

    // Estimate JDots:
    JSDot_P = (JS2_P-JS1_P)/Delta/2;
    JFDot_P = (JF2_P-JF1_P)/Delta/2;
    JDot    = (J2-J1)/Delta/2;

    // Estimate JDotus:
    JSDot_Pu = (JS2_Pu-JS1_Pu)/Delta/2;
    JFDot_Pu = (JF2_Pu-JF1_Pu)/Delta/2;
    JDotu    = (J2u-J1u)/Delta/2;

    // Calculate errors in JDot*u:
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL((JSDot_P*u-sbias).norm(), 0, SqrtEps);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL((JFDot_P*u-fbias).norm(), 0, SqrtEps);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL((JDot*u-sysbias).norm(), 0, SqrtEps);

    // Calculate errors in JDotu:
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL((JSDot_Pu-sbias).norm(), 0, SqrtEps);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL((JFDot_Pu-fbias).norm(), 0, SqrtEps);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL((JDotu-sysbias).norm(), 0, SqrtEps);
//                                   MAIN
int main() {
    try { // catch errors if any
    // Create the system, with subsystems for the bodies and some forces.
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
    ContactTrackerSubsystem   tracker(system);
    CompliantContactSubsystem contact(system, tracker);
    Force::Gravity(forces, matter, -YAxis, 9.81);

    // Set up visualization and ask for a frame every 1/30 second.
    Visualizer viz(system);
    viz.setShowSimTime(true); viz.setShowFrameRate(true);
    viz.addSlider("Speed", SpeedControlSlider, -10, 10, 0);
    Visualizer::InputSilo* silo = new Visualizer::InputSilo();
    #ifdef ANIMATE
    system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, 1./30));
    DecorativeText help("Any input to start; ESC to quit");

    // Add the Ground contact geometry. Contact half space has -XAxis normal
    // (right hand wall) so we have to rotate.
    MobilizedBody& Ground = matter.updGround(); // Nicer name for Ground.

    // Add some speed bumps.
    const int NBumps = 2; const Vec3 BumpShape(.8,0.2,2);
    for (int i=0; i < NBumps; ++i) {
        const Real x = -2*(i+1);
            ContactSurface(ContactGeometry::Ellipsoid(BumpShape), rubber));

    // TORSO
    const Real TorsoHeight = 1.1;
    const Vec3 torsoHDims(1,.08,.8);
    const Real torsoVolume = 8*torsoHDims[0]*torsoHDims[1]*torsoHDims[2];
    const Real torsoMass = torsoVolume*rubber_density/10;
    const Vec3 torsoCOM(0,-.75,0); // put it low for stability
    Body::Rigid torsoInfo(MassProperties(torsoMass,torsoCOM,

    // CRANK
    const Vec3 crankCenter(0,0,0); // in torso frame
    const Vec3 crankOffset(0,0,torsoHDims[2]+LinkDepth); // left/right offset
    const Real MLen=15/100.; // crank radius
    Body::Rigid crankInfo(MassProperties(.1,Vec3(0),
                            UnitInertia::cylinderAlongZ(MLen, LinkDepth)));
    const Vec3 CrankConnect(MLen,0,0); // in crank frame

    // Add the torso and crank mobilized bodies.
    MobilizedBody::Free torso(Ground,Vec3(0,TorsoHeight,0), torsoInfo,Vec3(0));
    MobilizedBody::Pin crank(torso,crankCenter, crankInfo, Vec3(0));

    // Add the legs.
    for (int i=-1; i<=1; ++i) {
        const Vec3 offset = crankCenter + i*crankOffset;
        const Vec3 linkSpace(0,0,2*LinkDepth);
        const Rotation R_CP(i*2*Pi/3,ZAxis);
        // Add crank bars for looks.
            Transform(R_CP, offset+1.5*MLen/2*R_CP.x()+(i==0?linkSpace:Vec3(0))),

        addOneLeg(viz, torso, offset + i*linkSpace,
                  crank, R_CP*CrankConnect);
        addOneLeg(viz, torso, Transform(Rotation(Pi,YAxis), offset + i*linkSpace),
                  crank, R_CP*CrankConnect);

    // Add speed control.
    Motion::Steady motor(crank, 0); // User controls speed.
       (new UserInputHandler(*silo, motor, Real(0.1))); //check input every 100ms

    // Initialize the system and state.
    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    printf("Theo Jansen Strandbeest in 3D:\n");
    printf("%d bodies, %d mobilities, -%d constraint equations -%d motions\n",
        matter.getNumBodies(), state.getNU(), state.getNMultipliers(),

    printf("Hit any key to assemble ...");
    silo->waitForAnyUserInput(); silo->clear();

    // Simulate.
    SemiExplicitEuler2Integrator integ(system);
    TimeStepper ts(system, integ);
    printf("Hit ENTER to simulate ... (ESC to quit)\n");
    silo->waitForAnyUserInput(); silo->clear();

    const double startCPU  = cpuTime(), startTime = realTime();
    ts.stepTo(Infinity); // RUN
    dumpIntegratorStats(startCPU, startTime, integ);

    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        return 1;
    return 0;
void testBushing() {
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
    Force::UniformGravity gravity(forces, matter, Vec3(0, -9.81, 0));
    Body::Rigid lumpy(MassProperties(3.1, Vec3(.1, .2, .3),
    Body::Rigid massless(MassProperties(0,Vec3(0),UnitInertia(0)));

    Vec3 inboard(0.1, 0.5, -1);
    Vec3 outboard(0.2, -0.2, 0);
    MobilizedBody::Bushing p1(matter.updGround(), inboard, lumpy, outboard);

    Rotation axisX(Pi/2, YAxis); // rotate z into x
    Rotation axisY(-Pi/2, XAxis); // rotate z into y
    Rotation axisZ; // leave z where it is
    MobilizedBody::Translation dummy0(matter.updGround(), inboard,
        massless, Transform());
    MobilizedBody::Pin dummy1(dummy0, Transform(axisX,Vec3(0)),
        massless, Transform(axisX, Vec3(0)));
    MobilizedBody::Pin dummy2(dummy1, Transform(axisY, Vec3(0)),
        massless, Transform(axisY, Vec3(0)));
    MobilizedBody::Pin p2(dummy2, Transform(axisZ, Vec3(0)),
        lumpy, Transform(axisZ, outboard));

    MobilizedBody::Weld c1(p1, inboard, lumpy, outboard);
    MobilizedBody::Weld c2(p2, inboard, lumpy, outboard);

    c1.addBodyDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeBrick(.1*Vec3(1,2,3))
    c2.addBodyDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeBrick(.1*Vec3(1,2,3))

    //Visualizer viz(system); viz.setBackgroundType(Visualizer::SolidColor);
    //system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, 1./30));

    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    p1.setQ(state, Vec6(.1,.2,.3,1,2,3));
    dummy0.setMobilizerTranslation(state, Vec3(1,2,3));
    dummy1.setAngle(state, .1);
    dummy2.setAngle(state, .2);
    p2.setAngle(state, .3);

    p1.setU(state, Vec6(1, 2, 3, -.1, -.2, -.3));
    dummy0.setMobilizerVelocity(state, Vec3(-.1, -.2, -.3));
    dummy1.setRate(state, 1);
    dummy2.setRate(state, 2);
    p2.setRate(state, 3);

    system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);
    system.project(state, 1e-10);

    SimTK_TEST_EQ(c1.getBodyTransform(state), c2.getBodyTransform(state));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(c1.getBodyVelocity(state), c2.getBodyVelocity(state));

    // Simulate it and see if both pendulums behave identically.

    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    TimeStepper ts(system, integ);
    system.realize(integ.getState(), Stage::Velocity);
                  c2.getBodyTransform(integ.getState()), 1e-10);
                      c2.getBodyVelocity(integ.getState()), 1e-10);
void testTaskJacobians() {
    MultibodySystem system;
    MyForceImpl* frcp;
    makeSystem(false, system, frcp);
    const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = system.getMatterSubsystem();

    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    const int nq = state.getNQ();
    const int nu = state.getNU();
    const int nb = matter.getNumBodies();

    // Attainable accuracy drops with problem size.
    const Real Slop = nu*SignificantReal;

    // Randomize state.
    state.updQ() = Test::randVector(nq);
    state.updU() = Test::randVector(nu);

    system.realize(state, Stage::Position);

    Matrix_<SpatialVec> J;
    Matrix Jmat, Jmat2;
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(state, J);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(J.nrow(), nb); SimTK_TEST_EQ(J.ncol(), nu);
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(state, Jmat);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(Jmat.nrow(), 6*nb); SimTK_TEST_EQ(Jmat.ncol(), nu);

    // Unpack J into Jmat2 and compare with Jmat.
    Jmat2.resize(6*nb, nu);
    for (int row=0; row < nb; ++row) {
        const int nxtr = 6*row; // row index into scalar matrix
        for (int col=0; col < nu; ++col) {
            for (int k=0; k<3; ++k) {
                Jmat2(nxtr+k, col) = J(row,col)[0][k];
                Jmat2(nxtr+3+k, col) = J(row,col)[1][k];
    // These should be exactly the same.
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(Jmat2, Jmat, SignificantReal);

    Vector randU = 100.*Test::randVector(nu), resultU1, resultU2;
    Vector_<SpatialVec> randF(nb), resultF1, resultF2;
    for (int i=0; i<nb; ++i) randF[i] = 100.*Test::randSpatialVec();

    matter.multiplyBySystemJacobian(state, randU, resultF1);
    resultF2 = J*randU;
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(resultF1, resultF2, Slop);

    matter.multiplyBySystemJacobianTranspose(state, randF, resultU1);
    resultU2 = ~J*randF;
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(resultU1, resultU2, Slop);

    // See if Station Jacobian can be used to duplicate the translation
    // rows of the System Jacobian, and if Frame Jacobian can be used to
    // duplicate the whole thing.
    Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex> allBodies(nb);
    for (int i=0; i<nb; ++i) allBodies[i]=MobilizedBodyIndex(i);
    Array_<Vec3> allOrigins(nb, Vec3(0));

    Matrix_<Vec3> JS, JS2, JSbyrow;
    Matrix_<SpatialVec> JF, JF2, JFbyrow;

    matter.calcStationJacobian(state, allBodies, allOrigins, JS);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(state, allBodies, allOrigins, JF);
    for (int i=0; i<nb; ++i) {
        for (int j=0; j<nu; ++j) {
            SimTK_TEST_EQ(JS(i,j), J(i,j)[1]);
            SimTK_TEST_EQ(JF(i,j), J(i,j));

    // Now use random stations to calculate JS & JF.
    Array_<Vec3> randS(nb);
    for (int i=0; i<nb; ++i) randS[i] = 10.*Test::randVec3();
    matter.calcStationJacobian(state, allBodies, randS, JS);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(state, allBodies, randS, JF);

    // Recalculate one row at a time to test non-contiguous memory handling.
    // Do it backwards just to show off.
    JSbyrow.resize(nb, nu); JFbyrow.resize(nb, nu);
    for (int i=nb-1; i >= 0; --i) {
        matter.calcStationJacobian(state, allBodies[i], randS[i], JSbyrow[i]);
        matter.calcFrameJacobian(state, allBodies[i], randS[i], JFbyrow[i]);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JS, JSbyrow);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JF, JFbyrow);

    // Calculate JS2=JS and JF2=JF again using multiplication by mobility-space 
    // unit vectors.
    JS2.resize(nb, nu); JF2.resize(nb, nu);
    Vector zeroU(nu, 0.);
    for (int i=0; i < nu; ++i) {
        zeroU[i] = 1;
        matter.multiplyByStationJacobian(state, allBodies, randS, zeroU, JS2(i));
        matter.multiplyByFrameJacobian(state, allBodies, randS, zeroU, JF2(i));
        zeroU[i] = 0;
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JS2, JS, Slop);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JF2, JF, Slop);

    // Calculate JS2t=~JS using multiplication by force-space unit vectors.
    Matrix_<Row3> JS2t(nu,nb);
    Vector_<Vec3> zeroF(nb, Vec3(0));
    // While we're at it, let's test non-contiguous vectors by filling in
    // this scalar version and using its non-contig rows as column temps.
    Matrix JS3mat(3*nb,nu);
    for (int b=0; b < nb; ++b) {
        for (int k=0; k<3; ++k) {
            zeroF[b][k] = 1;
            RowVectorView JS3matr = JS3mat[3*b+k];
            matter.multiplyByStationJacobianTranspose(state, allBodies, randS, 
                zeroF, ~JS3matr);
            zeroF[b][k] = 0;
            for (int u=0; u < nu; ++u)
                JS2t(u,b)[k] = JS3matr[u];
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JS2, ~JS2t, Slop); // we'll check JS3mat below

    // Calculate JF2t=~JF using multiplication by force-space unit vectors.
    Matrix_<SpatialRow> JF2t(nu,nb);
    Vector_<SpatialVec> zeroSF(nb, SpatialVec(Vec3(0)));
    // While we're at it, let's test non-contiguous vectors by filling in
    // this scalar version and using its non-contig rows as column temps.
    Matrix JF3mat(6*nb,nu);
    for (int b=0; b < nb; ++b) {
        for (int k=0; k<6; ++k) {
            zeroSF[b][k/3][k%3] = 1;
            RowVectorView JF3matr = JF3mat[6*b+k];
            matter.multiplyByFrameJacobianTranspose(state, allBodies, randS, 
                zeroSF, ~JF3matr);
            zeroSF[b][k/3][k%3] = 0;
            for (int u=0; u < nu; ++u)
                JF2t(u,b)[k/3][k%3] = JF3matr[u];
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JF2, ~JF2t, Slop); // we'll check JS3mat below

    // All three methods match. Now let's see if they are right by shifting
    // the System Jacobian to the new stations.

    for (int i=0; i<nb; ++i) {
        const MobilizedBody& mobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(allBodies[i]);
        const Rotation& R_GB = mobod.getBodyRotation(state);
        const Vec3 S_G = R_GB*randS[i];
        for (int j=0; j<nu; ++j) {
            const Vec3 w = J(i,j)[0];
            const Vec3 v = J(i,j)[1];
            const Vec3 vJ = v + w % S_G; // Shift
            const Vec3 vS = JS2(i,j);
            const SpatialVec vF = JF2(i,j);
            SimTK_TEST_EQ(vS, vJ);
            SimTK_TEST_EQ(vF, SpatialVec(w, vJ));

    // Now create a scalar version of JS and make sure it matches the Vec3 one.
    Matrix JSmat, JSmat2, JFmat, JFmat2;

    matter.calcStationJacobian(state, allBodies, randS, JSmat);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(state, allBodies, randS, JFmat);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JSmat.nrow(), 3*nb); SimTK_TEST_EQ(JSmat.ncol(), nu);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JFmat.nrow(), 6*nb); SimTK_TEST_EQ(JFmat.ncol(), nu);

    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JSmat, JS3mat, Slop); // same as above?
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JFmat, JF3mat, Slop); // same as above?

    // Unpack JS into JSmat2 and compare with JSmat.
    JSmat2.resize(3*nb, nu);
    for (int row=0; row < nb; ++row) {
        const int nxtr = 3*row; // row index into scalar matrix
        for (int col=0; col < nu; ++col) {
            for (int k=0; k<3; ++k) {
                JSmat2(nxtr+k, col) = JS(row,col)[k];
    // These should be exactly the same.
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JSmat2, JSmat, SignificantReal);

    // Unpack JF into JFmat2 and compare with JFmat.
    JFmat2.resize(6*nb, nu);
    for (int row=0; row < nb; ++row) {
        const int nxtr = 6*row; // row index into scalar matrix
        for (int col=0; col < nu; ++col) {
            for (int k=0; k<6; ++k) {
                JFmat2(nxtr+k, col) = JF(row,col)[k/3][k%3];
    // These should be exactly the same.
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(JFmat2, JFmat, SignificantReal);
void testConstrainedSystem() {
    MultibodySystem mbs;
    MyForceImpl* frcp;
    makeSystem(true, mbs, frcp);
    const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = mbs.getMatterSubsystem();

    State state = mbs.realizeTopology();
    mbs.realize(state, Stage::Instance); // allocate multipliers, etc.

    const int nq = state.getNQ();
    const int nu = state.getNU();
    const int m  = state.getNMultipliers();
    const int nb = matter.getNumBodies();

    // Attainable accuracy drops with problem size.
    const Real Slop = nu*SignificantReal;

    // Randomize state.
    state.updQ() = Test::randVector(nq);
    state.updU() = Test::randVector(nu);

    Vector randMobFrc = 100*Test::randVector(nu);
    Vector_<SpatialVec> randBodyFrc(nb);
    for (int i=0; i < nb; ++i)
        randBodyFrc[i] = Test::randSpatialVec();

    // Apply random mobility forces

    mbs.realize(state); // calculate accelerations and multipliers
    Vector udot = state.getUDot();
    Vector lambda = state.getMultipliers();
    Vector residual;
                             udot, lambda, residual);

    // Residual should be zero since we accounted for everything.
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residual, 0*randMobFrc, Slop);

    Vector abias, mgbias;
    // These are the acceleration error bias terms.
    matter.calcBiasForAccelerationConstraints(state, abias);
    // These use pverr (velocity-level errors) for holonomic constraints.
    matter.calcBiasForMultiplyByG(state, mgbias);

    Vector mgGudot; matter.multiplyByG(state, udot, mgbias, mgGudot);
    Matrix G; matter.calcG(state, G);
    Vector Gudot = G*udot;
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(mgGudot, Gudot, Slop);
    Vector aerr = state.getUDotErr(); // won't be zero because bad constraints
    Vector GudotPlusBias = Gudot + abias;
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(GudotPlusBias, aerr, Slop);

    // Add in some body forces
    udot = state.getUDot();
    lambda = state.getMultipliers();
                             udot, lambda, residual);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residual, 0*randMobFrc, Slop);

    // Try body forces only.
    udot = state.getUDot();
    lambda = state.getMultipliers();
                             udot, lambda, residual);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residual, 0*randMobFrc, Slop);

    // Put vectors in noncontiguous storage.
    Matrix udotmat(3,nu); // rows are noncontig
    Matrix mobFrcMat(11,nu);
    Matrix lambdamat(5,m);
    Matrix_<SpatialRow> bodyFrcMat(3,nb);
    udotmat[2]    = ~udot;
    lambdamat[3]  = ~lambda;
    mobFrcMat[8] = ~randMobFrc;
    bodyFrcMat[2] = ~randBodyFrc;
    Matrix residmat(4,nu);

    // We last computed udot,lambda with no mobility forces. This time
    // will throw some in and then make sure the residual tries to cancel them.
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residmat[2], -1*mobFrcMat[8], Slop);
void testUnconstrainedSystem() {
    MultibodySystem system;
    MyForceImpl* frcp;
    makeSystem(false, system, frcp);
    const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = system.getMatterSubsystem();

    State state = system.realizeTopology();
    const int nq = state.getNQ();
    const int nu = state.getNU();
    const int nb = matter.getNumBodies();

    // Attainable accuracy drops with problem size.
    const Real Slop = nu*SignificantReal;

    // Randomize state.
    state.updQ() = Test::randVector(nq);
    state.updU() = Test::randVector(nu);

    Vector randVec = 100*Test::randVector(nu);
    Vector result1, result2;

    // result1 = M*v
    system.realize(state, Stage::Position);
    matter.multiplyByM(state, randVec, result1);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(result1.size(), nu);

    // result2 = M^-1 * result1 == M^-1 * M * v == v
    system.realize(state, Stage::Dynamics);
    matter.multiplyByMInv(state, result1, result2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(result2.size(), nu);

    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(result2, randVec, Slop);

    Matrix M(nu,nu), MInv(nu,nu);

    Vector v(nu, Real(0));
    for (int j=0; j < nu; ++j) {
        v[j] = 1;
        matter.multiplyByM(state, v, M(j));
        matter.multiplyByMInv(state, v, MInv(j));
        v[j] = 0;

    Matrix MInvCalc(M);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE(MInv, MInvCalc, nu);

    Matrix identity(nu,nu); identity=1;
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE(M*MInv, identity, nu);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE(MInv*M, identity, nu);

    // Compare above-calculated values with values returned by the
    // calcM() and calcMInv() methods.
    Matrix MM, MMInv;
    matter.calcM(state,MM); matter.calcMInv(state,MMInv);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE(MM, M, nu);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_SIZE(MMInv, MInv, nu);


    //cout << "f=" << randVec << endl;
    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
    Vector accel = state.getUDot();
    //cout << "v!=0, accel=" << accel << endl;

    matter.multiplyByMInv(state, randVec, result1);
    //cout << "With velocities, |a - M^-1*f|=" << (accel-result1).norm() << endl;

    SimTK_TEST_NOTEQ(accel, result1); // because of the velocities
    //SimTK_TEST((accel-result1).norm() > SignificantReal); // because of velocities

    // With no velocities M^-1*f should match calculated acceleration.
    state.updU() = 0;
    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
    accel = state.getUDot();
    //cout << "v=0, accel=" << accel << endl;

    //cout << "With v=0, |a - M^-1*f|=" << (accel-result1).norm() << endl;

    SimTK_TEST_EQ(accel, result1); // because no velocities

    // And then M*a should = f.
    matter.multiplyByM(state, accel, result2);
    //cout << "v=0, M*accel=" << result2 << endl;
    //cout << "v=0, |M*accel-f|=" << (result2-randVec).norm() << endl;

    // Test forward and inverse dynamics operators.
    // Apply random forces and a random prescribed acceleration to
    // get back the residual generalized forces. Then applying those
    // should result in zero residual, and applying them. 

    // Randomize state.
    state.updQ() = Test::randVector(nq);
    state.updU() = Test::randVector(nu);

    // Inverse dynamics should require realization only to Velocity stage.
    system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);

    // Randomize body forces.
    Vector_<SpatialVec> bodyForces(nb);
    for (int i=0; i < nb; ++i)
        bodyForces[i] = Test::randSpatialVec();

    // Random mobility forces and known udots.
    Vector mobilityForces = Test::randVector(nu);
    Vector knownUdots = Test::randVector(nu);

    // Check self consistency: compute residual, apply it, should be no remaining residual.
    Vector residualForces, shouldBeZeroResidualForces;
        mobilityForces, bodyForces, knownUdots, residualForces);
        mobilityForces+residualForces, bodyForces, knownUdots, shouldBeZeroResidualForces);

    SimTK_TEST(shouldBeZeroResidualForces.norm() <= Slop);

    // Now apply these forces in forward dynamics and see if we get the desired
    // acceleration. State must be realized to Dynamics stage.
    system.realize(state, Stage::Dynamics);
    Vector udots;
    Vector_<SpatialVec> bodyAccels;
        mobilityForces+residualForces, bodyForces, udots, bodyAccels);

    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(udots, knownUdots, Slop);

    // See if we get back the same body accelerations by feeding in 
    // these udots.
    Vector_<SpatialVec> A_GB, AC_GB;
    matter.calcBodyAccelerationFromUDot(state, udots, A_GB);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(A_GB, bodyAccels, Slop);

    // Collect coriolis accelerations.
    for (MobodIndex i(0); i<nb; ++i)
        AC_GB[i] = matter.getTotalCoriolisAcceleration(state, i);

    // Verify that either a zero-length or all-zero udot gives just
    // coriolis accelerations.
    matter.calcBodyAccelerationFromUDot(state, Vector(), A_GB);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(A_GB, AC_GB, Slop);

    Vector allZeroUdot(matter.getNumMobilities(), Real(0));
    matter.calcBodyAccelerationFromUDot(state, allZeroUdot, A_GB);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(A_GB, AC_GB, Slop);

    // Now let's test noncontiguous input and output vectors.
    Matrix MatUdot(3, nu); // use middle row
    MatUdot[1] = ~udots;
    Matrix_<SpatialRow> MatA_GB(3, nb); // use middle row
    matter.calcBodyAccelerationFromUDot(state, ~MatUdot[1], ~MatA_GB[1]);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(MatA_GB[1], ~bodyAccels, Slop);

    // Verify that leaving out arguments makes them act like zeroes.
    Vector residualForces1, residualForces2;
        0*mobilityForces, 0*bodyForces, 0*knownUdots, residualForces1);
    // no, the residual is not zero here because of the angular velocities
        Vector(), Vector_<SpatialVec>(), Vector(), residualForces2);

    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residualForces2, residualForces1, Slop);

    // We just calculated f_residual = M udot + f_inertial - f_applied, with
    // both udot and f_applied zero, i.e. f_residual=f_inertial. That should
    // be the same as what is returned by getTotalCentrifugalForces().
    Vector_<SpatialVec> F_inertial(nb);
    Vector f_inertial;
    for (MobodIndex i(0); i<nb; ++i)
        F_inertial[i] = matter.getTotalCentrifugalForces(state, i);
    matter.multiplyBySystemJacobianTranspose(state, F_inertial, f_inertial);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(f_inertial, residualForces1, Slop);

    // This should also match total Mass*Coriolis acceleration + gyro force.
    Vector_<SpatialVec> F_coriolis(nb), F_gyro(nb), F_total(nb);
    Vector f_total;
    for (MobodIndex i(0); i<nb; ++i) {
        if (i==0) F_coriolis[i] = SpatialVec(Vec3(0),Vec3(0));
            F_coriolis[i] = matter.getMobilizedBody(i)
                           .getBodySpatialInertiaInGround(state) * AC_GB[i];
        F_gyro[i] = matter.getGyroscopicForce(state, i);

    F_total = F_coriolis + F_gyro;
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(F_inertial, F_total, Slop);

    // Same, but leave out combinations of arguments.
        0*mobilityForces, bodyForces, knownUdots, residualForces1);
        Vector(), bodyForces, knownUdots, residualForces2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residualForces2, residualForces1, Slop);
        mobilityForces, 0*bodyForces, knownUdots, residualForces1);
        mobilityForces, Vector_<SpatialVec>(), knownUdots, residualForces2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residualForces2, residualForces1, Slop);
        mobilityForces, bodyForces, 0*knownUdots, residualForces1);
        mobilityForces, bodyForces, Vector(), residualForces2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residualForces2, residualForces1, Slop);
        0*mobilityForces, bodyForces, 0*knownUdots, residualForces1);
        Vector(), bodyForces, Vector(), residualForces2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residualForces2, residualForces1, Slop);
        mobilityForces, 0*bodyForces, 0*knownUdots, residualForces1);
        mobilityForces, Vector_<SpatialVec>(), Vector(), residualForces2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ_TOL(residualForces2, residualForces1, Slop);

    // Check that we object to wrong-length arguments.
        Vector(3,Zero), bodyForces, knownUdots, residualForces2));
         mobilityForces, Vector_<SpatialVec>(5), knownUdots, residualForces2));
         mobilityForces, bodyForces, Vector(2), residualForces2));

int main() {
    try { // catch errors if any

    // Create the system, with subsystems for the bodies and some forces.
    MultibodySystem system; 
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
    Force::Gravity gravity(forces, matter, -YAxis, 9.8);
    system.setUseUniformBackground(true); // request no ground & sky    

    // Describe a body with a point mass at (0, -3, 0) and draw a sphere there.
    Real mass = 3; Vec3 pos(0,-3,0);
    Body::Rigid bodyInfo(MassProperties(mass, pos, UnitInertia::pointMassAt(pos)));
    bodyInfo.addDecoration(pos, DecorativeSphere(.2).setOpacity(.5));

    // Create the tree of mobilized bodies, reusing the above body description.
    MobilizedBody::Pin bodyT  (matter.Ground(), Vec3(0), bodyInfo, Vec3(0));
    MobilizedBody::Pin leftArm(bodyT, Vec3(-2, 0, 0),    bodyInfo, Vec3(0));
    MobilizedBody::Pin rtArm  (bodyT, Vec3(2, 0, 0),     bodyInfo, Vec3(0,-1,0));

    // Add some damping.
    Force::MobilityLinearDamper damper1(forces, bodyT, MobilizerUIndex(0), 10);
    Force::MobilityLinearDamper damper2(forces, leftArm, MobilizerUIndex(0), 30);
    Force::MobilityLinearDamper damper3(forces, rtArm, MobilizerUIndex(0), 10);

    MyTorqueLimitedMotor* motorp = 
        new MyTorqueLimitedMotor(rtArm, MobilizerUIndex(0), TorqueGain, MaxTorque);
    const MyTorqueLimitedMotor& motor = *motorp;
    Force::Custom(forces, motorp); // takes over ownership
    // Use built-in Steady Motion as a low-budget motor model.
    //Motion::Steady motor(rtArm, InitialMotorRate);
    // Use built-in ConstantSpeed constraint as a low-budget motor model.
    Constraint::ConstantSpeed motor(rtArm, InitialMotorRate);

    // Add a joint stop to the left arm restricting it to q in [0,Pi/5].
    Force::MobilityLinearStop stop(forces, leftArm, MobilizerQIndex(0), 
        -Pi/8,   // lower stop
         Pi/8);  // upper stop

    Visualizer viz(system);

    // Add sliders.
    viz.addSlider("Motor speed", SliderIdMotorSpeed, -10, 10, InitialMotorRate);
    viz.addSlider("Dissipation", SliderIdDissipation, 0, 10, InitialDissipation);
    viz.addSlider("Tach", SliderIdTach, -20, 20, 0);
    viz.addSlider("Torque", SliderIdTorque, -MaxTorque, MaxTorque, 0);

    // Add Run menu.
    Array_<std::pair<String,int> > runMenuItems;
    runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Reset", ResetItem));
    runMenuItems.push_back(std::make_pair("Quit", QuitItem));
    viz.addMenu("Run", MenuIdRun, runMenuItems);

    Visualizer::InputSilo* userInput = new Visualizer::InputSilo();
    // Initialize the system and state.    
    State initState = system.realizeTopology();

    // Simulate forever with a small max step size. Check for user input
    // in between steps. Note: an alternate way to do this is to let the
    // integrator take whatever steps it wants but use a TimeStepper to 
    // manage a periodic event handler to poll for user input. Here we're 
    // treating completion of a step as an event.
    const Real MaxStepSize = 0.01*3; // 10ms
    const int  DrawEveryN = 3/3;     // 3 steps = 30ms
    //RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    //RungeKutta2Integrator integ(system);
    SemiExplicitEuler2Integrator integ(system);
    //SemiExplicitEulerIntegrator integ(system, .001);


    // Don't permit interpolation because we want the state returned after
    // a step to be modifiable.


    int stepsSinceViz = DrawEveryN-1;
    while (true) {
        if (++stepsSinceViz % DrawEveryN == 0) {
            const State& s = integ.getState();
            const Real uActual = rtArm.getOneU(s, MobilizerUIndex(0));
            viz.setSliderValue(SliderIdTach, uActual);
            viz.setSliderValue(SliderIdTorque, motor.getTorque(s));
            system.realize(s); // taus are acceleration stage
            //                   rtArm.getOneTau(s, MobilizerUIndex(0)));
            viz.setSliderValue(SliderIdTorque, motor.getMultiplier(s));

            stepsSinceViz = 0;

        // Advance time by MaxStepSize (might take multiple steps to get there).

        // Now poll for user input.
        int whichSlider, whichMenu, whichItem; Real newValue;

        // Did a slider move?
        if (userInput->takeSliderMove(whichSlider, newValue)) {
            State& state = integ.updAdvancedState();
            switch(whichSlider) {
            case SliderIdMotorSpeed:
                // TODO: momentum balance?
                //motor.setRate(state, newValue);
                motor.setSpeed(state, newValue);
                system.realize(state, Stage::Position);
                system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);
            case SliderIdDissipation:
                stop.setMaterialProperties(state, StopStiffness, newValue);
                system.realize(state, Stage::Position);

        // Was there a menu pick?
        if (userInput->takeMenuPick(whichMenu, whichItem)) {
            if (whichItem == QuitItem) 
                break; // done

            // If Reset, stop the motor and restore default dissipation. 
            // Tell visualizer to update the sliders to match.
            // Zero out all the q's and u's.
            if (whichItem == ResetItem) {
                State& state = integ.updAdvancedState();
                //motor.setRate(state, 0);
                motor.setSpeed(state, 0);
                viz.setSliderValue(SliderIdMotorSpeed, 0);

                stop.setMaterialProperties(state, StopStiffness, InitialDissipation);
                viz.setSliderValue(SliderIdDissipation, InitialDissipation);

                state.updQ() = 0; // all positions to zero
                state.updU() = 0; // all velocities to zero
                system.realize(state, Stage::Position);
                system.realize(state, Stage::Velocity);

    const int evals = integ.getNumRealizations();
    std::cout << "Done -- simulated " << integ.getTime() << "s with " 
            << integ.getNumStepsTaken() << " steps, avg step=" 
        << (1000*integ.getTime())/integ.getNumStepsTaken() << "ms " 
        << (1000*integ.getTime())/evals << "ms/eval\n";

    printf("Used Integrator %s at accuracy %g:\n", 
        integ.getMethodName(), integ.getAccuracyInUse());
    printf("# STEPS/ATTEMPTS = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumStepsTaken(), integ.getNumStepsAttempted());
    printf("# ERR TEST FAILS = %d\n", integ.getNumErrorTestFailures());
    printf("# REALIZE/PROJECT = %d/%d\n", integ.getNumRealizations(), integ.getNumProjections());

    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        return 1;
    return 0;
int main() {
  try {   
    // Create the system, with subsystems for the bodies and some forces.
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);

    // Hint to Visualizer: don't show ground plane.

    // Add gravity as a force element.
    Force::UniformGravity gravity(forces, matter, Vec3(0, -9.81, 0));

    // Create the body and some artwork for it.
    const Vec3 halfLengths(.5, .1, .25); // half-size of brick (m)
    const Real mass = 2; // total mass of brick (kg)
    Body::Rigid pendulumBody(MassProperties(mass, Vec3(0), 

    // Add an instance of the body to the multibody system by connecting
    // it to Ground via a Ball mobilizer.
    MobilizedBody::Ball pendulum1(matter.updGround(), Transform(Vec3(-1,-1, 0)), 
                                  pendulumBody,       Transform(Vec3( 0, 1, 0)));

    // Add a second instance of the pendulum nearby.
    MobilizedBody::Ball pendulum2(matter.updGround(), Transform(Vec3(1,-1, 0)), 
                                  pendulumBody,       Transform(Vec3(0, 1, 0)));

    // Connect the origins of the two pendulum bodies together with our
    // rod-like custom constraint.
    const Real d = 1.5; // desired separation distance
    Constraint::Custom rod(new ExampleConstraint(pendulum1, pendulum2, d));

    // Visualize with default options.
    Visualizer viz(system);

    // Add a rubber band line connecting the origins of the two bodies to
    // represent the rod constraint.
    viz.addRubberBandLine(pendulum1, Vec3(0), pendulum2, Vec3(0),

    // Ask for a report every 1/30 of a second to match the Visualizer's 
    // default rate of 30 frames per second.
    system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, 1./30));
    // Output total energy to the console once per second.
    system.addEventReporter(new TextDataEventReporter
                                   (system, new MyEvaluateEnergy(), 1.0));
    // Initialize the system and state.   
    State state = system.realizeTopology();

    // Orient the two pendulums asymmetrically so they'll do something more 
    // interesting than just hang there.
    pendulum1.setQToFitRotation(state, Rotation(Pi/4, ZAxis));
    pendulum2.setQToFitRotation(state, Rotation(BodyRotationSequence,
                                                Pi/4, ZAxis, Pi/4, YAxis));

    // Evaluate the system at the new state and draw one frame manually.

    // Simulate it.
    cout << "Hit ENTER to run a short simulation.\n";
    cout << "(Energy should be conserved to about four decimal places.)\n";

    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    integ.setAccuracy(1e-4); // ask for about 4 decimal places (default is 3)
    TimeStepper ts(system, integ);

  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
      std::cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
      return 1;
  } catch (...) {
      std::cout << "UNKNOWN EXCEPTION\n";
      return 1;

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    std::vector<State> saveEm;

try // If anything goes wrong, an exception will be thrown.
  { int nseg = NSegments;
    int shouldFlop = 0;
    if (argc > 1) sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &nseg);
    if (argc > 2) sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &shouldFlop);

    // Create a multibody system using Simbody.
    MultibodySystem mbs;
    MyRNAExample myRNA(mbs, nseg, shouldFlop != 0);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(mbs);
    Force::UniformGravity ugs(forces, myRNA, Vec3(0, -g, 0), -0.8);

    const Vec3 attachPt(150, -40, -50);

    Force::TwoPointLinearSpring(forces, myRNA.Ground(), attachPt,
                                   myRNA.getMobilizedBody(MobilizedBodyIndex(myRNA.getNumBodies()-1)), Vec3(0),
                                   1000.,  // stiffness
                                   1.);    // natural length

    Force::GlobalDamper(forces, myRNA, 1000);

    State s = mbs.realizeTopology();


    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Position);

    for (ConstraintIndex cid(0); cid < myRNA.getNumConstraints(); ++cid) {
        const Constraint& c = myRNA.getConstraint(cid);
        int mp,mv,ma;
        c.getNumConstraintEquationsInUse(s, mp,mv,ma);

        cout << "CONSTRAINT " << cid 
             << " constrained bodies=" << c.getNumConstrainedBodies() 
             << " ancestor=" << c.getAncestorMobilizedBody().getMobilizedBodyIndex()
             << " constrained mobilizers/nq/nu=" << c.getNumConstrainedMobilizers() 
                                           << "/" << c.getNumConstrainedQ(s) << "/" << c.getNumConstrainedU(s)
             << " mp,mv,ma=" << mp << "," << mv << "," << ma 
             << endl;
        for (ConstrainedBodyIndex cid(0); cid < c.getNumConstrainedBodies(); ++cid) {
            cout << "  constrained body: " << c.getMobilizedBodyFromConstrainedBody(cid).getMobilizedBodyIndex(); 
            cout << endl;
        for (ConstrainedMobilizerIndex cmx(0); cmx < c.getNumConstrainedMobilizers(); ++cmx) {
            cout << "  constrained mobilizer " << c.getMobilizedBodyFromConstrainedMobilizer(cmx).getMobilizedBodyIndex() 
                  << ", q(" << c.getNumConstrainedQ(s, cmx) << ")="; 
            for (MobilizerQIndex i(0); i < c.getNumConstrainedQ(s, cmx); ++i)
                cout << " " << c.getConstrainedQIndex(s, cmx, i);                  
            cout << ", u(" << c.getNumConstrainedU(s, cmx) << ")=";
            for (MobilizerUIndex i(0); i < c.getNumConstrainedU(s, cmx); ++i)
                cout << " " << c.getConstrainedUIndex(s, cmx, i);
            cout << endl;
        cout << c.getSubtree();

        cout << "   d(perrdot)/du=" << c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixP(s);
        cout << "   d(perrdot)/du=" << ~c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixPt(s);

        cout << "   d(perr)/dq=" << c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixPNInv(s);

    SimbodyMatterSubtree sub(myRNA);
    cout << "sub.ancestor=" << sub.getAncestorMobilizedBodyIndex();
//    cout << "  sub.terminalBodies=" << sub.getTerminalBodies() << endl;
//    cout << "sub.allBodies=" << sub.getAllBodies() << endl;
    for (SubtreeBodyIndex i(0); i < (int)sub.getAllBodies().size(); ++i) {
       cout << "sub.parent[" << i << "]=" << sub.getParentSubtreeBodyIndex(i);
//       cout << "  sub.children[" << i << "]=" << sub.getChildSubtreeBodyIndexs(i) << endl;

    printf("# quaternions in use = %d\n", myRNA.getNumQuaternionsInUse(s));
    for (MobilizedBodyIndex i(0); i<myRNA.getNumBodies(); ++i) {
        printf("body %2d: using quat? %s; quat index=%d\n",
            (int)i, myRNA.isUsingQuaternion(s,i) ? "true":"false", 

    // And a study using the Runge Kutta Merson integrator
    bool suppressProject = false;

    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator myStudy(mbs);
    //RungeKuttaFeldbergIntegrator myStudy(mbs);
    //RungeKutta3Integrator myStudy(mbs);
    //CPodesIntegrator  myStudy(mbs);
    //VerletIntegrator myStudy(mbs);
    //ExplicitEulerIntegrator myStudy(mbs);


    Visualizer display(mbs);

    for (MobilizedBodyIndex i(1); i<myRNA.getNumBodies(); ++i)
        myRNA.decorateBody(i, display);

    DecorativeLine rbProto; rbProto.setColor(Orange).setLineThickness(3);
    display.addRubberBandLine(GroundIndex, attachPt,MobilizedBodyIndex(myRNA.getNumBodies()-1),Vec3(0), rbProto);
    //display.addRubberBandLine(GroundIndex, -attachPt,myRNA.getNumBodies()-1,Vec3(0), rbProto);

    const Real dt = 1./30; // output intervals

    printf("time  nextStepSize\n");

    s.updTime() = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<50; ++i)
        saveEm.push_back(s);    // delay

    cout << "Using Integrator " << std::string(myStudy.getMethodName()) << ":\n";
    cout << "ACCURACY IN USE=" << myStudy.getAccuracyInUse() << endl;
    cout << "CTOL IN USE=" << myStudy.getConstraintToleranceInUse() << endl;
    cout << "TIMESCALE=" << mbs.getDefaultTimeScale() << endl;
    cout << "U WEIGHTS=" << s.getUWeights() << endl;
    cout << "Z WEIGHTS=" << s.getZWeights() << endl;
    cout << "1/QTOLS=" << s.getQErrWeights() << endl;
    cout << "1/UTOLS=" << s.getUErrWeights() << endl;

    for (int i=0; i<50; ++i)
        saveEm.push_back(myStudy.getState());    // delay

    const double startReal = realTime(), startCPU = cpuTime();
    int stepNum = 0;
    for (;;) {
        const State& ss = myStudy.getState();


        if ((stepNum++%100)==0) {
            printf("%5g qerr=%10.4g uerr=%10.4g hNext=%g\n", ss.getTime(), 
                myRNA.getQErr(ss).normRMS(), myRNA.getUErr(ss).normRMS(),
            printf("      E=%14.8g (pe=%10.4g ke=%10.4g)\n",
                mbs.calcEnergy(ss), mbs.calcPotentialEnergy(ss), mbs.calcKineticEnergy(ss));

            cout << "QERR=" << ss.getQErr() << endl;
            cout << "UERR=" << ss.getUErr() << endl;

        //if (s.getTime() - std::floor(s.getTime()) < 0.2)
        //    display.addEphemeralDecoration( DecorativeSphere(10).setColor(Green) );


        if (ss.getTime() >= 10)

        // TODO: should check for errors or have or teach RKM to throw. 
        myStudy.stepTo(ss.getTime() + dt, Infinity);

    printf("CPU time=%gs, REAL time=%gs\n", cpuTime()-startCPU, realTime()-startReal);
    printf("Using Integrator %s:\n", myStudy.getMethodName());
    printf("# STEPS/ATTEMPTS = %d/%d\n", myStudy.getNumStepsTaken(), myStudy.getNumStepsAttempted());
    printf("# ERR TEST FAILS = %d\n", myStudy.getNumErrorTestFailures());
    printf("# CONVERGENCE FAILS = %d\n", myStudy.getNumConvergenceTestFailures());
    printf("# REALIZE/PROJECT = %d/%d\n", myStudy.getNumRealizations(), myStudy.getNumProjections());
    printf("# PROJECTION FAILS = %d\n", myStudy.getNumProjectionFailures());


    while(true) {
        for (int i=0; i < (int)saveEm.size(); ++i) {
            //display.report(saveEm[i]); // half speed
catch (const exception& e)
    printf("EXCEPTION THROWN: %s\n", e.what());
void testRollingOnSurfaceConstraint()
    using namespace SimTK;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "=================================================================" << endl;
    cout << " OpenSim RollingOnSurfaceConstraint Simulation " << endl;
    cout << "=================================================================" << endl;

    // angle of the rot w.r.t. vertical
    double theta = -SimTK::Pi / 6; // 30 degs
    double omega = -2.1234567890;
    double halfRodLength = 1.0 / (omega*omega);

    UnitVec3 surfaceNormal(0,1,0);
    double planeHeight = 0.0;
    Vec3 comInRod(0, halfRodLength, 0);
    Vec3 contactPointOnRod(0, 0, 0);

    double mass = 7.0;
    SimTK::Inertia inertiaAboutCom = mass*SimTK::Inertia::cylinderAlongY(0.1, 1.0);

    SimTK::MassProperties rodMass(7.0, comInRod,
        inertiaAboutCom.shiftFromMassCenter(comInRod, mass));

    // Define the Simbody system
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);
    SimTK::Force::UniformGravity gravity(forces, matter, gravity_vec);

    // Create a free joint between the rod and ground
    MobilizedBody::Planar rod(matter.Ground(), Transform(Vec3(0)), 
        SimTK::Body::Rigid(rodMass), Transform());

    // Get underlying mobilized bodies
    SimTK::MobilizedBody surface = matter.getGround();

    // Add a fictitious massless body to be the "Case" reference body coincident with surface for the no-slip constraint
    SimTK::MobilizedBody::Weld  cb(surface, SimTK::Body::Massless());

    // Constrain the rod to move on the ground surface
    SimTK::Constraint::PointInPlane contactY(surface, surfaceNormal, planeHeight, rod, contactPointOnRod);
    SimTK::Constraint::ConstantAngle contactTorqueAboutY(surface, SimTK::UnitVec3(1, 0, 0), rod, SimTK::UnitVec3(0, 0, 1));
    // Constrain the rod to roll on surface and not slide 
    SimTK::Constraint::NoSlip1D contactPointXdir(cb, SimTK::Vec3(0), SimTK::UnitVec3(1, 0, 0), surface, rod);
    SimTK::Constraint::NoSlip1D contactPointZdir(cb, SimTK::Vec3(0), SimTK::UnitVec3(0, 0, 1), surface, rod);
    // Simbody model state setup
    State state = system.getDefaultState();

    //state = system.realizeTopology();
    state.updQ()[0] = theta;
    state.updQ()[1] = 0;
    state.updQ()[2] = 0;
    state.updU()[0] = omega;

    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
    state.getUDot().dump("Simbody Accelerations");

    Vec3 pcom = system.getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterLocationInGround(state);
    Vec3 vcom = system.getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterVelocityInGround(state);
    Vec3 acom = system.getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterAccelerationInGround(state);

    // Setup OpenSim model
    Model *osimModel = new Model;

    //OpenSim bodies
    Ground& ground = osimModel->updGround();;
    Mesh arrowGeom("arrow.vtp");
    arrowGeom.setColor(Vec3(1, 0, 0));

    //OpenSim rod
    auto osim_rod = new OpenSim::Body("rod", mass, comInRod, inertiaAboutCom);
    OpenSim::PhysicalOffsetFrame* cylFrame = new PhysicalOffsetFrame(*osim_rod, Transform(comInRod));
    Mesh cylGeom("cylinder.vtp");
    cylGeom.set_scale_factors(2 * halfRodLength*Vec3(0.1, 1, 0.1));

    // create rod as a free joint
    auto rodJoint = new PlanarJoint("rodToGround", ground, *osim_rod);

    // Add the thigh body which now also contains the hip joint to the model

    // add a point on line constraint
    auto roll = new RollingOnSurfaceConstraint();

    /*double h = */roll->get_surface_height();

    //Add analyses before setting up the model for simulation
    Kinematics *kinAnalysis = new Kinematics(osimModel);

    // Need to setup model before adding an analysis since it creates the AnalysisSet
    // for the model if it does not exist.
    State osim_state = osimModel->initSystem();
    roll->setDisabled(osim_state, false);
    osim_state.updY() = state.getY();

    // compute model accelerations
    osim_state.getUDot().dump("Osim Accelerations");

    //    .setBackgroundType(SimTK::Visualizer::GroundAndSky);

    Vec3 osim_pcom = osimModel->calcMassCenterPosition(osim_state);
    Vec3 osim_vcom = osimModel->calcMassCenterVelocity(osim_state);
    Vec3 osim_acom = osimModel->calcMassCenterAcceleration(osim_state);

    Vec3 tol(SimTK::SignificantReal);

    ASSERT_EQUAL(pcom, osim_pcom, tol);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(vcom, osim_vcom, tol);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(acom, osim_acom, tol);

    // Compare Simbody system and OpenSim model simulations
    compareSimulations(system, state, osimModel, osim_state, "testRollingOnSurfaceConstraint FAILED\n");
void testRel2Cart() {
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);

    // Pendulum of length 1, initially along -x like this:
    //     B ----------- * O
    //    -1,0,0          0,0,0
    // At q=0, partial(B)/partial(u) = 0,-1,0.
    // At q=pi/2, partial(B)/partial(u) = 1,0,0.
    // Then try this with station S=(0,1,0)_B:
    //      S
    //      |
    //      |
    //      B ------ * O
    // Now |OS| = sqrt(2). At q=Pi/4, S will be horizontal
    // so partial(S)/partial(u) = (0, -sqrt(2)/2, 0).
    // In all cases the partial angular velocity is (0,0,1).
    MobilizedBody::Pin pinBody
       (matter.Ground(),                       Transform(),
        MassProperties(1,Vec3(0),Inertia(1)),  Vec3(1,0,0));
    State s = system.realizeTopology();

    RowVector_<Vec3> dvdu, dvdu2, dvdu3;
    RowVector_<Vec3> JS;
    RowVector_<SpatialVec> dvdu4, JF;
    Matrix_<SpatialVec> J, Jn;
    Matrix JSf, JFf, Jf; // flat

    // We'll compute Jacobians for the body origin Bo in 2 configurations, 
    // q==0,pi/2 then for station S (0,1,0) at q==pi/4. Not
    // much of a test, I know, but at least we know the right answer.

    // q == 0; answer is JB == (0,-1,0)

    pinBody.setQ(s, 0);
    system.realize(s, Stage::Position);
    sbrel2cart(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu[0], Vec3(0,-1,0));

    sbrel2cart2(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu2[0], Vec3(0,-1,0));

    sbrel2cart3(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu3);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu3[0], Vec3(0,-1,0));

    matter.calcStationJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JS);
    matter.calcStationJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JSf);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JS, dvdu3); // == dvdu2 == dvdu
    compareElementwise(JS, JSf);

    sbrel2cart4(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu4);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4[0][0], Vec3(0,0,1));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4[0][1], Vec3(0,-1,0));

    matter.calcFrameJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JF);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JFf);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4, JF);
    compareElementwise(JF, JFf);

    // Calculate the whole system Jacobian at q==0 in two different 
    // representations and make sure they are the same.
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(s, J);
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(s, Jf);
    compareElementwise(J, Jf);

    // q == 90 degrees; answer is JB == (1,0,0)

    pinBody.setQ(s, Pi/2);
    system.realize(s, Stage::Position);
    sbrel2cart(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu[0], Vec3(1,0,0));

    sbrel2cart2(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu2[0], Vec3(1,0,0));

    sbrel2cart3(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu3);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu3[0], Vec3(1,0,0));

    matter.calcStationJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JS);
    matter.calcStationJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JSf);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JS, dvdu3); // == dvdu2 == dvdu
    compareElementwise(JS, JSf);

    sbrel2cart4(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0), dvdu4);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4[0][0], Vec3(0,0,1));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4[0][1], Vec3(1,0,0));

    matter.calcFrameJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JF);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0), JFf);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4, JF);
    compareElementwise(JF, JFf);

    // Calculate the whole system Jacobian at q==pi/2 in two different 
    // representations and make sure they are the same.
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(s, J);
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(s, Jf);
    compareElementwise(J, Jf);

    // now station S, q == 45 degrees; answer is JS == (0,-sqrt(2),0)

    pinBody.setQ(s, Pi/4);
    system.realize(s, Stage::Position);
    sbrel2cart(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), dvdu);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu[0], Vec3(0,-Sqrt2,0));

    sbrel2cart2(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), dvdu2);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu2[0], Vec3(0,-Sqrt2,0));

    sbrel2cart3(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), dvdu3);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu3[0], Vec3(0,-Sqrt2,0));

    matter.calcStationJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), JS);
    matter.calcStationJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), JSf);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JS, dvdu3); // == dvdu2 == dvdu
    compareElementwise(JS, JSf);

    // Calculate station Jacobian JS by multiplication to test that the
    // multiplyByStationJacobian[Transpose] methods are working.
    Vec3 JSn; // 3xnu
    Vector u(1); u[0] = 1.;
    JSn = matter.multiplyByStationJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), u);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JSn, dvdu3[0]);

    Vec3 FS(0);
    Row3 JSnt;
    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
        FS[i] = 1;
            FS, u);
        FS[i] = 0;
        JSnt[i] = u[0];
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JSnt, ~dvdu3[0]);

    sbrel2cart4(s, matter, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), dvdu4);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4[0][0], Vec3(0,0,1));
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4[0][1], Vec3(0,-Sqrt2,0));

    matter.calcFrameJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), JF);
    matter.calcFrameJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), JFf);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(dvdu4, JF);
    compareElementwise(JF, JFf);

    // Calculate frame Jacobian JF by multiplication to test that the
    // multiplyByFrameJacobian[Transpose] methods are working.
    SpatialVec JFn; // 6xnu
    u[0] = 1.;
    JFn = matter.multiplyByFrameJacobian(s, pinBody, Vec3(0,1,0), u);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JFn, dvdu4[0]);

    SpatialVec FF(Vec3(0));
    SpatialRow JFnt;
    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) {
        FF[i/3][i%3] = 1;
            FF, u);
        FF[i/3][i%3] = 0;
        JFnt[i/3][i%3] = u[0];
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(JFnt, ~dvdu4[0]);

    // Calculate the whole system Jacobian at q==pi/4 in two different 
    // representations and make sure they are the same.
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(s, J);
    matter.calcSystemJacobian(s, Jf);
    compareElementwise(J, Jf);

    // Generate the whole system Jacobian one body at a time by multiplication.
    Jn.resize(matter.getNumBodies(), matter.getNumMobilities());
    u[0] = 1;
    for (MobodIndex i(0); i < matter.getNumBodies(); ++i)
        Jn[i] = matter.multiplyByFrameJacobian(s,i,Vec3(0),u);
    SimTK_TEST_EQ(Jn, J);
void testConservationOfEnergy() {
    // Create the system.
    MultibodySystem         system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem  matter(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem   forces(system);
    Force::UniformGravity   gravity(forces, matter, Vec3(0, -9.8, 0));

    const Real Mass = 1;
    const Vec3 HalfShape = Vec3(1,.5,.25)/2;
    const Transform BodyAttach(Rotation(), Vec3(HalfShape[0],0,0));
    Body::Rigid brickBody(MassProperties(Mass, Vec3(.1,.2,.3),
    //Body::Rigid brickBody(MassProperties(Mass, Vec3(0),
    //                        Mass*UnitInertia::ellipsoid(HalfShape)));
    brickBody.addDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeEllipsoid(HalfShape)

    const int NBod=50;
    MobilizedBody::Free brick1(matter.Ground(), Transform(),
                               brickBody,       BodyAttach);
    MobilizedBody::Free brick2(brick1, Transform(),
                               brickBody,       BodyAttach);
    MobilizedBody prev=brick2;
    MobilizedBody body25;
    for (int i=0; i<NBod; ++i) {
        MobilizedBody::Ball next(prev, -1*BodyAttach.p(),
                                 brickBody, BodyAttach);
        if (i==25) body25=next;
        //    prev, Vec3(0), next, Vec3(0), 1000, 1);

    Constraint::Ball(matter.Ground(), Vec3(0,1,0)-2*NBod/3*BodyAttach.p(),
        prev, BodyAttach.p());
    Constraint::Ball(matter.Ground(), Vec3(0,1,0)-1*NBod/3*BodyAttach.p(),
        body25, BodyAttach.p());

    Vec6 k1(1,100,1,100,100,100), c1(0);
    Force::LinearBushing(forces, matter.Ground(), -2*NBod/3*BodyAttach.p(),
                 prev, BodyAttach.p(), k1, c1);

    Force::Thermostat thermo(forces, matter,

    Vec6 k(1,100,1,100,100,100), c(0);
    Force::LinearBushing bushing1(forces, matter.Ground(), -1*NBod/3*BodyAttach.p(),
        brick1, BodyAttach, k, c);
    Force::LinearBushing bushing2(forces, brick1, Transform(),
        brick2, BodyAttach, k, c);

    Visualizer viz(system);
    Visualizer::Reporter* reporter = new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, 1./30);

    ThermoReporter* thermoReport = new ThermoReporter
        (system, thermo, bushing1, bushing2, 1./10);

    // Initialize the system and state.

    State state = system.getDefaultState();

    printf("Default state -- hit ENTER\n");
    cout << "t=" << state.getTime()
         << " q=" << brick1.getQAsVector(state) << brick2.getQAsVector(state)
         << " u=" << brick1.getUAsVector(state) << brick2.getUAsVector(state)
         << "\nnChains=" << thermo.getNumChains(state)
         << " T="        << thermo.getBathTemperature(state)
         << "\nt_relax=" << thermo.getRelaxationTime(state)
         << " kB="       << thermo.getBoltzmannsConstant()
         << endl;

    system.realize(state, Stage::Acceleration);
    Vector initU(state.getNU());
    initU = Test::randVector(state.getNU());

    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    TimeStepper ts(system, integ);
    const State& istate = integ.getState();

    printf("After initialize -- hit ENTER\n");
    cout << "t=" << integ.getTime()
         << "\nE=" << system.calcEnergy(istate)
         << "\nEbath=" << thermo.calcBathEnergy(istate)
         << endl;

    // Simulate it.

    printf("After simulation:\n");
    cout << "t=" << integ.getTime()
         << "\nE=" << system.calcEnergy(istate)
         << "\nEbath=" << thermo.calcBathEnergy(istate)
         << "\nNsteps=" << integ.getNumStepsTaken()
         << endl;
int main() {
  try {    
    // Create the system.   
    MultibodySystem system;
    SimbodyMatterSubsystem matter(system);


    CableTrackerSubsystem cables(system);
    GeneralForceSubsystem forces(system);

    Force::Gravity gravity(forces, matter, -YAxis, 9.81);
    // Force::GlobalDamper(forces, matter, 5);

    system.setUseUniformBackground(true);    // no ground plane in display
    MobilizedBody Ground = matter.Ground(); // convenient abbreviation

    // Read in some bones.
    PolygonalMesh femur;
    PolygonalMesh tibia;


    // Build a pendulum
    Body::Rigid pendulumBodyFemur(    MassProperties(1.0, Vec3(0, -5, 0), 
                                    UnitInertia(1).shiftFromCentroid(Vec3(0, 5, 0))));

    pendulumBodyFemur.addDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeMesh(femur).setColor(Vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));

    Body::Rigid pendulumBodyTibia(    MassProperties(1.0, Vec3(0, -5, 0), 
                                    UnitInertia(1).shiftFromCentroid(Vec3(0, 5, 0))));

    pendulumBodyTibia.addDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeMesh(tibia).setColor(Vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)));

    Rotation z180(Pi, YAxis);

    MobilizedBody::Pin pendulumFemur(    matter.updGround(),
                                        Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)),
                                        Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) );

    Rotation rotZ45(-Pi/4, ZAxis);

    MobilizedBody::Pin pendulumTibia(   pendulumFemur,
                                        Transform(rotZ45, Vec3(0, -12, 0)),
                                        Transform(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) );

    Real initialPendulumOffset = -0.25*Pi;

    Constraint::PrescribedMotion pres(matter, 
       new Function::Sinusoid(0.25*Pi, 0.2*Pi, 0*initialPendulumOffset), pendulumTibia, MobilizerQIndex(0));
    // Build a wrapping cable path
    CablePath path2(cables, Ground, Vec3(1, 3, 1),             // origin
                            pendulumTibia, Vec3(1, -4, 0));  // termination
    // Create a bicubic surface
    Vec3 patchOffset(0, -5, -1);
    Rotation rotZ90(0.5*Pi, ZAxis);
    Rotation rotX90(0.2*Pi, XAxis);

    Rotation patchRotation = rotZ90 * rotX90 * rotZ90;
    Transform patchTransform(patchRotation, patchOffset);

    Real patchScaleX = 2.0;
    Real patchScaleY = 2.0;
    Real patchScaleF = 0.75;

    const int Nx = 4, Ny = 4;
    const Real xData[Nx] = {  -2, -1, 1, 2 };
    const Real yData[Ny] = {  -2, -1, 1, 2 };

    const Real fData[Nx*Ny] = { 2,        3,        3,        1,
                                0,         1.5,  1.5,        0,
                                0,        1.5,  1.5,        0,
                                2,        3,        3,        1    };

    const Vector x_(Nx,        xData);
    const Vector y_(Ny,     yData);
    const Matrix f_(Nx, Ny, fData);

    Vector x = patchScaleX*x_;
    Vector y = patchScaleY*y_;
    Matrix f = patchScaleF*f_; 

    BicubicSurface patch(x, y, f, 0);

    Real highRes = 30;
    Real lowRes  = 1;

    PolygonalMesh highResPatchMesh = patch.createPolygonalMesh(highRes);
    PolygonalMesh lowResPatchMesh = patch.createPolygonalMesh(lowRes);



    Vec3 patchP(-0.5,-1,2), patchQ(-0.5,1,2);



     CableObstacle::Surface patchObstacle(path2, pendulumFemur, patchTransform,
      patchObstacle.setContactPointHints(patchP, patchQ);

    // Sphere
    Real      sphRadius = 1.5;

    Vec3      sphOffset(0, -0.5, 0);
    Rotation  sphRotation(0*Pi, YAxis);
    Transform sphTransform(sphRotation, sphOffset);

    CableObstacle::Surface tibiaSphere(path2, pendulumTibia, sphTransform,

    Vec3 sphP(1.5,-0.5,0), sphQ(1.5,0.5,0);
    tibiaSphere.setContactPointHints(sphP, sphQ);


    // Make cable a spring
    CableSpring cable2(forces, path2, 50., 18., 0.1); 

    Visualizer viz(system);
    system.addEventReporter(new Visualizer::Reporter(viz, 1./30));
    system.addEventReporter(new ShowStuff(system, cable2, 0.02));    
    // Initialize the system and state.
    State state = system.getDefaultState();

    system.realize(state, Stage::Position);
    cout << "path2 init length=" << path2.getCableLength(state) << endl;
    cout << "Hit ENTER ...";

    // path1.setIntegratedCableLengthDot(state, path1.getCableLength(state));

    // Simulate it.
    saveStates.clear(); saveStates.reserve(2000);

    // RungeKutta3Integrator integ(system);
    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integ(system);
    // CPodesIntegrator integ(system);
    // integ.setAllowInterpolation(false);
    TimeStepper ts(system, integ);

    const Real finalTime = 10;
    const double startTime = realTime();
    cout << "DONE with " << finalTime 
         << "s simulated in " << realTime()-startTime
         << "s elapsed.\n";

    while (true) {
        cout << "Hit ENTER FOR REPLAY, Q to quit ...";
        const char ch = getchar();
        if (ch=='q' || ch=='Q') break;
        for (unsigned i=0; i < saveStates.size(); ++i)

  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    cout << "EXCEPTION: " << e.what() << "\n";
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  try { // If anything goes wrong, an exception will be thrown.

    MultibodySystem         mbs;

    SimbodyMatterSubsystem  matter(mbs);
    GeneralForceSubsystem    forces(mbs);
    DecorationSubsystem     viz(mbs);
    Force::UniformGravity gravity(forces, matter, Vec3(0, -g, 0));

    Body::Rigid body = Body::Rigid(MassProperties(m, Vec3(0), m*UnitInertia::brick(hl[0],hl[1],hl[2])));
    body.addDecoration(DecorativeLine(Vec3(0), Vec3(0,1,0)).setColor(Green));

    MobilizedBody::Free mobilizedBody(matter.Ground(), Transform(), body, Transform());
    MobilizedBody::Free mobilizedBody0(mobilizedBody, Transform(Vec3(1,2,0)), body, Transform(Vec3(0,1,0)));
    MobilizedBody::Free mobilizedBody2(mobilizedBody0, Vec3(-5,0,0), body, Transform());

    Body::Rigid gear1body = Body::Rigid(MassProperties(m, Vec3(0), m*UnitInertia::cylinderAlongZ(.5, .1)));
    gear1body.addDecoration(DecorativeLine(Vec3(0), Vec3(.5,0,0)).setColor(Black).setLineThickness(4));
    Body::Rigid gear2body = Body::Rigid(MassProperties(m, Vec3(0), m*UnitInertia::cylinderAlongZ(1.5, .1)));
    gear2body.addDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeCircle(1.5).setColor(Blue).setOpacity(.7));  
    gear2body.addDecoration(Transform(), DecorativeLine(Vec3(0), Vec3(1.5,0,0)).setColor(Black).setLineThickness(4));

    MobilizedBody::Pin gear1(mobilizedBody2, Vec3(-1,0,0), gear1body, Transform()); // along z
    MobilizedBody::Pin gear2(mobilizedBody2, Vec3(1,0,0), gear2body, Transform()); // along z
    Constraint::NoSlip1D(mobilizedBody2, Vec3(-.5,0,0), UnitVec3(0,1,0), gear1, gear2);

    Constraint::ConstantSpeed(gear1, 100.);
    //Constraint::Ball myc2(matter.Ground(), Vec3(-4,2,0),  mobilizedBody2, Vec3(0,1,0));
    Constraint::Weld myc(matter.Ground(), Vec3(1,2,0),  mobilizedBody, Vec3(0,1,0));
    Constraint::Ball ball1(mobilizedBody, Vec3(2,0,0), mobilizedBody0, Vec3(3,1,1));
    Constraint::Ball ball2(mobilizedBody0, Vec3(2,0,0), mobilizedBody2, Vec3(3,0,0));
    //Constraint::PointInPlane pip(mobilizedBody0, UnitVec3(0,-1,0), 3, mobilizedBody2, Vec3(3,0,0));

    //Constraint::ConstantOrientation ori(mobilizedBody, Rotation(), mobilizedBody0, Rotation());
    //Constraint::ConstantOrientation ori2(mobilizedBody2, Rotation(), mobilizedBody0, Rotation());
    //Constraint::Weld weld(mobilizedBody, Transform(Rotation(Pi/4, ZAxis), Vec3(1,1,0)),
      //                    mobilizedBody2, Transform(Rotation(-Pi/4, ZAxis), Vec3(-1,-1,0)));
    //MyConstraint xyz(gear1, 100.);

    viz.addBodyFixedDecoration(mobilizedBody, Transform(Vec3(1,2,3)), DecorativeText("hello world").setScale(.1));

    class MyHandler : public ScheduledEventHandler {
        MyHandler(const Constraint& cons) : c(cons) { }
        Real getNextEventTime(const State&, bool includeCurrentTime) const {
            return .314;
        void handleEvent(State& s, Real acc, const Vector& ywts, const Vector& cwts, Stage& modified,
                         bool& shouldTerminate) const 
            cout << "<<<< TRIGGERED AT T=" << s.getTime() << endl;
            modified = Stage::Model;
        const Constraint& c;

    mbs.addEventHandler(new MyHandler(xyz));

    State s = mbs.realizeTopology(); // returns a reference to the the default state


    //matter.setUseEulerAngles(s, true);
    mbs.realizeModel(s); // define appropriate states for this System

    //mobilizedBody0.setQ(s, .1);
    //mobilizedBody.setQ(s, .2);

    Visualizer display(mbs);

    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Velocity);
    cout << "q=" << s.getQ() << endl;
    cout << "u=" << s.getU() << endl;
    cout << "qErr=" << s.getQErr() << endl;
    cout << "uErr=" << s.getUErr() << endl;

    for (ConstraintIndex cid(0); cid < matter.getNumConstraints(); ++cid) {
        const Constraint& c = matter.getConstraint(cid);
        int mp,mv,ma;
        c.getNumConstraintEquationsInUse(s, mp,mv,ma);

        cout << "CONSTRAINT " << cid << (c.isDisabled(s) ? "**DISABLED** " : "")
             << " constrained bodies=" << c.getNumConstrainedBodies();
        if (c.getNumConstrainedBodies()) cout << " ancestor=" << c.getAncestorMobilizedBody().getMobilizedBodyIndex();
        cout << " constrained mobilizers/nq/nu=" << c.getNumConstrainedMobilizers() 
                                           << "/" << c.getNumConstrainedQ(s) << "/" << c.getNumConstrainedU(s)
             << " mp,mv,ma=" << mp << "," << mv << "," << ma 
             << endl;
        for (ConstrainedBodyIndex cid(0); cid < c.getNumConstrainedBodies(); ++cid) {
            cout << "  constrained body: " << c.getMobilizedBodyFromConstrainedBody(cid).getMobilizedBodyIndex(); 
            cout << endl;
        for (ConstrainedMobilizerIndex cmx(0); cmx < c.getNumConstrainedMobilizers(); ++cmx) {
            cout << "  constrained mobilizer " << c.getMobilizedBodyFromConstrainedMobilizer(cmx).getMobilizedBodyIndex() 
                  << ", q(" << c.getNumConstrainedQ(s, cmx) << ")="; 
            for (MobilizerQIndex i(0); i < c.getNumConstrainedQ(s, cmx); ++i)
                cout << " " << c.getConstrainedQIndex(s, cmx, i);                  
            cout << ", u(" << c.getNumConstrainedU(s, cmx) << ")=";
            for (MobilizerUIndex i(0); i < c.getNumConstrainedU(s, cmx); ++i)
                cout << " " << c.getConstrainedUIndex(s, cmx, i);
            cout << endl;
        cout << c.getSubtree();
        if (mp) {
            cout << "perr=" << c.getPositionErrorsAsVector(s) << endl;
            cout << "   d(perrdot)/du=" << c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixP(s);
            cout << "  ~d(Pt lambda)/dlambda=" << ~c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixPt(s);
            cout << "   d(perr)/dq=" << c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixPNInv(s);

            Matrix P = c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixP(s);
            Matrix PQ(mp,matter.getNQ(s));
            Vector out(matter.getNQ(s));
            for (int i=0; i<mp; ++i) {
                Vector in = ~P[i];
                matter.multiplyByNInv(s, true, in, out);
                PQ[i] = ~out;
            cout << " calculated d(perr)/dq=" << PQ;

        if (mv) {
            cout << "verr=" << c.getVelocityErrorsAsVector(s) << endl;
            //cout << "   d(verrdot)/dudot=" << c.calcVelocityConstraintMatrixV(s);
            cout << "  ~d(Vt lambda)/dlambda=" << ~c.calcVelocityConstraintMatrixVt(s);

    const Constraint& c = matter.getConstraint(myc.getConstraintIndex());

    cout << "Default configuration shown. Ready? "; getchar();

    mobilizedBody.setQToFitTransform (s, Transform(Rotation(.05,Vec3(1,1,1)),Vec3(.1,.2,.3)));
    mobilizedBody0.setQToFitTransform (s, Transform(Rotation(.05,Vec3(1,-1,1)),Vec3(.2,.2,.3)));
    mobilizedBody2.setQToFitTransform (s, Transform(Rotation(.05,Vec3(-1,1,1)),Vec3(.1,.2,.1)));
    mobilizedBody.setUToFitAngularVelocity(s, 10*Vec3(.1,.2,.3));
    mobilizedBody0.setUToFitAngularVelocity(s, 10*Vec3(.1,.2,.3));
    mobilizedBody2.setUToFitAngularVelocity(s, 10*Vec3(.1,.2,.3));

    //gear1.setUToFitAngularVelocity(s, Vec3(0,0,500)); // these should be opposite directions!
    //gear2.setUToFitAngularVelocity(s, Vec3(0,0,100));

    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Velocity);

    cout << "q=" << s.getQ() << endl;
    cout << "u=" << s.getU() << endl;
    cout << "qErr=" << s.getQErr() << endl;
    cout << "uErr=" << s.getUErr() << endl;
    cout << "p_MbM=" << mobilizedBody.getMobilizerTransform(s).p() << endl;
    cout << "v_MbM=" << mobilizedBody.getMobilizerVelocity(s)[1] << endl;
    cout << "Unassembled configuration shown. Ready to assemble? "; getchar();

    // These are the SimTK Simmath integrators:
    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator myStudy(mbs);
    //CPodesIntegrator myStudy(mbs, CPodes::BDF, CPodes::/*Newton*/Functional);
    //myStudy.setOrderLimit(2); // cpodes only
    //VerletIntegrator myStudy(mbs);
   // ExplicitEulerIntegrator myStudy(mbs, .0005); // fixed step
    //ExplicitEulerIntegrator myStudy(mbs); // variable step

    myStudy.setAccuracy(1e-6); myStudy.setAccuracy(1e-1);
    myStudy.setConstraintTolerance(1e-7); myStudy.setConstraintTolerance(1e-2);

    const Real dt = .02; // output intervals
    const Real finalTime = 2;


    std::vector<State> saveEm;

    for (int i=0; i<50; ++i)
        saveEm.push_back(s);    // delay

    // Peforms assembly if constraints are violated.

    for (int i=0; i<50; ++i)
        saveEm.push_back(s);    // delay

    cout << "Using Integrator " << std::string(myStudy.getMethodName()) << ":\n";
    cout << "ACCURACY IN USE=" << myStudy.getAccuracyInUse() << endl;
    cout << "CTOL IN USE=" << myStudy.getConstraintToleranceInUse() << endl;
    cout << "TIMESCALE=" << mbs.getDefaultTimeScale() << endl;
    cout << "U WEIGHTS=" << s.getUWeights() << endl;
    cout << "Z WEIGHTS=" << s.getZWeights() << endl;
    cout << "1/QTOLS=" << s.getQErrWeights() << endl;
    cout << "1/UTOLS=" << s.getUErrWeights() << endl;

        const State& s = myStudy.getState();
        cout << "q=" << s.getQ() << endl;
        cout << "u=" << s.getU() << endl;
        cout << "qErr=" << s.getQErr() << endl;
        cout << "uErr=" << s.getUErr() << endl;
        cout << "p_MbM=" << mobilizedBody.getMobilizerTransform(s).p() << endl;
        cout << "PE=" << mbs.calcPotentialEnergy(s) << " KE=" << mbs.calcKineticEnergy(s) << " E=" << mbs.calcEnergy(s) << endl;
        cout << "angle=" << std::acos(~mobilizedBody.expressVectorInGroundFrame(s, Vec3(0,1,0)) * UnitVec3(1,1,1)) << endl;
        cout << "Assembled configuration shown. Ready to simulate? "; getchar();

    Integrator::SuccessfulStepStatus status;
    int nextReport = 0;


    int stepNum = 0;
    while ((status=myStudy.stepTo(nextReport*dt))
           != Integrator::EndOfSimulation) 
        const State& s = myStudy.getState();
        mbs.realize(s, Stage::Acceleration);

        if ((stepNum++%10)==0) {
            const Real angle = std::acos(~mobilizedBody.expressVectorInGroundFrame(s, Vec3(0,1,0)) * UnitVec3(1,1,1));
            printf("%5g %10.4g E=%10.8g h%3d=%g %s%s\n", s.getTime(), 
                mbs.calcEnergy(s), myStudy.getNumStepsTaken(),
                myStudy.isStateInterpolated()?" (INTERP)":"");
            printf("     qerr=%10.8g uerr=%10.8g uderr=%10.8g\n",
                s.getSystemStage() >= Stage::Acceleration ? matter.getUDotErr(s).normRMS() : Real(-1));
#ifdef HASC
            cout << "CONSTRAINT perr=" << c.getPositionError(s)
                 << " verr=" << c.getVelocityError(s)
                 << " aerr=" << c.getAccelerationError(s)
                 << endl;
            //cout << "   d(perrdot)/du=" << c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixP(s);
            //cout << "  ~d(f)/d lambda=" << c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixPT(s);
            //cout << "   d(perr)/dq=" << c.calcPositionConstraintMatrixPQInverse(s);
            cout << "Q=" << matter.getQ(s) << endl;
            cout << "U=" << matter.getU(s) << endl;
            cout << "Multipliers=" << matter.getMultipliers(s) << endl;

        Vector qdot;
        matter.calcQDot(s, s.getU(), qdot);
       // cout << "===> qdot =" << qdot << endl;

        Vector qdot2;
        matter.multiplyByN(s, false, s.getU(), qdot2);
       // cout << "===> qdot2=" << qdot2 << endl;

        Vector u1,u2;
        matter.multiplyByNInv(s, false, qdot, u1);
        matter.multiplyByNInv(s, false, qdot2, u2);
      //  cout << "===> u =" << s.getU() << endl;
      //  cout << "===> u1=" << u1 << endl;
      //  cout << "===> u2=" << u2 << endl;
       // cout << "     norm=" << (s.getU()-u2).normRMS() << endl;


        if (status == Integrator::ReachedReportTime)

    printf("Using Integrator %s:\n", myStudy.getMethodName());
    printf("# STEPS/ATTEMPTS = %d/%d\n", myStudy.getNumStepsTaken(), myStudy.getNumStepsAttempted());
    printf("# ERR TEST FAILS = %d\n", myStudy.getNumErrorTestFailures());
    printf("# REALIZE/PROJECT = %d/%d\n", myStudy.getNumRealizations(), myStudy.getNumProjections());

    printf("System stats: realize %dP %dV %dA, projectQ %d, projectU %d\n",
        mbs.getNumProjectQCalls(), mbs.getNumProjectUCalls());

    while(true) {
        for (int i=0; i < (int)saveEm.size(); ++i) {
            //display.report(saveEm[i]); // half speed
  catch (const exception& e) {
    printf("EXCEPTION THROWN: %s\n", e.what());
  catch (...) {

Real ObservedPointFitter::findBestFit
   (const MultibodySystem& system, State& state, 
    const Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex>&  bodyIxs, 
    const Array_<Array_<Vec3> >&       stations, 
    const Array_<Array_<Vec3> >&       targetLocations, 
    const Array_<Array_<Real> >&       weights, 
    Real tolerance) 
    // Verify the inputs.
    const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter = system.getMatterSubsystem();
    SimTK_APIARGCHECK(bodyIxs.size() == stations.size() && stations.size() == targetLocations.size(), "ObservedPointFitter", "findBestFit", "bodyIxs, stations, and targetLocations must all be the same length");
    int numBodies = matter.getNumBodies();
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)stations.size(); ++i) {
        SimTK_APIARGCHECK(bodyIxs[i] >= 0 && bodyIxs[i] < numBodies, "ObservedPointFitter", "findBestFit", "Illegal body ID");
        SimTK_APIARGCHECK(stations[i].size() == targetLocations[i].size(), "ObservedPointFitter", "findBestFit", "Different number of stations and target locations for body");
    // Build a list of children for each body.
    Array_<Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex> > children(matter.getNumBodies());
    for (int i = 0; i < matter.getNumBodies(); ++i) {
        const MobilizedBody& body = matter.getMobilizedBody(MobilizedBodyIndex(i));
        if (!body.isGround())

    // Build a mapping of body IDs to indices.
    Array_<int> bodyIndex(matter.getNumBodies());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) bodyIndex.size(); ++i)
        bodyIndex[i] = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)bodyIxs.size(); ++i)
        bodyIndex[bodyIxs[i]] = i;
    // Find the number of stations on each body with a nonzero weight.
    Array_<int> numStations(matter.getNumBodies());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) numStations.size(); ++i)
        numStations[i] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)weights.size(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)weights[i].size(); ++j)
            if (weights[i][j] != 0)

    // Perform the initial estimation of Q for each mobilizer.
    // Our first guess is the passed-in q's, with quaternions converted
    // to Euler angles if necessary. As we solve a subproblem for each
    // of the bodies in ascending order, we'll update tempState's q's
    // for that body to their solved values.
    State tempState;
    if (!matter.getUseEulerAngles(state))
        matter.convertToEulerAngles(state, tempState);
    else tempState = state;
    system.realize(tempState, Stage::Position);

    // This will accumulate best-guess spatial poses for the bodies as
    // they are processed. This is useful for when a body is used as
    // an artificial base body; our first guess will to be to place it
    // wherever it was the last time it was used in a subproblem.
    Array_<Transform> guessX_GB(matter.getNumBodies());
    for (MobilizedBodyIndex mbx(1); mbx < guessX_GB.size(); ++mbx)
        guessX_GB[mbx] = matter.getMobilizedBody(mbx).getBodyTransform(tempState);

    for (int i = 0; i < matter.getNumBodies(); ++i) {
        MobilizedBodyIndex id(i);
        const MobilizedBody& body = matter.getMobilizedBody(id);
        if (body.getNumQ(tempState) == 0)
            continue; // No degrees of freedom to determine.
        if (children[id].size() == 0 && numStations[id] == 0)
            continue; // There are no stations whose positions are affected by this.
        Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex> originalBodyIxs;
        int currentBodyIndex = findBodiesForClonedSystem(body.getMobilizedBodyIndex(), numStations, matter, children, originalBodyIxs);
        if (currentBodyIndex == (int)originalBodyIxs.size()-1 
            && (bodyIndex[id] == -1 || stations[bodyIndex[id]].size() == 0))
            continue; // There are no stations whose positions are affected by this.
        MultibodySystem copy;
        Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex> copyBodyIxs;
        bool hasArtificialBaseBody;
        createClonedSystem(system, copy, originalBodyIxs, copyBodyIxs, hasArtificialBaseBody);
        const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& copyMatter = copy.getMatterSubsystem();
        // Construct an initial state.
        State copyState = copy.getDefaultState();
        assert(copyBodyIxs.size() == originalBodyIxs.size());
        for (int ob=0; ob < (int)originalBodyIxs.size(); ++ob) {
            const MobilizedBody& copyMobod = copyMatter.getMobilizedBody(copyBodyIxs[ob]);
            const MobilizedBody& origMobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(originalBodyIxs[ob]);
            if (ob==0 && hasArtificialBaseBody)
                copyMobod.setQToFitTransform(copyState, guessX_GB[origMobod.getMobilizedBodyIndex()]);
                copyMobod.setQFromVector(copyState, origMobod.getQAsVector(tempState));

        Array_<Array_<Vec3> > copyStations(copyMatter.getNumBodies());
        Array_<Array_<Vec3> > copyTargetLocations(copyMatter.getNumBodies());
        Array_<Array_<Real> > copyWeights(copyMatter.getNumBodies());
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)originalBodyIxs.size(); ++j) {
            int index = bodyIndex[originalBodyIxs[j]];
            if (index != -1) {
                copyStations[copyBodyIxs[j]] = stations[index];
                copyTargetLocations[copyBodyIxs[j]] = targetLocations[index];
                copyWeights[copyBodyIxs[j]] = weights[index];
        try {
            OptimizerFunction optimizer(copy, copyState, copyBodyIxs, copyStations, copyTargetLocations, copyWeights);
            Vector q(copyState.getQ());
            //std::cout << "BODY " << i << " q0=" << q << std::endl;
            optimizer.optimize(q, tolerance);
            //std::cout << "  qf=" << q << std::endl;
            copyState.updQ() = q;
            copy.realize(copyState, Stage::Position);
            // Transfer updated state back to tempState as improved initial guesses.
            // However, all but the currentBody will get overwritten later.
            for (int ob=0; ob < (int)originalBodyIxs.size(); ++ob) {
                const MobilizedBody& copyMobod = copyMatter.getMobilizedBody(copyBodyIxs[ob]);
                guessX_GB[originalBodyIxs[ob]] = copyMobod.getBodyTransform(copyState);

                if (ob==0 && hasArtificialBaseBody) continue; // leave default state
                const MobilizedBody& origMobod = matter.getMobilizedBody(originalBodyIxs[ob]);
                origMobod.setQFromVector(tempState, copyMobod.getQAsVector(copyState));
            //body.setQFromVector(tempState, copyMatter.getMobilizedBody(copyBodyIxs[currentBodyIndex]).getQAsVector(copyState));
        catch (Exception::OptimizerFailed ex) {
            std::cout << "Optimization failure for body "<<i<<": "<<ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
            // Just leave this body's state variables set to 0, and rely on the final optimization to fix them.

    // Now do the final optimization of the whole system.

    OptimizerFunction optimizer(system, tempState, bodyIxs, stations, targetLocations, weights);
    Vector q = tempState.getQ();
    optimizer.optimize(q, tolerance);
    if (matter.getUseEulerAngles(state))
        state.updQ() = q;
    else {
        tempState.updQ() = q;
        matter.convertToQuaternions(tempState, state);
    // Return the RMS error in the optimized system.
    Real error;
    optimizer.objectiveFunc(q, true, error);
    if (UseWeighted)
        return std::sqrt(error - MinimumShift); // already weighted; this makes WRMS

    Real totalWeight = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)weights.size(); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)weights[i].size(); ++j)
            totalWeight += weights[i][j];

    return std::sqrt((error-MinimumShift)/totalWeight);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    static const Transform GroundFrame;
    static const Rotation ZUp(UnitVec3(XAxis), XAxis, UnitVec3(YAxis), ZAxis);
    static const Vec3 TestLoc(1,0,0);

  try { // If anything goes wrong, an exception will be thrown.

    MultibodySystem             mbs;

    SimbodyMatterSubsystem      matter(mbs);
    GeneralForceSubsystem       forces(mbs);
    DecorationSubsystem         viz(mbs);
    //Force::UniformGravity       gravity(forces, matter, Vec3(0, -g, 0));

    Body::Rigid particle = Body::Rigid(MassProperties(m, Vec3(0), Inertia(0)));

        anAtom(matter.Ground(), Transform(ZUp, TestLoc),
               particle, Transform(),
               0*Deg2Rad,  false,   // azimuth offset, negated
               0,          false,   // zenith offset, negated
               ZAxis,      true);  // translation axis, negated

    anAtom.setDefaultAngles(Vec2(0, 30*Deg2Rad));

    viz.addRubberBandLine(matter.Ground(), TestLoc,
                          anAtom, Vec3(0),

    Force::MobilityLinearSpring(forces, anAtom, 0, 2, -30*Deg2Rad); // harmonic bend
    Force::MobilityLinearSpring(forces, anAtom, 1, 2, 45*Deg2Rad); // harmonic bend
    Force::MobilityLinearSpring(forces, anAtom, 2, 20, .5); // harmonic stretch

    Force::MobilityLinearDamper(forces, anAtom, 0, .1); // harmonic bend
    Force::MobilityLinearDamper(forces, anAtom, 1, .1); // harmonic bend
    Force::MobilityLinearDamper(forces, anAtom, 2, .1); // harmonic stretch

    State s = mbs.realizeTopology(); // returns a reference to the the default state
    mbs.realizeModel(s); // define appropriate states for this System
    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Instance); // instantiate constraints if any

    Visualizer display(mbs);

    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Velocity);

    cout << "q=" << s.getQ() << endl;
    cout << "u=" << s.getU() << endl;

    char c;
    cout << "Default configuration shown. 1234 to move on.\n";

    //anAtom.setQToFitRotation(s, Rotation(-.9*Pi/2,YAxis));

    while (true) {
        Real x;
        cout << "Torsion (deg)? "; cin >> x; if (x==1234) break;
        Vec2 a = anAtom.getAngles(s); a[0]=x*Deg2Rad; anAtom.setAngles(s, a);
        cout << "Bend (deg)? "; cin >> x; if (x==1234) break;
        a = anAtom.getAngles(s); a[1]=x*Deg2Rad; anAtom.setAngles(s, a);
        cout << "Radius? "; cin >> x; if (x==1234) break;
        anAtom.setRadius(s, x);
    anAtom.setUToFitAngularVelocity(s, Vec3(.1,.2,.3));

    //anAtom.setAngle(s, 45*Deg2Rad);
    //anAtom.setTranslation(s, Vec2(.4, .1));

    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Dynamics);
    mbs.realize(s, Stage::Acceleration);

    cout << "q=" << s.getQ() << endl;
    cout << "u=" << s.getU() << endl;
    cout << "qdot=" << s.getQDot() << endl;
    cout << "udot=" << s.getUDot() << endl;
    cout << "qdotdot=" << s.getQDotDot() << endl;

    cout << "Initialized configuration shown. Ready? ";
    cin >> c;

    RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator myStudy(mbs);

    const Real dt = .02; // output intervals
    const Real finalTime = 20;


    // Peforms assembly if constraints are violated.

    cout << "Using Integrator " << std::string(myStudy.getMethodName()) << ":\n";
    cout << "ACCURACY IN USE=" << myStudy.getAccuracyInUse() << endl;
    cout << "CTOL IN USE=" << myStudy.getConstraintToleranceInUse() << endl;
    cout << "TIMESCALE=" << mbs.getDefaultTimeScale() << endl;
    cout << "U WEIGHTS=" << s.getUWeights() << endl;
    cout << "Z WEIGHTS=" << s.getZWeights() << endl;
    cout << "1/QTOLS=" << s.getQErrWeights() << endl;
    cout << "1/UTOLS=" << s.getUErrWeights() << endl;

    Integrator::SuccessfulStepStatus status;
    int nextReport = 0;
    while ((status=myStudy.stepTo(nextReport*dt))
           != Integrator::EndOfSimulation) 
        const State& s = myStudy.getState();
        printf("%5g %10.4g %10.4g %10.4g E=%10.8g h%3d=%g %s%s\n", s.getTime(), 
            anAtom.getAngles(s)[0], anAtom.getAngles(s)[1], anAtom.getRadius(s),
            //anAtom.getAngle(s), anAtom.getTranslation(s)[0], anAtom.getTranslation(s)[1],
            //anAtom.getQ(s)[0], anAtom.getQ(s)[1], anAtom.getQ(s)[2],
            mbs.calcEnergy(s), myStudy.getNumStepsTaken(),
            myStudy.isStateInterpolated()?" (INTERP)":"");


        if (status == Integrator::ReachedReportTime)

    printf("Using Integrator %s:\n", myStudy.getMethodName());
    printf("# STEPS/ATTEMPTS = %d/%d\n", myStudy.getNumStepsTaken(), myStudy.getNumStepsAttempted());
    printf("# ERR TEST FAILS = %d\n", myStudy.getNumErrorTestFailures());
    printf("# REALIZE/PROJECT = %d/%d\n", myStudy.getNumRealizations(), myStudy.getNumProjections());

  catch (const std::exception& e) {
    printf("EXCEPTION THROWN: %s\n", e.what());
  catch (...) {

 OptimizerFunction(const MultibodySystem& system, const State& state, Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex> bodyIxs, Array_<Array_<Vec3> > stations, Array_<Array_<Vec3> > targetLocations, Array_<Array_<Real> > weights) :
     OptimizerSystem(state.getNQ()), system(system), state(state), bodyIxs(bodyIxs), stations(stations), targetLocations(targetLocations), weights(weights) {
     system.realize(state, Stage::Instance);