// Scan a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version should be fast but requires more memory
// (since we first expand the genotype probabilities to probs x intcovar)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix of numeric phenotypes (individuals x phenotypes)
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// weights   = vector of weights
// output    = matrix of residual sums of squares (RSS) (phenotypes x positions)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix scan_binary_onechr_intcovar_weighted_highmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                                           const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                                           const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                                           const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                                           const NumericVector& weights,
                                                           const int maxit=100,
                                                           const double tol=1e-6,
                                                           const double qr_tol=1e-12)
    const int n_ind = pheno.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array");
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != length(weights)");

    // expand genotype probabilities to include geno x interactive covariate
    NumericVector genoprobs_rev = expand_genoprobs_intcovar(genoprobs, intcovar);

    // genotype can
    return scan_binary_onechr_weighted(genoprobs_rev, pheno, addcovar, weights, maxit, tol, qr_tol);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector attribs() {
  NumericVector out = NumericVector::create(1, 2, 3);

  out.names() = CharacterVector::create("a", "b", "c");
  out.attr("my-attr") = "my-value";
  out.attr("class") = "my-class";

  return out;
  void defineVariable(NumericVector x, std::string name) {
    readstat_label_set_t* labelSet = NULL;
    if (rClass(x) == "labelled") {
      labelSet = readstat_add_label_set(writer_, READSTAT_TYPE_DOUBLE, name.c_str());

      NumericVector values = as<NumericVector>(x.attr("labels"));
      CharacterVector labels = as<CharacterVector>(values.attr("names"));

      for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
        readstat_label_double_value(labelSet, values[i], std::string(labels[i]).c_str());

    readstat_add_variable(writer_, READSTAT_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, name.c_str(),
      var_label(x), NULL, labelSet);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::cube gibbsCPP(NumericVector p2, int T, int M, double rho, double x0, double y0) 
  IntegerVector dim_p2=p2.attr("dim");
  arma::cube p(p2.begin(), dim_p2[0], dim_p2[1], dim_p2[2]);
  double x, y;
  arma::vec n1 = rnormC(76543,M*T);
  //arma::vec n2 = rnormC(76543,M*T);
  for(int m=0;m<M;m++)
    x = x0;
    y = y0;
    p(0,0,m) = x;
    p(1,0,m) = y;
    for(int t=1;t<T;t++)
      //x = rnormC(1,M*T)[m*t];
      //x = x * sqrt(1-pow(rho,2)) + rho * y;
      //y = rnormC(76543,M*T)[(m*t)+1];
      //y = y * sqrt(1-pow(rho,2)) + rho * x;
      x = n1[m*T];
      x = x * sqrt(1-pow(rho,2)) + rho * y;
      y = n1[m*T+1];
      y = y * sqrt(1-pow(rho,2)) + rho * x;
      p(0,t,m) = x;
      p(1,t,m) = y; 
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector row_weights(NumericMatrix x, NumericVector weight) {
  int nX = x.ncol();
  int nY = x.nrow();
  NumericVector v = no_init(nY);
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
  for (int i=0; i < nY; i++) {
    NumericMatrix::Row row = x(i, _);

    double w = 0;
    for (int j=0; j < nX; j++) {
      if(row[j]!=0 && !R_IsNA(row[j])) {
        w += weight[j];

    double o = 0;
    if (w!=0) {
      for(int j=0; j < nX; j++) {
        if(row[j]!=0 && !R_IsNA(row[j])) {
          o += row[j]*weight[j] / w;
    v[i] = o;
  v.attr("names") = rownames(x);
  return v;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List pwTabMerge(List hsum, NumericMatrix pw) {
    int n = pw.ncol() ;
    List out(n) ;
    for(int k = 0; k < n; k++){
      RCPP_UNORDERED_MAP<std::string,double> preout ;
      List ip(2) ;
      ip[0] = hsum[pw(0,k)] ;
      ip[1] = hsum[pw(1,k)] ;
      for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
        NumericVector x = ip[i] ;
        CharacterVector names = x.attr("names") ;
        int m = x.size() ;
        for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){
          String name = names[j] ;
          preout[ name ] += x[j] ;
      out[k] = preout ;
  return wrap(out) ;
//' Do values in a numeric vector fall in specified range?
//' This is a shortcut for `x >= left & x <= right`, implemented
//' efficiently in C++ for local values, and translated to the
//' appropriate SQL for remote tables.
//' @param x A numeric vector of values
//' @param left,right Boundary values
//' @export
//' @examples
//' between(1:12, 7, 9)
//' x <- rnorm(1e2)
//' x[between(x, -1, 1)]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
LogicalVector between(NumericVector x, double left, double right) {
  int n = x.size();
  LogicalVector out(no_init(n));

  // Assume users know what they're doing with date/times. In the future
  // should ensure that left and right are the correct class too.
  if (x.attr("class") != R_NilValue && !Rf_inherits(x, "Date") && !Rf_inherits(x, "POSIXct")) {
    warningcall(R_NilValue, "between() called on numeric vector with S3 class");

  if (NumericVector::is_na(left) || NumericVector::is_na(right)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      out[i] = NA_LOGICAL;
    return out;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (NumericVector::is_na(x[i])) {
      out[i] = NA_LOGICAL;
    } else if ((x[i] >= left) && (x[i] <= right)) {
      out[i] = true;
    } else {
      out[i] = false;

  return out;
// Scan a single chromosome with additive covariates and weights
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix of numeric phenotypes (individuals x phenotypes)
//             (no missing data allowed, values should be in [0,1])
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// weights   = vector of weights
// output    = matrix of (weighted) residual sums of squares (RSS) (phenotypes x positions)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix scan_binary_onechr_weighted(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                          const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                          const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                          const NumericVector& weights,
                                          const int maxit=100,
                                          const double tol=1e-6,
                                          const double qr_tol=1e-12,
                                          const double eta_max=30.0)
    const int n_ind = pheno.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array");
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != length(weights)");
    const int n_pos = d[2];
    const int n_gen = d[1];
    const int n_add = addcovar.cols();
    const int g_size = n_ind * n_gen;
    const int n_phe = pheno.cols();

    NumericMatrix result(n_phe, n_pos);
    NumericMatrix X(n_ind, n_gen+n_add);

    if(n_add > 0) // paste in covariates, if present
        std::copy(addcovar.begin(), addcovar.end(), X.begin() + g_size);

    for(int pos=0, offset=0; pos<n_pos; pos++, offset += g_size) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // copy genoprobs for this pos into a matrix
        std::copy(genoprobs.begin() + offset, genoprobs.begin() + offset + g_size, X.begin());

        for(int phe=0; phe<n_phe; phe++) {
            // calc rss and paste into ith column of result
            result(phe,pos) = calc_ll_binreg_weighted(X, pheno(_,phe), weights, maxit, tol, qr_tol, eta_max);

    return result;
NumericVector logLikMixHMM(NumericVector transitionMatrix, NumericVector emissionArray, 
  NumericVector initialProbs, IntegerVector obsArray, NumericMatrix coefs, 
  NumericMatrix X_, IntegerVector numberOfStates) {  
  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r
  int q = coefs.nrow();
  arma::mat coef(coefs.begin(),q,coefs.ncol());
  arma::mat X(X_.begin(),oDims[0],q);
  arma::mat lweights = exp(X*coef).t();
    return wrap(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
  lweights.each_row() /= sum(lweights,0);
  arma::colvec init(initialProbs.begin(),eDims[0], true);
  arma::mat transition(transitionMatrix.begin(),eDims[0],eDims[0], true);
  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], true);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false);
  arma::vec alpha(eDims[0]);
  NumericVector ll(oDims[0]);  
  double tmp;
  arma::vec initk(eDims[0]);
  for(int k = 0; k < oDims[0]; k++){    
    initk = init % reparma(lweights.col(k),numberOfStates);
    for(int i=0; i < eDims[0]; i++){      
      alpha(i) = initk(i);
      for(int r = 0; r < oDims[2]; r++){
        alpha(i) *= emission(i,obs(k,0,r),r);
    tmp = sum(alpha);
    ll(k) = log(tmp);
    alpha /= tmp;
    arma::vec alphatmp(eDims[0]);
    for(int t = 1; t < oDims[1]; t++){  
      for(int i = 0; i < eDims[0]; i++){
        alphatmp(i) = arma::dot(transition.col(i), alpha);
        for(int r = 0; r < oDims[2]; r++){
          alphatmp(i) *= emission(i,obs(k,t,r),r);
      tmp = sum(alphatmp);
      ll(k) += log(tmp);
      alpha = alphatmp/tmp;
  return ll;
// LMM scan of a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version should be fast but requires more memory
// (since we first expand the genotype probabilities to probs x intcovar)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix with one column of numeric phenotypes
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// eigenvec  = matrix of transposed eigenvectors of variance matrix
// weights   = vector of weights (really the SQUARE ROOT of the weights)
// output    = vector of log likelihood values
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector scan_pg_onechr_intcovar_highmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                              const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                              const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                              const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                              const NumericMatrix& eigenvec,
                                              const NumericVector& weights,
                                              const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int n_ind = pheno.rows();
    if(pheno.cols() != 1)
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != 1");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    const unsigned int n_pos = d[2];
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != length(weights)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.rows())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != nrow(eigenvec)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.cols())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != ncol(eigenvec)");

    // expand genotype probabilities to include geno x interactive covariate
    NumericVector genoprobs_rev = expand_genoprobs_intcovar(genoprobs, intcovar);

    // pre-multiply everything by eigenvectors
    genoprobs_rev = matrix_x_3darray(eigenvec, genoprobs_rev);
    NumericMatrix addcovar_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, addcovar);
    NumericMatrix pheno_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, pheno);

    // multiply everything by the (square root) of the weights
    // (weights should ALREADY be the square-root of the real weights)
    addcovar_rev = weighted_matrix(addcovar_rev, weights);
    pheno_rev = weighted_matrix(pheno_rev, weights);
    genoprobs_rev = weighted_3darray(genoprobs_rev, weights);

    // regress out the additive covariates
    genoprobs_rev = calc_resid_linreg_3d(addcovar_rev, genoprobs_rev, tol);
    pheno_rev = calc_resid_linreg(addcovar_rev, pheno_rev, tol);

    // now the scan, return RSS
    NumericMatrix rss = scan_hk_onechr_nocovar(genoprobs_rev, pheno_rev, tol);

    // 0.5*sum(log(weights)) [since these are sqrt(weights)]
    double sum_logweights = sum(log(weights));

    // calculate log likelihood
    NumericVector result(n_pos);
    for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++)
        result[pos] = -(double)n_ind/2.0*log(rss[pos]) + sum_logweights;

    return result;
文件: linreg.cpp 项目: kbroman/qtl2
// use calc_resid_linreg for a 3-dim array
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_resid_linreg_3d(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& P,
                                   const double tol=1e-12)
    const int nrowx = X.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("P should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = P.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("P should be a 3d array");
    if(d[0] != nrowx)
        throw std::range_error("nrow(X) != nrow(P)");

    NumericMatrix pr(nrowx, d[1]*d[2]);
    std::copy(P.begin(), P.end(), pr.begin()); // FIXME I shouldn't need to copy

    NumericMatrix result = calc_resid_eigenqr(X, pr, tol);
    result.attr("dim") = d;

    return result;
// LMM scan of a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version uses less memory but will be slower
// (since we need to work with each position, one at a time)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix with one column of numeric phenotypes
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// eigenvec  = matrix of transposed eigenvectors of variance matrix
// weights   = vector of weights (really the SQUARE ROOT of the weights)
// output    = vector of log likelihood values
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector scan_pg_onechr_intcovar_lowmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                             const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                             const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                             const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                             const NumericMatrix& eigenvec,
                                             const NumericVector& weights,
                                             const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int n_ind = pheno.rows();
    if(pheno.cols() != 1)
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != 1");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    const unsigned int n_pos = d[2];
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != length(weights)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.rows())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != nrow(eigenvec)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.cols())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != ncol(eigenvec)");

    NumericVector result(n_pos);

    // multiply pheno by eigenvectors and then by weights
    NumericMatrix pheno_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, pheno);
    pheno_rev = weighted_matrix(pheno_rev, weights);

    // 0.5*sum(log(weights)) [since these are sqrt(weights)]
    double sum_logweights = sum(log(weights));

    for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // form X matrix
        NumericMatrix X = formX_intcovar(genoprobs, addcovar, intcovar, pos, true);

        // multiply by eigenvectors
        X = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, X);

        // multiply by weights
        X = weighted_matrix(X, weights);

        // do regression
        NumericVector rss = calc_rss_linreg(X, pheno_rev, tol);
        result[pos] = -(double)n_ind/2.0*log(rss[0]) + sum_logweights;

    return result;
// Scan a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version uses less memory but will be slower
// (since we need to work with each position, one at a time)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix of numeric phenotypes (individuals x phenotypes)
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// weights   = vector of weights
// output    = matrix of residual sums of squares (RSS) (phenotypes x positions)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix scan_binary_onechr_intcovar_weighted_lowmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                                          const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                                          const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                                          const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                                          const NumericVector& weights,
                                                          const int maxit=100,
                                                          const double tol=1e-6,
                                                          const double qr_tol=1e-12,
                                                          const double eta_max=30.0)
    const int n_ind = pheno.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array");
    const int n_pos = d[2];
    const int n_phe = pheno.cols();
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");

    NumericMatrix result(n_phe, n_pos);

    for(int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // form X matrix
        NumericMatrix X = formX_intcovar(genoprobs, addcovar, intcovar, pos, true);

        for(int phe=0; phe<n_phe; phe++) {
            // do regression
            result(phe,pos) = calc_ll_binreg_weighted(X, pheno(_,phe), weights, maxit, tol, qr_tol, eta_max);

    return result;
// use calc_resid_linreg for a 3-dim array
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_resid_linreg_3d(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& P)
    int nrowx = X.rows();
    int sizep = P.size();

    NumericMatrix pr(nrowx, sizep/nrowx);
    std::copy(P.begin(), P.end(), pr.begin()); // FIXME I shouldn't need to copy

    NumericMatrix result = calc_resid_linreg(X, pr);
    result.attr("dim") = P.attr("dim");

    return result;
//' FITS image writer
//' Writes a vector, matrix or 3D array to a FITS file as an image.
//' The data is written to the primary HDU.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int gv_writefits_img(NumericVector img, CharacterVector fits_name, CharacterVector hdu_name = "")
  IntegerVector dim;
  if (!img.hasAttribute("dim"))
    REprintf("ERROR: image has not been dimensioned.\n");
    return 1;
  dim = img.attr("dim");
  if (dim.length() > 3)
		REprintf("ERROR: dimension of more than 3 unsupported.\n");
		return 1;

  fitsfile *pfits=NULL;
	int err=0;

	std::string fname = as<std::string>(fits_name[0]);
	fits_create_file(&pfits, (char *) fname.c_str(), &err);
	if (err)
		return err;

#ifdef GV_DEBUG
  Rcout << "Number of dim: " << dim.length() << std::endl;
	for (int i=0; i<dim.length(); i++)
		Rcout << "Dim[" << i << "]: " << dim[i] << std::endl;
	Rcout << "Number of elements: " << img.length() << std::endl;
  double *p = &(*img.begin());
  for (int i=0; i<img.length(); i++)
    Rcout << "*(p+" << i << ") = " << *(p+i) << std::endl;
  long longdim[3], startpix[3] = {1,1,1}; // default start
  for (int i=0; i<dim.length(); i++) longdim[i] = (long) dim[i];
	// start writing to file
	fits_create_img(pfits, DOUBLE_IMG, dim.length(), longdim, &err);
	fits_write_pix(pfits, TDOUBLE, startpix, img.length(), &(*img.begin()), &err);

	fits_close_file(pfits, &err);
  return err;
// use calc_resid_linreg for a 3-dim array
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_resid_linreg_3d(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& P,
                                   const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int nrowx = X.rows();
    const Dimension d = P.attr("dim");
    if(d[0] != nrowx)
        throw std::range_error("nrow(X) != nrow(P)");

    NumericMatrix pr(nrowx, d[1]*d[2]);
    std::copy(P.begin(), P.end(), pr.begin()); // FIXME I shouldn't need to copy

    NumericMatrix result = calc_resid_eigenqr(X, pr, tol);
    result.attr("dim") = d;

    return result;
List viterbi(NumericVector transitionMatrix, NumericVector emissionArray, 
NumericVector initialProbs, IntegerVector obsArray) {  
  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r
  arma::vec init(initialProbs.begin(), eDims[0], false);
  arma::mat transition(transitionMatrix.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[0], false);
  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], false);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false);
  arma::umat q(oDims[0], oDims[1]);
  arma::vec logp(oDims[0]);
  arma::mat delta(eDims[0],oDims[1]);
  arma::umat phi(eDims[0],oDims[1]);
  for(int k=0; k<oDims[0]; k++){
    delta.col(0) = init;
    for(int r=0; r<eDims[2]; r++){
      delta.col(0) += emission.slice(r).col(obs(k,0,r));
    for(int t=1; t<oDims[1]; t++){
      for(int j=0; j<eDims[0]; j++){
        delta(j,t) = delta(phi(j,t),t-1)+transition(phi(j,t),j);
        for(int r=0; r<eDims[2]; r++){
          delta(j,t) += emission(j,obs(k,t,r),r);
    for(int t=(oDims[1]-2); t>=0; t--){
      q(k,t) = phi(q(k,t+1),t+1);
    logp(k) = delta.col(oDims[1]-1).max();
  return List::create(Named("q") = wrap(q),Named("logp") = wrap(logp));
NumericVector logLikHMM(NumericVector transitionMatrix, NumericVector emissionArray, 
  NumericVector initialProbs, IntegerVector obsArray) {  
  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r
  arma::colvec init(initialProbs.begin(),eDims[0], false);
  arma::mat transition(transitionMatrix.begin(),eDims[0],eDims[0], false);
  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], false);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false);
  arma::vec alpha(eDims[0]);
  NumericVector ll(oDims[0]);  
  double tmp;
  for(int k = 0; k < oDims[0]; k++){    
    for(int i=0; i < eDims[0]; i++){      
      alpha(i) = init(i);
      for(int r = 0; r < oDims[2]; r++){
        alpha(i) *= emission(i,obs(k,0,r),r);
    tmp = sum(alpha);
    ll(k) = log(tmp);
    alpha /= tmp;
    arma::vec alphatmp(eDims[0]);
    for(int t = 1; t < oDims[1]; t++){  
      for(int i = 0; i < eDims[0]; i++){
        alphatmp(i) = arma::dot(transition.col(i), alpha);
        for(int r = 0; r < oDims[2]; r++){
          alphatmp(i) *= emission(i,obs(k,t,r),r);
      tmp = sum(alphatmp);
      ll(k) += log(tmp);
      alpha = alphatmp/tmp;
  return ll;
List viterbi(const arma::mat& transition, NumericVector emissionArray,
  const arma::vec& init, IntegerVector obsArray) {

  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r

  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], false, true);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false, true);

  arma::umat q(obs.n_slices, obs.n_cols);
  arma::vec logp(obs.n_slices);

  arma::mat delta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols);
  arma::umat phi(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols);

  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {

    delta.col(0) = init;
    for (unsigned int r = 0; r < emission.n_slices; r++) {
      delta.col(0) += emission.slice(r).col(obs(r, 0, k));


    for (unsigned int t = 1; t < obs.n_cols; t++) {
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < emission.n_rows; j++) {
        (delta.col(t - 1) + transition.col(j)).max(phi(j, t));
        delta(j, t) = delta(phi(j, t), t - 1) + transition(phi(j, t), j);
        for (unsigned int r = 0; r < emission.n_slices; r++) {
          delta(j, t) += emission(j, obs(r, t, k), r);

    delta.col(obs.n_cols - 1).max(q(k, obs.n_cols - 1));

    for (int t = (obs.n_cols - 2); t >= 0; t--) {
      q(k, t) = phi(q(k, t + 1), t + 1);
    logp(k) = delta.col(obs.n_cols - 1).max();

  return List::create(Named("q") = wrap(q), Named("logp") = wrap(logp));
文件: respModule.cpp 项目: DJJ88/lme4
    double nlsResp::updateMu(const VectorXd& gamma) {
	int             n = d_y.size();
	if (gamma.size() != d_gamma.size())
	    throw invalid_argument("size mismatch in updateMu");
	std::copy(gamma.data(), gamma.data() + gamma.size(), d_gamma.data());
	const VectorXd lp(d_gamma + d_offset); // linear predictor
	const double  *gg = lp.data();

	for (int p = 0; p < d_pnames.size(); ++p) {
	    std::string pn(d_pnames[p]);
	    NumericVector pp = d_nlenv.get(pn);
	    std::copy(gg + n * p, gg + n * (p + 1), pp.begin());
	NumericVector  rr = d_nlmod.eval(SEXP(d_nlenv));
	if (rr.size() != n)
	    throw invalid_argument("dimension mismatch");
	std::copy(rr.begin(), rr.end(), d_mu.data());
	NumericMatrix  gr = rr.attr("gradient");
	std::copy(gr.begin(), gr.end(), d_sqrtXwt.data());
	return updateWrss();
List forwardbackward(const arma::mat& transition, NumericVector emissionArray,
    const arma::vec& init, IntegerVector obsArray, bool forwardonly, int threads) {

  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r

  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], false, true);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false, true);

  arma::cube alpha(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  arma::mat scales(obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //n,k

  internalForward(transition, emission, init, obs, alpha, scales, threads);

  if(!scales.is_finite()) {
    Rcpp::stop("Scaling factors contain non-finite values. \n Check the model or try using the log-space version of the algorithm.");
  double min_sf = scales.min();
  if (min_sf < 1e-150) {
    Rcpp::warning("Smallest scaling factor was %e, results can be numerically unstable.", min_sf);
  if (forwardonly) {
    return List::create(Named("forward_probs") = wrap(alpha),
        Named("scaling_factors") = wrap(scales));
  } else {
    arma::cube beta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
    internalBackward(transition, emission, obs, beta, scales, threads);
    if(!beta.is_finite()) {
      Rcpp::stop("Backward probabilities contain non-finite values. Check the model or try using the log-space version of the algorithm.");
    return List::create(Named("forward_probs") = wrap(alpha), Named("backward_probs") = wrap(beta),
        Named("scaling_factors") = wrap(scales));

    double nlmerResp::updateMu(Rcpp::NumericVector const &gamma) throw(std::runtime_error) {
	int n = d_y.size();
	Rcpp::NumericVector gam = gamma + d_offset;
	NumericVector gam(d_offset.size());
	std::transform(gamma.begin(), gamma.end(), d_offset.begin(),
		       gam.begin(), std::plus<double>());
	double *gg = gam.begin();

	for (int p = 0; p < d_pnames.size(); p++) {
	    std::string pn(d_pnames[p]);
	    Rcpp::NumericVector pp = d_nlenv.get(pn);
	    std::copy(gg + n * p, gg + n * (p + 1), pp.begin());
	NumericVector rr = d_nlmod.eval(SEXP(d_nlenv));
	if (rr.size() != n)
	    throw std::runtime_error("dimension mismatch");
	std::copy(rr.begin(), rr.end(), d_mu.begin());
	NumericMatrix rrg = rr.attr("gradient");
	std::copy(rrg.begin(), rrg.end(), d_sqrtXwt.begin());
	return updateWrss();
文件: EM.cpp 项目: wondek/seqHMM
List EM(NumericVector transitionMatrix, NumericVector emissionArray, NumericVector initialProbs,
        IntegerVector obsArray, const arma::ivec& nSymbols, int itermax, double tol, int trace, int threads) {

    IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
    IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r

    arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], true);
    arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false, true);
    arma::vec init(initialProbs.begin(), emission.n_rows, true);
    arma::mat transition(transitionMatrix.begin(), emission.n_rows, emission.n_rows, true);

    arma::cube alpha(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
    arma::cube beta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
    arma::mat scales(obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices);

    internalForward(transition, emission, init, obs, alpha, scales, threads);
    if(!scales.is_finite()) {
        return List::create(Named("error") = 1);
    double min_sf = scales.min();
    if (min_sf < 1e-150) {
        Rcpp::warning("Smallest scaling factor was %e, results can be numerically unstable.", min_sf);

    internalBackward(transition, emission, obs, beta, scales, threads);
    if(!beta.is_finite()) {
        return List::create(Named("error") = 2);
    arma::rowvec ll = arma::sum(log(scales));
    double sumlogLik = sum(ll);
    if (trace > 0) {
        Rcout << "Log-likelihood of initial model: " << sumlogLik << std::endl;
    //  //EM-algorithm begins
    double change = tol + 1.0;
    int iter = 0;

    while ((change > tol) & (iter < itermax)) {

        arma::mat ksii(emission.n_rows, emission.n_rows, arma::fill::zeros);
        arma::cube gamma(emission.n_rows, emission.n_cols, emission.n_slices, arma::fill::zeros);
        arma::vec delta(emission.n_rows, arma::fill::zeros);

        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
            delta += alpha.slice(k).col(0) % beta.slice(k).col(0);

        #pragma omp parallel for if(obs.n_slices>=threads) schedule(static) num_threads(threads) \
        default(none) shared(transition, obs, alpha, beta, scales,                         \
                             emission, ksii, gamma, nSymbols)
        for (int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
            if (obs.n_cols > 1) {
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < emission.n_rows; j++) {
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
                        if (transition(i, j) > 0.0) {
                            for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
                                double tmp = alpha(i, t, k) * transition(i, j) * beta(j, t + 1, k)
                                             / scales(t + 1, k);
                                for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
                                    tmp *= emission(j, obs(r, t + 1, k), r);
                                #pragma omp atomic
                                ksii(i, j) += tmp;


            for (unsigned int r = 0; r < emission.n_slices; r++) {
                for (int l = 0; l < nSymbols(r); l++) {
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
                        if (emission(i, l, r) > 0.0) {
                            for (unsigned int t = 0; t < obs.n_cols; t++) {
                                if (l == (obs(r, t, k))) {
                                    #pragma omp atomic
                                    gamma(i, l, r) += alpha(i, t, k) * beta(i, t, k);

        if (obs.n_cols > 1) {
            ksii.each_col() /= sum(ksii, 1);
            transition = ksii;
        for (unsigned int r = 0; r < emission.n_slices; r++) {
            gamma.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1).each_col() /= sum(
                        gamma.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1), 1);
            emission.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1) = gamma.slice(r).cols(0, nSymbols(r) - 1);

        delta /= arma::as_scalar(arma::accu(delta));

        init = delta;

        internalForward(transition, emission, init, obs, alpha, scales, threads);
        if(!scales.is_finite()) {
            return List::create(Named("error") = 1);
        internalBackward(transition, emission, obs, beta, scales, threads);
        if(!beta.is_finite()) {
            return List::create(Named("error") = 2);
        double min_sf = scales.min();
        if (min_sf < 1e-150) {
            Rcpp::warning("Smallest scaling factor was %e, results can be numerically unstable.", min_sf);

        ll = sum(log(scales));

        double tmp = sum(ll);
        change = (tmp - sumlogLik) / (std::abs(sumlogLik) + 0.1);
        sumlogLik = tmp;
        if (trace > 1) {
            Rcout << "iter: " << iter;
            Rcout << " logLik: " << sumlogLik;
            Rcout << " relative change: " << change << std::endl;

    if (trace > 0) {
        if (iter == itermax) {
            Rcpp::Rcout << "EM algorithm stopped after reaching the maximum number of " << iter
                        << " iterations." << std::endl;
        } else {
            Rcpp::Rcout << "EM algorithm stopped after reaching the relative change of " << change;
            Rcpp::Rcout << " after " << iter << " iterations." << std::endl;
        Rcpp::Rcout << "Final log-likelihood: " << sumlogLik << std::endl;
    return List::create(Named("initialProbs") = wrap(init),
                        Named("transitionMatrix") = wrap(transition), Named("emissionArray") = wrap(emission),
                        Named("logLik") = sumlogLik, Named("iterations") = iter, Named("change") = change, Named("error") = 0);
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame triadTable(NumericVector edgeDistance, IntegerMatrix shortPaths, IntegerMatrix triads, CharacterVector vertices, NumericVector edgevalence){
  IntegerVector edgeDistanceDims = edgeDistance.attr("dim");
  arma::cube cubeEdgeDistance(edgeDistance.begin(), edgeDistanceDims[0], edgeDistanceDims[1], edgeDistanceDims[2], false);
  DataFrame triadtable;
  CharacterVector triadID(0);
  NumericVector nodeID(0);
  CharacterVector direction(0);
  NumericVector valence(0);
  NumericVector distance(0);

  int node1, node2, node3;
  String triname, edge1_2, edge1_3, edge2_3;
  int ed, dis1, dis2, dis3;
  String ref;
  int truev, diff;

  for(int i = 0; i < triads.nrow(); i++) {
    node1 = triads(i,0);
    node2 = triads(i,1);
    node3 = triads(i,2);
    std::string snode1;
    std::string snode2;
    std::string snode3;
    std::stringstream out;
    out << node1;
    snode1 = out.str();
    out << node2;
    snode2 = out.str();
    out << node3;
    snode3 = out.str();
    triname = snode1 + "-" + snode2 + "-" + snode3;
    edge1_2 = snode1 + "-" + snode2;
    edge1_3 = snode1 + "-" + snode3;
    edge2_3 = snode2 + "-" + snode3;
    for(int j = 0; j < vertices.length(); j++){
      dis1 = cubeEdgeDistance((node1 - 1), (node2 - 1), j);
      dis2 = cubeEdgeDistance((node1 - 1), (node3 - 1), j);
      dis3 = cubeEdgeDistance((node2 - 1), (node3 - 1), j);
      if (dis1 == dis2 & dis1 == dis3) {
        int nodedis1_2 = shortPaths[node1, node2];
        int nodedis1_3 = shortPaths[node1, node3];
        int nodedis2_3 = shortPaths[node2, node3];
        if (nodedis1_2 !=  nodedis1_3) {
          if (nodedis1_2 != nodedis2_3) {
            ref = edge1_2;
            ref = edge1_3;
          ref = edge2_3;
        //NumericVector valence_set = edgevalence[triads(i, 0)];
        if (ref == edge1_2) {
          truev = edgevalence[triads(i, 0)];
        if (ref == edge1_3) {
          truev = edgevalence[triads(i, 2)];
        if (ref == edge2_3) {
          truev = edgevalence[triads(i, 1)];
        direction.push_back("IN ");
        if (dis1 != dis2) {
          if (dis1 != dis3) {
            diff = dis1;
            diff = dis2;
          diff = dis3;

        //NumericVector valence_set = edgevalence[triads(i)];
        if (diff == dis1) {
          truev = edgevalence[triads(i, 0)];
        if (diff == dis2) {
          truev = edgevalence[triads(i, 2)];
        if (diff == dis3) {
          truev = edgevalence[triads(i, 1)];

  triadtable = DataFrame::create(_["triadID"]= triadID, _["nodeID"]= nodeID, _["direction"]= direction, _["valence"]= valence, _["distance"]= distance);
  return triadtable;
List objective(const arma::mat& transition, NumericVector emissionArray,
  const arma::vec& init, IntegerVector obsArray, const arma::imat& ANZ,
  IntegerVector emissNZ, const arma::ivec& INZ, const arma::ivec& nSymbols, int threads) {

  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r

  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], false, true);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false, true);
  arma::icube BNZ(emissNZ.begin(), emission.n_rows, emission.n_cols - 1, emission.n_slices, false, true);

  arma::vec grad(arma::accu(ANZ) + arma::accu(BNZ) + arma::accu(INZ), arma::fill::zeros);

  // arma::cube alpha(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  // arma::cube beta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  // arma::mat scales(obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  // internalForward(transition, emission, init, obs, alpha, scales, threads);
  // if (!scales.is_finite()) {
  //   grad.fill(-arma::math::inf());
  //   return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));
  // }
  // internalBackward(transition, emission, obs, beta, scales, threads);
  // if (!beta.is_finite()) {
  //   grad.fill(-arma::math::inf());
  //   return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));
  // }

  //use this instead of local vectors with grad += grad_k;, uses more memory but gives bit-identical results
  //arma::mat gradmat(arma::accu(ANZ) + arma::accu(BNZ) + arma::accu(INZ), obs.n_slices);

  unsigned int error = 0;
  double ll = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for if(obs.n_slices >= threads) schedule(static) reduction(+:ll) num_threads(threads) \
  default(none) shared(grad, nSymbols, ANZ, BNZ, INZ, obs, init, transition, emission, error)
    for (int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
      if (error == 0) {
        arma::mat alpha(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols); //m,n
        arma::vec scales(obs.n_cols); //n
        arma::sp_mat sp_trans(transition);
        uvForward(sp_trans.t(), emission, init, obs.slice(k), alpha, scales);
        arma::mat beta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols); //m,n
        uvBackward(sp_trans, emission, obs.slice(k), beta, scales);

        int countgrad = 0;
        arma::vec grad_k(grad.n_elem, arma::fill::zeros);
        // transitionMatrix
        arma::vec gradArow(emission.n_rows);
        arma::mat gradA(emission.n_rows, emission.n_rows);

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
          arma::uvec ind = arma::find(ANZ.row(i));

          if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
            gradA.each_row() -= transition.row(i);
            gradA.each_col() %= transition.row(i).t();

            for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
              for (unsigned int j = 0; j < emission.n_rows; j++) {
                double tmp = 1.0;
                for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
                  tmp *= emission(j, obs(r, t + 1, k), r);
                gradArow(j) += alpha(i, t) * tmp * beta(j, t + 1) / scales(t + 1);


            gradArow = gradA * gradArow;
            grad_k.subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradArow.rows(ind);
            countgrad += ind.n_elem;
        // emissionMatrix
        for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
          arma::vec gradBrow(nSymbols(r));
          arma::mat gradB(nSymbols(r), nSymbols(r));
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
            arma::uvec ind = arma::find(BNZ.slice(r).row(i));
            if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
              gradB.each_row() -= emission.slice(r).row(i).subvec(0, nSymbols(r) - 1);
              gradB.each_col() %= emission.slice(r).row(i).subvec(0, nSymbols(r) - 1).t();
              for (int j = 0; j < nSymbols(r); j++) {
                if (obs(r, 0, k) == j) {
                  double tmp = 1.0;
                  for (unsigned int r2 = 0; r2 < obs.n_rows; r2++) {
                    if (r2 != r) {
                      tmp *= emission(i, obs(r2, 0, k), r2);
                  gradBrow(j) += init(i) * tmp * beta(i, 0) / scales(0);
                for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
                  if (obs(r, t + 1, k) == j) {
                    double tmp = 1.0;
                    for (unsigned int r2 = 0; r2 < obs.n_rows; r2++) {
                      if (r2 != r) {
                        tmp *= emission(i, obs(r2, t + 1, k), r2);
                    gradBrow(j) += arma::dot(alpha.col(t), transition.col(i)) * tmp
                      * beta(i, t + 1) / scales(t + 1);

              gradBrow = gradB * gradBrow;
              grad_k.subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradBrow.rows(ind);
              countgrad += ind.n_elem;

        // InitProbs
        arma::uvec ind = arma::find(INZ);
        if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
          arma::vec gradIrow(emission.n_rows);
          arma::mat gradI(emission.n_rows, emission.n_rows);

          gradI.each_row() -= init.t();
          gradI.each_col() %= init;
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < emission.n_rows; j++) {
            double tmp = 1.0;
            for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
              tmp *= emission(j, obs(r, 0, k), r);
            gradIrow(j) += tmp * beta(j, 0) / scales(0);

          gradIrow = gradI * gradIrow;
          grad_k.subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradIrow.rows(ind);
          countgrad += ind.n_elem;
        if (!scales.is_finite() || !beta.is_finite()) {
#pragma omp atomic
        } else {
          ll += arma::sum(log(scales));
#pragma omp critical
          grad += grad_k;
         // gradmat.col(k) = grad_k;
//           for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < grad_k.n_elem; ii++) {
// #pragma omp atomic
//             grad(ii) += grad_k(ii);
//         }

    if(error > 0){
      ll = -arma::math::inf();
    // } else {
    //   grad = sum(gradmat, 1);
    // }
    return List::create(Named("objective") = -ll, Named("gradient") = wrap(-grad));
List objectivex(const arma::mat& transition, NumericVector emissionArray,
                const arma::vec& init, IntegerVector obsArray, const arma::imat& ANZ,
                IntegerVector emissNZ, const arma::ivec& INZ, const arma::ivec& nSymbols,
                const arma::mat& coef, const arma::mat& X, arma::ivec& numberOfStates,
                int threads) {

  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r

  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], false, true);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false, true);

  arma::icube BNZ(emissNZ.begin(), emission.n_rows, emission.n_cols - 1, emission.n_slices, false, true);

  unsigned int q = coef.n_rows;
  arma::vec grad(
      arma::accu(ANZ) + arma::accu(BNZ) + arma::accu(INZ) + (numberOfStates.n_elem- 1) * q,
  arma::mat weights = exp(X * coef).t();
  if (!weights.is_finite()) {
    return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));

  weights.each_row() /= sum(weights, 0);

  arma::mat initk(emission.n_rows, obs.n_slices);

  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
    initk.col(k) = init % reparma(weights.col(k), numberOfStates);

  arma::cube alpha(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  arma::cube beta(emission.n_rows, obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k
  arma::mat scales(obs.n_cols, obs.n_slices); //m,n,k

  arma::sp_mat sp_trans(transition);
  internalForwardx(sp_trans.t(), emission, initk, obs, alpha, scales, threads);
  if (!scales.is_finite()) {
    return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));

  internalBackwardx(sp_trans, emission, obs, beta, scales, threads);
  if (!beta.is_finite()) {
    return List::create(Named("objective") = arma::math::inf(), Named("gradient") = wrap(grad));

  arma::ivec cumsumstate = arma::cumsum(numberOfStates);

  arma::mat gradmat(
      arma::accu(ANZ) + arma::accu(BNZ) + arma::accu(INZ) + (numberOfStates.n_elem- 1) * q,
      obs.n_slices, arma::fill::zeros);

#pragma omp parallel for if(obs.n_slices >= threads) schedule(static) num_threads(threads)       \
  default(none) shared(q, alpha, beta, scales, gradmat, nSymbols, ANZ, BNZ, INZ,          \
          numberOfStates, cumsumstate, obs, init, initk, X, weights, transition, emission)
    for (int k = 0; k < obs.n_slices; k++) {
      int countgrad = 0;
      // transitionMatrix
      if (arma::accu(ANZ) > 0) {

        for (int jj = 0; jj < numberOfStates.n_elem; jj++) {
          arma::vec gradArow(numberOfStates(jj));
          arma::mat gradA(numberOfStates(jj), numberOfStates(jj));
          int ind_jj = cumsumstate(jj) - numberOfStates(jj);

          for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates(jj); i++) {
            arma::uvec ind = arma::find(ANZ.row(ind_jj + i).subvec(ind_jj, cumsumstate(jj) - 1));

            if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
              gradA.each_row() -= transition.row(ind_jj + i).subvec(ind_jj, cumsumstate(jj) - 1);
              gradA.each_col() %= transition.row(ind_jj + i).subvec(ind_jj, cumsumstate(jj) - 1).t();

              for (int j = 0; j < numberOfStates(jj); j++) {
                for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
                  double tmp = alpha(ind_jj + i, t, k);
                  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
                    tmp *= emission(ind_jj + j, obs(r, t + 1, k), r);
                  gradArow(j) += tmp * beta(ind_jj + j, t + 1, k) / scales(t + 1, k);


              gradArow = gradA * gradArow;
              gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradArow.rows(ind);
              countgrad += ind.n_elem;
      if (arma::accu(BNZ) > 0) {
        // emissionMatrix
        for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
          arma::vec gradBrow(nSymbols(r));
          arma::mat gradB(nSymbols(r), nSymbols(r));
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < emission.n_rows; i++) {
            arma::uvec ind = arma::find(BNZ.slice(r).row(i));
            if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
              gradB.each_row() -= emission.slice(r).row(i).subvec(0, nSymbols(r) - 1);
              gradB.each_col() %= emission.slice(r).row(i).subvec(0, nSymbols(r) - 1).t();
              for (int j = 0; j < nSymbols(r); j++) {
                if (obs(r, 0, k) == j) {
                  double tmp = initk(i, k);
                  for (unsigned int r2 = 0; r2 < obs.n_rows; r2++) {
                    if (r2 != r) {
                      tmp *= emission(i, obs(r2, 0, k), r2);
                  gradBrow(j) += tmp * beta(i, 0, k) / scales(0, k);
                for (unsigned int t = 0; t < (obs.n_cols - 1); t++) {
                  if (obs(r, t + 1, k) == j) {
                    double tmp = beta(i, t + 1, k) / scales(t + 1, k);
                    for (unsigned int r2 = 0; r2 < obs.n_rows; r2++) {
                      if (r2 != r) {
                        tmp *= emission(i, obs(r2, t + 1, k), r2);
                    gradBrow(j) += arma::dot(alpha.slice(k).col(t), transition.col(i)) * tmp;

              gradBrow = gradB * gradBrow;
              gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradBrow.rows(ind);
              countgrad += ind.n_elem;

      if (arma::accu(INZ) > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates.n_elem; i++) {
          int ind_i = cumsumstate(i) - numberOfStates(i);
          arma::uvec ind = arma::find(
            INZ.subvec(ind_i, cumsumstate(i) - 1));
          if (ind.n_elem > 0) {
            arma::vec gradIrow(numberOfStates(i), arma::fill::zeros);
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfStates(i); j++) {
              double tmp = weights(i, k);
              for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
                tmp *= emission(ind_i + j, obs(r, 0, k), r);
              gradIrow(j) += tmp * beta(ind_i + j, 0, k) / scales(0, k);

            arma::mat gradI(numberOfStates(i), numberOfStates(i), arma::fill::zeros);
            gradI.each_row() -= init.subvec(ind_i, cumsumstate(i) - 1).t();
            gradI.each_col() %= init.subvec(ind_i, cumsumstate(i) - 1);
            gradIrow = gradI * gradIrow;
            gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad, countgrad + ind.n_elem - 1) = gradIrow.rows(ind);
            countgrad += ind.n_elem;
      for (int jj = 1; jj < numberOfStates.n_elem; jj++) {
        int ind_jj = (cumsumstate(jj) - numberOfStates(jj));

        for (int j = 0; j < emission.n_rows; j++) {
          double tmp = 1.0;
          for (unsigned int r = 0; r < obs.n_rows; r++) {
            tmp *= emission(j, obs(r, 0, k), r);
          if ((j >= ind_jj) & (j < cumsumstate(jj))) {
            gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad + q * (jj - 1), countgrad + q * jj - 1) += tmp
            * beta(j, 0, k) / scales(0, k) * initk(j, k) * X.row(k).t() * (1.0 - weights(jj, k));
          } else {
            gradmat.col(k).subvec(countgrad + q * (jj - 1), countgrad + q * jj - 1) -= tmp
            * beta(j, 0, k) / scales(0, k) * initk(j, k) * X.row(k).t() * weights(jj, k);

    return List::create(Named("objective") = -arma::accu(log(scales)),
                        Named("gradient") = wrap(-sum(gradmat, 1)));
文件: Misc.cpp 项目: jacobxk/mirt
SEXP vec2mat(vector<double> &x, const int &nrow, const int &ncol) {
  NumericVector output = wrap(x);
  output.attr("dim") = Dimension(nrow, ncol);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List MH_Sampler(
    int number_of_MH_itterations,
    int number_of_actors, 
    int number_of_topics,
    int number_of_latent_dimensions,
    arma::vec proposal_variance,
    arma::vec topic_cluster_assignments,
    NumericVector tpec,
    NumericVector taec,
    NumericVector clp,
    NumericVector plp, 
    arma::vec current_intercepts,
    arma::mat betas,
    int number_of_betas,
    NumericVector indicator_array,
    int burnin,
    int number_of_clusters,
    int store_every_x_rounds,
    int adaptive_metropolis_update_every,
    int use_adaptive_metropolis,
    double MH_prior_standard_deviation,
    int seed
    //count up to a storage round
    int storage_counter = 0;

    //one less than the number of unique objects I want to store at the beginning of the list
    int list_length = 7;
    List to_return(list_length);
    int MH_Counter = 0;
    arma::mat store_intercepts = arma::zeros(number_of_MH_itterations/store_every_x_rounds,number_of_clusters);
    arma::cube store_betas = arma::zeros(number_of_clusters,number_of_betas,(number_of_MH_itterations/store_every_x_rounds));
    arma::cube store_latent_positions = arma::zeros(number_of_latent_dimensions*(number_of_MH_itterations/store_every_x_rounds),number_of_clusters,number_of_actors);
    arma::mat store_cluster_whether_accepted = arma::zeros(number_of_MH_itterations/store_every_x_rounds,number_of_clusters);
    arma::mat store_cluster_proposed_likelihoods = arma::zeros(number_of_MH_itterations/store_every_x_rounds,number_of_clusters);
    arma::mat store_cluster_current_likelihoods = arma::zeros(number_of_MH_itterations/store_every_x_rounds,number_of_clusters);
    arma::vec cluster_accept= arma::zeros(number_of_clusters);
    arma::vec Proposed_MH_Likelihoods= arma::zeros(number_of_clusters);
    arma::vec Current_MH_Likelihoods= arma::zeros(number_of_clusters);
    //set up varaibles for adaptive metropolis
    int number_to_store = ceil(double(burnin)/double(adaptive_metropolis_update_every)) + 1;
    int adaptive_metropolis_update_counter = 0;
    arma::mat MH_acceptances = arma::zeros(adaptive_metropolis_update_every,number_of_clusters);
    arma::mat cur_accept_rates = arma::zeros(number_to_store,number_of_clusters);
    int reached_burnin = 0;
    double metropolis_target_accpet_rate = 0.20;
    // Set RNG and define uniform distribution 
    //boost::mt19937_64 generator(seed);
    boost::mt19937 generator(seed);
    boost::uniform_01<double> uniform_distribution;
    //read in topic present edge counts array [num actors x num actors x topics]
    IntegerVector arrayDims1 = tpec.attr("dim");
    arma::cube topic_present_edge_counts(tpec.begin(), arrayDims1[0], arrayDims1[1], arrayDims1[2], false);
    //read in topic absent edge counts array [num actors x num actors x topics]
    IntegerVector arrayDims2 = taec.attr("dim");
    arma::cube topic_absent_edge_counts(taec.begin(), arrayDims2[0], arrayDims2[1], arrayDims2[2], false);
    //read in latent positions array [num dimensions x clusters x actors]
    IntegerVector arrayDims3 = clp.attr("dim");
    arma::cube current_latent_positions(clp.begin(), arrayDims3[0], arrayDims3[1], arrayDims3[2], false);
    //read in beta indicator array (0,1) [number of topics x number of actors x number of betas]
    IntegerVector arrayDims5 = indicator_array.attr("dim"); 
    arma::cube beta_indicator_array(indicator_array.begin(), arrayDims5[0], arrayDims5[1], arrayDims5[2], false);

    arma::vec current_author_position(number_of_latent_dimensions);
    arma::vec proposed_author_position(number_of_latent_dimensions);
    arma::vec recipient_position(number_of_latent_dimensions);

    IntegerVector arrayDims4 = plp.attr("dim");
    arma::cube proposed_latent_positions(plp.begin(), arrayDims4[0], arrayDims4[1], arrayDims4[2], false);
    arma::mat proposed_betas(number_of_clusters,number_of_betas);    
    arma::vec current_cluster_betas(number_of_betas);
    arma::vec proposed_cluster_betas(number_of_betas);

    for(int i = 0; i < number_of_MH_itterations; ++i){
        //Adaptive metropolis step
        if(use_adaptive_metropolis == 1){
            if((adaptive_metropolis_update_counter == (adaptive_metropolis_update_every -1)) & (reached_burnin == 0)){  
                //reset counter 
                adaptive_metropolis_update_counter =0;
                for(int k = 0; k < number_of_clusters; ++k){
                    double num_accepted = 0;
                    for(int n = 0; n < adaptive_metropolis_update_every; ++n){
                        num_accepted += MH_acceptances(n,k); 
                        MH_acceptances(n,k) = 0;
                    double accept_proportion = double(num_accepted)/double(adaptive_metropolis_update_every);
                    //update record of accept rates
                    cur_accept_rates[adaptive_metropolis_update_counter] = accept_proportion;
                    double temp = proposal_variance[k];
                    //ifthe accept proportion is zero then we should not do anything
                    if(accept_proportion > metropolis_target_accpet_rate + 0.05){
                        proposal_variance[k] =  temp + 0.05;
                    if((accept_proportion < metropolis_target_accpet_rate - 0.05) &(proposal_variance[k] > 0.09 )){
                        proposal_variance[k] = temp - 0.05;
                Rcpp::Rcout << "Cluster Proposal Variances: " << std::endl << proposal_variance << std::endl;
            }// end of if statement to see if we are actually in an update iteration
            adaptive_metropolis_update_counter += 1;
        }//end of if statement for using adaptive metropolis
        if(i == burnin ){
            //set variable that tells us we have reached burnin
            reached_burnin =1;
        double beta_val = 0;
        arma::vec current_author_position = arma::zeros(number_of_latent_dimensions);
        arma::vec proposed_author_position = arma::zeros(number_of_latent_dimensions);
        arma::vec recipient_position = arma::zeros(number_of_latent_dimensions);
        arma::vec proposed_intercepts = arma::zeros(number_of_clusters);
        arma::cube proposed_latent_positions = arma::zeros(number_of_latent_dimensions,number_of_clusters,number_of_actors);
        arma::mat proposed_betas = arma::zeros(number_of_clusters,number_of_betas);
        arma::vec cluster_distances = arma::zeros(number_of_clusters);
        for(int k = 0; k < number_of_clusters; ++k){

            //for intercepts   
            mjd::normal_distribution<double> distribution1(current_intercepts[k],proposal_variance[k]);
            proposed_intercepts[k] = distribution1(generator);

            //for latent positions
            for(int a = 0; a < number_of_actors; ++a){
                for(int l = 0; l < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++l){
                    mjd::normal_distribution<double> distribution2(current_latent_positions(l,k,a),proposal_variance[k]);
                    proposed_latent_positions(l,k,a) = distribution2(generator);
            //for mixing parameters
            proposed_betas(k,0) = 0;
            for(int b = 1; b < number_of_betas; ++b){
                mjd::normal_distribution<double> distribution3(betas(k,b),proposal_variance[k]);
                proposed_betas(k,b) = distribution3(generator);
        }//end of loop over generating new potenttial LS positions
        //main loop
        for(int k = 0; k < number_of_clusters; ++k){
            double lsm_prior_current_positions = 0;
            double lsm_prior_proposed_positions = 0;
            double standard_deviation = MH_prior_standard_deviation;
            double dist_center = 0;
            double lsm_sum_log_probability_of_current_positions = 0;
            double lsm_sum_log_probability_of_proposed_positions = 0;
            double current_cluster_intercept = current_intercepts[k];
            double proposed_cluster_intercept = proposed_intercepts[k];
            lsm_prior_current_positions += log(( 1 / ( standard_deviation * sqrt(2*M_PI) ) ) * exp( -0.5 * pow( (current_cluster_intercept-dist_center)/standard_deviation, 2.0 ) ));
            lsm_prior_proposed_positions += log(( 1 / ( standard_deviation * sqrt(2*M_PI) ) ) * exp( -0.5 * pow( (proposed_cluster_intercept-dist_center)/standard_deviation, 2.0 ) ));
            arma::rowvec current_cluster_betas = betas.row(k);
            arma::rowvec proposed_cluster_betas = proposed_betas.row(k);
            for(int c = 1; c < number_of_betas; ++c){
                lsm_prior_current_positions += log(( 1 / ( standard_deviation * sqrt(2*M_PI) ) ) * exp( -0.5 * pow( (current_cluster_betas[c]-dist_center)/standard_deviation, 2.0 ) ));
                lsm_prior_proposed_positions += log(( 1 / ( standard_deviation * sqrt(2*M_PI) ) ) * exp( -0.5 * pow( (proposed_cluster_betas[c]-dist_center)/standard_deviation, 2.0 ) ));

            for(int a = 0; a < number_of_actors; ++a){
                for(int c = 0; c < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++c){
                    current_author_position[c] = current_latent_positions(c,k,a);
                    proposed_author_position[c] = proposed_latent_positions(c,k,a);
                    lsm_prior_current_positions += log(( 1 / ( standard_deviation * sqrt(2*M_PI) ) ) * exp( -0.5 * pow( (current_author_position[c]-dist_center)/standard_deviation, 2.0 ) ));
                    lsm_prior_proposed_positions += log(( 1 / ( standard_deviation * sqrt(2*M_PI) ) ) * exp( -0.5 * pow( (proposed_author_position[c]-dist_center)/standard_deviation, 2.0 ) ));
                for(int b = 0; b < number_of_actors; ++b){
                    if(b!= a){
                        double num_actual_edge = 0;
                        double num_non_edge = 0;
                        //get number of actual edge present and absent for this cluster sender reciever combo
                        for(int t = 0; t < number_of_topics; ++t){
                            double topic_cluster = topic_cluster_assignments[t] -1;
                            if(topic_cluster == k){
                                num_actual_edge += topic_present_edge_counts(a,b,t);
                                num_non_edge += topic_absent_edge_counts(a,b,t); 
                        for(int c = 0; c < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++c){
                          recipient_position[c] = current_latent_positions(c,k,b);
                        //initialize distance
                        double distance = 0;
                        //calculate distance
                        for(int j = 0; j < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++j){
                            distance += pow((current_author_position[j] - recipient_position[j]),2);

                        beta_val = 0;
                        for(int c = 1; c < number_of_betas; ++c){
                            beta_val += current_cluster_betas[c]*beta_indicator_array(a,b,c);
                        //calculate linear predictor
                        double eta = 0;
                        eta = current_cluster_intercept - pow(distance,.5) + beta_val;

                        //calculate likelihoods for both
                        double log_prob_edge = 0;
                        double log_prob_no_edge = 0;
                        if (eta != 0){
                            if(eta < 0){
                                log_prob_edge = eta -log(1 + exp(eta));
                                log_prob_no_edge = 0 -log(1 + exp(eta));
                                log_prob_edge = 0 -log(1 + exp(-eta));
                                log_prob_no_edge = 0 -eta -log(1 + exp(-eta));
                        //multiply and add to sum
                        lsm_sum_log_probability_of_current_positions += num_actual_edge*log_prob_edge;
                        lsm_sum_log_probability_of_current_positions += num_non_edge*log_prob_no_edge;
                        // ======== Now calculate for new positions ==========//
                        //get current recipient position
                        for(int c = 0; c < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++c){
                          recipient_position[c] = proposed_latent_positions(c,k,b);
                        //initialize distance
                        distance = 0;
                        //calculate distance
                        for(int j = 0; j < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++j){
                            distance += pow((proposed_author_position[j] - recipient_position[j]),2);
                        beta_val = 0;
                        for(int c = 1; c < number_of_betas; ++c){
                            beta_val += proposed_cluster_betas[c]*beta_indicator_array(a,b,c);
                        //calculate linear predictor
                        eta = proposed_cluster_intercept - pow(distance,.5) + beta_val;
                        log_prob_edge = 0;
                        log_prob_no_edge = 0;
                        if (eta != 0){
                            if(eta < 0){
                                log_prob_edge = eta -log(1 + exp(eta));
                                log_prob_no_edge = 0 -log(1 + exp(eta));
                                log_prob_edge = 0 -log(1 + exp(-eta));
                                log_prob_no_edge = 0 -eta -log(1 + exp(-eta));
                        //multiply and add to sum
                        lsm_sum_log_probability_of_proposed_positions += num_actual_edge*log_prob_edge;
                        lsm_sum_log_probability_of_proposed_positions += num_non_edge*log_prob_no_edge;
            lsm_sum_log_probability_of_proposed_positions += lsm_prior_proposed_positions;
            lsm_sum_log_probability_of_current_positions += lsm_prior_current_positions;
            //now calculate log ratio between two
            Proposed_MH_Likelihoods[k] = lsm_sum_log_probability_of_proposed_positions;
            Current_MH_Likelihoods[k] = lsm_sum_log_probability_of_current_positions;
            double accepted = 0;
            double log_ratio =  lsm_sum_log_probability_of_proposed_positions - lsm_sum_log_probability_of_current_positions;
            double rand_num = uniform_distribution(generator);
            double lud = log(rand_num);
            if(log_ratio < lud){
                accepted = 0;
                cluster_accept[k] = 0;
                accepted = 1;
                cluster_accept[k] = 1;
                double tempint = proposed_intercepts[k];
                current_intercepts[k] = tempint;
                for(int a = 0; a < number_of_actors; ++a){
                    for(int l = 0; l < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++l){
                        current_latent_positions(l,k,a) = proposed_latent_positions(l,k,a);
                for(int b = 0; b < number_of_betas; ++b){
                    betas(k,b) = proposed_betas(k,b);
            }//end of update 
            if((use_adaptive_metropolis == 1) & (reached_burnin == 0)){
                MH_acceptances((adaptive_metropolis_update_counter -1),k) = accepted;
        }//end of clusters loop 
            storage_counter +=1;
            if(store_every_x_rounds == storage_counter){
              Rcpp::Rcout << "Current Iteration: " << i << " of " << number_of_MH_itterations << std::endl;
                storage_counter =0;
                arma::rowvec ints(number_of_clusters);
                for(int b = 0; b < number_of_clusters; ++b){
                    ints[b] = current_intercepts[b];
                arma::mat bets(number_of_clusters,number_of_betas);
                for(int a = 0; a < number_of_clusters; ++a){
                    for(int b = 0; b < number_of_betas; ++b){
                        bets(a,b) = betas(a,b);
                arma::cube lat_pos = current_latent_positions;
                arma::rowvec cluster_accepted(number_of_clusters);
                arma::rowvec Cur_Proposed_MH_Likelihoods(number_of_clusters);
                arma::rowvec Cur_Current_MH_Likelihoods(number_of_clusters);
                for(int a = 0; a < number_of_clusters; ++a){
                    cluster_accepted[a] = cluster_accept[a];
                    cluster_accept[a] = (double)  0;
                    Cur_Proposed_MH_Likelihoods[a] = Proposed_MH_Likelihoods[a];
                    Proposed_MH_Likelihoods[a] = (double)  0;
                    Cur_Current_MH_Likelihoods[a] = Current_MH_Likelihoods[a];
                    Current_MH_Likelihoods[a] = (double)  0;
                for(int b = 0; b < number_of_clusters; ++b){
                    //store intercepts from last round of metropolis hastings
                    store_intercepts(MH_Counter,b) = ints[b];
                    for(int c = 0; c < number_of_betas; ++c){
                        //store betas from last round of metropolis hastings
                        store_betas(b,c,MH_Counter) = bets(b,c);
                    //store whether or not the new MH proposal was accepted in the last round of MH
                    store_cluster_whether_accepted(MH_Counter,b) = cluster_accepted[b];
                    //store proposed position likelihods in the last round of MH
                    store_cluster_proposed_likelihoods(MH_Counter,b) = Cur_Proposed_MH_Likelihoods[b];
                    //store current position likelihoods in the last round of MH
                    store_cluster_current_likelihoods(MH_Counter,b) = Cur_Current_MH_Likelihoods[b];
                //store latent positions from last round of metropolis hastings (will take up multiple slices per iteration depending on the number of latent dimensions)
                int startslice = number_of_latent_dimensions*MH_Counter;
                for(int a = 0; a < number_of_latent_dimensions; ++a){
                    for(int b = 0; b < number_of_clusters; ++b){
                        for(int c = 0; c < number_of_actors; ++c){
                            int store_position = startslice + a;
                            store_latent_positions(store_position,b,c) = lat_pos(a,b,c);
                MH_Counter += 1;
            }//end of save 
    }// end of MH loop

    to_return[0] = number_of_MH_itterations/store_every_x_rounds;
    to_return[1] = store_cluster_proposed_likelihoods;
    to_return[2] = store_cluster_current_likelihoods;
    to_return[3] = store_cluster_whether_accepted;
    to_return[4] = store_intercepts;
    to_return[5] = store_latent_positions;
    to_return[6] = store_betas;

 return to_return;
// [[Rcpp::export(".interp_genoprob_onechr")]]
NumericVector interp_genoprob_onechr(const NumericVector& genoprob,
                                     const NumericVector& map,
                                     const IntegerVector& pos_index)
    // get dimensions
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprob should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const IntegerVector& d = genoprob.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprob should be a 3d array");
    const int n_ind = d[0];
    const int n_gen = d[1];
    const int matsize = n_ind * n_gen;
    const int n_pos = map.size();
    if(pos_index.size() != n_pos) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("Need length(map) == length(pos_index)");

    NumericVector result(n_ind*n_gen*n_pos);
    result.attr("dim") = Dimension(n_ind, n_gen, n_pos);

    // find position to the left that has genoprobs
    IntegerVector left_index(n_pos);
    int last = -1;
    for(int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++) {
        if(pos_index[pos] >= 0) last = pos;
        left_index[pos] = last;

    // find position to the right that has genoprobs
    IntegerVector right_index(n_pos);
    last = -1;
    for(int pos=n_pos-1; pos>=0; pos--) {
        if(pos_index[pos] >= 0) last = pos;
        right_index[pos] = last;

    // copy or interpolate
    for(int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++) {
        if(pos_index[pos] >= 0) { // in the old genoprobs
        else {
            double p,q;
            if(left_index[pos] < 0) { // off end to left
                p = 0.0;
                q = 1.0;
            else if(right_index[pos] < 0) { // off end to right
                p = 1.0;
                q = 0.0;
            else {
                double left_pos =  map[left_index[pos]];
                double right_pos = map[right_index[pos]];
                p = (right_pos - map[pos])/(right_pos - left_pos);
                q = (map[pos] - left_pos)/(right_pos - left_pos);

            for(int ind=0; ind<n_ind; ind++) {
                for(int gen=0; gen<n_gen; gen++) {
                    result[ind + gen*n_ind + pos*matsize] = 0.0;
                    if(p > 0)
                        result[ind + gen*n_ind + pos*matsize] +=
                            (p*genoprob[ind + gen*n_ind + pos_index[left_index[pos]]*matsize]);
                    if(q > 0)
                        result[ind + gen*n_ind + pos*matsize] +=
                            (q*genoprob[ind + gen*n_ind + pos_index[right_index[pos]]*matsize]);

    return result;