void AssembleOptimization::assemble_A_and_F()

  const MeshBase & mesh = _sys.get_mesh();

  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
  const unsigned int u_var = _sys.variable_number ("u");

  const DofMap & dof_map = _sys.get_dof_map();
  FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(u_var);
  UniquePtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
  QGauss qrule (dim, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
  fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);

  const std::vector<Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi = fe->get_phi();
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > & dphi = fe->get_dphi();

  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
  DenseVector<Number> Fe;

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
      const Elem * elem = *el;

      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

      const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_indices.size();

      fe->reinit (elem);

      Ke.resize (n_dofs, n_dofs);
      Fe.resize (n_dofs);

      for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
          for (unsigned int dof_i=0; dof_i<n_dofs; dof_i++)
              for (unsigned int dof_j=0; dof_j<n_dofs; dof_j++)
                  Ke(dof_i, dof_j) += JxW[qp] * (dphi[dof_j][qp]* dphi[dof_i][qp]);
              Fe(dof_i) += JxW[qp] * phi[dof_i][qp];

      A_matrix->add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);
      F_vector->add_vector (Fe, dof_indices);

void AssembleOptimization::gradient (const NumericVector<Number> & soln,
                                     NumericVector<Number> & grad_f,
                                     OptimizationSystem & /*sys*/)

  A_matrix->vector_mult(grad_f, soln);
  grad_f.add(-1, *F_vector);
void SumShellMatrix<T>::get_diagonal (NumericVector<T>& dest) const
  AutoPtr<NumericVector<T> > a = dest.clone();
  for(numeric_index_type i=matrices.size(); i-->0; )
      dest += *a;
void AssembleOptimization::gradient (const NumericVector<Number> & soln,
                                     NumericVector<Number> & grad_f,
                                     OptimizationSystem & /*sys*/)

  // Since we've enforced constaints on soln, A and F,
  // this automatically sets grad_f to zero for constrained
  // dofs.
  A_matrix->vector_mult(grad_f, soln);
  grad_f.add(-1, *F_vector);
void AssembleOptimization::inequality_constraints (const NumericVector<Number> & X,
                                                   NumericVector<Number> & C_ineq,
                                                   OptimizationSystem & /*sys*/)

  std::unique_ptr<NumericVector<Number>> X_localized =
  X_localized->init(X.size(), false, SERIAL);

  std::vector<Number> constraint_values(1);
  constraint_values[0] = (*X_localized)(200)*(*X_localized)(200) + (*X_localized)(201) - 5.;

  for (std::size_t i=0; i<constraint_values.size(); i++)
    if ((C_ineq.first_local_index() <= i) && (i < C_ineq.last_local_index()))
      C_ineq.set(i, constraint_values[i]);
void AssembleOptimization::equality_constraints (const NumericVector<Number> & X,
                                                 NumericVector<Number> & C_eq,
                                                 OptimizationSystem & /*sys*/)

  UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > X_localized =
  X_localized->init(X.size(), false, SERIAL);

  std::vector<Number> constraint_values(3);
  constraint_values[0] = (*X_localized)(17);
  constraint_values[1] = (*X_localized)(23);
  constraint_values[2] = (*X_localized)(98) + (*X_localized)(185);

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<constraint_values.size(); i++)
    if ((C_eq.first_local_index() <= i) &&
        (i < C_eq.last_local_index()))
      C_eq.set(i, constraint_values[i]);
void GetSolutionNorm(MultiLevelSolution& mlSol, const unsigned & group, std::vector <double> &data)

  int  iproc, nprocs;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iproc);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);

  NumericVector* p2;
  NumericVector* v2;
  NumericVector* vol;
  NumericVector* vol0;
  p2 = NumericVector::build().release();
  v2 = NumericVector::build().release();
  vol = NumericVector::build().release();
  vol0 = NumericVector::build().release();

  if(nprocs == 1) {
    p2->init(nprocs, 1, false, SERIAL);
    v2->init(nprocs, 1, false, SERIAL);
    vol->init(nprocs, 1, false, SERIAL);
    vol0->init(nprocs, 1, false, SERIAL);
  else {
    p2->init(nprocs, 1, false, PARALLEL);
    v2->init(nprocs, 1, false, PARALLEL);
    vol->init(nprocs, 1, false, PARALLEL);
    vol0->init(nprocs, 1, false, PARALLEL);


  unsigned level = mlSol._mlMesh->GetNumberOfLevels() - 1;

  Solution* solution  = mlSol.GetSolutionLevel(level);
  Mesh* msh = mlSol._mlMesh->GetLevel(level);

  const unsigned dim = msh->GetDimension();

  const unsigned max_size = static_cast< unsigned >(ceil(pow(3, dim)));

  vector< double > solP;
  vector< vector < double> >  solV(dim);
  vector< vector < double> > x0(dim);
  vector< vector < double> > x(dim);

  for(unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
  double weight;
  double weight0;

  vector <double> phiV;
  vector <double> gradphiV;
  vector <double> nablaphiV;

  double *phiP;

  gradphiV.reserve(max_size * dim);
  nablaphiV.reserve(max_size * (3 * (dim - 1) + !(dim - 1)));

  vector < unsigned > solVIndex(dim);
  solVIndex[0] = mlSol.GetIndex("U");    // get the position of "U" in the ml_sol object
  solVIndex[1] = mlSol.GetIndex("V");    // get the position of "V" in the ml_sol object
  if(dim == 3) solVIndex[2] = mlSol.GetIndex("W");       // get the position of "V" in the ml_sol object

  unsigned solVType = mlSol.GetSolutionType(solVIndex[0]);    // get the finite element type for "u"

  vector < unsigned > solDIndex(dim);
  solDIndex[0] = mlSol.GetIndex("DX");    // get the position of "U" in the ml_sol object
  solDIndex[1] = mlSol.GetIndex("DY");    // get the position of "V" in the ml_sol object
  if(dim == 3) solDIndex[2] = mlSol.GetIndex("DZ");       // get the position of "V" in the ml_sol object

  unsigned solDType = mlSol.GetSolutionType(solDIndex[0]);

  unsigned solPIndex;
  solPIndex = mlSol.GetIndex("PS");
  unsigned solPType = mlSol.GetSolutionType(solPIndex);

  for(int iel = msh->_elementOffset[iproc]; iel < msh->_elementOffset[iproc + 1]; iel++) {
    if(msh->GetElementGroup(iel) == group) {
      short unsigned ielt = msh->GetElementType(iel);
      unsigned ndofV = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, solVType);
      unsigned ndofP = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, solPType);
      unsigned ndofD = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, solDType);
      // resize

      gradphiV.resize(ndofV * dim);
      nablaphiV.resize(ndofV * (3 * (dim - 1) + !(dim - 1)));

      for(int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
      // get local to global mappings
      for(unsigned i = 0; i < ndofD; i++) {
        unsigned idof = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solDType);
        for(unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
          x0[d][i] = (*msh->_topology->_Sol[d])(idof);

          x[d][i] = (*msh->_topology->_Sol[d])(idof) +

      for(unsigned i = 0; i < ndofV; i++) {
        unsigned idof = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solVType);    // global to global mapping between solution node and solution dof
        for(unsigned  d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
          solV[d][i] = (*solution->_Sol[solVIndex[d]])(idof);      // global extraction and local storage for the solution

      for(unsigned i = 0; i < ndofP; i++) {
        unsigned idof = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solPType);
        solP[i] = (*solution->_Sol[solPIndex])(idof);

      for(unsigned ig = 0; ig < mlSol._mlMesh->_finiteElement[ielt][solVType]->GetGaussPointNumber(); ig++) {
        // *** get Jacobian and test function and test function derivatives ***
        msh->_finiteElement[ielt][solVType]->Jacobian(x0, ig, weight0, phiV, gradphiV, nablaphiV);
        msh->_finiteElement[ielt][solVType]->Jacobian(x, ig, weight, phiV, gradphiV, nablaphiV);
        phiP = msh->_finiteElement[ielt][solPType]->GetPhi(ig);

        vol0->add(iproc, weight0);
        vol->add(iproc, weight);

        std::vector < double> SolV2(dim, 0.);
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < ndofV; i++) {
          for(unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
            SolV2[d] += solV[d][i] * phiV[i];

        double V2 = 0.;
        for(unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
          V2 += SolV2[d] * SolV2[d];
        v2->add(iproc, V2 * weight);

        double P2 = 0;
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < ndofP; i++) {
          P2 += solP[i] * phiP[i];
        P2 *= P2;
        p2->add(iproc, P2 * weight);


  double p2_l2 = p2->l1_norm();
  double v2_l2 = v2->l1_norm();
  double VOL0 = vol0->l1_norm();
  double VOL = vol->l1_norm();

  std::cout << " vol0 = " << VOL0 << std::endl;
  std::cout << " vol = " << VOL << std::endl;
  std::cout << " (vol-vol0)/vol0 = " << (VOL - VOL0) / VOL0 << std::endl;
  std::cout << " p_l2 norm / vol = " << sqrt(p2_l2 / VOL)  << std::endl;
  std::cout << " v_l2 norm / vol = " << sqrt(v2_l2 / VOL)  << std::endl;

  data[1] = (VOL - VOL0) / VOL0;
  data[2] = VOL;
  data[3] = sqrt(p2_l2 / VOL);
  data[4] = sqrt(v2_l2 / VOL);

  delete p2;
  delete v2;
  delete vol;

文件: ex4.cpp 项目: FeMTTU/femus
void ETD(MultiLevelProblem& ml_prob)

  const unsigned& NLayers = NumberOfLayers;

  adept::Stack& s = FemusInit::_adeptStack;

  LinearImplicitSystem* mlPdeSys  = &ml_prob.get_system<LinearImplicitSystem> ("SW");   // pointer to the linear implicit system named "Poisson"

  unsigned level = ml_prob._ml_msh->GetNumberOfLevels() - 1u;

  Mesh* msh = ml_prob._ml_msh->GetLevel(level);    // pointer to the mesh (level) object
  elem* el = msh->el;  // pointer to the elem object in msh (level)

  MultiLevelSolution* mlSol = ml_prob._ml_sol;  // pointer to the multilevel solution object
  Solution* sol = ml_prob._ml_sol->GetSolutionLevel(level);    // pointer to the solution (level) object

  LinearEquationSolver* pdeSys = mlPdeSys->_LinSolver[level]; // pointer to the equation (level) object

  SparseMatrix* KK = pdeSys->_KK;  // pointer to the global stifness matrix object in pdeSys (level)
  NumericVector* RES = pdeSys->_RES; // pointer to the global residual vector object in pdeSys (level)
  NumericVector* EPS = pdeSys->_EPS; // pointer to the global residual vector object in pdeSys (level)

  const unsigned  dim = msh->GetDimension(); // get the domain dimension of the problem

  unsigned    iproc = msh->processor_id(); // get the process_id (for parallel computation)
  unsigned    nprocs = msh->n_processors(); // get the process_id (for parallel computation)

  //solution variable
  std::vector < unsigned > solIndexh(NLayers);
  std::vector < unsigned > solPdeIndexh(NLayers);

  std::vector < unsigned > solIndexv(NLayers);
  std::vector < unsigned > solPdeIndexv(NLayers);
  std::vector < unsigned > solIndexHT(NLayers);
  std::vector < unsigned > solPdeIndexHT(NLayers);
   std::vector < unsigned > solIndexT(NLayers);

  vector< int > l2GMap; // local to global mapping
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < NLayers; i++) {
    char name[10];
    sprintf(name, "h%d", i);
    solIndexh[i] = mlSol->GetIndex(name); // get the position of "hi" in the sol object
    solPdeIndexh[i] = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex(name); // get the position of "hi" in the pdeSys object

    sprintf(name, "v%d", i);
    solIndexv[i] = mlSol->GetIndex(name); // get the position of "vi" in the sol object
    solPdeIndexv[i] = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex(name); // get the position of "vi" in the pdeSys object
    sprintf(name, "HT%d", i);
    solIndexHT[i] = mlSol->GetIndex(name); // get the position of "Ti" in the sol object
    solPdeIndexHT[i] = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex(name); // get the position of "Ti" in the pdeSys object
    sprintf(name, "T%d", i);
    solIndexT[i] = mlSol->GetIndex(name); // get the position of "Ti" in the sol object

  unsigned solTypeh = mlSol->GetSolutionType(solIndexh[0]);    // get the finite element type for "hi"
  unsigned solTypev = mlSol->GetSolutionType(solIndexv[0]);    // get the finite element type for "vi"
  unsigned solTypeHT = mlSol->GetSolutionType(solIndexHT[0]);    // get the finite element type for "Ti"
  vector < double > x;    // local coordinates
  vector< vector < adept::adouble > > solh(NLayers);    // local coordinates
  vector< vector < adept::adouble > > solv(NLayers);    // local coordinates
  vector< vector < adept::adouble > > solHT(NLayers);    // local coordinates
  vector< vector < double > > solT(NLayers);    // local coordinates
  vector< vector < bool > > bdch(NLayers);    // local coordinates
  vector< vector < bool > > bdcv(NLayers);    // local coordinates
  vector< vector < bool > > bdcHT(NLayers);    // local coordinates
  unsigned xType = 2; // get the finite element type for "x", it is always 2 (LAGRANGE QUADRATIC)

  vector < vector< adept::adouble > > aResh(NLayers);
  vector < vector< adept::adouble > > aResv(NLayers);
  vector < vector< adept::adouble > > aResHT(NLayers);

  double maxWaveSpeed = 0.;
  double dx;
  for(unsigned k=0; k<NumberOfLayers; k++){
    for(unsigned i =  msh->_dofOffset[solTypeHT][iproc]; i <  msh->_dofOffset[solTypeHT][iproc + 1]; i++){
      double valueT = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexT[k]])(i);
      double valueH = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexh[k]])(i);
      double valueHT = valueT * valueH;
      sol->_Sol[solIndexHT[k]]->set(i, valueHT);
  for(int iel = msh->_elementOffset[iproc]; iel < msh->_elementOffset[iproc + 1]; iel++) {

    short unsigned ielGeom = msh->GetElementType(iel);
    unsigned nDofh  = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, solTypeh);    // number of solution element dofs
    unsigned nDofv  = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, solTypev);    // number of solution element dofs
    unsigned nDofHT = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, solTypeHT);     // number of coordinate element dofs
    unsigned nDofx = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, xType);        // number of coordinate element dofs

    unsigned nDofs = nDofh + nDofv + nDofHT;

    // resize local arrays
    l2GMap.resize(NLayers * (nDofs) );

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < NLayers; i++) {
      aResh[i].resize(nDofh);    //resize
      std::fill(aResh[i].begin(), aResh[i].end(), 0);    //set aRes to zero
      aResv[i].resize(nDofv);    //resize
      std::fill(aResv[i].begin(), aResv[i].end(), 0);    //set aRes to zero
      aResHT[i].resize(nDofHT);    //resize
      std::fill(aResHT[i].begin(), aResHT[i].end(), 0);    //set aRes to zero

    //local storage of global mapping and solution
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < nDofh; i++) {
      unsigned solDofh = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solTypeh);    // global to global mapping between solution node and solution dof
      for(unsigned j = 0; j < NLayers; j++) {
        solh[j][i] = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexh[j]])(solDofh);      // global extraction and local storage for the solution
        bdch[j][i] = ( (*sol->_Bdc[solIndexh[j]])(solDofh) < 1.5) ? true : false;
        l2GMap[ j * nDofs + i] = pdeSys->GetSystemDof(solIndexh[j], solPdeIndexh[j], i, iel);    // global to global mapping between solution node and pdeSys dof
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < nDofv; i++) {
      unsigned solDofv = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solTypev);    // global to global mapping between solution node and solution dof
      for(unsigned j = 0; j < NLayers; j++) {
        solv[j][i] = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexv[j]])(solDofv);      // global extraction and local storage for the solution
        bdcv[j][i] = ( (*sol->_Bdc[solIndexv[j]])(solDofv) < 1.5) ? true : false;
        l2GMap[ j * nDofs + nDofh + i] = pdeSys->GetSystemDof(solIndexv[j], solPdeIndexv[j], i, iel);    // global to global mapping between solution node and pdeSys dof
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < nDofHT; i++) {
      unsigned solDofHT = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solTypeHT);    // global to global mapping between solution node and solution dof
      unsigned solDofh = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solTypeh);
      for(unsigned j = 0; j < NLayers; j++) {
        solHT[j][i] = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexHT[j]])(solDofHT);   // global extraction and local storage for the solution
	solT[j][i] = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexT[j]])(solDofHT);   // global extraction and local storage for the solution
        bdcHT[j][i] = ( (*sol->_Bdc[solIndexHT[j]])(solDofHT) < 1.5) ? true : false;
        l2GMap[ j * nDofs + nDofh + nDofv + i] = pdeSys->GetSystemDof(solIndexHT[j], solPdeIndexHT[j], i, iel);    // global to global mapping between solution node and pdeSys dof
	//std::cout << solT[j][i] << " ";

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < nDofx; i++) {
      unsigned xDof  = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, xType);    // global to global mapping between coordinates node and coordinate dof
      x[i] = (*msh->_topology->_Sol[0])(xDof);      // global extraction and local storage for the element coordinates

    double xmid = 0.5 * (x[0] + x[1]);
    //std::cout << xmid << std::endl;
    double zz = sqrt(aa * aa - xmid * xmid); // z coordinate of points on sphere
    double dd = aa * acos((zz * z_c) / (aa * aa)); // distance to center point on sphere [m]
    double hh = 1 - dd * dd / (bb * bb);
    double b = ( H_shelf + H_0 / 2 * (1 + tanh(hh / phi)) ); 
    double hTot = 0.;
    double beta = 0.2;
     std::vector < adept::adouble > P(NLayers);
    for(unsigned k = 0; k < NLayers; k++) {
      hTot += solh[k][0].value();
      adept::adouble rhok = rho1[k] - beta * solT[k][0];
      P[k] = - rhok * 9.81 * b; // bottom topography
      for( unsigned j = 0; j < NLayers; j++){
	 adept::adouble rhoj = (j <= k) ? (rho1[j] - beta * solT[j][0]) : rhok;
	 P[k] += rhoj * 9.81 * solh[j][0];
      P[k] /= 1024;
    std::vector < double > hALE(NLayers, 0.); 
    hALE[0] = hRest[0] + (hTot - b);
    for(unsigned k = 1; k < NLayers - 1; k++){
      hALE[k] = hRest[k];
    hALE[NLayers - 1] = b - hRest[NLayers - 1];
    std::vector < double > w(NLayers+1, 0.);
     dx = x[1] - x[0];
    for(unsigned k = NLayers; k>1; k--){
      w[k-1] = w[k] -  solh[k-1][0].value() * (solv[k-1][1].value() - solv[k-1][0].value() )/dx- ( hALE[k-1] - solh[k-1][0].value()) / dt;
      //std::cout << hALE[k-1] << " " << w[k-1] << " ";
    std::vector < adept::adouble > zMid(NLayers);
    for(unsigned k = 0; k < NLayers; k++) {
      zMid[k] = -b + solh[k][0]/2;
      for(unsigned i = k+1; i < NLayers; i++) {
        zMid[k] += solh[i][0];
    double celerity = sqrt( 9.81 * hTot);
    for(unsigned i = 0; i<NLayers; i++){
      double vmid = 0.5 * ( solv[i][0].value() + solv[i][1].value() );
      maxWaveSpeed = ( maxWaveSpeed > fabs(vmid) + fabs(celerity) )?  maxWaveSpeed : fabs(vmid) + fabs(celerity);

    for(unsigned k = 0; k < NLayers; k++) {
      if(!bdch[k][0]) {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < nDofv; j++) {
          double sign = ( j == 0) ? 1. : -1;
          aResh[k][0] += sign * solh[k][0] * solv[k][j] / dx; 
	aResh[k][0] += w[k+1] - w[k];	    
      adept::adouble vMid = 0.5 * (solv[k][0] + solv[k][1]);
      adept::adouble fv = 0.5 * vMid * vMid + P[k];
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDofv; i++) {
        if(!bdcv[k][i]) {
          double sign = ( i == 0) ? -1. : 1;
          aResv[k][i] += sign * fv / dx;
	  if ( k > 0 ){
	    aResv[k][i] -= 0.5 * ( w[k]   * 0.5 * ( solv[k-1][i] - solv[k][i] ) / (0.5 * ( solh[k-1][0] + solh[k][0] ) ) );
	  if (k < NLayers - 1) {
	    aResv[k][i] -= 0.5 * ( w[k+1] * 0.5 * ( solv[k][i] - solv[k+1][i] ) / (0.5 * ( solh[k][0] + solh[k+1][0] ) ) );
	  //aResv[k][i] += sign * 9.81  * rho1[k] / 1024. * zMid[k] / dx;
      if(!bdcHT[k][0]) {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < nDofv; j++) {
          double sign = ( j == 0) ? 1. : -1;
          aResHT[k][0] += sign * solv[k][j] * solHT[k][0] / dx; 
	  aResHT[k][0] += w[k+1] * 0.5 * (solHT[k][0]/solh[k][0] + solHT[k+1][0]/solh[k+1][0]);
	  //aResHT[k][0] += w[k+1] * 0.5 * (solT[k][0] + solT[k+1][0]);
	if( k > 0){
	  aResHT[k][0] -= w[k] * 0.5 * (solHT[k-1][0]/solh[k-1][0] + solHT[k][0]/solh[k][0] );
	  //aResHT[k][0] -= w[k] * 0.5 * (solT[k-1][0] + solT[k][0]);

    vector< double > Res(NLayers * nDofs); // local redidual vector

    unsigned counter = 0;
    for(unsigned k = 0; k < NLayers; k++) {
      for(int i = 0; i < nDofh; i++) {
        Res[counter] =  aResh[k][i].value();
      for(int i = 0; i < nDofv; i++) {
        Res[counter] =  aResv[k][i].value();
      for(int i = 0; i < nDofHT; i++) {
        Res[counter] =  aResHT[k][i].value();

    RES->add_vector_blocked(Res, l2GMap);

    for(unsigned k = 0; k < NLayers; k++) {
      // define the dependent variables
      s.dependent(&aResh[k][0], nDofh);
      s.dependent(&aResv[k][0], nDofv);
      s.dependent(&aResHT[k][0], nDofHT);

      // define the independent variables
      s.independent(&solh[k][0], nDofh);
      s.independent(&solv[k][0], nDofv);
      s.independent(&solHT[k][0], nDofHT);

    // get the jacobian matrix (ordered by row major )
    vector < double > Jac(NLayers * nDofs * NLayers * nDofs);
    s.jacobian(&Jac[0], true);

    //store K in the global matrix KK
    KK->add_matrix_blocked(Jac, l2GMap, l2GMap);




//   PetscViewer    viewer;
//   PetscViewerDrawOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,NULL,NULL,0,0,900,900,&viewer);
//   PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)viewer,"FSI matrix");
//   PetscViewerPushFormat(viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_DRAW_LG);
//   MatView((static_cast<PetscMatrix*>(KK))->mat(),viewer);
//   double a;
//   std::cin>>a;
//  abort();
  MFN mfn;
  Mat A = (static_cast<PetscMatrix*>(KK))->mat();
  FN f, f1, f2, f3 , f4;
  std::cout << "dt = " << dt << " dx = "<< dx << " maxWaveSpeed = "<<maxWaveSpeed << std::endl;
  //dt = 100.;

  Vec v = (static_cast< PetscVector* >(RES))->vec();
  Vec y = (static_cast< PetscVector* >(EPS))->vec();

  MFNCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &mfn );

  MFNSetOperator( mfn, A );
  MFNGetFN( mfn, &f );

//   FNCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &f1);
//   FNCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &f2);
//   FNCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &f3);
//   FNCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &f4);
//   FNSetType(f1, FNEXP);
//   FNSetType(f2, FNRATIONAL);
//   double coeff1[1] = { -1};
//   FNRationalSetNumerator(f2, 1, coeff1);
//   FNRationalSetDenominator(f2, 0, PETSC_NULL);
//   FNSetType( f3, FNCOMBINE );
//   FNCombineSetChildren(f3, FN_COMBINE_ADD, f1, f2);
//   FNSetType(f4, FNRATIONAL);
//   double coeff2[2] = {1., 0.};
//   FNRationalSetNumerator(f4, 2, coeff2);
//   FNRationalSetDenominator(f4, 0, PETSC_NULL);
//   FNSetType( f, FNCOMBINE );
//   FNCombineSetChildren(f, FN_COMBINE_DIVIDE, f3, f4);

  FNSetType( f, FNPHI );

  FNSetScale( f, dt, dt);
  MFNSetFromOptions( mfn );

  MFNSolve( mfn, v, y);
  MFNDestroy( &mfn );

//   FNDestroy(&f1);
//   FNDestroy(&f2);
//   FNDestroy(&f3);
//   FNDestroy(&f4);

  sol->UpdateSol(mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex(), EPS, pdeSys->KKoffset); 

  unsigned solIndexeta = mlSol->GetIndex("eta");
  unsigned solIndexb = mlSol->GetIndex("b");
  for(unsigned k=0;k<NumberOfLayers;k++){

  for(unsigned k=0; k<NumberOfLayers; k++){
    for(unsigned i =  msh->_dofOffset[solTypeHT][iproc]; i <  msh->_dofOffset[solTypeHT][iproc + 1]; i++){
      double valueHT = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexHT[k]])(i);
      double valueH = (*sol->_Sol[solIndexh[k]])(i);
      double valueT = valueHT/valueH;
      sol->_Sol[solIndexT[k]]->set(i, valueT);
void SparseMatrix<T>::vector_mult (NumericVector<T>& dest,
				   const NumericVector<T>& arg) const
void AssembleProblem(MultiLevelProblem& ml_prob) {

  // ************** J dx = f - J x_old ******************  
  //  level is the level of the PDE system to be assembled
  //  levelMax is the Maximum level of the MultiLevelProblem
  //  assembleMatrix is a flag that tells if only the residual or also the matrix should be assembled

  NonLinearImplicitSystemWithPrimalDualActiveSetMethod* mlPdeSys  = &ml_prob.get_system<NonLinearImplicitSystemWithPrimalDualActiveSetMethod> ("OptSys");
  const unsigned          level      = mlPdeSys->GetLevelToAssemble();
  const bool          assembleMatrix = mlPdeSys->GetAssembleMatrix();

  Mesh*                          msh = ml_prob._ml_msh->GetLevel(level);

  MultiLevelSolution*         ml_sol = ml_prob._ml_sol;
  Solution*                      sol = ml_prob._ml_sol->GetSolutionLevel(level);

  LinearEquationSolver*       pdeSys = mlPdeSys->_LinSolver[level];
  SparseMatrix*                   KK = pdeSys->_KK;
  NumericVector*                 RES = pdeSys->_RES;

  const unsigned                 dim = msh->GetDimension();                                 // get the domain dimension of the problem
  const unsigned                dim2 = (3 * (dim - 1) + !(dim - 1));                        // dim2 is the number of second order partial derivatives (1,3,6 depending on the dimension)
  const unsigned            max_size = static_cast< unsigned >(ceil(pow(3, dim)));          // conservative: based on line3, quad9, hex27

  const unsigned               iproc = msh->processor_id(); 

 //************** geometry (at dofs) *************************************  
  vector < vector < double > > coords_at_dofs(dim);
  vector < unsigned int >      SolFEType_domain(dim);
    for (unsigned  d = 0; d < dim; d++) SolFEType_domain[d] = BIQUADR_FE;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < coords_at_dofs.size(); i++)    coords_at_dofs[i].reserve(max_size);

 //************** geometry (at quadrature points) *************************************  
  vector < double > coord_at_qp(dim);

 //************** geometry phi **************************
  vector < vector < double > > phi_fe_qp_domain(dim);
  vector < vector < double > > phi_x_fe_qp_domain(dim);
  vector < vector < double > > phi_xx_fe_qp_domain(dim);
  for(int fe = 0; fe < dim; fe++) {
      phi_x_fe_qp_domain[fe].reserve(max_size * dim);
     phi_xx_fe_qp_domain[fe].reserve(max_size * dim2);

 //********* WHOLE SET OF VARIABLES ****************** 
  const unsigned int n_unknowns = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex().size();
  enum Sol_pos{pos_state = 0, pos_ctrl, pos_adj, pos_mu};  //these are known at compile-time 
  //right now this is the same as Sol_pos = SolPdeIndex, but now I want to have flexible rows and columns
  // the ROW index corresponds to the EQUATION we want to solve
  // the COLUMN index corresponds to the column variables 
  // Now, first of all we have to make sure that the Sparsity pattern is correctly built...
  // This means that we should write the Sparsity pattern with COLUMNS independent of ROWS!
  // But that implies that the BOUNDARY CONDITIONS will be enforced in OFF-DIAGONAL BLOCKS!
  // In fact, having the row order be different from the column order implies that the diagonal blocks would be RECTANGULAR.  
  // Although this is in principle possible, I would avoid doing that for now.
//   const unsigned int pos_state = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("state");   //these are known at run-time, so they are slower
//   const unsigned int pos_ctrl  = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("control"); //these are known at run-time, so they are slower
//   const unsigned int pos_adj   = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("adjoint"); //these are known at run-time, so they are slower
//   const unsigned int pos_mu    = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("mu");      //these are known at run-time, so they are slower
  assert(pos_state == mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("state"));
  assert(pos_ctrl  == mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("control"));
  assert(pos_adj   == mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("adjoint"));
  assert(pos_mu    == mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex("mu"));
  const int solFEType_max = BIQUADR_FE;  //biquadratic

  vector < std::string > Solname(n_unknowns);
  Solname[pos_state] = "state";
  Solname[pos_ctrl]  = "control";
  Solname[pos_adj]   = "adjoint";
  Solname[pos_mu]    = "mu";
  vector < unsigned int > SolPdeIndex(n_unknowns);  //index as in the row/column of the matrix (diagonal blocks are square)
  vector < unsigned int > SolIndex(n_unknowns);     //index as in the MultilevelSolution vector
  vector < unsigned int > SolFEType(n_unknowns);    //FEtype of each MultilevelSolution       
  vector < unsigned int > Sol_n_el_dofs(n_unknowns); //number of element dofs
  std::fill(Sol_n_el_dofs.begin(), Sol_n_el_dofs.end(), 0);

  for(unsigned ivar=0; ivar < n_unknowns; ivar++) {
    SolPdeIndex[ivar] = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex(  Solname[ivar].c_str() );
    assert(ivar == SolPdeIndex[ivar]); 
    SolIndex[ivar] = ml_sol->GetIndex         (  Solname[ivar].c_str() );
    SolFEType[ivar] = ml_sol->GetSolutionType  ( SolIndex[ivar]);
 //************* shape functions (at dofs and quadrature points) **************************************  
  double weight_qp;
  vector < vector < double > > phi_fe_qp(n_unknowns);
  vector < vector < double > > phi_x_fe_qp(n_unknowns);
  vector < vector < double > > phi_xx_fe_qp(n_unknowns);
  vector < vector < vector < double > > > phi_x_fe_qp_vec(n_unknowns);
  for(int fe = 0; fe < n_unknowns; fe++) {
      phi_x_fe_qp[fe].reserve(max_size * dim);
     phi_xx_fe_qp[fe].reserve(max_size * dim2);
  for(int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
  //----------- quantities (at dof objects) ------------------------------
  vector < vector < double > >     sol_eldofs(n_unknowns);
  for(int k=0; k<n_unknowns; k++)  sol_eldofs[k].reserve(max_size);
//************** act flag (at dof objects) **************************** 
   std::string act_flag_name = "act_flag";
   unsigned int solIndex_act_flag = ml_sol->GetIndex(act_flag_name.c_str());
   unsigned int solFEType_act_flag = ml_sol->GetSolutionType(solIndex_act_flag); 
      if(sol->GetSolutionTimeOrder(solIndex_act_flag) == 2) {
        *(sol->_SolOld[solIndex_act_flag]) = *(sol->_Sol[solIndex_act_flag]);

  //********* variables for ineq constraints (at dof objects) *****************
  const int ineq_flag = INEQ_FLAG;
  const double c_compl = C_COMPL;
  vector < double/*int*/ >  sol_actflag;   sol_actflag.reserve(max_size); //flag for active set
  vector < double >          ctrl_lower;    ctrl_lower.reserve(max_size);
  vector < double >          ctrl_upper;    ctrl_upper.reserve(max_size);
  //------------ quantities (at quadrature points) ---------------------
            vector<double>        sol_qp(n_unknowns);
    vector< vector<double> > sol_grad_qp(n_unknowns);
      std::fill(sol_qp.begin(), sol_qp.end(), 0.);
    for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
        std::fill(sol_grad_qp[k].begin(), sol_grad_qp[k].end(), 0.);

  //******* EQUATION RELATED STUFF ********************************************  
 int m_b_f[n_unknowns][n_unknowns];
     m_b_f[pos_state][pos_state] = 1; //nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_state][pos_ctrl]  = 0; //THIS IS ZERO IN NON-LIFTING APPROACHES (there are also pieces that go on top on blocks that are already meant to be different from zero)
     m_b_f[pos_state][pos_adj]   = 1; //nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_state][pos_mu]    = 0;  //this is zero without state constraints
     m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_state]  = 0;//THIS IS ZERO IN NON-LIFTING APPROACHES
     m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_ctrl]   = 1;//nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_adj]    = 1;//nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_mu]     = 1;//nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_state]  = 1; //nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_ctrl]   = 1; //nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_adj]    = 0; //this must always be zero 
     m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_mu]     = 0; //this must always be zero 
     m_b_f[pos_mu][pos_state]  = 0; //this is zero without state constraints
     m_b_f[pos_mu][pos_ctrl]   = 1; //nonzero
     m_b_f[pos_mu][pos_adj]    = 0; //this must always be zero 
     m_b_f[pos_mu][pos_mu]     = 1; //nonzero
  vector < vector < int > > L2G_dofmap(n_unknowns);     for(int i = 0; i < n_unknowns; i++) { L2G_dofmap[i].reserve(max_size); }
            vector< int >   L2G_dofmap_AllVars; L2G_dofmap_AllVars.reserve( n_unknowns*max_size );
            vector< double >         Res;                      Res.reserve( n_unknowns*max_size );
            vector< double >         Jac;                      Jac.reserve( n_unknowns*max_size * n_unknowns*max_size);
  //********************* DATA ************************ 
  double alpha = ALPHA_CTRL_VOL;
  double beta  = BETA_CTRL_VOL;
  double penalty_strong = 10e+14;

  if (assembleMatrix)  KK->zero();
  // element loop: each process loops only on the elements that it owns
  for (int iel = msh->_elementOffset[iproc]; iel < msh->_elementOffset[iproc + 1]; iel++) {

    short unsigned ielGeom = msh->GetElementType(iel);    // element geometry type

 //******************** GEOMETRY ********************* 
      for (unsigned jdim = 0; jdim < dim; jdim++) {
    unsigned nDofx = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, SolFEType_domain[jdim]);
    // local storage of coordinates
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < coords_at_dofs[jdim].size(); i++) {
      unsigned xDof  = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, SolFEType_domain[jdim]);  // global to global mapping between coordinates node and coordinate dof
        coords_at_dofs[jdim][i] = (*msh->_topology->_Sol[jdim])(xDof);      // global extraction and local storage for the element coordinates

   // elem average point 
    vector < double > elem_center(dim);   
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < dim; j++) {  elem_center[j] = 0.;  }
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < dim; j++) {  
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < coords_at_dofs[j].size(); i++) {
         elem_center[j] += coords_at_dofs[j][i];
   for (unsigned j = 0; j < dim; j++) { elem_center[j] = elem_center[j]/coords_at_dofs[j].size(); }
 //****** set target domain flag ********************* 
   int target_flag = 0;
   target_flag = ElementTargetFlag(elem_center);
   //all vars###################################################################  
  for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
    unsigned  ndofs_unk = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, SolFEType[k]);
	   Sol_n_el_dofs[k] = ndofs_unk;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ndofs_unk; i++) {
           unsigned solDof = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, SolFEType[k]);                        // global to global mapping between solution node and solution dof // via local to global solution node
           sol_eldofs[k][i] = (*sol->_Sol[SolIndex[k]])(solDof);                            // global extraction and local storage for the solution
           L2G_dofmap[k][i] = pdeSys->GetSystemDof(SolIndex[k], SolPdeIndex[k], i, iel);    // global to global mapping between solution node and pdeSys dof
  //all vars###################################################################

  for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
     for(int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
 //************** update active set flag for current nonlinear iteration **************************** 
 // 0: inactive; 1: active_a; 2: active_b
   assert(Sol_n_el_dofs[pos_mu] == Sol_n_el_dofs[pos_ctrl]);
     std::fill(sol_actflag.begin(), sol_actflag.end(), 0);
     std::fill(ctrl_lower.begin(), ctrl_lower.end(), 0.);
     std::fill(ctrl_upper.begin(), ctrl_upper.end(), 0.);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < sol_actflag.size(); i++) {
        std::vector<double> node_coords_i(dim,0.);
        for (unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++) node_coords_i[d] = coords_at_dofs[d][i];
        ctrl_lower[i] = InequalityConstraint(node_coords_i,false);
        ctrl_upper[i] = InequalityConstraint(node_coords_i,true);
    if      ( (sol_eldofs[pos_mu][i] + c_compl * (sol_eldofs[pos_ctrl][i] - ctrl_lower[i] )) < 0 )  sol_actflag[i] = 1;
    else if ( (sol_eldofs[pos_mu][i] + c_compl * (sol_eldofs[pos_ctrl][i] - ctrl_upper[i] )) > 0 )  sol_actflag[i] = 2;
 //************** act flag **************************** 
    unsigned nDof_act_flag  = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, solFEType_act_flag);    // number of solution element dofs
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDof_act_flag; i++) {
      unsigned solDof_mu = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, solFEType_act_flag); 

    //******************** ALL VARS ********************* 
    unsigned nDof_AllVars = 0;
    for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) { nDof_AllVars += Sol_n_el_dofs[k]; }
 // TODO COMPUTE MAXIMUM maximum number of element dofs for one scalar variable
    int nDof_max    =  0;   
      for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++)     {
          if(Sol_n_el_dofs[k] > nDof_max)    nDof_max = Sol_n_el_dofs[k];
    Res.resize(nDof_AllVars);                   std::fill(Res.begin(), Res.end(), 0.);
    Jac.resize(nDof_AllVars * nDof_AllVars);    std::fill(Jac.begin(), Jac.end(), 0.);
      for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++)     L2G_dofmap_AllVars.insert(L2G_dofmap_AllVars.end(),L2G_dofmap[k].begin(),L2G_dofmap[k].end());

 //***** set control flag ****************************
  int control_el_flag = 0;
      control_el_flag = ControlDomainFlag_internal_restriction(elem_center);
  std::vector<int> control_node_flag(Sol_n_el_dofs[pos_ctrl],0);
  if (control_el_flag == 1) std::fill(control_node_flag.begin(), control_node_flag.end(), 1);

      // *** Gauss point loop ***
      for (unsigned ig = 0; ig < msh->_finiteElement[ielGeom][solFEType_max]->GetGaussPointNumber(); ig++) {
      // *** get gauss point weight, test function and test function partial derivatives ***
      for(unsigned int k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
         msh->_finiteElement[ielGeom][SolFEType[k]]->Jacobian(coords_at_dofs, ig, weight_qp, phi_fe_qp[k], phi_x_fe_qp[k], phi_xx_fe_qp[k]);
   for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
      for(unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Sol_n_el_dofs[k]; i++) {
          phi_x_fe_qp_vec[k][d][i] =  phi_x_fe_qp[k][i * dim + d];
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
         msh->_finiteElement[ielGeom][SolFEType_domain[d]]->Jacobian(coords_at_dofs, ig, weight_qp, phi_fe_qp_domain[d], phi_x_fe_qp_domain[d], phi_xx_fe_qp_domain[d]);
 //========= fill gauss value xyz ==================   
   std::fill(coord_at_qp.begin(), coord_at_qp.end(), 0.);
    for (unsigned  d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
        	for (unsigned i = 0; i < coords_at_dofs[d].size(); i++) {
               coord_at_qp[d] += coords_at_dofs[d][i] * phi_fe_qp_domain[d][i];
  //========= fill gauss value xyz ==================   

 //========= fill gauss value quantities ==================   
   std::fill(sol_qp.begin(), sol_qp.end(), 0.);
   for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) { std::fill(sol_grad_qp[k].begin(), sol_grad_qp[k].end(), 0.); }
    for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sol_n_el_dofs[k]; i++) {
	                                                         sol_qp[k]    += sol_eldofs[k][i] *   phi_fe_qp[k][i];
                   for (unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++)   sol_grad_qp[k][d] += sol_eldofs[k][i] * phi_x_fe_qp[k][i * dim + d];
 //========= fill gauss value quantities ==================   

//==========FILLING THE EQUATIONS ===========
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDof_max; i++) {
          // ===============
        Res[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::res_row_index(Sol_n_el_dofs,pos_state,i) ] += - weight_qp * (target_flag * phi_fe_qp[pos_state][i] * (
                                                                                              m_b_f[pos_state][pos_state] * sol_qp[pos_state] 
                                                                                            - DesiredTarget(coord_at_qp) ) 
                                                                                          + m_b_f[pos_state][pos_adj]   * ( assemble_jacobian<double,double>::laplacian_row(phi_x_fe_qp_vec, sol_grad_qp, pos_state, pos_adj, i, dim)  
                                                                                                                            - sol_qp[pos_adj] *  nonlin_term_derivative(phi_fe_qp[pos_state][i]) *  sol_qp[pos_ctrl]) );

          // ==============
	     if ( control_el_flag == 1)        Res[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::res_row_index(Sol_n_el_dofs,pos_ctrl,i) ] +=  /*(control_node_flag[i]) **/ - weight_qp * (
                                                                                  + m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_ctrl] * alpha * phi_fe_qp[pos_ctrl][i] * sol_qp[pos_ctrl]
		                                                                          + m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_ctrl] *  beta * assemble_jacobian<double,double>::laplacian_row(phi_x_fe_qp_vec, sol_grad_qp, pos_ctrl, pos_ctrl, i, dim) 
		                                                                          - m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_adj]  *         phi_fe_qp[pos_ctrl][i] * sol_qp[pos_adj] * nonlin_term_function(sol_qp[pos_state])
	      else if ( control_el_flag == 0)  Res[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::res_row_index(Sol_n_el_dofs,pos_ctrl,i) ] +=  /*(1 - control_node_flag[i]) **/ m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_ctrl] * (- penalty_strong) * (sol_eldofs[pos_ctrl][i]);

          // =============
        Res[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::res_row_index(Sol_n_el_dofs,pos_adj,i) ] += - weight_qp *  ( + m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_state] * assemble_jacobian<double,double>::laplacian_row(phi_x_fe_qp_vec, sol_grad_qp, pos_adj, pos_state, i, dim) 
                                                                          - m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_ctrl]  * phi_fe_qp[pos_adj][i] * sol_qp[pos_ctrl] * nonlin_term_function(sol_qp[pos_state]) 

//======================End Residuals=======================
          if (assembleMatrix) {
            // *** phi_j loop ***
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < nDof_max; j++) {
              //============ delta_state row ============================
		Jac[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::jac_row_col_index(Sol_n_el_dofs, nDof_AllVars, pos_state, pos_state, i, j) ]  += 
                                                      m_b_f[pos_state][pos_state] * weight_qp * target_flag * phi_fe_qp[pos_state][j] *  phi_fe_qp[pos_state][i];
		Jac[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::jac_row_col_index(Sol_n_el_dofs, nDof_AllVars, pos_state, pos_adj, i, j)  ]  +=
		                                              m_b_f[pos_state][pos_adj] * weight_qp * (
                                                                          assemble_jacobian<double,double>::laplacian_row_col(phi_x_fe_qp_vec,phi_x_fe_qp_vec, pos_state, pos_adj, i, j, dim)
                                                                                                       - phi_fe_qp[pos_adj][j] *
                                                                                                         nonlin_term_derivative(phi_fe_qp[pos_state][i]) * 
	      //=========== delta_control row ===========================     
	      if ( control_el_flag == 1)  {
		Jac[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::jac_row_col_index(Sol_n_el_dofs, nDof_AllVars, pos_ctrl, pos_ctrl, i, j) ]  += 
		                                              m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_ctrl] * ( control_node_flag[i]) * weight_qp * (
                                                                                  beta * control_el_flag  * assemble_jacobian<double,double>::laplacian_row_col(phi_x_fe_qp_vec,phi_x_fe_qp_vec, pos_ctrl, pos_ctrl, i, j, dim) 
                                                                               + alpha * control_el_flag  * phi_fe_qp[pos_ctrl][i] * phi_fe_qp[pos_ctrl][j] 
		Jac[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::jac_row_col_index(Sol_n_el_dofs, nDof_AllVars, pos_ctrl, pos_adj, i, j) ]  += m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_adj] * control_node_flag[i] * weight_qp * (
                                                                                                                                      - phi_fe_qp[pos_ctrl][i] * 
                                                                                                                                        phi_fe_qp[pos_adj][j] * 
	      else if ( control_el_flag == 0 && i == j)  {  
        Jac[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::jac_row_col_index(Sol_n_el_dofs, nDof_AllVars, pos_ctrl, pos_ctrl, i, j) ]  += m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_ctrl] * (1 - control_node_flag[i]) * penalty_strong;
	      //=========== delta_adjoint row ===========================
		Jac[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::jac_row_col_index(Sol_n_el_dofs, nDof_AllVars, pos_adj, pos_state, i, j) ]  += m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_state] * weight_qp * (
                                                                                                                                      assemble_jacobian<double,double>::laplacian_row_col(phi_x_fe_qp_vec,phi_x_fe_qp_vec, pos_adj, pos_state, i, j, dim)
                                                                                                                                      - phi_fe_qp[pos_adj][i] *
                                                                                                                                        nonlin_term_derivative(phi_fe_qp[pos_state][j]) * 

        Jac[ assemble_jacobian<double,double>::jac_row_col_index(Sol_n_el_dofs, nDof_AllVars, pos_adj, pos_ctrl, i, j)  ]  += m_b_f[pos_adj][pos_ctrl] * weight_qp * ( 
                                                                                                                                      - phi_fe_qp[pos_adj][i] * 
                                                                                                                                        phi_fe_qp[pos_ctrl][j] * 
            } // end phi_j loop
          } // endif assemble_matrix

        } // end phi_i loop
      } // end gauss point loop

    //std::vector<double> Res_ctrl (Sol_n_el_dofs[pos_ctrl]); std::fill(Res_ctrl.begin(),Res_ctrl.end(), 0.);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < sol_eldofs[pos_ctrl].size(); i++) {
       unsigned n_els_that_node = 1;
     if ( control_el_flag == 1) {
// 	Res[Sol_n_el_dofs[pos_state] + i] += - ( + n_els_that_node * ineq_flag * sol_eldofs[pos_mu][i] /*- ( 0.4 + sin(M_PI * x[0][i]) * sin(M_PI * x[1][i]) )*/ );
// 	Res_ctrl[i] =  Res[Sol_n_el_dofs[pos_state] + i];

 //========== end of integral-based part

                          RES->add_vector_blocked(Res, L2G_dofmap_AllVars);
      if (assembleMatrix)  KK->add_matrix_blocked(Jac, L2G_dofmap_AllVars, L2G_dofmap_AllVars);
 //========== dof-based part, without summation
 //============= delta_mu row ===============================
      std::vector<double> Res_mu (Sol_n_el_dofs[pos_mu]); std::fill(Res_mu.begin(),Res_mu.end(), 0.);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < sol_actflag.size(); i++) {
      if (sol_actflag[i] == 0) {  //inactive
         Res_mu [i] = (- ineq_flag) * ( 1. * sol_eldofs[pos_mu][i] ); 
// 	 Res_mu [i] = Res[res_row_index(Sol_n_el_dofs,pos_mu,i)]; 
      else if (sol_actflag[i] == 1) {  //active_a 
	     Res_mu [i] = (- ineq_flag) * c_compl * ( sol_eldofs[pos_ctrl][i] - ctrl_lower[i]);
      else if (sol_actflag[i] == 2) {  //active_b 
	     Res_mu [i] = (- ineq_flag) * c_compl * ( sol_eldofs[pos_ctrl][i] - ctrl_upper[i]);
    RES->insert(Res_mu, L2G_dofmap[pos_mu]);
 //============= delta_ctrl - mu ===============================
 KK->matrix_set_off_diagonal_values_blocked(L2G_dofmap[pos_ctrl], L2G_dofmap[pos_mu], m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_mu] * ineq_flag * 1.);
 //============= delta_mu - ctrl row ===============================
 for (unsigned i = 0; i < sol_actflag.size(); i++) if (sol_actflag[i] != 0 ) sol_actflag[i] = m_b_f[pos_mu][pos_ctrl] * ineq_flag * c_compl;    
 KK->matrix_set_off_diagonal_values_blocked(L2G_dofmap[pos_mu], L2G_dofmap[pos_ctrl], sol_actflag);

 //============= delta_mu - mu row ===============================
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < sol_actflag.size(); i++) sol_actflag[i] =  m_b_f[pos_mu][pos_mu] * ( ineq_flag * (1 - sol_actflag[i]/c_compl)  + (1-ineq_flag) * 1. ); //can do better to avoid division, maybe use modulo operator 

  KK->matrix_set_off_diagonal_values_blocked(L2G_dofmap[pos_mu], L2G_dofmap[pos_mu], sol_actflag );
  } //end element loop for each process

  if (assembleMatrix) KK->close();
//  std::ostringstream mat_out; mat_out << ml_prob.GetFilesHandler()->GetOutputPath() << "/" << "jacobian" << mlPdeSys->GetNonlinearIt()  << ".txt";
//   KK->print_matlab(mat_out.str(),"ascii"); 
//    KK->print();
  // ***************** END ASSEMBLY *******************
  unsigned int global_ctrl_size = pdeSys->KKoffset[pos_ctrl+1][iproc] - pdeSys->KKoffset[pos_ctrl][iproc];
  std::vector<double>  one_times_mu(global_ctrl_size, 0.);
  std::vector<int>        positions(global_ctrl_size);
//  double position_mu_i;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) {
    positions[i] = pdeSys->KKoffset[pos_ctrl][iproc] + i;
//     position_mu_i = pdeSys->KKoffset[pos_mu][iproc] + i;
//     std::cout << position_mu_i << std::endl;
    one_times_mu[i] =  m_b_f[pos_ctrl][pos_mu] * ineq_flag * 1. * (*sol->_Sol[SolIndex[pos_mu]])(i/*position_mu_i*/) ;
    RES->add_vector_blocked(one_times_mu, positions);
//     RES->print();
// Here we compute the residual R(x) = K(x)*x - f. The current solution
// x is passed in the soln vector
void compute_residual (const NumericVector<Number>& soln,
                       NumericVector<Number>& residual,
                       NonlinearImplicitSystem& sys)
    EquationSystems &es = *_equation_system;

    // Get a constant reference to the mesh object.
    const MeshBase& mesh = es.get_mesh();

    // The dimension that we are running
    const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
    libmesh_assert_equal_to (dim, 2);

    // Get a reference to the NonlinearImplicitSystem we are solving
    NonlinearImplicitSystem& system =

    // A reference to the \p DofMap object for this system.  The \p DofMap
    // object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
    // to degree of freedom numbers.  We will talk more about the \p DofMap
    // in future examples.
    const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

    // Get a constant reference to the Finite Element type
    // for the first (and only) variable in the system.
    FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);

    // Build a Finite Element object of the specified type.  Since the
    // \p FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
    // store the object as an \p AutoPtr<FEBase>.  This can be thought
    // of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
    AutoPtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));

    // A 5th order Gauss quadrature rule for numerical integration.
    QGauss qrule (dim, FIFTH);

    // Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
    fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);

    // Declare a special finite element object for
    // boundary integration.
    AutoPtr<FEBase> fe_face (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));

    // Boundary integration requires one quadraure rule,
    // with dimensionality one less than the dimensionality
    // of the element.
    QGauss qface(dim-1, FIFTH);

    // Tell the finte element object to use our
    // quadrature rule.
    fe_face->attach_quadrature_rule (&qface);

    // Here we define some references to cell-specific data that
    // will be used to assemble the linear system.
    // We begin with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each
    // integration point.
    const std::vector<Real>& JxW = fe->get_JxW();

    // The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();

    // The element shape function gradients evaluated at the quadrature
    // points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> >& dphi = fe->get_dphi();

    // Define data structures to contain the resdual contributions
    DenseVector<Number> Re;

    // This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
    // the element.  These define where in the global system
    // the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
    std::vector<unsigned int> dof_indices;

    // Now we will loop over all the active elements in the mesh which
    // are local to this processor.
    // We will compute the element residual.

    MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

    for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
        // Store a pointer to the element we are currently
        // working on.  This allows for nicer syntax later.
        const Elem* elem = *el;

        // Get the degree of freedom indices for the
        // current element.  These define where in the global
        // matrix and right-hand-side this element will
        // contribute to.
        dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

        // Compute the element-specific data for the current
        // element.  This involves computing the location of the
        // quadrature points (q_point) and the shape functions
        // (phi, dphi) for the current element.
        fe->reinit (elem);

        // We use the resize member here because
        // the number of degrees of freedom might have changed from
        // the last element.  Note that this will be the case if the
        // element type is different (i.e. the last element was a
        // triangle, now we are on a quadrilateral).
        Re.resize (dof_indices.size());

        // Now we will build the residual. This involves
        // the construction of the matrix K and multiplication of it
        // with the current solution x. We rearrange this into two loops:
        // In the first, we calculate only the contribution of
        // K_ij*x_j which is independent of the row i. In the second loops,
        // we multiply with the row-dependent part and add it to the element
        // residual.

        for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
            Number u = 0;
            Gradient grad_u;

            for (unsigned int j=0; j<phi.size(); j++)
                u      += phi[j][qp]*soln(dof_indices[j]);
                grad_u += dphi[j][qp]*soln(dof_indices[j]);

            const Number K = 1./std::sqrt(1. + grad_u*grad_u);

            for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
                Re(i) += JxW[qp]*(
                             K*(dphi[i][qp]*grad_u) +

        // At this point the interior element integration has
        // been completed.  However, we have not yet addressed
        // boundary conditions.

        // The following loops over the sides of the element.
        // If the element has no neighbor on a side then that
        // side MUST live on a boundary of the domain.
        for (unsigned int side=0; side<elem->n_sides(); side++)
            if (elem->neighbor(side) == NULL)
                // The value of the shape functions at the quadrature
                // points.
                const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >&  phi_face = fe_face->get_phi();

                // The Jacobian * Quadrature Weight at the quadrature
                // points on the face.
                const std::vector<Real>& JxW_face = fe_face->get_JxW();

                // Compute the shape function values on the element face.
                fe_face->reinit(elem, side);

                // Loop over the face quadrature points for integration.
                for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qface.n_points(); qp++)
                    // This is the right-hand-side contribution (f),
                    // which has to be subtracted from the current residual
                    for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi_face.size(); i++)
                        Re(i) -= JxW_face[qp]*sigma*phi_face[i][qp];

        dof_map.constrain_element_vector (Re, dof_indices);
        residual.add_vector (Re, dof_indices);

    // That's it.
void AssembleOptimization::assemble_A_and_F()

  const MeshBase & mesh = _sys.get_mesh();

  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
  const unsigned int u_var = _sys.variable_number ("u");

  const DofMap & dof_map = _sys.get_dof_map();
  FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(u_var);
  UniquePtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
  QGauss qrule (dim, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
  fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);

  const std::vector<Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
  const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi = fe->get_phi();
  const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > & dphi = fe->get_dphi();

  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
  DenseVector<Number> Fe;

  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       el     = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

  for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
      const Elem * elem = *el;

      dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

      const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_indices.size();

      fe->reinit (elem);

      Ke.resize (n_dofs, n_dofs);
      Fe.resize (n_dofs);

      for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
          for (unsigned int dof_i=0; dof_i<n_dofs; dof_i++)
              for (unsigned int dof_j=0; dof_j<n_dofs; dof_j++)
                  Ke(dof_i, dof_j) += JxW[qp] * (dphi[dof_j][qp]* dphi[dof_i][qp]);
              Fe(dof_i) += JxW[qp] * phi[dof_i][qp];

      // This will zero off-diagonal entries of Ke corresponding to
      // Dirichlet dofs.
      dof_map.constrain_element_matrix_and_vector (Ke, Fe, dof_indices);

      // We want the diagonal of constrained dofs to be zero too
      for (unsigned int local_dof_index=0; local_dof_index<n_dofs; local_dof_index++)
          dof_id_type global_dof_index = dof_indices[local_dof_index];
          if (dof_map.is_constrained_dof(global_dof_index))
              Ke(local_dof_index, local_dof_index) = 0.;

      A_matrix->add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);
      F_vector->add_vector (Fe, dof_indices);

   * Evaluate the residual of the nonlinear system.
  virtual void residual (const NumericVector<Number> & soln,
                         NumericVector<Number> & residual,
                         NonlinearImplicitSystem & /*sys*/)
    const Real young_modulus = es.parameters.get<Real>("young_modulus");
    const Real poisson_ratio = es.parameters.get<Real>("poisson_ratio");
    const Real forcing_magnitude = es.parameters.get<Real>("forcing_magnitude");

    const MeshBase & mesh = es.get_mesh();
    const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();

    NonlinearImplicitSystem & system =

    const unsigned int u_var = system.variable_number ("u");

    const DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

    FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(u_var);
    std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
    QGauss qrule (dim, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
    fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);

    std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe_face (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
    QGauss qface (dim-1, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());
    fe_face->attach_quadrature_rule (&qface);

    const std::vector<Real> & JxW = fe->get_JxW();
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real>> & phi = fe->get_phi();
    const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient>> & dphi = fe->get_dphi();

    DenseVector<Number> Re;

    DenseSubVector<Number> Re_var[3] =

    std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;
    std::vector<std::vector<dof_id_type>> dof_indices_var(3);


    for (const auto & elem : mesh.active_local_element_ptr_range())
        dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
        for (unsigned int var=0; var<3; var++)
          dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices_var[var], var);

        const unsigned int n_dofs = dof_indices.size();
        const unsigned int n_var_dofs = dof_indices_var[0].size();

        fe->reinit (elem);

        Re.resize (n_dofs);
        for (unsigned int var=0; var<3; var++)
          Re_var[var].reposition (var*n_var_dofs, n_var_dofs);

        for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
            DenseVector<Number> u_vec(3);
            DenseMatrix<Number> grad_u(3, 3);
            for (unsigned int var_i=0; var_i<3; var_i++)
                for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_var_dofs; j++)
                  u_vec(var_i) += phi[j][qp]*soln(dof_indices_var[var_i][j]);

                // Row is variable u, v, or w column is x, y, or z
                for (unsigned int var_j=0; var_j<3; var_j++)
                  for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_var_dofs; j++)
                    grad_u(var_i,var_j) += dphi[j][qp](var_j)*soln(dof_indices_var[var_i][j]);

            DenseMatrix<Number> strain_tensor(3, 3);
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
              for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++)
                  strain_tensor(i,j) += 0.5 * (grad_u(i,j) + grad_u(j,i));

                  for (unsigned int k=0; k<3; k++)
                    strain_tensor(i,j) += 0.5 * grad_u(k,i)*grad_u(k,j);

            // Define the deformation gradient
            DenseMatrix<Number> F(3, 3);
            F = grad_u;
            for (unsigned int var=0; var<3; var++)
              F(var, var) += 1.;

            DenseMatrix<Number> stress_tensor(3, 3);

            for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
              for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++)
                for (unsigned int k=0; k<3; k++)
                  for (unsigned int l=0; l<3; l++)
                    stress_tensor(i,j) +=
                      elasticity_tensor(young_modulus, poisson_ratio, i, j, k, l) * strain_tensor(k,l);

            DenseVector<Number> f_vec(3);
            f_vec(0) = 0.;
            f_vec(1) = 0.;
            f_vec(2) = -forcing_magnitude;

            for (unsigned int dof_i=0; dof_i<n_var_dofs; dof_i++)
              for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
                  for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++)
                      Number FxStress_ij = 0.;
                      for (unsigned int m=0; m<3; m++)
                        FxStress_ij += F(i,m) * stress_tensor(m,j);

                      Re_var[i](dof_i) += JxW[qp] * (-FxStress_ij * dphi[dof_i][qp](j));

                  Re_var[i](dof_i) += JxW[qp] * (f_vec(i) * phi[dof_i][qp]);

        dof_map.constrain_element_vector (Re, dof_indices);
        residual.add_vector (Re, dof_indices);
文件: ex_time.cpp 项目: FeMTTU/femus
void AssembleMatrixRes_VC(MultiLevelProblem &ml_prob) {

  TransientNonlinearImplicitSystem* mlPdeSys = & ml_prob.get_system<TransientNonlinearImplicitSystem>("Timedep");
  const unsigned level = mlPdeSys->GetLevelToAssemble();

  MultiLevelSolution *ml_sol			      = ml_prob._ml_sol;
  Solution*	 sol  	                          = ml_sol->GetSolutionLevel(level);
  LinearEquationSolver*  pdeSys	              = mlPdeSys->_LinSolver[level];
  const char* pdename                         = mlPdeSys->name().c_str();

  Mesh*		 msh    	   = ml_prob._ml_msh->GetLevel(level);
  elem*		 myel		   = msh->el;
  SparseMatrix*	 JAC	   = pdeSys->_KK;
  NumericVector* RES 	   = pdeSys->_RES;

  // data
  const unsigned dim = msh->GetDimension();
  const unsigned max_size = static_cast< unsigned >(ceil(pow(3, dim)));          // conservative: based on line3, quad9, hex27
  unsigned nel = msh->GetNumberOfElements();
  unsigned igrid = msh->GetLevel();
  unsigned iproc = msh->processor_id();
  // time dep data
  double dt = mlPdeSys->GetIntervalTime();
//   double theta = 0.5;

  //************** geometry (at dofs and quadrature points) *************************************  
  vector < vector < double > > coords_at_dofs(dim);
  unsigned coords_fe_type = BIQUADR_FE; // get the finite element type for "x", it is always 2 (LAGRANGE BIQUADRATIC)
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < coords_at_dofs.size(); i++)    coords_at_dofs[i].reserve(max_size);

  vector < double > coord_at_qp(dim);
  //************* shape functions (at dofs and quadrature points) **************************************  
  const int solType_max = BIQUADR_FE;  //biquadratic

  double weight_qp; // gauss point weight
  vector < vector < double > > phi_fe_qp(NFE_FAMS);
  vector < vector < double > > phi_x_fe_qp(NFE_FAMS);
  vector < vector < double > > phi_xx_fe_qp(NFE_FAMS);
  for(int fe=0; fe < NFE_FAMS; fe++) {  

  //********* WHOLE SET OF VARIABLES ****************** 
  const unsigned int n_unknowns = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex().size();

  vector < std::string > Solname(n_unknowns);     Solname[0] = "u";
  vector < unsigned > SolPdeIndex(n_unknowns);
  vector < unsigned > SolIndex(n_unknowns);
  vector < unsigned int > SolFEType(n_unknowns);     //FEtype of each MultilevelSolution       
  vector < unsigned int > Sol_n_el_dofs(n_unknowns); //number of element dofs

  std::fill(Sol_n_el_dofs.begin(), Sol_n_el_dofs.end(), 0);

  for(unsigned ivar=0; ivar < n_unknowns; ivar++) {
    SolPdeIndex[ivar] = mlPdeSys->GetSolPdeIndex(  Solname[ivar].c_str() );
       SolIndex[ivar] = ml_sol->GetIndex         ( Solname[ivar].c_str() );
      SolFEType[ivar] = ml_sol->GetSolutionType  ( SolIndex[ivar]);
  //------------ quantities (at quadrature points) ---------------------
          vector<double>        sol_qp(n_unknowns);
          vector<double>    sol_old_qp(n_unknowns);
  vector< vector<double> > sol_grad_qp(n_unknowns);
  vector< vector<double> > sol_old_grad_qp(n_unknowns);
  std::fill(sol_qp.begin(), sol_qp.end(), 0.);
  std::fill(sol_old_qp.begin(), sol_old_qp.end(), 0.);
  for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
        std::fill(sol_grad_qp[k].begin(), sol_grad_qp[k].end(), 0.);
        std::fill(sol_old_grad_qp[k].begin(), sol_old_grad_qp[k].end(), 0.);

  //----------- quantities (at dof objects) ------------------------------
  vector < vector < double > >     sol_eldofs(n_unknowns);
  vector < vector < double > >     sol_old_eldofs(n_unknowns);
  for(int k=0; k<n_unknowns; k++) { sol_eldofs[k].reserve(max_size);
  //******** linear system *******************************************  
  vector < vector < int > > L2G_dofmap(n_unknowns);     for(int i = 0; i < n_unknowns; i++) { L2G_dofmap[i].reserve(max_size); }
            vector< int >   L2G_dofmap_AllVars; L2G_dofmap_AllVars.reserve( n_unknowns*max_size );
  vector< vector< double > > Res_el(n_unknowns);
  vector< vector< vector< double > > > Jac_el(n_unknowns);

   for(int i = 0; i < n_unknowns; i++) Res_el[i].reserve(max_size);

   for(int i = 0; i < n_unknowns; i++) {
     for(int j = 0; j < n_unknowns; j++) {
  // Set to zero all the entries of the matrix
  const double deltat_term = 1.;
  const double lapl_term = 1.;
  const double delta_g_term = 1.;

  // *** element loop ***
  for (int iel = msh->_elementOffset[iproc]; iel < msh->_elementOffset[iproc+1]; iel++) {

    short unsigned ielGeom = msh->GetElementType(iel);    // element geometry type
    //******************** GEOMETRY ********************* 
    unsigned nDofx = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, coords_fe_type);       // number of coordinate element dofs
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)  coords_at_dofs[i].resize(nDofx);
    // local storage of coordinates
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nDofx; i++) {
      unsigned xDof  = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, coords_fe_type);       // global to global mapping between coordinates node and coordinate dof

      for (unsigned jdim = 0; jdim < dim; jdim++) {
        coords_at_dofs[jdim][i] = (*msh->_topology->_Sol[jdim])(xDof);    // global extraction and local storage for the element coordinates
  //all vars###################################################################  
  for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
    unsigned  ndofs_unk = msh->GetElementDofNumber(iel, SolFEType[k]);
	   Sol_n_el_dofs[k] = ndofs_unk;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ndofs_unk; i++) {
            unsigned solDof = msh->GetSolutionDof(i, iel, SolFEType[k]);                    // global to global mapping between solution node and solution dof 
                                                                                            // via local to global solution node
           sol_eldofs[k][i] = (*sol->_Sol[SolIndex[k]])(solDof);                            // global extraction and local storage for the solution
       sol_old_eldofs[k][i] = (*sol->_SolOld[SolIndex[k]])(solDof);                         // This is OLD in TIME, not in nonlinear loop
           L2G_dofmap[k][i] = pdeSys->GetSystemDof(SolIndex[k], SolPdeIndex[k], i, iel);    // global to global mapping between solution node and pdeSys dof
    unsigned nDof_AllVars = 0;
    for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) { nDof_AllVars += Sol_n_el_dofs[k]; }
    // TODO COMPUTE MAXIMUM maximum number of element dofs for one scalar variable
    int nDof_max    =  0;   
      for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++)     {
          if(Sol_n_el_dofs[k] > nDof_max)    nDof_max = Sol_n_el_dofs[k];
      for(int k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {

      memset(& Res_el[SolPdeIndex[k]][0], 0., Sol_n_el_dofs[k] * sizeof(double) );

      Jac_el[SolPdeIndex[k]][SolPdeIndex[k]].resize(Sol_n_el_dofs[k] * Sol_n_el_dofs[k]);
      memset(& Jac_el[SolPdeIndex[k]][SolPdeIndex[k]][0], 0., Sol_n_el_dofs[k] * Sol_n_el_dofs[k] * sizeof(double));

  //all vars###################################################################    

      // *** quadrature loop ***
      for(unsigned ig = 0; ig < ml_prob.GetQuadratureRule(ielGeom).GetGaussPointsNumber(); ig++) {
      // *** get gauss point weight, test function and test function partial derivatives ***
      for(int fe=0; fe < NFE_FAMS; fe++) {

   //========= fill gauss value quantities ==================   
   std::fill(sol_qp.begin(), sol_qp.end(), 0.);
   std::fill(sol_old_qp.begin(), sol_old_qp.end(), 0.);
   for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) { std::fill(sol_grad_qp[k].begin(), sol_grad_qp[k].end(), 0.); 
                                                std::fill(sol_old_grad_qp[k].begin(), sol_old_grad_qp[k].end(), 0.);
    for (unsigned  k = 0; k < n_unknowns; k++) {
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < Sol_n_el_dofs[k]; i++) {
	                                                         sol_qp[k]    +=     sol_eldofs[k][i] *   phi_fe_qp[SolFEType[k]][i];
	                                                     sol_old_qp[k]    += sol_old_eldofs[k][i] *   phi_fe_qp[SolFEType[k]][i];
                   for (unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++) {      sol_grad_qp[k][d] +=     sol_eldofs[k][i] * phi_x_fe_qp[SolFEType[k]][i * dim + d]; 
                                                         sol_old_grad_qp[k][d] += sol_old_eldofs[k][i] * phi_x_fe_qp[SolFEType[k]][i * dim + d]; 
  //========= fill gauss value quantities ==================
	// *** phi_i loop ***
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < nDof_max; i++) {

    //BEGIN RESIDUALS A block ===========================
	    double Lap_rhs_i = 0.;
	    double Lap_old_rhs_i = 0.;
	    for(unsigned d = 0;  d < dim;  d++) {
	      Lap_rhs_i     += phi_x_fe_qp[SolFEType[0]][i * dim + d] *     sol_grad_qp[0][d];
	      Lap_old_rhs_i += phi_x_fe_qp[SolFEType[0]][i * dim + d] * sol_old_grad_qp[0][d];
	    Res_el[SolPdeIndex[0]][i] +=  - weight_qp * ( 
                       delta_g_term * Singularity::function(sol_qp[0]) * Singularity::g_vc(sol_qp[0])     * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][i]
                     - delta_g_term * Singularity::function(sol_qp[0]) * Singularity::g_vc(sol_old_qp[0]) * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][i]
                     + deltat_term * Singularity::function(sol_qp[0]) * dt                               * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][i]
                     + lapl_term *  dt * Lap_rhs_i
    //END RESIDUALS A block ===========================

	    // *** phi_j loop ***
	    for(unsigned j = 0; j<nDof_max; j++) {
          double Lap_mat_i_j = 0.;
          for(unsigned d = 0; d < dim; d++) Lap_mat_i_j += phi_x_fe_qp[SolFEType[0]][i * dim + d] *
                                                           phi_x_fe_qp[SolFEType[0]][j * dim + d];

          Jac_el[SolPdeIndex[0]][SolPdeIndex[0]][i * Sol_n_el_dofs[0] + j] += weight_qp * (
                    + delta_g_term * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][i] * Singularity::derivative(  phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] ) * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] * Singularity::g_vc( phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] ) 
                    + delta_g_term * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][i] * Singularity::function  (  phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] ) * Singularity::g_vc_derivative( phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] ) * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] 
                    - delta_g_term * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][i] * Singularity::derivative(  phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] ) * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] * Singularity::g_vc( sol_old_qp[0] ) 
                    + deltat_term * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][i] * Singularity::derivative(  phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] ) * phi_fe_qp[ SolFEType[0] ][j] * dt 
                    + lapl_term * dt * Lap_mat_i_j  
  	    }    //end phij loop

    }        //end phii loop
  }          // end gauss point loop

    //Sum the local matrices/vectors into the Global Matrix/Vector
    for(unsigned ivar=0; ivar < n_unknowns; ivar++) {
  } //end list of elements loop for each subdomain

  // ***************** END ASSEMBLY *******************