文件: kd_tree.cpp 项目: proton/ireon
void ireon::kd_tree::MManager<T>::FreeObjectList( ObjectList<T>* a_List )
	ObjectList<T>* list = a_List;
	while (list->getNext()) list = list->getNext();
	list->setNext( m_OList );
	m_OList = a_List;
文件: kd_tree.cpp 项目: proton/ireon
int ireon::kd_tree::KdTree<T>::FindNearest( Ray& a_Ray, real& a_Dist, T*& a_Prim ,  kdstack<T>  * const m_Stack, const aabb* extendBox)
	real tnear = 0, tfar = a_Dist, t;
	int retval = 0;
	Vector3 p1 = extendBox->getPos();
	Vector3 p2 = p1 + extendBox->getSize();
	Vector3 D = a_Ray.getDirection(), O = a_Ray.getOrigin();
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) if (D.val[i] < 0) 
		if (O.val[i] < p1.val[i]) return 0;
	else if (O.val[i] > p2.val[i]) return 0;
	// clip ray segment to box
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		real pos = O.val[i] + tfar * D.val[i];
		if (D.val[i] < 0)
			// clip end point
			if (pos < p1.val[i]) tfar = tnear + (tfar - tnear) * ((O.val[i] - p1.val[i]) / (O.val[i] - pos));
			// clip start point
			if (O.val[i] > p2.val[i]) tnear += (tfar - tnear) * ((O.val[i] - p2.val[i]) / (tfar * D.val[i]));
			// clip end point
			if (pos > p2.val[i]) tfar = tnear + (tfar - tnear) * ((p2.val[i] - O.val[i]) / (pos - O.val[i]));
			// clip start point
			if (O.val[i] < p1.val[i]) tnear += (tfar - tnear) * ((p1.val[i] - O.val[i]) / (tfar * D.val[i]));
		if (tnear > tfar) return 0;
	// init stack
	int entrypoint = 0, exitpoint = 1;
	// init traversal
	KdTreeNode<T>* farchild, *currnode;
	currnode = getRoot();
	m_Stack[entrypoint].t = tnear;
	if (tnear > 0.0f) m_Stack[entrypoint].pb = O + D * tnear;
	else m_Stack[entrypoint].pb = O;
	m_Stack[exitpoint].t = tfar;
	m_Stack[exitpoint].pb = O + D * tfar;
	m_Stack[exitpoint].node = 0;
	// traverse kd-tree
	while (currnode)
		while (!currnode->isLeaf())
			real splitpos = currnode->getSplitPos();
			int axis = currnode->getAxis();
			if (m_Stack[entrypoint].pb.val[axis] <= splitpos)
				if (m_Stack[exitpoint].pb.val[axis] <= splitpos)
					currnode = currnode->getLeft();
				if (m_Stack[exitpoint].pb.val[axis] == splitpos)
					currnode = currnode->getRight();
				currnode = currnode->getLeft();
				farchild = currnode + 1; // GetRight();
				if (m_Stack[exitpoint].pb.val[axis] > splitpos)
					currnode = currnode->getRight();
				farchild = currnode->getLeft();
				currnode = farchild + 1; // GetRight();
			t = (splitpos - O.val[axis]) / D.val[axis];
			int tmp = exitpoint++;
			if (exitpoint == entrypoint) exitpoint++;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].prev = tmp;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].t = t;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].node = farchild;
			m_Stack[exitpoint].pb.val[axis] = splitpos;
			int nextaxis = m_Mod[axis + 1];
			int prevaxis = m_Mod[axis + 2];
			m_Stack[exitpoint].pb.val[nextaxis] = O.val[nextaxis] + t * D.val[nextaxis];
			m_Stack[exitpoint].pb.val[prevaxis] = O.val[prevaxis] + t * D.val[prevaxis];
		ObjectList<T>* list = currnode->getList();
		real dist = m_Stack[exitpoint].t;
		while (list)
			T* pr = list->getPrimitive();
			int result;
			if (result = intersect( pr, a_Ray, dist ))
				retval = result;
				a_Dist = dist;
				a_Prim = pr;
			list = list->getNext();
		if (retval) return retval;
		entrypoint = exitpoint;
		currnode = m_Stack[exitpoint].node;
		exitpoint = m_Stack[entrypoint].prev;
	return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name : setCurrentAvatar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
void LevelUpDlg::setCurrentAvatar(AvatarData * pAvatar)
    m_pCurrentAvatar = pAvatar;
    short iSpecialLevels[MAX_LEVELS] = { 0, 1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };

    // Init position for components
    int iWidth = getWidth();
    int yPxl = 10;

    // Top label
    char sText[LABEL_MAX_CHARS];
    i18n->getText("LEVEL_UP", sText, LABEL_MAX_CHARS);
    guiLabel * pLbl = new guiLabel();
    pLbl->init(sText, H1_FONT, H1_COLOR, "TopLabe", 0, 0, iWidth - 10, 0, m_pLocalClient->getDisplay());
    pLbl->moveTo((iWidth - pLbl->getWidth()) / 2, yPxl);

    // Text
    yPxl += pLbl->getHeight() + 15;
    u16 uLevel = pAvatar->getRealLevel() + 1;
    assert(uLevel > 1);
    char sBuf[256];
    i18n->getText("(s)_LEVELED_UP_AND_IS_(d)", sBuf, 256);
    snprintf(sText, LABEL_MAX_CHARS, sBuf, pAvatar->m_sCustomName, (int)uLevel);
    pLbl = new guiLabel();
    pLbl->init(sText, TEXT_FONT, TEXT_COLOR, "CenterLabe", 0, 0, iWidth - 10, 0, m_pLocalClient->getDisplay());
    pLbl->moveTo(5, yPxl);

    Edition * pEdition = m_pLocalClient->getDataFactory()->findEdition(pAvatar->m_sEdition);
    assert(pEdition != NULL);
    m_iSpecialLevel = iSpecialLevels[uLevel-1];

    if (m_iSpecialLevel >= 0)
        u8 uTreeType = -1;
        char sPhraseKey[128] = "";
        switch (m_iSpecialLevel)
        case 1:
            uTreeType = PROGRESSION_MAGIC;
            wsafecpy(sPhraseKey, 128, "CHOOSE_MAGIC_PATH");
        case 2:
        case 3:
            uTreeType = PROGRESSION_TRAIT;
            wsafecpy(sPhraseKey, 128, "CHOOSE_CHARACTER_TRAIT");
        assert(uTreeType >= 0);

        // Text
        i18n->getText(sPhraseKey, sText, LABEL_MAX_CHARS);
        yPxl += pLbl->getHeight() + 2 * SPACING;
        pLbl = new guiLabel();
        pLbl->init(sText, TEXT_FONT, TEXT_COLOR, "", SPACING, yPxl, iWidth - 2 * SPACING, 0, getDisplay());

        // Open tree combo
        yPxl += pLbl->getHeight() + SPACING;
        guiComboBox * pCombo = guiComboBox::createDefaultComboBox("OpenTreeCombo", m_pLocalClient->getInterface(), getDisplay());
        pCombo->moveTo(SPACING, yPxl);

        ObjectList * pTrees = new ObjectList(false);
        pEdition->getAllTreesByType(pTrees, uTreeType);
        ProgressionTree * pTree = (ProgressionTree*) pTrees->getFirst(0);
        while (pTree != NULL)
            pTree->findLocalizedElement(sText, LABEL_MAX_CHARS, i18n->getCurrentLanguageName(), "name");
            guiButton * pBtn = pCombo->addString(sText, "OpenTreeButton");
            pTree->getDescription(sText, LABEL_MAX_CHARS, m_pLocalClient);
            pTree = (ProgressionTree*) pTrees->getNext(0);
        delete pTrees;
        yPxl += pCombo->getHeight() + SPACING;
        int xTree = SPACING;
        int btnSize = 64;
        int treeWidth = 2 * btnSize + btnSize / 3;
        int treeTop = yPxl + pLbl->getHeight() + 2 * SPACING;

        // Trees
        for (int i = 0; i < NB_PROGRESSION_TREES; i++)
            if (strcmp(pAvatar->m_pProgression[i].sTreeName, "") == 0)

            ProgressionTree * pTree = pEdition->findProgressionTree(pAvatar->m_pProgression[i].sTreeName);
            assert(pTree != NULL);

            // Top label
            yPxl = treeTop;
            pTree->findLocalizedElement(sText, LABEL_MAX_CHARS, i18n->getCurrentLanguageName(), "name");
            pLbl = new guiLabel();
            pLbl->init(sText, H2_FONT, H2_COLOR, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, getDisplay());
            pLbl->moveTo(xTree + treeWidth / 2 - pLbl->getWidth() / 2, yPxl);

            // Choices
            s32 iTexChoice = m_pLocalClient->getDisplay()->getTextureEngine()->loadTexture("progression_choice");
            s32 iTexChoiceLeft = m_pLocalClient->getDisplay()->getTextureEngine()->loadTexture("progression_choice_");
            s32 iTexChoiceRight = m_pLocalClient->getDisplay()->getTextureEngine()->loadTexture("progression_choice_r");
            int iChoiceWidth = m_pLocalClient->getDisplay()->getTextureEngine()->getTexture(iTexChoice)->m_iWidth;  // image is centered on texture, so we take its width
            bool bLastChosenLeft = true;

            // branch image
            yPxl += pLbl->getHeight() + SPACING;
            guiImage * pImg = new guiImage();
            pImg->init(iTexChoice, "", xTree + treeWidth / 2 - iChoiceWidth / 2, yPxl, -1, -1, getDisplay());

            // Get tree root choices
            yPxl += pImg->getHeight();
            int xPxl = xTree;
            bool bFirstCol = true;
            ProgressionElement * pChosen = getChosenElementAtLevel(pTree, i, 0);
            ProgressionElement * pElt = (ProgressionElement*) pTree->m_pElements[0]->getFirst(0);
            while (pElt != NULL)
                addChoiceButton(xPxl, yPxl, btnSize, pElt, pChosen == NULL ? 2 : (pChosen == pElt ? 1 : 0));
                if (pChosen == pElt)
                    bLastChosenLeft = bFirstCol;
                if (bFirstCol)
                    xPxl += btnSize + btnSize / 3;
                    xPxl = xTree;
                    yPxl += btnSize + SPACING;
                bFirstCol = !bFirstCol;
                pElt = (ProgressionElement*) pTree->m_pElements[0]->getNext(0);
            if (!bFirstCol)
                yPxl += btnSize + SPACING;
            int iLevel = 1;
            while (pChosen != NULL)
                // branch image
                pImg = new guiImage();
                pImg->init(bLastChosenLeft ? iTexChoiceLeft : iTexChoiceRight, "", xTree + treeWidth / 2 - iChoiceWidth / 2, yPxl, -1, -1, getDisplay());
                yPxl += pImg->getHeight();
                xPxl = xTree;
                bFirstCol = true;

                ProgressionElement * pPrevChosen = pChosen;
                pChosen = getChosenElementAtLevel(pTree, i, iLevel++);
                pElt = (ProgressionElement*) pPrevChosen->m_pChildren->getFirst(0);
                while (pElt != NULL)
                    addChoiceButton(xPxl, yPxl, btnSize, pElt, pChosen == NULL ? 2 : (pChosen == pElt ? 1 : 0));
                    if (pChosen == pElt)
                        bLastChosenLeft = bFirstCol;
                    if (bFirstCol)
                        xPxl += btnSize + btnSize / 3;
                        xPxl = xTree;
                        yPxl += btnSize + SPACING;
                    bFirstCol = !bFirstCol;
                    pElt = (ProgressionElement*) pPrevChosen->m_pChildren->getNext(0);
                if (!bFirstCol)
                    yPxl += btnSize + SPACING;
            xTree += treeWidth + SPACING;

    // Create button "Do it later"
    yPxl += SPACING;
    float fx = getWidth() / 8;
    guiButton * pBtn = guiButton::createDefaultNormalButton(i18n->getText("DO_IT_LATER", sText, 256), "DoItLaterButton", m_pLocalClient->getDisplay());
    pBtn->moveTo((int)fx, yPxl);
    pBtn->setTooltipText(i18n->getText("DO_IT_LATER_EXP", sText, 256));

    // Create button "Ok"
    pBtn = (guiButton*) pBtn->clone();
    pBtn->setText(i18n->getText1stUp("OK", sText, 256));
    pBtn->moveBy((int)(4 * fx), 0);

    // Size
    setHeight(yPxl + pBtn->getHeight() + SPACING);

    // Show frame
文件: kd_tree.cpp 项目: proton/ireon
void ireon::kd_tree::KdTree<T>::subdivide( KdTreeNode<T>* node, const aabb& box, int depth, int a_Prims )
	// recycle used split list nodes
	//add sPool_ at end sList_
	if (sList_)
		SplitList* list = sList_;
		while (list->next) 
			list = list->next;
		list->next = sPool_;
		sPool_ = sList_, sList_ = 0;

	// determine split axis
	Vector3 s = box.getSize();
	if ((s.x >= s.y) && (s.x >= s.z)) 
		node->setAxis( 0 );
	else if ((s.y >= s.x) && (s.y >= s.z))
		node->setAxis( 1 );
	int axis = node->getAxis();
	// make a list of the split position candidates
	ObjectList<T>* l = node->getList();
	real p1, p2;
	real pos1 = box.getPos().val[axis];
	real pos2 = box.getPos().val[axis] + box.getSize().val[axis];
	bool* pright = new bool[a_Prims];
	float* eleft = new float[a_Prims], *eright = new float[a_Prims];
	T** parray = new T*[a_Prims];
	real etleft, etright;
	int aidx = 0;
	while (l)
		T* p = parray[aidx] = l->getPrimitive();
		pright[aidx] = true;

		etleft =  eleft[aidx];
		etright = eright[aidx];
		p->calculateRange( etleft, etright, axis );
		eleft[aidx] = (float)etleft;
		eright[aidx] = (float)etright;
		for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			p1 = (float)p->vertice( i )->cell[axis];
			if ((p1 >= pos1) && (p1 <= pos2)) 
				insertSplitPos( p1 );
		l = l->getNext();
	// determine n1count / n2count for each split position
	aabb b1, b2, b3 = box, b4 = box;
	SplitList* splist = sList_;
	float b3p1 = b3.getPos().val[axis];
	float b4p2 = b4.getPos().val[axis] + b4.getSize().val[axis];
	Vector3 foo;
	while (splist)
		foo = b4.getPos();
		foo.val[axis] = splist->splitpos;
		foo = b4.getSize();
		foo.val[axis] = pos2 - splist->splitpos;
		foo = b3.getSize();
		foo.val[axis] = splist->splitpos - pos1;
		float b3p2 = b3.getPos().val[axis] + b3.getSize().val[axis];
		float b4p1 = b4.getPos().val[axis];
		for ( int i = 0; i < a_Prims; i++ ) if (pright[i])
			T* p = parray[i];
			if ((eleft[i] <= b3p2) && (eright[i] >= b3p1))
				if (p->intersectBox( b3 )) splist->n1count++;
			if ((eleft[i] <= b4p2) && (eright[i] >= b4p1))
				if (p->intersectBox( b4 )) splist->n2count++; else pright[i] = false;
		else splist->n1count++;
		splist = splist->next;
	delete[] pright;
	// calculate surface area for current node
	real SAV = 0.5f / (box.w() * box.d() + box.w() * box.h() + box.d() * box.h());
	// calculate cost for not splitting
	real Cleaf = a_Prims * 1.0f;
	// determine optimal split plane position
	splist = sList_;
	real lowcost = 10000;
	real bestpos = 0;
	while (splist)
		// calculate child node extends
		foo = b4.getPos();
		foo.val[axis] = splist->splitpos;
		foo = b4.getSize();
		foo.val[axis] = pos2 - splist->splitpos;
		foo = b3.getSize();
		foo.val[axis] = splist->splitpos - pos1;

		// calculate child node cost
		real SA1 = 2 * (b3.w() * b3.d() + b3.w() * b3.h() + b3.d() * b3.h());
		real SA2 = 2 * (b4.w() * b4.d() + b4.w() * b4.h() + b4.d() * b4.h());
		real splitcost = 0.3f + 1.0f * (SA1 * SAV * splist->n1count + SA2 * SAV * splist->n2count);
		// update best cost tracking variables
		if (splitcost < lowcost)
			lowcost = splitcost;
			bestpos = splist->splitpos;
			b1 = b3, b2 = b4;
		splist = splist->next;
	if (lowcost > Cleaf) 
		delete[] eleft;
		delete[] eright;
		delete[] parray;
		node->setSplitPos( bestpos );
	// construct child nodes
	KdTreeNode<T>* left = s_MManager->NewKdTreeNodePair();
	int n1count = 0, n2count = 0, total = 0;
	// assign primitives to both sides
	float b1p1 = b1.getPos().val[axis];
	float b2p2 = b2.getPos().val[axis] + b2.getSize().val[axis];
	float b1p2 = b1.getPos().val[axis] + b1.getSize().val[axis];
	float b2p1 = b2.getPos().val[axis];
	for ( int i = 0; i < a_Prims; i++ )
		T* p = parray[i];
		if ((eleft[i] <= b1p2) && (eright[i] >= b1p1)) if (p->intersectBox( b1 )) 
			left->add( p );
		if ((eleft[i] <= b2p2) && (eright[i] >= b2p1)) if (p->intersectBox( b2 )) 
			(left + 1)->add( p );
	delete[] eleft;
	delete[] eright;
	delete[] parray;
	s_MManager->FreeObjectList( node->getList() );
	node->setLeft( left );
	node->setLeaf( false );
	if (depth < MAXTREEDEPTH)
		if (n1count > 2) subdivide( left, b1, depth + 1, n1count );
		if (n2count > 2) subdivide( left + 1, b2, depth + 1, n2count );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Name : autoStartGame
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
void DebugManager::autoStartGame()
    // Build client data
    int nbClients = 1;
    ClientData * clients = new ClientData[nbClients];
    int iClient = 0;
    clients[iClient].bLocal = true;

    // Re-init map data
    MapReader * pMapReader = new MapReader(m_pLocalClient);
    ObjectList * pMapParameters = new ObjectList(true);
    pMapReader->getMapParameters(pMapParameters, LABEL_MAX_CHARS);

    int * pCustomParams = NULL;
    if (pMapParameters->size > 0)
        pCustomParams = new int[pMapParameters->size];

    // Map custom parameters
    int i = 0;
    MapReader::MapParameters * pParam = (MapReader::MapParameters*) pMapParameters->getFirst(0);
    while (pParam != NULL)
        pCustomParams[i++] = pParam->defaultValueIndex;
        pParam = (MapReader::MapParameters*) pMapParameters->getNext(0);

    // Init map generator (we will not delete it here, as the pointer now belong to Server object)
    pMapReader->setMapParameters(pCustomParams, pMapParameters->size, 2);
    delete[] pCustomParams;
    delete pMapParameters;

    // Init server
    Server * pServer = m_pLocalClient->initServer("", 1, clients, pMapReader, -1, -1);
    delete[] clients;
    if (pServer == NULL)
        notifyErrorMessage("Error: server could not be initialized.");

    // Build players data
    ObjectList * pServerPlayers = pServer->getSolver()->getPlayersList();
    // Create neutral player
    char sName[NAME_MAX_CHARS];
    i18n->getText("NEUTRA", sName, NAME_MAX_CHARS);
    Player * pPlayer = new Player(0, 0, pServer->getSolver()->getGlobalSpellsPtr());
    wsafecpy(pPlayer->m_sProfileName, NAME_MAX_CHARS, sName);
    pPlayer->m_Color = rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    wsafecpy(pPlayer->m_sBanner, 64, "blason1");
    // Human players
    int playerId = 1;
    for (int fdfdf = 0; fdfdf < 2; fdfdf++)
        // Create player object
        pPlayer = new Player(playerId, 0, pServer->getSolver()->getGlobalSpellsPtr());
        snprintf(pPlayer->m_sProfileName, NAME_MAX_CHARS, "test%d", playerId);
        Profile * pProfile = m_pLocalClient->getDataFactory()->findProfile(pPlayer->m_sProfileName);
        AvatarData * pAvatar = (AvatarData*) pProfile->getAvatarsList()->getFirst(0);
        pPlayer->m_Color = rgb(1, 1, 1);
        pAvatar->getBanner(pPlayer->m_sBanner, 64);
        // Set Avatar
        CoordsMap pos = pMapReader->getPlayerPosition(playerId-1);
        pServer->getSolver()->setInitialAvatar(pAvatar->clone(m_pLocalClient), pPlayer, pos);
        // Add spells that are equipped
        Profile::SpellData * pSpellDesc = (Profile::SpellData*) pProfile->getSpellsList()->getFirst(0);
        while (pSpellDesc != NULL)
            AvatarData * pOwner = pSpellDesc->m_pOwner;
            if (pOwner != NULL && strcmp(pAvatar->m_sEdition, pOwner->m_sEdition) == 0
                    && strcmp(pAvatar->m_sObjectId, pOwner->m_sObjectId) == 0)
                pServer->getSolver()->addInitialPlayerSpell(pPlayer, pSpellDesc->m_sEdition, pSpellDesc->m_sName);
            pSpellDesc = (Profile::SpellData*) pProfile->getSpellsList()->getNext(0);
        // Add equipped artifacts
        Artifact * pArtifact = (Artifact*) pProfile->getArtifactsList()->getFirst(0);
        while (pArtifact != NULL)
            AvatarData * pOwner = pArtifact->m_pOwner;
            if (pOwner != NULL && strcmp(pAvatar->m_sEdition, pOwner->m_sEdition) == 0
                    && strcmp(pAvatar->m_sObjectId, pOwner->m_sObjectId) == 0)
                Unit * pAvatarInGame = pPlayer->getAvatar();
                assert(pAvatarInGame != NULL);
                ArtifactEffect * pEffect = (ArtifactEffect*) pArtifact->getArtifactEffects()->getFirst(0);
                while (pEffect != NULL)
                    switch (pEffect->getType())
                    case ARTIFACT_EFFECT_CHARAC:
                        bool bFound = true;
                        long val = pAvatarInGame->getValue(((ArtifactEffect_Charac*)pEffect)->m_sKey, false, &bFound);
                        if (bFound)
                            pAvatarInGame->setBaseValue(((ArtifactEffect_Charac*)pEffect)->m_sKey, max(0, val + ((ArtifactEffect_Charac*)pEffect)->m_iModifier));
                            char sError[1024];
                            snprintf(sError, 1024, "Warning: artifact %s tries to modify characteristic that doesn't exist (%s)", pArtifact->m_sObjectId, ((ArtifactEffect_Charac*)pEffect)->m_sKey);
                    case ARTIFACT_EFFECT_SPELL:
                        Spell * pSpell = m_pLocalClient->getDataFactory()->findSpell(((ArtifactEffect_Spell*)pEffect)->m_sSpellEdition, ((ArtifactEffect_Spell*)pEffect)->m_sSpellName);
                        if (pSpell != NULL)
                            pServer->getSolver()->addInitialPlayerSpell(pPlayer, ((ArtifactEffect_Spell*)pEffect)->m_sSpellEdition, ((ArtifactEffect_Spell*)pEffect)->m_sSpellName);
                            char sError[1024];
                            snprintf(sError, 1024, "Warning: artifact %s tries to add spell that doesn't exist (%s)", pArtifact->m_sObjectId, ((ArtifactEffect_Spell*)pEffect)->m_sSpellName);
                    case ARTIFACT_EFFECT_SKILL:
                        Skill * pSkill = new Skill(((ArtifactEffect_Skill*)pEffect)->m_sSkillEdition, ((ArtifactEffect_Skill*)pEffect)->m_sSkillName, ((ArtifactEffect_Skill*)pEffect)->m_sSkillParameters, pServer->getDebug());
                        if (pSkill != NULL && pSkill->isLoaded())
                            char sError[1024];
                            snprintf(sError, 1024, "Warning: artifact %s tries to add skill that doesn't exist or that can't be loaded (%s)", pArtifact->m_sObjectId, ((ArtifactEffect_Skill*)pEffect)->m_sSkillName);
                    pEffect = (ArtifactEffect*) pArtifact->getArtifactEffects()->getNext(0);
            pArtifact = (Artifact*) pProfile->getArtifactsList()->getNext(0);
    delete pMapReader;