     * On entry, step0 must contain an undamped Newton step for the
     * solution x0. This method attempts to find a damping coefficient
     * such that the next undamped step would have a norm smaller than
     * that of step0. If successful, the new solution after taking the
     * damped step is returned in x1, and the undamped step at x1 is
     * returned in step1.
    int MultiNewton::dampStep(const doublereal* x0, const doublereal* step0, 
        doublereal* x1, doublereal* step1, doublereal& s1,
        OneDim& r, MultiJac& jac, int loglevel, bool writetitle) {

        // write header 
        if (loglevel > 0 && writetitle) {
            writelog("\n\nDamped Newton iteration:\n");

            sprintf(m_buf,"\n%s  %9s   %9s     %9s   %9s   %9s  %5s %5s\n",

        // compute the weighted norm of the undamped step size step0
        doublereal s0 = norm2(x0, step0, r);

        // compute the multiplier to keep all components in bounds
        doublereal fbound = boundStep(x0, step0, r, loglevel-1);

        // if fbound is very small, then x0 is already close to the
        // boundary and step0 points out of the allowed domain. In
        // this case, the Newton algorithm fails, so return an error
        // condition.
        if (fbound < 1.e-10) {
            if (loglevel > 0) writelog("\nAt limits.\n");
            return -3;

        //           Attempt damped step

        // damping coefficient starts at 1.0
        doublereal damp = 1.0;

        doublereal ff;

	size_t m;
        for (m = 0; m < NDAMP; m++) {

            ff = fbound*damp;

            // step the solution by the damped step size
            for (size_t j = 0; j < m_n; j++) x1[j] = ff*step0[j] + x0[j];

            // compute the next undamped step that would result if x1
            // is accepted
            step(x1, step1, r, jac, loglevel-1);

            // compute the weighted norm of step1
            s1 = norm2(x1, step1, r);

            // write log information
            if (loglevel > 0) {
                doublereal ss = r.ssnorm(x1,step1);
                sprintf(m_buf,"\n%d  %9.5f   %9.5f   %9.5f   %9.5f   %9.5f %4d  %d/%d",
                    jac.nEvals(), jac.age(), m_maxAge);

            // if the norm of s1 is less than the norm of s0, then
            // accept this damping coefficient. Also accept it if this
            // step would result in a converged solution. Otherwise,
            // decrease the damping coefficient and try again.
            if (s1 < 1.0 || s1 < s0) break;
            damp /= DampFactor;

        // If a damping coefficient was found, return 1 if the
        // solution after stepping by the damped step would represent
        // a converged solution, and return 0 otherwise. If no damping
        // coefficient could be found, return -2.
        if (m < NDAMP) {
            if (s1 > 1.0) return 0;
            else return 1;
        else {
            return -2;
     * Find the solution to F(X) = 0 by damped Newton iteration.  On
     * entry, x0 contains an initial estimate of the solution.  On
     * successful return, x1 contains the converged solution.
    int MultiNewton::solve(doublereal* x0, doublereal* x1, 
        OneDim& r, MultiJac& jac, int loglevel) {
        clock_t t0 = clock();
        int m = 0;
        bool forceNewJac = false;
        doublereal s1=1.e30;

        doublereal* x    = getWorkArray();
        doublereal* stp  = getWorkArray();
        doublereal* stp1 = getWorkArray();

        copy(x0, x0 + m_n, x);

        bool frst = true;
        doublereal rdt = r.rdt();
        int j0 = jac.nEvals();

        while (1 > 0) {

            // Check whether the Jacobian should be re-evaluated.
            if (jac.age() > m_maxAge) {
                if (loglevel > 0) 
                    writelog("\nMaximum Jacobian age reached ("+int2str(m_maxAge)+")\n");
                forceNewJac = true;

            if (forceNewJac) {
                r.eval(-1, x, stp, 0.0, 0);
                jac.eval(x, stp, 0.0);
                jac.updateTransient(rdt, DATA_PTR(r.transientMask()));
                forceNewJac = false;

            // compute the undamped Newton step
            step(x, stp, r, jac, loglevel-1);

            // increment the Jacobian age

            // damp the Newton step
            m = dampStep(x, stp, x1, stp1, s1, r, jac, loglevel-1, frst);
            if (loglevel == 1 && m >= 0) {
                if (frst) {
                    sprintf(m_buf,"\n\n    %10s    %10s   %5s ",
                    sprintf(m_buf,"\n    ------------------------------------");
                doublereal ss = r.ssnorm(x, stp);
                sprintf(m_buf,"\n    %10.4f    %10.4f       %d ",
            frst = false;

            // Successful step, but not converged yet. Take the damped
            // step, and try again.
            if (m == 0) {
                copy(x1, x1 + m_n, x);

            // convergence
            else if (m == 1) goto done;

            // If dampStep fails, first try a new Jacobian if an old
            // one was being used. If it was a new Jacobian, then
            // return -1 to signify failure.
            else if (m < 0) {
                if (jac.age() > 1) {
                    forceNewJac = true;
                    if (loglevel > 0)
                        writelog("\nRe-evaluating Jacobian, since no damping "
                            "coefficient\ncould be found with this Jacobian.\n");
                else goto done;

        if (m < 0) {
            copy(x, x + m_n, x1);
        if (m > 0 && jac.nEvals() == j0) m = 100;
        m_elapsed += (clock() - t0)/(1.0*CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
        return m;
int MultiNewton::solve(doublereal* x0, doublereal* x1,
                       OneDim& r, MultiJac& jac, int loglevel)
    clock_t t0 = clock();
    int m = 0;
    bool forceNewJac = false;
    doublereal s1=1.e30;

    copy(x0, x0 + m_n, &m_x[0]);

    bool frst = true;
    doublereal rdt = r.rdt();
    int j0 = jac.nEvals();
    int nJacReeval = 0;

    while (1 > 0) {
        // Check whether the Jacobian should be re-evaluated.
        if (jac.age() > m_maxAge) {
            writelog("\nMaximum Jacobian age reached ("+int2str(m_maxAge)+")\n", loglevel);
            forceNewJac = true;

        if (forceNewJac) {
            r.eval(npos, &m_x[0], &m_stp[0], 0.0, 0);
            jac.eval(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0], 0.0);
            jac.updateTransient(rdt, DATA_PTR(r.transientMask()));
            forceNewJac = false;

        // compute the undamped Newton step
        step(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0], r, jac, loglevel-1);

        // increment the Jacobian age

        // damp the Newton step
        m = dampStep(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0], x1, &m_stp1[0], s1, r, jac, loglevel-1, frst);
        if (loglevel == 1 && m >= 0) {
            if (frst) {
                sprintf(m_buf,"\n\n    %10s    %10s   %5s ",
                sprintf(m_buf,"\n    ------------------------------------");
            doublereal ss = r.ssnorm(&m_x[0], &m_stp[0]);
            sprintf(m_buf,"\n    %10.4f    %10.4f       %d ",
        frst = false;

        // Successful step, but not converged yet. Take the damped
        // step, and try again.
        if (m == 0) {
            copy(x1, x1 + m_n, m_x.begin());

        // convergence
        else if (m == 1) {
            jac.setAge(0); // for efficient sensitivity analysis

        // If dampStep fails, first try a new Jacobian if an old
        // one was being used. If it was a new Jacobian, then
        // return -1 to signify failure.
        else if (m < 0) {
            if (jac.age() > 1) {
                forceNewJac = true;
                if (nJacReeval > 3) {
                writelog("\nRe-evaluating Jacobian, since no damping "
                         "coefficient\ncould be found with this Jacobian.\n",
            } else {

    if (m < 0) {
        copy(m_x.begin(), m_x.end(), x1);
    if (m > 0 && jac.nEvals() == j0) {
        m = 100;
    m_elapsed += (clock() - t0)/(1.0*CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    return m;