repl::MultiApplier::Operations readTransactionOperationsFromOplogChain(
    OperationContext* opCtx,
    const OplogEntry& commitOrPrepare,
    const std::vector<OplogEntry*> cachedOps) {
    repl::MultiApplier::Operations ops;

    // Get the previous oplog entry.
    auto currentOpTime = commitOrPrepare.getOpTime();

    // The cachedOps are the ops for this transaction that are from the same oplog application batch
    // as the commit or prepare, those which have not necessarily been written to the oplog.  These
    // ops are in order of increasing timestamp.

    // The lastEntryOpTime is the OpTime of the last (latest OpTime) entry for this transaction
    // which is expected to be present in the oplog.  It is the entry before the first cachedOp,
    // unless there are no cachedOps in which case it is the entry before the commit or prepare.
    const auto lastEntryOpTime = (cachedOps.empty() ? commitOrPrepare : *cachedOps.front())
    invariant(lastEntryOpTime < currentOpTime);

    TransactionHistoryIterator iter(lastEntryOpTime.get());
    // Empty commits are not allowed, but empty prepares are.
    invariant(commitOrPrepare.getCommandType() != OplogEntry::CommandType::kCommitTransaction ||
              !cachedOps.empty() || iter.hasNext());
    auto commitOrPrepareObj = commitOrPrepare.toBSON();

    // First retrieve and transform the ops from the oplog, which will be retrieved in reverse
    // order.
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        const auto& operationEntry =;
        auto prevOpsEnd = ops.size();
        _reconstructPartialTxnEntryAtGivenTime(operationEntry, commitOrPrepareObj, &ops);
        // Because BSONArrays do not have fast way of determining size without iterating through
        // them, and we also have no way of knowing how many oplog entries are in a transaction
        // without iterating, reversing each applyOps and then reversing the whole array is
        // about as good as we can do to get the entire thing in chronological order.  Fortunately
        // STL arrays of BSON objects should be fast to reverse (just pointer copies).
        std::reverse(ops.begin() + prevOpsEnd, ops.end());
    std::reverse(ops.begin(), ops.end());

    // Next retrieve and transform the ops from the current batch, which are in increasing timestamp
    // order.
    for (auto* cachedOp : cachedOps) {
        const auto& operationEntry = *cachedOp;
        _reconstructPartialTxnEntryAtGivenTime(operationEntry, commitOrPrepareObj, &ops);
    return ops;
StatusWith<std::set<NamespaceString>> RollbackImpl::_namespacesForOp(const OplogEntry& oplogEntry) {
    NamespaceString opNss = oplogEntry.getNamespace();
    OpTypeEnum opType = oplogEntry.getOpType();
    std::set<NamespaceString> namespaces;

    // No namespaces for a no-op.
    if (opType == OpTypeEnum::kNoop) {
        return std::set<NamespaceString>();

    // CRUD ops have the proper namespace in the operation 'ns' field.
    if (opType == OpTypeEnum::kInsert || opType == OpTypeEnum::kUpdate ||
        opType == OpTypeEnum::kDelete) {
        return std::set<NamespaceString>({opNss});

    // If the operation is a command, then we need to extract the appropriate namespaces from the
    // command object, as opposed to just using the 'ns' field of the oplog entry itself.
    if (opType == OpTypeEnum::kCommand) {
        auto obj = oplogEntry.getObject();
        auto firstElem = obj.firstElement();

        // Does not handle 'applyOps' entries.
        invariant(oplogEntry.getCommandType() != OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps,
                  "_namespacesForOp does not handle 'applyOps' oplog entries.");

        switch (oplogEntry.getCommandType()) {
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kRenameCollection: {
                // Add both the 'from' and 'to' namespaces.
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kDropDatabase: {
                // There is no specific namespace to save for a drop database operation.
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kDbCheck:
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kConvertToCapped:
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kEmptyCapped: {
                // These commands do not need to be supported by rollback. 'convertToCapped' should
                // always be converted to lower level DDL operations, and 'emptycapped' is a
                // testing-only command.
                std::string message = str::stream() << "Encountered unsupported command type '"
                                                    << firstElem.fieldName()
                                                    << "' during rollback.";
                return Status(ErrorCodes::UnrecoverableRollbackError, message);
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kCreate:
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kDrop:
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kCreateIndexes:
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kDropIndexes:
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kCollMod: {
                // For all other command types, we should be able to parse the collection name from
                // the first command argument.
                try {
                    auto cmdNss = CommandHelpers::parseNsCollectionRequired(opNss.db(), obj);
                } catch (const DBException& ex) {
                    return ex.toStatus();
            case OplogEntry::CommandType::kApplyOps:
                // Every possible command type should be handled above.