void Player::ReleaseAttack() { if (IsDead()) { return; } if (IsBow()) { if (m_bIsChargingAttack == true) { UnloadWeapon(false); Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(m_chargeSpawnPosition, m_chargeSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Arrow/Arrow.item", 0.08f); pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false); pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL); m_bIsChargingAttack = false; m_chargeAmount = 0.0f; m_bowAttackDelay = 0.125f; if (m_bIsIdle) { m_pVoxelCharacter->BlendIntoAnimation(AnimationSections_FullBody, false, AnimationSections_FullBody, "BindPose", 0.2f); } else { m_pVoxelCharacter->BlendIntoAnimation(AnimationSections_Head_Body, false, AnimationSections_Head_Body, "BindPose", 0.2f); m_pVoxelCharacter->BlendIntoAnimation(AnimationSections_Left_Arm_Hand, false, AnimationSections_Left_Arm_Hand, "BindPose", 0.2f); m_pVoxelCharacter->BlendIntoAnimation(AnimationSections_Right_Arm_Hand, false, AnimationSections_Right_Arm_Hand, "BindPose", 0.2f); } VoxGame::GetInstance()->PlaySoundEffect(eSoundEffect_ArrowRelease); } } }
void Player::AttackAnimationTimerFinished() { if (IsBow()) { } else if (IsBoomerang()) { vec3 boomerangSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.75f) + (GetRightVector()*-0.4f) + (GetUpVector()*0.5f); float cameraModification = (m_cameraForward.y*17.5f); if (m_cameraForward.y < 0.0f) { cameraModification = (m_cameraForward.y*5.0f); } vec3 boomerangTarget = boomerangSpawnPosition + m_forward*15.0f + (vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * cameraModification); if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL) { boomerangTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter(); if (m_pTargetEnemy->IsMoving()) { boomerangTarget += m_pTargetEnemy->GetForwardVector() * (m_pTargetEnemy->GetMovementSpeed() / 3.0f); } } float curveTime = length(boomerangTarget - boomerangSpawnPosition) / 15.0f; if (curveTime <= 0.4f) curveTime = 0.4f; Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(boomerangSpawnPosition, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, "media/gamedata/weapons/Boomerang/BoomerangThrown.weapon", 0.05f); pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false); pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL); pProjectile->SetGravityMultiplier(0.0f); pProjectile->SetReturnToPlayer(true); pProjectile->SetProjectileCurveParams(m_forward, boomerangTarget, curveTime); pProjectile->SetWorldCollisionEnabled(true); m_pVoxelCharacter->SetRenderRightWeapon(false); } else if (IsStaff()) { float powerAmount = 25.0f; float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f; vec3 spellSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*1.25f) + (GetUpVector()*0.25f); if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson) { cameraMultiplier = 30.0f; spellSpawnPosition.y += 0.75f; } vec3 spellSpawnVelocity = m_forward * powerAmount + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier); if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL) { vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter() - GetCenter(); spellSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount); } Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(spellSpawnPosition, spellSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Fireball/Fireball.item", 0.05f); pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false); pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL); pProjectile->SetGravityMultiplier(0.0f); } else if (IsWand()) { } else if (IsBomb()) { vec3 bombSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.75f) + (GetUpVector()*0.5f); float liftAmount = 8.0f; float powerAmount = 30.0f; float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f; if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson) { cameraMultiplier = 30.0f; } vec3 bombSpawnVelocity; if (m_pTargetEnemy) { // Enemy target vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetCenter() - GetCenter(); float toTargetDistance = length(toTarget); liftAmount += toTargetDistance * 0.04f; bombSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount) + vec3(0.0f, liftAmount, 0.0f); } else { bombSpawnVelocity = (m_forward * powerAmount) + (GetUpVector() * liftAmount) + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier); } Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(bombSpawnPosition, bombSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Bomb/BombThrown.item", 0.05f); pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false); pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL); pProjectile->SetGravityMultiplier(3.5f); float explodeRadius = 3.5f - (GetRandomNumber(-150, 0, 2) * 0.01f); pProjectile->SetExplodingProjectile(true, explodeRadius); //m_pVoxelCharacter->SetRenderRightWeapon(false); InventoryItem* pItem = m_pInventoryManager->GetInventoryItemForEquipSlot(EquipSlot_RightHand); if (pItem != NULL) { if (pItem->m_quantity != -1) { pItem->m_quantity -= 1; } if (pItem->m_quantity == 0) { // Remove this item from the manager, and remove it from the inventory and GUI UnequipItem(EquipSlot_RightHand, false, false); m_pInventoryManager->RemoveInventoryItem(EquipSlot_RightHand); m_pActionBar->RemoveInventoryItemFromActionBar(pItem->m_title); } } } else if (IsConsumable()) { } else if (IsDagger()) { } else if (IsHammer()) { } else if (IsMace()) { } else if (IsSickle()) { } else if (IsPickaxe()) { Item* pInteractItem = VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetInteractItem(); if (pInteractItem != NULL) { pInteractItem->Interact(); } else { DestroyBlock(); } } else if (IsAxe()) { } else if (Is2HandedSword()) { } else if (IsSword()) { } else if (IsBlockPlacing()) { } else if (IsItemPlacing()) { } else if (IsSceneryPlacing()) { } else if (IsSpellHands()) { float powerAmount = 25.0f; float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f; vec3 spellSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.5f) + (GetUpVector()*0.0f); // For right hand spellSpawnPosition += -(GetRightVector()*0.4f); if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson) { cameraMultiplier = 30.0f; spellSpawnPosition.y += 0.75f; } vec3 spellSpawnVelocity = m_forward * powerAmount + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier); if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL) { vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter() - GetCenter(); spellSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount); } Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(spellSpawnPosition, spellSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Fireball/FireballBlue.item", 0.05f); pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false); pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL); pProjectile->SetGravityMultiplier(0.0f); } else if (IsShield()) { } else if (IsTorch()) { } }
void Player::AttackAnimationTimerFinished_Alternative() { if (IsBow()) { } else if (IsBoomerang()) { } else if (IsStaff()) { } else if (IsWand()) { } else if (IsBomb()) { } else if (IsConsumable()) { } else if (IsDagger()) { } else if (IsHammer()) { } else if (IsMace()) { } else if (IsSickle()) { } else if (IsPickaxe()) { } else if (IsAxe()) { } else if (Is2HandedSword()) { } else if (IsSword()) { } else if (IsBlockPlacing()) { } else if (IsItemPlacing()) { } else if (IsSceneryPlacing()) { } else if (IsSpellHands()) { float powerAmount = 25.0f; float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f; vec3 spellSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.5f) + (GetUpVector()*0.0f); // For left hand spellSpawnPosition += (GetRightVector()*0.4f); if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson) { cameraMultiplier = 30.0f; spellSpawnPosition.y += 0.75f; } vec3 spellSpawnVelocity = m_forward * powerAmount + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier); if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL) { vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter() - GetCenter(); spellSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount); } Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(spellSpawnPosition, spellSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Fireball/FireballBlue.item", 0.05f); pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false); pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL); pProjectile->SetGravityMultiplier(0.0f); } else if (IsShield()) { } else if (IsTorch()) { } }