void Spacetime::saveState(void) { linearVelocityVector.clear(); angularVelocityVector.clear(); globalPoseVector.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < dynamic_actors.size(); i++) { PxRigidDynamic* current = dynamic_actors[i]; linearVelocityVector.push_back(current->getLinearVelocity()); angularVelocityVector.push_back(current->getAngularVelocity()); globalPoseVector.push_back(current->getGlobalPose()); } }
void PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData(const PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMap& wheelMap, const PxVehicleWheels& src, PxVehicleWheels* trg) { PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(trg, "PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData requires that trg is a valid vehicle pointer"); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(src.getVehicleType() == trg->getVehicleType(), "PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData requires that both src and trg are the same type of vehicle"); #ifdef PX_CHECKED { const PxU32 numWheelsSrc = src.mWheelsSimData.getNbWheels(); const PxU32 numWheelsTrg = trg->mWheelsSimData.getNbWheels(); PxU8 copiedWheelsSrc[PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS]; PxMemZero(copiedWheelsSrc, sizeof(PxU8) * PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS); PxU8 setWheelsTrg[PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS]; PxMemZero(setWheelsTrg, sizeof(PxU8) * PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS); for(PxU32 i = 0; i < PxMin(numWheelsSrc, numWheelsTrg); i++) { const PxU32 srcWheelId = wheelMap.sourceWheelIds[i]; PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(srcWheelId < numWheelsSrc, "PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData - wheelMap contains illegal source wheel id"); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(0 == copiedWheelsSrc[srcWheelId], "PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData - wheelMap contains illegal source wheel id"); copiedWheelsSrc[srcWheelId] = 1; const PxU32 trgWheelId = wheelMap.targetWheelIds[i]; PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(trgWheelId < numWheelsTrg, "PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData - wheelMap contains illegal target wheel id"); PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(0 == setWheelsTrg[trgWheelId], "PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData - wheelMap contains illegal target wheel id"); setWheelsTrg[trgWheelId]=1; } } #endif const PxU32 numWheelsSrc = src.mWheelsSimData.getNbWheels(); const PxU32 numWheelsTrg = trg->mWheelsSimData.getNbWheels(); //Set all dynamics data on the target to zero. //Be aware that setToRestState sets the rigid body to //rest so set the momentum back after calling setToRestState. PxRigidDynamic* actorTrg = trg->getRigidDynamicActor(); PxVec3 linVel = actorTrg->getLinearVelocity(); PxVec3 angVel = actorTrg->getAngularVelocity(); switch(src.getVehicleType()) { case PxVehicleTypes::eDRIVE4W: ((PxVehicleDrive4W*)trg)->setToRestState(); break; case PxVehicleTypes::eDRIVENW: ((PxVehicleDriveNW*)trg)->setToRestState(); break; case PxVehicleTypes::eDRIVETANK: ((PxVehicleDriveTank*)trg)->setToRestState(); break; case PxVehicleTypes::eNODRIVE: ((PxVehicleNoDrive*)trg)->setToRestState(); break; default: break; } actorTrg->setLinearVelocity(linVel); actorTrg->setAngularVelocity(angVel); //Keep a track of the wheels on trg that have their dynamics data set as a copy from src. PxU8 setWheelsTrg[PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS]; PxMemZero(setWheelsTrg, sizeof(PxU8) * PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS); //Keep a track of the average wheel rotation speed of all enabled wheels on src. PxU32 numEnabledWheelsSrc = 0; PxF32 accumulatedWheelRotationSpeedSrc = 0.0f; //Copy wheel dynamics data from src wheels to trg wheels. //Track the target wheels that have been given dynamics data from src wheels. //Compute the accumulated wheel rotation speed of all enabled src wheels. const PxU32 numMappedWheels = PxMin(numWheelsSrc, numWheelsTrg); for(PxU32 i = 0; i < numMappedWheels; i++) { const PxU32 srcWheelId = wheelMap.sourceWheelIds[i]; const PxU32 trgWheelId = wheelMap.targetWheelIds[i]; trg->mWheelsDynData.copy(src.mWheelsDynData, srcWheelId, trgWheelId); setWheelsTrg[trgWheelId] = 1; if(!src.mWheelsSimData.getIsWheelDisabled(srcWheelId)) { numEnabledWheelsSrc++; accumulatedWheelRotationSpeedSrc += src.mWheelsDynData.getWheelRotationSpeed(srcWheelId); } } //Compute the average wheel rotation speed of src. PxF32 averageWheelRotationSpeedSrc = 0; if(numEnabledWheelsSrc > 0) { averageWheelRotationSpeedSrc = (accumulatedWheelRotationSpeedSrc/ (1.0f * numEnabledWheelsSrc)); } //For wheels on trg that have not had their dynamics data copied from src just set //their wheel rotation speed to the average wheel rotation speed. for(PxU32 i = 0; i < numWheelsTrg; i++) { if(0 == setWheelsTrg[i] && !trg->mWheelsSimData.getIsWheelDisabled(i)) { trg->mWheelsDynData.setWheelRotationSpeed(i, averageWheelRotationSpeedSrc); } } //Copy the engine rotation speed/gear states/autobox states/etc. switch(src.getVehicleType()) { case PxVehicleTypes::eDRIVE4W: case PxVehicleTypes::eDRIVENW: case PxVehicleTypes::eDRIVETANK: { const PxVehicleDriveDynData& driveDynDataSrc = ((const PxVehicleDrive&)src).mDriveDynData; PxVehicleDriveDynData* driveDynDataTrg = &((PxVehicleDrive*)trg)->mDriveDynData; *driveDynDataTrg = driveDynDataSrc; } break; default: break; } }