void ControlledActor::tryStandup()
	// overlap with upper part
	else if(mType==PxControllerShapeType::eCAPSULE)
		PxCapsuleController* capsuleCtrl = static_cast<PxCapsuleController*>(mController);

		PxReal r = capsuleCtrl->getRadius();
		PxReal dh = mStandingSize - mCrouchingSize-2*r;
		PxCapsuleGeometry geom(r, dh*.5f);

		PxExtendedVec3 position = mController->getPosition();
		PxVec3 pos((float)position.x,(float)position.y+mStandingSize*.5f+r,(float)position.z);
		PxQuat orientation(PxHalfPi, PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

		PxShape* hit;
		PxScene* scene = mController->getScene();
		if(scene->overlapMultiple(geom, PxTransform(pos,orientation),&hit,1) != 0) return;

	// if no hit, we can stand up

	mDoStandup = false;
	mIsCrouching = false;
void Cct::findTouchedGeometry(
	const InternalCBData_FindTouchedGeom* userData,
	const PxExtendedBounds3& worldBounds,		// ### we should also accept other volumes

	TriArray& worldTriangles,
	IntArray& triIndicesArray,
	IntArray& geomStream,

	const CCTFilter& filter,
	const CCTParams& params)
	const PxInternalCBData_FindTouchedGeom* internalData = static_cast<const PxInternalCBData_FindTouchedGeom*>(userData);
	PxScene* scene = internalData->scene;
	Cm::RenderBuffer* renderBuffer = internalData->renderBuffer;

	PxExtendedVec3 Origin;	// Will be TouchedGeom::mOffset
	getCenter(worldBounds, Origin);

	// Find touched *boxes* i.e. touched objects' AABBs in the world
	// We collide against dynamic shapes too, to get back dynamic boxes/etc
	// TODO: add active groups in interface!
	PxSceneQueryFilterFlags sqFilterFlags;
	if(filter.mStaticShapes)	sqFilterFlags |= PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eSTATIC;
	if(filter.mDynamicShapes)	sqFilterFlags |= PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::eDYNAMIC;
			sqFilterFlags |= PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::ePREFILTER;
			sqFilterFlags |= PxSceneQueryFilterFlag::ePOSTFILTER;

	// ### this one is dangerous
	const PxBounds3 tmpBounds(toVec3(worldBounds.minimum), toVec3(worldBounds.maximum));	// LOSS OF ACCURACY

	// PT: unfortunate conversion forced by the PxGeometry API
	PxVec3 center = tmpBounds.getCenter(), extents = tmpBounds.getExtents();

	PxShape* hits[100];
	PxU32 size = 100;

	const PxSceneQueryFilterData sceneQueryFilterData = filter.mFilterData ? PxSceneQueryFilterData(*filter.mFilterData, sqFilterFlags) : PxSceneQueryFilterData(sqFilterFlags);

	PxI32 numberHits = scene->overlapMultiple(PxBoxGeometry(extents), PxTransform(center), hits, size, sceneQueryFilterData, filter.mFilterCallback);
	for(PxI32 i = 0; i < numberHits; i++)
		PxShape* shape = hits[i];
		if(shape == NULL)

		// Filtering

		// Discard all CCT shapes, i.e. kinematic actors we created ourselves. We don't need to collide with them since they're surrounded
		// by the real CCT volume - and collisions with those are handled elsewhere. We use the userData field for filtering because that's
		// really our only valid option (filtering groups are already used by clients and we don't have control over them, clients might
		// create other kinematic actors that we may want to keep here, etc, etc)

		// Ubi (EA) : Discarding Triggers :
		if(shape->getFlags() & PxShapeFlag::eTRIGGER_SHAPE)

		// PT: here you might want to disable kinematic objects.

		// Output shape to stream
		const PxTransform globalPose = getShapeGlobalPose(*shape);

		const PxGeometryType::Enum type = shape->getGeometryType();	// ### VIRTUAL!
		if(type==PxGeometryType::eSPHERE)				outputSphereToStream(shape, globalPose, geomStream, Origin);
		else	if(type==PxGeometryType::eCAPSULE)		outputCapsuleToStream(shape, globalPose, geomStream, Origin);
		else	if(type==PxGeometryType::eBOX)			outputBoxToStream(shape, globalPose, geomStream, worldTriangles, triIndicesArray, Origin, tmpBounds, params, renderBuffer);
		else	if(type==PxGeometryType::eTRIANGLEMESH)	outputMeshToStream(shape, globalPose, geomStream, worldTriangles, triIndicesArray, Origin, tmpBounds, params, renderBuffer);
		else	if(type==PxGeometryType::eHEIGHTFIELD)	outputHeightFieldToStream(shape, globalPose, geomStream, worldTriangles, triIndicesArray, Origin, tmpBounds, params, renderBuffer);
		else	if(type==PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH)	outputConvexToStream(shape, globalPose, geomStream, worldTriangles, triIndicesArray, Origin, tmpBounds);
		else	if(type==PxGeometryType::ePLANE)		outputPlaneToStream(shape, globalPose, geomStream, worldTriangles, triIndicesArray, Origin, tmpBounds, params, renderBuffer);