void MultiSlidingValueDialog::updateText(int value) { int i; QObject *slider; if (sender() != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < mSliders.count(); i++) { if (mSliders.at(i) == sender()) { break; } } slider = sender(); } else { i = mSliders.count() - 1; slider = mSliders.at(i); } QString name = slider->objectName(); QString textVal = QString::number(value); mLabels[i]->setText(mText.arg(name, textVal)); }
void LuaAVConsole :: fileAction() { QObject *s = sender(); const char *name = s->objectName().toStdString().data(); const char *idx = strchr(name, ':')+1; int i = 0; sscanf(idx, "%d", &i); const char *filename = getFilenameWithScriptIndex(i); if(strncmp(name, "close", strlen("close")) == 0) { lua::call(luaav_getstate(luaav_app_state()), "fileclose", filename); } else if(strncmp(name, "reload", strlen("reload")) == 0) { lua::call(luaav_getstate(luaav_app_state()), "fileopen", filename); } else if(strncmp(name, "edit", strlen("edit")) == 0) { lua::call(luaav_getstate(luaav_app_state()), "fileedit", filename); } }
/** * Forward the QKeyEvent to the QsciScintilla base class. * Under Gnome on Linux with Qscintilla versions < 2.4.2 there is a bug with the * autocomplete * box that means the editor loses focus as soon as it the box appears. This * functions * forwards the call and sets the correct flags on the resulting window so that * this does not occur */ void ScriptEditor::forwardKeyPressToBase(QKeyEvent *event) { // Hack to get around a bug in QScitilla // If you pressed ( after typing in a autocomplete command the calltip does // not appear, you have to delete the ( and type it again // This does that for you! if (event->text() == "(") { QKeyEvent *backspEvent = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Backspace, Qt::NoModifier); QKeyEvent *bracketEvent = new QKeyEvent(*event); QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent(bracketEvent); QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent(backspEvent); delete backspEvent; delete bracketEvent; } QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent(event); // Only need to do this for Unix and for QScintilla version < 2.4.2. Moreover, // only Gnome but I don't think we can detect that #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX #if QSCINTILLA_VERSION < 0x020402 // If an autocomplete box has surfaced, correct the window flags. // Unfortunately the only way to // do this is to search through the child objects. if (isListActive()) { QObjectList children = this->children(); QListIterator<QObject *> itr(children); // Search is performed in reverse order as we want the last one created itr.toBack(); while (itr.hasPrevious()) { QObject *child = itr.previous(); if (child->inherits("QListWidget")) { QWidget *w = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(child); w->setWindowFlags(Qt::ToolTip | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); w->show(); break; } } } #endif #endif }
void KviWindow::childRemoved(QWidget * pObject) { pObject->removeEventFilter(this); if(pObject == m_pFocusHandler) m_pFocusHandler = NULL; if(pObject == m_pLastFocusedChild) m_pLastFocusedChild = NULL; QList<QObject *> list = pObject->children(); for(QList<QObject *>::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { QObject * pObj = *it; if(pObj->isWidgetType()) { childRemoved((QWidget *)pObj); } } }
/* * This is test case that loads dependency automatically. Both success and fail case. */ void TestCreateFile::testLoadDependency() { QQmlEngine *engine = new QQmlEngine; QmcLoader loader(engine); loader.setLoadDependenciesAutomatically(false); QQmlComponent *c = NULL; c = loader.loadComponent(tempDirPath(SUB_ITEM_WITH_SCRIPT_QMC)); QVERIFY(!c); loader.setLoadDependenciesAutomatically(true); c = loader.loadComponent(tempDirPath(SUB_ITEM_WITH_SCRIPT_QMC)); QVERIFY(c); QObject *obj = c->create(); QVariant var = obj->property("height"); QVERIFY(!var.isNull()); QVERIFY(var.toInt() == 40); delete obj; delete c; delete engine; }
KoFilter* KoFilterEntry::createFilter(KoFilterChain* chain, QObject* parent) { KLibFactory *factory = qobject_cast<KLibFactory *>(m_loader->instance()); if (!factory) { warnMain << m_loader->errorString(); return 0; } QObject* obj = factory->create<KoFilter>(parent); if (!obj || !obj->inherits("KoFilter")) { delete obj; return 0; } KoFilter* filter = static_cast<KoFilter*>(obj); filter->m_chain = chain; return filter; }
void HistoWidget::buttonPressedX() { if (!mpModel) return; // mpObjectX = CCopasiSelectionDialog::getObjectSingle(this, CQSimpleSelectionTree::NUMERIC, mpObjectX); //mpObjectX = CCopasiSelectionDialog::getObjectSingle(this, CQSimpleSelectionTree::PLOT_OBJECT, mpObjectX); std::vector< const CCopasiObject * > oldSelection; if (mpObjectX) oldSelection.push_back(mpObjectX); std::vector< const CCopasiObject * > objects = CCopasiSelectionDialog::getObjectVector(this, CQSimpleSelectionTree::NumericValues, &oldSelection); if (objects.size() && objects[0]) { mpObjectX = objects[0]; mpEditVariable->setText(FROM_UTF8(mpObjectX->getObjectDisplayName())); mpEditTitle->setText("Histogram: " + FROM_UTF8(mpObjectX->getObjectDisplayName())); } else { mpObjectX = NULL; mpEditVariable->setText(""); mpEditTitle->setText("Histogram"); } //check if more than one object was selected... if (objects.size() > 1) { CQPlotSubwidget * pParent; QObject* tmp = this; while (!(pParent = dynamic_cast< CQPlotSubwidget * >(tmp)) && this) tmp = tmp->parent(); if (pParent) //tell the parent to create the remaining histogram descriptions. pParent->createHistograms(objects, mpEditIncrement->text().toDouble()); } }
void EngineTest::engineErrorHandlerSkipTest(){ Engine* engine = new Engine(new QQmlEngine); bool isWarning = false; bool isError = false; QObject::connect(engine, &Engine::applicationWarning, [&isWarning, this](QJSValue){ isWarning = true; }); QObject::connect(engine, &Engine::applicationError, [&isError, this](QJSValue){ isError = true; }); QObject livecvStub; livecvStub.setProperty("engine", QVariant::fromValue(engine)); engine->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("engine", engine); engine->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("livecv", &livecvStub); QObject* obj = engine->createObject( "import QtQuick 2.3\n import base 1.0\n " "Item{\n" "id: root;\n" "ErrorHandler{\n" "onError: skip(e);\n" "onWarning: skip(e);\n" "}\n" "EngineTestStub{\n" "Component.onCompleted: {\n" "throwJsWarning();" "throwJsError();" "}\n" "}\n" "}\n", 0, QUrl::fromLocalFile("enginetest.qml") ); QVERIFY(obj != 0); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QVERIFY(isWarning); QVERIFY(isError); }
void connectFunctions(ChildrenInterface* children) { Q_ASSERT( m_engine ); Q_ASSERT( ! m_engine->hasUncaughtException() ); QString eval; QScriptValue global = m_engine->globalObject(); QHashIterator< QString, ChildrenInterface::Options > it( children->objectOptions() ); while(it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if( it.value() & ChildrenInterface::AutoConnectSignals ) { QObject* sender = children->object(it.key()); if( ! sender ) continue; QScriptValue obj = m_engine->globalObject().property(it.key()); if( ! obj.isQObject() ) continue; const QMetaObject* mo = sender->metaObject(); const int count = mo->methodCount(); for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { QMetaMethod mm = mo->method(i); #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 const QString signature = mm.signature(); #else const QString signature = mm.methodSignature(); #endif const QString name = signature.left(signature.indexOf('(')); if( mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal ) { QScriptValue func = global.property(name); if( ! func.isFunction() ) { //qrossdebug( QString("EcmaScript::connectFunctions No function to connect with %1.%2").arg(it.key()).arg(name) ); continue; } qrossdebug( QString("EcmaScript::connectFunctions Connecting with %1.%2").arg(it.key()).arg(name) ); eval += QString("try { %1.%2.connect(%3); } catch(e) { print(e); }\n").arg(it.key()).arg(name).arg(name); } } } } Q_ASSERT( ! m_engine->hasUncaughtException() ); if( ! eval.isNull() ) { m_engine->evaluate(eval); Q_ASSERT( ! m_engine->hasUncaughtException() ); } }
void TestSimpleQmlLoad::loadComponent1() { QQmlEngine *engine = new QQmlEngine; const QString TEST_FILE(":/testqml/testcomponent1.qml"); QQmlComponent* component = load(engine, TEST_FILE); QVERIFY(component); QObject *myObject = component->create(); QVERIFY(myObject != NULL); QVariant var = myObject->property("c1"); QVERIFY(!var.isNull()); QVariant ret; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(myObject, "getSubWidth1", Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, ret)); QVERIFY(ret.toInt() == 10); delete component; delete engine; }
void KviWindow::updateBackgrounds(QObject * pObject) { if(!pObject) pObject = this; QList<QObject *> list = pObject->children(); if(list.count()) { for(QList<QObject *>::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { QObject * pChild = *it; if(pChild->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("TransparencyCapable") != -1) { //if (child->isWidgetType()) ((QWidget *)pChild)->update(); } updateBackgrounds(pChild); } } }
void TestSimpleQmlLoad::compileAndLoadAlias1() { QQmlEngine *engine = new QQmlEngine; const QString TEST_FILE(":/testqml/testalias1.qml"); QQmlComponent* component = compileAndLoad(engine, TEST_FILE); QVERIFY(component); QObject* myObject = component->create(); QVERIFY(myObject); QVariant v = myObject->property("w"); QVERIFY(!v.isNull()); QVERIFY(v.toInt() == 100); myObject->setProperty("width", QVariant(200)); v = myObject->property("w"); QVERIFY(v.toInt() == 200); delete component; delete engine; }
void WaitForEventTest::testWaitEnded() { QObject parentObject; WaitForEvent waitForEvent(&parentObject, QEvent::ChildAdded); waitForEvent.setActive(true); //WaitFor* must be registered in order to be used with QSignalSpy int waitForStarType = qRegisterMetaType<WaitFor*>("WaitFor*"); QSignalSpy waitEndedSpy(&waitForEvent, SIGNAL(waitEnded(WaitFor*))); QObject* childObject = new QObject(); childObject->setParent(&parentObject); QVERIFY(waitForEvent.conditionMet()); QCOMPARE(waitEndedSpy.count(), 1); QVariant argument = waitEndedSpy.at(0).at(0); QCOMPARE(argument.userType(), waitForStarType); QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<WaitFor*>(argument), &waitForEvent); }
QSqlRecord DbSchema::sqlRecord(QObject *table, bool lowercase_field_names) { QSqlRecord ret; QQmlListReference fields(table, "fields", m_eventPlugin->qmlEngine()); for (int i = 0; i < fields.count(); ++i) { QObject *field = fields.at(i); QString name = field->property("name").toString(); if(lowercase_field_names) name = name.toLower(); QVariant typev = field->property("type"); QObject *type = typev.value<QObject*>(); QF_ASSERT(type != nullptr, "Internal error: Cannot get field type", return QSqlRecord()); QByteArray type_name = type->property("metaTypeName").toString().toLatin1(); QSqlField fld(name, QVariant::nameToType(type_name.constData())); ret.append(fld); //qfInfo() << type << "name:" << name << "type:" << type_name; } return ret; }
static const sipTypeDef *sipSubClass_QHelpEngineCore(void **sipCppRet) { QObject *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<QObject *>(*sipCppRet); const sipTypeDef *sipType; #line 37 "/Users/ktaylora/PLJV/tillage_likelihood_model/gui/PyQt4/sip/QtHelp/qhelpenginecore.sip" static struct class_graph { const char *name; sipTypeDef **type; int yes, no; } graph[] = { {sipName_QHelpIndexWidget, &sipType_QHelpIndexWidget, -1, 1}, {sipName_QHelpContentWidget, &sipType_QHelpContentWidget, -1, 2}, {sipName_QHelpContentModel, &sipType_QHelpContentModel, -1, 3}, {sipName_QHelpIndexModel, &sipType_QHelpIndexModel, -1, 4}, {sipName_QHelpSearchResultWidget, &sipType_QHelpSearchResultWidget, -1, 5}, {sipName_QHelpEngineCore, &sipType_QHelpEngineCore, 8, 6}, {sipName_QHelpSearchQueryWidget, &sipType_QHelpSearchQueryWidget, -1, 7}, {sipName_QHelpSearchEngine, &sipType_QHelpSearchEngine, -1, -1}, {sipName_QHelpEngine, &sipType_QHelpEngine, -1, -1}, }; int i = 0; sipType = 0; do { struct class_graph *cg = &graph[i]; if (cg->name != NULL && sipCpp->inherits(cg->name)) { sipType = *cg->type; i = cg->yes; } else i = cg->no; } while (i >= 0); #line 315 "/Users/ktaylora/PLJV/tillage_likelihood_model/gui/PyQt4/QtHelp/sipQtHelpcmodule.cpp" return sipType; }
void QObject::setThreadData_helper(QThreadData *currentData, QThreadData *targetData) { // move posted events int eventsMoved = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentData->postEventList.size(); ++i) { const QPostEvent &postedEvent = currentData->postEventList.at(i); if (! postedEvent.event) { continue; } if (postedEvent.receiver == this) { // move this post event to the targetList targetData->postEventList.addEvent(postedEvent); const_cast<QPostEvent &>(postedEvent).event = 0; ++eventsMoved; } } if (eventsMoved > 0 && targetData->eventDispatcher) { targetData->canWait = false; targetData->eventDispatcher->wakeUp(); } // the current emitting thread shouldn't restore currentSender after calling moveToThread() if (m_currentSender) { m_currentSender->ref = 0; } m_currentSender = 0; // set new thread data targetData->ref(); QThreadData *threadData = m_threadData.exchange(targetData); threadData->deref(); for (int k = 0; k < m_children.size(); ++k) { QObject *child = m_children.at(k); child->setThreadData_helper(currentData, targetData); } }
static ParseNode f_executeSlot(Parser* parser, const ParameterList& params) { ParameterList::ConstIterator it = params.begin(); QString slotName = (*it).toString()+"("; ++it; QString widgetName = (*it).toString(); KommanderWidget* widget = parser->currentWidget(); if (!widget) return ParseNode::error("unknown widget"); widget = widget->widgetByName(widgetName); if (!widget) return ParseNode::error("unknown widget"); QObject *object = widget->object(); if (!object) return ParseNode::error("unknown widget"); QStrList slotSignatures = object->metaObject()->slotNames(true); QStringList slotNames = QStringList::fromStrList(slotSignatures); int slotNum = -1; uint i = 0; while (i < slotNames.count()) { if (slotNames[i].startsWith(slotName)) { slotNum = i; break; } i++; } if (slotNum == -1) return ParseNode::error("unknown function"); QStringList args; ++it; // skip widget while (it != params.end()) { args += (*it).toString(); ++it; } InvokeClass* inv = new InvokeClass(0); inv->invokeSlot(object, slotSignatures.at(slotNum), args); inv->deleteLater(); return ParseNode(); }
void HalBasicTest::testBasic() { Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager *manager = new Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager(0); QVERIFY(manager->deviceExists("/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer")); QVERIFY(!manager->allDevices().isEmpty()); QVERIFY(!manager->devicesFromQuery(QString(), Solid::DeviceInterface::Processor).isEmpty()); QString proc_udi = manager->devicesFromQuery(QString(), Solid::DeviceInterface::Processor).at(0); Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice *processor = qobject_cast<Solid::Backends::Hal::HalDevice *>(manager->createDevice(proc_udi)); QCOMPARE(processor->udi(), proc_udi); QCOMPARE(processor->parentUdi(), QString("/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer")); QVERIFY(!processor->allProperties().isEmpty()); QVERIFY(processor->propertyExists("info.product")); QVERIFY(!processor->propertyExists("the.meaning.of.life")); QVERIFY(processor->queryDeviceInterface(Solid::DeviceInterface::Processor)); QVERIFY(!processor->queryDeviceInterface(Solid::DeviceInterface::OpticalDisc)); QObject *interface = processor->createDeviceInterface(Solid::DeviceInterface::Processor); Solid::Ifaces::Processor *proc_iface = qobject_cast<Solid::Ifaces::Processor *>(interface); QVERIFY(proc_iface!=0); #if 0 // HAL locking support being broken anyway... QVERIFY(!processor->isLocked()); QVERIFY(processor->lock("No reason...")); QVERIFY(processor->isLocked()); QCOMPARE(processor->lockReason(), QString("No reason...")); QVERIFY(!processor->lock("Need a reason?")); QVERIFY(processor->unlock()); #endif QObject *object = processor; QCOMPARE(interface->parent(), object); delete processor; delete manager; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QWidget widget; widget.setWindowTitle(QT_VERSION_STR); QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout(&widget); QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox("QuickWidget", &widget); QVBoxLayout *vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(groupBox); QQuickWidget *quickWidget = new QQuickWidget(groupBox); quickWidget->setMinimumSize(360, 520); vLayout->addWidget(quickWidget); quickWidget->setResizeMode(QQuickWidget::SizeRootObjectToView); quickWidget->setSource(QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/main.qml"))); if (quickWidget->status() == QQuickWidget::Error) { qWarning() << quickWidget->errors(); return 1; } hLayout->addWidget(groupBox); const QUrl gallerySource(QLatin1String("qrc:/gallery.qml")); QQmlApplicationEngine engine(gallerySource); QObject *root = engine.rootObjects().value(0, Q_NULLPTR); if (!root || !root->isWindowType()) { qWarning() << "Load error" << gallerySource; return 1; } groupBox = new QGroupBox("QQuickView/createWindowContainer", &widget); vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(groupBox); QWidget *container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(qobject_cast<QWindow *>(root), groupBox); container->setMinimumSize(360, 520); vLayout->addWidget(container); hLayout->addWidget(groupBox); const QRect availableGeometry = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(&widget); widget.move(availableGeometry.center() - QPoint(widget.sizeHint().width() / 2, widget.sizeHint().height() / 2)); widget.show(); return app.exec(); }
void QuickInterpreter::addTopLevelObject(QObject *o) { QSEngine::init(); if (!toplevel) toplevel = new QObjectList; if (toplevel->indexOf(o) != -1) return; Q_ASSERT(!hasTopLevelParent(o)); for(int i=0; i<toplevel->size(); ++i) { QObject *cur = toplevel->at(i); if(cur == o) { return; } else if (cur && o && cur->objectName() == o->objectName()) { return; } } toplevel->append(o); kids.clear(); if (!toplevel) return; for (int i=0; i<toplevel->size(); ++i) { QObject *obj = toplevel->at(i); kids.append(obj->objectName()); } connect(o, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)), this, SLOT(topLevelDestroyed(QObject *))); QSObject global = env()->globalObject(); const_cast<QSClass *>(global.objectType())->deleteMember(o->objectName()); QString context_name = o->objectName(); if (context_name.isEmpty()) { context_name = "unnamed"; } else { staticGlobals << context_name; } env()->globalObject().put(context_name, wrap(o)); }
void TSBrowserApplication::showDownloadManager(QObject *wid, bool _show/* = true*/) { if( !wid ) return; QObject *p = wid; TSMainWindow *_mw = 0; while(p) { _mw = dynamic_cast<TSMainWindow*>(p); if( _mw ) { _mw->showDownloadManager(TSBrowserApplication::instance()->downloadManager(), _show); return; } p = p->parent(); } }
void CollocationsDialogController::sl_minusClicked() { if (task != NULL) { return; } QObject* o = sender(); QString name = o->objectName(); assert(usedNames.contains(name)); usedNames.remove(name); for (int i=0, n = annotationsTree->topLevelItemCount(); i<n; i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = annotationsTree->topLevelItem(i); if (item->text(0) == name) { annotationsTree->takeTopLevelItem(i); delete item; break; } } updateState(); }
void ErrorHandler::componentComplete(){ m_componentComplete = true; if ( !m_target ){ m_target = parent(); if ( !m_target ) return; } QObject* livecv = qmlEngine(this)->rootContext()->contextProperty("livecv").value<QObject*>(); if ( !livecv ){ qCritical("ErrorHandler: Failed to find engine. ErrorHandling will not work."); return; } m_engine = qobject_cast<Engine*>(livecv->property("engine").value<QObject*>()); if ( !m_engine ){ qCritical("ErrorHandler: Failed to find engine. ErrorHandling will not work."); } m_engine->registerErrorHandler(m_target, this); }
/* sets all children of the group box except the qt_groupbox_checkbox to either disabled/enabled */ void QGroupBoxPrivate::_q_setChildrenEnabled(bool b) { Q_Q(QGroupBox); QObjectList childList = q->children(); for (int i = 0; i < childList.size(); ++i) { QObject *o = childList.at(i); if (o->isWidgetType()) { QWidget *w = static_cast<QWidget *>(o); if (b) { if (!w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_ForceDisabled)) w->setEnabled(true); } else { if (w->isEnabled()) { w->setEnabled(false); w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_ForceDisabled, false); } } } } }
static QWidget *get_next_widget(QObjectList &list, int &index) { QObject *ob; for(;;) { if (index >= list.count()) return NULL; ob = list.at(index); // ob might be null if we are inside the QWidget destructor index++; if (ob && ob->isWidgetType()) { QWidget *w = (QWidget *)ob; if (!w->isHidden() && !qobject_cast<QSizeGrip *>(w)) return w; } } }
void WaitForEventTest::testHandleEventEventTypeNotExpected() { QObject parentObject; WaitForEventWithCustomHandling waitForEvent(&parentObject, QEvent::ChildRemoved); waitForEvent.setActive(true); QObject* childObject = new QObject(); childObject->setParent(&parentObject); QCOMPARE(waitForEvent.mHandledEventsCount, 0); childObject->setParent(0); QCOMPARE(waitForEvent.mHandledEventsCount, 1); childObject->setParent(&parentObject); QCOMPARE(waitForEvent.mHandledEventsCount, 1); }
void QueueLocal::jobFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { QByteArray result = m_process->readAllStandardError(); qDebug() << "Program output:" << result; qDebug() << "Return code:" << exitCode << exitStatus; QObject *theSender = QObject::sender(); if (!theSender) return; qDebug() << "The job was successfully finished:" << theSender->property("JOB_ID"); int id = theSender->property("JOB_ID").toInt(); m_jobs[id]->setStatus(Job::COMPLETE); emit(jobStateChanged(0)); // Submit the next job if there is one ++m_currentJob; if (m_currentJob < m_jobs.size()) runProgram(m_currentJob); }
CopasiWidget::CopasiWidget(QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f), mpListView(NULL), mKey(), mpObject(NULL), mpDataModel(NULL), mIgnoreUpdates(false), mFramework(0) { setObjectName(name); QObject *pParent = parent; while (pParent != NULL && (mpListView = dynamic_cast< ListViews * >(pParent)) == NULL) { pParent = pParent->parent(); } assert(mpListView != NULL); }
void tst_qdeclarativemoduleplugin::remoteImportWithQuotedUrl() { TestHTTPServer server(SERVER_PORT); QVERIFY(server.isValid()); server.serveDirectory(SRCDIR "/imports"); QDeclarativeEngine engine; QDeclarativeComponent component(&engine); component.setData("import \"\" \nComponentA { width: 300; ComponentB{} }", QUrl()); QTRY_COMPARE(component.status(), QDeclarativeComponent::Ready); QObject *object = component.create(); QCOMPARE(object->property("width").toInt(), 300); QVERIFY(object != 0); delete object; foreach (QDeclarativeError err, component.errors()) qWarning() << err; VERIFY_ERRORS(0); }
void TestPlugins::plugins02() { QString path = root + DIR + "plugins02.qml"; QDeclarativeComponent component(&engine, QUrl::fromLocalFile(path)); QObject* object = component.create(); QVERIFY(object != 0); if (object == 0) { qDebug("creating component <%s> failed", qPrintable(path)); foreach(QDeclarativeError e, component.errors()) qDebug(" line %d: %s", e.line(), qPrintable(e.description())); } else { qreal width = object->property("width").toDouble(); qreal height = object->property("height").toDouble(); QCOMPARE(width, 150.0); QCOMPARE(height, 75.0); } delete object; }