void SkinStyle::createWidgetsContainer(QWidget * widget, const QString & objectName) { QWidget * container = new QWidget(widget->parentWidget()); container->setObjectName(objectName); QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout(); container->setLayout(layout); QObjectList objects = widget->children(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { QObject * object = objects.at(i); if (object->isWidgetType()) { if (!object->inherits("QToolBarHandle") && !object->inherits("QToolBarExtension")) { QWidget * w = qobject_cast < QWidget * > (object); addWidgetToLayout(w, layout); w->show(); } } else if (object->inherits("QAction")) { QAction * a = qobject_cast < QAction * > (object); QWidget * w = new QWidget(container); w->addAction(a); addWidgetToLayout(w, layout); } else if (object->inherits("QLayout")) { QLayout * l = qobject_cast < QLayout * > (object); layout->addLayout(l); } } container->show(); }
static QwtArray<QwtPicker *> activePickers(QWidget *w) { QwtArray<QwtPicker *> pickers; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000 QObjectList children = w->children(); for ( int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++ ) { QObject *obj = children[i]; if ( obj->inherits("QwtPicker") ) { QwtPicker *picker = (QwtPicker *)obj; if ( picker->isEnabled() ) pickers += picker; } } #else QObjectList *children = (QObjectList *)w->children(); if ( children ) { for ( QObjectListIterator it(*children); it.current(); ++it ) { QObject *obj = (QObject *)it.current(); if ( obj->inherits("QwtPicker") ) { QwtPicker *picker = (QwtPicker *)obj; if ( picker->isEnabled() ) { pickers.resize(pickers.size() + 1); pickers[int(pickers.size()) - 1] = picker; } } } } #endif return pickers; }
/// /// \brief Form_PlatformConfiguration::traversalControl /// \param q /// save /// void Form_PlatformConfiguration::traversalControl(const QObjectList& q) { for(int i=0;i<q.length();i++) { if(!q.at(i)->children().empty()) { traversalControl(q.at(i)->children()); } QObject* o = q.at(i); if (o->inherits("QLineEdit")) { QLineEdit* b = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>(o); QDomElement qe= doc_config.createElement(b->objectName()); qe.setAttribute("Value",b->text()); qe.setAttribute("Type","QLineEdit"); doc_config.firstChildElement("root").appendChild(qe); } else if (o->inherits("QGroupBox")) { QGroupBox* b = qobject_cast<QGroupBox*>(o); QDomElement qe= doc_config.createElement(b->objectName()); qe.setAttribute("Value",b->isChecked()); qe.setAttribute("Type","QGroupBox"); doc_config.firstChildElement("root").appendChild(qe); } else if (o->inherits("QTableWidget")) { QTableWidget * b = qobject_cast<QTableWidget*>(o); int col_rate = b->objectName() == "table_labels" ? 1:0; QDomElement qe= doc_config.createElement(b->objectName()); qe.setAttribute("Value_R",b->rowCount()); qe.setAttribute("Value_C",b->columnCount()); qe.setAttribute("Type","QTableWidget"); for(int i =0 ; i<b->rowCount() ;i++) { QDomElement item= doc_config.createElement("R"+QString::number(i)); for(int j=0 ;j <b->columnCount() - col_rate; j++) { item.setAttribute("C"+QString::number(j), b->item(i,j)->text()); } qe.appendChild(item); } doc_config.firstChildElement("root").appendChild(qe); } } }
void Form_PlatformConfiguration::LoadConfig(const QObjectList &q) { for(int i=0;i<q.length();i++) { if(!q.at(i)->children().empty()) { LoadConfig(q.at(i)->children()); } QObject* obj = q.at(i); if (obj->inherits("QLineEdit")) { QLineEdit *b = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>(obj); QString Name = obj->objectName(); QDomNode node = STT_Global::FindXml(doc_config,Name); if(!node.isNull() ) b->setText(node.attributes().namedItem("Value").nodeValue() ); } else if (obj->inherits("QGroupBox")) { QGroupBox* b = qobject_cast<QGroupBox*>(obj); QDomNode node = STT_Global::FindXml(doc_config,b->objectName()); if(!node.isNull() ) b->setChecked( node.attributes().namedItem("Value").nodeValue() == "1" ? true:false); } else if (obj->inherits("QTableWidget")) { QTableWidget* b = qobject_cast<QTableWidget*>(obj); QDomNode node = STT_Global::FindXml(doc_config,b->objectName()); if( !node.isNull() ) { int Value_R = node.attributes().namedItem("Value_R").nodeValue().toInt(); int Value_C = node.attributes().namedItem("Value_C").nodeValue().toInt(); b->setRowCount(Value_R); for(int i =0 ; i<Value_R ;i++) { QDomNode item= node.childNodes().at(i); for(int j=0 ;j < Value_C ; j++) { b->setItem(i, j, new QTableWidgetItem(item.attributes().namedItem("C"+QString::number(j)).nodeValue())); } } } } } }
QObject* PythonQtStdDecorators::findChild(QObject* parent, const char* typeName, const QMetaObject* meta, const QString& name) { const QObjectList &children = parent->children(); int i; for (i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject* obj = children.at(i); if (!obj) return NULL; // Skip if the name doesn't match. if (!name.isNull() && obj->objectName() != name) continue; if ((typeName && obj->inherits(typeName)) || (meta && meta->cast(obj))) return obj; } for (i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject* obj = findChild(children.at(i), typeName, meta, name); if (obj != NULL) return obj; } return NULL; }
static QObject *qChildHelper(const char *objName, const char *inheritsClass, bool recursiveSearch, const QObjectList &children) { if (children.isEmpty()) return 0; bool onlyWidgets = (inheritsClass && qstrcmp(inheritsClass, "QWidget") == 0); const QLatin1String oName(objName); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject *obj = children.at(i); if (onlyWidgets) { if (obj->isWidgetType() && (!objName || obj->objectName() == oName)) return obj; } else if ((!inheritsClass || obj->inherits(inheritsClass)) && (!objName || obj->objectName() == oName)) return obj; if (recursiveSearch && (dynamic_cast<MythUIGroup *>(obj) != NULL) && (obj = qChildHelper(objName, inheritsClass, recursiveSearch, obj->children()))) return obj; } return 0; }
OSDConfig::OSDConfig(QWidget *parent, void *d, OSDPlugin *plugin) : OSDConfigBase(parent) { m_plugin = plugin; OSDUserData *data = (OSDUserData*)d; chkMessage->setChecked(data->EnableMessage.bValue); chkMessageContent->setChecked(data->EnableMessageShowContent.bValue); chkStatus->setChecked(data->EnableAlert.bValue); chkStatusOnline->setChecked(data->EnableAlertOnline.bValue); chkStatusAway->setChecked(data->EnableAlertAway.bValue); chkStatusNA->setChecked(data->EnableAlertNA.bValue); chkStatusDND->setChecked(data->EnableAlertDND.bValue); chkStatusOccupied->setChecked(data->EnableAlertOccupied.bValue); chkStatusFFC->setChecked(data->EnableAlertFFC.bValue); chkStatusOffline->setChecked(data->EnableAlertOffline.bValue); chkTyping->setChecked(data->EnableTyping.bValue); for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); void *data = getContacts()->getUserData(plugin->user_data_id); m_iface = new OSDIface(tab, data, plugin); tab->addTab(m_iface, i18n("&Interface")); break; } edtLines->setValue(data->ContentLines.value); connect(chkStatus, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(statusToggled(bool))); connect(chkMessage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showMessageToggled(bool))); connect(chkMessageContent, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(contentToggled(bool))); showMessageToggled(chkMessage->isChecked()); contentToggled(chkMessageContent->isChecked()); statusToggled(data->EnableAlert.bValue); }
MessageConfig::MessageConfig(QWidget *parent, void *_data) : MessageConfigBase(parent) { m_file = NULL; for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); m_file = new FileConfig(tab, _data); tab->addTab(m_file, i18n("File")); tab->adjustSize(); break; } CoreUserData *data = (CoreUserData*)_data; chkOnline->setChecked((data->OpenOnOnline) != 0); chkStatus->setChecked((data->LogStatus) != 0); switch (data->OpenNewMessage){ case NEW_MSG_NOOPEN: btnNoOpen->setChecked(true); break; case NEW_MSG_MINIMIZE: btnMinimize->setChecked(true); break; case NEW_MSG_RAISE: btnRaise->setChecked(true); break; } }
MApplicationExtensionInterface *MApplicationExtensionLoader::loadExtension(const MApplicationExtensionMetaData &metadata) { QPluginLoader loader(metadata.extensionBinary()); loader.setLoadHints(QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint | QLibrary::ExportExternalSymbolsHint); QObject *object = loader.instance(); if (object != NULL) { if (object->inherits(metadata.interface().toUtf8().constData())) { MApplicationExtensionInterface *extension = qobject_cast<MApplicationExtensionInterface *>(object); if (extension != NULL) { if (extension->initialize(metadata.interface())) { return extension; } else { mWarning("MApplicationExtensionLoader") << "Application extension" << metadata.fileName() << "could not be initialized."; } } else { mWarning("MApplicationExtensionLoader") << "Application extension" << metadata.fileName() << "could not be instantiated. The extension does not implement MApplicationExtensionInterface."; } } else { mWarning("MApplicationExtensionLoader") << "Application extension" << metadata.fileName() << "could not be instantiated. The extension does not inherit" << metadata.interface(); } delete object; } else { mWarning("MApplicationExtensionLoader") << "Application extension" << metadata.fileName() << "could not be loaded." << loader.errorString(); } return false; }
WeatherCfg::WeatherCfg(QWidget *parent, WeatherPlugin *plugin) : WeatherCfgBase(parent) { m_plugin = plugin; lblLnk->setUrl("http://www.weather.com/?prod=xoap&par=1004517364"); lblLnk->setText(QString("Weather data provided by weather.com") + QChar((unsigned short)174)); connect(btnSearch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(search())); connect(cmbLocation->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(textChanged(const QString&))); connect(cmbLocation, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(activated(int))); textChanged(""); fill(); memset(&m_handler, 0, sizeof(m_handler)); m_handler.startElement = p_element_start; m_handler.endElement = p_element_end; m_handler.characters = p_char_data; for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); m_iface = new WIfaceCfg(tab, plugin); tab->addTab(m_iface, i18n("Interface")); tab->adjustSize(); break; } }
Q_FOREACH(QPluginLoader *loader, list) { QJsonObject json = loader->metaData().value("MetaData").toObject(); QStringList mimetypes = json.value("X-KDE-Export").toString().split(","); Q_FOREACH(const QString &mime, mimetypes) { KLibFactory *factory = qobject_cast<KLibFactory *>(loader->instance()); if (!factory) { warnUI << loader->errorString(); continue; } QObject* obj = factory->create<KisImportExportFilter>(0); if (!obj || !obj->inherits("KisImportExportFilter")) { delete obj; continue; } QSharedPointer<KisImportExportFilter>filter(static_cast<KisImportExportFilter*>(obj)); if (!filter) { delete obj; continue; } m_renderFilters.append(filter); QString description = KisMimeDatabase::descriptionForMimeType(mime); if (description.isEmpty()) { description = mime; } m_page->cmbRenderType->addItem(description, mime); }
int PythonQtStdDecorators::findChildren(QObject* parent, const char* typeName, const QMetaObject* meta, const QRegExp& regExp, QList<QObject*>& list) { const QObjectList& children = parent->children(); int i; for (i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { QObject* obj = children.at(i); if (!obj) return -1; // Skip if the name doesn't match. if (regExp.indexIn(obj->objectName()) == -1) continue; if ((typeName && obj->inherits(typeName)) || (meta && meta->cast(obj))) { list += obj; } if (findChildren(obj, typeName, meta, regExp, list) < 0) return -1; } return 0; }
static bool editor_module_cleanup(KviModule *) { /* * This causes 2 crashes: one in KviApplication destructor (closing windows needs * g_pMainWindow, that is deleted before this unloading routine) and the second in * the codetester window (it deletes us in its denstructor, and we tries to back-delete it) * So it's commented out by now.. */ while(g_pScriptEditorWindowList->first()) { QObject * w = g_pScriptEditorWindowList->first()->parent(); while(w) { //qDebug("%s %s %i %s",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,w->className()); if(w->inherits("KviWindow")) { // qDebug("%s %s %i",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); //((KviWindow *)w)->close(); // qDebug("%s %s %i",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); break; } w = w->parent(); } delete g_pScriptEditorWindowList->first(); } delete g_pScriptEditorWindowList; g_pScriptEditorWindowList = 0; return true; }
//! \return plot canvas QwtPlotCanvas *QwtPlotRescaler::canvas() { QObject *o = parent(); if ( o && o->inherits("QwtPlotCanvas") ) return (QwtPlotCanvas *)o; return NULL; }
//! Return observed plot canvas QwtPlotCanvas *QwtPlotMagnifier::canvas() { QObject *w = parent(); if ( w && w->inherits("QwtPlotCanvas") ) return (QwtPlotCanvas *)w; return NULL; }
static const sipTypeDef *sipSubClass_QQuickWidget(void **sipCppRet) { QObject *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<QObject *>(*sipCppRet); const sipTypeDef *sipType; #line 32 "C:\\Users\\marcus\\Downloads\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\sip/QtQuickWidgets/qquickwidget.sip" sipType = (sipCpp->inherits(sipName_QQuickWidget) ? sipType_QQuickWidget : 0); #line 216 "C:\\Users\\marcus\\Downloads\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\QtQuickWidgets/sipQtQuickWidgetscmodule.cpp" return sipType; }
//! Return plot widget, containing the observed plot canvas QwtPlot *QwtPlotMagnifier::plot() { QObject *w = canvas(); if ( w ) { w = w->parent(); if ( w && w->inherits("QwtPlot") ) return (QwtPlot *)w; } return NULL; }
void RadioGroup::slotToggled(bool bState) { if (bState){ QObjectList *l = parentWidget()->queryList("QRadioButton"); QObjectListIt it(*l); QObject *obj; while ((obj=it.current()) != NULL){ if (obj != m_button) static_cast<QRadioButton*>(obj)->setChecked(false); ++it; } delete l; }else{ bState = true; QObjectList *l = parentWidget()->queryList("QRadioButton"); QObjectListIt it(*l); QObject *obj; while ((obj=it.current()) != NULL){ if (static_cast<QRadioButton*>(obj)->isChecked()){ bState = false; break; } ++it; } delete l; if (bState) m_button->setChecked(true); } QObjectList *l = queryList(); QObjectListIt it(*l); QObject *obj; while ((obj=it.current()) != NULL){ if (obj->inherits("QLabel") || obj->inherits("QLineEdit") || obj->inherits("QComboBox")){ static_cast<QWidget*>(obj)->setEnabled(bState); } ++it; } delete l; emit toggled(bState); }
StylesConfig::StylesConfig(QWidget *parent, StylesPlugin *plugin) : QWidget( parent) { setupUi( this); m_plugin = plugin; for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()) { if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); font_cfg = new FontConfig(tab, m_plugin); tab->addTab(font_cfg, i18n("Fonts and colors")); break; } #if COMPAT_QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 lstStyle->insertStringList(QStyleFactory::keys()); #else for (const char **s = defStyles; *s; s++) lstStyle->insertItem(*s); #ifdef WIN32 QDir d(app_file("plugins\\styles\\").c_str()); QStringList styles = d.entryList("*.dll"); for (QStringList::Iterator it = styles.begin(); it != styles.end(); ++it) { QString name = *it; int n = name.findRev("."); if (n > 0) name = name.left(n); if (name == "xpstyle") { HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibraryA("UxTheme.dll"); if (hLib == NULL) continue; FreeLibrary(hLib); } string dll = "plugins\\styles\\"; dll += name.toLatin1(); dll += ".dll"; HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibraryA(app_file(dll.c_str()).c_str()); if (hLib == NULL) continue; StyleInfo* (*getStyleInfo)() = NULL; (DWORD&)getStyleInfo = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hLib,"GetStyleInfo"); if (getStyleInfo) lstStyle->insertItem(name); FreeLibrary(hLib); } #endif #endif if (*m_plugin->getStyle()) { Q3ListBoxItem *item = lstStyle->findItem(m_plugin->getStyle()); if (item) lstStyle->setCurrentItem(item); } }
static const sipTypeDef *sipSubClass_QScriptEngineDebugger(void **sipCppRet) { QObject *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<QObject *>(*sipCppRet); const sipTypeDef *sipType; #line 37 "/Users/Kunwiji/Dropbox/Spectroscopy_paper/PyQt-mac-gpl-4.11.2/sip/QtScriptTools/qscriptenginedebugger.sip" if (sipCpp->inherits(sipName_QScriptEngineDebugger)) sipType = sipType_QScriptEngineDebugger; else sipType = 0; #line 180 "/Users/Kunwiji/Dropbox/Spectroscopy_paper/PyQt-mac-gpl-4.11.2/QtScriptTools/sipQtScriptToolscmodule.cpp" return sipType; }
bool Commands::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if ((e->type() == QEvent::Show) && o->inherits("QPopupMenu")){ if (!o->inherits("CMenu")){ QObject *parent = o->parent(); if (parent){ unsigned id = 0; if (parent->inherits("MainWindow")){ id = ToolBarMain; }else if (parent->inherits("CToolBar")){ CToolBar *bar = static_cast<CToolBar*>(parent); id = bar->m_def->id(); } if (id){ QPopupMenu *popup = static_cast<QPopupMenu*>(o); popup->insertItem(i18n("Customize toolbar..."), this, SLOT(popupActivated())); cur_id = id; } } } } return QObject::eventFilter(o, e); }
void ShortcutBar::actionTriggered() { QObject *s = sender(); if(s && s->inherits("QAction")) { QAction *a = dynamic_cast<QAction*>(s); QVariant data = a->data(); if(data.canConvert(QVariant::String)) { QString command = data.toString(); if(command.length() > 0) { console->fireCommand(command); } } } }
/** * Forward the QKeyEvent to the QsciScintilla base class. * Under Gnome on Linux with Qscintilla versions < 2.4.2 there is a bug with the autocomplete * box that means the editor loses focus as soon as it the box appears. This functions * forwards the call and sets the correct flags on the resulting window so that this does not occur */ void ScriptEditor::forwardKeyPressToBase(QKeyEvent *event) { // Hack to get around a bug in QScitilla //If you pressed ( after typing in a autocomplete command the calltip does not appear, you have to delete the ( and type it again //This does that for you! if (event->text()=="(") { QKeyEvent * backspEvent = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Backspace, Qt::NoModifier); QKeyEvent * bracketEvent = new QKeyEvent(*event); QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent(bracketEvent); QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent(backspEvent); delete backspEvent; delete bracketEvent; } QsciScintilla::keyPressEvent(event); // Only need to do this for Unix and for QScintilla version < 2.4.2. Moreover, only Gnome but I don't think we can detect that #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX #if QSCINTILLA_VERSION < 0x020402 // If an autocomplete box has surfaced, correct the window flags. Unfortunately the only way to // do this is to search through the child objects. if( isListActive() ) { QObjectList children = this->children(); QListIterator<QObject*> itr(children); // Search is performed in reverse order as we want the last one created itr.toBack(); while( itr.hasPrevious() ) { QObject *child = itr.previous(); if( child->inherits("QListWidget") ) { QWidget *w = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(child); w->setWindowFlags(Qt::ToolTip|Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); w->show(); break; } } } #endif #endif }
OSDConfig::OSDConfig(QWidget *parent, void *d, OSDPlugin *plugin) : OSDConfigBase(parent) { m_plugin = plugin; OSDUserData *data = (OSDUserData*)d; chkMessage->setChecked(data->EnableMessage != 0); chkStatus->setChecked(data->EnableAlert != 0); for (QObject *p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent()){ if (!p->inherits("QTabWidget")) continue; QTabWidget *tab = static_cast<QTabWidget*>(p); void *data = getContacts()->getUserData(plugin->user_data_id); m_iface = new OSDIface(tab, data, plugin); tab->addTab(m_iface, i18n("&Interface")); break; } }
/*! * Loads the plugin is defined in \a fileName, if it is a valid plugin. */ void PluginManager::LoadTonatiuhPlugin( const QString& fileName ) { QPluginLoader loader( fileName ); QObject* plugin = loader.instance(); if ( plugin != 0) { if( plugin->inherits( "PhotonMapExportFactory" ) ) LoadExportPhotonMapModePlugin( plugin ); if( plugin->inherits( "RandomDeviateFactory" ) ) LoadRandomDeviatePlugin( plugin ); if( plugin->inherits( "TComponentFactory" ) ) LoadComponentPlugin( plugin ); if( plugin->inherits( "TShapeFactory" ) ) LoadShapePlugin( plugin ); if( plugin->inherits( "TSunShapeFactory" ) ) LoadSunshapePlugin( plugin ); if( plugin->inherits( "TMaterialFactory" ) ) LoadMaterialPlugin( plugin ); if( plugin->inherits( "TTrackerFactory" ) ) LoadTrackerPlugin( plugin ); if( plugin->inherits( "TTransmissivityFactory" ) ) LoadTransmissivityPlugin( plugin ); } }
bool VCFrame::saveXML(QDomDocument* doc, QDomElement* vc_root) { const QObjectList* objectList = NULL; QObject* child = NULL; QDomElement root; QDomElement tag; QDomText text; QString str; Q_ASSERT(doc != NULL); Q_ASSERT(vc_root != NULL); /* VC Frame entry */ root = doc->createElement(KXMLQLCVCFrame); vc_root->appendChild(root); /* Caption */ root.setAttribute(KXMLQLCVCCaption, caption()); /* Button Behaviour */ str.setNum(buttonBehaviour()); root.setAttribute(KXMLQLCVCFrameButtonBehaviour, str); /* Save appearance */ saveXMLAppearance(doc, &root); /* Save widget proportions only for child frames */ if (isBottomFrame() == false) FileHandler::saveXMLWindowState(doc, &root, this); /* Save children */ objectList = children(); if (objectList != NULL) { QObjectListIterator it(*objectList); while ( (child = it.current()) != NULL ) { Q_ASSERT(child->inherits("VCWidget")); static_cast<VCWidget*> (child)->saveXML(doc, &root); ++it; } } return true; }
static const sipTypeDef *sipSubClass_QGLWidget(void **sipCppRet) { QObject *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<QObject *>(*sipCppRet); const sipTypeDef *sipType; #line 330 "/home/vikky/Desktop/DVCS/stuff/scrapy/soft/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.11.4/sip/QtOpenGL/qgl.sip" static struct class_graph { const char *name; sipTypeDef **type; int yes, no; } graph[] = { {sipName_QGLWidget, &sipType_QGLWidget, -1, 1}, #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 && defined(SIP_FEATURE_PyQt_Deprecated_5_0) {sipName_QGLShaderProgram, &sipType_QGLShaderProgram, -1, 2}, #else {0, 0, -1, 2}, #endif #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 && defined(SIP_FEATURE_PyQt_Deprecated_5_0) {sipName_QGLShader, &sipType_QGLShader, -1, -1}, #else {0, 0, -1, -1}, #endif }; int i = 0; sipType = NULL; do { struct class_graph *cg = &graph[i]; if (cg->name != NULL && sipCpp->inherits(cg->name)) { sipType = *cg->type; i = cg->yes; } else i = cg->no; } while (i >= 0); #line 543 "/home/vikky/Desktop/DVCS/stuff/scrapy/soft/PyQt-x11-gpl-4.11.4/QtOpenGL/sipQtOpenGLcmodule.cpp" return sipType; }
static QVector<QwtPicker *> activePickers( QWidget *w ) { QVector<QwtPicker *> pickers; QObjectList children = w->children(); for ( int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++ ) { QObject *obj = children[i]; if ( obj->inherits( "QwtPicker" ) ) { QwtPicker *picker = ( QwtPicker * )obj; if ( picker->isEnabled() ) pickers += picker; } } return pickers; }
bool Task::take(const QDomElement &x) { const QObjectList p = children(); // pass along the xml Task *t; for(QObjectList::ConstIterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it) { QObject *obj = *it; if(!obj->inherits("XMPP::Task")) continue; t = static_cast<Task*>(obj); if(t->take(x)) return true; } return false; }
static KDevCompilerOptions *createCompilerOptions( const QString &name, QObject *parent ) { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName( name ); if ( !service ) { kdDebug( 9020 ) << "Can't find service " << name << endl; return 0; } KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory(QFile::encodeName(service->library())); if (!factory) { QString errorMessage = KLibLoader::self()->lastErrorMessage(); kdDebug(9020) << "There was an error loading the module " << service->name() << endl << "The diagnostics is:" << endl << errorMessage << endl; exit(1); } QStringList args; QVariant prop = service->property("X-KDevelop-Args"); if (prop.isValid()) args = QStringList::split(" ", prop.toString()); QObject *obj = factory->create(parent, service->name().latin1(), "KDevCompilerOptions", args); if (!obj->inherits("KDevCompilerOptions")) { kdDebug(9020) << "Component does not inherit KDevCompilerOptions" << endl; return 0; } KDevCompilerOptions *dlg = (KDevCompilerOptions*) obj; return dlg; /* QStringList args; QVariant prop = service->property( "X-KDevelop-Args" ); if ( prop.isValid() ) args = QStringList::split( " ", prop.toString() ); return KParts::ComponentFactory ::createInstanceFromService<KDevCompilerOptions>( service, parent, service->name().latin1(), args );*/ }