void FileNameEditorWidget::buttonPressed() { QFileDialog *dlg = new QFileDialog(this, "Choose a file", basePath, fileFilter); dlg->setModal(true); dlg->setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QString file = dlg->selectedFiles().first(); if (!file.isNull()) { QStringList currentDir = QDir::currentPath().split(QDir::separator()); QStringList filePath = QFileInfo(file).dir().absolutePath().split(QDir::separator()); QString relativePath = ""; while ((!currentDir.empty() && !filePath.empty()) && (currentDir.front() == filePath.front())) { currentDir.pop_front(); filePath.pop_front(); } while (!currentDir.empty()) { relativePath += ".."; relativePath += QDir::separator(); currentDir.pop_front(); } if (!filePath.empty()) relativePath += filePath.join((const QString) (QChar) QDir::separator()) + QDir::separator(); setFileName(relativePath + QFileInfo(file).fileName()); } } delete dlg; }
void AddSessionDialog::submitJobs() { QSet<int> jobIds; foreach(const QString &r, wJobRange->text().split(',')) { QStringList range = r.split('-'); if(range.size() == 2) { int low = range.front().toInt(); int high = range.back().toInt(); for(int jobId = low; jobId <= high; jobId++) { jobIds.insert(jobId); } } else if(range.size() == 1) { jobIds.insert(range.front().toInt()); } } emit jobs_submitted(jobIds, wImagePath->text(), wNumCPUs->text().toInt(), wMemory->text(), wJobName->text(), wStartupScript->toPlainText()); accept(); }
void Vizkit3DConfig::setCameraManipulator(QStringList const& manipulator) { if (getWidget()->getCameraManipulatorName() == manipulator.front()) return; CAMERA_MANIPULATORS id = manipulatorNameToID(manipulator.front()); return getWidget()->setCameraManipulator(id); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ctkPluginFrameworkContext::init() { log() << "initializing"; if (firstInit && ctkPluginConstants::FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN_ONFIRSTINIT == props[ctkPluginConstants::FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN]) { deleteFWDir(); firstInit = false; } // Pre-load libraries // This may speed up installing new plug-ins if they have dependencies on // one of these libraries. It prevents repeated loading and unloading of the // pre-loaded libraries during caching of the plug-in meta-data. if (props[ctkPluginConstants::FRAMEWORK_PRELOAD_LIBRARIES].isValid()) { QStringList preloadLibs = props[ctkPluginConstants::FRAMEWORK_PRELOAD_LIBRARIES].toStringList(); QLibrary::LoadHints loadHints; QVariant loadHintsVariant = props[ctkPluginConstants::FRAMEWORK_PLUGIN_LOAD_HINTS]; if (loadHintsVariant.isValid()) { loadHints = loadHintsVariant.value<QLibrary::LoadHints>(); } foreach(QString preloadLib, preloadLibs) { QLibrary lib; QStringList nameAndVersion = preloadLib.split(":"); QString libraryName; if (nameAndVersion.count() == 1) { libraryName = nameAndVersion.front(); lib.setFileName(nameAndVersion.front()); } else if (nameAndVersion.count() == 2) { libraryName = nameAndVersion.front() + "." + nameAndVersion.back(); lib.setFileNameAndVersion(nameAndVersion.front(), nameAndVersion.back()); } else { qWarning() << "Wrong syntax in" << preloadLib << ". Use <lib-name>[:version]. Skipping."; continue; } lib.setLoadHints(loadHints); log() << "Pre-loading library" << lib.fileName() << "with hints [" << static_cast<int>(loadHints) << "]"; if (!lib.load()) { qWarning() << "Pre-loading library" << lib.fileName() << "failed:" << lib.errorString() << "\nCheck your library search paths."; } }
DCDCompletion QcdAssist::processCompletion(QByteArray dataArray) { DCDCompletion completion; QString data = QString::fromUtf8(dataArray.data(),dataArray.length()); QStringList lines = data.split(QRegExp(QLatin1String("[\r\n]")), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(lines.length() == 0) return completion; QString type = lines.front(); if(type.startsWith(QLatin1String("WARNING:"))) { lines.pop_front(); if(lines.length() == 0) return completion; type = lines.front(); } if(type == QLatin1String("identifiers")) completion.type = Identifiers; else if(type == QLatin1String("calltips")) completion.type = Calltips; else { //Core::MessageManager::write(QString(QLatin1String("qcdassist error: Invalid typ=:")).arg(type)); return completion; } lines.pop_front(); foreach(QString line, lines) { if(line.trimmed().length() == 0) continue; QStringList kv = line.split(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\\s+")), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(kv.length() != 2 && completion.type != Calltips) { //Core::MessageManager::write(QString(QLatin1String("qcdassist error: invalid completion data:")).arg(kv.length()).arg(completion.type)); continue; } if(completion.type == Identifiers) { completion.completions.append(DCDCompletionItem( (DCDCompletionItemType)kv[1].at(0).toLatin1(), kv[0])); } else { completion.completions.append(DCDCompletionItem(Calltip, line)); } } return completion; }
static QString argv0BaseName() { QString result; const QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if (!arguments.isEmpty() && !arguments.front().isEmpty()) { result = arguments.front(); const int lastSlashPos = result.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); if (lastSlashPos != -1) result.remove(0, lastSlashPos + 1); } return result; }
void AnnotationJobs::GetAnnotationJob::slotInfoMessage(KIO::Job *, const QString &str) { // Parse the result QStringList lst = QStringList::split("\r", str); while(lst.count() >= 2) // we take items 2 by 2 { QString name = lst.front(); lst.pop_front(); QString value = lst.front(); lst.pop_front(); mAnnotations.append(AnnotationAttribute(mEntry, name, value)); } }
void MainWindow::open(QString fileName = QString("")) { QStringList fileNames; if (fileName.isEmpty()) { fileNames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, "Select one or more files to open", (openFiles.size() > 0 && !getCurFileObj()->path.isEmpty()) ? getCurFileObj()->path : lastDir); } else { fileNames.push_front(fileName); } while (fileNames.count()) { if (!fileNames.back().isEmpty()) { bool alreadyOpen = false; QList<QsciteEditor *> openTabs = openFiles.keys(); QList<QsciteEditor *>::iterator tab; for (tab = openTabs.begin(); tab != openTabs.end(); ++tab) { if (fileNames.front() == openFiles[*tab].fullName) { alreadyOpen = true; if (fileNames.count() == 1) { changeTabs(*tab); } qDebug() << "file is already open"; } } if (alreadyOpen) { fileNames.pop_front(); continue; } if ((!tabWidget->count()) || (!getCurFileObj()->baseName.isEmpty()) || getCurDoc()->isModified()) { createDocument(); } loadFile(fileNames.front()); setCurrentTabTitle(); addRecentFile(fileNames.front()); } fileNames.pop_front(); } if (!openFiles.empty()) { getCurDoc()->setFocus(); lastDir = getCurFileObj()->path; } }
/// Fill the menu with plugin names and make connections foreach(FilterPlugin* plugin, pluginManager()->filterPlugins()){ QAction* action = plugin->action(); QString pluginName = plugin->name(); QMenu * assignedMenu = mainWindow()->filterMenu; // Check for categories if(pluginName.contains("|")){ QStringList pluginNames = pluginName.split("|"); action->setText( pluginNames.back() ); // Try to locate exciting submenu QString catName = pluginNames.front(); QMenu * m = assignedMenu->findChild<QMenu*>( catName ); if(!m) m = mainWindow()->filterMenu->addMenu(catName); assignedMenu = m; } assignedMenu->addAction(action); // Action refers to this filter, so we can retrieve it later // QAction* action = new QAction(plugin->name(),plugin); /// Does the filter have an icon? Add it to the toolbar /// @todo add functionality to ModelFilter if(!action->icon().isNull()) mainWindow()->filterToolbar->addAction(action); /// Connect after it has been added connect(action,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(startFilter())); }
void MainWindow::saveNewWorkspace() { QDomDocument* config = generateWorkspaceXML(); QStringList fileNames; //stores the entire path of the file that it attempts to open QStringList filters; //setting file filters filters << "ReViz configuration files (*.revizconfig)" << "Any files (*)"; //initializing the File dialog box //the static QFileDialog does not seem to be working correctly in Ubuntu 12.04 with unity. //as per the documentation it may work correctly with gnome //the method used below should work correctly on all desktops and is supposedly more powerful QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setNameFilters(filters); dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); if (dialog.exec()) fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles(); if (!fileNames.isEmpty()) saveConfigFile(config, &fileNames.front()); else std::cerr << "No file was selected" << std::endl; }
void ServerObject::setClients(QStringList addys) { QStringList connected_list; if (!threadlist.isEmpty()) { threadlist.at(0); do { threadlist.current()->setHost(threadlist.current()->getHost()); connected_list.push_back(threadlist.current()->getHost()); } while(threadlist.next()); } QString temp; QString hostname; int socket; if (!addys.isEmpty()) { while ((!addys.isEmpty())&&(threadlist.count() < 400)){ temp=addys.front(); addys.pop_front(); socket = temp.section(":", 1, 1).toInt(); hostname = temp.section(":", 0, 0); hostname.append(suffix); if (clientlist.grep(temp).isEmpty() || connected_list.grep(temp).isEmpty()) { threadlist.append(new Thread(this, socket)); threadlist.current()->setHost(hostname); if (clientlist.grep(temp).isEmpty()) clientlist.push_back(temp); } } } }
Handle(Standard_Type) Subassembly::lookupType ( QStringList& path_components ) const { // The front path component is the name of a figure with ".type" appended // to it. int dot_pos = path_components.front().lastIndexOf( '.' ); QString name = path_components.front().left( dot_pos ); QString type = path_components.front().right( path_components.front().length() - dot_pos - 1 ); if ( subassembly_->name() == name && subassembly_->type() == type ) { path_components.erase( path_components.begin() ); return subassembly_->lookupType( path_components ); } return Handle(Standard_Type)(); }
QString CommentFormatter::formatComment( const QString& comment ) { QString ret; int i = 0; if( i > 1 ) { ret = comment.mid( i ); } else { ///remove the star in each line QStringList lines = comment.split( "\n", QString::KeepEmptyParts ); if( lines.isEmpty() ) return ret; QStringList::iterator it = lines.begin(); QStringList::iterator eit = lines.end(); if( it != lines.end() ) { for( ; it != eit; ++it ) { strip( "//", *it ); strip( "**", *it ); rStrip( "/**", *it ); } if( lines.front().trimmed().isEmpty() ) lines.pop_front(); if( !lines.isEmpty() && lines.back().trimmed().isEmpty() ) lines.pop_back(); } ret = lines.join( "\n" ); } return ret; }
void CellRange::init(const QString &range) { // TODO can be range from one sheet to another, ex: "Sheet1:Sheet4!A1:A5" or "Sheet1:Sheet4!A1" // TODO can be '!' or ':' symbol in sheet name QStringList sp = range.split(QLatin1Char('!')); QString cellRange = range; if (sp.size() > 1) { _sheet = sp.front(); if (_sheet.startsWith(QLatin1String("'")) && _sheet.endsWith(QLatin1String("'"))) _sheet = _sheet.mid(2, _sheet.length() - 2); cellRange = sp.back(); } QStringList rs = cellRange.split(QLatin1Char(':')); if (rs.size() == 2) { CellReference start(rs[0]); CellReference end(rs[1]); top = start.row(); left = start.column(); bottom = end.row(); right = end.column(); } else { CellReference p(rs[0]); top = p.row(); left = p.column(); bottom = p.row(); right = p.column(); } }
Kleo::CryptoConfigComponentGUI::CryptoConfigComponentGUI( CryptoConfigModule* module, Kleo::CryptoConfigComponent* component, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ), mComponent( component ) { QGridLayout * glay = new QGridLayout( this ); glay->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); const QStringList groups = mComponent->groupList(); if ( groups.size() > 1 ) { glay->setColumnMinimumWidth( 0, KDHorizontalLine::indentHint() ); for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = groups.begin(), end = groups.end() ; it != end; ++it ) { Kleo::CryptoConfigGroup* group = mComponent->group( *it ); Q_ASSERT( group ); if ( !group ) continue; const QString title = group->description(); KDHorizontalLine * hl = new KDHorizontalLine( title.isEmpty() ? *it : title, this ); const int row = glay->rowCount(); glay->addWidget( hl, row, 0, 1, 3 ); mGroupGUIs.append( new CryptoConfigGroupGUI( module, group, glay, this ) ); } } else if ( !groups.empty() ) { mGroupGUIs.append( new CryptoConfigGroupGUI( module, mComponent->group( groups.front() ), glay, this ) ); } glay->setRowStretch( glay->rowCount(), 1 ); }
static void removeKey_( QString const & scope, QString const & key, QgsPropertyKey & rootProperty ) { QgsPropertyKey * currentProperty = &rootProperty; QgsProperty * nextProperty = NULL; // link to next property down hiearchy QgsPropertyKey * previousQgsPropertyKey = NULL; // link to previous property up hiearchy QStringList keySequence = makeKeyTokens_( scope, key ); while ( ! keySequence.isEmpty() ) { // if the current head of the sequence list matches the property name, // then traverse down the property hierarchy if ( keySequence.first() == currentProperty->name() ) { // remove front key since we're traversing down a level keySequence.pop_front(); // if we have only one key name left, then try to remove the key // with that name if ( 1 == keySequence.count() ) { currentProperty->removeKey( keySequence.front() ); } // if we're out of keys then the current property is the one we // want to remove, but we can't delete it directly; we need to // delete it from the parent property key container else if ( keySequence.isEmpty() ) { previousQgsPropertyKey->removeKey( currentProperty->name() ); } else if (( nextProperty = currentProperty->find( keySequence.first() ) ) ) { previousQgsPropertyKey = currentProperty; currentProperty = dynamic_cast<QgsPropertyKey*>( nextProperty ); if ( currentProperty ) { continue; } else // QgsPropertyValue not Key, so return null { return; } } else // if the next key down isn't found { // then the overall key sequence doesn't exist return; } } else { return; } } } // void removeKey_
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication a(argc, argv); QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); arguments.pop_front(); const bool large = !arguments.isEmpty() && arguments.front() == "-l"; if (large) arguments.pop_front(); if (arguments.size() < 1) { std::cout << "Usage: iconextractor [OPTIONS] FILE [IMAGE_FILE_FOLDER]\n\n" "Extracts Windows icons from executables, DLL or icon files\n" "and writes them out as numbered .png-files.\n\n" "Options: -l Extract large icons.\n\n" "Based on Qt " << QT_VERSION_STR << "\n"; return 1; } const QString sourceFile = arguments.at(0); QString imageFileRoot = arguments.size() > 1 ? arguments.at(1) : QDir::currentPath(); const QFileInfo imageFileRootInfo(imageFileRoot); if (!imageFileRootInfo.isDir()) { std::cerr << imageFileRoot.toStdString() << " is not a directory.\n"; return 1; } const UINT iconCount = ExtractIconEx((wchar_t *)sourceFile.utf16(), -1, 0, 0, 0); if (!iconCount) { std::cerr << sourceFile.toStdString() << " does not appear to contain icons.\n"; return 1; } QScopedArrayPointer<HICON> icons(new HICON[iconCount]); const UINT extractedIconCount = large ? ExtractIconEx((wchar_t *)sourceFile.utf16(), 0, icons.data(), 0, iconCount) : ExtractIconEx((wchar_t *)sourceFile.utf16(), 0, 0, icons.data(), iconCount); if (!extractedIconCount) { qErrnoWarning("Failed to extract icons from %s", qPrintable(sourceFile)); return 1; } std::cout << sourceFile.toStdString() << " contains " << extractedIconCount << " icon(s).\n"; imageFileRoot = imageFileRootInfo.absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1Char('/') + QFileInfo(sourceFile).baseName(); for (UINT i = 0; i < extractedIconCount; ++i) { const QPixmap pixmap = QtWin::fromHICON(icons[i]); if (pixmap.isNull()) { std::cerr << "Error converting icons.\n"; return 1; } const QString fileName = QString::fromLatin1("%1%2.png").arg(imageFileRoot) .arg(i, 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); if (!pixmap.save(fileName)) { std::cerr << "Error writing image file " << fileName.toStdString() << ".\n"; return 1; } std::cout << "Wrote image file " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName).toStdString() << ".\n"; } return 0; }
void MemSpecParser::buildHelperProg(const MemSpecs& specs) { QProcess proc; QStringList cmdlines; QString arch = (specs.arch & MemSpecs::ar_x86_64) ? "x86_64" : "i386"; cmdlines += QString("make KDIR=%1 ARCH=%2 V=1") .arg(QDir::current().absoluteFilePath(_kernelSrcDir)) .arg(arch); cmdlines += QString("make memspec"); for (int i = 0; i < cmdlines.size(); ++i) { // Invoke the command QStringList args = cmdlines[i].split(QChar(' ')); QString cmd = args.front(); args.pop_front(); proc.setWorkingDirectory(_buildDir); proc.start(cmd, args); proc.waitForFinished(-1); if (proc.exitCode() != 0) { _errorOutput = proc.readAllStandardOutput(); _errorOutput += proc.readAllStandardError(); memSpecParserError2( QString("Command failed with exit code %3: %1 %2") .arg(cmd) .arg(args.join(" ")) .arg(proc.exitCode()), _errorOutput); } proc.close(); } }
/** Lauches a load file browser allowing a user to select multiple * files * @return the names of the selected files as a comma separated list */ QString MWRunFiles::openFileDialog() { QStringList filenames; QString dir = m_lastDir; if (m_fileFilter.isEmpty()) { m_fileFilter = createFileFilter(); } if (m_isForDirectory) { QString file = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, "Select directory", dir); if (!file.isEmpty()) filenames.append(file); } else if (m_allowMultipleFiles) { filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, "Open file", dir, m_fileFilter, nullptr, QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); } else { QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Open file", dir, m_fileFilter, nullptr, QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); if (!file.isEmpty()) filenames.append(file); } if (filenames.isEmpty()) { return ""; } m_lastDir = QFileInfo(filenames.front()).absoluteDir().path(); return filenames.join(", "); }
void Capabilities::add( const QString & cap, bool replace ) { QStringList tokens = cap.toUpper().split( QLatin1Char(' ') ); if ( tokens.empty() ) return; QString name = tokens.front(); tokens.pop_front(); add( name, tokens, replace ); }
void ImageManager::setTextureLocations(QStringList passed) { QImage image; QSize size; for (int loop = 0; loop < passed.size(); loop++) { if (image.load(passed.at(loop)) == false) { cerr << "Error cant load texture file: " << passed[loop].toStdString().c_str() << endl; return; }; if (loop == 0)size = image.size(); if (image.size().width() != size.width()) if (image.size().width() != size.width()) { cerr << "Texture file at: " << passed[loop].toStdString().c_str() << " is not the same size as other images" << endl; return; } } texture_locations = passed; textures_ready = true; number_of_textures = passed.size(); image.load(passed.front()); texture_display->setImage(image); image_index = 0; image_display->setImage(getFirstImage()); texture_display->setImage(getFirstTexture()); emit selectedImage(image_index); }
void LxMQApp::start() { QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if(args.size() < 3) { qWarning() << "Usage: " << args.front() << " client|server <key>"; QCoreApplication::exit(); return; } m_byteKey = args.at(2).toLocal8Bit(); QTimer *ndyt = new QTimer(this); connect(ndyt, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(ndy())); ndyt->setInterval(5000); ndyt->start(); if(args.at(1) == "client") { m_pSocket = new ZmqSocket(ZMQ_SUB, this); connect(m_pSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(heard())); m_pSocket->subscribe(m_byteKey); m_pSocket->connectTo("tcp://"); } if(args.at(1) == "server") { m_pSocket = new ZmqSocket(ZMQ_PUB, this); m_pSocket->bind("tcp://"); QTimer *t = new QTimer(this); connect(t, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(squawk())); t->setInterval(1000); t->start(); } }
/** * This is a convenience static function that will return one or more existing files selected by the user. */ QStringList FileDialog::getOpenFileNames (QWidget * parent, const QString & caption, const QString & dir, const QString & filter, QString * selectedFilter, Options options) { QString dirName = dir; if (dirName.isEmpty()) { dirName = getWorkingDirectory(); } QString windowTitle = caption; if (windowTitle.isEmpty()) windowTitle = FileDialog::tr("Open"); #if defined(FC_OS_LINUX) QList<QUrl> urls; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::MusicLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::MoviesLocation)); #else urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DesktopLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DocumentsLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::HomeLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::MusicLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::PicturesLocation)); urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::MoviesLocation)); #endif urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(getWorkingDirectory()); QStringList files; FileDialog dlg(parent); dlg.setWindowTitle(windowTitle); dlg.setSidebarUrls(urls); dlg.setIconProvider(new FileIconProvider()); dlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); dlg.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen); dlg.setDirectory(dirName); dlg.setOptions(options); dlg.setNameFilters(filter.split(QLatin1String(";;"))); dlg.setNameFilterDetailsVisible(true); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { if (selectedFilter) *selectedFilter = dlg.selectedNameFilter(); files = dlg.selectedFiles(); } #else QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(parent, windowTitle, dirName, filter, selectedFilter, options); for (QStringList::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) { *it = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(*it); } #endif if (!files.isEmpty()) { setWorkingDirectory(files.front()); } return files; }
unsigned int Kleo::classify( const QStringList & fileNames ) { if ( fileNames.empty() ) return 0; unsigned int result = classify( fileNames.front() ); Q_FOREACH( const QString & fileName, fileNames ) result &= classify( fileName ); return result; }
static QString longestCommonPrefix( const QStringList & sl ) { if ( sl.empty() ) return QString(); QString result = sl.front(); Q_FOREACH( const QString & s, sl ) result = commonPrefix( s, result ); return result; }
void MainWindow::loadWorkspace(std::string workspaceFile) { QStringList fileNames; //stores the entire path of the file that it attempts to open if (workspaceFile.empty()) { QStringList filters; //setting file filters filters << "ReViz configuration files (*.revizconfig)" << "Any files (*)"; //initializing the File dialog box //the static QFileDialog does not seem to be working correctly in Ubuntu 12.04 with unity. //as per the documentation it may work correctly with gnome //the method used below should work correctly on all desktops and is supposedly more powerful QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setNameFilters(filters); dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); if (dialog.exec()) fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles(); } else { fileNames.append(QString::fromStdString(workspaceFile)); } if (!fileNames.isEmpty()){ std::cerr << "Attempting to load the following configuration file: "<< fileNames.front().toStdString() << std::endl; try { QFile file(fileNames.front()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { std::cerr << "Unable to open file." << std::endl; return; } QDomDocument config; QString errorMsg; int errorLine, errorColumn; if(config.setContent(&file, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { parseConfig(config); *configFilePath = fileNames.front(); } } catch(const std::exception& e){ std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } } }
EventModel::EventModel(QStringList initStringList): repeatPeriod(0), repeatEvery(1) { dateTimeFormatString = initStringList.front(); initStringList.pop_front(); dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(initStringList.front(),dateTimeFormatString); initStringList.pop_front(); type = initStringList.front(); initStringList.pop_front(); title = initStringList.front(); initStringList.pop_front(); room = initStringList.front().replace('=',' '); initStringList.pop_front(); description = initStringList.front(); initStringList.pop_front(); //description += initStringList.front(); QString tmpRrule = initStringList.front().split(';').front().split('=').back(); if (tmpRrule == "MONTHLY") { repeatPeriod=30; } else if (tmpRrule == "WEEKLY") { repeatPeriod=7; } initStringList.pop_front(); }
/** * Add column for a log to the table for the case of multiple fits. * Have to check multiple values are not returned * @param table :: [input, output] Table to write to * @param paramsByLabel :: [input] Map of <label name, <workspace name, * <parameter, value>>> * @param log :: [input] the log we are going to add to the table */ void MuonAnalysisResultTableCreator::addColumnToResultsTable( ITableWorkspace_sptr &table, const QMap<QString, WSParameterList> ¶msByLabel, const QString &log) const { // if its a single fit we know its a double if (!m_multiple) { addColumnToTable(table, "double", log.toStdString(), PLOT_TYPE_X); return; } const auto &labelName = m_items[0]; QStringList valuesPerWorkspace; for (const auto &wsName : paramsByLabel[labelName].keys()) { const auto &logValues = m_logValues->value(wsName); const auto &val = logValues[log]; // Special case: if log is time in sec, subtract the first start time if (log.endsWith(" (s)")) { auto seconds = val.toDouble() - static_cast<double>(m_firstStart_ns) * 1.e-9; valuesPerWorkspace.append(QString::number(seconds)); } else if (MuonAnalysisHelper::isNumber(val.toString()) && !log.endsWith(" (text)")) { valuesPerWorkspace.append(QString::number(val.toDouble())); } else { valuesPerWorkspace.append(logValues[log].toString()); } } valuesPerWorkspace.sort(); auto dashIndex = valuesPerWorkspace.front().toStdString().find_first_of("-"); if (dashIndex != std::string::npos && dashIndex != 0) { addColumnToTable(table, "str", log.toStdString(), PLOT_TYPE_X); return; } const auto &min = valuesPerWorkspace.front().toDouble(); const auto &max = valuesPerWorkspace.back().toDouble(); if (min == max) { addColumnToTable(table, "double", log.toStdString(), PLOT_TYPE_X); return; } addColumnToTable(table, "str", log.toStdString(), PLOT_TYPE_X); }
void FileUploader::upload(QStringList files) { _model->moveToThread(&_workerThread); _total = 0; mtp::ObjectId currentParentId = _model->parentObjectId(); QList<Command *> commands; while(!files.empty()) { QString currentFile = files.front(); files.pop_front(); QFileInfo currentFileInfo(currentFile); if (currentFileInfo.isDir()) { qDebug() << "adding subdirectory" << currentFile; commands.push_back(new MakeDirectory(currentFile, true)); QDirIterator it(currentFile, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while(it.hasNext()) { QString next = it.next(); QFileInfo fi(next); QString filename = fi.fileName(); if (filename == "." || filename == "..") continue; if (fi.isFile()) { commands.push_back(new UploadFile(next)); _total += fi.size(); } else if (fi.isDir()) { commands.push_back(new MakeDirectory(next)); } } } else if (currentFileInfo.isFile()) { commands.push_back(new UploadFile(currentFile)); _total += currentFileInfo.size(); } } qDebug() << "uploading" << _total << "bytes"; if (_total < 1) _total = 1; _startedAt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); _aborted = false; for(auto command: commands) { if (_aborted) break; emit executeCommand(command); } emit executeCommand(new FinishQueue(currentParentId)); }
QString defaultDownloadDir() { #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) static QStringList list = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation); if (!list.empty()) return list.front(); #endif // qt4 don't have QStandardPaths, use glib's as fallback return QString::fromUtf8(g_get_user_special_dir(G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD)); }