Instance MemoryDump::queryInstance(const QString& queryString, KnowledgeSources src) const { QStringList components = queryString.split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (components.isEmpty()) queryError("Empty query string given"); Instance result, prev; while (!components.isEmpty()) { result = getNextInstance(components.first(), result, src); if (!result.isValid()) { QString s(prev.fullName()); if (!s.isEmpty()) s += "."; s += components.first(); if (result.origin() == Instance::orCandidate) queryError(QString("The selected member candidate for \"%1\" is invalid") .arg(s)); else if (result.origin() == Instance::orRuleEngine) queryError(QString("The instance \"%1\" returned by the rule engine is invalid.") .arg(s)); else queryError(QString("The instance \"%1\" is invalid (origin: %2)") .arg(s) .arg(Instance::originToString(result.origin()))); } prev = result; components.pop_front(); } return result; }
void GenGraphForm::doDisplay() { if (exportedFile==QString("")) return; std::cout << "OPEN " << (const char*)exportedFile << std::endl; #ifdef WIN32 ShellExecuteA(NULL, "open", exportedFile, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); #else QStringList argv; argv << "display" << exportedFile; #ifdef SOFA_QT4 QString program = argv.front(); argv.pop_front(); //QProcess::startDetached(program, argv); //QString("start \"\"\"")+exportedFile+QString("\"\"\"")); QProcess::startDetached(program, argv); //QString("start \"\"\"")+exportedFile+QString("\"\"\"")); #else QProcess* p = new QProcess(argv, this); p->setCommunication(0); connect(p,SIGNAL(processExited()),p,SLOT(deleteLater())); p->start(); #endif #endif }
bool HRProcessor::run(const Element &parent, QStringList &blocks) { std::shared_ptr<BlockParser> parser = this->parser.lock(); QString block = blocks.front(); blocks.pop_front(); //! Check for lines in block before hr. QString prelines = pypp::rstrip(block.left(this->match.capturedStart()), [](const QChar &ch) -> bool { return ch == '\n'; }); if ( ! prelines.isEmpty() ) { //! Recursively parse lines before hr so they get parsed first. QStringList new_blocks = {prelines}; parser->parseBlocks(parent, new_blocks); } //! create hr Element hr = createSubElement(parent, "hr"); //! check for lines in block after hr. int begin = this->match.capturedStart()+this->match.capturedLength(); QString postlines = pypp::lstrip(block.mid(begin), [](const QChar &ch) -> bool { return ch == '\n'; }); if ( ! postlines.isEmpty() ) { //! Add lines after hr to master blocks for later parsing. blocks.push_front(postlines); } return true; }
void ReadFromFile(QString fileName) { QFile file(fileName); if ( throw "Read file failed"; QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); if (line.isEmpty()) continue; QStringList lineList = line.split("\t",QString::SkipEmptyParts); int vertexID = lineList[0].toInt(); lineList.pop_front(); // qDebug()<<vertexID<<":"<<lineList; vertexList<<vertexID; foreach (QString word, lineList) { QStringList list = word.split(","); int toID = list[0].toInt(); int weight = list[1].toDouble(); Edge e(vertexID,toID,weight); edges.push_back(e); } }
QDomNode XmlConfiguration::FindNode( QStringList &sParts, QDomNode &curNode, bool bCreate ) { if (sParts.empty()) return curNode; QString sName = sParts.front(); sParts.pop_front(); QDomNode child = curNode.namedItem( sName ); if (child.isNull() ) { if (bCreate) { QDomNode newNode = m_config.createElement( sName ); if (!curNode.isNull()) child = curNode.appendChild( newNode ); } else sParts.clear(); } return FindNode( sParts, child, bCreate ); }
bool Polyhedron_demo_polylines_io_plugin::save(const Scene_item* item, QFileInfo fileinfo) { const Scene_polylines_item* poly_item = qobject_cast<const Scene_polylines_item*>(item); if(!poly_item) return false; std::ofstream out(fileinfo.filePath().toUtf8()); out.precision(17); if(!out) { std::cerr << "Error! Cannot open file " << (const char*)fileinfo.filePath().toUtf8() << std::endl; return false; } typedef Scene_polylines_item::Polylines_container Polylines_container; typedef Polylines_container::value_type Polyline; typedef Polyline::value_type Point_3; QStringList metadata = item->property("polylines metadata").toStringList(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Polyline& polyline, poly_item->polylines) { out << polyline.size(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Point_3& p, polyline) { out << " " << p.x() << " " << p.y() << " " << p.z(); } if(!metadata.isEmpty()) { out << " " << qPrintable(metadata.front()); metadata.pop_front(); } out << std::endl; } return (bool) out; }
void QuotaJobs::GetQuotarootJob::slotInfoMessage(KIO::Job *, const QString &str) { // Parse the result QStringList results = QStringList::split("\r", str); QStringList roots; QuotaInfoList quotas; if(results.size() > 0) { // the first line is the available roots roots = QStringList::split(" ", results.front()); results.pop_front(); // the rest are pairs of root -> list of triplets while(results.size() > 0) { QString root = results.front(); results.pop_front(); // and the quotas if(results.size() > 0) { QStringList triplets = QStringList::split(" ", results.front()); results.pop_front(); while(triplets.size() > 0) { // there's always three, the label, current and max values QString name = triplets.front(); triplets.pop_front(); QString current = triplets.front(); triplets.pop_front(); QString max = triplets.front(); triplets.pop_front(); QuotaInfo info(name, root, current, max); quotas.append(info); } } } } if(!quotas.isEmpty()) { emit quotaInfoReceived(quotas); } emit quotaRootResult(roots); }
NodeCombat::NodeCombat(QString &create, GamerList &gl) : NodeCombat(0,0,0,0,gl,0) { QStringList nodeStr = create.split(","); if(nodeStr.size() == 7) { nodeStr.pop_front(); setId(nodeStr.first().toInt()); nodeStr.pop_front(); setX(nodeStr.first().toInt()); nodeStr.pop_front(); setY(nodeStr.first().toInt()); nodeStr.pop_front(); radius = nodeStr.first().toInt(); nodeStr.pop_front(); ressourcesMax = nodeStr.first().toInt(); nodeStr.pop_front(); setOwner(lstGamer.getGamer(nodeStr.first().toInt())); } else { qCritical()<<"NodeCombat : unexpected case in 'NodeCombat'"; } }
EventTemplate::EventTemplate(QStringList initStringList, QListWidgetItem * newHolder, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::EventTemplate), holder(newHolder) { ui->setupUi(this); QString tmpDateString = initStringList.front(); initStringList.pop_front(); QString dateTimeFormatString = initStringList.front(); initStringList.pop_front(); QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(tmpDateString,dateTimeFormatString); ui->labelDayOfWeek->setText(dateTime.toString("dddd")); ui->labelDate->setText(dateTime.toString("dd.MM.yyyy")); ui->labelTime->setText(dateTime.toString("hh:mm")); ui->labelType->setText(initStringList.front()); initStringList.pop_front(); ui->labelTitle->setText(initStringList.front()); initStringList.pop_front(); ui->labelRoom->setText(initStringList.front()); initStringList.pop_front(); ui->description->setText(initStringList.front()); initStringList.pop_front(); }
QString MemoryDump::dump(const QString& type, quint64 address, int length, const ColorPalette& col) const { if (type == "char") { char c; if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, &c, sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char)) queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1") .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0'))); return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(c).arg(c, (sizeof(c) << 1), 16, QChar('0')); } if (type == "int") { qint32 i; if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, (char*)&i, sizeof(qint32)) != sizeof(qint32)) queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1") .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0'))); return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(i).arg((quint32)i, (sizeof(i) << 1), 16, QChar('0')); } if (type == "long") { qint64 l; if (_vmem->readAtomic(address, (char*)&l, sizeof(qint64)) != sizeof(qint64)) queryError(QString("Cannot read memory from address 0x%1") .arg(address, (_specs.sizeofPointer << 1), 16, QChar('0'))); return QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(l).arg((quint64)l, (sizeof(l) << 1), 16, QChar('0')); } if (type == "raw" || type == "hex") { QString ret; const int buflen = 256, linelen = 16; char buf[buflen]; char bufstr[linelen + 1] = {0}; // Make sure we got a valid length if (length < 0) queryError(QString("No valid length given for dumping raw memory")); int totalBytesRead = 0, col = 0; while (length > 0) { int bytesRead = _vmem->readAtomic(address, buf, qMin(buflen, length)); length -= bytesRead; int i = 0; while (i < bytesRead) { // New line every 16 bytes begins with address if (totalBytesRead % 16 == 0) { if (totalBytesRead > 0) { ret += QString(" |%0|\n").arg(bufstr, -linelen); memset(bufstr, 0, linelen + 1); col = 0; } ret += QString("%1 ").arg(address, _specs.sizeofPointer << 1, 16, QChar('0')); } // Wider column after 8 bytes if (totalBytesRead % 8 == 0) ret += ' '; // Write the character as hex string if ((unsigned char)buf[i] < 16) ret += '0'; ret += QString::number((unsigned char)buf[i], 16) + ' '; // Add character to string buffer, if it's an ASCII char if ( ((unsigned char)buf[i] >= 32) && ((unsigned char)buf[i] < 127) ) bufstr[col] = buf[i]; else bufstr[col] = '.'; ++col; ++totalBytesRead; ++address; ++i; } } // Finish it up if (col > 0) { while (col < linelen) { ret += " "; if (col % 8 == 0) ret += ' '; ++col; } ret += QString(" |%0|").arg(bufstr, -linelen); } return ret; } QStringList components = type.split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts); Instance result; if (!components.isEmpty()) { // Get first instance result = getInstanceAt(components.first(), address, QStringList("user")); components.pop_front(); while (!components.isEmpty()) { result = getNextInstance(components.first(), result, ksNone); components.pop_front(); } return QString("%1%2%3 (ID%4 0x%5%6) @%7 0x%8%9\n") .arg(col.color(ctType)) .arg(result.typeName()) .arg(col.color(ctReset)) .arg(col.color(ctTypeId)) .arg((uint)result.type()->id(), 0, 16) .arg(col.color(ctReset)) .arg(col.color(ctAddress)) .arg(result.address(), 0, 16) .arg(col.color(ctReset)) + result.toString(&col); } queryError3("Unknown type: " + type, QueryException::ecUnresolvedType, type); return QString(); }
bool FeatureProxyConnector::processReply() { mLastReplyIsError = false; QString data = mPartialResponse + mStream.readAll(); QStringList lines = data.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (data[data.size()-1] != '\n') { mPartialResponse = lines.takeLast(); } else { mPartialResponse.clear(); } while (!mLastReplyIsError && !lines.empty()) { QString line = lines.takeFirst(); if (!mExecutableInitialized) { if (line != APP_VERSION_NUMBER) { terminate(); return false; } mExecutableInitialized = true; emit initialized(); } else { QStringList args = line.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!args.empty()) { if (args.front() == "ERROR") { args.pop_front(); mResponses.clear(); mLastReplyIsError = true; QString response = args.join(" "); mResponses.enqueue(response); emit error(response); } else { switch (mPendingCommand) { case OPEN_DATA_SOURCE: if (args.front() == "SUCCESS") { args.pop_front(); QString response = args.join(" "); mResponses.enqueue(response); emit dataSourceOpen(response); } break; case CLOSE_DATA_SOURCE: if (args.front() == "SUCCESS") { args.pop_front(); QString response = args.join(" "); mResponses.enqueue(response); emit dataSourceClosed(response); } break; case GET_FEATURE_CLASS_PROPERTIES: if (args.front() == "SUCCESS" && args.size() >= 2) { args.pop_front(); QString response = args.join(" "); mResponses.enqueue(response); emit featureClassProperties(response); } break; case QUERY: mResponses.enqueue(args.join(" ")); if (args.front() != "END") { continue; // don't reset mPendingCommand until we hit the end } break; default: mResponses.enqueue(args.join(" ")); break; } } } mPendingCommand = NO_COMMAND; } } return true; }
/** * Emulate perl shift(). */ QString shift(QStringList& l) { QString first = l.first(); l.pop_front(); return first; }
/** * Parse a file into the PetalNode internal tree representation * and then create Umbrello objects by traversing the tree. * * @return In case of error: NULL * In case of success with non NULL parentPkg: pointer to UMLPackage created for controlled unit * In case of success with NULL parentPkg: pointer to root folder of Logical View */ UMLPackage* loadFromMDL(QFile& file, UMLPackage *parentPkg /* = 0 */) { if (parentPkg == NULL) { QString fName = file.fileName(); int lastSlash = fName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); if (lastSlash > 0) { dirPrefix = fName.left(lastSlash + 1); } } QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setCodec("ISO 8859-1"); QString line; PetalNode *root = NULL; uint nClosures_sav = nClosures; uint linum_sav = linum; nClosures = 0; linum = 0; while (!(line = stream.readLine()).isNull()) { linum++; if (line.contains(QRegExp(QLatin1String("^\\s*\\(object Petal")))) { bool finish = false; // Nested loop determines character set to use while (!(line = stream.readLine()).isNull()) { linum++; // CHECK: do we need petal version info? if (line.contains(QLatin1Char(')'))) { finish = true; line = line.replace(QLatin1String(QLatin1String(")")), QString()); } QStringList a = line.trimmed().split(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\\s+"))); if (a.size() == 2 && a[0] == QLatin1String("charSet")) { const QString& charSet = a[1]; if (!charSet.contains(QRegExp(QLatin1String("^\\d+$")))) { uWarning() << "Unimplemented charSet " << charSet; if (finish) break; continue; } const int charSetNum = charSet.toInt(); switch (charSetNum) { case 0: // ASCII ; case 1: // Default SETCODEC("System"); case 2: // Symbol ; // @todo SETCODEC("what"); case 77: // Mac SETCODEC("macintosh"); case 128: // ShiftJIS (Japanese) SETCODEC("Shift_JIS"); case 129: // Hangul (Korean) SETCODEC("EUC-KR"); case 130: // Johab (Korean) SETCODEC("EUC-KR"); case 134: // GB2312 (Chinese) SETCODEC("GB18030"); // "Don't use GB2312 here" (Ralf H.) case 136: // ChineseBig5 SETCODEC("Big5"); case 161: // Greek SETCODEC("windows-1253"); case 162: // Turkish SETCODEC("windows-1254"); case 163: // Vietnamese SETCODEC("windows-1258"); case 177: // Hebrew SETCODEC("windows-1255"); case 178: // Arabic SETCODEC("windows-1256"); case 186: // Baltic SETCODEC("windows-1257"); case 204: // Russian SETCODEC("windows-1251"); case 222: // Thai SETCODEC("TIS-620"); case 238: // EastEurope SETCODEC("windows-1250"); case 255: // OEM (extended ASCII) SETCODEC("windows-1252"); default: uWarning() << "Unimplemented charSet number" << charSetNum; } } if (finish) break; } if (line.isNull()) break; } else { QRegExp objectRx(QLatin1String("^\\s*\\(object ")); if (line.contains(objectRx)) { nClosures = 0; QStringList initialArgs = scan(line); initialArgs.pop_front(); // remove opening parenthesis root = readAttributes(initialArgs, stream); break; } } } file.close(); nClosures = nClosures_sav; linum = linum_sav; if (root == NULL) return NULL; if (parentPkg) { UMLPackage *child = petalTree2Uml(root, parentPkg); delete root; return child; } if (root->name() != QLatin1String("Design")) { uError() << "expecting root name Design"; delete root; return NULL; } Import_Utils::assignUniqueIdOnCreation(false); UMLDoc *umldoc = UMLApp::app()->document(); //*************************** import Logical View ********************************* umldoc->setCurrentRoot(Uml::ModelType::Logical); UMLPackage *logicalView = umldoc->rootFolder(Uml::ModelType::Logical); importView(root, logicalView, QLatin1String("root_category"), QLatin1String("logical_models"), QLatin1String("Class_Category"), QLatin1String("logical_presentations")); //*************************** import Use Case View ******************************** umldoc->setCurrentRoot(Uml::ModelType::UseCase); UMLPackage *useCaseView = umldoc->rootFolder(Uml::ModelType::UseCase); importView(root, useCaseView, QLatin1String("root_usecase_package"), QLatin1String("logical_models"), QLatin1String("Class_Category"), QLatin1String("logical_presentations")); //*************************** import Component View ******************************* umldoc->setCurrentRoot(Uml::ModelType::Component); UMLPackage *componentView = umldoc->rootFolder(Uml::ModelType::Component); importView(root, componentView, QLatin1String("root_subsystem"), QLatin1String("physical_models"), QLatin1String("SubSystem"), QLatin1String("physical_presentations")); //*************************** import Deployment View ****************************** umldoc->setCurrentRoot(Uml::ModelType::Deployment); UMLPackage *deploymentView = umldoc->rootFolder(Uml::ModelType::Deployment); importView(root, deploymentView, QLatin1String("process_structure"), QLatin1String("ProcsNDevs"), QLatin1String("Processes")); //*************************** wrap up ******************************** delete root; umldoc->setCurrentRoot(Uml::ModelType::Logical); Import_Utils::assignUniqueIdOnCreation(true); umldoc->resolveTypes(); return logicalView; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QStringList arguments (QApplication::arguments()); arguments.pop_front(); // application path // Pass files to existing instance and quit SingleInstanceGuard guard; if (guard.tryConnect(arguments)) return 0; // Set up translations QTranslator qtTranslator; qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)); app.installTranslator(&qtTranslator); char resourcePath[PATH_MAX]; sc_GetResourceDirectory(resourcePath, PATH_MAX); QString ideTranslationPath = QString(resourcePath) + "/translations"; bool translationLoaded; // Load fallback translator that only handles plural forms in English QTranslator fallbackTranslator; translationLoaded = fallbackTranslator.load( "scide", ideTranslationPath ); app.installTranslator(&fallbackTranslator); if (!translationLoaded) qWarning("scide warning: Failed to load fallback translation file."); // Load translator for locale QString ideTranslationFile = "scide_" + QLocale::system().name(); QTranslator scideTranslator; scideTranslator.load( ideTranslationFile, ideTranslationPath ); app.installTranslator(&scideTranslator); // Set up style app.setStyle( new ScIDE::Style( ); // Go... Main * main = Main::instance(); MainWindow *win = new MainWindow(main); // NOTE: load session after GUI is created, so that GUI can respond Settings::Manager *settings = main->settings(); SessionManager *sessions = main->sessionManager(); // NOTE: window has to be shown before restoring its geometry, // or else restoring maximized state will fail, if it has ever before // been saved un-maximized. win->show(); QString startSessionName = settings->value("IDE/startWithSession").toString(); if (startSessionName == "last") { QString lastSession = sessions->lastSession(); if (!lastSession.isEmpty()) { sessions->openSession(lastSession); } } else if (!startSessionName.isEmpty()) { sessions->openSession(startSessionName); } if (!sessions->currentSession()) { win->restoreWindowState(); sessions->newSession(); } foreach (QString argument, arguments) { main->documentManager()->open(argument); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); initLogger(QsLogging::InfoLevel); bool expectVerbosity = false; bool expectDBusAddress = false; QString portName; QString dbusAddress = "system"; QStringList args = app.arguments(); args.pop_front(); foreach (QString arg, args) { if (expectVerbosity) { QsLogging::Logger &logger = QsLogging::Logger::instance(); QsLogging::Level logLevel = static_cast<QsLogging::Level>(qBound( static_cast<int>(QsLogging::TraceLevel), arg.toInt(), static_cast<int>(QsLogging::OffLevel))); logger.setLoggingLevel(logLevel); expectVerbosity = false; } else if (expectDBusAddress) { dbusAddress = arg; expectDBusAddress = false; } else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { QLOG_INFO() << app.arguments().first(); QLOG_INFO() << "\t-h, --help"; QLOG_INFO() << "\t Show this message."; QLOG_INFO() << "\t-V, --version"; QLOG_INFO() << "\t Show the application version."; QLOG_INFO() << "\t-d level, --debug level"; QLOG_INFO() << "\t Set log level"; QLOG_INFO() << "\t-b, --dbus"; QLOG_INFO() << "\t dbus address or 'session' or 'system'"; QLOG_INFO() << "\t <Port Name>"; QLOG_INFO() << "\t Name of communication port (eg. /dev/ttyUSB0)"; exit(1); } else if (arg == "-V" || arg == "--version") { QLOG_INFO() << VERSION; exit(0); } else if (arg == "-d" || arg == "--debug") { expectVerbosity = true; } else if (arg == "-t" || arg == "--timestamp") { QsLogging::Logger &logger = QsLogging::Logger::instance(); logger.setIncludeTimestamp(true); } else if (arg == "-b" || arg == "--dbus") { expectDBusAddress = true; } else if (!arg.startsWith('-')) { portName = arg; } } if (portName.isEmpty()) { QLOG_ERROR() << "No communication port specified on command line"; exit(2); } else { QLOG_INFO() << "Connecting to" << portName; } initDBus(dbusAddress); DBusRedflow a(portName); app.connect(&a, SIGNAL(connectionLost()), &app, SLOT(quit())); return app.exec(); }
/** return the property that matches the given key sequence, if any @param scope scope of key @param key keyname @param rootProperty is likely to be the top level QgsPropertyKey in QgsProject:e:Imp. @return null if not found, otherwise located Property */ static QgsProperty * findKey_( QString const & scope, QString const & key, QgsPropertyKey & rootProperty ) { QgsPropertyKey * currentProperty = &rootProperty; QgsProperty * nextProperty; // link to next property down hiearchy QStringList keySequence = makeKeyTokens_( scope, key ); while ( ! keySequence.isEmpty() ) { // if the current head of the sequence list matches the property name, // then traverse down the property hierarchy if ( keySequence.first() == currentProperty->name() ) { // remove front key since we're traversing down a level keySequence.pop_front(); // if we have only one key name left, then return the key found if ( 1 == keySequence.count() ) { return currentProperty->find( keySequence.front() ); } // if we're out of keys then the current property is the one we // want; i.e., we're in the rate case of being at the top-most // property node else if ( keySequence.isEmpty() ) { return currentProperty; } else if (( nextProperty = currentProperty->find( keySequence.first() ) ) ) { if ( nextProperty->isKey() ) { currentProperty = dynamic_cast<QgsPropertyKey*>( nextProperty ); } // it may be that this may be one of several property value // nodes keyed by QDict string; if this is the last remaining // key token and the next property is a value node, then // that's the situation, so return the currentProperty else if ( nextProperty->isValue() && ( 1 == keySequence.count() ) ) { return currentProperty; } else // QgsPropertyValue not Key, so return null { return 0x0; } } else // if the next key down isn't found { // then the overall key sequence doesn't exist return 0x0; } } else { return 0x0; } } return 0x0; } // findKey_
void SSDP::ProcessData( MSocketDevice *pSocket ) { QByteArray buffer; long nBytes = 0; while ((nBytes = pSocket->bytesAvailable()) > 0) { buffer.resize(nBytes); long nRead = 0; do { long ret = pSocket->readBlock( + nRead, nBytes - nRead ); if (ret < 0) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("Socket readBlock error %1") .arg(pSocket->error())); buffer.clear(); break; } nRead += ret; if (0 == ret) { LOG(VB_SOCKET, LOG_WARNING, QString("%1 bytes reported available, " "but only %2 bytes read.") .arg(nBytes).arg(nRead)); nBytes = nRead; buffer.resize(nBytes); break; } } while (nRead < nBytes); if (buffer.isEmpty()) continue; QHostAddress peerAddress = pSocket->peerAddress(); quint16 peerPort = pSocket->peerPort (); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ QString str = QString(buffer.constData()); QStringList lines = str.split("\r\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString sRequestLine = lines.size() ? lines[0] : ""; lines.pop_front(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Parse request Type // ------------------------------------------------------------------ LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_DEBUG, QString("SSDP::ProcessData - requestLine: %1") .arg(sRequestLine)); SSDPRequestType eType = ProcessRequestLine( sRequestLine ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Read Headers into map // ------------------------------------------------------------------ QStringMap headers; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it ) { QString sLine = *it; QString sName = sLine.section( ':', 0, 0 ).trimmed(); QString sValue = sLine.section( ':', 1 ); sValue.truncate( sValue.length() ); //-2 if ((sName.length() != 0) && (sValue.length() !=0)) headers.insert( sName.toLower(), sValue.trimmed() ); } #if 0 pSocket->SetDestAddress( peerAddress, peerPort ); #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------- // See if this is a valid request // -------------------------------------------------------------- switch( eType ) { case SSDP_MSearch: { // ---------------------------------------------------------- // If we haven't enabled notifications yet, then we don't // want to answer search requests. // ---------------------------------------------------------- if (m_pNotifyTask != NULL) ProcessSearchRequest( headers, peerAddress, peerPort ); break; } case SSDP_MSearchResp: ProcessSearchResponse( headers); break; case SSDP_Notify: ProcessNotify( headers ); break; case SSDP_Unknown: default: LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_ERR, "SSPD::ProcessData - Unknown request Type."); break; } } }
void CreateObjectsPage::initializePage() { if (fwbdebug) qDebug() << "CreateObjectsPage::initializePage()"; int lib_index = field("libIndex").toInt(); QStringList libraries = field("libraries").toStringList(); QStringList objects = field("objectsToUse").toStringList(); if (fwbdebug) { qDebug() << "libraries=" << libraries; qDebug() << "objects=" << objects; } m_dialog->progressBar->setFormat("%v / %m"); m_dialog->progressBar->setMaximum(objects.size() / 2); FWObject *last_object = NULL; QString name; QString addr; int counter = 1; while (objects.size() > 0) { name = objects.front(); objects.pop_front(); addr = objects.front(); objects.pop_front(); QString type; try { InetAddr(AF_INET6, addr.toLatin1().constData() ); type = IPv6::TYPENAME; } catch (FWException &ex) { } if (type.isEmpty()) { try { InetAddr(AF_INET, addr.toLatin1().constData() ); type = IPv4::TYPENAME; } catch (FWException &ex) { } } if (! type.isEmpty()) { Address *obj = Address::cast(mw->createObject(type, name)); assert(obj!=NULL); obj->setName(name.toUtf8().constData()); obj->setAddress(InetAddr(addr.toStdString())); obj->setNetmask(InetAddr(InetAddr::getAllOnes())); mw->moveObject(libraries[lib_index], obj); last_object = obj; } m_dialog->progressBar->setValue(counter); qApp->processEvents(); counter++; } ProjectPanel *pp = mw->activeProject(); QString filename = pp->getFileName(); QCoreApplication::postEvent(mw, new reloadObjectTreeEvent(filename)); QCoreApplication::postEvent( mw->activeProject(), new openLibraryForObjectEvent( filename, last_object->getId())); }
void Project::addFile(QTreeView* treeView, QSortFilterProxyModel* sort, const QString &fileName) { if (_files.contains(fileName)) return; QFileInfo fi(fileName); QString absFileName = fi.absoluteFilePath(); QString relFileName; if (!projectRoot.isEmpty()) { QDir projectDir(QFileInfo(projectRoot).absoluteDir()); relFileName = projectDir.relativeFilePath(absFileName); } else { relFileName = absFileName; } QStringList path = relFileName.split(QDir::separator()); while (path.first().isEmpty()) { path.pop_front(); } QStandardItem* curItem; bool isMiniZinc = true; bool isCoursera = false; if (fi.suffix()=="mzn") { curItem = mzn; } else if (fi.suffix()=="dzn") { curItem = dzn; } else if (fi.suffix()=="fzn") { return; } else { curItem = other; isMiniZinc = false; isCoursera = fi.completeBaseName()=="_coursera"; } if (isCoursera) { if (_courseraProject) { QMessageBox::warning(treeView,"MiniZinc IDE", "Cannot add second Coursera options file", QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QFile metadata(absFileName); if (! { QMessageBox::warning(treeView,"MiniZinc IDE", "Cannot open Coursera options file", QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QTextStream in(&metadata); CourseraProject* cp = new CourseraProject; if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } cp->course = in.readLine(); if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } cp->checkpwdSid= in.readLine(); if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } cp->name = in.readLine(); QString nSolutions_s = in.readLine(); int nSolutions = nSolutions_s.toInt(); for (int i=0; i<nSolutions; i++) { if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } QString line = in.readLine(); QStringList tokens = line.split(", "); if (tokens.size() < 5) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } CourseraItem item(tokens[0].trimmed(),tokens[1].trimmed(),tokens[2].trimmed(), tokens[3].trimmed(),tokens[4].trimmed()); cp->problems.append(item); } if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } nSolutions_s = in.readLine(); nSolutions = nSolutions_s.toInt(); for (int i=0; i<nSolutions; i++) { if (in.status() != QTextStream::Ok) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } QString line = in.readLine(); QStringList tokens = line.split(", "); if (tokens.size() < 3) { delete cp; goto coursera_done; } CourseraItem item(tokens[0].trimmed(),tokens[1].trimmed(),tokens[2].trimmed()); cp->models.append(item); } _courseraProject = cp; ui->actionSubmit_to_Coursera->setVisible(true); } coursera_done: setModified(true, true); QStandardItem* prevItem = curItem; treeView->expand(sort->mapFromSource(curItem->index())); curItem = curItem->child(0); int i=0; while (curItem != NULL) { if (curItem->text() == path.first()) { path.pop_front(); treeView->expand(sort->mapFromSource(curItem->index())); prevItem = curItem; curItem = curItem->child(0); i = 0; } else { i += 1; curItem = curItem->parent()->child(i); } } for (int i=0; i<path.size(); i++) { QStandardItem* newItem = new QStandardItem(path[i]); prevItem->appendRow(newItem); if (i<path.size()-1) { newItem->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/images/folder.png")); } else { _files.insert(absFileName,newItem->index()); if (isMiniZinc) { newItem->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/mznicon.png")); } } treeView->expand(sort->mapFromSource(newItem->index())); prevItem = newItem; } }
void CandidateWindow::activateCand( const QStringList &list ) { #if defined(ENABLE_DEBUG) qDebug( "uim-candwin-qt: activateCand()" ); #endif /** * format: activate\fcharset=$charset\fdisplay_limit=$value\fhead1\acand1\aannot1\fhead2\acand2\aannot2\fhead3\acand3\aannot3\f */ // remove old data cList->clear(); stores.clear(); // get charset and create codec QTextCodec *codec = NULL; if ( !list[ 1 ].isEmpty() && list[ 1 ].startsWith( "charset" ) ) { const QStringList l = QStringList::split( "=", list[ 1 ] ); codec = QTextCodec::codecForName( l[ 1 ] ); } // get display_limit if ( !list[ 2 ].isEmpty() && list[ 2 ].startsWith( "display_limit" ) ) { const QStringList l = QStringList::split( "=", list[ 2 ] ); displayLimit = l[ 1 ].toInt(); } for ( int i = 3; !list[ i ].isNull(); i++ ) { // case list[i] = "" if ( list[ i ].isEmpty() ) break; // split heading_label and cand_str QStringList l = QStringList::split( "\a", list [ i ], true ); // store data CandData d; QString headString; if ( codec ) headString = codec->toUnicode( l [ 0 ] ); else headString = l [ 0 ]; d.label = headString; l.pop_front(); QString candString = l [ 0 ]; if ( codec ) d.str = codec->toUnicode( candString ); else d.str = candString; l.pop_front(); QString annotString = l [ 0 ]; stores.append( d ); } // set default value candidateIndex = -1; nrCandidates = stores.count(); // shift to default page setPage( 0 ); adjustCandidateWindowSize(); show(); isActive = true; }
int bandageImage(QStringList arguments) { QTextStream out(stdout); QTextStream err(stderr); if (checkForHelp(arguments)) { printImageUsage(&out, false); return 0; } if (checkForHelpAll(arguments)) { printImageUsage(&out, true); return 0; } if (arguments.size() < 2) { printImageUsage(&err, false); return 1; } QString graphFilename =; arguments.pop_front(); if (!checkIfFileExists(graphFilename)) { err << "Bandage error: " << graphFilename << " does not exist" << endl; return 1; } QString imageSaveFilename =; arguments.pop_front(); QString imageFileExtension = imageSaveFilename.right(4); bool pixelImage; if (imageFileExtension == ".png" || imageFileExtension == ".jpg") pixelImage = true; else if (imageFileExtension == ".svg") pixelImage = false; else { err << "Bandage error: the output filename must end in .png, .jpg or .svg" << endl; return 1; } QString error = checkForInvalidImageOptions(arguments); if (error.length() > 0) { err << "Bandage error: " << error << endl; return 1; } bool loadSuccess = g_assemblyGraph->loadGraphFromFile(graphFilename); if (!loadSuccess) { err << "Bandage error: could not load " << graphFilename << endl; return 1; } int width = 0; int height = 0; parseImageOptions(arguments, &width, &height); //For Bandage image, it is necessary to position node labels at the //centre of the node, not the visible centre(s). This is because there //is no viewport. g_settings->positionTextNodeCentre = true; //Since frame rate performance doesn't matter for a fixed image, set the //default node outline to a nonzero value. g_settings->outlineThickness = 0.3; bool blastUsed = isOptionPresent("--query", &arguments); if (blastUsed) { if (!createBlastTempDirectory()) { err << "Error creating temporary directory for BLAST files" << endl; return 1; } QString blastError = g_blastSearch->doAutoBlastSearch(); if (blastError != "") { err << blastError << endl; return 1; } } QString errorTitle; QString errorMessage; std::vector<DeBruijnNode *> startingNodes = g_assemblyGraph->getStartingNodes(&errorTitle, &errorMessage, g_settings->doubleMode, g_settings->startingNodes, "all"); if (errorMessage != "") { err << errorMessage << endl; return 1; } g_assemblyGraph->buildOgdfGraphFromNodesAndEdges(startingNodes, g_settings->nodeDistance); g_assemblyGraph->layoutGraph(); MyGraphicsScene scene; g_assemblyGraph->addGraphicsItemsToScene(&scene); scene.setSceneRectangle(); double sceneRectAspectRatio = scene.sceneRect().width() / scene.sceneRect().height(); //Determine image size //If neither height nor width set, use a default of height = 1000. if (height == 0 && width == 0) height = 1000; //If only height or width is set, scale the other to fit. if (height > 0 && width == 0) width = height * sceneRectAspectRatio; else if (height == 0 && width > 0) height = width / sceneRectAspectRatio; bool success = true; QPainter painter; if (pixelImage) { QImage image(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32); image.fill(Qt::white); painter.begin(&image); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); scene.render(&painter); success =; painter.end(); } else //SVG { QSvgGenerator generator; generator.setFileName(imageSaveFilename); generator.setSize(QSize(width, height)); generator.setViewBox(QRect(0, 0, width, height)); painter.begin(&generator); painter.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, Qt::white); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); scene.render(&painter); painter.end(); } int returnCode; if (!success) { out << "There was an error writing the image to file." << endl; returnCode = 1; } else returnCode = 0; if (blastUsed) deleteBlastTempDirectory(); return returnCode; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QApplication::setApplicationName("Bandage"); QApplication::setApplicationVersion("0.6.2"); QTextStream out(stdout); QTextStream err(stdout); //Create the important global objects. g_settings.reset(new Settings()); g_blastSearch.reset(new BlastSearch()); g_assemblyGraph.reset(new AssemblyGraph()); g_graphicsView = new MyGraphicsView(); QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments(); arguments.pop_front(); if (checkForVersion(arguments)) { out << "Version: " << QApplication::applicationVersion() << endl; return 0; } //If the first argument was a recognised command, move to that command's function. if (arguments.size() > 0) { QString first =; if (first == "load") { arguments.pop_front(); g_settings->commandLineCommand = BANDAGE_LOAD; return bandageLoad(&a, arguments); } else if (first == "image") { arguments.pop_front(); g_settings->commandLineCommand = BANDAGE_IMAGE; return bandageImage(arguments); } // else if (first == "contiguous") // { // arguments.pop_front(); // return bandageContiguous(arguments); // } } //Since a recognised command was not seen, we now check to see if the user //was looking for help information. if (checkForHelp(arguments)) { out << "" << endl; out << "Program: Bandage" << endl; out << "Version: " << QApplication::applicationVersion() << endl; printUsage(&out, false); return 0; } if (checkForHelpAll(arguments)) { out << "" << endl; out << "Program: Bandage" << endl; out << "Version: " << QApplication::applicationVersion() << endl; printUsage(&out, true); return 0; } //If the code got here, we assume the user is simply launching Bandage, //with or without some options to specify settings. //Check the settings. QStringList argumentsCopy = arguments; QString error = checkForInvalidOrExcessSettings(&argumentsCopy); if (error.length() > 0) { err << "Bandage error: " + error << endl; return 1; } //If the code got here, then the settings are good. Parse them now and //run the program. parseSettings(arguments); MainWindow w;; return a.exec(); }
void ChatWindow::setLogfileName(const QString& name) { // Only change name of logfile if the window was new. if(firstLog) { if (getTextView()) getTextView()->setContextMenuOptions(IrcContextMenus::ShowLogAction, true); // status panels get special treatment here, since they have no server at the beginning if (getType() == Status || getType() == DccChat) { logName = name + ".log"; } else if (m_server) { // make sure that no path delimiters are in the name logName = QString(m_server->getDisplayName().toLower()).append('_').append(name).append(".log").replace('/','_'); } // load backlog to show if(Preferences::self()->showBacklog()) { // "cd" into log path or create path, if it's not there cdIntoLogPath(); // Show last log lines. This idea was stole ... um ... inspired by PMP :) // Don't do this for the server status windows, though if((getType() != Status) && { qint64 filePosition; QString backlogLine; QTextStream backlog(&logfile); backlog.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); backlog.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); QStringList firstColumns; QStringList messages; int offset = 0; qint64 lastPacketHeadPosition = backlog.device()->size(); const unsigned int packetSize = 4096; while(messages.count() < Preferences::self()->backlogLines() && backlog.device()->size() > packetSize * offset) { QStringList firstColumnsInPacket; QStringList messagesInPacket; // packetSize * offset < size <= packetSize * ( offset + 1 ) // Check if the log is bigger than packetSize * ( offset + 1 ) if(backlog.device()->size() > packetSize * ( offset + 1 )) { // Set file pointer to the packet size above the offset>size() - packetSize * ( offset + 1 )); // Skip first line, since it may be incomplete backlog.readLine(); } else { // Set file pointer to the head // Qt 4.5 Doc: Note that when using a QTextStream on a // QFile, calling reset() on the QFile will not have the // expected result because QTextStream buffers the file. // Use the QTextStream::seek() function instead. // backlog.device()->reset(); 0 ); } // remember actual file position to check for deadlocks filePosition = backlog.pos(); qint64 currentPacketHeadPosition = filePosition; // Loop until end of file reached while(!backlog.atEnd() && filePosition < lastPacketHeadPosition) { backlogLine = backlog.readLine(); // check for deadlocks if(backlog.pos() == filePosition) { + 1); } // if a tab character is present in the line, meaning it is a valid chatline if (backlogLine.contains('\t')) { // extract first column from log QString backlogFirst = backlogLine.left(backlogLine.indexOf('\t')); // cut first column from line backlogLine = backlogLine.mid(backlogLine.indexOf('\t') + 1); // Logfile is in utf8 so we don't need to do encoding stuff here // append backlog with time and first column to text view firstColumnsInPacket << backlogFirst; messagesInPacket << backlogLine; } // remember actual file position to check for deadlocks filePosition = backlog.pos(); } // while // remember the position not to read the same lines again lastPacketHeadPosition = currentPacketHeadPosition; ++offset; firstColumns = firstColumnsInPacket + firstColumns; messages = messagesInPacket + messages; } backlog.setDevice(0); logfile.close(); // trim int surplus = messages.count() - Preferences::self()->backlogLines(); // "surplus" can be a minus value. (when the backlog is too short) if(surplus > 0) { for(int i = 0 ; i < surplus ; ++i) { firstColumns.pop_front(); messages.pop_front(); } } QStringList::Iterator itFirstColumn = firstColumns.begin(); QStringList::Iterator itMessage = messages.begin(); for( ; itFirstColumn != firstColumns.end() ; ++itFirstColumn, ++itMessage ) appendBacklogMessage(*itFirstColumn, *itMessage); } } // if(Preferences::showBacklog()) } }
QMap<QString, CallTip> CallTipsList::extractTips(const QString& context) const { Base::PyGILStateLocker lock; QMap<QString, CallTip> tips; if (context.isEmpty()) return tips; try { Py::Module module("__main__"); Py::Dict dict = module.getDict(); #if 0 QStringList items = context.split(QLatin1Char('.')); QString modname = items.front(); items.pop_front(); if (!dict.hasKey(std::string(modname.toLatin1()))) return tips; // unknown object // get the Python object we need Py::Object obj = dict.getItem(std::string(modname.toLatin1())); while (!items.isEmpty()) { QByteArray name = items.front().toLatin1(); std::string attr = name.constData(); items.pop_front(); if (obj.hasAttr(attr)) obj = obj.getAttr(attr); else return tips; } #else // Don't use hasattr & getattr because if a property is bound to a method this will be executed twice. PyObject* code = Py_CompileString(static_cast<const char*>(context.toLatin1()), "<CallTipsList>", Py_eval_input); if (!code) { PyErr_Clear(); return tips; } PyObject* eval = 0; if (PyCode_Check(code)) { eval = PyEval_EvalCode(reinterpret_cast<PyCodeObject*>(code), dict.ptr(), dict.ptr()); } Py_DECREF(code); if (!eval) { PyErr_Clear(); return tips; } Py::Object obj(eval, true); #endif // Checks whether the type is a subclass of PyObjectBase because to get the doc string // of a member we must get it by its type instead of its instance otherwise we get the // wrong string, namely that of the type of the member. // Note: 3rd party libraries may use their own type object classes so that we cannot // reliably use Py::Type. To be on the safe side we should use Py::Object to assign // the used type object to. //Py::Object type = obj.type(); Py::Object type(PyObject_Type(obj.ptr()), true); Py::Object inst = obj; // the object instance union PyType_Object typeobj = {&Base::PyObjectBase::Type}; union PyType_Object typedoc = {&App::DocumentObjectPy::Type}; union PyType_Object basetype = {&PyBaseObject_Type}; if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), typedoc.o) == 1) { // From the template Python object we don't query its type object because there we keep // a list of additional methods that we won't see otherwise. But to get the correct doc // strings we query the type's dict in the class itself. // To see if we have a template Python object we check for the existence of supportedProperties if (!type.hasAttr("supportedProperties")) { obj = type; } } else if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), typeobj.o) == 1) { obj = type; } else if (PyInstance_Check(obj.ptr())) { // instances of old style classes PyInstanceObject* inst = reinterpret_cast<PyInstanceObject*>(obj.ptr()); PyObject* classobj = reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(inst->in_class); obj = Py::Object(classobj); } else if (PyObject_IsInstance(obj.ptr(), basetype.o) == 1) { // New style class which can be a module, type, list, tuple, int, float, ... // Make sure it's not a type objec union PyType_Object typetype = {&PyType_Type}; if (PyObject_IsInstance(obj.ptr(), typetype.o) != 1) { // this should be now a user-defined Python class // if (Py_TYPE(obj.ptr())->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) { obj = type; } } } // If we have an instance of PyObjectBase then determine whether it's valid or not if (PyObject_IsInstance(inst.ptr(), typeobj.o) == 1) { Base::PyObjectBase* baseobj = static_cast<Base::PyObjectBase*>(inst.ptr()); const_cast<CallTipsList*>(this)->validObject = baseobj->isValid(); } else { // PyObject_IsInstance might set an exception PyErr_Clear(); } Py::List list(obj.dir()); // If we derive from PropertyContainerPy we can search for the properties in the // C++ twin class. union PyType_Object proptypeobj = {&App::PropertyContainerPy::Type}; if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), proptypeobj.o) == 1) { // These are the attributes of the instance itself which are NOT accessible by // its type object extractTipsFromProperties(inst, tips); } // If we derive from App::DocumentPy we have direct access to the objects by their internal // names. So, we add these names to the list, too. union PyType_Object appdoctypeobj = {&App::DocumentPy::Type}; if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), appdoctypeobj.o) == 1) { App::DocumentPy* docpy = (App::DocumentPy*)(inst.ptr()); App::Document* document = docpy->getDocumentPtr(); // Make sure that the C++ object is alive if (document) { std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> objects = document->getObjects(); Py::List list; for (std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) list.append(Py::String((*it)->getNameInDocument())); extractTipsFromObject(inst, list, tips); } } // If we derive from Gui::DocumentPy we have direct access to the objects by their internal // names. So, we add these names to the list, too. union PyType_Object guidoctypeobj = {&Gui::DocumentPy::Type}; if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), guidoctypeobj.o) == 1) { Gui::DocumentPy* docpy = (Gui::DocumentPy*)(inst.ptr()); if (docpy->getDocumentPtr()) { App::Document* document = docpy->getDocumentPtr()->getDocument(); // Make sure that the C++ object is alive if (document) { std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> objects = document->getObjects(); Py::List list; for (std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) list.append(Py::String((*it)->getNameInDocument())); extractTipsFromObject(inst, list, tips); } } } // These are the attributes from the type object extractTipsFromObject(obj, list, tips); } catch (Py::Exception& e) { // Just clear the Python exception e.clear(); } return tips; }
/** add the given key and value @param scope scope of key @param key key name @param rootProperty is the property from which to start adding @param value the value associated with the key */ static QgsProperty * addKey_( QString const & scope, QString const & key, QgsPropertyKey * rootProperty, QVariant value ) { QStringList keySequence = makeKeyTokens_( scope, key ); // cursor through property key/value hierarchy QgsPropertyKey * currentProperty = rootProperty; QgsProperty * newProperty; // link to next property down hiearchy while ( ! keySequence.isEmpty() ) { // if the current head of the sequence list matches the property name, // then traverse down the property hierarchy if ( keySequence.first() == currentProperty->name() ) { // remove front key since we're traversing down a level keySequence.pop_front(); // if key sequence has one last element, then we use that as the // name to store the value if ( 1 == keySequence.count() ) { currentProperty->setValue( keySequence.front(), value ); return currentProperty; } // we're at the top element if popping the keySequence element // will leave it empty; in that case, just add the key else if ( keySequence.isEmpty() ) { currentProperty->setValue( value ); return currentProperty; } else if (( newProperty = currentProperty->find( keySequence.first() ) ) ) { currentProperty = dynamic_cast<QgsPropertyKey*>( newProperty ); if ( currentProperty ) { continue; } else // QgsPropertyValue not Key, so return null { return 0x0; } } else // the next subkey doesn't exist, so add it { newProperty = currentProperty->addKey( keySequence.first() ); if ( newProperty ) { currentProperty = dynamic_cast<QgsPropertyKey*>( newProperty ); } continue; } } else { return 0x0; } } return 0x0; } // addKey_
Tellico::Data::EntryPtr IBSFetcher::parseEntry(const QString& str_) { // QString pat = QLatin1String("%1(?:<[^>]+>)+([^<>\\s][^<>]+)"); QString pat = QLatin1String("%1(?:<[^>]+>)+(.+)</td.*>"); Data::CollPtr coll(new Data::BookCollection(true)); // map captions in HTML to field names QHash<QString, QString> fieldMap; fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Titolo"), QLatin1String("title")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Autore"), QLatin1String("author")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Anno"), QLatin1String("pub_year")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Categoria"), QLatin1String("genre")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Rilegatura"), QLatin1String("binding")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Editore"), QLatin1String("publisher")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Dati"), QLatin1String("edition")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Traduttore"), QLatin1String("translator")); fieldMap.insert(QLatin1String("Curatore"), QLatin1String("editor")); QRegExp tagRx(QLatin1String("<.*>")); tagRx.setMinimal(true); QRegExp pagesRx(QLatin1String("\\s*(\\d+) p\\.(\\s*,\\s*)?")); QRegExp yearRx(QLatin1String("^\\d{4}")); Data::EntryPtr entry(new Data::Entry(coll)); for(QHash<QString, QString>::Iterator it = fieldMap.begin(); it != fieldMap.end(); ++it) { QRegExp infoRx(pat.arg(it.key())); infoRx.setMinimal(true); int pos = infoRx.indexIn(str_); if(pos > -1) { if(it.value() == QLatin1String("edition")) { QString data = infoRx.cap(1).remove(tagRx).trimmed(); int pos2 = pagesRx.indexIn(data); if(pos2 > -1) { entry->setField(QLatin1String("pages"), pagesRx.cap(1)); data = data.remove(pagesRx); } // assume that if the value starts with 4 digits, then it's a year pos2 = yearRx.indexIn(data); if(pos2 > -1) { entry->setField(QLatin1String("pub_year"), yearRx.cap(0)); data = data.remove(yearRx).trimmed(); // might start with a comma now if(data.startsWith(QLatin1String(","))) { data = data.mid(1).trimmed(); } } // now it might be the binding if(data == QLatin1String("brossura")) { entry->setField(QLatin1String("binding"), i18n("Paperback")); } else if(data == QLatin1String("rilegato")) { entry->setField(QLatin1String("binding"), i18n("Hardback")); } else { entry->setField(it.value(), data); } } else { entry->setField(it.value(), infoRx.cap(1).remove(tagRx).trimmed()); } } } QRegExp isbnRx(QLatin1String("isbn=([\\dxX]{13})"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); QString isbn; int pos = isbnRx.indexIn(str_); if(pos > -1) { isbn = isbnRx.cap(1); } // image if(!isbn.isEmpty()) { entry->setField(QLatin1String("isbn"), isbn); #if 1 QUrl imgURL(QString::fromLatin1("").arg(isbn)); // myLog() << "cover = " << imgURL; QString id = ImageFactory::addImage(imgURL, true, QUrl(QString::fromLatin1(""))); if(!id.isEmpty()) { entry->setField(QLatin1String("cover"), id); } #else QRegExp imgRx(QString::fromLatin1("<img\\s+[^>]*\\s*src\\s*=\\s*\"(http://[^/]*\\.ibs\\.it/[^\"]+e=%1)").arg(isbn)); imgRx.setMinimal(true); pos = imgRx.indexIn(str_); if(pos > -1) { // myLog() << "cover = " << imgRx.cap(1); QString id = ImageFactory::addImage(imgRx.cap(1), true, QUrl("")); if(!id.isEmpty()) { entry->setField(QLatin1String("cover"), id); } } #endif } // now look for description QRegExp descRx(QLatin1String("Descrizione(?:<[^>]+>)+([^<>\\s].+)</span>"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); descRx.setMinimal(true); pos = descRx.indexIn(str_); if(pos == -1) { descRx.setPattern(QLatin1String("In sintesi(?:<[^>]+>)+([^<>\\s].+)</span>")); pos = descRx.indexIn(str_); } if(pos > -1) { Data::FieldPtr f(new Data::Field(QLatin1String("plot"), i18n("Plot Summary"), Data::Field::Para)); coll->addField(f); entry->setField(f, descRx.cap(1).simplified()); } // IBS switches the surname and family name of the author and translator const QStringList peopleFields = QStringList() << QLatin1String("author") << QLatin1String("editor") << QLatin1String("translator"); foreach(const QString& fieldName, peopleFields) { QStringList names = FieldFormat::splitValue(entry->field(fieldName)); if(!names.isEmpty() && !names[0].isEmpty()) { for(QStringList::Iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it) { if((*it).indexOf(QLatin1Char(',')) > -1) { continue; // skip if it has a comma } QStringList words = (*it).split(QLatin1Char(' ')); if(words.isEmpty()) { continue; } // put first word in back words.append(words[0]); words.pop_front(); *it = words.join(QLatin1String(" ")); } entry->setField(fieldName, names.join(FieldFormat::delimiterString())); } }
void ConnectorOld::stringParser(QByteArray recv) { QString recvStr = codec->toUnicode(recv); QChar category = recvStr[0]; // First symbol of string QStringList message = recvStr.mid(1).split("\t"); // Remove first symbol & splitting QString cmd; switch (category.toAscii()) { case 'R': // Authentification request qDebug() << "CONN :: Auth_req:" << message; emit authRequestRecv(; break; case 'b': // Information qDebug() << "CONN :: Inform:" << message; emit infoMessage(; // Verify for success auth string if (" ").count() == 7) if (" ").at(2).at(8) == ',') emit authSuccess(); break; case 'd': // Board cmd =; if (cmd == "channels") // Receved channel list { qDebug() << "CONN :: Board: channels recv"; message.pop_front(); // Remove command from message emit boardChannelsRecv(parseBoardChannels(message.join("\t"))); } else { if (cmd == "new") // New messages { qDebug() << "CONN :: Board: new messages avaible"; emit boardNewMessages(); } else { if (cmd == "skins") { qDebug() << "CONN :: Board: \"skins\" cmd recv"; } else { if (cmd == "admin") { qDebug() << "CONN :: Board: \"admin\" cmd recv"; } else { qDebug() << "CONN :: Board: messages recv"; emit boardMessagesRecv(parseBoardMessages(message.join("\t"))); } } } } // qDebug() << "DBoard :: " << message; break; case 'c': // Chat cmd =; message.pop_front(); // Remove command from message if (cmd == "main") { qDebug() << "CONN :: Chat: channel message recv"; emit chatPublicMessage(, getUserIdByName(,,; } else { if (cmd == "enter") { QString channelId =; if (QHostAddress().setAddress(channelId)) { qDebug() << "CONN :: Host entered" << << "@" << channelId; } else { qDebug() << "CONN :: Chat: new user entered" <<; emit chatUserEnter(channelId, parseEnteredUser(message)); } } else { if (cmd == "leave") { QString channelId =; if (QHostAddress().setAddress(channelId)) { qDebug() << "CONN :: Host leave" << << "@" << channelId; } else { shared_ptr<ChatChannel> ch = getChatInstance()->getChannel(channelId); bool online; // Verify for user connect state ch->getUser(, &online); if (online) { qDebug() << "CONN :: Chat: user leave" <<; emit chatUserLeave(channelId,; } } } else { if (cmd == "private") { qDebug() << "CONN :: Chat: new private message"; emit chatPrivateMessage(parseChatPrivate(message)); } else { if (cmd == "infoGet") { qDebug() << "CONN :: Chat: \"infoGet\" cmd recv"; } else { if (cmd == "channels") { qDebug() << "CONN :: Chat: channels recv"; emit chatChannelsRecv(parseChatChannels(message.join("\t"))); } else { if (cmd == "userlist") { qDebug() << "CONN :: Chat: userlist recv"; emit chatUsersRecv(, parseChatUsers(message)); } else { if (cmd == "privateresived") { emit chatPrivateDelivered(,,; } else qDebug() << "CONN ::" << cmd << message; } } } } } } } // qDebug() << "Chat :: " << message; break; default: // Uncategorised qDebug() << "Unctg :: " << recvStr; } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app (argc, argv); QStringList args = app.arguments (); if (!args.isEmpty ()) args.pop_front (); // The command itself qputenv ("DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID", qgetenv ("STARTUP_ID_COPY")); // for startup notifications (set via rkward.desktop) qputenv ("STARTUP_ID_COPY", ""); // Parse arguments that need handling in the wrapper bool usage = false; QStringList debugger_args; QStringList file_args; bool reuse = false; bool warn_external = true; QString r_exe_arg; int debug_level = 2; for (int i=0; i < args.size (); ++i) { if (args[i] == "--debugger") { args.removeAt (i); while (i < args.size ()) { QString arg = args.takeAt (i); if (arg == "--") break; debugger_args.append (arg); } if (debugger_args.isEmpty ()) usage = true; } else if (args[i] == "--r-executable") { if ((i+1) < args.size ()) { r_exe_arg = args.takeAt (i + 1); } else usage = true; args.removeAt (i); --i; } else if (args[i] == "--debug-level") { if ((i+1) < args.size ()) { debug_level = args[i+1].toInt (); } } else if (args[i] == "--reuse") { reuse = true; } else if (args[i] == "--nowarn-external") { warn_external = false; } else if (args[i].startsWith ("--")) { // all RKWard and KDE options (other than --reuse) are of the for --option <value>. So skip over the <value> i++; } else { QUrl url (args[i]); if (url.isRelative ()) { file_args.append (QDir::current ().absoluteFilePath (url.toLocalFile ())); } else { file_args.append (args[i]); } } } if (reuse) { if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus ().isConnected ()) { if (debug_level > 2) qDebug ("Could not connect to session dbus"); } else { QDBusInterface iface (RKDBUS_SERVICENAME, "/", "", QDBusConnection::sessionBus ()); if (iface.isValid ()) { QDBusReply<void> reply = ("openAnyUrl", file_args, warn_external); if (!reply.isValid ()) { if (debug_level > 2) qDebug ("Error while placing dbus call: %s", qPrintable (reply.error ().message ())); return 1; } return 0; } } } // MacOS may need some path adjustments, first #ifdef Q_WS_MAC QString oldpath = qgetenv ("PATH"); if (!oldpath.contains (INSTALL_PATH)) { //ensure that PATH is set to include what we deliver with the bundle qputenv ("PATH", QString ("%1/bin:%1/sbin:%2").arg (INSTALL_PATH).arg (oldpath).toLocal8Bit ()); if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Adjusting system path to %s", qPrintable (qgetenv ("PATH"))); } // ensure that RKWard finds its own packages qputenv ("R_LIBS", R_LIBS); QProcess::execute ("launchctl", QStringList () << "load" << "-w" << INSTALL_PATH "/Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist"); #endif // Locate KDE and RKWard installations QString kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", QDir::currentPath ()); if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", app.applicationDirPath ()); if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", QDir (app.applicationDirPath ()).filePath ("KDE/bin")); if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) { #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QStringList syspath = QString (qgetenv ("PATH")).split (';'); #else QStringList syspath = QString (qgetenv ("PATH")).split (':'); #endif for (int i = 0; i < syspath.size (); ++i) { kde4_config_exe = findExeAtPath ("kde4-config", syspath[i]); if (!kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) break; } } if (kde4_config_exe.isNull ()) { QMessageBox::critical (0, "Could not find KDE installation", "The KDE installation could not be found (kde4-config). When moving / copying RKWard, make sure to copy the whole application folder, or create a shorcut / link, instead."); exit (1); } QDir kde_dir (QFileInfo (kde4_config_exe).absolutePath ()); kde_dir.makeAbsolute (); QString kde_dir_safe_path = quoteCommand (kde_dir.path ()); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QString kdeinit4_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit4", kde_dir.path ()); qputenv ("PATH", QString (kde_dir_safe_path + ';' + qgetenv ("PATH")).toLocal8Bit ()); if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Adding %s to the system path", qPrintable (kde_dir_safe_path)); #endif // important if RKWard is not in KDEPREFIX/bin but e.g. KDEPREFIX/lib/libexec qputenv ("RKWARD_ENSURE_PREFIX", kde_dir_safe_path.toLocal8Bit ()); if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Setting environment variable RKWARD_ENSURE_PREFIX=%s", qPrintable (kde_dir_safe_path)); QString rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (app.applicationDirPath ()); // this is for running directly from a build tree #ifdef Q_WS_MAC if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (app.applicationDirPath () + "/"); // this is for running directly from a build tree #endif if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (RKWARD_FRONTEND_LOCATION); if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (kde_dir.absoluteFilePath ("bin")); if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) rkward_frontend_exe = findRKWardAtPath (kde_dir.absoluteFilePath ("../lib/libexec")); if (rkward_frontend_exe.isNull ()) { QMessageBox::critical (0, "RKWard frontend binary missing", "RKWard frontend binary could not be found. When moving / copying RKWard, make sure to copy the whole application folder, or create a shorcut / link, instead."); exit (1); } if (usage) { QProcess::execute (rkward_frontend_exe, QStringList ("--help")); exit (1); } #ifdef Q_WS_WIN // Explicit initialization of KDE, in case Windows 7 asks for admin privileges if (kdeinit4_exe.isNull ()) { kdeinit4_exe = findExeAtPath ("kdeinit4", QFileInfo (rkward_frontend_exe).absolutePath ()); } if (!kdeinit4_exe.isNull ()) QProcess::execute (kdeinit4_exe, QStringList ()); #endif // Look for R: //- command line parameter //- Specified in cfg file next to rkward executable //- compile-time default QString r_exe = r_exe_arg; if (!r_exe.isNull ()) { if (!QFileInfo (r_exe).isExecutable ()) { QMessageBox::critical (0, "Specified R executable does not exist", QString ("The R executable specified on the command line (%1) does not exist or is not executable.").arg (r_exe)); exit (1); } if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Using R specified on command line"); } else { QFileInfo frontend_info (rkward_frontend_exe); QDir frontend_path = frontend_info.absoluteDir (); QFileInfo rkward_ini_file (frontend_path.absoluteFilePath ("rkward.ini")); if (rkward_ini_file.isReadable ()) { QSettings rkward_ini (rkward_ini_file.absoluteFilePath (), QSettings::IniFormat); r_exe = rkward_ini.value ("R executable").toString (); if (!r_exe.isNull ()) { if (QDir::isRelativePath (r_exe)) { r_exe = frontend_path.absoluteFilePath (r_exe); } if (!QFileInfo (r_exe).isExecutable ()) { QMessageBox::critical (0, "Specified R executable does not exist", QString ("The R executable specified in the rkward.ini file (%1) does not exist or is not executable.").arg (rkward_ini_file.absoluteFilePath ())); exit (1); } } if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Using R as configured in config file %s", qPrintable (rkward_ini_file.absoluteFilePath ())); } if (r_exe.isNull ()) { r_exe = R_EXECUTABLE; if (!QFileInfo (r_exe).isExecutable ()) { QMessageBox::critical (0, "Specified R executable does not exist", QString ("The R executable specified at compile time (%1) does not exist or is not executable. Probably the installation of R has moved. You can use the command line parameter '--R', or supply an rkward.ini file to specify the new location.").arg (r_exe)); exit (1); } if (debug_level > 3) qDebug ("Using R as configured at compile time"); } } qputenv ("R_BINARY", r_exe.toLocal8Bit ()); QStringList call_args ("CMD"); call_args.append (debugger_args); call_args.append (quoteCommand (rkward_frontend_exe)); if (!args.isEmpty ()) { // NOTE: QProcess quotes its arguments, *but* properly passing all spaces and quotes through the R CMD wrapper, seems near(?) impossible on Windows. Instead, we use percent encoding, internally. for (int i = 0; i < args.size (); ++i) { call_args.append (QString::fromUtf8 (QUrl::toPercentEncoding (args[i], QByteArray (), " \""))); } } if (debug_level > 2) qDebug ("Starting frontend: %s %s", qPrintable (r_exe), qPrintable (call_args.join (" "))); InteractiveProcess proc; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN if (debugger_args.isEmpty ()) { // start _without_ opening an annoying console window QTemporaryFile *vbsf = new QTemporaryFile (QDir::tempPath () + "/rkwardlaunchXXXXXX.vbs"); vbsf->setAutoRemove (false); if (vbsf->open ()) { QTextStream vbs (vbsf); vbs << "Dim WinScriptHost\r\nSet WinScriptHost = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\r\nWinScriptHost.Run \"" << quoteCommand (r_exe); for (int i = 0; i < call_args.length (); ++i) { vbs << " " << call_args[i]; } vbs << "\", 0\r\nSet WomScriptHost = Nothing\r\n"; vbsf->close (); QString filename = vbsf->fileName (); delete (vbsf); // somehow, if creating vbsf on the stack, we cannot launch it, because "file is in use by another process", despite we have closed it. proc.start ("WScript.exe", QStringList (filename)); bool ok = proc.waitForFinished (-1); if (proc.exitCode () || !ok) { QMessageBox::critical (0, "Error starting RKWard", QString ("Starting RKWard failed with error \"%1\"").arg (proc.errorString ())); } QFile (filename).remove (); return (0); } } // if that did not work or not on windows: #endif proc.setProcessChannelMode (QProcess::ForwardedChannels); proc.start (quoteCommand (r_exe), call_args); bool ok = proc.waitForFinished (-1); if (proc.exitCode () || !ok) { QMessageBox::critical (0, "Error starting RKWard", QString ("Starting RKWard failed with error \"%1\"").arg (proc.errorString ())); } return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QVector<Server> servers; //wczytanie konfiguracji QSettings settings("client.cfg", QSettings::IniFormat); settings.sync(); int serversCount = settings.value("info/serversCount", 0).toInt(); if(serversCount == 0) { //błąd, nie ma adresów std::cerr << "No known servers in configuration file" << std::endl; return 2; } for(int i=1; i<=serversCount; ++i) { Server server; = settings.value("server"+QString::number(i)+"/name", "unknown server").toString(); server.ip = QHostAddress(settings.value("server"+QString::number(i)+"/ip", "").toString()); server.port = settings.value("server"+QString::number(i)+"/port", "0").toInt(); servers.push_back(server); } //połączenie i pobranie listy serwerów Client client; client.setServers(&servers); client.settings = &settings; //std::cout << "ACT?" << std::endl; if(client.send(QStringList() << "ACTIVE_SERVERS") == NO_SERVERS) { std::cout << "nie można się z niczym połączyć lub nikt nie akceptuje zapytań\n"; exit(10); } client.socket.waitForReadyRead(15000); /*if(client.queue == 0) exit(0);*/ //sprawdzenie parametrów wywołania QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); if(args.size() > 1) { if( == "list") { if(client.send(QStringList() << "GET_AVAILABLE_RESULTS" << "*") == NO_SERVERS) { std::cout << "nie można się z niczym połączyć lub nikt nie akceptuje zapytań\n"; exit(10); } } else if( == "get") { if(client.send(QStringList() << "GET_RESULT" << == NO_SERVERS) { std::cout << "nie można się z niczym połączyć lub nikt nie akceptuje zapytań\n"; exit(10); } } else if( == "find") { //<nazwa badania>,<kraj>,<płeć>,<rasa>,<minimalny wiek>,<maksymalny wiek> if(client.send(QStringList() << "GET_AVAILABLE_RESULTS" << << << \ << << << == NO_SERVERS) { std::cout << "nie można się z niczym połączyć lub nikt nie akceptuje zapytań\n"; exit(10); } } else if( == "stats") { //<nazwa badania>,<data od>,<data do>,<kraj>,<płeć>,<rasa>,<minimalny wiek>,<maksymalny wiek>, //{<pole grupowania 1>,<pole grupowania 2>,<...>} QStringList a =""); a.pop_back(); a.pop_front(); QString grupowanie = "{"+a.join(",")+"}"; std::cout << grupowanie.toStdString() << std::endl; if(client.send(QStringList() << "GET_AVAILABLE_RESULTS" << << << \ << << << << <<\ << grupowanie) == NO_SERVERS) { std::cout << "nie można się z niczym połączyć lub nikt nie akceptuje zapytań\n"; exit(10); } } } client.socket.waitForReadyRead(15000); exit(0); return a.exec(); }
bool MythCoreContext::SendReceiveStringList(QStringList &strlist, bool quickTimeout, bool block) { if (HasGUI() && IsUIThread()) { QString msg = "SendReceiveStringList("; for (uint i=0; i<(uint)strlist.size() && i<2; i++) msg += (i?",":"") + strlist[i]; msg += (strlist.size() > 2) ? "...)" : ")"; msg += " called from UI thread"; VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL|VB_EXTRA, msg); } QString query_type = "UNKNOWN"; if (!strlist.isEmpty()) query_type = strlist[0]; QMutexLocker locker(&d->m_sockLock); if (!d->m_serverSock) { bool blockingClient = GetNumSetting("idleTimeoutSecs",0) > 0; ConnectToMasterServer(blockingClient); } bool ok = false; if (d->m_serverSock) { QStringList sendstrlist = strlist; d->m_serverSock->writeStringList(sendstrlist); ok = d->m_serverSock->readStringList(strlist, quickTimeout); if (!ok) { VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("Connection to backend server lost")); d->m_serverSock->DownRef(); d->m_serverSock = NULL; if (d->m_eventSock) { d->m_eventSock->DownRef(); d->m_eventSock = NULL; } bool blockingClient = GetNumSetting("idleTimeoutSecs",0); ConnectToMasterServer(blockingClient); if (d->m_serverSock) { d->m_serverSock->writeStringList(sendstrlist); ok = d->m_serverSock->readStringList(strlist, quickTimeout); } } // this should not happen while (ok && strlist[0] == "BACKEND_MESSAGE") { // oops, not for us VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "SRSL you shouldn't see this!!"); QString message = strlist[1]; strlist.pop_front(); strlist.pop_front(); MythEvent me(message, strlist); dispatch(me); ok = d->m_serverSock->readStringList(strlist, quickTimeout); } if (!ok) { if (d->m_serverSock) { d->m_serverSock->DownRef(); d->m_serverSock = NULL; } VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("Reconnection to backend server failed")); QCoreApplication::postEvent(d->m_GUIcontext, new MythEvent("PERSISTENT_CONNECTION_FAILURE")); } } if (ok) { if (strlist.isEmpty()) ok = false; else if (strlist[0] == "ERROR") { if (strlist.size() == 2) VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, QString("Protocol query '%1' reponded " "with the error '%2'") .arg(query_type).arg(strlist[1])); else VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, QString("Protocol query '%1' reponded " "with an error, but no error message.") .arg(query_type)); ok = false; } } return ok; }