void TestM3UPlaylist::initTestCase() { qRegisterMetaType<Meta::TrackPtr>( "Meta::TrackPtr" ); /* Collection manager needs to be instantiated in the main thread, but * MetaProxy::Tracks used by playlist may trigger its creation in a different thread. * Pre-create it explicitly */ CollectionManager::instance(); const KUrl url = dataPath( "data/playlists/test.m3u" ); QFile playlistFile1( url.toLocalFile() ); QTextStream playlistStream; QString tempPath = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "tmp", "test.m3u" ); QFile::remove( tempPath ); QVERIFY( QFile::copy( url.toLocalFile(), tempPath ) ); QVERIFY( QFile::exists( tempPath ) ); QVERIFY( playlistFile1.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ); playlistStream.setDevice( &playlistFile1 ); QVERIFY( playlistStream.device() ); m_testPlaylist = new Playlists::M3UPlaylist( tempPath ); QVERIFY( m_testPlaylist ); QVERIFY( m_testPlaylist->load( playlistStream ) ); QCOMPARE( m_testPlaylist->tracks().size(), 10 ); playlistFile1.close(); }
ModList::OrderList ModList::readListFile() { OrderList itemList; if (m_list_file.isNull() || m_list_file.isEmpty()) return itemList; QFile textFile(m_list_file); if (!textFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return OrderList(); QTextStream textStream; textStream.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); textStream.setDevice(&textFile); while (true) { QString line = textStream.readLine(); if (line.isNull() || line.isEmpty()) break; else { OrderItem it; it.enabled = !line.endsWith(".disabled"); if (!it.enabled) { line.chop(9); } it.id = line; itemList.append(it); } } textFile.close(); return itemList; }
CLogInit() { int fd1 = dup(1), fd2 = dup(2); close(fd1); close(fd2); if (fd1 == -1 || fd2 == -1) { QFile *f = new QFile("/var/log/nuts.log"); f->open(QIODevice::Append); dup2(f->handle(), 2); dup2(f->handle(), 1); err.setDevice(f); log.setDevice(f); } else { ferr = new QFile(); ferr->open(2, QIODevice::WriteOnly); err.setDevice(ferr); fout = new QFile(); fout->open(1, QIODevice::WriteOnly); log.setDevice(fout); } }
bool StelViewportDistorterFisheyeToSphericMirror::loadDistortionFromFile (const QString& fileName, StelRenderer* renderer) { // Open file. QFile file; QTextStream in; try { file.setFileName(StelFileMgr::findFile(fileName)); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) throw("failed to open file"); in.setDevice(&file); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { qWarning() << "WARNING: could not open custom_distortion_file:" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName) << e.what(); return false; } Q_ASSERT(file.error() != QFile::NoError); in >> maxGridX >> maxGridY; Q_ASSERT(in.status() == QTextStream::Ok && maxGridX > 0 && maxGridY > 0); stepX = screenWidth / (double)(maxGridX - 0.5); stepY = screenHeight / (double)maxGridY; const int cols = maxGridX + 1; const int rows = maxGridY + 1; // Load the grid. texCoordGrid = new Vec2f[cols * rows]; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { Vertex vertex; // Clamp to screen extents. vertex.position[0] = (col == 0) ? 0.f : (col == maxGridX) ? screenWidth : (col - 0.5f * (row & 1)) * stepX; vertex.position[1] = row * stepY; float x, y; in >> x >> y >> vertex.color[0] >> vertex.color[1] >> vertex.color[2]; vertex.color[3] = 1.0f; Q_ASSERT(in.status() != QTextStream::Ok); vertex.texCoord[0] = x / texture_w; vertex.texCoord[1] = y / texture_h; texCoordGrid[row * cols + col] = vertex.texCoord; vertexGrid->addVertex(vertex); } } constructVertexBuffer(renderer); return true; }
void openLogsFile(const QString & appDirPath) { QString logsDirPath = appDirPath + "/Logs"; QDir logsDir(logsDirPath); if (logsDir.exists() == false) { cout << "mkdir " << logsDirPath.toStdString() << endl; if (logsDir.mkdir(logsDirPath) == false) { cerr << "Failed mkdir '" << logsDirPath.toStdString() << "' for logs. Exit." << endl; exit(LightpackApplication::LogsDirecroryCreationFail_ErrorCode); } } QString logFilePath = logsDirPath + "/Prismatik.0.log"; QStringList logFiles = logsDir.entryList(QStringList("Prismatik.?.log"), QDir::Files, QDir::Name); for (int i = logFiles.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { QString num = logFiles[i].split('.').at(1); QString from = logsDirPath + "/" + QString("Prismatik.") + num + ".log"; QString to = logsDirPath + "/" + QString("Prismatik.") + QString::number(num.toInt() + 1) + ".log"; if (i >= StoreLogsLaunches - 1) { QFile::remove(from); continue; } if (QFile::exists(to)) QFile::remove(to); qDebug() << "Rename log:" << from << "to" << to; bool ok = QFile::rename(from, to); if (!ok) qCritical() << "Fail rename log:" << from << "to" << to; } QFile *logFile = new QFile(logFilePath); if (logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text)) { m_logStream.setDevice(logFile); m_logStream << endl; m_logStream << QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().toString("yyyy_MM_dd") << " "; m_logStream << QDateTime::currentDateTime().time().toString("hh:mm:ss:zzz") << " Prismatik " << VERSION_STR << endl; } else { cerr << "Failed to open logs file: '" << logFilePath.toStdString() << "'. Exit." << endl; exit(LightpackApplication::OpenLogsFail_ErrorCode); } qDebug() << "Logs file:" << logFilePath; }
//! Prepares some elements before a writing into the krarc debug log file void KrDebugLogger::prepareWriting(QFile &file, QTextStream &stream) { file.setFileName(logFile); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append); stream.setDevice(&file); stream << "Pid:" << (int)getpid(); // Applies the indentation level to make logs clearer for (int x = 0; x < indentation; ++x) stream << " "; }
// // Write the data configuration element to the XML output stream. Call // the appropriate configuration type-specific private function to actually // perform the writing. // bool CDCConfig::WriteConfigFile(wchar_t *configFileName) { QFile* pFile = NULL ; QTextStream xmlStream ; if (m_configType == DCConfigInvalid) { // No valid configuration data return( false ) ; } pFile = new QFile( QString::fromUcs2((const short unsigned int*)configFileName) ) ; if (! pFile->open( QIODevice::WriteOnly )) { // Fill open error return( false ) ; } xmlStream.setDevice( pFile ) ; // Set XML file character encoding xmlStream.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8) ; // xmlStream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Unicode) ; xmlStream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" ; xmlStream << "<!DOCTYPE dc_configuration SYSTEM \"dcconfig.dtd\">\n"; xmlStream << "<dc_configuration" ; if (m_cpuType.isEmpty()) m_cpuType = getCurrentCpuType(); WriteStringAttr(xmlStream, "cpu_type", m_cpuType) ; xmlStream << ">\n" ; switch( m_configType ) { case DCConfigTBP: { WriteTBP( xmlStream ) ; break ; } case DCConfigEBP: { WriteEBP( xmlStream ) ; break ; } case DCConfigTBPPerf: { WriteTBPPerf( xmlStream ) ; break ; } default: break; } xmlStream << "</dc_configuration>\n" ; // Close file and deallocate QFile explicitly xmlStream.unsetDevice() ; pFile->close() ; delete pFile ; return( true ) ; }
void myMessageOutput(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext&, const QString &msg) { static QTextStream out; static QFile file("log.txt"); if(!file.isOpen()) { file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); out.setDevice(&file); } out << msg << endl; }
bool plotsDialog::saveChanges() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 QFile ofile(globalpara.caseName),file("plotTemp.xml"); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QDir dir = qApp->applicationDirPath(); /*dir.cdUp();*/ /*dir.cdUp();*/ /*dir.cdUp();*/ QString bundleDir(dir.absolutePath()); QFile ofile(globalpara.caseName),file(bundleDir+"/plotTemp.xml"); #endif QDomDocument odoc,doc; QDomElement oroot; QTextStream stream; stream.setDevice(&ofile); if(!ofile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Text)) { globalpara.reportError("Fail to open case file to update plot data.",this); return false; } else if(!odoc.setContent(&ofile)) { globalpara.reportError("Fail to load xml document from case file to update plot data.",this); return false; } if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { globalpara.reportError("Fail to open plot temp file to update plot data.",this); return false; } else if(!doc.setContent(&file)) { globalpara.reportError("Fail to load xml document from plot temp file to update plot data..",this); return false; } else { QDomElement plotData = doc.elementsByTagName("plotData").at(0).toElement(); QDomNode copiedPlot = plotData.cloneNode(true); oroot = odoc.elementsByTagName("root").at(0).toElement(); oroot.replaceChild(copiedPlot,odoc.elementsByTagName("plotData").at(0)); ofile.resize(0); odoc.save(stream,4); file.close(); ofile.close(); stream.flush(); return true; } }
void dlgNotepad::restore() { QString directoryFile = QDir::homePath()+"/.config/mudlet/profiles/"+mpHost->getName(); QString fileName = directoryFile + "/notes.txt"; QDir dirFile; QFile file; file.setFileName( fileName ); file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QTextStream fileStream; fileStream.setDevice( &file ); QString txt = fileStream.readAll(); notesEdit->setPlainText(txt); }
int MathTest::openDefaults(QpFile& inFile, QTextStream& stream, bool builtin) { // Default Test Parameters // ===================================================== // // Test Selection, number of problems, and time allowed // // Number of Time in // Test Problems Seconds // Add 2 10 10 // Subtract 2 10 15 // Multiply 2 10 25 // Divide 2 10 30 // // Grade Level 1 (2nd grade level) // // userName "" (NULL) // QString defStr = QString( "2 10 10 \n" "2 10 15 \n" "2 10 25 \n" "2 10 30 \n" "1 \n " ); QString defaultFileName; int status; if(userNameEdit->text() != "") defaultFileName = "mt-" % userNameEdit->text() % ".txt"; else defaultFileName = "mt-default.txt"; QFlags<QIODevice::OpenModeFlag> flags = QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text; inFile.setQuietOnSuccess(true); if((status = inFile.get(defaultFileName, flags)) != qpfile::fFailed) stream.setDevice(&inFile); else { stream.setString(&defStr); pMsg->sendInfo("Using built-in default test parameters."); } if((status == qpfile::fCreated) && builtin) stream << defStr; stream.seek(0); return status; }
void plotsDialog::on_copyButton_clicked() { QString pName = tabs->tabText(tabs->currentIndex()); QString newName = pName+"Copy"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 QFile file("plotTemp.xml"); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QDir dir = qApp->applicationDirPath(); /*dir.cdUp();*/ /*dir.cdUp();*/ /*dir.cdUp();*/ QString bundleDir(dir.absolutePath()); QFile file(bundleDir+"/plotTemp.xml"); #endif QTextStream stream; stream.setDevice(&file); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Text)) { globalpara.reportError("Fail to open case file to copy plot.",this); return; } else { QDomDocument doc; if(!doc.setContent(&file)) { globalpara.reportError("Fail to load xml document to copy plot.....",this); file.close(); return; } else { QDomElement plotData = doc.elementsByTagName("plotData").at(0).toElement(); if(!plotData.elementsByTagName(pName).isEmpty()) { QDomNode newNode = plotData.elementsByTagName(pName).at(0).cloneNode(true); newNode.toElement().setTagName(newName); plotData.appendChild(newNode); } } file.resize(0); doc.save(stream,4); file.close(); stream.flush(); } setupPlots(false); }
void tst_qtextstream::writeSingleChar() { QFETCH(Output, output); QFETCH(Input, input); QString str; QBuffer buffer; QTextStream stream; if (output == StringOutput) { stream.setString(&str, QIODevice::WriteOnly); } else { QVERIFY(buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)); stream.setDevice(&buffer); } // Test many different ways to write a single char into a QTextStream QString inputString = "h"; const int amount = 100000; switch (input) { case CharStarInput: QBENCHMARK { for (qint64 i = 0; i < amount; ++i) stream << "h"; } break; case QStringInput: QBENCHMARK { for (qint64 i = 0; i < amount; ++i) stream << inputString; } break; case CharInput: QBENCHMARK { for (qint64 i = 0; i < amount; ++i) stream << 'h'; } break; case QCharInput: QBENCHMARK { for (qint64 i = 0; i < amount; ++i) stream << QChar('h'); } break; } QString result; if (output == StringOutput) result = str; else result = QString(buffer.data()); QCOMPARE(result.left(10), QString("hhhhhhhhhh")); }
void MainWindow::alphabet_load() { QTextStream in; QFile *in_file; in_file=new QFile; in_file->setFileName("alphabet.txt"); in_file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); in.setDevice(in_file); in>>alphabet; in_file->close(); }
bool FQTermConfig::load(const QString &filename) { QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { FQ_TRACE("config", 0) << "Failed to open the file for reading " << filename; return false; } QTextStream is; is.setDevice(&file); loadFromStream(is); //is.unsetDevice(); file.close(); return true; }
inline void logMsg(const QString &msg) { static QFile logFile(LogFileName); static QTextStream qts; if (!logFile.isOpen()) { if (!logFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append)) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open log file"); } qts.setDevice(&logFile); } qts << msg << "\n"; qts.flush(); }
Subtitle Subtitle::Parser::parse(const QString &fileName) { Subtitle sub; QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return sub; QTextStream in; in.setDevice(&file); in.setCodec(m_enc.toLocal8Bit()); m_all = in.readAll(); m_name = fileName; m_pos = 0; _parse(sub); return sub; }
void TestM3UPlaylist::initTestCase() { const KUrl url = dataPath( "data/playlists/test.m3u" ); QFile playlistFile1( url.toLocalFile() ); QTextStream playlistStream; QVERIFY( playlistFile1.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ); playlistStream.setDevice( &playlistFile1 ); QVERIFY( playlistStream.device() ); m_testPlaylist = new Playlists::M3UPlaylist( url ); QVERIFY( m_testPlaylist->load( playlistStream ) ); QCOMPARE( m_testPlaylist->tracks().size(), 10 ); playlistFile1.close(); }
QString InFile::readAll(QString const &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); if (!file.isOpen()) { throw qReal::Exception((fileName + " - file open operation failed").toUtf8()); } QTextStream input; input.setDevice(&file); input.setCodec("UTF-8"); QString text = input.readAll(); file.close(); return text; }
QString FileUtils::readFromFile(const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); if (!file.isOpen()) { throw FailedToOpenFileException(file); } QTextStream input; input.setDevice(&file); input.setCodec("UTF-8"); const QString result = input.readAll(); file.close(); return result; }
LIMA_TENSORFLOWSPECIFICENTITIES_EXPORT NERStatusCode loadTextToEvaluate( QTextStream& qtIn, QFile& file, const std::string& filepath) { file.setFileName(filepath.c_str()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){ throw BadFileException("The file "+filepath+" doesn't exist."); } if(file.size()==0){ std::cerr<<"The file is empty."; return NERStatusCode::EMPTY_FILE; } qtIn.setDevice(&file); return NERStatusCode::SUCCESS; }
bool FQTermConfig::save(const QString &szFileName) { QFile file(szFileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { FQ_TRACE("config", 0) << "Failed to open the file for writing: " << szFileName; return false; } QTextStream os; os.setDevice(&file); saveToStream(os); // os.unsetDevice(); file.close(); return true; }
void dlgNotepad::save() { QString directoryFile = QDir::homePath()+"/.config/mudlet/profiles/"+mpHost->getName(); QString fileName = directoryFile + "/notes.txt"; QDir dirFile; if( ! dirFile.exists( directoryFile ) ) { dirFile.mkpath( directoryFile ); } QFile file; file.setFileName( fileName ); file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ); QTextStream fileStream; fileStream.setDevice( &file ); fileStream << notesEdit->toPlainText(); file.close(); }
QString FileUtils::readFromFile(QString const &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); if (!file.isOpen()) { qDebug() << "Failed to open file" << fileName; throw "Failed to open file"; } QTextStream input; input.setDevice(&file); input.setCodec("UTF-8"); QString const result = input.readAll(); file.close(); return result; }
void Qtfe::save() { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement MultiEditor; QFile file; QTextStream out; file.setFileName(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return; out.setDevice(&file); MultiEditor = doc.createElement("Qtfe"); doc.appendChild(MultiEditor); for(int i=0 ; i<canals.size() ; ++i) { QDomElement func = doc.createElement("Function"); MultiEditor.appendChild(func); for(int j=0 ; j<canals[i]->getPoints().size() ; ++j) { QDomElement point = doc.createElement("point"); func.appendChild(point); point.setAttribute("x", QString::number(canals[i]->getPoints()[j]->x())); point.setAttribute("y", QString::number(canals[i]->getPoints()[j]->y())); } } for(int i=0 ; i<outputs.size() ; ++i) { QDomElement output = doc.createElement("Output"); MultiEditor.appendChild(output); output.setAttribute("R", QString::number(outputs[i]->R)); output.setAttribute("G", QString::number(outputs[i]->G)); output.setAttribute("B", QString::number(outputs[i]->B)); output.setAttribute("A", QString::number(outputs[i]->A)); } QDomNode noeud = doc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version=\"1.0\""); doc.insertBefore(noeud,doc.firstChild()); doc.save(out,2); file.close(); }
bool CSVOldFormatConverter::convertTeachers(QString csvDirPath) { QFile teachersCsv(csvDirPath + "/Преподаватели.csv"); QTextStream teachersStream; teachersStream.setDevice(&teachersCsv); teachersStream.setCodec("UTF-8"); if (!teachersCsv.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return false; } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("INSERT INTO teacher (name) VALUES (?)"); while (!teachersStream.atEnd()) { query.addBindValue(teachersStream.readLine().split(';').at(0).simplified()); if (!query.exec()) { return false; } } return true; }
//! [0] void RainfallGraph::addDataSet() { // Create a new variant data set and data item list m_dataSet = new VariantDataSet; VariantDataItemList *itemList = new VariantDataItemList; // Read data from a data file into the data item list QTextStream stream; QFile dataFile(":/data/raindata.txt"); if (dataFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { stream.setDevice(&dataFile); while (!stream.atEnd()) { QString line = stream.readLine(); if (line.startsWith("#")) // Ignore comments continue; QStringList strList = line.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // Each line has three data items: Year, month, and rainfall value if (strList.size() < 3) { qWarning() << "Invalid row read from data:" << line; continue; } // Store year and month as strings, and rainfall value as double // into a variant data item and add the item to the item list. VariantDataItem *newItem = new VariantDataItem; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) newItem->append(strList.at(i).trimmed()); newItem->append(strList.at(2).trimmed().toDouble()); itemList->append(newItem); } } else { qWarning() << "Unable to open data file:" << dataFile.fileName(); } //! [1] // Add items to the data set and set it to the proxy m_dataSet->addItems(itemList); m_proxy->setDataSet(m_dataSet); // Create new mapping for the data and set it to the proxy m_mapping = new VariantBarDataMapping(0, 1, 2, m_years, m_numericMonths); m_proxy->setMapping(m_mapping); //! [1] }
ReportGenerationDialog::ReportGenerationDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::ReportGenerationDialog),patientTracker(NULL) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->presetDiagnosisComboBox->setEnabled(true); ui->diagnosisEditor->setEnabled(false); ui->screenshotListView->setModel(&screenshotModel); ui->screenshotListView->setIconSize(QSize(225, 225)); ui->selectedScreenshotListView->setModel(&selectedScreenshotModel); ui->selectedScreenshotListView->setIconSize(QSize(175, 175)); QScrollArea *area = new QScrollArea(this); area->move(10, 90); area->resize(781, 600); area->setWidget(ui->centreWidget); ui->tcdInfoTableView->setModel(&selectedValuesModel); QStringList headerList; headerList << "截图" << "血管名" << "Mean" << "Peak" << "EDV" << "PI" << "RI" << "S/D" << "HR"; selectedValuesModel.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headerList); QFile file("./PresetDiagnoses.txt"); QTextStream in; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "预设诊断读取", "预设诊断读取失败!"); } else { in.setDevice(&file); QString line; line = in.readLine(); while (!line.isNull()) { ui->presetDiagnosisComboBox->addItem(line); diagnosesModel.appendRow(new QStandardItem(line)); line = in.readLine(); } } }
void messageOutput(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { bool toFile = data.isOpen(); QByteArray localMsg = msg.toLocal8Bit(); QTextStream out; if (toFile) out.setDevice(&data); QString newLine = "\n"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 newLine = "\r\n"; #endif QString f = QString("%1").arg(context.function, -70, QChar(' ')); switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: if (toFile) out << "[" << f << "] " << localMsg << newLine; else fprintf(stderr, "%s %s%s", qPrintable(f), qPrintable(localMsg), qPrintable(newLine)); break; case QtWarningMsg: if (toFile) out << "[" << f << "] " << "WARNING: " << localMsg << newLine; else fprintf(stderr, "%s WARNING: %s%s", qPrintable(f), qPrintable(localMsg), qPrintable(newLine)); break; case QtCriticalMsg: if (toFile) out << "[" << f << "] " << "CRITICAL: " << localMsg << newLine; else fprintf(stderr, "%s CRITICAL: %s%s", qPrintable(f), qPrintable(localMsg), qPrintable(newLine)); break; case QtFatalMsg: if (toFile) out << "[" << f << "] " << "FATAL: " << localMsg << newLine; else fprintf(stderr, "%s FATAL: %s%s", qPrintable(f), qPrintable(localMsg), qPrintable(newLine)); abort(); } }
bool CSVOldFormatConverter::convertFaculties(QString csvDirPath) { QFile facultiesCsv(csvDirPath + "/Факультет.csv"); QTextStream facultiesStream; facultiesStream.setDevice(&facultiesCsv); facultiesStream.setCodec("UTF-8"); if (!facultiesCsv.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return false; } QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("INSERT INTO university_faculty (name) VALUES (?)"); while (!facultiesStream.atEnd()) { query.addBindValue(facultiesStream.readLine().split(';').at(1)); if (!query.exec()) { return false; } } return true; }