void EditPatchMod::ActivateSubobjSel(int level, XFormModes& modes) { ModContextList mcList; INodeTab nodes; int old = selLevel; if (!ip) return; ip->GetModContexts(mcList, nodes); selLevel = level; // 3-10-99 watje if (level != EP_PATCH) { if (ip->GetCommandMode() == bevelMode) ip->SetStdCommandMode(CID_OBJMOVE); if (ip->GetCommandMode() == extrudeMode) ip->SetStdCommandMode(CID_OBJMOVE); if (inBevel) { ISpinnerControl *spin; spin = GetISpinner(GetDlgItem(hOpsPanel, IDC_EP_OUTLINESPINNER)); if (spin) { HWND hWnd = spin->GetHwnd(); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0); ReleaseISpinner(spin); } } if (inExtrude) { ISpinnerControl *spin; spin = GetISpinner(GetDlgItem(hOpsPanel, IDC_EP_EXTRUDESPINNER)); if (spin) { HWND hWnd = spin->GetHwnd(); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0); ReleaseISpinner(spin); } } } if (level != EP_VERTEX) { if (ip->GetCommandMode() == bindMode) ip->SetStdCommandMode(CID_OBJMOVE); } switch (level) { case EP_OBJECT: // Not imp. break; case EP_PATCH: modes = XFormModes(moveMode, rotMode, nuscaleMode, uscaleMode, squashMode, selectMode); break; case EP_EDGE: modes = XFormModes(moveMode, rotMode, nuscaleMode, uscaleMode, squashMode, selectMode); break; case EP_VERTEX: modes = XFormModes(moveMode, rotMode, nuscaleMode, uscaleMode, squashMode, selectMode); break; case EP_TILE: modes = XFormModes(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, selectMode); break; } if (selLevel != old) { SetSubobjectLevel(level); // Modify the caches to reflect the new sel level. for (int i = 0; i < mcList.Count(); i++) { EditPatchData *patchData =(EditPatchData*)mcList[i]->localData; if (!patchData) continue; if (patchData->tempData && patchData->TempData(this)->PatchCached(ip->GetTime())) { RPatchMesh *rpatch; PatchMesh *patch = patchData->TempData(this)->GetPatch(ip->GetTime(), rpatch); if (patch) { if (selLevel == EP_VERTEX) patch->dispFlags = DISP_VERTS; else patch->dispFlags = 0; if (displayLattice) patch->SetDispFlag(DISP_LATTICE); patch->SetDispFlag(patchLevelDispFlags[selLevel]); patch->selLevel = patchLevel[selLevel]; rpatch->SetSelLevel (selLevel); } } } NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_SUBSEL_TYPE | PART_DISPLAY, REFMSG_CHANGE); ip->PipeSelLevelChanged(); // Update selection UI display, named sel SelectionChanged(); } nodes.DisposeTemporary(); }
int EditPatchMod::DoAttach(INode *node, PatchMesh *attPatch, RPatchMesh *rattPatch, bool & canUndo) { ModContextList mcList; INodeTab nodes; if (!ip) return 0; ip->GetModContexts(mcList, nodes); if (mcList.Count() != 1) { nodes.DisposeTemporary(); return 0; } EditPatchData *patchData =(EditPatchData*)mcList[0]->localData; if (!patchData) { nodes.DisposeTemporary(); return 0; } patchData->BeginEdit(ip->GetTime()); // If the mesh isn't yet cached, this will cause it to get cached. RPatchMesh *rpatch; PatchMesh *patch = patchData->TempData(this)->GetPatch(ip->GetTime(), rpatch); if (!patch) { nodes.DisposeTemporary(); return 0; } patchData->RecordTopologyTags(patch); RecordTopologyTags(); // Transform the shape for attachment: // If reorienting, just translate to align pivots // Otherwise, transform to match our transform Matrix3 attMat(1); if (attachReorient) { Matrix3 thisTM = nodes[0]->GetNodeTM(ip->GetTime()); Matrix3 thisOTMBWSM = nodes[0]->GetObjTMBeforeWSM(ip->GetTime()); Matrix3 thisPivTM = thisTM * Inverse(thisOTMBWSM); Matrix3 otherTM = node->GetNodeTM(ip->GetTime()); Matrix3 otherOTMBWSM = node->GetObjTMBeforeWSM(ip->GetTime()); Matrix3 otherPivTM = otherTM * Inverse(otherOTMBWSM); Point3 otherObjOffset = node->GetObjOffsetPos(); attMat = Inverse(otherPivTM) * thisPivTM; } else { attMat = node->GetObjectTM(ip->GetTime()) * Inverse(nodes[0]->GetObjectTM(ip->GetTime())); } // RB 3-17-96 : Check for mirroring AffineParts parts; decomp_affine(attMat, &parts); if (parts.f < 0.0f) { int v[8], ct, ct2, j; Point3 p[9]; for (int i = 0; i < attPatch->numPatches; i++) { // Re-order rpatch if (attPatch->patches[i].type == PATCH_QUAD) { UI_PATCH rpatch=rattPatch->getUIPatch (i); int ctU=rpatch.NbTilesU<<1; int ctV=rpatch.NbTilesV<<1; int nU; for (nU=0; nU<ctU; nU++) { for (int nV=0; nV<ctV; nV++) { rattPatch->getUIPatch (i).getTileDesc (nU+nV*ctU)=rpatch.getTileDesc (ctU-1-nU+(ctV-1-nV)*ctU); } } for (nU=0; nU<ctU+1; nU++) { for (int nV=0; nV<ctV+1; nV++) { rattPatch->getUIPatch (i).setColor (nU+nV*(ctU+1), rpatch.getColor (ctU-nU+(ctV-nV)*ctU)); } } } // Re-order vertices ct = attPatch->patches[i].type == PATCH_QUAD ? 4 : 3; for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { v[j] = attPatch->patches[i].v[j]; } for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { attPatch->patches[i].v[j] = v[ct - j - 1]; } // Re-order vecs ct = attPatch->patches[i].type == PATCH_QUAD ? 8 : 6; ct2 = attPatch->patches[i].type == PATCH_QUAD ? 5 : 3; for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { v[j] = attPatch->patches[i].vec[j]; } for (j = 0; j < ct; j++, ct2--) { if (ct2 < 0) ct2 = ct - 1; attPatch->patches[i].vec[j] = v[ct2]; } // Re-order enteriors if (attPatch->patches[i].type == PATCH_QUAD) { ct = 4; for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { v[j] = attPatch->patches[i].interior[j]; } for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { attPatch->patches[i].interior[j] = v[ct - j - 1]; } } // Re-order aux if (attPatch->patches[i].type == PATCH_TRI) { ct = 9; for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { p[j] = attPatch->patches[i].aux[j]; } for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { attPatch->patches[i].aux[j] = p[ct - j - 1]; } } // Re-order TV faces if present for (int chan = 0; chan < patch->getNumMaps(); ++chan) { if (attPatch->tvPatches[chan]) { ct = 4; for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { v[j] = attPatch->tvPatches[chan][i].tv[j]; } for (j = 0; j < ct; j++) { attPatch->tvPatches[chan][i].tv[j] = v[ct - j - 1]; } } } } } int i; for (i = 0; i < attPatch->numVerts; ++i) attPatch->verts[i].p = attPatch->verts[i].p * attMat; for (i = 0; i < attPatch->numVecs; ++i) attPatch->vecs[i].p = attPatch->vecs[i].p * attMat; attPatch->computeInteriors(); theHold.Begin(); // Combine the materials of the two nodes. int mat2Offset = 0; Mtl *m1 = nodes[0]->GetMtl(); Mtl *m2 = node->GetMtl(); bool condenseMe = FALSE; if (m1 && m2 &&(m1 != m2)) { if (attachMat == ATTACHMAT_IDTOMAT) { int ct = 1; if (m1->IsMultiMtl()) ct = m1->NumSubMtls(); for (int i = 0; i < patch->numPatches; ++i) { int mtid = patch->getPatchMtlIndex(i); if (mtid >= ct) patch->setPatchMtlIndex(i, mtid % ct); } FitPatchIDsToMaterial(*attPatch, m2); if (condenseMat) condenseMe = TRUE; } // the theHold calls here were a vain attempt to make this all undoable. // This should be revisited in the future so we don't have to use the SYSSET_CLEAR_UNDO. theHold.Suspend(); if (attachMat == ATTACHMAT_MATTOID) { m1 = FitMaterialToPatchIDs(*patch, m1); m2 = FitMaterialToPatchIDs(*attPatch, m2); } Mtl *multi = CombineMaterials(m1, m2, mat2Offset); if (attachMat == ATTACHMAT_NEITHER) mat2Offset = 0; theHold.Resume(); // We can't be in face subobject mode, else we screw up the materials: DWORD oldSL = patch->selLevel; DWORD roldSL = patch->selLevel; patch->selLevel = PATCH_OBJECT; rpatch->SetSelLevel (EP_OBJECT); nodes[0]->SetMtl(multi); patch->selLevel = oldSL; rpatch->SetSelLevel (roldSL); m1 = multi; canUndo = FALSE; // Absolutely cannot undo material combinations. } if (!m1 && m2) { // We can't be in face subobject mode, else we screw up the materials: DWORD oldSL = patch->selLevel; DWORD roldSL = rpatch->GetSelLevel(); patch->selLevel = PATCH_OBJECT; rpatch->SetSelLevel (EP_OBJECT); nodes[0]->SetMtl(m2); patch->selLevel = oldSL; rpatch->SetSelLevel (roldSL); m1 = m2; } // Start a restore object... if (theHold.Holding()) theHold.Put(new PatchRestore(patchData, this, patch, rpatch, "DoAttach")); // Do the attach patch->Attach(attPatch, mat2Offset); rpatch->Attach(rattPatch, *patch); patchData->UpdateChanges(patch, rpatch); patchData->TempData(this)->Invalidate(PART_TOPO | PART_GEOM); // Get rid of the original node ip->DeleteNode(node); ResolveTopoChanges(); theHold.Accept(GetString(IDS_TH_ATTACH)); if (m1 && condenseMe) { // Following clears undo stack. patch = patchData->TempData(this)->GetPatch(ip->GetTime(), rpatch); m1 = CondenseMatAssignments(*patch, m1); } nodes.DisposeTemporary(); ClearPatchDataFlag(mcList, EPD_BEENDONE); NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_TOPO | PART_GEOM, REFMSG_CHANGE); ip->RedrawViews(ip->GetTime(), REDRAW_NORMAL); return 1; }