IconResource::createNodeFromURI( const URI& uri, const osgDB::Options* dbOptions ) const
    osg::Node* node = 0L;

    ReadResult r = uri.readImage( dbOptions );
    if ( r.succeeded() )
        OE_INFO << LC << "Loaded " << uri.base() << "(from " << (r.isFromCache()? "cache" : "source") << ")"
            << std::endl;

        if ( r.getImage() )
            node = buildIconModel( r.releaseImage() );

    else // failing that, fall back on the old encoding format..
        StringVector tok;
        StringTokenizer( *uri, tok, "()" );
        if (tok.size() >= 2)
            return createNodeFromURI( URI(tok[1]), dbOptions );

    return node;
        virtual ReadResult readImage(const std::string& file, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options) const
            std::string ext = osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(file);
            if (!acceptsExtension(ext)) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED;

            std::string fileName = osgDB::findDataFile( file, options );
            if (fileName.empty()) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_FOUND;

            osgDB::ifstream istream(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
            if(!istream) return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE;
            ReadResult rr = readJPGStream(istream);
            if(rr.validImage()) rr.getImage()->setFileName(file);
            return rr;
IconResource::createNodeFromURI( const URI& uri, const osgDB::Options* dbOptions ) const
    osg::Node* node = 0L;

    ReadResult r = uri.readImage( dbOptions );
    if ( r.succeeded() )
        if ( r.getImage() )
            node = buildIconModel( r.releaseImage() );

    else // failing that, fall back on the old encoding format..
        StringVector tok;
        StringTokenizer( *uri, tok, "()" );
        if (tok.size() >= 2)
            return createNodeFromURI( URI(tok[1]), dbOptions );

    return node;
HTTPClient::doReadImage(const HTTPRequest&    request,
                        const osgDB::Options* options,
                        ProgressCallback*     callback)

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet(request, options, callback);

    if (response.isOK())
        osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = getReader(request.getURL(), response);
        if (!reader)
            result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_NO_READER);

            osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult rr = reader->readImage(response.getPartStream(0), options);
            if ( rr.validImage() )
                result = ReadResult(rr.takeImage());
                if ( s_HTTP_DEBUG )
                    OE_WARN << LC << reader->className() 
                        << " failed to read image from " << request.getURL() 
                        << "; message = " << rr.message()
                        <<  std::endl;
                result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_READER_ERROR);
                result.setErrorDetail( rr.message() );
        // last-modified (file time)
        result.setLastModifiedTime( getCurlFileTime(_curl_handle) );
        // Time of query
        result.setDuration( response.getDuration() );
        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled()                           ? ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND    ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_MODIFIED ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_MODIFIED :
                                                               ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                if ( s_HTTP_DEBUG )
                    OE_NOTICE << LC << "Error in HTTPClient for " << request.getURL() << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    // encode headers
    result.setMetadata( response.getHeadersAsConfig() );

    // set the source name
    if ( result.getImage() )
        result.getImage()->setName( request.getURL() );

    return result;
        virtual ReadResult readNode(const std::string& file, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options =NULL) const
            ReadResult result = readImage(file, options);
            if (!result.validImage()) return result;
            osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::VolumeTile> tile = new osgVolume::VolumeTile;
            tile->setVolumeTechnique(new osgVolume::RayTracedTechnique());
            osg::ref_ptr<osgVolume::ImageLayer> layer= new osgVolume::ImageLayer(result.getImage());
            osgVolume::SwitchProperty* sp = new osgVolume::SwitchProperty;
            float alphaFunc = 0.1f;

            osgVolume::AlphaFuncProperty* ap = new osgVolume::AlphaFuncProperty(alphaFunc);
            osgVolume::SampleDensityProperty* sd = new osgVolume::SampleDensityProperty(0.005);
            osgVolume::TransparencyProperty* tp = new osgVolume::TransparencyProperty(1.0);

                // Standard
                osgVolume::CompositeProperty* cp = new osgVolume::CompositeProperty;


                // Light
                osgVolume::CompositeProperty* cp = new osgVolume::CompositeProperty;
                cp->addProperty(new osgVolume::LightingProperty);


                // Isosurface
                osgVolume::CompositeProperty* cp = new osgVolume::CompositeProperty;
                cp->addProperty(new osgVolume::IsoSurfaceProperty(alphaFunc));


                // MaximumIntensityProjection
                osgVolume::CompositeProperty* cp = new osgVolume::CompositeProperty;
                cp->addProperty(new osgVolume::MaximumIntensityProjectionProperty);




            // get matrix providing size of texels (in mm)
            osg::RefMatrix* matrix = dynamic_cast<osg::RefMatrix*>(result.getImage()->getUserData());
            if (matrix)
                osgVolume::Locator* locator = new osgVolume::Locator(*matrix);

                // result.getImage()->setUserData(0);
                osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Locator "<<*matrix<<std::endl;
                osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"No Locator found on osg::Image"<<std::endl;
            return tile.release();
 virtual ReadResult readObject (const std::string &file, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options) const
     ReadResult rr = readImage(file, options);
     if (!rr.validImage())
         return rr;
     bool use_core_video = true;
     if (options && !options->getPluginStringData("disableCoreVideo").empty())
         use_core_video = false;
     osg::ref_ptr<OSXAVFoundationVideo> video = dynamic_cast<OSXAVFoundationVideo*>(rr.getImage());
     if (!video || !use_core_video)
         return rr;
     osg::ref_ptr<OSXAVFoundationCoreVideoTexture> texture = new OSXAVFoundationCoreVideoTexture(video);
     return texture.release();
ImageLayer::createImageInKeyProfile( const TileKey& key, ProgressCallback* progress, bool forceFallback, bool& out_isFallback )
    GeoImage result;

    out_isFallback = false;

    // If the layer is disabled, bail out.
    if ( !getEnabled() )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // Check the max data level, which limits the LOD of available data.
    if ( _runtimeOptions.maxDataLevel().isSet() && key.getLOD() > _runtimeOptions.maxDataLevel().value() )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // Check for a "Minumum level" setting on this layer. If we are before the
    // min level, just return the empty image. Do not cache empties
    if ( _runtimeOptions.minLevel().isSet() && key.getLOD() < _runtimeOptions.minLevel().value() )
        return GeoImage( _emptyImage.get(), key.getExtent() );

    // Check for a "Minimum resolution" setting on the layer. If we are before the
    // min resolution, return the empty image. Do not cache empties.
    if ( _runtimeOptions.minResolution().isSet() )
        double keyres = key.getExtent().width() / getTileSize();
        double keyresInLayerProfile = key.getProfile()->getSRS()->transformUnits(keyres, getProfile()->getSRS());

        if ( keyresInLayerProfile > _runtimeOptions.minResolution().value() )
            return GeoImage( _emptyImage.get(), key.getExtent() );

    OE_DEBUG << LC << "create image for \"" << key.str() << "\", ext= "
        << key.getExtent().toString() << std::endl;

    // locate the cache bin for the target profile for this layer:
    CacheBin* cacheBin = getCacheBin( key.getProfile() );

    // validate that we have either a valid tile source, or we're cache-only.
    if ( ! (getTileSource() || (isCacheOnly() && cacheBin) ) )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Error: layer does not have a valid TileSource, cannot create image " << std::endl;
        _runtimeOptions.enabled() = false;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // validate the existance of a valid layer profile (unless we're in cache-only mode, in which
    // case there is no layer profile)
    if ( !isCacheOnly() && !getProfile() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Could not establish a valid profile" << std::endl;
        _runtimeOptions.enabled() = false;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // First, attempt to read from the cache. Since the cached data is stored in the
    // map profile, we can try this first.
    if ( cacheBin && getCachePolicy().isCacheReadable() )
        ReadResult r = cacheBin->readImage( key.str(), getCachePolicy().getMinAcceptTime() );
        if ( r.succeeded() )
            ImageUtils::normalizeImage( r.getImage() );
            return GeoImage( r.releaseImage(), key.getExtent() );
        //else if ( r.code() == ReadResult::RESULT_EXPIRED )
        //    OE_INFO << LC << getName() << " : " << key.str() << " record expired!" << std::endl;
    // The data was not in the cache. If we are cache-only, fail sliently
    if ( isCacheOnly() )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // Get an image from the underlying TileSource.
    result = createImageFromTileSource( key, progress, forceFallback, out_isFallback );

    // Normalize the image if necessary
    if ( result.valid() )
        ImageUtils::normalizeImage( result.getImage() );

    // If we got a result, the cache is valid and we are caching in the map profile, write to the map cache.
    if (result.valid()  &&
        //JB:  Removed the check to not write out fallback data.  If you have a low resolution base dataset (max lod 3) and a high resolution insert (max lod 22)
        //     then the low res data needs to "fallback" from LOD 4 - 22 so you can display the high res inset.  If you don't cache these intermediate tiles then
        //     performance can suffer generating all those fallback tiles, especially if you have to do reprojection or mosaicing.
        //!out_isFallback &&
        cacheBin        && 
        getCachePolicy().isCacheWriteable() )
        if ( key.getExtent() != result.getExtent() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "WARNING! mismatched extents." << std::endl;

        cacheBin->write( key.str(), result.getImage() );
        //OE_INFO << LC << "WRITING " << key.str() << " to the cache." << std::endl;

    if ( result.valid() )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << key.str() << " result OK" << std::endl;
        OE_DEBUG << LC << key.str() << "result INVALID" << std::endl;

    return result;
HTTPClient::doReadImage(const std::string&    location,
                        const osgDB::Options* options,
                        ProgressCallback*     callback)

    ReadResult result;

    HTTPResponse response = this->doGet(location, options, callback);

    if (response.isOK())
        osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = getReader(location, response);
        if (!reader)
            OE_WARN << LC << "Can't find an OSG plugin to read "<<location<<std::endl;
            result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_NO_READER);

            osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult rr = reader->readImage(response.getPartStream(0), options);
            if ( rr.validImage() )
                result = ReadResult(rr.takeImage(), response.getHeadersAsConfig() );
                if ( !rr.message().empty() )
                    OE_WARN << LC << "HTTP error: " << rr.message() << std::endl;
                OE_WARN << LC << reader->className() << " failed to read image from " << location << std::endl;
                result = ReadResult(ReadResult::RESULT_READER_ERROR);
        result = ReadResult(
            response.isCancelled() ? ReadResult::RESULT_CANCELED :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::NOT_FOUND ? ReadResult::RESULT_NOT_FOUND :
            response.getCode() == HTTPResponse::SERVER_ERROR ? ReadResult::RESULT_SERVER_ERROR :
            ReadResult::RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR );

        //If we have an error but it's recoverable, like a server error or timeout then set the callback to retry.
        if (HTTPClient::isRecoverable( result.code() ) )
            if (callback)
                OE_DEBUG << "Error in HTTPClient for " << location << " but it's recoverable" << std::endl;
                callback->setNeedsRetry( true );

    // set the source name
    if ( result.getImage() )
        result.getImage()->setName( location );

    return result;
ImageLayer::createImageInKeyProfile(const TileKey&    key, 
                                    ProgressCallback* progress)
    GeoImage result;

    // If the layer is disabled, bail out.
    if ( !getEnabled() )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // Make sure the request is in range.
    if ( !isKeyInRange(key) )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    OE_DEBUG << LC << "create image for \"" << key.str() << "\", ext= "
        << key.getExtent().toString() << std::endl;
    // Check the layer L2 cache first
    if ( _memCache.valid() )
        CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateBin( key.getProfile()->getFullSignature() );        
        ReadResult result = bin->readObject(key.str(), 0);
        if ( result.succeeded() )
            return GeoImage(static_cast<osg::Image*>(result.releaseObject()), key.getExtent());

    // locate the cache bin for the target profile for this layer:
    CacheBin* cacheBin = getCacheBin( key.getProfile() );

    // validate that we have either a valid tile source, or we're cache-only.
    if ( ! (getTileSource() || (isCacheOnly() && cacheBin) ) )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Error: layer does not have a valid TileSource, cannot create image " << std::endl;
        _runtimeOptions.enabled() = false;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // validate the existance of a valid layer profile (unless we're in cache-only mode, in which
    // case there is no layer profile)
    if ( !isCacheOnly() && !getProfile() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Could not establish a valid profile" << std::endl;
        _runtimeOptions.enabled() = false;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // First, attempt to read from the cache. Since the cached data is stored in the
    // map profile, we can try this first.
    if ( cacheBin && getCachePolicy().isCacheReadable() )
        ReadResult r = cacheBin->readImage( key.str(), getCachePolicy().getMinAcceptTime() );
        if ( r.succeeded() )
            ImageUtils::normalizeImage( r.getImage() );
            return GeoImage( r.releaseImage(), key.getExtent() );
    // The data was not in the cache. If we are cache-only, fail sliently
    if ( isCacheOnly() )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // Get an image from the underlying TileSource.
    result = createImageFromTileSource( key, progress );

    // Normalize the image if necessary
    if ( result.valid() )
        ImageUtils::normalizeImage( result.getImage() );

    // memory cache first:
    if ( result.valid() && _memCache.valid() )
        CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateBin( key.getProfile()->getFullSignature() ); 
        bin->write(key.str(), result.getImage());

    // If we got a result, the cache is valid and we are caching in the map profile,
    // write to the map cache.
    if (result.valid()  &&
        cacheBin        && 
        getCachePolicy().isCacheWriteable() )
        if ( key.getExtent() != result.getExtent() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "WARNING! mismatched extents." << std::endl;

        cacheBin->write( key.str(), result.getImage() );

    if ( result.valid() )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << key.str() << " result OK" << std::endl;
        OE_DEBUG << LC << key.str() << "result INVALID" << std::endl;

    return result;
    Status initialize( const osgDB::Options* dbOptions )
        osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> localOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions(dbOptions);

        if ( !getProfile() )
            return Status::Error( "An explicit profile definition is required by the OSG driver." );

        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image;

        if ( !_options.url()->empty() )
            ReadResult r = _options.url()->readImage( localOptions.get() );
            if ( r.succeeded() )
                image = r.getImage();

        if ( !image.valid() )
            return Status::Error( Stringify() <<  "Faild to load data from \"" << _options.url()->full() << "\"" );

        // calculate and store the maximum LOD for which to return data
        if ( image.valid() )
            if ( _options.maxDataLevel().isSet() )
                _maxDataLevel = *_options.maxDataLevel();
                int minSpan = osg::minimum( image->s(), image->t() );
                int tileSize = _options.tileSize().value();
                _maxDataLevel = (int)LOG2((minSpan/tileSize)+1);
                //OE_NOTICE << "[osgEarth::OSG driver] minSpan=" << minSpan << ", _tileSize=" << tileSize << ", maxDataLevel = " << _maxDataLevel << std::endl;
            getDataExtents().push_back( DataExtent(getProfile()->getExtent(), 0, _maxDataLevel) );

            bool computeAlpha =
                (_options.convertLuminanceToRGBA() == true && image->getPixelFormat() == GL_LUMINANCE) ||
                (_options.addAlpha() == true && !ImageUtils::hasAlphaChannel( image.get() ) );

            if ( computeAlpha )
                image = makeRGBAandComputeAlpha( image.get() );
            else if ( ImageUtils::hasAlphaChannel( image.get() ))
                image = ImageUtils::convertToRGBA8( image.get() );
                image = ImageUtils::convertToRGB8( image.get() );

            _image = GeoImage( image.get(), getProfile()->getExtent() );

        _extension = osgDB::getFileExtension( _options.url()->full() );

        return STATUS_OK;