// Callback for when a document is closed.  Closes the associated scene.
void SceneManager::DocumentClosed( const DocumentEventArgs& args )
    const Document* document = static_cast< const Document* >( args.m_Document );
    HELIUM_ASSERT( document );

    if ( document )
        Scene* scene = GetScene( document );

        scene->DisconnectDocument( document );

        // If the current scene is the one that is being closed, we need to set it
        // to no longer be the current scene.
        if ( HasCurrentScene() && GetCurrentScene() == scene )
            SetCurrentScene( NULL );

#pragma TODO( "Is this sane?" )
        while( IsNestedScene( scene ) )
            ReleaseNestedScene( scene );

        if ( scene )
            RemoveScene( scene );

        // Select the next scene in the list, if there is one
        if ( !HasCurrentScene() )
            SetCurrentScene( FindFirstNonNestedScene() );

        document->e_Closed.RemoveMethod( this, &SceneManager::DocumentClosed );
        document->e_PathChanged.RemoveMethod( this, &SceneManager::DocumentPathChanged );