cv::Vec3b Camera::CastRay(Scene scene, Ray r)
  std::vector<SpherePoint> Intersections = 
    FindIntersectionPoints(scene.GetSphereList(), r);

  cv::Vec3b ReturnColor(255, 255, 255);
  // If the ray intersected with any of them, find the closest point
  if (Intersections.size() != 0)
    Sphere ClosestSphere(Point(0,0,0),0,cv::Vec3b(0,0,0),Finish(0,0,0,0));
    Point ClosestPoint(0, 0, 0);
    double ShortestDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    for (auto& SpherePoint : Intersections)
      Sphere& S = SpherePoint.s;
      Point& P = SpherePoint.p;

      double TempDist = r.Location.FromThisToThat(P).Length();
      if (TempDist < ShortestDistance)
        ShortestDistance = TempDist;
        ClosestSphere = S;
        ClosestPoint = P;

    // Compute ambient component
    cv::Vec3d& SceneAmb = scene.GetAmbientLightColor();
    cv::Vec3b SphereAmbientColor = ClosestSphere.Color * ClosestSphere.Fin.Ambient;
    SphereAmbientColor[0] *= SceneAmb[0];
    SphereAmbientColor[1] *= SceneAmb[1];
    SphereAmbientColor[2] *= SceneAmb[2];

    // Compute diffuse component
    // Translate the intersection point to avoid precision errors
    cv::Vec3b DiffuseColor(0, 0, 0);
    cv::Vec3b SpecularColor(0, 0, 0);
    Vector SphereNormal = SphereNormalAtPoint(ClosestSphere, ClosestPoint);
    ClosestPoint = ClosestPoint.Translate(SphereNormal * 0.01);
    Vector PointToLight = ClosestPoint.FromThisToThat(scene.GetLightPosition()).Normalize();
    // Check to see if intersection point is on the same side as the light
    // And to make sure there is not another sphere in the way
    double DotProduct = PointToLight.Dot(SphereNormal);
    if (DotProduct > 0)
      Intersections = FindIntersectionPoints(scene.GetSphereList(), Ray(ClosestPoint, PointToLight));
      // Need to account for when spheres are past the light
      if (Intersections.size() == 0)
        cv::Vec3d& LightColor = scene.GetLightColor();
        DiffuseColor = ClosestSphere.Color * ClosestSphere.Fin.Diffuse;
        DiffuseColor[0] *= DotProduct * LightColor[0];
        DiffuseColor[1] *= DotProduct * LightColor[1];
        DiffuseColor[2] *= DotProduct * LightColor[2];

        // Compute the specular light contribution
        Vector ReflectionVector = PointToLight - (SphereNormal * (2 * DotProduct));
        Vector ViewDirection = r.Location.FromThisToThat(ClosestPoint).Normalize();
        double SpecIntensity = ReflectionVector.Dot(ViewDirection);
        if (SpecIntensity > 0)
          double Multiplier = 
            ClosestSphere.Fin.Specular *
            std::pow(SpecIntensity, 1 / ClosestSphere.Fin.Roughness);
          SpecularColor[0] = Multiplier * LightColor[0] * 255;
          SpecularColor[1] = Multiplier * LightColor[1] * 255;
          SpecularColor[2] = Multiplier * LightColor[2] * 255;

    ReturnColor = SphereAmbientColor + DiffuseColor + SpecularColor;

  return ReturnColor;