C4AulDebug::ProcessLineResult C4AulDebug::ProcessLine(const StdStrBuf &Line)
	// Get command
	StdStrBuf Cmd;
	Cmd.CopyUntil(Line.getData(), ' ');
	// Get data
	const char *szData = Line.getPtr(Cmd.getLength());
	if (*szData) szData++;
	// Identify command
	const char *szCmd = Cmd.getData();
	if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "HELP"))
		return ProcessLineResult(false, "Yeah, like I'm going to explain that /here/");
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "BYE") || SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "QUIT"))
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "SAY"))
		::Control.DoInput(CID_Message, new C4ControlMessage(C4CMT_Normal, szData), CDT_Direct);
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "CMD"))
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "STP") || SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "S"))
		eState = DS_Step;
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "GO") || SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "G"))
		eState = DS_Go;
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "STO") || SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "O"))
		eState = DS_StepOver;
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "STR") || SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "R"))
		eState = DS_StepOut;
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "EXC") || SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "E"))
		C4AulScriptContext* context = pExec->GetContext(pExec->GetContextDepth()-1);
		int32_t objectNum = C4ControlScript::SCOPE_Global;
		if (context && context->Obj && context->Obj->GetObject())
			objectNum = context->Obj->GetObject()->Number;
		::Control.DoInput(CID_Script, new C4ControlScript(szData, objectNum, true), CDT_Decide);
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "PSE"))
		if (Game.IsPaused())
			return ProcessLineResult(true, "Game unpaused.");
			return ProcessLineResult(true, "Game paused.");
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "LST"))
		for (C4AulScript* script = ScriptEngine.Child0; script; script = script->Next)

	// toggle breakpoint
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "TBR"))
		using namespace std;
		// FIXME: this doesn't find functions which were included/appended
		string scriptPath = szData;
		size_t colonPos = scriptPath.find(':');
		if (colonPos == string::npos)
			return ProcessLineResult(false, "Missing line in breakpoint request");
		int line = atoi(&scriptPath[colonPos+1]);

		C4AulScript *script;
		for (script = ScriptEngine.Child0; script; script = script->Next)
			if (SEqualNoCase(RelativePath(script->ScriptName), scriptPath.c_str()))

		auto sh = script ? script->GetScriptHost() : NULL;
		if (sh)
			C4AulBCC * found = NULL;
			for (auto script = ::ScriptEngine.Child0; script; script = script->Next)
			for (C4PropList *props = script->GetPropList(); props; props = props->GetPrototype())
			for (auto fname = props->EnumerateOwnFuncs(); fname; fname = props->EnumerateOwnFuncs(fname))
				C4Value val;
				if (!props->GetPropertyByS(fname, &val)) continue;
				auto func = val.getFunction();
				if (!func) continue;
				auto sfunc = func->SFunc();
				if (!sfunc) continue;
				if (sfunc->pOrgScript != sh) continue;
				for (auto chunk = sfunc->GetCode(); chunk->bccType != AB_EOFN; chunk++)
					if (chunk->bccType == AB_DEBUG)
						int lineOfThisOne = sfunc->GetLineOfCode(chunk);
						if (lineOfThisOne == line)
							found = chunk;
							goto Found;
			if (found)
				found->Par.i = !found->Par.i; // activate breakpoint
				return ProcessLineResult(false, "Can't set breakpoint (wrong line?)");
			return ProcessLineResult(false, "Can't find script");
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "SST"))
		std::list<StdStrBuf*>::iterator it = StackTrace.begin();
		for (it++; it != StackTrace.end(); it++)
			SendLine("AT", (*it)->getData());
	else if (SEqualNoCase(szCmd, "VAR"))
		C4Value *val = NULL;
		int varIndex;
		C4AulScriptContext* pCtx = pExec->GetContext(pExec->GetContextDepth() - 1);
		if (pCtx)
			if ((varIndex = pCtx->Func->ParNamed.GetItemNr(szData)) != -1)
				val = &pCtx->Pars[varIndex];
			else if ((varIndex = pCtx->Func->VarNamed.GetItemNr(szData)) != -1)
				val = &pCtx->Vars[varIndex];
		const char* typeName = val ? GetC4VName(val->GetType()) : "any";
		StdStrBuf output = FormatString("%s %s %s", szData, typeName, val ? val->GetDataString().getData() : "Unknown");
		SendLine("VAR", output.getData());
		return ProcessLineResult(false, "Can't do that");
	return ProcessLineResult(true, "");
	bool ValidateString(StdStrBuf &rsString, ValidationOption eOption)
		bool fValid = true;
		// validation depending on option
		// check min length
		if (!rsString.getLength())
			// empty if not allowed?
			if (eOption != VAL_NameAllowEmpty && eOption != VAL_NameExAllowEmpty && eOption != VAL_Comment)
				fValid = false;
		switch (eOption)
			case VAL_Filename: // regular filenames only
				// absolutely no directory traversal
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar('/', '_')) fValid = false;
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar('\\', '_')) fValid = false;

				// fallthrough to general file name validation
			case VAL_SubPathFilename: // filenames and optional subpath
				// do not traverse upwards in file hierarchy
				if (rsString.Replace("..", "__")) fValid = false;
				if (*rsString.getData() == '/' || *rsString.getData() == '\\') { *rsString.getMData() = '_'; fValid = false; }

				// fallthrough to general file name validation
			case VAL_FullPath:        // full filename paths
				// some characters are prohibited in filenames in general
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar('*', '_')) fValid = false;
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar('?', '_')) fValid = false;
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar('<', '_')) fValid = false;
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar('>', '_')) fValid = false;
				// ';' and '|' is never allowed in filenames, because it would cause problems in many engine internal file lists
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar(';', '_')) fValid = false;
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar('|', '_')) fValid = false;
				// the colon is generally prohibited except at pos 2 (C:\...), because it could lead to creation of (invisible) streams on NTFS
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar(':', '_', 2)) fValid = false;
				if (*rsString.getData() == ':') { *rsString.getMData() = '_'; fValid = false; }
				// validate drive letter
				if (rsString.getLength()>=2 && *rsString.getPtr(1) == ':')
					if (eOption != VAL_FullPath)
						*rsString.getMPtr(1)='_'; fValid = false;
					else if (!isalpha((unsigned char)*rsString.getData()) || (*rsString.getPtr(2)!='\\' && *rsString.getPtr(2)!='/'))
						*rsString.getMData()=*rsString.getMPtr(1)='_'; fValid = false;

			case VAL_NameNoEmpty:
			case VAL_NameAllowEmpty:
				// no markup
				if (CMarkup::StripMarkup(&rsString)) { fValid = false; }
				// trim spaces
				if (rsString.TrimSpaces()) fValid = false;
				// min length
				if (eOption == VAL_NameNoEmpty) if (!rsString.getLength()) { fValid = false; rsString.Copy("Unknown"); }
				// max length
				if (rsString.getLength() > C4MaxName) { fValid = false; rsString.SetLength(C4MaxName); }

			case VAL_NameExNoEmpty:
			case VAL_NameExAllowEmpty:
				// trim spaces
				if (rsString.TrimSpaces()) fValid = false;
				// min length
				if (eOption == VAL_NameExNoEmpty) if (!rsString.getLength()) { fValid = false; rsString.Copy("Unknown"); }
				// max length
				if (rsString.getLength() > C4MaxLongName) { fValid = false; rsString.SetLength(C4MaxLongName); }

			case VAL_IRCName: // nickname for IRC. a-z, A-Z, _^{[]} only; 0-9|- inbetween; max 30 characters
				if (rsString.getLength() > 30) fValid = false;
				if (rsString.getLength() < 2) fValid = false;
				if (!rsString.ValidateChars("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_^{[]}", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_^{[]}0123456789|-")) { fValid = false; rsString.Copy("Guest"); }
				if (SEqualNoCase(rsString.getData(), "NickServ")
				 || SEqualNoCase(rsString.getData(), "ChanServ")
				 || SEqualNoCase(rsString.getData(), "MemoServ")
				 || SEqualNoCase(rsString.getData(), "OperServ")
				 || SEqualNoCase(rsString.getData(), "HelpServ")) fValid = false;
				if (!fValid) rsString.Copy("Guest");

			case VAL_IRCPass: // password for IRC; max 31 characters
				// max length; no spaces
				if (rsString.getLength() > 31) { fValid = false; rsString.SetLength(31); }
				if (rsString.getLength() < 2) { fValid = false; rsString.Copy("secret"); }
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar(' ', '_')) fValid = false;

			case VAL_IRCChannel: // IRC channel name
				if (rsString.getLength() > 32) { fValid = false; rsString.SetLength(32); }
				else if (rsString.getLength() < 2) { fValid = false; rsString.Copy("#clonken"); }
				else if (*rsString.getData() != '#' && *rsString.getData() != '+') { fValid = false; *rsString.getMData() = '#'; }
				if (rsString.ReplaceChar(' ', '_')) fValid = false;

			case VAL_Comment: // comment - just limit length
				if (rsString.getLength() > C4MaxComment) { fValid = false; rsString.SetLength(C4MaxComment); }

				assert(!"not yet implemented");
		// issue warning for invalid adjustments
		if (!fValid)
			const char *szOption = "unknown";
			switch (eOption)
				case VAL_Filename:         szOption = "filename";         break;
				case VAL_SubPathFilename:  szOption = "(sub-)filename";   break;
				case VAL_FullPath:         szOption = "free filename";    break;
				case VAL_NameNoEmpty:      szOption = "strict name";      break;
				case VAL_NameExNoEmpty:    szOption = "name";             break;
				case VAL_NameAllowEmpty:   szOption = "strict name*";     break;
				case VAL_NameExAllowEmpty: szOption = "name*";            break;
				case VAL_IRCName:          szOption = "IRC nick";         break;
				case VAL_IRCPass:          szOption = "IRC password";     break;
				case VAL_IRCChannel:       szOption = "IRC channel";      break;
				case VAL_Comment:          szOption = "Comment";          break;
			//LogF("WARNING: Adjusted invalid user input for \"%s\" to \"%s\"", szOption, rsString.getData());
		return !fValid;