void testAppendDoubleFloat() { printf("\n==== Enter testAppendDoubleFloat ====\n"); { Double d = Math::DOUBLE_MAX_VALUE; StringBuffer sb; String str; // sb.AppendDouble(d); // str = sb.ToString(); // printf(" >> Append Double %e, %s\n", d, str.string()); // // d = Math::DOUBLE_MIN_VALUE; // sb.Reset(); // sb.AppendDouble(d); // str = sb.ToString(); // printf(" >> Append Double %e, %s\n", d, str.string()); // // d = 9999912345.54321; // sb.Reset(); // sb.AppendDouble(d); // str = sb.ToString(); // printf(" >> Append Double %e, %s\n", d, str.string()); d = 2013.0806; sb.Reset(); sb.AppendDouble(d); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> Append Double %e, %s\n", d, str.string()); float f = 2013.0806; sb.Reset(); sb.AppendFloat(f); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> Append Float %e, %s\n", f, str.string()); // Float f = Math::FLOAT_MAX_VALUE; // sb.Reset(); // sb.AppendFloat(f); // str = sb.ToString(); // printf(" >> Append Float %e, %s\n", f, str.string()); // // f = Math::FLOAT_MIN_VALUE; // sb.Reset(); // sb.AppendFloat(f); // str = sb.ToString(); // printf(" >> Append Float %e, %s\n", f, str.string()); // // f = 12345.54321F; // sb.Reset(); // sb.AppendFloat(f); // str = sb.ToString(); // printf(" >> Append Float %f, %s\n", f, str.string()); } printf("==== Leave testAppendDoubleFloat ====\n"); }
// @Override ECode CWifiInfo::ToString( /* [out] */ String* str) { StringBuffer sb; String none("<none>"); sb.Append("SSID: "); String sidStr; mWifiSsid->ToString(&sidStr); sb.Append(mWifiSsid == NULL ? IWifiSsid::NONE : sidStr); sb.Append(", BSSID: "); sb.Append(mBSSID.IsNull() ? none : mBSSID); sb.Append(", MAC: "); sb.Append(mMacAddress.IsNull() ? none : mMacAddress); sb.Append(", Supplicant state: "); if (mSupplicantState == NULL) sb.Append(none); sb.Append(mSupplicantState); sb.Append(", RSSI: "); sb.Append(mRssi); sb.Append(", Link speed: "); sb.Append(mLinkSpeed); sb.Append(", Net ID: "); sb.Append(mNetworkId); sb.Append(", Metered hint: "); sb.AppendBoolean(mMeteredHint); *str = sb.ToString(); return NOERROR; }
//@Override ECode CBatchedScanSettings::ToString( /* [out] */ String* str) { VALIDATE_NOT_NULL(str); StringBuffer sb; String none("<none>"); sb.Append("BatchScanSettings [maxScansPerBatch: "); if (mMaxScansPerBatch == UNSPECIFIED) { sb.Append(none); } else { sb.Append(mMaxScansPerBatch); } sb.Append(", maxApPerScan: "); if (mMaxScansPerBatch == UNSPECIFIED) { sb.Append(none); } else { sb.Append(mMaxApPerScan); } sb.Append(", scanIntervalSec: "); if (mMaxScansPerBatch == UNSPECIFIED) { sb.Append(none); } else { sb.Append(mScanIntervalSec); } sb.Append(", maxApForDistance: "); if (mMaxScansPerBatch == UNSPECIFIED) { sb.Append(none); } else { sb.Append(mMaxApForDistance); } sb.Append(", channelSet: "); if (mChannelSet == NULL) { sb.Append("ALL"); } else { sb.Append("<"); AutoPtr<IIterator> iter; mChannelSet->GetIterator((IIterator**)&iter); Boolean bNext; iter->HasNext(&bNext); for (; bNext; iter->HasNext(&bNext)) { AutoPtr<ICharSequence> channel; iter->GetNext((IInterface**)&channel); String str; channel->ToString(&str); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(str); } sb.Append(">"); } sb.Append("]"); return sb.ToString(str); }
ECode UsbAccessory::ToString( /* [out] */ String* str) { VALIDATE_NOT_NULL(str); StringBuffer buf; buf += "UsbAccessory[mManufacturer="; buf += mManufacturer; buf += ", mModel="; buf += mModel; buf += ", mDescription="; buf += mDescription; buf += ", mVersion="; buf += mVersion; buf += ", mUri="; buf += mUri; buf += ", mSerial="; buf += mSerial; buf += "]"; buf.ToString(str); return NOERROR; }
ECode CUsbDevice::ToString( /* [out] */ String* str) { VALIDATE_NOT_NULL(str); StringBuffer buf; buf += "UsbDevice[mName="; buf += mName; buf += ",mVendorId="; buf += mVendorId; buf += ",mProductId="; buf += mProductId; buf += ",mClass="; buf += mClass; buf += ",mSubclass="; buf += mSubclass; buf += ",mProtocol="; buf += mProtocol; buf += "]"; buf.ToString(str); return NOERROR; }
/** * Trim leading zeros from IPv4 address strings * Our base libraries will interpret that as octel.. * Must leave non v4 addresses and host names alone. * For example, -> * TODO - fix base libraries and remove this function * @param addr a string representing an ip addr * @return a string propertly trimmed */ String NetworkUtils::TrimV4AddrZeros( /* [in] */ const String& addr) { if (addr.IsNull()) { return String(NULL); } AutoPtr<ArrayOf<String> > octets; StringUtils::Split(addr, String("\\."), (ArrayOf<String>**)&octets); if (octets->GetLength() != 4) { return addr; } StringBuffer buff; for (Int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // try { if ((*octets)[i].GetLength() > 3) { return addr; } buff += (*octets)[i]; // } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // return addr; // } if (i < 3) buff += String("."); } return buff.ToString(); }
ECode AttributedString::constructor( /* [in] */ IAttributedCharacterIterator* iterator) { VALIDATE_NOT_NULL(iterator) ICharacterIterator* ci = ICharacterIterator::Probe(iterator); Int32 bi, ei; ci->GetBeginIndex(&bi); ci->GetEndIndex(&ei); if (bi > ei) { ALOGE("AttributedString::constructor(): IllegalArgumentException, invalid substring range."); //throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid substring range"); return E_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION; } StringBuffer buffer; for (Int32 i = bi; i < ei; i++) { Char32 cv, nv; ci->GetCurrent(&cv); buffer += cv; ci->GetNext(&nv); } buffer.ToString(&mText); AutoPtr<ISet> attributes; iterator->GetAllAttributeKeys((ISet**)&attributes); if (attributes == NULL) { return NOERROR; } AutoPtr<IIterator> it; attributes->GetIterator((IIterator**)&it); Boolean hasNext; IAttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute* attr; Char32 ch, cv; Int32 start, limit; while(it->HasNext(&hasNext), hasNext) { AutoPtr<IInterface> obj; it->GetNext((IInterface**)&obj); attr = IAttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute::Probe(obj); ci->SetIndex(0, &ch); while (ci->GetCurrent(&cv), cv != (Char32)ICharacterIterator::DONE) { iterator->GetRunStart(attr, &start); iterator->GetRunLimit(attr, &limit); AutoPtr<IInterface> value; iterator->GetAttribute(attr, (IInterface**)&value); if (value != NULL) { AddAttribute(attr, value, start, limit); } ci->SetIndex(limit, &ch); } } return NOERROR; }
ECode CDispList::OnShowNext() { // get the current showing item's index in the array. Int32 index = -1; AutoPtr<CDispListHelper> helper = GetHelper(); AutoPtr<ArrayOf<IInteger32*> > array = helper->mShortCutArray; for(Int32 i = 0; i < array->GetLength(); i++) { AutoPtr<IInteger32> temp = (*array)[i]; Int32 v; temp->GetValue(&v); if(v == mCurItem) { index = i; break; } } { String str; StringBuffer sb; sb += "current index = "; sb += index; sb.ToString(&str); Logger::D(IDispList::TAG, str); } if( index == -1 ) return NOERROR; // get the index of the next item to be shown index++; if( index == array->GetLength() ) index = 0; AutoPtr<IInteger32> key = (*array)[index]; AutoPtr<IDispListDispFormat> format; HashMap<AutoPtr<IInteger32>, AutoPtr<IDispListDispFormat> >::Iterator it = helper->mShortCutFormatMap.Find(key); if(it != helper->mShortCutFormatMap.End()) { format = it->mSecond; } return OnShowItem(format); }
ECode CDispList::OnShowItem( /* [in] */ IDispListDispFormat* item) { // get a item's string id AutoPtr<CDispListHelper> helper = GetHelper(); Int32 advType; helper->GetAdvancedDisplayType(item, &advType); AutoPtr<IInteger32> key; CInteger32::New(advType, (IInteger32**)&key); AutoPtr<IInteger32> str_id; HashMap<AutoPtr<IInteger32>, AutoPtr<IInteger32> >::Iterator it = helper->mShortCutStrMap.Find(key); if(it != helper->mShortCutStrMap.End()) { str_id = it->mSecond; } if( str_id == NULL ){ String itemStr; item->ToString(&itemStr); StringBuffer sb; sb += "Fail in searching item = "; sb += itemStr; sb.ToString(&itemStr); Logger::D(IDispList::TAG, itemStr); return NOERROR; } // redraw TextView and show toast Int32 value; str_id->GetValue(&value); mToast->SetText(value); mToast->Show(); // record the current showing item mCurItem = advType; return NOERROR; }
ECode AttributedString::constructor( /* [in] */ IAttributedCharacterIterator* iterator, /* [in] */ Int32 start, /* [in] */ Int32 end, /* [in] */ ISet* attributes) { VALIDATE_NOT_NULL(iterator) ICharacterIterator* ci = ICharacterIterator::Probe(iterator); Int32 beginIndex, endIndex; ci->GetBeginIndex(&beginIndex); ci->GetEndIndex(&endIndex); if (start < beginIndex || end > endIndex || start > end) { return E_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION; // throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (attributes == NULL) { return NOERROR; } StringBuffer buffer; Char32 newIndex; ci->SetIndex(start, &newIndex); Int32 index; while (ci->GetIndex(&index) ,index < end) { Char32 c; ci->GetCurrent(&c); buffer += c; Char32 nextC; ci->GetNext(&nextC); } buffer.ToString(&mText); AutoPtr<IIterator> it; attributes->GetIterator((IIterator**)&it); Boolean hasNext; IAttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute* attr; Char32 c, newChar; Int32 id, runStart, limit; while(it->HasNext(&hasNext), hasNext) { AutoPtr<IInterface> obj; it->GetNext((IInterface**)&obj); attr = IAttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute::Probe(obj); ci->SetIndex(start, &c); while (ci->GetIndex(&id) ,index < end) { AutoPtr<IInterface> value; iterator->GetAttribute(attr, (IInterface**)&value); iterator->GetRunStart(attr, &runStart); iterator->GetRunLimit(attr, &limit); if ((IAnnotation::Probe(value) != NULL && runStart >= start && limit <= end) || (value != NULL && (IAnnotation::Probe(value) == NULL))) { AddAttribute(attr, value, (runStart < start ? start : runStart) - start, (limit > end ? end : limit) - start); } ci->SetIndex(limit, &newChar); } } return NOERROR; }
void testMisc() { printf("\n==== Leave testAutoPtr ====\n"); { StringBuffer sb(20); String str; for (Int32 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { sb.AppendChar('A' + i); } str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.TrimToSize(); printf(" >> Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); } { StringBuffer sb; String str; for (Int32 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { sb.AppendChar('A' + i); } sb.InsertString(0, String("0123456789")); str = sb.ToString(); printf("\n >> InsertString Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); } { StringBuffer sb; String str; sb.AppendNULL(); str = sb.ToString(); printf("\n >> AppendNULL Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); } { StringBuffer sb(5); String str; for (Int32 i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { sb.AppendChar('1' + i); } str = sb.ToString(); printf("\n >> BeforeReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(0, 5, String("ABCDE")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(0, 4, String("444")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(0, 3, String("UVWXYZ")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(0, 7, String("1234567")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(0, 0, String("ABC")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(0, 10, String("0123456789")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(10, 10, String("ABC")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(14, 18, String("XYZ")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); sb.Replace(12, 13, String("0")); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" >> AfterReplace Capacity %d, length %d, str: %s\n", sb.mCapacity, sb.GetLength(), str.string()); } printf("==== Leave testAutoPtr ====\n"); }
void testStringBuffer() { printf("==== Enter testStringBuffer ====\n"); printf("\n === Construct === \n"); StringBuffer sbc(String("Construct from String")); String str = sbc.ToString(); printf(" > Construct:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); printf("\n === Append === \n"); Char32 a = 'A'; StringBuffer sb; ECode ec = sb.ToString(&str); printf(">> Get string from emtpy StringBuffer %s, %08x - %08x\n", str.string(), NOERROR, ec); sb.AppendCStr(">>Start\n"); sb.AppendNULL(); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendChar(a); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendBoolean(TRUE); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendBoolean(FALSE); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendInt32(32); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendInt32(-32); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendInt64(64); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendInt64(-64); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendFloat(10.0f); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendDouble(101010.1010); sb.AppendChar('_'); sb.AppendString(String("String")); sb.AppendCStr("\n<<End"); str = sb.ToString(); printf(" > AppendTest:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); printf("\n === Index ===\n"); Int32 index = 0; String subStr("32"); sb.IndexOf(subStr, &index); printf(" > IndexOf %s is %d\n", (const char*)subStr, index); subStr = String("_NOT_"); sb.IndexOf(subStr, &index); printf(" > IndexOf %s is %d\n", (const char*)subStr, index); subStr = String("32"); sb.LastIndexOf(subStr, &index); printf(" > LastIndexOf %s is %d\n", (const char*)subStr, index); subStr = String("_NOT_"); sb.LastIndexOf(subStr, &index); printf(" > LastIndexOf %s is %d\n", (const char*)subStr, index); printf("\n === Substring ===\n"); Int32 start = 30, end = 32; sb.Substring(start, &subStr); printf(" > Substring from %d is : %s\n", start, (const char*)subStr); sb.SubstringEx(start, end, &subStr); printf(" > Substring from %d to %d is : %s\n", start, end, (const char*)subStr); printf("\n === Get ===\n"); Char32 ch = 0; sb.GetChar(start, &ch); printf(" > GetChar at %d is : %c\n", start, ch); sb.GetLength(&end); printf(" > GetLength is : %d\n", end); sb.GetByteCount(&end); printf(" > GetByteCount is : %d\n", end); sb.GetCapacity(&end); printf(" > GetCapacity is : %d\n", end); printf("\n === Set/Replace/Insert ===\n"); sb.SetChar(13, 'B'); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > SetCharAt:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.Replace(15, 15 + 4, String("Replace")); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > Replace:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertString(15, String("Insert_")); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertString:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertString(0, String("HeadInsert_")); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertString in head:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertChar(19, '_'); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertChar:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertBoolean(19, TRUE); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertBoolean:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertInt32(19, 32); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertInt32:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertInt64(19, 64); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertInt64:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertFloat(19, 128.0); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertFloat:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertDouble(19, 10000.00001); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertDouble:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); ArrayOf<Char32>* chars = ArrayOf<Char32>::Alloc(10); for (Int32 i = 0; i < chars->GetLength(); ++i) { (*chars)[i] = 'A' + i; } sb.InsertChars(19, *chars); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertChars:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.InsertCharsEx(19, *chars, 5, 5); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > InsertCharsEx:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); printf("\n === Delete ===\n"); sb.Delete(19, 24); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > Delete:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); sb.DeleteChar(1); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > DeleteChar:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); printf("\n === Reverse ===\n"); sb.Reverse(); sb.ToString(&str); printf(" > Reverse:\n%s\n", (const char*)str); printf("==== Leave testStringBuffer ====\n"); }