XObjectPtr CExternalFunction::execute( XPathExecutionContext& executionContext, XalanNode* /* context */, const XObjectPtr arg1, const Locator* /* locator */) const { assert(arg1.null() == false); const XalanDOMString& arg = arg1->str(); //convert XalanDOMString (implemented as unsigned short*) into StringBuffer StringBuffer sbInput; sbInput.ensureCapacity(arg.length()+1); size32_t len = arg.length(); for (size32_t i=0; i < len; i++) sbInput.append( (char) arg[i]); StringBuffer sbOutput; try { (*m_userFunction)(sbOutput, sbInput.str(), m_pTransform); } catch (IException* e) { StringBuffer msg; e->errorMessage(msg); e->Release(); } catch (...) { } XalanDOMString xdsOutput( sbOutput.str() ); return executionContext.getXObjectFactory().createString( xdsOutput ); }
static void getMangledTag(StringBuffer & path, const char * name) { path.append("Dll"); unsigned len = strlen(name); path.ensureCapacity(len); for (unsigned i=0; i < len; i++) { char next = name[i]; if (isalnum((byte)next)) path.append(next); else path.append("_"); } }
void gunzip(const byte* compressed, unsigned int comprLen, StringBuffer& sOutput) { if (comprLen == 0) return; const int CHUNK_OUT = 16384; z_stream d_stream; // decompression stream memset( &d_stream, 0, sizeof(z_stream)); d_stream.next_in = (byte*) compressed; d_stream.avail_in = comprLen; int ret = inflateInit2(&d_stream, (15+16)); if (ret != Z_OK) throwGZipException("initialization", ret); unsigned int outLen = 0; do { sOutput.ensureCapacity( outLen + CHUNK_OUT ); d_stream.avail_out = CHUNK_OUT; //free space in the output buffer d_stream.next_out = (byte*)sOutput.str() + outLen; ret = inflate(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (ret < Z_OK) break; outLen += CHUNK_OUT - d_stream.avail_out; sOutput.setLength( outLen ); } while (d_stream.avail_out == 0 || ret != Z_STREAM_END); inflateEnd(&d_stream); if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) { sOutput.clear(); throwGZipException("decompression", ret); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determineInstallFiles //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CConfigGenEngine::determineInstallFiles(IPropertyTree& processNode, CInstallFiles& installFiles) const { try { m_pCallback->printStatus(STATUS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Determining files to install for %s", processNode.queryProp("@name")); StringBuffer compListPath(CONFIGGEN_COMP_LIST); if (m_inDir.length()) compListPath.clear().append(m_inDir).append(PATHSEPCHAR).append(CONFIGGEN_COMP_LIST); Owned<IPropertyTree> deployNode = createPTreeFromXMLFile(compListPath.str(), ipt_caseInsensitive); StringBuffer srcFilePath; srcFilePath.ensureCapacity(_MAX_PATH); const bool bFindStartable = &m_process == &processNode && m_startable == unknown; const bool bFindStoppable = &m_process == &processNode && m_stoppable == unknown; StringBuffer xpath; xpath.appendf("Component[@name=\"%s\"]",processNode.queryProp("@buildSet")); IPropertyTree* pComponent = deployNode->queryPropTree(xpath.str()); if (!pComponent) { m_pCallback->printStatus(STATUS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Cannot find files to install for %s", processNode.queryProp("@buildSet")); return 0; } Owned<IPropertyTreeIterator> iter = pComponent->getElements("File"); ForEach(*iter) { IPropertyTree* pFile = &iter->query(); const char* name = pFile->queryProp("@name"); if (!stricmp(name, "deploy_map.xml")) continue; if (bFindStartable && !strnicmp(name, "startup", sizeof("startup")-1)) m_startable = yes; if (bFindStoppable && !strnicmp(name, "stop", sizeof("stop")-1)) m_stoppable = yes; const char* method = pFile->queryProp("@method"); if (method && !stricmp(method, "schema")) continue; //if we are not deploying build files and method is copy then ignore this file if (!(m_deployFlags & DEFLAGS_BUILDFILES) && (!method || !stricmp(method, "copy"))) continue; const char* srcPath = pFile->queryProp("@srcPath"); const char* destPath= pFile->queryProp("@destPath"); const char* destName= pFile->queryProp("@destName"); bool bCacheable = pFile->getPropBool("@cache", false); // Get source filespec if (srcPath && !strcmp(srcPath, "@temp")) { char tempfile[_MAX_PATH]; getTempPath(tempfile, sizeof(tempfile), m_name); srcFilePath.clear().append(tempfile).append(name); } else { srcFilePath.clear().append(m_inDir); //adjust source paths if (srcPath && 0!=strcmp(srcPath, ".")) { if (!strncmp(srcPath, "..", 2) && (*(srcPath+2)=='/' || *(srcPath+2)=='\\')) { StringBuffer reldir(srcPath); reldir.replace('/', '\\'); while (!strncmp(reldir.str(), "..\\", 3)) { srcFilePath.setLength( srcFilePath.length() - 1 ); //remove last char PATHSEPCHAR const char* tail = pathTail(srcFilePath.str()); srcFilePath.setLength( tail - srcFilePath.str() ); reldir.remove(0, 3); } srcFilePath.append(reldir).append(PATHSEPCHAR); } else srcFilePath.append(srcPath).append(PATHSEPCHAR); } srcFilePath.append(name); } std::string sDestName; if (method && (!stricmp(method, "esp_service_module") || !stricmp(method, "esp_plugin"))) { //if this is xsl transformation and we are not generating config files then ignore // if (!(m_deployFlags & DEFLAGS_CONFIGFILES) && !stricmp(method, "esp_service_module")) continue; //if this file is an esp service module, encode name of service in the dest file name //so the esp deployment can figure out which service this file belongs to // const char* serviceName = processNode.queryProp("@name"); //if destination name is specified then use it otherwise use <service-name>[index of module].xml sDestName = serviceName; if (destName) { sDestName += '_'; sDestName += destName; } else { int espServiceModules = m_envDepEngine.incrementEspModuleCount(); if (espServiceModules > 1) { char achNum[16]; itoa(espServiceModules, achNum, 10); sDestName += achNum; } sDestName += ".xml"; } //encode name of service herein - this is needed by and removed by CEspDeploymentEngine::processServiceModules() sDestName += '+'; sDestName += processNode.queryProp("@name");//encode the name of service } else if (method && (!stricmp(method, "xsl") || !stricmp(method, "xslt")) && !(m_deployFlags & DEFLAGS_CONFIGFILES)) continue;//ignore xsl transformations if we are not generating config files else { if (!method || !*method) method = "copy"; // Get destination filespec if (destName && *destName) { //we now support attribute names within the destination file names like delimted by @ and + (optional) //for e.g. segment_@attrib1+_file_@attrib2 would produce segment_attribval1_file_attrib2value //+ not necessary if the attribute name ends with the word, for e.g. file_@attrib1 //for instnace, suite_@eclServer+.bat would expand to suite_myeclserver.bat //if this process has an @eclServer with value "myeclserver" // if (strchr(destName, '@') || strchr(destName, '+')) { char* pszParts = strdup(destName); char *saveptr; const char* pszPart = strtok_r(pszParts, "+", &saveptr); while (pszPart) { const char* p = pszPart; if (*p) { if (strchr(p, '@'))//xpath for an attribute? { // find name of attribute and replace it with its value const char* value = m_process.queryProp( p ); if (value) sDestName.append(value); } else sDestName.append(p); //no attribute so copy verbatim } pszPart = strtok_r(NULL, "+", &saveptr); } free(pszParts); } else sDestName = destName; if (sDestName.empty()) throw MakeStringException(-1, "The destination file name '%s' for source file '%s' " "translates to an empty string!", destName, name); } } StringBuffer destFilePath; destFilePath.ensureCapacity(_MAX_PATH); bool bTempFile = (destPath && !stricmp(destPath, "@temp")) || !strnicmp(name, "@temp", 5); //@name starts with @temp or @tmp if (bTempFile) { if (sDestName.empty())//dest name not specified { if (!strcmp(method, "copy")) sDestName = name; else { StringBuffer dir; const char* pszFileName = splitDirTail(name, dir); const char* pExt = findFileExtension(pszFileName); if (pExt) sDestName.append(pszFileName, pExt-pszFileName); else sDestName.append(pszFileName); char index[16]; itoa(m_envDepEngine.incrementTempFileCount(), index, 10); sDestName.append(index); if (pExt) sDestName.append(pExt); } } destFilePath.append("@temp" PATHSEPSTR); } else { if (destPath && *destPath) { destFilePath.append(destPath); if (destPath[strlen(destPath)-1] != PATHSEPCHAR) destFilePath.append(PATHSEPCHAR); } if (sDestName.empty()) sDestName = name; } if (!bTempFile) destFilePath.append(processNode.queryProp("@name")).append(PATHSEPCHAR); destFilePath.append(sDestName.c_str()); //For oss, plugins to be handled globally, per Richard. //esp plugins also end with plugins.xml but they should be handled above. String destFilePathStr(destFilePath); String* tmpstr = destFilePathStr.toLowerCase(); if (tmpstr->indexOf("plugins.xml") > 0) { delete tmpstr; createFakePlugins(destFilePath); continue; } delete tmpstr; //find all occurrences of this destination file in the map and resove any conflicts //like size mismatch etc. bool bAddToFileMap = installFiles.resolveConflicts(processNode, method, srcFilePath.str(), destFilePath.str(), m_name, m_curInstance, NULL); //resolve conflicts if method is not schema or exec if (0 != stricmp(method, "schema") && 0 != stricmp(method, "exec") && 0 != strnicmp(method, "del", 3)) { } else if (!strnicmp(method, "del", 3))//treat files to be deleted as temp files - to be deleted AFTER we are done! { bTempFile = true; bAddToFileMap = false; m_envDepEngine.addTempFile(destFilePath.str()); } if (bAddToFileMap) { if (bTempFile) m_envDepEngine.addTempFile(destFilePath.str()); //enable caching for files to be copied unless expressly asked not to do so // if (!bCacheable && !strcmp(method, "copy")) bCacheable = pFile->getPropBool("@cache", true); installFiles.addInstallFile(method, srcFilePath.str(), destFilePath.str(), bCacheable, NULL); } } } catch (IException* e) { StringBuffer msg; e->errorMessage(msg); e->Release(); throw MakeStringException(0, "Error creating file list for process %s: %s", m_name.get(), msg.str()); } catch (...) { throw MakeErrnoException("Error creating file list for process %s", m_name.get()); } m_pCallback->printStatus(STATUS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return installFiles.getInstallFileList().size(); }