void ReadItems(TBWidgetsReader *reader, TBNode *node, TBGenericStringItemSource *target_source)
	// If there is a items node, loop through all its children and add
	// items to the target item source.
	if (TBNode *items = node->GetNode("items"))
		for (TBNode *n = items->GetFirstChild(); n; n = n->GetNext())
			if (strcmp(n->GetName(), "item") != 0)
			const char *item_str = n->GetValueString("text", "");
			TBID item_id;
			if (TBNode *n_id = n->GetNode("id"))
				reader->SetIDFromNode(item_id, n_id);

			TBGenericStringItem *item = new TBGenericStringItem(item_str, item_id);
			if (!item || !target_source->AddItem(item))
				// Out of memory
				delete item;
void DemoWindow::LoadResource(TBNode &node)
	g_widgets_reader->LoadNodeTree(this, &node);

	// Get title from the WindowInfo section (or use "" if not specified)
	SetText(node.GetValueString("WindowInfo>title", ""));

	const TBRect parent_rect(0, 0, GetParent()->GetRect().w, GetParent()->GetRect().h);
	const TBDimensionConverter *dc = g_tb_skin->GetDimensionConverter();
	TBRect window_rect = GetResizeToFitContentRect();

	// Use specified size or adapt to the preferred content size.
	TBNode *tmp = node.GetNode("WindowInfo>size");
	if (tmp && tmp->GetValue().GetArrayLength() == 2)
		window_rect.w = dc->GetPxFromString(tmp->GetValue().GetArray()->GetValue(0)->GetString(), window_rect.w);
		window_rect.h = dc->GetPxFromString(tmp->GetValue().GetArray()->GetValue(1)->GetString(), window_rect.h);

	// Use the specified position or center in parent.
	tmp = node.GetNode("WindowInfo>position");
	if (tmp && tmp->GetValue().GetArrayLength() == 2)
		window_rect.x = dc->GetPxFromString(tmp->GetValue().GetArray()->GetValue(0)->GetString(), window_rect.x);
		window_rect.y = dc->GetPxFromString(tmp->GetValue().GetArray()->GetValue(1)->GetString(), window_rect.y);
		window_rect = window_rect.CenterIn(parent_rect);

	// Make sure the window is inside the parent, and not larger.
	window_rect = window_rect.MoveIn(parent_rect).Clip(parent_rect);


	// Ensure we have focus - now that we've filled the window with possible focusable
	// widgets. EnsureFocus was automatically called when the window was activated (by
	// adding the window to the root), but then we had nothing to focus.
	// Alternatively, we could add the window after setting it up properly.