bool ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopCond(TIntermLoop *node, int indexSymbolId) { TIntermNode *cond = node->getCondition(); if (cond == NULL) { error(node->getLine(), "Missing condition", "for"); return false; } // // condition has the form: // loop_index relational_operator constant_expression // TIntermBinary *binOp = cond->getAsBinaryNode(); if (binOp == NULL) { error(node->getLine(), "Invalid condition", "for"); return false; } // Loop index should be to the left of relational operator. TIntermSymbol *symbol = binOp->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); if (symbol == NULL) { error(binOp->getLine(), "Invalid condition", "for"); return false; } if (symbol->getId() != indexSymbolId) { error(symbol->getLine(), "Expected loop index", symbol->getSymbol().c_str()); return false; } // Relational operator is one of: > >= < <= == or !=. switch (binOp->getOp()) { case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: case EOpLessThan: case EOpGreaterThan: case EOpLessThanEqual: case EOpGreaterThanEqual: break; default: error(binOp->getLine(), "Invalid relational operator", GetOperatorString(binOp->getOp())); break; } // Loop index must be compared with a constant. if (!isConstExpr(binOp->getRight())) { error(binOp->getLine(), "Loop index cannot be compared with non-constant expression", symbol->getSymbol().c_str()); return false; } return true; }
int ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopInit(TIntermLoop *node) { TIntermNode *init = node->getInit(); if (init == NULL) { error(node->getLine(), "Missing init declaration", "for"); return -1; } // // init-declaration has the form: // type-specifier identifier = constant-expression // TIntermAggregate *decl = init->getAsAggregate(); if ((decl == NULL) || (decl->getOp() != EOpDeclaration)) { error(init->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for"); return -1; } // To keep things simple do not allow declaration list. TIntermSequence &declSeq = decl->getSequence(); if (declSeq.size() != 1) { error(decl->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for"); return -1; } TIntermBinary *declInit = declSeq[0]->getAsBinaryNode(); if ((declInit == NULL) || (declInit->getOp() != EOpInitialize)) { error(decl->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for"); return -1; } TIntermSymbol *symbol = declInit->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); if (symbol == NULL) { error(declInit->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for"); return -1; } // The loop index has type int or float. TBasicType type = symbol->getBasicType(); if ((type != EbtInt) && (type != EbtFloat)) { error(symbol->getLine(), "Invalid type for loop index", getBasicString(type)); return -1; } // The loop index is initialized with constant expression. if (!isConstExpr(declInit->getRight())) { error(declInit->getLine(), "Loop index cannot be initialized with non-constant expression", symbol->getSymbol().c_str()); return -1; } return symbol->getId(); }
bool ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopExpr(TIntermLoop *node, int indexSymbolId) { TIntermNode *expr = node->getExpression(); if (expr == NULL) { error(node->getLine(), "Missing expression", "for"); return false; } // for expression has one of the following forms: // loop_index++ // loop_index-- // loop_index += constant_expression // loop_index -= constant_expression // ++loop_index // --loop_index // The last two forms are not specified in the spec, but I am assuming // its an oversight. TIntermUnary *unOp = expr->getAsUnaryNode(); TIntermBinary *binOp = unOp ? NULL : expr->getAsBinaryNode(); TOperator op = EOpNull; TIntermSymbol *symbol = NULL; if (unOp != NULL) { op = unOp->getOp(); symbol = unOp->getOperand()->getAsSymbolNode(); } else if (binOp != NULL) { op = binOp->getOp(); symbol = binOp->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); } // The operand must be loop index. if (symbol == NULL) { error(expr->getLine(), "Invalid expression", "for"); return false; } if (symbol->getId() != indexSymbolId) { error(symbol->getLine(), "Expected loop index", symbol->getSymbol().c_str()); return false; } // The operator is one of: ++ -- += -=. switch (op) { case EOpPostIncrement: case EOpPostDecrement: case EOpPreIncrement: case EOpPreDecrement: ASSERT((unOp != NULL) && (binOp == NULL)); break; case EOpAddAssign: case EOpSubAssign: ASSERT((unOp == NULL) && (binOp != NULL)); break; default: error(expr->getLine(), "Invalid operator", GetOperatorString(op)); return false; } // Loop index must be incremented/decremented with a constant. if (binOp != NULL) { if (!isConstExpr(binOp->getRight())) { error(binOp->getLine(), "Loop index cannot be modified by non-constant expression", symbol->getSymbol().c_str()); return false; } } return true; }