int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // first argument - config file // second argument - filelist using namespace std; // **** configuration Config cfg(argv[1]); const bool isData = cfg.get<bool>("IsData"); const bool applyGoodRunSelection = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyGoodRunSelection"); // pile up reweighting const bool applyPUreweighting = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyPUreweighting"); //const bool applyPUreweighting = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyPUreweighting"); const bool applyLeptonSF = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyLeptonSF"); // kinematic cuts on muons const float ptMuonLowCut = cfg.get<float>("ptMuonLowCut"); const float ptMuonHighCut = cfg.get<float>("ptMuonHighCut"); const float etaMuonHighCut = cfg.get<float>("etaMuonHighCut"); const float etaMuonLowCut = cfg.get<float>("etaMuonLowCut"); const double etaMuonCut = cfg.get<double>("etaMuonCut"); const float dxyMuonCut = cfg.get<float>("dxyMuonCut"); const float dzMuonCut = cfg.get<float>("dzMuonCut"); const float isoMuonCut = cfg.get<float>("isoMuonCut"); //const bool applyTauTauSelection = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyTauTauSelection"); //const bool selectZToTauTauMuMu = cfg.get<bool>("SelectZToTauTauMuMu"); // topological cuts // trigger const bool applyTrigger = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyTrigger"); const string muonTriggerName = cfg.get<string>("MuonTriggerName"); const string muonFilterName = cfg.get<string>("MuonFilterName"); const string muon17FilterName = cfg.get<string>("Muon17FilterName"); const string muon8FilterName = cfg.get<string>("Muon8FilterName"); const string singleMuonFilterName = cfg.get<string>("SingleMuonFilterName"); const float singleMuonTriggerPtCut = cfg.get<float>("SingleMuonTriggerPtCut"); const float singleMuonTriggerEtaCut = cfg.get<float>("SingleMuonTriggerEtaCut"); TString MuonTriggerName(muonTriggerName); TString MuonFilterName(muonFilterName); TString Muon17FilterName(muon17FilterName); TString Muon8FilterName(muon8FilterName); TString SingleMuonFilterName(singleMuonFilterName); const double leadchargedhadrcand_dz = cfg.get<double>("leadchargedhadrcand_dz"); const double leadchargedhadrcand_dxy = cfg.get<double>("leadchargedhadrcand_dxy"); const double etaJetCut = cfg.get<double>("etaJetCut"); const double ptJetCut = cfg.get<double>("ptJetCut"); // topological cuts const float dRleptonsCut = cfg.get<float>("dRleptonsCut"); const float dPhileptonsCut = cfg.get<float>("dPhileptonsCut"); const float DRTrigMatch = cfg.get<float>("DRTrigMatch"); const double dRleptonsCutmutau = cfg.get<double>("dRleptonsCutmutau"); const double dZetaCut = cfg.get<double>("dZetaCut"); const double deltaRTrigMatch = cfg.get<double>("DRTrigMatch"); const bool oppositeSign = cfg.get<bool>("oppositeSign"); const bool isIsoR03 = cfg.get<bool>("IsIsoR03"); // tau const double taupt = cfg.get<double>("taupt"); const double taueta = cfg.get<double>("taueta"); const double decayModeFinding = cfg.get<double>("decayModeFinding"); const double decayModeFindingNewDMs = cfg.get<double>("decayModeFindingNewDMs"); const double againstElectronVLooseMVA5 = cfg.get<double>("againstElectronVLooseMVA5"); const double againstMuonTight3 = cfg.get<double>("againstMuonTight3"); const double vertexz = cfg.get<double>("vertexz"); const double byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits = cfg.get<double>("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits"); // vertex cuts const float ndofVertexCut = cfg.get<float>("NdofVertexCut"); const float zVertexCut = cfg.get<float>("ZVertexCut"); const float dVertexCut = cfg.get<float>("DVertexCut"); // jet related cuts //const float jetEtaCut = cfg.get<float>("JetEtaCut"); //const float jetEtaTrkCut = cfg.get<float>("JetEtaTrkCut"); //const float jetPtHighCut = cfg.get<float>("JetPtHighCut"); //const float jetPtLowCut = cfg.get<float>("JetPtLowCut"); //const float dRJetLeptonCut = cfg.get<float>("dRJetLeptonCut"); // Run range const unsigned int RunRangeMin = cfg.get<unsigned int>("RunRangeMin"); const unsigned int RunRangeMax = cfg.get<unsigned int>("RunRangeMax"); // const string dataBaseDir = cfg.get<string>("DataBaseDir"); // vertex distributions filenames and histname const string vertDataFileName = cfg.get<string>("VertexDataFileName"); const string vertMcFileName = cfg.get<string>("VertexMcFileName"); const string vertHistName = cfg.get<string>("VertexHistName"); // lepton scale factors const string muonSfDataBarrel = cfg.get<string>("MuonSfDataBarrel"); const string muonSfDataEndcap = cfg.get<string>("MuonSfDataEndcap"); const string muonSfMcBarrel = cfg.get<string>("MuonSfMcBarrel"); const string muonSfMcEndcap = cfg.get<string>("MuonSfMcEndcap"); const string jsonFile = cfg.get<string>("jsonFile"); string TrigLeg ; if (!isData) TrigLeg = cfg.get<string>("Mu17LegMC"); if (isData) TrigLeg = cfg.get<string>("Mu18LegData"); const string Region = cfg.get<string>("Region"); const string Sign = cfg.get<string>("Sign"); TString MainTrigger(TrigLeg); // **** end of configuration string cmsswBase = (getenv ("CMSSW_BASE")); string fullPathToJsonFile = cmsswBase + "/src/DesyTauAnalyses/NTupleMaker/test/json/" + jsonFile; // Run-lumi selector std::vector<Period> periods; if (isData) { // read the good runs std::fstream inputFileStream(fullPathToJsonFile.c_str(), std::ios::in); if ( ) { std::cout << "Error: cannot find json file " << fullPathToJsonFile << std::endl; std::cout << "please check" << std::endl; std::cout << "quitting program" << std::endl; exit(-1); } for(std::string s; std::getline(inputFileStream, s); ) { periods.push_back(Period()); std::stringstream ss(s); ss >> periods.back(); } } char ff[100]; sprintf(ff,"%s/%s",argv[3],argv[2]); // file name and tree name std::string rootFileName(argv[2]); std::ifstream fileList(ff); std::ifstream fileList0(ff); std::string ntupleName("makeroottree/AC1B"); TString era=argv[3]; TString TStrName(rootFileName+"_"+Region+"_"+Sign); std::cout <<TStrName <<std::endl; datasetName = rootFileName.c_str(); TFile * file ;//= new TFile(era+"/"+TStrName+TString(".root"),"update"); if (isData) file = new TFile(era+"/"+TStrName+TString("_DataDriven.root"),"update"); if (!isData) file = new TFile(era+"/"+TStrName+TString(".root"),"update"); file->cd(""); /* // file name and tree name std::string rootFileName(argv[2]); std::ifstream fileList(argv[2]); std::ifstream fileList0(argv[2]); std::string ntupleName("makeroottree/AC1B"); TString TStrName(rootFileName); TString era=argv[3]; std::cout <<TStrName <<std::endl; TFile * file = new TFile(TStrName+TString(".root"),"recreate"); file->cd(""); */ std::string initNtupleName("initroottree/AC1B"); TH1D * inputEventsH = new TH1D("inputEventsH","",1,-0.5,0.5); TH1D * histWeightsH = new TH1D("histWeightsH","",1,-0.5,0.5); TH1D * histWeightsSkimmedH = new TH1D("histWeightsSkimmedH","",1,-0.5,0.5); // Histograms after selecting unique dimuon pair TH1D * massSelH = new TH1D("massSelH","",200,0,200); TH1D * metSelH = new TH1D("metSelH","",200,0,400); TH1D * hDiJetmet = new TH1D("hDiJetmet","",200,0,400); TH1D * hDiJetmass = new TH1D("hDiJetmass","",500,0,1000); TH1D * hHT_ = new TH1D("hHT_","",800,0,1600); TH1D * metAll = new TH1D("metAll","",200,0,400); TH1D * muon1PtH = new TH1D("muon1PtH","",200,0,400); TH1D * muon2PtH = new TH1D("muon2PtH","",200,0,400); TH1F * NumberOfVerticesH = new TH1F("NumberOfVerticesH","",51,-0.5,50.5); //***** create eta histogram with eta ranges associated to their names (eg. endcap, barrel) ***** // TFile * fileDataNVert = new TFile(TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/"+dataBaseDir+"/"+vertDataFileName); TFile * fileMcNVert = new TFile(TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/"+dataBaseDir+"/"+vertMcFileName); TH1D * vertexDataH = (TH1D*)fileDataNVert->Get(TString(vertHistName)); TH1D * vertexMcH = (TH1D*)fileMcNVert->Get(TString(vertHistName)); float normVertexData = vertexDataH->GetSumOfWeights(); float normVertexMc = vertexMcH->GetSumOfWeights(); vertexDataH->Scale(1/normVertexData); vertexMcH->Scale(1/normVertexMc); PileUp * PUofficial = new PileUp(); TFile * filePUdistribution_data = new TFile(TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/DesyTauAnalyses/NTupleMaker/data/PileUpDistrib/Data_Pileup_2015D_Nov17.root","read"); TFile * filePUdistribution_MC = new TFile (TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/DesyTauAnalyses/NTupleMaker/data/PileUpDistrib/MC_Spring15_PU25_Startup.root", "read"); TH1D * PU_data = (TH1D *)filePUdistribution_data->Get("pileup"); TH1D * PU_mc = (TH1D *)filePUdistribution_MC->Get("pileup"); PUofficial->set_h_data(PU_data); PUofficial->set_h_MC(PU_mc); TFile *f10= new TFile(TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/DesyTauAnalyses/NTupleMaker/data/"+muonSfDataBarrel); // mu SF barrel data TFile *f11 = new TFile(TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/DesyTauAnalyses/NTupleMaker/data/"+muonSfDataEndcap); // mu SF endcap data TFile *f12= new TFile(TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/DesyTauAnalyses/NTupleMaker/data/"+muonSfMcBarrel); // mu SF barrel MC TFile *f13 = new TFile(TString(cmsswBase)+"/src/DesyTauAnalyses/NTupleMaker/data/"+muonSfMcEndcap); // mu SF endcap MC TGraphAsymmErrors *hEffBarrelData = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)f10->Get("ZMassBarrel"); TGraphAsymmErrors *hEffEndcapData = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)f11->Get("ZMassEndcap"); TGraphAsymmErrors *hEffBarrelMC = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)f12->Get("ZMassBarrel"); TGraphAsymmErrors *hEffEndcapMC = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)f13->Get("ZMassEndcap"); double * dataEffBarrel = new double[10]; double * dataEffEndcap = new double[10]; double * mcEffBarrel = new double[10]; double * mcEffEndcap = new double[10]; dataEffBarrel = hEffBarrelData->GetY(); dataEffEndcap = hEffEndcapData->GetY(); mcEffBarrel = hEffBarrelMC->GetY(); mcEffEndcap = hEffEndcapMC->GetY(); double Weight=0; int nTotalFiles = 0; int nominator=-1;int denominator = -1; file->cd(); TH1D * hMT = new TH1D("hMT","",20,0,200); TH1D * hMass = new TH1D("hMass","",20,0,200); TH1D * hRatioSum = new TH1D("hRatioSum","",10,0,1); TH1D * hDPhi = new TH1D("hDPhi","",70,0,3.5); int nPtBins = 3; //float ptBins[6] = {19,25,30,40,60,1000}; float ptBins[4] = {19,25,40,1000}; /* TString PtBins[5] = {"Pt19to25", "Pt25to30", "Pt30to40", "Pt40to60", "PtGt60"};//, "Pt100to150", "Pt150to200", "PtGt200"}; */ TString PtBins[3] = {"Pt19to25", "Pt25to40", "PtGt40"};//, "Pt100to150", "Pt150to200", "PtGt200"}; //int nEtaBins = 3; int nEtaBins = 1; int nCuts = 4; //float etaBins[4] = {0,0.9,1.2,2.4}; //float etaBins[3] = {0,1.48,2.4}; float etaBins[2] = {0,2.4}; TString EtaBins[1] = { //"EtaLt0p9", //"Eta0p9to1p2", //"EtaGt1p2"}; "EtaLt2p4"}; TString Cuts[4] = {"Ratio","mT","DPhi","All"}; /////first stands for the Eta bin, second array for the cut TH1D * FakeRatePtIncLoose[1][4]; TH1D * FakeRatePtIncTight[2][4]; //TH1D * FakeRatePt[3][7]; //TH1D * FakeRateNV[3][7]; //TH1D * FakeRateEta[3][7]; TH1D * etaBinsH = new TH1D("etaBinsH", "etaBinsH", nEtaBins, etaBins); etaBinsH->Draw(); etaBinsH->GetXaxis()->Set(nEtaBins, etaBins); for (int i=0; i<nEtaBins; i++){ etaBinsH->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, EtaBins[i]);} for (int iEta=0; iEta<nEtaBins; ++iEta) { for (int iCut=0; iCut<nCuts; ++iCut) { FakeRatePtIncLoose[iEta][iCut] = new TH1D("FakeRatePtIncLoose"+EtaBins[iEta]+Cuts[iCut],"",nPtBins,ptBins); FakeRatePtIncTight[iEta][iCut] = new TH1D("FakeRatePtIncTight"+EtaBins[iEta]+Cuts[iCut],"",nPtBins,ptBins); } //for (int iPt=0; iPt<nPtBins; ++iPt) { // FakeRatePt[iEta][iPt] = new TH1D("FakeRatePt"+EtaBins[iEta]+PtBins[iPt],"",100,0,1000); // FakeRateNV[iEta][iPt] = new TH1D("FakeRateNV"+EtaBins[iEta]+PtBins[iPt],"",50,0,50); // FakeRateEta[iEta][iPt] = new TH1D("FakeRateEta"+EtaBins[iEta]+PtBins[iPt],"",80,-4,4); // } } int nFiles = 0; int nEvents = 0; int selEventsAllMuons = 0; int selEventsIdMuons = 0; int selEventsIsoMuons = 0; std::string dummy; // count number of files ---> while (fileList0 >> dummy) nTotalFiles++; unsigned int RunMin = 9999999; unsigned int RunMax = 0; ifstream ifs("xsecs"); string line; while(std::getline(ifs, line)) // read one line from ifs { fact=fact2=1; istringstream iss(line); // access line as a stream // we only need the first two columns string dt,st1,st2;st1="stau2_1";st2="stau5_2"; iss >> dt >> xs >> fact >> fact2; //datasetName = dt.c_str(); //ifs >> dt >> xs; // no need to read further //cout<< " "<<dt<<" "<<endl; //cout<< "For sample ========================"<<dt<<" xsecs is "<<xs<<" XSec "<<XSec<<" "<<fact<<" "<<fact2<<endl; //if (dt==argv[2]) { //if (std::string::npos != dt.find(argv[2])) { if ( dt == argv[2]) { XSec= xs*fact*fact2; cout<<" Found the correct cross section "<<xs<<" for Dataset "<<dt<<" XSec "<<XSec<<endl; } /* if ( argv[2] == st1) {ChiMass=100;mIntermediate=200;} else if (argv[2] == st2) {ChiMass=200;mIntermediate=500;} */ if (isData) XSec=1.; ChiMass=0.0; } if (XSec<0&& !isData) {cout<<" Something probably wrong with the xsecs...please check - the input was "<<argv[2]<<endl;return 0;} xsecs=XSec; std::vector<unsigned int> allRuns; allRuns.clear(); vector <unsigned int> run_; vector <unsigned int> lumi_; vector <unsigned int> event_; run_.clear(); lumi_.clear(); event_.clear(); std::vector<Event> EventList; std::ifstream EventsFile; TString file_events=argv[4]; //eventlist_csc2015.txt //"MET_filters/eventlist_"+file_events+".txt");"/"+file_events+".txt"); //cout<<" limits int -> "<<std::numeric_limits<int>::max()<<" long int -> "<<std::numeric_limits<long int>::max()<<" unsigned int -> "<<std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()<<endl; cout<<" The file that will be used will be "<<era<<"/"<<file_events<<".txt"<<endl; while (getline(EventsFile, line)) { std::vector<std::string> columns = split(line,':'); run_.push_back(std::stoi(columns[0])); lumi_.push_back(std::stoi(columns[1])); event_.push_back(std::stoul(columns[2])); /* Event events_; = "Test"; = std::stoi(columns[0]); events_.lumi = std::stoi(columns[1]); events_.eventrn = std::stof(columns[2]); EventList.push_back(events_); */ } cout<<" In total there are "<<run_.size()<< " entries for "<<file_events<<" filter "<<endl; EventsFile.close(); //----Attention----// //if(XSec!=1) nTotalFiles=20; //nTotalFiles=5; if (argv[4] != NULL && atoi(argv[4])< nTotalFiles) nTotalFiles=atoi(argv[4]); cout<<" There are in total "<<nTotalFiles<<endl; for (int iF=0; iF<nTotalFiles; ++iF) { std::string filen; fileList >> filen; std::cout << "file " << iF+1 << " out of " << nTotalFiles << " filename : " << filen << std::endl; TFile * file_ = TFile::Open(TString(filen)); TH1D * histoInputEvents = NULL; histoInputEvents = (TH1D*)file_->Get("makeroottree/nEvents"); if (histoInputEvents==NULL) continue; int NE = int(histoInputEvents->GetEntries()); for (int iE=0;iE<NE;++iE) inputEventsH->Fill(0.); std::cout << " number of input events = " << NE << std::endl; TTree * _inittree = NULL; _inittree = (TTree*)file_->Get(TString(initNtupleName)); if (_inittree==NULL) continue; Float_t genweight; if (!isData) _inittree->SetBranchAddress("genweight",&genweight); Long64_t numberOfEntriesInitTree = _inittree->GetEntries(); std::cout << " number of entries in Init Tree = " << numberOfEntriesInitTree << std::endl; for (Long64_t iEntry=0; iEntry<numberOfEntriesInitTree; iEntry++) { _inittree->GetEntry(iEntry); if (isData) histWeightsH->Fill(0.,1.); else histWeightsH->Fill(0.,genweight); } TTree * _tree = NULL; _tree = (TTree*)file_->Get(TString(ntupleName)); if (_tree==NULL) continue; Long64_t numberOfEntries = _tree->GetEntries(); std::cout << " number of entries in Tree = " << numberOfEntries << std::endl; AC1B analysisTree(_tree); // EVENT LOOP // for (Long64_t iEntry=0; iEntry<numberOfEntries; iEntry++) { analysisTree.GetEntry(iEntry); nEvents++; if (nEvents%50000==0) cout << " processed " << nEvents << " events" << endl; float weight = 1; //------------------------------------------------ if (!isData) weight *=analysisTree.genweight; histWeightsSkimmedH->Fill(float(0),weight); if (!isData) {/* if (applyPUreweighting_vertices) { int binNvert = vertexDataH->FindBin(analysisTree.primvertex_count); float_t dataNvert = vertexDataH->GetBinContent(binNvert); float_t mcNvert = vertexMcH->GetBinContent(binNvert); if (mcNvert < 1e-10){mcNvert=1e-10;} float_t vertWeight = dataNvert/mcNvert; weight *= vertWeight; // cout << "NVert = " << analysisTree.primvertex_count << " weight = " << vertWeight << endl; } */ if (applyPUreweighting) { double Ninteractions = analysisTree.numtruepileupinteractions; double PUweight = PUofficial->get_PUweight(Ninteractions); weight *= PUweight; //PUweightsOfficialH->Fill(PUweight); } /* if (applyTauTauSelection) { unsigned int nTaus = 0; if (analysisTree.gentau_count>0) { // cout << "Generated taus present" << endl; for (unsigned int itau = 0; itau < analysisTree.gentau_count; ++itau) { // cout << itau << " : pt = " // << analysisTree.gentau_visible_pt[itau] // << " eta = " << analysisTree.gentau_visible_eta[itau] // << " mother = " << int(analysisTree.gentau_mother[itau]) << endl; if (int(analysisTree.gentau_mother[itau])==3) nTaus++; } } bool notTauTau = nTaus < 2; // std::cout << "nTaus = " << nTaus << std::endl; if (selectZToTauTauMuMu&¬TauTau) { // std::cout << "Skipping event..." << std::endl; // cout << endl; continue; } if (!selectZToTauTauMuMu&&!notTauTau) { // std::cout << "Skipping event..." << std::endl; // cout << endl; continue; } // cout << endl; }*/ } if (isData && applyGoodRunSelection){ bool lumi = false; int n=analysisTree.event_run; int lum = analysisTree.event_luminosityblock; int nr = analysisTree.event_nr; std::string num = std::to_string(n); std::string lnum = std::to_string(lum); for(const auto& a : periods) { if ( num.c_str() == ) { //std::cout<< " Eureka "<<num<<" "<<<<" "; // std::cout <<"min "<< last->lower << "- max last " << last->bigger << std::endl; for(auto b = a.ranges.begin(); b != std::prev(a.ranges.end()); ++b) { // cout<<b->lower<<" "<<b->bigger<<endl; if (lum >= b->lower && lum <= b->bigger ) lumi = true; } auto last = std::prev(a.ranges.end()); // std::cout <<"min "<< last->lower << "- max last " << last->bigger << std::endl; if ( (lum >=last->lower && lum <= last->bigger )) lumi=true; } } if (!lumi) continue; bool runbool=false; bool lumibool=false; bool eventbool=false; runbool= std::find(run_.begin(), run_.end(), n) != run_.end(); lumibool= std::find(lumi_.begin(), lumi_.end(), lum) != lumi_.end(); eventbool= std::find(event_.begin(), event_.end(), nr) != event_.end(); if (runbool && lumibool && eventbool) continue; //if (lumi ) cout<<" ============= Found good run"<<" "<<n<<" "<<lum<<endl; //std::remove("myinputfile"); } float metall = sqrt(analysisTree.pfmet_ex*analysisTree.pfmet_ex+analysisTree.pfmet_ey*analysisTree.pfmet_ey); metAll->Fill(metall,weight); if (analysisTree.event_run<RunMin) RunMin = analysisTree.event_run; if (analysisTree.event_run>RunMax) RunMax = analysisTree.event_run; //std::cout << " Run : " << analysisTree.event_run << std::endl; bool isNewRun = true; if (allRuns.size()>0) { for (unsigned int iR=0; iR<allRuns.size(); ++iR) { if ( { isNewRun = false; break; } } } if (isNewRun) allRuns.push_back(analysisTree.event_run); unsigned int nMainTrigger = 0; bool isMainTrigger = false; unsigned int nMuonFilter = 0; unsigned int nfilters = analysisTree.run_hltfilters->size(); // std::cout << "nfiltres = " << nfilters << std::endl; for (unsigned int i=0; i<nfilters; ++i) { // std::cout << "HLT Filter : " << i << " = " << analysisTree.run_hltfilters->at(i) << std::endl; TString HLTFilter(analysisTree.run_hltfilters->at(i)); if (HLTFilter==MainTrigger) { nMainTrigger = i; isMainTrigger = true; nMuonFilter = i; } } if (!isMainTrigger) { std::cout << "Fail on main HLT Filter " << MainTrigger << " not found" << std::endl; return(-1); } /* bool isTriggerMuon = false; for (std::map<string,int>::iterator it=analysisTree.hltriggerresults->begin(); it!=analysisTree.hltriggerresults->end(); ++it) { TString trigName(it->first); if (trigName.Contains(MuonTriggerName)) { // std::cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << std::endl; if (it->second==1) isTriggerMuon = true; } } if (applyTrigger && !isTriggerMuon) continue; unsigned int nMuonFilter = 0; bool isMuonFilter = false; unsigned int nMuon17Filter = 0; bool isMuon17Filter = false; unsigned int nMuon8Filter = 0; bool isMuon8Filter = false; unsigned int nSingleMuonFilter = 0; bool isSingleMuonFilter = false; unsigned int nfilters = analysisTree.run_hltfilters->size(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nfilters; ++i) { TString HLTFilter(analysisTree.run_hltfilters->at(i)); if (HLTFilter==MuonFilterName) { nMuonFilter = i; isMuonFilter = true; } if (HLTFilter==Muon17FilterName) { nMuon17Filter = i; isMuon17Filter = true; } if (HLTFilter==Muon8FilterName) { nMuon8Filter = i; isMuon8Filter = true; } if (HLTFilter==SingleMuonFilterName) { nSingleMuonFilter = i; isSingleMuonFilter = true; } } if (!isMuonFilter) { cout << "Filter " << MuonFilterName << " not found " << endl; exit(-1); } if (!isMuon17Filter) { cout << "Filter " << Muon17FilterName << " not found " << endl; exit(-1); } if (!isMuon8Filter) { cout << "Filter " << Muon8FilterName << " not found " << endl; exit(-1); } if (!isSingleMuonFilter) { cout << "Filter " << SingleMuonFilterName << " not found " << endl; exit(-1); } */ // vertex cuts if (fabs(analysisTree.primvertex_z)>zVertexCut) continue; if (analysisTree.primvertex_ndof<ndofVertexCut) continue; float dVertex = (analysisTree.primvertex_x*analysisTree.primvertex_x+ analysisTree.primvertex_y*analysisTree.primvertex_y); if (dVertex>dVertexCut) continue; // muon selection vector<unsigned int> allMuons; allMuons.clear(); vector<unsigned int> idMuons; idMuons.clear(); vector<unsigned int> isoMuons; isoMuons.clear(); vector<float> isoMuonsValue; isoMuonsValue.clear(); vector<bool> isMuonPassedIdIso; isMuonPassedIdIso.clear(); vector<bool> isMuonMatched23Filter; isMuonMatched23Filter.clear(); vector<bool> isMuonMatched17Filter; isMuonMatched17Filter.clear(); vector<bool> isMuonMatched8Filter; isMuonMatched8Filter.clear(); vector<bool> isMuonMatchedSingleMuFilter; isMuonMatchedSingleMuFilter.clear(); for (unsigned int im = 0; im<analysisTree.muon_count; ++im) { allMuons.push_back(im); bool muPassed = true; bool mu23Matched = false; bool mu17Matched = false; bool mu8Matched = false; bool muSingleMatched = false; if (analysisTree.muon_pt[im]<5) muPassed = false; if (fabs(analysisTree.muon_eta[im])>etaMuonLowCut) muPassed = false; if (fabs(analysisTree.muon_dxy[im])>dxyMuonCut) muPassed = false; if (fabs(analysisTree.muon_dz[im])>dzMuonCut) muPassed = false; if (!analysisTree.muon_isMedium[im]) muPassed = false; if (muPassed) idMuons.push_back(im); float absIso = analysisTree.muon_r03_sumChargedHadronPt[im]; float neutralIso = analysisTree.muon_r03_sumNeutralHadronEt[im] + analysisTree.muon_r03_sumPhotonEt[im] - 0.5*analysisTree.muon_r03_sumPUPt[im]; neutralIso = TMath::Max(float(0),neutralIso); absIso += neutralIso; float relIso = absIso/analysisTree.muon_pt[im]; if (relIso>isoMuonCut) muPassed = false; if (muPassed && analysisTree.muon_pt[im]>ptMuonLowCut) { isoMuons.push_back(im); isoMuonsValue.push_back(relIso); } isMuonPassedIdIso.push_back(muPassed); for (unsigned int iT=0; iT<analysisTree.trigobject_count; ++iT) { if (analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nMainTrigger]) { // Mu17 Leg double dRtrig = deltaR(analysisTree.muon_eta[im],analysisTree.muon_phi[im], analysisTree.trigobject_eta[iT],analysisTree.trigobject_phi[iT]); if (dRtrig>deltaRTrigMatch) continue; //if (!isData && analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nMainTrigger] && analysisTree.trigobject_pt[iT]>18) isMainTrigger = true; } } if (!isMainTrigger) continue; /* // cout << "pt:" << analysisTree.muon_pt[im] << " passed:" << muPassed << endl; for (unsigned int iT=0; iT<analysisTree.trigobject_count; ++iT) { float dRtrig = deltaR(analysisTree.muon_eta[im],analysisTree.muon_phi[im], analysisTree.trigobject_eta[iT],analysisTree.trigobject_phi[iT]); if (dRtrig>DRTrigMatch) continue; if (analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nMuon17Filter] && analysisTree.trigobject_pt[iT]>23.0) mu23Matched = true; if (analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nMuon17Filter] && analysisTree.trigobject_pt[iT]>17.0) mu17Matched = true; if (analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nSingleMuonFilter] && analysisTree.trigobject_pt[iT]>singleMuonTriggerPtCut) muSingleMatched = true; if (analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nMuon8Filter] && analysisTree.trigobject_pt[iT]>8.0) mu8Matched = true; } isMuonMatched23Filter.push_back(mu23Matched); isMuonMatched17Filter.push_back(mu17Matched); isMuonMatched8Filter.push_back(mu8Matched); isMuonMatchedSingleMuFilter.push_back(muSingleMatched);*/ } unsigned int indx1 = 0; unsigned int indx2 = 0; bool isIsoMuonsPair = false; float isoMin = 9999; if (isoMuons.size()>0) { for (unsigned int im1=0; im1<isoMuons.size(); ++im1) { unsigned int index1 = isoMuons[im1]; bool isMu1matched = false; for (unsigned int iT=0; iT<analysisTree.trigobject_count; ++iT) { float dRtrig = deltaR(analysisTree.muon_eta[index1],analysisTree.muon_phi[index1], analysisTree.trigobject_eta[iT],analysisTree.trigobject_phi[iT]); if (dRtrig>DRTrigMatch) continue; if (analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nMainTrigger] && analysisTree.muon_pt[index1] > ptMuonHighCut && fabs(analysisTree.muon_eta[index1]) < etaMuonHighCut) isMu1matched = true; } if (isMu1matched) { for (unsigned int iMu=0; iMu<allMuons.size(); ++iMu) { unsigned int indexProbe = allMuons[iMu]; if (index1==indexProbe) continue; float q1 = analysisTree.muon_charge[index1]; float q2 = analysisTree.muon_charge[indexProbe]; if (q1*q2>0) continue; float dR = deltaR(analysisTree.muon_eta[index1],analysisTree.muon_phi[index1], analysisTree.muon_eta[indexProbe],analysisTree.muon_phi[indexProbe]); if (dR<dRleptonsCut) continue; float dPhi = dPhiFrom2P(analysisTree.muon_px[index1],analysisTree.muon_py[index1], analysisTree.muon_px[indexProbe],analysisTree.muon_py[indexProbe]); if (dPhi>dPhileptonsCut) continue; TLorentzVector muon1; muon1.SetXYZM(analysisTree.muon_px[index1], analysisTree.muon_py[index1], analysisTree.muon_pz[index1], muonMass); TLorentzVector muon2; muon2.SetXYZM(analysisTree.muon_px[indexProbe], analysisTree.muon_py[indexProbe], analysisTree.muon_pz[indexProbe], muonMass); float mass = (muon1+muon2).M(); } } for (unsigned int im2=im1+1; im2<isoMuons.size(); ++im2) { unsigned int index2 = isoMuons[im2]; float q1 = analysisTree.muon_charge[index1]; float q2 = analysisTree.muon_charge[index2]; bool isMu2matched = false; for (unsigned int iT=0; iT<analysisTree.trigobject_count; ++iT) { float dRtrig = deltaR(analysisTree.muon_eta[index2],analysisTree.muon_phi[index2], analysisTree.trigobject_eta[iT],analysisTree.trigobject_phi[iT]); if (dRtrig>DRTrigMatch) continue; if (analysisTree.trigobject_filters[iT][nMainTrigger] && analysisTree.muon_pt[index2] > ptMuonHighCut && fabs(analysisTree.muon_eta[index2]) < etaMuonHighCut) isMu2matched = true; } bool isPairSelected = q1*q2 > 0; if (oppositeSign) isPairSelected = q1*q2 < 0; bool isTriggerMatch = (isMu1matched || isMu2matched); float dRmumu = deltaR(analysisTree.muon_eta[index1],analysisTree.muon_phi[index1], analysisTree.muon_eta[index2],analysisTree.muon_phi[index2]); if (isTriggerMatch && isPairSelected && dRmumu>dRleptonsCut) { bool sumIso = isoMuonsValue[im1]+isoMuonsValue[im2]; if (sumIso<isoMin) { isIsoMuonsPair = true; isoMin = sumIso; if (analysisTree.muon_pt[index1]>analysisTree.muon_pt[index2]) { indx1 = index1; indx2 = index2; } else { indx2 = index1; indx1 = index2; } } } } } } if (isIsoMuonsPair) { //match to genparticles double isoTauMin = 999; bool tau_iso = false; bool isTight = false; bool isLoose = false; unsigned tau_loose=-1; vector<int> tau; tau.clear(); for (unsigned int it = 0; it<analysisTree.tau_count; ++it) { if (analysisTree.tau_pt[it] < ptMuonLowCut || fabs(analysisTree.tau_eta[it])> etaMuonCut) continue; if (analysisTree.tau_decayModeFindingNewDMs[it]<decayModeFindingNewDMs) continue; if ( fabs(analysisTree.tau_leadchargedhadrcand_dz[it])> leadchargedhadrcand_dz) continue; double tauIso = analysisTree.tau_byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits[it]; isLoose = true; tau_loose = int(it); if (analysisTree.tau_byMediumCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr3Hits [it]> 0.5 && analysisTree.tau_againstElectronVLooseMVA5[it]>againstElectronVLooseMVA5 && analysisTree.tau_againstMuonTight3[it]>againstMuonTight3) {isTight = true; tau_tight = int(it);} } if (!isLoose) continue; TLorentzVector JetsV; JetsMV.clear(); int countjets=0; for (unsigned int jet=0; jet<analysisTree.pfjet_count; ++jet) { float absJetEta = fabs(analysisTree.pfjet_eta[jet]); if (analysisTree.pfjet_pt[jet] < 19) continue; if (absJetEta > etaJetCut) continue; //if (fabs(analysisTree.pfjet_pt[jet])<ptJetCut) continue; bool looseJetID = looseJetiD(analysisTree,jet); if (!looseJetID) continue; double dRmuJet1 = deltaR(analysisTree.pfjet_eta[jet],analysisTree.pfjet_phi[jet], analysisTree.muon_eta[indx1],analysisTree.muon_phi[indx1]); if (dRmuJet1 < 0.5) continue; double dRmuJet2 = deltaR(analysisTree.pfjet_eta[jet],analysisTree.pfjet_phi[jet], analysisTree.muon_eta[indx2],analysisTree.muon_phi[indx2]); if (dRmuJet2 < 0.5) continue; JetsV.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,0.,0.); JetsV.SetPxPyPzE(analysisTree.pfjet_px[jet], analysisTree.pfjet_py[jet], analysisTree.pfjet_pz[jet], analysisTree.pfjet_e[jet]); JetsMV.push_back(JetsV); countjets++; } sort(JetsMV.begin(), JetsMV.end(),ComparePt); if (countjets ==0) continue; double dPhi=-1;double MT=-1 ; double RatioSums=-1; double met = sqrt ( analysisTree.pfmet_ex*analysisTree.pfmet_ex + analysisTree.pfmet_ey*analysisTree.pfmet_ey); // w = mu+MET // ptW - ptJ/ptW+ptJ // // TLorentzVector muon1; muon1.SetXYZM(analysisTree.muon_px[indx1], analysisTree.muon_py[indx1], analysisTree.muon_pz[indx1], muonMass); TLorentzVector muon2; muon2.SetXYZM(analysisTree.muon_px[indx2], analysisTree.muon_py[indx2], analysisTree.muon_pz[indx2], muonMass); TLorentzVector DiM = muon1+muon2; RatioSums = analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose]/DiM.Pt(); TLorentzVector MetV; MetV.SetPx(analysisTree.pfmet_ex); MetV.SetPy(analysisTree.pfmet_ey); TLorentzVector tauV; tauV.SetPtEtaPhiM(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose], analysisTree.tau_eta[tau_loose], analysisTree.tau_phi[tau_loose], tauMass); TLorentzVector DiL = DiM + tauV; //dPhi = dPhiFrom2P( DiM.Px(), DiM.Py(), MetV.Px(), MetV.Py() ); dPhi = dPhiFrom2P( DiM.Px(), DiM.Py(), analysisTree.tau_px[tau_loose],analysisTree.tau_py[tau_loose]); MT = TMath::Sqrt(2*DiM.Pt()*MetV.Pt()*(1-TMath::Cos(dPhi))); hRatioSum->Fill(RatioSums,weight); hMT->Fill(MT,weight); hMass->Fill(DiM.M(),weight); hDPhi->Fill(dPhi, weight); //if (tau.size()==0 || !tau_iso ) continue; //cout<<" "<<endl; if (isLoose) denominator++; if (isTight) nominator++; if (isLoose){ float ptProbe = TMath::Min(float(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose]),float(ptBins[nPtBins]-0.1)); float absEtaProbe = fabs(analysisTree.tau_eta[tau_loose]); int ptBin = binNumber(ptProbe,nPtBins,ptBins); if (ptBin<0) continue; int etaBin = binNumber(absEtaProbe,nEtaBins,etaBins); if (etaBin<0) continue; //cout<< "filling here "<<analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose]<<" "<<ptBin<<" "<<etaBin<<" "<<weight<<endl; //FakeRatePt[etaBin][ptBin]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); bool bRatio = (RatioSums < 1.2 && RatioSums > 0.8); bool bMass = (DiM.M() < 120 && DiM.M() > 60); if (isLoose){ if (bRatio) FakeRatePtIncLoose[etaBin][0]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); if (bMass && bRatio) FakeRatePtIncLoose[etaBin][1]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); if (dPhi > 2.5 && bRatio) FakeRatePtIncLoose[etaBin][2]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); if (bMass && dPhi > 2.5 && bRatio) FakeRatePtIncLoose[etaBin][3]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); } if (isTight) { if (bRatio) FakeRatePtIncTight[etaBin][0]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); if (bMass && bRatio) FakeRatePtIncTight[etaBin][1]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); if (dPhi > 2.5 && bRatio) FakeRatePtIncTight[etaBin][2]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); if (bMass && dPhi > 2.5 && bRatio) FakeRatePtIncTight[etaBin][3]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_pt[tau_loose],weight); } //FakeRateEta[etaBin][ptBin]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_eta[tau_loose],weight); //FakeRateNV[etaBin][ptBin]->Fill(analysisTree.tau_vertexz[tau_loose],weight); } } } // end of file processing (loop over events in one file) nFiles++; delete _tree; file_->Close(); delete file_; } std::cout << std::endl; int allEvents = int(inputEventsH->GetEntries()); std::cout << "Total number of input events = " << allEvents << std::endl; std::cout << "Total number of events in Tree = " << nEvents << std::endl; std::cout << "Total number of selected events (iso muon pairs) = " << selEventsIsoMuons << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "RunMin = " << RunMin << std::endl; std::cout << "RunMax = " << RunMax << std::endl; //cout << "weight used:" << weight << std::endl; // using object as comp std::sort (allRuns.begin(), allRuns.end(), myobject); std::cout << "Runs :"; for (unsigned int iR=0; iR<allRuns.size(); ++iR) std::cout << " " <<; std::cout << std::endl; file->cd(); hxsec->Fill(XSec); hxsec->Write(); inputEventsH->Write(); histWeightsH->Write(); file->Write(); file->Close(); delete file; }
//!PG main function int selector (TChain * tree, histos & plots, int if_signal) { plots.v_hardTAGPt = -99; plots.v_softTAGPt = -99; plots.v_TAGDProdEta = -99; plots.v_TAGDeta = -99; plots.v_TAGMinv = -99; plots.v_LepLep = -99; plots.v_hardLEPPt = -99; plots.v_softLEPPt = -99; plots.v_LEPDPhi = -99; plots.v_LEPDEta = -99; plots.v_LEPDR = -99; plots.v_LEPMinv = -99; plots.v_LEPProdCharge = -99; plots.v_hardLEPCharge = -99; plots.v_softLEPCharge = -99; plots.v_MET = -99; plots.v_ojets = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsCJV = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsRegionalCJV = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_01 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_02 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_03 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_04 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_05 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_06 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_07 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_08 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_09 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_10 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_11 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_12 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_13 = -99 ; plots.v_ojetsZepp_14 = -99 ; plots.v_decay_Channel_e = -99 ; plots.v_decay_Channel_mu = -99 ; plots.v_decay_Channel_tau = -99 ; TClonesArray * genParticles = new TClonesArray ("TParticle") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("genParticles", &genParticles) ; // TClonesArray * tagJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; // tree->SetBranchAddress ("tagJets", &tagJets) ; TClonesArray * otherJets_temp = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress (g_KindOfJet.c_str(), &otherJets_temp) ; // tree->SetBranchAddress ("otherJets", &otherJets_temp) ; TClonesArray * electrons = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("electrons", &electrons) ; TClonesArray * muons = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("muons", &muons) ; TClonesArray * MET = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("MET", &MET) ; TClonesArray * tracks = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("tracks", &tracks) ; TClonesArray * tagJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; TClonesArray * otherJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; int EleId[100]; float IsolEleSumPt_VBF[100]; int nEle; int EleCharge[30]; tree->SetBranchAddress ("nEle", &nEle) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("EleId",EleId ) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("IsolEleSumPt_VBF",IsolEleSumPt_VBF ) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("EleCharge",EleCharge ) ; float IsolMuTr[100]; int nMu ; int MuCharge[30]; tree->SetBranchAddress ("nMu", &nMu) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("IsolMuTr",IsolMuTr ) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("MuCharge", MuCharge) ; int IdEvent; tree->SetBranchAddress ("IdEvent", &IdEvent) ; int nentries = (int) tree->GetEntries () ; plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections = 0; plots.analyzed = 0; plots.analyzed_ee = 0; plots.analyzed_mumu = 0; plots.analyzed_tautau = 0; plots.analyzed_emu = 0; plots.analyzed_etau = 0; plots.analyzed_mutau = 0; plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_ee = 0; plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mumu = 0; plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_tautau = 0; plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_emu = 0; plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_etau = 0; plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mutau = 0; //PG loop over the events for (int evt = 0 ; evt < nentries ; ++evt) { tree->GetEntry (evt) ; tagJets -> Clear () ; otherJets -> Clear () ; //---- check if signal ---- if (if_signal && (IdEvent!=123 && IdEvent!=124)) continue; plots.analyzed++; //!---- MC ---- if (IdEvent==123 || IdEvent==124) { //---- VBF event ---- plots.v_decay_Channel_e = 0; plots.v_decay_Channel_mu = 0; plots.v_decay_Channel_tau = 0; for (int iGen = 0; iGen < genParticles->GetEntries() ; ++iGen){ TParticle* myparticle = (TParticle*) genParticles->At(iGen); if (abs(myparticle->GetPdgCode()) == 24) { //---- W Int_t mother1 = 0; mother1 = myparticle->GetMother(0); if (mother1 == 25) { //---- mother is higgs ---- for (int iDaughter = 0; iDaughter<2; iDaughter++){ if (abs(myparticle->GetDaughter(iDaughter)) == 11) {//---- W -> e plots.v_decay_Channel_e++; } if (abs(myparticle->GetDaughter(iDaughter)) == 13) {//---- W -> mu plots.v_decay_Channel_mu++; } if (abs(myparticle->GetDaughter(iDaughter)) == 15) {//---- W -> tau plots.v_decay_Channel_tau++; } } } } } } if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 2) plots.analyzed_ee++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 2) plots.analyzed_mumu++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 2) plots.analyzed_tautau++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1) plots.analyzed_emu++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.analyzed_etau++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.analyzed_mutau++; int cutId = 0 ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //AM 0 -> total number of events // std::cerr << "--- preambolo leptoni " << std::endl; std::vector<lepton> leptons ; //PG pour electrons into leptons collection //PG --------------------------------------- //PG loop over electrons for (int iele = 0; iele < electrons->GetEntries () ; ++iele) { TLorentzVector * theEle = (TLorentzVector*) (electrons->At (iele)) ; lepton dummy (theEle, 0, iele) ; leptons.push_back (dummy) ; } //PG loop over electrons //PG loop over muons for (int imu = 0 ; imu < nMu ; ++imu) { TLorentzVector * theMu = (TLorentzVector*) (muons->At (imu)) ; lepton dummy (theMu, 1, imu) ; leptons.push_back (dummy) ; } //PG loop over muons //PG this check is not necessary //PG if (leptons.size () < 2) continue ; // std::cerr << "--- inizia leptoni " << std::endl; //PG 2 LEPTONS //PG --------- /* applied after the leptons choice: in this case it is possible to differentiate the selections depending on the position of each lepton in the pt-sorting. the algorithm searches the first two most energetic candidates which satisfy the ID selections required for the first and second lepton respectively. Then check for channel analysis according to "g_LepLep" 0 == ee 1 == mumu 2 == emu 3 == mue pt ordered */ sort (leptons.rbegin (), leptons.rend (), lessThan ()) ; lepton primoLEP ; lepton secondoLEP ; double first_lepton_charge = 0; double second_lepton_charge = 0; int lepton_counter = 0; int electron_counter = 0; int muon_counter = 0; //PG find the first lepton int ilep = 0 ; for ( ; ilep < leptons.size () ; ++ilep) { if ( (ilep).m_flav == 0) //PG electron { //PG iso check bool eleIso = (IsolEleSumPt_VBF[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoElectron ; // 0.2 per il momento if (g_ISO1[0] == 1 && eleIso != 1) continue; //PG eleID check int eleID = EleId[ (ilep).m_index] ; if (g_ID1 == 100 && (eleID/100) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID1 == 10 && ((eleID%100)/10) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID1 == 1 && (eleID%10) != 1) continue; first_lepton_charge = EleCharge[ (ilep).m_index]; } else //PG muon { //PG iso check bool muIso = (IsolMuTr[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoMuon ; if (g_ISO1[1] == 1 && muIso != 1) continue; first_lepton_charge = MuCharge[ (ilep).m_index]; } primoLEP = leptons[ilep] ; lepton_counter++; if ( (ilep).m_flav == 0) electron_counter++; else muon_counter++; break ; } //PG find the first lepton //PG find the second lepton bool flag_secondoLEP = false; for (++ilep ; ilep < leptons.size () ; ++ilep) { if ( (ilep).m_flav == 0) //PG electron { //PG iso check bool eleIso = (IsolEleSumPt_VBF[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoElectron ; // 0.2 per il momento if (g_ISO2[0] == 1 && eleIso != 1) continue; //PG eleID check int eleID = EleId[ (ilep).m_index] ; if (g_ID2 == 100 && (eleID/100) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID2 == 10 && ((eleID%100)/10) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID2 == 1 && (eleID%10) != 1) continue; second_lepton_charge = EleCharge[ (ilep).m_index]; } else //PG muon { //PG iso check bool muIso = (IsolMuTr[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < g_IsoMuon ; if (g_ISO2[1] == 1 && muIso != 1) continue; second_lepton_charge = MuCharge[ (ilep).m_index]; } if (!flag_secondoLEP) { secondoLEP = leptons[ilep] ; flag_secondoLEP = true; } if ( (ilep).m_kine->Pt () > 0) { if ( (ilep).m_flav == 0) electron_counter++; else muon_counter++; lepton_counter++; } } //PG find the second lepton //---- AM 3 --- 2 leptons after Id if (primoLEP.m_flav == -1 || secondoLEP.m_flav == -1) continue ; //---- AM 4 check for the two most transverse-energetic leptons have the right flavours plots.v_numLep = lepton_counter; plots.v_numEle = electron_counter; plots.v_numMu = muon_counter; if (primoLEP.m_flav == 0 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 0) plots.v_LepLep = 0 ; if (primoLEP.m_flav == 1 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 1) plots.v_LepLep = 1 ; if (primoLEP.m_flav == 0 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 1) plots.v_LepLep = 2 ; if (primoLEP.m_flav == 1 && secondoLEP.m_flav == 0) plots.v_LepLep = 3 ; plots.v_hardLEPPt = primoLEP.m_kine->Pt () ; //---- AM 5 pt_min of the most energetic lepton plots.v_softLEPPt = secondoLEP.m_kine->Pt () ; //---- AM 6 pt_min of the least energetic lepton plots.v_LEPDPhi = deltaPhi (primoLEP.m_kine->Phi (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Phi ()) ; //---- AM 7 Delta_phi_min between leptons plots.v_LEPDEta = deltaEta (primoLEP.m_kine->Eta (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Eta ()) ; plots.v_LEPDR = deltaR (primoLEP.m_kine->Phi (),primoLEP.m_kine->Eta (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Phi (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Eta ()) ; TLorentzVector sumLEP = *(primoLEP.m_kine) + *(secondoLEP.m_kine) ; plots.v_LEPMinv = sumLEP.M () ; //---- AM 9 MInv_min of leptons plots.v_LEPProdCharge = first_lepton_charge * second_lepton_charge ; plots.v_hardLEPCharge = first_lepton_charge ; plots.v_softLEPCharge = second_lepton_charge ; //PG MET //PG --- // std::cerr << "--- finito " << std::endl; TLorentzVector* met = ((TLorentzVector*) (MET->At(0))) ; //correct for muons for (int i = 0 ; i < nMu ; i++) { TLorentzVector * mu_v = (TLorentzVector*) (muons->At (i)) ; if (mu_v->Pt () > 3) { met->SetPx (met->Px () - mu_v->Px ()) ; met->SetPy (met->Py () - mu_v->Py ()) ; } } plots.v_MET = met->Pt () ; //---- AM 11 Met_min ----------------> Met correction ? // if (((TLorentzVector*) (MET->At (0)))->Pt () < g_METMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 10 //PG Ztautau vetos //PG ------------- //PG the two electrons should not be opposite to each other // // TVector2 primoLEPT (primoLEP.m_kine->X (), primoLEP.m_kine->Y ()) ; // TVector2 secondoLEPT (secondoLEP.m_kine->X (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Y ()) ; // TVector2 METT (met->X (), met->Y ()) ; // // double Sum = METT * primoLEPT + METT * secondoLEPT / (1 + primoLEPT * secondoLEPT) ; // double Dif = METT * primoLEPT - METT * secondoLEPT / (1 - primoLEPT * secondoLEPT) ; // // TVector2 METT1 = 0.5 * (Sum + Dif) * primoLEPT ; // TVector2 METT2 = 0.5 * (Sum - Dif) * secondoLEPT ; // // double ptNu1 = METT1.Mod () / cos (primoLEP.m_kine->Theta ()) ; // double ptNu2 = METT2.Mod () / cos (secondoLEP.m_kine->Theta ()) ; plots.m_tree_selections->Fill(); plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 2) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_ee++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 2) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mumu++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 2) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_tautau++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_emu++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_e == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_etau++; if (plots.v_decay_Channel_mu == 1 && plots.v_decay_Channel_tau == 1) plots.passedJetAndLepNumberSelections_mutau++; } //PG loop over the events plots.m_efficiency->Fill(); plots.m_efficiency->Write(); plots.m_tree_selections->Write(); delete otherJets_temp ; delete tagJets ; delete otherJets ; delete electrons ; delete muons ; delete MET ; delete tracks ; return 0; }
//!PG main function int selector (TChain * tree, histos & plots) { TClonesArray * tagJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("tagJets", &tagJets) ; TClonesArray * otherJets = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("otherJets", &otherJets) ; TClonesArray * electrons = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("electrons", &electrons) ; TClonesArray * muons = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("muons", &muons) ; TClonesArray * MET = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("MET", &MET) ; TClonesArray * tracks = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector") ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("tracks", &tracks) ; int EleId[100]; float IsolEleSumPt[100]; int nEle; tree->SetBranchAddress ("nEle", &nEle) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("EleId",EleId ) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("IsolEleSumPt",IsolEleSumPt ) ; float IsolMuSumPt[100]; int nMu ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("nMu", &nMu) ; tree->SetBranchAddress ("IsolMuSumPt",IsolMuSumPt ) ; int nentries = (int) tree->GetEntries () ; //std::cout << "nentries " << nentries << std::endl; //PG loop over the events // int nentries = 100 ; for (int evt = 0 ; evt < nentries ; ++evt) { tree->GetEntry (evt) ; int cutId = 0 ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 0 if (tagJets->GetEntries () != 2) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 1 FIXME ctrl numbering //if (electrons->GetEntries () < 1 || // muons->GetEntries () < 1) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 2 std::vector<lepton> leptons ; //PG pour electrons into leptons collection //PG --------------------------------------- //PG loop over electrons for (int iele = 0; iele < nEle ; ++iele) { TLorentzVector * theEle = (TLorentzVector*) (electrons->At (iele)) ; lepton dummy (theEle, 0, iele) ; leptons.push_back (dummy) ; } //PG loop over electrons //PG loop over muons for (int imu = 0 ; imu < nMu ; ++imu) { TLorentzVector * theMu = (TLorentzVector*) (muons->At (imu)) ; lepton dummy (theMu, 1, imu) ; leptons.push_back (dummy) ; } //PG loop over muons //PG this check is not necessary //PG if (leptons.size () < 2) continue ; //PG 2 LEPTONS //PG --------- /* applied after the leptons choice: in this case it is possible to differentiate the selections depending on the position of each lepton in the pt-sorting. the algorithm searches the first two most energetic candidates which satisfy the ID selections required for the first and second lepton respectively. If the so-identified first two leptons have the same flavour, the event is rejected, since it is expected to fall into the 2e or 2mu sub-channel. Is it certified that we do not have overlap? */ sort (leptons.rbegin (), leptons.rend (), lessThan ()) ; lepton primoLEP ; lepton secondoLEP ; //PG find the first lepton int ilep = 0 ; for ( ; ilep < leptons.size () ; ++ilep) { if ( (ilep).m_flav == 0) //PG electron { //PG iso check bool eleIso = (IsolEleSumPt[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < 0.2 ; // 0.2 per il momento if (g_ISO1[0] == 1 && eleIso != 1) continue; //PG eleID check int eleID = EleId[ (ilep).m_index] ; if (g_ID1 == 100 && (eleID/100) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID1 == 10 && ((eleID%100)/10) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID1 == 1 && (eleID%10) != 1) continue; } else //PG muon { //PG iso check bool muIso = (IsolMuSumPt[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < 0.2 ; // FIXME pass as parameter if (g_ISO1[1] == 1 && muIso != 1) continue; } primoLEP = leptons[ilep] ; break ; } //PG find the first lepton //PG find the second lepton for (++ilep ; ilep < leptons.size () ; ++ilep) { if ( (ilep).m_flav == 0) //PG electron { //PG iso check bool eleIso = (IsolEleSumPt[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < 0.2 ; // 0.2 per il momento if (g_ISO2[0] == 1 && eleIso != 1) continue; //PG eleID check int eleID = EleId[ (ilep).m_index] ; if (g_ID2 == 100 && (eleID/100) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID2 == 10 && ((eleID%100)/10) != 1) continue; else if (g_ID2 == 1 && (eleID%10) != 1) continue; } else //PG muon { //PG iso check bool muIso = (IsolMuSumPt[ (ilep).m_index] / (ilep).m_kine->Pt () ) < 0.2 ; // FIXME pass as parameter if (g_ISO2[1] == 1 && muIso != 1) continue; } secondoLEP = leptons[ilep] ; break ; } //PG find the second lepton //PG less than two leptons satisfying the ID is found if (primoLEP.m_flav == -1 || secondoLEP.m_flav == -1) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; // 3 //PG check if the two most transverse-energetic leptons have the same flavour //if (primoLEP.m_flav == secondoLEP.m_flav) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; // 4 //PG choose the sub-channel //PG ---------------------- bool select = true ; switch (g_sub_channel) { case 1 : if (primoLEP.m_flav != 0 || secondoLEP.m_flav != 0) select = false ; break ; case 2 : if (primoLEP.m_flav != 0 || secondoLEP.m_flav != 1) select = false ; break ; case 3 : if (primoLEP.m_flav != 1 || secondoLEP.m_flav != 0) select = false ; break ; case 4 : if (primoLEP.m_flav != 1 || secondoLEP.m_flav != 1) select = false ; break ; } ; if (!select) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 2 //PG find the two most energetic leptons //PG ----------------------------------- if (primoLEP.m_kine->Pt () < g_hardLEPPtMin[primoLEP.m_flav]) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; // 5 if (secondoLEP.m_kine->Pt () < g_softLEPPtMin[secondoLEP.m_flav]) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; // 6 double lep_deltaPhi = deltaPhi (primoLEP.m_kine->Phi (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Phi ()); double lep_deltaEta = fabs(primoLEP.m_kine->Eta () - secondoLEP.m_kine->Eta ()); if (deltaPhi (primoLEP.m_kine->Phi (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Phi ()) < g_LEPDPhiMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 7 if (deltaPhi (primoLEP.m_kine->Phi (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Phi ()) > g_LEPDPhiMax) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 8 TLorentzVector sumLEP = *(primoLEP.m_kine) + *(secondoLEP.m_kine) ; if (sumLEP.M () < g_LEPMinvMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 9 if (sumLEP.M () > g_LEPMinvMax) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 10 //PG MET //PG --- TLorentzVector* met = ((TLorentzVector*) (MET->At(0))) ; //correct for muons for (int i = 0 ; i < nMu ; i++) { TLorentzVector * mu_v = (TLorentzVector*) (muons->At (i)) ; if (mu_v->Pt () > 3) { met->SetPx (met->Px () - mu_v->Px ()) ; met->SetPy (met->Py () - mu_v->Py ()) ; } } // if (met->Pt () < g_METMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 11 // if (((TLorentzVector*) (MET->At (0)))->Pt () < g_METMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 10 //PG 2 TAGS //PG ------ TLorentzVector * primoTAG = (TLorentzVector*) (tagJets->At (0)) ; TLorentzVector * secondoTAG = (TLorentzVector*) (tagJets->At (1)) ; //PG get the first two in pt if (primoTAG->Pt () < secondoTAG->Pt ()) { primoTAG = (TLorentzVector*) (tagJets->At (1)) ; secondoTAG = (TLorentzVector*) (tagJets->At (0)) ; } if (met->Pt () < g_METMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 11 TLorentzVector total = *primoTAG + *secondoTAG + sumLEP ; if (total.Pt () < g_PtTotMax) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 11 total += *met ; if (total.Pt () > g_PtTotMetMax) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 11 if (primoTAG->Pt () < g_hardTAGPtMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 12 if (secondoTAG->Pt () < g_softTAGPtMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 13 if (primoTAG->Eta () * secondoTAG->Eta () > g_TAGDProdEtaMax) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 14 if (fabs (primoTAG->Eta () - secondoTAG->Eta ()) < g_TAGDetaMin) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 15 TLorentzVector sumTAG = *primoTAG + *secondoTAG ; if (sumTAG.M () < g_TAGMinv) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 16 //PG JET VETO //PG -------- //PG loop over other jets double etaMean = 0.5*(primoTAG->Eta () + secondoTAG->Eta ()); int ojetsNum = 0 ; for (int ojetIt = 0 ; ojetIt < otherJets->GetEntries () ; ++ojetIt) { if ( ((TLorentzVector*) (otherJets->At (ojetIt)))->Pt () < g_ojetPtMin) continue ; if ( ((TLorentzVector*) (otherJets->At (ojetIt)))->Eta () < primoTAG->Eta () || ((TLorentzVector*) (otherJets->At (ojetIt)))->Eta () > secondoTAG->Eta ()) continue ; //if ((((TLorentzVector*) (otherJets->At (ojetIt)))->Eta () - etaMean) > g_ojetEtaFromMean) continue; ++ojetsNum ; } //PG loop over other jets if (ojetsNum > g_ojetsMaxNum) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 17 /* double primoDR = primoELE->DeltaR (*primoTAG) ; if (primoDR < primoELE->DeltaR (*secondoTAG)) primoDR = fabs (primoELE->Eta () - secondoTAG->Eta ()) ; double secondoDR = secondoELE->DeltaR (*primoTAG) ; if (secondoDR < secondoELE->DeltaR (*secondoTAG)) secondoDR = fabs (secondoELE->Eta () - secondoTAG->Eta ()) ; if (secondoDR < g_eleTagDR || primoDR < g_eleTagDR) continue ; plots.increase (cutId++) ; //PG 12 */ //PG Ztautau vetos //PG ------------- //PG the two electrons should not be opposite to each other TVector2 primoLEPT (primoLEP.m_kine->X (), primoLEP.m_kine->Y ()) ; TVector2 secondoLEPT (secondoLEP.m_kine->X (), secondoLEP.m_kine->Y ()) ; TVector2 METT (met->X (), met->Y ()) ; double Sum = METT * primoLEPT + METT * secondoLEPT / (1 + primoLEPT * secondoLEPT) ; double Dif = METT * primoLEPT - METT * secondoLEPT / (1 - primoLEPT * secondoLEPT) ; TVector2 METT1 = 0.5 * (Sum + Dif) * primoLEPT ; TVector2 METT2 = 0.5 * (Sum - Dif) * secondoLEPT ; double ptNu1 = METT1.Mod () / cos (primoLEP.m_kine->Theta ()) ; double ptNu2 = METT2.Mod () / cos (secondoLEP.m_kine->Theta ()) ; } //PG loop over the events plots.normalize () ; delete tagJets ; delete otherJets ; delete electrons ; delete muons ; delete MET ; delete tracks ; return 0; }