    int resolveInOutLocation(EShLanguage /*stage*/, const char* /*name*/, const TType& type, bool /*is_live*/) override
        // kick out of not doing this
        if (!doAutoLocationMapping)
            return -1;

        // no locations added if already present, or a built-in variable
        if (type.getQualifier().hasLocation() || type.isBuiltIn())
            return -1;

        // no locations on blocks of built-in variables
        if (type.isStruct()) {
            if (type.getStruct()->size() < 1)
                return -1;
            if ((*type.getStruct())[0].type->isBuiltIn())
                return -1;

        // Placeholder.
        // TODO: It would be nice to flesh this out using 
        // intermediate->computeTypeLocationSize(type), or functions that call it like
        // intermediate->addUsedLocation()
        // These in turn would want the intermediate, which is not available here, but
        // is available in many places, and a lot of copying from it could be saved if
        // it were just available.
        return 0;
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType &type)
    TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink();
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal)
        out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct && !structDeclared(type.getStruct()))
        TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();


        if (!structure->name().empty())
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType &type)
    TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink();
    if (type.isInvariant())
        out << "invariant ";
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal)
        if (IsGLSL130OrNewer(mOutput))
            switch (qualifier)
              case EvqAttribute:
                out << "in ";
              case EvqVaryingIn:
                out << "in ";
              case EvqVaryingOut:
                out << "out ";
                out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
            out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct && !structDeclared(type.getStruct()))
        TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();


        if (!structure->name().empty())
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
// Recursively merge the implicit array sizes through the objects' respective type trees.
void TIntermediate::mergeImplicitArraySizes(TType& type, const TType& unitType)
    if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray() && unitType.isArray()) {
        int newImplicitArraySize = unitType.isImplicitlySizedArray() ? unitType.getImplicitArraySize() : unitType.getOuterArraySize();
        if (newImplicitArraySize > type.getImplicitArraySize ())

    // Type mismatches are caught and reported after this, just be careful for now.
    if (! type.isStruct() || ! unitType.isStruct() || type.getStruct()->size() != unitType.getStruct()->size())

    for (int i = 0; i < (int)type.getStruct()->size(); ++i)
        mergeImplicitArraySizes(*(*type.getStruct())[i].type, *(*unitType.getStruct())[i].type);
TString TOutputGLSLBase::getTypeName(const TType &type)
    TInfoSinkBase out;
    if (type.isMatrix())
        out << "mat";
        out << type.getNominalSize();
    else if (type.isVector())
        switch (type.getBasicType())
          case EbtFloat:
            out << "vec";
          case EbtInt:
            out << "ivec";
          case EbtBool:
            out << "bvec";
        out << type.getNominalSize();
        if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct)
            out << hashName(type.getStruct()->name());
            out << type.getBasicString();
    return TString(out.c_str());
bool OutputSpecification(TIntermSpecification* node, TIntermTraverser* it)
    TOutputTraverser* oit = static_cast<TOutputTraverser*>(it);
    TInfoSink& out = oit->infoSink;

    OutputExtensionText(out, node);
    OutputTreeText(out, node, oit->depth);

    TType* t = node->getType();

    out.debug << "specify '" << t->getTypeName().c_str() << "' (" << t->getCompleteString() << ")\n";

    return true;

#if 0
    TTypeList* tl = t->getStruct();
    TTypeList::iterator iter = tl->begin();
    for(; iter < tl->end(); iter++) {
        out.debug << FormatSourceRange(iter->line);
        for (i = 0; i < (oit->depth+1); ++i) out.debug << "  ";
        out.debug << "'" << iter->type->getFieldName().c_str() << "' (" <<
                  iter->type->getCompleteString().c_str() << ")\n";
TString TOutputGLSLBase::getTypeName(const TType &type)
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct)
        return hashName(type.getStruct()->name());
        return type.getBuiltInTypeNameString();
void GetVariableTraverser::traverse(const TType &type, const TString &name, std::vector<VarT> *output)
    const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();

    VarT variable;
    variable.name = name.c_str();
    variable.arraySize = static_cast<unsigned int>(type.getArraySize());

    if (!structure)
        variable.type = GLVariableType(type);
        variable.precision = GLVariablePrecision(type);
        // Note: this enum value is not exposed outside ANGLE
        variable.type = GL_STRUCT_ANGLEX;
        variable.structName = structure->name().c_str();

        const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields();

        for (size_t fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fields.size(); fieldIndex++)
            TField *field = fields[fieldIndex];
            traverse(*field->type(), field->name(), &variable.fields);


void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType& type)
    TInfoSinkBase& out = objSink();
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    // TODO(alokp): Validate qualifier for variable declarations.
    if ((qualifier != EvqTemporary) && (qualifier != EvqGlobal))
        out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if ((type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) &&
        (mDeclaredStructs.find(type.getTypeName()) == mDeclaredStructs.end()))
        out << "struct " << type.getTypeName() << "{\n";
        const TTypeList* structure = type.getStruct();
        ASSERT(structure != NULL);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < structure->size(); ++i)
            const TType* fieldType = (*structure)[i].type;
            ASSERT(fieldType != NULL);
            if (writeVariablePrecision(fieldType->getPrecision()))
                out << " ";
            out << getTypeName(*fieldType) << " " << fieldType->getFieldName();
            if (fieldType->isArray())
                out << arrayBrackets(*fieldType);
            out << ";\n";
        out << "}";
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
// Recursively figure out how many bytes of xfb buffer are used by the given type.
// Return the size of type, in bytes.
// Sets containsDouble to true if the type contains a double.
// N.B. Caller must set containsDouble to false before calling.
unsigned int TIntermediate::computeTypeXfbSize(const TType& type, bool& containsDouble) const
    // "...if applied to an aggregate containing a double, the offset must also be a multiple of 8, 
    // and the space taken in the buffer will be a multiple of 8.
    // ...within the qualified entity, subsequent components are each 
    // assigned, in order, to the next available offset aligned to a multiple of
    // that component's size.  Aggregate types are flattened down to the component
    // level to get this sequence of components."

    if (type.isArray()) {        
        // TODO: perf: this can be flattened by using getCumulativeArraySize(), and a deref that discards all arrayness
        TType elementType(type, 0);
        return type.getOuterArraySize() * computeTypeXfbSize(elementType, containsDouble);

    if (type.isStruct()) {
        unsigned int size = 0;
        bool structContainsDouble = false;
        for (int member = 0; member < (int)type.getStruct()->size(); ++member) {
            TType memberType(type, member);
            // "... if applied to 
            // an aggregate containing a double, the offset must also be a multiple of 8, 
            // and the space taken in the buffer will be a multiple of 8."
            bool memberContainsDouble = false;
            int memberSize = computeTypeXfbSize(memberType, memberContainsDouble);
            if (memberContainsDouble) {
                structContainsDouble = true;
                RoundToPow2(size, 8);
            size += memberSize;

        if (structContainsDouble) {
            containsDouble = true;
            RoundToPow2(size, 8);
        return size;

    int numComponents;
    if (type.isScalar())
        numComponents = 1;
    else if (type.isVector())
        numComponents = type.getVectorSize();
    else if (type.isMatrix())
        numComponents = type.getMatrixCols() * type.getMatrixRows();
    else {
        numComponents = 1;

    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtDouble) {
        containsDouble = true;
        return 8 * numComponents;
    } else
        return 4 * numComponents;
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType& type)
    TInfoSinkBase& out = objSink();
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    // TODO(alokp): Validate qualifier for variable declarations.
    if ((qualifier != EvqTemporary) && (qualifier != EvqGlobal))
        out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if ((type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) && !structDeclared(type.getStruct()))
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
// Recursively figure out how many locations are used up by an input or output type.
// Return the size of type, as measured by "locations".
int TIntermediate::computeTypeLocationSize(const TType& type) const
    // "If the declared input is an array of size n and each element takes m locations, it will be assigned m * n 
    // consecutive locations..."
    if (type.isArray()) {
        // TODO: perf: this can be flattened by using getCumulativeArraySize(), and a deref that discards all arrayness
        TType elementType(type, 0);
        if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray()) {
            // TODO: are there valid cases of having an implicitly-sized array with a location?  If so, running this code too early.
            return computeTypeLocationSize(elementType);
        } else
            return type.getOuterArraySize() * computeTypeLocationSize(elementType);

    // "The locations consumed by block and structure members are determined by applying the rules above 
    // recursively..."    
    if (type.isStruct()) {
        int size = 0;
        for (int member = 0; member < (int)type.getStruct()->size(); ++member) {
            TType memberType(type, member);
            size += computeTypeLocationSize(memberType);
        return size;

    // ES: "If a shader input is any scalar or vector type, it will consume a single location."

    // Desktop: "If a vertex shader input is any scalar or vector type, it will consume a single location. If a non-vertex 
    // shader input is a scalar or vector type other than dvec3 or dvec4, it will consume a single location, while 
    // types dvec3 or dvec4 will consume two consecutive locations. Inputs of type double and dvec2 will 
    // consume only a single location, in all stages."
    if (type.isScalar())
        return 1;
    if (type.isVector()) {
        if (language == EShLangVertex && type.getQualifier().isPipeInput())
            return 1;
        if (type.getBasicType() == EbtDouble && type.getVectorSize() > 2)
            return 2;
            return 1;

    // "If the declared input is an n x m single- or double-precision matrix, ...
    // The number of locations assigned for each matrix will be the same as 
    // for an n-element array of m-component vectors..."
    if (type.isMatrix()) {
        TType columnType(type, 0);
        return type.getMatrixCols() * computeTypeLocationSize(columnType);

    return 1;
void RegenerateStructNames::visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *symbol)
    TType *type = symbol->getTypePointer();
    TStructure *userType = type->getStruct();
    if (!userType)

    if (mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(userType->name(), mShaderVersion))
        // Built-in struct, do not touch it.

    int uniqueId = userType->uniqueId();

    ASSERT(mScopeDepth > 0);
    if (mScopeDepth == 1)
        // If a struct is defined at global scope, we don't map its name.
        // This is because at global level, the struct might be used to
        // declare a uniform, so the same name needs to stay the same for
        // vertex/fragment shaders. However, our mapping uses internal ID,
        // which will be different for the same struct in vertex/fragment
        // shaders.
        // This is OK because names for any structs defined in other scopes
        // will begin with "_webgl", which is reserved. So there will be
        // no conflicts among unmapped struct names from global scope and
        // mapped struct names from other scopes.
        // However, we need to keep track of these global structs, so if a
        // variable is used in a local scope, we don't try to modify the
        // struct name through that variable.
    if (mDeclaredGlobalStructs.count(uniqueId) > 0)
    // Map {name} to _webgl_struct_{uniqueId}_{name}.
    const char kPrefix[] = "_webgl_struct_";
    if (userType->name().find(kPrefix) == 0)
        // The name has already been regenerated.
    std::string id = Str(uniqueId);
    TString tmp = kPrefix + TString(id.c_str());
    tmp += "_" + userType->name();
    int resolveInOutLocation(EShLanguage stage, const char* /*name*/, const TType& type, bool /*is_live*/) override
        // kick out of not doing this
        if (!doAutoLocationMapping())
            return -1;

        // no locations added if already present, or a built-in variable
        if (type.getQualifier().hasLocation() || type.isBuiltIn())
            return -1;

        // no locations on blocks of built-in variables
        if (type.isStruct()) {
            if (type.getStruct()->size() < 1)
                return -1;
            if ((*type.getStruct())[0].type->isBuiltIn())
                return -1;

        // point to the right input or output location counter
        int& nextLocation = type.getQualifier().isPipeInput() ? nextInputLocation : nextOutputLocation;

        // Placeholder. This does not do proper cross-stage lining up, nor
        // work with mixed location/no-location declarations.
        int location = nextLocation;
        int typeLocationSize;
        // Don’t take into account the outer-most array if the stage’s
        // interface is automatically an array.
        if (type.getQualifier().isArrayedIo(stage)) {
                TType elementType(type, 0);
                typeLocationSize = TIntermediate::computeTypeLocationSize(elementType, stage);
        } else {
                typeLocationSize = TIntermediate::computeTypeLocationSize(type, stage);
        nextLocation += typeLocationSize;

        return location;
bool TParseContext::containsSampler(TType& type)
    if (IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
        return true;

    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) {
        TTypeList& structure = *type.getStruct();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < structure.size(); ++i) {
            if (containsSampler(*structure[i].type))
                return true;

    return false;
TString Std140PaddingHelper::postPaddingString(const TType &type, bool useHLSLRowMajorPacking)
    if (!type.isMatrix() && !type.isArray() && type.getBasicType() != EbtStruct)
        return "";

    int numComponents = 0;
    TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();

    if (type.isMatrix())
        // This method can also be called from structureString, which does not use layout qualifiers.
        // Thus, use the method parameter for determining the matrix packing.
        // Note HLSL row major packing corresponds to GL API column-major, and vice-versa, since we
        // wish to always transpose GL matrices to play well with HLSL's matrix array indexing.
        const bool isRowMajorMatrix = !useHLSLRowMajorPacking;
        const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
        numComponents = gl::MatrixComponentCount(glType, isRowMajorMatrix);
    else if (structure)
        const TString &structName = QualifiedStructNameString(*structure,
                                                              useHLSLRowMajorPacking, true);
        numComponents = mStructElementIndexes->find(structName)->second;

        if (numComponents == 0)
            return "";
        const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
        numComponents = gl::VariableComponentCount(glType);

    TString padding;
    for (int paddingOffset = numComponents; paddingOffset < 4; paddingOffset++)
        padding += "    float pad_" + next() + ";\n";
    return padding;
bool CompareStruct(const TType& leftNodeType, ConstantUnion* rightUnionArray, ConstantUnion* leftUnionArray)
    const TFieldList& fields = leftNodeType.getStruct()->fields();

    size_t structSize = fields.size();
    size_t index = 0;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < structSize; j++) {
        size_t size = fields[j]->type()->getObjectSize();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (fields[j]->type()->getBasicType() == EbtStruct) {
                if (!CompareStructure(*(fields[j]->type()), &rightUnionArray[index], &leftUnionArray[index]))
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (leftUnionArray[index] != rightUnionArray[index])
                    return false;
    return true;
bool CompareStruct(const TType& leftNodeType, ConstantUnion* rightUnionArray, ConstantUnion* leftUnionArray)
    const TTypeList* fields = leftNodeType.getStruct();

    size_t structSize = fields->size();
    int index = 0;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < structSize; j++) {
        int size = (*fields)[j].type->getObjectSize();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if ((*fields)[j].type->getBasicType() == EbtStruct) {
                if (!CompareStructure(*(*fields)[j].type, &rightUnionArray[index], &leftUnionArray[index]))
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (leftUnionArray[index] != rightUnionArray[index])
                    return false;

    return true;
void UniformHLSL::outputUniform(TInfoSinkBase &out,
                                const TType &type,
                                const TName &name,
                                const unsigned int registerIndex)
    const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();
    // If this is a nameless struct, we need to use its full definition, rather than its (empty)
    // name.
    // TypeString() will invoke defineNameless in this case; qualifier prefixes are unnecessary for
    // nameless structs in ES, as nameless structs cannot be used anywhere that layout qualifiers
    // are permitted.
    const TString &typeName = ((structure && !structure->name().empty())
                                   ? QualifiedStructNameString(*structure, false, false)
                                   : TypeString(type));

    const TString &registerString =
        TString("register(") + UniformRegisterPrefix(type) + str(registerIndex) + ")";

    out << "uniform " << typeName << " ";

    out << DecorateUniform(name, type);

    out << ArrayString(type) << " : " << registerString << ";\n";
void StructureHLSL::addConstructor(const TType &type, const TString &name, const TIntermSequence *parameters)
    if (name == "")
        return;   // Nameless structures don't have constructors

    if (type.getStruct() && mStructNames.find(name) != mStructNames.end())
        return;   // Already added

    TType ctorType = type;

    typedef std::vector<TType> ParameterArray;
    ParameterArray ctorParameters;

    const TStructure* structure = type.getStruct();
    if (structure)

        // Add element index
        storeStd140ElementIndex(*structure, false);
        storeStd140ElementIndex(*structure, true);

        const TString &structString = defineQualified(*structure, false, false);

        if (std::find(mStructDeclarations.begin(), mStructDeclarations.end(), structString) == mStructDeclarations.end())
            // Add row-major packed struct for interface blocks
            TString rowMajorString = "#pragma pack_matrix(row_major)\n" +
                defineQualified(*structure, true, false) +
                "#pragma pack_matrix(column_major)\n";

            TString std140String = defineQualified(*structure, false, true);
            TString std140RowMajorString = "#pragma pack_matrix(row_major)\n" +
                defineQualified(*structure, true, true) +
                "#pragma pack_matrix(column_major)\n";


        const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
    else if (parameters)
        for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator parameter = parameters->begin(); parameter != parameters->end(); parameter++)
    else UNREACHABLE();

    TString constructor;

    if (ctorType.getStruct())
        constructor += name + " " + name + "_ctor(";
    else   // Built-in type
        constructor += TypeString(ctorType) + " " + name + "(";

    for (unsigned int parameter = 0; parameter < ctorParameters.size(); parameter++)
        const TType &paramType = ctorParameters[parameter];

        constructor += TypeString(paramType) + " x" + str(parameter) + ArrayString(paramType);

        if (parameter < ctorParameters.size() - 1)
            constructor += ", ";

    constructor += ")\n"

    if (ctorType.getStruct())
        constructor += "    " + name + " structure = {";
        constructor += "    return " + TypeString(ctorType) + "(";

    if (ctorType.isMatrix() && ctorParameters.size() == 1)
        int rows = ctorType.getRows();
        int cols = ctorType.getCols();
        const TType &parameter = ctorParameters[0];

        if (parameter.isScalar())
            for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                    constructor += TString((row == col) ? "x0" : "0.0");

                    if (row < rows - 1 || col < cols - 1)
                        constructor += ", ";
        else if (parameter.isMatrix())
            for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                    if (row < parameter.getRows() && col < parameter.getCols())
                        constructor += TString("x0") + "[" + str(col) + "][" + str(row) + "]";
                        constructor += TString((row == col) ? "1.0" : "0.0");

                    if (row < rows - 1 || col < cols - 1)
                        constructor += ", ";
            ASSERT(rows == 2 && cols == 2 && parameter.isVector() && parameter.getNominalSize() == 4);

            constructor += "x0";
        size_t remainingComponents = ctorType.getObjectSize();
        size_t parameterIndex = 0;

        while (remainingComponents > 0)
            const TType &parameter = ctorParameters[parameterIndex];
            const size_t parameterSize = parameter.getObjectSize();
            bool moreParameters = parameterIndex + 1 < ctorParameters.size();

            constructor += "x" + str(parameterIndex);

            if (ctorType.getStruct())
                ASSERT(remainingComponents == parameterSize || moreParameters);
                ASSERT(parameterSize <= remainingComponents);

                remainingComponents -= parameterSize;
            else if (parameter.isScalar())
                remainingComponents -= parameter.getObjectSize();
            else if (parameter.isVector())
                if (remainingComponents == parameterSize || moreParameters)
                    ASSERT(parameterSize <= remainingComponents);
                    remainingComponents -= parameterSize;
                else if (remainingComponents < static_cast<size_t>(parameter.getNominalSize()))
                    switch (remainingComponents)
                      case 1: constructor += ".x";    break;
                      case 2: constructor += ".xy";   break;
                      case 3: constructor += ".xyz";  break;
                      case 4: constructor += ".xyzw"; break;
                      default: UNREACHABLE();

                    remainingComponents = 0;
                else UNREACHABLE();
            else if (parameter.isMatrix())
                int column = 0;
                while (remainingComponents > 0 && column < parameter.getCols())
                    constructor += "[" + str(column) + "]";

                    if (remainingComponents < static_cast<size_t>(parameter.getRows()))
                        switch (remainingComponents)
                          case 1:  constructor += ".x";    break;
                          case 2:  constructor += ".xy";   break;
                          case 3:  constructor += ".xyz";  break;
                          default: UNREACHABLE();

                        remainingComponents = 0;
                        remainingComponents -= parameter.getRows();

                        if (remainingComponents > 0)
                            constructor += ", x" + str(parameterIndex);

            else UNREACHABLE();

            if (moreParameters)

            if (remainingComponents)
                constructor += ", ";

    if (ctorType.getStruct())
        constructor += "};\n"
                        "    return structure;\n"
        constructor += ");\n"

TString TypeString(const TType &type)
    const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();
    if (structure)
        if (structure->symbolType() != SymbolType::Empty)
            return StructNameString(*structure);
        else  // Nameless structure, define in place
            return StructureHLSL::defineNameless(*structure);
    else if (type.isMatrix())
        int cols = type.getCols();
        int rows = type.getRows();
        return "float" + str(cols) + "x" + str(rows);
        switch (type.getBasicType())
            case EbtFloat:
                switch (type.getNominalSize())
                    case 1:
                        return "float";
                    case 2:
                        return "float2";
                    case 3:
                        return "float3";
                    case 4:
                        return "float4";
            case EbtInt:
                switch (type.getNominalSize())
                    case 1:
                        return "int";
                    case 2:
                        return "int2";
                    case 3:
                        return "int3";
                    case 4:
                        return "int4";
            case EbtUInt:
                switch (type.getNominalSize())
                    case 1:
                        return "uint";
                    case 2:
                        return "uint2";
                    case 3:
                        return "uint3";
                    case 4:
                        return "uint4";
            case EbtBool:
                switch (type.getNominalSize())
                    case 1:
                        return "bool";
                    case 2:
                        return "bool2";
                    case 3:
                        return "bool3";
                    case 4:
                        return "bool4";
            case EbtVoid:
                return "void";
            case EbtSampler2D:
            case EbtISampler2D:
            case EbtUSampler2D:
            case EbtSampler2DArray:
            case EbtISampler2DArray:
            case EbtUSampler2DArray:
                return "sampler2D";
            case EbtSamplerCube:
            case EbtISamplerCube:
            case EbtUSamplerCube:
                return "samplerCUBE";
            case EbtSamplerExternalOES:
                return "sampler2D";
            case EbtAtomicCounter:
                // Multiple atomic_uints will be implemented as a single RWByteAddressBuffer
                return "RWByteAddressBuffer";

    return "<unknown type>";
TString TypeString(const TType &type)
    const TStructure* structure = type.getStruct();
    if (structure)
        const TString& typeName = structure->name();
        if (typeName != "")
            return StructNameString(*structure);
        else   // Nameless structure, define in place
            return StructureHLSL::defineNameless(*structure);
    else if (type.isMatrix())
        int cols = type.getCols();
        int rows = type.getRows();
        return "float" + str(cols) + "x" + str(rows);
        switch (type.getBasicType())
          case EbtFloat:
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 1: return "float";
              case 2: return "float2";
              case 3: return "float3";
              case 4: return "float4";
          case EbtInt:
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 1: return "int";
              case 2: return "int2";
              case 3: return "int3";
              case 4: return "int4";
          case EbtUInt:
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 1: return "uint";
              case 2: return "uint2";
              case 3: return "uint3";
              case 4: return "uint4";
          case EbtBool:
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 1: return "bool";
              case 2: return "bool2";
              case 3: return "bool3";
              case 4: return "bool4";
          case EbtVoid:
            return "void";
          case EbtSampler2D:
          case EbtISampler2D:
          case EbtUSampler2D:
          case EbtSampler2DArray:
          case EbtISampler2DArray:
          case EbtUSampler2DArray:
            return "sampler2D";
          case EbtSamplerCube:
          case EbtISamplerCube:
          case EbtUSamplerCube:
            return "samplerCUBE";
          case EbtSamplerExternalOES:
            return "sampler2D";

    return "<unknown type>";
// Implement base-alignment and size rules from section Standard Uniform Block Layout
// Operates recursively.
// If std140 is true, it does the rounding up to vec4 size required by std140, 
// otherwise it does not, yielding std430 rules.
// The size is returned in the 'size' parameter
// The stride is only non-0 for arrays or matrices, and is the stride of the
// top-level object nested within the type.  E.g., for an array of matrices,
// it is the distances needed between matrices, despite the rules saying the
// stride comes from the flattening down to vectors.
// Return value is the alignment of the type.
int TIntermediate::getBaseAlignment(const TType& type, int& size, int& stride, bool std140, bool rowMajor)
    int alignment;

    // When using the std140 storage layout, structures will be laid out in buffer
    // storage with its members stored in monotonically increasing order based on their
    // location in the declaration. A structure and each structure member have a base
    // offset and a base alignment, from which an aligned offset is computed by rounding
    // the base offset up to a multiple of the base alignment. The base offset of the first
    // member of a structure is taken from the aligned offset of the structure itself. The
    // base offset of all other structure members is derived by taking the offset of the
    // last basic machine unit consumed by the previous member and adding one. Each
    // structure member is stored in memory at its aligned offset. The members of a top-
    // level uniform block are laid out in buffer storage by treating the uniform block as
    // a structure with a base offset of zero.
    //   1. If the member is a scalar consuming N basic machine units, the base alignment is N.
    //   2. If the member is a two- or four-component vector with components consuming N basic 
    //      machine units, the base alignment is 2N or 4N, respectively.
    //   3. If the member is a three-component vector with components consuming N
    //      basic machine units, the base alignment is 4N.
    //   4. If the member is an array of scalars or vectors, the base alignment and array
    //      stride are set to match the base alignment of a single array element, according
    //      to rules (1), (2), and (3), and rounded up to the base alignment of a vec4. The
    //      array may have padding at the end; the base offset of the member following
    //      the array is rounded up to the next multiple of the base alignment.
    //   5. If the member is a column-major matrix with C columns and R rows, the
    //      matrix is stored identically to an array of C column vectors with R 
    //      components each, according to rule (4).
    //   6. If the member is an array of S column-major matrices with C columns and
    //      R rows, the matrix is stored identically to a row of S  C column vectors
    //      with R components each, according to rule (4).
    //   7. If the member is a row-major matrix with C columns and R rows, the matrix
    //      is stored identically to an array of R row vectors with C components each,
    //      according to rule (4).
    //   8. If the member is an array of S row-major matrices with C columns and R
    //      rows, the matrix is stored identically to a row of S  R row vectors with C
    //      components each, according to rule (4).
    //   9. If the member is a structure, the base alignment of the structure is N , where
    //      N is the largest base alignment value of any    of its members, and rounded
    //      up to the base alignment of a vec4. The individual members of this substructure 
    //      are then assigned offsets by applying this set of rules recursively,
    //      where the base offset of the first member of the sub-structure is equal to the
    //      aligned offset of the structure. The structure may have padding at the end;
    //      the base offset of the member following the sub-structure is rounded up to
    //      the next multiple of the base alignment of the structure.
    //   10. If the member is an array of S structures, the S elements of the array are laid
    //       out in order, according to rule (9).
    //   Assuming, for rule 10:  The stride is the same as the size of an element.

    stride = 0;
    int dummyStride;

    // rules 4, 6, 8, and 10
    if (type.isArray()) {
        // TODO: perf: this might be flattened by using getCumulativeArraySize(), and a deref that discards all arrayness
        TType derefType(type, 0);
        alignment = getBaseAlignment(derefType, size, dummyStride, std140, rowMajor);
        if (std140)
            alignment = std::max(baseAlignmentVec4Std140, alignment);
        RoundToPow2(size, alignment);
        stride = size;  // uses full matrix size for stride of an array of matrices (not quite what rule 6/8, but what's expected)
                        // uses the assumption for rule 10 in the comment above
        size = stride * type.getOuterArraySize();
        return alignment;

    // rule 9
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) {
        const TTypeList& memberList = *type.getStruct();

        size = 0;
        int maxAlignment = std140 ? baseAlignmentVec4Std140 : 0;
        for (size_t m = 0; m < memberList.size(); ++m) {
            int memberSize;
            // modify just the children's view of matrix layout, if there is one for this member
            TLayoutMatrix subMatrixLayout = memberList[m].type->getQualifier().layoutMatrix;
            int memberAlignment = getBaseAlignment(*memberList[m].type, memberSize, dummyStride, std140,
                                                   (subMatrixLayout != ElmNone) ? (subMatrixLayout == ElmRowMajor) : rowMajor);
            maxAlignment = std::max(maxAlignment, memberAlignment);
            RoundToPow2(size, memberAlignment);         
            size += memberSize;

        // The structure may have padding at the end; the base offset of
        // the member following the sub-structure is rounded up to the next
        // multiple of the base alignment of the structure.
        RoundToPow2(size, maxAlignment);

        return maxAlignment;

    // rule 1
    if (type.isScalar())
        return getBaseAlignmentScalar(type, size);

    // rules 2 and 3
    if (type.isVector()) {
        int scalarAlign = getBaseAlignmentScalar(type, size);
        switch (type.getVectorSize()) {
        case 2:
            size *= 2;
            return 2 * scalarAlign;
            size *= type.getVectorSize();
            return 4 * scalarAlign;

    // rules 5 and 7
    if (type.isMatrix()) {
        // rule 5: deref to row, not to column, meaning the size of vector is num columns instead of num rows
        TType derefType(type, 0, rowMajor);
        alignment = getBaseAlignment(derefType, size, dummyStride, std140, rowMajor);
        if (std140)
            alignment = std::max(baseAlignmentVec4Std140, alignment);
        RoundToPow2(size, alignment);
        stride = size;  // use intra-matrix stride for stride of a just a matrix
        if (rowMajor)
            size = stride * type.getMatrixRows();
            size = stride * type.getMatrixCols();

        return alignment;

    assert(0);  // all cases should be covered above
    size = baseAlignmentVec4Std140;
    return baseAlignmentVec4Std140;