void SpriteAnimationTest::PostLoad()

		GameObject* playerGameObject = scene->AddGameObject(new GameObject("player"));

		AnimationController* animationController = new AnimationController();
		animationController->dataTypes.emplace_back(new AInt(20));


		for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			walkingLeftKeyframes->emplace_back(KeyFrame(100 * (i + 1), BF::Math::Rectangle(32 * i, 0, 32, 48)));
		for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
			walkingRightKeyframes->emplace_back(KeyFrame(100 * (i + 1), BF::Math::Rectangle(32 * i, 48, 32, 48)));


		AnimationData data("../Sandbox/Assets/Textures/player.png", sequence);
		data.filePath = "../Sandbox/Assets/Textures/player.png";

		Texture2D* texture = new Texture2D();
		texture->Create(ResourceManager::Load<TextureData>(data.textureName), Texture::Format::R8G8B8A8);

		BF::Graphics::Animation::Animation* walkingLeftAnimation = new BF::Graphics::Animation::Animation(texture, &(*data.sequences)[0], true);
		BF::Graphics::Animation::Animation* walkingRightAnimation = new BF::Graphics::Animation::Animation(texture, &(*data.sequences)[1], true);


		AnimationNode* walkingLeftAnimationNode = new AnimationNode();
		walkingLeftAnimationNode->animation = walkingLeftAnimation;

		AnimationNode* walkingRightAnimationNode = new AnimationNode();
		walkingRightAnimationNode->animation = walkingRightAnimation;


		Transition* startingNodeTransition = new Transition(walkingLeftAnimationNode, true);
		Condition* startingCondition = new Condition(animationController->dataTypes[0], Condition::EvaluationOperator::BiggerThan, new AInt(10));

		animationController->startingAnimationNode->transition = startingNodeTransition;


		Transition* walkingLeftTransition = new Transition(walkingRightAnimationNode, true);
		Condition* walkingLeftCondition = new Condition(animationController->dataTypes[0], Condition::EvaluationOperator::BiggerThan, new AInt(10));



		Animator* animator = (Animator*)playerGameObject->AddComponent(new Animator(animationController));
		//animator->gameObject->GetTransform()->SetScale(Vector3f(3, 3, 3));

ABOOL GBufferOne::VInitialize()
	//Define properties for textures
	Texture2DParams * pParams = new Texture2DParams();
	pParams->Init(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 1, TEX_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT, true, false, 
		true, false, 1, 0, 1, true, false, false);
	//Create textures
	Texture2D pTex = *m_pPosTex;

	//Define properties for shader resource views
	ShaderResourceViewParams * pSRVParams = new ShaderResourceViewParams();
	pSRVParams->InitForTexture2D(pParams->Format, 1, 0);

	//Create Shader Resource Views
	m_pPosTex->CreateShaderResourceView(m_SRVList.GetView(0), pSRVParams);
	m_pNormalTex->CreateShaderResourceView(m_SRVList.GetView(1), pSRVParams);
	m_pDepthTex->CreateShaderResourceView(m_SRVList.GetView(2), pSRVParams);
	m_pDiffuseTex->CreateShaderResourceView(m_SRVList.GetView(3), pSRVParams);
	m_pSpecularTex->CreateShaderResourceView(m_SRVList.GetView(4), pSRVParams);

	//Define properties for shader resource views
	RenderTargetViewParams * pRTVParams = new RenderTargetViewParams();
	pRTVParams->InitForTexture2D(pParams->Format, 0);

	//Create Render Target Views
	m_pPosTex->CreateRenderTargetView(m_RTVList.GetView(0), pRTVParams);
	m_pNormalTex->CreateRenderTargetView(m_RTVList.GetView(1), pRTVParams);
	m_pDepthTex->CreateRenderTargetView(m_RTVList.GetView(2), pRTVParams);
	m_pDiffuseTex->CreateRenderTargetView(m_RTVList.GetView(3), pRTVParams);
	m_pSpecularTex->CreateRenderTargetView(m_RTVList.GetView(4), pRTVParams);

	return 1;
Resource* WoWImporter::Import( const String& pFilename, const String& /*pParams*/ )
    WoW::ADTFile        adtFile;
    WoW::ADTFileReader  adtFileReader( adtFile );

    adtFileReader.Read( pFilename );

    WorldTile* worldTile = GD_NEW(WorldTile, this, "WoW::WorldTile");
    worldTile->GetTerrainChunks().resize( 256 );
    worldTile->GetVertexList().Allocate( 16*16 * (9*9 + 8*8), (VertexFormat::Component) (VertexFormat::Position3 | VertexFormat::TexCoord2 | VertexFormat::TexCoord2_2 | VertexFormat::Normal3) );

    Vector3f* ptrPosition = worldTile->GetVertexList().GetPositions();
    Vector3f* ptrNormal   = worldTile->GetVertexList().GetNormals();
	Vector2f* ptrTexCoord = worldTile->GetVertexList().GetTextureCoords();
    Vector2f* ptrTexCoordAlpha = worldTile->GetVertexList().GetTextureCoords_2();
    UInt32    verticesOffset = 0;

    Vector3f firstChunkPos(0,0,0);//-1.0f*adtFile.mMapChunks[0].mHeader.mPosition.y, adtFile.mMapChunks[0].mHeader.mPosition.z, -1.0f*adtFile.mMapChunks[0].mHeader.mPosition.x );

    for( UInt32 iChunk = 0; iChunk < 256; iChunk++ )
        WoW::ADTFile::MapChunk* mapChunk = &adtFile.mMapChunks[iChunk];

        // Append vertex data to vertex buffer
        Float* ptrDataHeight  = mapChunk->mHeightMap;
        Char*  ptrDataNormals = mapChunk->mHeightMapNormals[0];

        Vector3f chunkPos( -1.0f*mapChunk->mHeader.mPosition.y, mapChunk->mHeader.mPosition.z, -1.0f*mapChunk->mHeader.mPosition.x );
        Float  posX = chunkPos.x - firstChunkPos.x;
        Float  posZ = chunkPos.z - firstChunkPos.z;
        for( UInt32 z = 0; z < 9; z++ )
            // Normal row
            posX = chunkPos.x - firstChunkPos.x;
            for( UInt32 x = 0; x < 9; x++ )
                ptrPosition->x = posX;
                ptrPosition->y = chunkPos.y + (*ptrDataHeight) - firstChunkPos.y;
                ptrPosition->z = posZ;
                (*ptrPosition) *= 0.1f;

                ptrNormal->x = ((Float)ptrDataNormals[0]) / 127.0f;
                ptrNormal->y = ((Float)ptrDataNormals[1]) / 127.0f;
                ptrNormal->z = ((Float)ptrDataNormals[2]) / 127.0f;

                ptrTexCoord->x = x / 8.0f;
                ptrTexCoord->y = z / 8.0f;

				ptrTexCoordAlpha->x = (x+0.125f) / 8.25f;
				ptrTexCoordAlpha->y = (z+0.125f) / 8.25f;

                ptrDataNormals += 3;


                posX += UNIT_SIZE;
            posZ += 0.5f * UNIT_SIZE;

            if( z == 8 )

            // Detailed row
            posX = chunkPos.x + 0.5f * UNIT_SIZE - firstChunkPos.x;
            for( UInt32 x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
                ptrPosition->x = posX;
                ptrPosition->y = chunkPos.y + (*ptrDataHeight) - firstChunkPos.y;
                ptrPosition->z = posZ;
                (*ptrPosition) *= 0.1f;

                ptrNormal->x = ((Float)ptrDataNormals[0]) / 127.0f;
                ptrNormal->y = ((Float)ptrDataNormals[1]) / 127.0f;
                ptrNormal->z = ((Float)ptrDataNormals[2]) / 127.0f;

                ptrTexCoord->x = (x+0.5f) / 8.0f;
                ptrTexCoord->y = (z+0.5f) / 8.0f;

				ptrTexCoordAlpha->x = (x+0.5f+0.125f) / 8.25f;
				ptrTexCoordAlpha->y = (z+0.5f+0.125f) / 8.25f;

                ptrDataNormals += 3;

                posX += UNIT_SIZE;
            posZ += 0.5f * UNIT_SIZE;

        WorldTile::TerrainChunk* newChunk = GD_NEW(WorldTile::TerrainChunk, this, "WoW::WorldTile::TerrainChunk");

		for( UInt32 iLayer = 0; iLayer < mapChunk->mTextureLayers.size(); iLayer++ )
			String textureName("Data/");
			textureName += adtFile.mTextureNames[mapChunk->mTextureLayers[iLayer].mTextureID];
			HTexture2D texture(textureName);

            Texture2D* alpha = NULL;

            if( iLayer != 0 )
                alpha = Cast<Texture2D>(Texture2D::StaticClass()->AllocateNew( "AlphaMap" ));
                alpha->Create( mapChunk->mAlphaMaps[iLayer-1], true );
                alpha->SetWrapMode( Texture::Wrap_S, Texture::Wrap_Clamp );
                alpha->SetWrapMode( Texture::Wrap_T, Texture::Wrap_Clamp );
                alpha->SetMinFilter( Texture::MinFilter_Linear );
                alpha->SetMagFilter( Texture::MagFilter_Linear );

			newChunk->AddTextureLayer( texture, alpha );

        UInt32 detailedStripSize = (16*18 + 7*2 + 8*2);
        UInt32 normalStripSize   = 158;

        // Build index buffer
        newChunk->GetHiResTriangles().Allocate( TriangleBatch::TriangleStrip, detailedStripSize );
        newChunk->GetLowResTriangles().Allocate( TriangleBatch::TriangleStrip, normalStripSize );
        UInt16* ptrHiIndices = newChunk->GetHiResTriangles().GetIndices();
        UInt16* ptrLoIndices = newChunk->GetLowResTriangles().GetIndices();
        for( int row = 0; row < 8; row++ )
            UInt32 topRow       = verticesOffset + row*(9+8);
            UInt32 detailrow    = verticesOffset + row*(9+8) + 9;
            UInt32 nextRow      = verticesOffset + (row+1)*(9+8);
            if( row > 0 )
                *ptrHiIndices++ = topRow + 0;     // jump end
                *ptrLoIndices++ = topRow + 0;
            for( int col = 0; col < 8; col++ )
                *ptrHiIndices++ = topRow + col;
                *ptrHiIndices++ = detailrow + col;
                *ptrLoIndices++ = topRow + col;
                *ptrLoIndices++ = nextRow + col;
            *ptrHiIndices++ = topRow  + 8;
            *ptrHiIndices++ = nextRow + 8;
            *ptrHiIndices++ = nextRow + 8;        // jump start
            *ptrHiIndices++ = topRow  + 0;        // jump end
            *ptrHiIndices++ = topRow  + 0;   
            *ptrLoIndices++ = topRow  + 8;
            *ptrLoIndices++ = nextRow + 8;
            for( int col = 0; col < 8; col++ )
                *ptrHiIndices++ = nextRow + col;
                *ptrHiIndices++ = detailrow + col;

            if( row < 8 )
                *ptrHiIndices++ = nextRow + 8;

            if( row < 7 ) 
                *ptrHiIndices++ = nextRow + 8;    // jump start
                *ptrLoIndices++ = nextRow + 8;

        verticesOffset += 9*9 + 8*8;

        worldTile->GetTerrainChunks()[iChunk] = newChunk;
    return (Resource*)worldTile;
Resource* DevILImporter::Import( const String& pFilename, const String& /*pParams*/ )
    ILuint  imageName;

    // Load the image. DevIL will guess the type of the image file using it's extension and if needed it's header.
    ilGenImages( 1, &imageName );
    ilBindImage( imageName );

    // Load the image.
    if( !ilLoadImage( const_cast<char*>(pFilename.c_str()) ) )
        throw ResourceImportException( ToString(ilGetError()), Here );

    // Get the image params.
    ILint bytesPerPixel   = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_BYTES_PER_PIXEL );
    ILint imgFormat       = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_FORMAT );
    ILint imgWidth        = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_WIDTH );
    ILint imgHeight       = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT );

    // We do not support palettized texture currently, so un-palettize them!
    if( imgFormat == IL_COLOR_INDEX )
        switch( ilGetInteger( IL_PALETTE_TYPE ) )
        case IL_PAL_RGB24:
        case IL_PAL_RGB32:
            imgFormat = IL_RGB;
        case IL_PAL_BGR24:
        case IL_PAL_BGR32:
            imgFormat = IL_BGR;
        case IL_PAL_RGBA32:
            imgFormat = IL_RGBA;
        case IL_PAL_BGRA32:
            imgFormat = IL_BGRA;

        ilConvertImage( imgFormat, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE );
        bytesPerPixel = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_BYTES_PER_PIXEL );
        imgFormat     = ilGetInteger( IL_IMAGE_FORMAT );

    // Find what is the gamedesk internal image format that will be used.
    Image::Format gdImgFormat = GetImageFormat( imgFormat, bytesPerPixel );

    Image newImage;
    newImage.Create( imgWidth, imgHeight, gdImgFormat );
    memcpy( newImage.GetData(), ilGetData(), imgWidth*imgHeight*bytesPerPixel );

    Texture* newTexture = NULL;

    // Allocate and create using image.
    if( imgWidth == 1 || imgHeight == 1 )
        Texture1D* tex = Cast<Texture1D>(Texture1D::StaticClass()->AllocateNew( pFilename ));
        tex->Create( newImage );
        newTexture = tex;
        Texture2D* tex = Cast<Texture2D>(Texture2D::StaticClass()->AllocateNew( pFilename ));
        tex->Create( newImage );
        newTexture = tex;

    // The DevIL copy of the image is not needed anymore, so destroy it.
    ilDeleteImages( 1, &imageName );

    return newTexture;