/** Add a new statistic to the internal map (or update an existing one) from the supplied component */
	UPrimitiveStats* Add(UPrimitiveComponent* InPrimitiveComponent, EPrimitiveObjectSets InObjectSet)
		// Objects in transient package or transient objects are not part of level.
		if( InPrimitiveComponent->GetOutermost() == GetTransientPackage() || InPrimitiveComponent->HasAnyFlags( RF_Transient ) )
			return NULL;

		// Owned by a default object? Not part of a level either.
		if(InPrimitiveComponent->GetOuter() && InPrimitiveComponent->GetOuter()->IsDefaultSubobject() )
			return NULL;

		UStaticMeshComponent*	StaticMeshComponent		= Cast<UStaticMeshComponent>(InPrimitiveComponent);
		UModelComponent*		ModelComponent			= Cast<UModelComponent>(InPrimitiveComponent);
		USkeletalMeshComponent*	SkeletalMeshComponent	= Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(InPrimitiveComponent);
		ULandscapeComponent*	LandscapeComponent		= Cast<ULandscapeComponent>(InPrimitiveComponent);
		UObject*				Resource				= NULL;
		AActor*					ActorOuter				= Cast<AActor>(InPrimitiveComponent->GetOuter());

		int32 VertexColorMem		= 0;
		int32 InstVertexColorMem	= 0;
		// Calculate number of direct and other lights relevant to this component.
		int32 LightsLMCount			= 0;
		int32 LightsOtherCount		= 0;
		bool bUsesOnlyUnlitMaterials = InPrimitiveComponent->UsesOnlyUnlitMaterials();

		// The static mesh is a static mesh component's resource.
		if( StaticMeshComponent )
			UStaticMesh* Mesh = StaticMeshComponent->StaticMesh;
			Resource = Mesh;

			// Calculate vertex color memory on the actual mesh.
			if( Mesh && Mesh->RenderData )
				// Accumulate memory for each LOD
				for( int32 LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < Mesh->RenderData->LODResources.Num(); ++LODIndex )
					VertexColorMem += Mesh->RenderData->LODResources[LODIndex].ColorVertexBuffer.GetAllocatedSize();

			// Calculate instanced vertex color memory used on the component.
			for( int32 LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < StaticMeshComponent->LODData.Num(); ++LODIndex )
				// Accumulate memory for each LOD
				const FStaticMeshComponentLODInfo& LODInfo = StaticMeshComponent->LODData[ LODIndex ];
				if( LODInfo.OverrideVertexColors )
					InstVertexColorMem += LODInfo.OverrideVertexColors->GetAllocatedSize();	
			// Calculate the number of lightmap and shadow map lights
			if( !bUsesOnlyUnlitMaterials )
				if( StaticMeshComponent->LODData.Num() > 0 )
					FStaticMeshComponentLODInfo& ComponentLODInfo = StaticMeshComponent->LODData[0];
					if( ComponentLODInfo.LightMap )
						LightsLMCount = ComponentLODInfo.LightMap->LightGuids.Num();
		// A model component is its own resource.
		else if( ModelComponent )			
			// Make sure model component is referenced by level.
			ULevel* Level = CastChecked<ULevel>(ModelComponent->GetOuter());
			if( Level->ModelComponents.Find( ModelComponent ) != INDEX_NONE )
				Resource = ModelComponent->GetModel();

				// Calculate the number of lightmap and shadow map lights
				if( !bUsesOnlyUnlitMaterials )
					const TIndirectArray<FModelElement> Elements = ModelComponent->GetElements();
					if( Elements.Num() > 0 )
						if( Elements[0].LightMap )
							LightsLMCount = Elements[0].LightMap->LightGuids.Num();
		// The skeletal mesh of a skeletal mesh component is its resource.
		else if( SkeletalMeshComponent )
			USkeletalMesh* Mesh = SkeletalMeshComponent->SkeletalMesh;
			Resource = Mesh;
			// Calculate vertex color usage for skeletal meshes
			if( Mesh )
				FSkeletalMeshResource* SkelMeshResource = Mesh->GetResourceForRendering();
				for( int32 LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < SkelMeshResource->LODModels.Num(); ++LODIndex )
					const FStaticLODModel& LODModel = SkelMeshResource->LODModels[ LODIndex ];
					VertexColorMem += LODModel.ColorVertexBuffer.GetVertexDataSize();
		// The landscape of a landscape component is its resource.
		else if (LandscapeComponent)
			Resource = LandscapeComponent->GetLandscapeProxy();
			if (LandscapeComponent->LightMap)
				LightsLMCount = LandscapeComponent->LightMap->LightGuids.Num();

		UWorld* World = InPrimitiveComponent->GetWorld();
	//	check(World); // @todo: re-instate this check once the GWorld migration has completed
		/// If we should skip the actor. Skip if the actor has no outer or if we are only showing selected actors and the actor isn't selected
		const bool bShouldSkip = World == NULL || ActorOuter == NULL || (ActorOuter != NULL && InObjectSet == PrimitiveObjectSets_SelectedObjects && ActorOuter->IsSelected() == false );
		// Dont' care about components without a resource.
		if(	Resource 
			// Require actor association for selection and to disregard mesh emitter components. The exception being model components.
			&&	(!bShouldSkip || (ModelComponent && InObjectSet != PrimitiveObjectSets_SelectedObjects ) )
			// Only list primitives in visible levels
			&&	IsInVisibleLevel( InPrimitiveComponent, World ) 
			// Don't list pending kill components.
			&&	!InPrimitiveComponent->IsPendingKill() )
			// Retrieve relevant lights.
			TArray<const ULightComponent*> RelevantLights;
			World->Scene->GetRelevantLights( InPrimitiveComponent, &RelevantLights );

			// Only look for relevant lights if we aren't unlit.
			if( !bUsesOnlyUnlitMaterials )
				// Lightmap and shadow map lights are calculated above, per component type, infer the "other" light count here
				LightsOtherCount = RelevantLights.Num() >= LightsLMCount ? RelevantLights.Num() - LightsLMCount : 0;

			// Figure out memory used by light and shadow maps and light/ shadow map resolution.
			int32 LightMapWidth			= 0;
			int32 LightMapHeight		= 0;
			InPrimitiveComponent->GetLightMapResolution( LightMapWidth, LightMapHeight );
			int32 LMSMResolution		= FMath::Sqrt( LightMapHeight * LightMapWidth );
			int32 LightMapData			= 0;
			int32 LegacyShadowMapData	= 0;
			InPrimitiveComponent->GetLightAndShadowMapMemoryUsage( LightMapData, LegacyShadowMapData );

			// Check whether we already have an entry for the associated static mesh.
			UPrimitiveStats** StatsEntryPtr = ResourceToStatsMap.Find( Resource );
			if( StatsEntryPtr )
				UPrimitiveStats* StatsEntry = *StatsEntryPtr;

				// We do. Update existing entry.
				StatsEntry->RadiusMin		= FMath::Min( StatsEntry->RadiusMin, InPrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius );
				StatsEntry->RadiusMax		= FMath::Max( StatsEntry->RadiusMax, InPrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius );
				StatsEntry->RadiusAvg		+= InPrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius;
				StatsEntry->LightsLM		+= LightsLMCount;
				StatsEntry->LightsOther		+= LightsOtherCount;
				StatsEntry->LightMapData	+= (float)LightMapData / 1024.0f;
				StatsEntry->LMSMResolution	+= LMSMResolution;

				if ( !ModelComponent && !LandscapeComponent )
					// Count instanced sections
					StatsEntry->InstSections += StatsEntry->Sections;
					StatsEntry->InstTriangles += StatsEntry->Triangles;

				// ... in the case of a model component (aka BSP).
				if( ModelComponent )
					// If Count represents the Model itself, we do NOT want to increment it now.

					for (const auto& Element : ModelComponent->GetElements())
						StatsEntry->Triangles += Element.NumTriangles;

					StatsEntry->InstSections = StatsEntry->Sections;
					StatsEntry->InstTriangles = StatsEntry->Triangles;
				else if( StaticMeshComponent )
					// This stat is used by multiple components so accumulate instanced vertex color memory.
					StatsEntry->InstVertexColorMem += (float)InstVertexColorMem / 1024.0f;
				else if (LandscapeComponent)
					// If Count represents the Landscape itself, we do NOT want to increment it now.
				// We don't. Create new base entry.
				UPrimitiveStats* NewStatsEntry = NewObject<UPrimitiveStats>();
				NewStatsEntry->Object			= Resource;
				NewStatsEntry->Count			= 1;
				NewStatsEntry->Triangles		= 0;
				NewStatsEntry->InstTriangles	= 0;
				NewStatsEntry->ResourceSize		= (float)(FArchiveCountMem(Resource).GetNum() + Resource->GetResourceSize(EResourceSizeMode::Exclusive)) / 1024.0f;
				NewStatsEntry->Sections			= 0;
				NewStatsEntry->InstSections = 0;
				NewStatsEntry->RadiusMin		= InPrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius;
				NewStatsEntry->RadiusAvg		= InPrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius;
				NewStatsEntry->RadiusMax		= InPrimitiveComponent->Bounds.SphereRadius;
				NewStatsEntry->LightsLM			= LightsLMCount;
				NewStatsEntry->LightsOther		= (float)LightsOtherCount;
				NewStatsEntry->LightMapData		= (float)LightMapData / 1024.0f;
				NewStatsEntry->LMSMResolution	= LMSMResolution;
				NewStatsEntry->VertexColorMem	= (float)VertexColorMem / 1024.0f;
				NewStatsEntry->InstVertexColorMem = (float)InstVertexColorMem / 1024.0f;

				// Fix up triangle and section count...

				// ... in the case of a static mesh component.
				if( StaticMeshComponent )
					UStaticMesh* StaticMesh = StaticMeshComponent->StaticMesh;
					if( StaticMesh && StaticMesh->RenderData )
						for( int32 SectionIndex=0; SectionIndex<StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].Sections.Num(); SectionIndex++ )
							const FStaticMeshSection& StaticMeshSection = StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].Sections[SectionIndex];
							NewStatsEntry->Triangles	+= StaticMeshSection.NumTriangles;
				// ... in the case of a model component (aka BSP).
				else if( ModelComponent )
					TIndirectArray<FModelElement> Elements = ModelComponent->GetElements();
					for( int32 ElementIndex=0; ElementIndex<Elements.Num(); ElementIndex++ )
						const FModelElement& Element = Elements[ElementIndex];
						NewStatsEntry->Triangles += Element.NumTriangles;

				// ... in the case of skeletal mesh component.
				else if( SkeletalMeshComponent )
					USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh = SkeletalMeshComponent->SkeletalMesh;
					if( SkeletalMesh )
						FSkeletalMeshResource* SkelMeshResource = SkeletalMesh->GetResourceForRendering();
						if (SkelMeshResource->LODModels.Num())
							const FStaticLODModel& BaseLOD = SkelMeshResource->LODModels[0];
							for( int32 SectionIndex=0; SectionIndex<BaseLOD.Sections.Num(); SectionIndex++ )
								const FSkelMeshSection& Section = BaseLOD.Sections[SectionIndex];
								NewStatsEntry->Triangles += Section.NumTriangles;
				else if (LandscapeComponent)
					TSet<UTexture2D*> UniqueTextures;
					for (auto ItComponents = LandscapeComponent->GetLandscapeProxy()->LandscapeComponents.CreateConstIterator(); ItComponents; ++ItComponents)
						const ULandscapeComponent* CurrentComponent = *ItComponents;

						// count triangles and sections in the landscape
						NewStatsEntry->Triangles += FMath::Square(CurrentComponent->ComponentSizeQuads) * 2;
						NewStatsEntry->Sections += FMath::Square(CurrentComponent->NumSubsections);

						// count resource usage of landscape
						bool bNotUnique = false;
						UniqueTextures.Add(CurrentComponent->HeightmapTexture, &bNotUnique);
						if (!bNotUnique)
							NewStatsEntry->ResourceSize += CurrentComponent->HeightmapTexture->GetResourceSize(EResourceSizeMode::Exclusive);
						if (CurrentComponent->XYOffsetmapTexture)
							UniqueTextures.Add(CurrentComponent->XYOffsetmapTexture, &bNotUnique);
							if (!bNotUnique)
								NewStatsEntry->ResourceSize += CurrentComponent->XYOffsetmapTexture->GetResourceSize(EResourceSizeMode::Exclusive);

						for (auto ItWeightmaps = CurrentComponent->WeightmapTextures.CreateConstIterator(); ItWeightmaps; ++ItWeightmaps)
							UniqueTextures.Add((*ItWeightmaps), &bNotUnique);
							if (!bNotUnique)
								NewStatsEntry->ResourceSize += (*ItWeightmaps)->GetResourceSize(EResourceSizeMode::Exclusive);

				NewStatsEntry->InstTriangles = NewStatsEntry->Triangles;
				NewStatsEntry->InstSections = NewStatsEntry->Sections;

				// Add to map.
				ResourceToStatsMap.Add( Resource, NewStatsEntry );

				return NewStatsEntry;

		return NULL;