// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MultJoin::recomputeOuterReferences()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MultiJoin::recomputeOuterReferences()
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Delete all those input values that are no longer referenced on
  // this operator.
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (NOT getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs().isEmpty())
    ValueIdSet outerRefs = getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();

    // Weed out those expressions not needed by my selectionPred and joinPred
    // xxx instead of taking this from getLocalJoinPreds, should I take it
    // from MultiJoin selectionPred??? refer to getLocalJoinPreds definition
    // and consider preds that referencing inputs!!!
    ValueIdSet exprSet = jbbSubset_.getLocalJoinPreds(); // from JbbSubsetAnalysis
    // Need to include LocalDependentPreds later when supported. Ok now for inner MultiJoins


    // Add back those expressiones needed by my children
    Int32 arity = getArity();

    // outputs produced by JBBCs in this MultiJoin
    ValueIdSet jbbcOutputs;
    for (Int32 i = 0; i < arity; i++)
      outerRefs += child(i)->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
      jbbcOutputs += child(i)->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicOutputs();
      // these inputs are provided by jbbcs in this MultiJoin

    // account for TSJs i.e. values flowing from
    // one jbbc to another within this MultiJoin
    outerRefs -= jbbcOutputs;

} // MultiJoin::recomputeOuterReferences()