int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  choice::MpiArgs args( argc, argv );
  choice::Args args( argc, argv );
  int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  int numProcs = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getNProc();

  // Required arguments
  double epsilon = args.Input<double>("--epsilon", "diffusion parameter");
  int numRefs = args.Input<int>("--numRefs", "number of refinement steps");
  bool enforceLocalConservation = args.Input<bool>("--conserve", "enforce local conservation");
  int norm = args.Input<int>("--norm", "0 = graph\n    1 = robust\n    2 = modified robust");

  // Optional arguments (have defaults)
  bool zeroL2 = args.Input("--zeroL2", "take L2 term on v in robust norm to zero", false);

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma = varFactory.fieldVar("sigma", VECTOR_L2);

  vector<double> beta;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  bf->addTerm(sigma / epsilon, tau);
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  bf->addTerm( sigma, v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  if (norm == 0)
    ip = bf->graphNorm();
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Robust norm
  else if (norm == 1)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    // Weight these two terms for inflow
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Modified robust norm
  else if (norm == 2)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling );
    // FunctionPtr ip_weight = Teuchos::rcp( new IPWeight() );
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() - beta*v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );

  // // robust test norm
  // IPPtr robIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  // FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
  // if (!enforceLocalConservation)
  //   robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );
  // robIP->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
  // // Weight these two terms for inflow
  // FunctionPtr ip_weight = Teuchos::rcp( new IPWeight() );
  // robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * beta * v->grad() );
  // robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * tau->div() );
  // robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
  // if (enforceLocalConservation)
  //   robIP->addZeroMeanTerm( v );

  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp( new PenaltyConstraints );

  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  FunctionPtr one = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(1.0) );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );

  SpatialFilterPtr lBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr tbBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new TopBottomBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr rBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new RightBoundary );
  // SpatialFilterPtr leftCircleBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftCircleBoundary );
  // SpatialFilterPtr rightCircleBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new RightCircleBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr circleBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new CircleBoundary );

  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, lBoundary, zero);
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, tbBoundary, zero);
  pc->addConstraint(beta*uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero, rBoundary);
  // bc->addDirichlet(uhat, leftCircleBoundary, one);
  // bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, rightCircleBoundary, beta*n*one);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, circleBoundary, one);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 3, pToAdd = 2;
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh;
  mesh = MeshFactory::shiftedHemkerMesh(-3, 9, 6, 1, bf, H1Order, pToAdd);
  // mesh = BuildHemkerMesh(bf, nseg, circleMesh, triangulateMesh, H1Order, pToAdd);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, ip) );

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  double energyThreshold = 0.25; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );
  Teuchos::RCP<RefinementHistory> refHistory = Teuchos::rcp( new RefinementHistory );
#ifdef saveVTK
  VTKExporter exporter(solution, mesh, varFactory);
  ofstream errOut;
  if (commRank == 0)

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++)

    double energy_error = solution->energyErrorTotal();
    if (commRank==0)
      stringstream outfile;
      outfile << "hemker_" << refIndex;
#ifdef saveVTK

      // Check local conservation
      FunctionPtr flux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      Teuchos::Tuple<double, 3> fluxImbalances = checkConservation(flux, zero, varFactory, mesh);
      cout << "Mass flux: Largest Local = " << fluxImbalances[0]
           << ", Global = " << fluxImbalances[1] << ", Sum Abs = " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

      errOut << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " " << energy_error << " "
             << fluxImbalances[0] << " " << fluxImbalances[1] << " " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

    if (refIndex < numRefs)
      refinementStrategy.refine(commRank==0); // print to console on commRank 0
  if (commRank == 0)

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;
  int polyOrder = 3;
  int pToAdd = 2; // for tests

  // define our manufactured solution or problem bilinear form:
  double epsilon = 1e-2;
  bool useTriangles = false;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int H1Order = polyOrder + 1;
  int horizontalCells = 1, verticalCells = 1;

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  double nonlinearStepSize = 0.5;
  double nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance = 0.015; // used to determine convergence of the nonlinear solution


  Teuchos::RCP<BurgersBilinearForm> oldBurgersBF = Teuchos::rcp(new BurgersBilinearForm(epsilon));

  // new-style bilinear form definition
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta_n u - \\sigma_n}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau",HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v",HGRAD);
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells, bf, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd, useTriangles);
  mesh->setPartitionPolicy(Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanMeshPartitionPolicy("HSFC")));

  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> backgroundFlow = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, Teuchos::rcp((BC*)NULL) , Teuchos::rcp((RHS*)NULL), Teuchos::rcp((DPGInnerProduct*)NULL))); // create null solution

  // tau parts:
  // 1/eps (sigma, tau)_K + (u, div tau)_K - (u_hat, tau_n)_dK
  bf->addTerm(sigma1 / epsilon, tau->x());
  bf->addTerm(sigma2 / epsilon, tau->y());
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm( - uhat, tau->dot_normal() );

  vector<double> e1(2); // (1,0)
  e1[0] = 1;
  vector<double> e2(2); // (0,1)
  e2[1] = 1;

  FunctionPtr u_prev = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(backgroundFlow, u) );
  FunctionPtr beta = e1 * u_prev + Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) );

  // v:
  // (sigma, grad v)_K - (sigma_hat_n, v)_dK - (u, beta dot grad v) + (u_hat * n dot beta, v)_dK
  bf->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  bf->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  bf->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad());
  bf->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat, v);

  // ==================== SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================

  map<int, Teuchos::RCP<AbstractFunction> > functionMap;
  functionMap[BurgersBilinearForm::U] = Teuchos::rcp(new InitialGuess());
  functionMap[BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_1] = Teuchos::rcp(new ZeroFunction());
  functionMap[BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_2] = Teuchos::rcp(new ZeroFunction());


  // ==================== END SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================
  // compare stiffness matrices for first linear step:
  int trialOrder = 1;
  pToAdd = 0;
  int testOrder = trialOrder + pToAdd;
  CellTopoPtr quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));
  DofOrderingFactory dofOrderingFactory(bf);
  DofOrderingPtr testOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.testOrdering(testOrder, *quadTopoPtr);
  DofOrderingPtr trialOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.trialOrdering(trialOrder, *quadTopoPtr);

  int numCells = 1;
  // just use testOrdering for both trial and test spaces (we only use to define BasisCache)
  ElementTypePtr elemType  = Teuchos::rcp( new ElementType(trialOrdering, testOrdering, quadTopoPtr) );
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType) );
  basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(quadPoints,vector<int>(1),true); // true: do create side cache
  FieldContainer<double> cellSideParities(numCells,quadTopoPtr->getSideCount());
  cellSideParities.initialize(1.0); // not worried here about neighbors actually having opposite parity -- just want the two BF implementations to agree...
  FieldContainer<double> expectedValues(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  FieldContainer<double> actualValues(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  oldBurgersBF->stiffnessMatrix(expectedValues, elemType, cellSideParities, basisCache);
  bf->stiffnessMatrix(actualValues, elemType, cellSideParities, basisCache);

  // compare beta's as well
  FieldContainer<double> expectedBeta = oldBurgersBF->getBeta(basisCache);
  Teuchos::Array<int> dim;
  FieldContainer<double> actualBeta(dim);

  double tol = 1e-14;
  double maxDiff;
  if (rank == 0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedBeta,actualBeta,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old Burgers beta differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old beta: \n" << expectedBeta;
      cout << "New beta: \n" << actualBeta;
      cout << "Old and new Burgers beta agree!!\n";

    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old Burgers stiffness differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "TrialDofOrdering: \n" << *trialOrdering;
      cout << "TestDofOrdering:\n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new Burgers stiffness agree!!\n";

  // define our inner product:
  // Teuchos::RCP<BurgersInnerProduct> ip = Teuchos::rcp( new BurgersInnerProduct( bf, mesh ) );

  // function to scale the squared guy by epsilon/h
  FunctionPtr epsilonOverHScaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) );
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
  ip->addTerm( epsilonOverHScaling * v );
  ip->addTerm( sqrt(sqrt(epsilon)) * v->grad() );
  ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );

  // use old IP instead, for now...
  Teuchos::RCP<BurgersInnerProduct> oldIP = Teuchos::rcp( new BurgersInnerProduct( oldBurgersBF, mesh ) );

  expectedValues.resize(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), testOrdering->totalDofs() );
  actualValues.resize  (numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs(), testOrdering->totalDofs() );

  BasisCachePtr ipBasisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType, true) ); // true: test vs. test
  ipBasisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(quadPoints,vector<int>(1),false); // false: don't create side cache


  tol = 1e-14;
  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old inner product differs from new IP; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New IP: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "testOrdering: \n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old inner product and new IP agree!!\n";

  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  // the RHS as implemented by BurgersProblem divides the first component of beta by 2.0
  // so we follow that.  I've not done the math; just imitating the code...
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> otherRHS = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  vector<double> e1_div2 = e1;
  e1_div2[0] /= 2.0;
  FunctionPtr rhsBeta = (e1_div2 * beta * e1 + Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) )) * u_prev;
  otherRHS->addTerm( rhsBeta * v->grad() - u_prev * tau->div() );

  Teuchos::RCP<BurgersProblem> problem = Teuchos::rcp( new BurgersProblem(oldBurgersBF) );

  expectedValues.resize(numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs() );
  actualValues.resize  (numCells, testOrdering->totalDofs() );


  tol = 1e-14;
  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old RHS differs from new (\"otherRHS\"); maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "testOrdering: \n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new RHS (\"otherRHS\") agree!!\n";

  FunctionPtr u_prev_squared_div2 = 0.5 * u_prev * u_prev;
  rhs->addTerm( (e1 * u_prev_squared_div2 + e2 * u_prev) * v->grad() - u_prev * tau->div());

  if (! functionsAgree(e2 * u_prev,
                       Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) ) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  FunctionPtr e1_f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e1 ) );
  FunctionPtr e2_f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) );
  FunctionPtr one  = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction( 1.0 ) );
  if (! functionsAgree( Teuchos::rcp( new ProductFunction(e1_f, (e1_f + e2_f)) ), // e1_f * (e1_f + e2_f)
                        basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  if (! functionsAgree(u_prev_squared_div2,
                       (e1_div2 * beta) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  if (! functionsAgree(e1 * u_prev_squared_div2,
                       (e1_div2 * beta * e1) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";

  if (! functionsAgree(e1 * u_prev_squared_div2 + e2 * u_prev,
                       (e1_div2 * beta * e1 + Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) )) * u_prev,
                       basisCache) )
    cout << "two like functions differ...\n";


  tol = 1e-14;
  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old RHS differs from new (\"rhs\"); maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "testOrdering: \n" << *testOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new RHS (\"rhs\") agree!!\n";

  SpatialFilterPtr outflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new TopBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr inflowBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new NegatedSpatialFilter(outflowBoundary) );
  Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp(new PenaltyConstraints);
  LinearTermPtr sigma_hat = beta * uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat;
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );

  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U0 );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> inflowBC = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  FunctionPtr u0_squared_div_2 = 0.5 * u0 * u0;
  inflowBC->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_hat,inflowBoundary, ( e1 * u0_squared_div_2 + e2 * u0) * n );

  // create a solution object
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, inflowBC, rhs, ip));


  // old penalty filter:
  Teuchos::RCP<LocalStiffnessMatrixFilter> penaltyBC = Teuchos::rcp(new PenaltyMethodFilter(problem));
//  solution->setFilter(penaltyBC);

  // compare old and new filters
  elemType = mesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  trialOrdering = elemType->trialOrderPtr;
  testOrdering = elemType->testOrderPtr;
  // stiffness
  expectedValues.resize(numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  actualValues.resize  (numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs(), trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  // load
  FieldContainer<double> expectedLoad(numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs() );
  FieldContainer<double> actualLoad(numCells, trialOrdering->totalDofs() );


  maxDiff = 0.0;
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedValues,actualValues,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old penalty stiffness differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "trialOrdering: \n" << *trialOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new penalty stiffness agree!!\n";
  if (rank==0)
    if ( ! TestSuite::fcsAgree(expectedLoad,actualLoad,tol,maxDiff) )
      cout << "Test failed: old penalty load differs from new; maxDiff " << maxDiff << ".\n";
      cout << "Old: \n" << expectedValues;
      cout << "New: \n" << actualValues;
      cout << "trialOrdering: \n" << *trialOrdering;
      cout << "Old and new penalty load agree!!\n";

  // define refinement strategy:
  Teuchos::RCP<RefinementStrategy> refinementStrategy = Teuchos::rcp(new RefinementStrategy(solution,energyThreshold));

  // =================== END INITIALIZATION CODE ==========================

  // refine the spectral mesh, for comparability with the original Burgers' driver

  int numRefs = 5;

  Teuchos::RCP<NonlinearStepSize> stepSize = Teuchos::rcp(new NonlinearStepSize(nonlinearStepSize));
  Teuchos::RCP<NonlinearSolveStrategy> solveStrategy = Teuchos::rcp(
        new NonlinearSolveStrategy(backgroundFlow, solution, stepSize, nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance)

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<numRefs; refIndex++)
    refinementStrategy->refine(rank==0); // print to console on rank 0

  // one more nonlinear solve on refined mesh
  int numNRSteps = 5;
  for (int i=0; i<numNRSteps; i++)

  if (rank==0)
    backgroundFlow->writeFieldsToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::U, "u_ref.m");
    backgroundFlow->writeFieldsToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_1, "sigmax.m");
    backgroundFlow->writeFieldsToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::SIGMA_2, "sigmay.m");
    solution->writeFluxesToFile(BurgersBilinearForm::U_HAT, "du_hat_ref.dat");

  return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  choice::MpiArgs args( argc, argv );
  choice::Args args( argc, argv );
  int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  int numProcs = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getNProc();

  // Required arguments
  double epsilon = args.Input<double>("--epsilon", "diffusion parameter");
  int numRefs = args.Input<int>("--numRefs", "number of refinement steps");
  bool enforceLocalConservation = args.Input<bool>("--conserve", "enforce local conservation");
  int norm = args.Input<int>("--norm", "0 = graph\n    1 = robust\n    2 = modified robust");

  // Optional arguments (have defaults)
  halfwidth = args.Input("--halfwidth", "half the width of the wedge", 0.5);
  bool allQuads = args.Input("--allQuads", "use only quads in mesh", false);
  bool zeroL2 = args.Input("--zeroL2", "take L2 term on v in robust norm to zero", enforceLocalConservation);

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactory varFactory; 
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);
  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("uhat");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("fhat");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma = varFactory.fieldVar("sigma", VECTOR_L2);

  vector<double> beta;
  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  bf->addTerm(sigma / epsilon, tau);
  bf->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  bf->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());
  // v terms:
  bf->addTerm( sigma, v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  bf->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);
  ////////////////////   DEFINE INNER PRODUCT(S)   ///////////////////////
  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  // Graph norm
  if (norm == 0)
    ip = bf->graphNorm();
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling ); 
    ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Robust norm
  else if (norm == 1)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) ); 
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling ); 
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    // Weight these two terms for inflow
    ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  // Modified robust norm
  else if (norm == 2)
    // robust test norm
    FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) ); 
    FunctionPtr h2_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroMeanScaling ); 
    if (!zeroL2)
      ip->addTerm( v );
    ip->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( tau->div() - beta*v->grad() );
    ip->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
    if (zeroL2)
      ip->addZeroMeanTerm( h2_scaling*v );
  ////////////////////   SPECIFY RHS   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp( new PenaltyConstraints );
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );

  SpatialFilterPtr inflow = Teuchos::rcp( new Inflow );
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, inflow, zero);

  SpatialFilterPtr leadingWedge = Teuchos::rcp( new LeadingWedge );
  FunctionPtr one = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(1.0) );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, leadingWedge, one);

  SpatialFilterPtr trailingWedge = Teuchos::rcp( new TrailingWedge );
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, trailingWedge, beta*n*one);
  // bc->addDirichlet(uhat, trailingWedge, one);

  SpatialFilterPtr top = Teuchos::rcp( new Top );
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, top, zero);
  // bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, top, zero);

  SpatialFilterPtr outflow = Teuchos::rcp( new Outflow );
  pc->addConstraint(beta*uhat->times_normal() - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero, outflow);
  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  int H1Order = 3, pToAdd = 2;
  // define nodes for mesh
  vector< FieldContainer<double> > vertices;
  FieldContainer<double> pt(2);
  vector< vector<int> > elementIndices;
  vector<int> q(4);
  vector<int> t(3);

  if (allQuads)
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  0;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;

    q[0] = 0; q[1] = 1; q[2] = 4; q[3] = 5;
    q[0] = 1; q[1] = 2; q[2] = 3; q[3] = 4;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  0;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) = -1;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) =  0;
    pt(0) =  halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) =  0;         pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) =  halfwidth;
    pt(0) = -halfwidth; pt(1) =  0;

    t[0] = 0; t[1] = 1; t[2] = 7;
    t[0] = 1; t[1] = 2; t[2] = 3;
    q[0] = 1; q[1] = 3; q[2] = 4; q[3] = 5;
    q[0] = 7; q[1] = 1; q[2] = 5; q[3] = 6;

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Teuchos::rcp( new Mesh(vertices, elementIndices, bf, H1Order, pToAdd) );  
  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////
  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, ip) );

  if (enforceLocalConservation) {
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);
  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  RefinementStrategy refinementStrategy( solution, energyThreshold );
  VTKExporter exporter(solution, mesh, varFactory);
  ofstream errOut;
  if (commRank == 0)
  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++){    

    double energy_error = solution->energyErrorTotal();
    if (commRank==0){
      stringstream outfile;
      outfile << "singularwedge_" << refIndex;

      // Check local conservation
      FunctionPtr flux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      Teuchos::Tuple<double, 3> fluxImbalances = checkConservation(flux, zero, varFactory, mesh);
      cout << "Mass flux: Largest Local = " << fluxImbalances[0] 
        << ", Global = " << fluxImbalances[1] << ", Sum Abs = " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

      errOut << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " " << energy_error << " "
        << fluxImbalances[0] << " " << fluxImbalances[1] << " " << fluxImbalances[2] << endl;

    if (refIndex < numRefs)
      refinementStrategy.refine(commRank==0); // print to console on commRank 0
  if (commRank == 0)
  return 0;