void ZONE_SETTINGS::ExportSetting( ZONE_CONTAINER& aTarget, bool aFullExport ) const
    aTarget.SetFillMode( m_FillMode );
    aTarget.SetZoneClearance( m_ZoneClearance );
    aTarget.SetMinThickness( m_ZoneMinThickness );
    aTarget.SetArcSegmentCount( m_ArcToSegmentsCount );
    aTarget.SetThermalReliefGap( m_ThermalReliefGap );
    aTarget.SetThermalReliefCopperBridge( m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge );
    aTarget.SetPadConnection( m_PadConnection );
    aTarget.SetCornerSmoothingType( m_cornerSmoothingType );
    aTarget.SetCornerRadius( m_cornerRadius );
    aTarget.SetIsKeepout( GetIsKeepout() );
    aTarget.SetDoNotAllowCopperPour( GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() );
    aTarget.SetDoNotAllowVias( GetDoNotAllowVias() );
    aTarget.SetDoNotAllowTracks( GetDoNotAllowTracks() );

    if( aFullExport )
        aTarget.SetPriority( m_ZonePriority );
        aTarget.SetNet( m_NetcodeSelection );
        aTarget.SetLayer( m_CurrentZone_Layer );
        aTarget.Outline()->SetLayer( m_CurrentZone_Layer );

    // call SetHatch last, because hatch lines will be rebuilt,
    // using new parameters values
    aTarget.Outline()->SetHatch( m_Zone_HatchingStyle, Mils2iu( 20 ), true );
void PCB_POLYGON::AddToBoard()
    int i = 0;

    if( m_outline.GetCount() > 0 )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = new ZONE_CONTAINER( m_board );
        m_board->Add( zone, ADD_APPEND );

        zone->SetTimeStamp( m_timestamp );
        zone->SetLayer( m_KiCadLayer );
        zone->SetNetCode( m_netCode );

        // add outline
        int outline_hatch = ZONE_CONTAINER::DIAGONAL_EDGE;

        for( i = 0; i < (int) m_outline.GetCount(); i++ )
            zone->AppendCorner( wxPoint( KiROUND( m_outline[i]->x ),
                                         KiROUND( m_outline[i]->y ) ), -1 );

        zone->SetZoneClearance( m_width );

        zone->SetPriority( m_priority );

        zone->SetHatch( outline_hatch, zone->GetDefaultHatchPitch(), true );

        if ( m_objType == wxT( 'K' ) )
            zone->SetIsKeepout( true );
            zone->SetDoNotAllowTracks( true );
            zone->SetDoNotAllowVias( true );
            zone->SetDoNotAllowCopperPour( true );
        else if( m_objType == wxT( 'C' ) )
            // convert cutouts to keepouts because standalone cutouts are not supported in KiCad
            zone->SetIsKeepout( true );
            zone->SetDoNotAllowCopperPour( true );

        //if( m_filled )
        //    zone->BuildFilledPolysListData( m_board );