// This is winmain, the main entry point for Windows applications
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
	// Initialize the window
	if ( !initWindow( hInstance ) )
		return false;
	// called after creating the window
	if ( !d3dMgr->initD3DManager(wndHandle) )
		return false;
	if ( !d3dxSRMgr->initD3DXSpriteMgr(d3dMgr->getTheD3DDevice()))
		return false;


	// Grab the frequency of the high def timer
	__int64 freq = 0;				// measured in counts per second;
	float sPC = 1.0f / (float)freq;			// number of seconds per count

	__int64 currentTime = 0;				// current time measured in counts per second;
	__int64 previousTime = 0;				// previous time measured in counts per second;

	float numFrames   = 0.0f;				// Used to hold the number of frames
	float timeElapsed = 0.0f;				// cumulative elapsed time


	float fpsRate = 1.0f/25.0f;

	//variables to hold the monkey, banana and new banana positions
	D3DXVECTOR3 monkeyPos;
	D3DXVECTOR3 BananaPos;

	//string to hold the score and display on screen
	sprintf_s( gScoreStr, 50, "Score : %d", gScore);

	// load texture for the bananas
	for (int txture = 0; txture < 1; txture++)
		BananaTextures[txture] = new cD3DXTexture(d3dMgr->getTheD3DDevice(), BananaTxtres[txture]);
	//create a texture for the explosion

	//create a texture for the monkey
	cD3DXTexture* txtMonkey = new cD3DXTexture();
	txtMonkey->setTextureInfo("Images\\theMonkey.png");//set the texture information ie. height, width
	theMonkey.setTranslation(D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f, 0.0f));//set the translation of the monkey
	theMonkey.setTexture(txtMonkey);//apply the texture to the monkey
	theMonkey.update();//update the monkey sprite
	/* initialize random seed: */
	srand ( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );
	//integer to hold the number of bananas
	int numBananas =  1;

	for(int loop = 0; loop < numBananas; loop++)//for each banana set the position, direction, speed and texture
		BananaPos = D3DXVECTOR3((float)clientBounds.right/(2),(float)clientBounds.top-100,0);
		aBanana.push_back(new cBanana());

	LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 TitleSurface;//the title surface
	LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 GameSurface;		//the main game background
	LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 GameOverSurface;	// the game over surface
	LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 theBackbuffer = NULL;  // This will hold the back buffer
	MSG msg;
	ZeroMemory( &msg, sizeof( msg ) );

	// Create the background surface
	TitleSurface = d3dMgr->getD3DSurfaceFromFile("Images\\TitleScreen.png");
	GameSurface = d3dMgr->getD3DSurfaceFromFile("Images\\GameBackground.png");
	GameOverSurface = d3dMgr->getD3DSurfaceFromFile("Images\\GameOverSurface.png");
	// load custom font
	cD3DXFont* balloonFont = new cD3DXFont(d3dMgr->getTheD3DDevice(),hInstance, "SNAP_");

	//rectangle to hold the score during gameplay
	RECT textPos;
	SetRect(&textPos, 50, 10, 400, 100);

	//rectangle to hold the score on the gameover screen
	RECT textPos2;
	SetRect(&textPos2, 250, 250, 600, 400);


	while( msg.message!=WM_QUIT )
		// Check the message queue
		if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE) )
			TranslateMessage( &msg );
			DispatchMessage( &msg );
			// Game code goes here
			float dt = (currentTime - previousTime)*sPC;

			// Accumulate how much time has passed.
			timeElapsed += dt;
			if(timeElapsed > fpsRate)

				//start rendering 
				if(mouseClicks==0)//if mouseClicks is equal to zero
				theBackbuffer = d3dMgr->getTheBackBuffer();
				d3dMgr->updateTheSurface(TitleSurface, theBackbuffer);//apply the title surface
				gameOver=false;//set gameOver to false
				gScore = 0;//set gScore to zero
				sprintf_s( gScoreStr, 50, "Score : %d", gScore);//set the score string with zero
					if(bananaSquash == 3)//if bananaSquash is equal to three
						gameOver = true;//set gameOver to 
						mouseClicks = -1;// set mouseClicks to negative one
						bananaSquash = 0;//set bananaSquash to zero
						speed = 50.0f;//set the speed to 50
						if(gameOver  == true)//if gameOver is true
							theBackbuffer = d3dMgr->getTheBackBuffer();
							d3dMgr->updateTheSurface(GameOverSurface, theBackbuffer);//apply the game over surface
							sprintf_s( gScoreStr, 50, "You Scored : %d", gScore);//update the score 
							balloonFont->printText(gScoreStr,textPos2);//print the score on the gameOver surface
							vector<cBanana*>::iterator iterBanana = aBanana.begin();
						while(iterBanana != aBanana.end())

							(*iterBanana)->update(timeElapsed);			// update banana
							BananaPos = (*iterBanana)->getSpritePos();//get the position of the banana
						if((*iterBanana)->collidedWith((*iterBanana)->getBoundingRect(), theMonkey.getBoundingRect()))	//check if monkey and banana have collided	
							OutputDebugString("Collision!!");//if they have collided output collision 
							iterBanana = aBanana.erase(iterBanana);//delete banana
							gScore++;//increment the score
							sprintf_s( gScoreStr, 50, "Score : %d", gScore);//update the score string
							speed = speed+3;//add three to the speed
							gMonkeySound.playSound(L"Sounds\\monkeySound2.wav",false);//play monkey sound effect
					if (BananaPos.y >(clientBounds.bottom-60 ))//if the banana hits the floor
						expPos = (*iterBanana)->getSpritePos();//get the banana position
						gExplode.push_back(new cExplosion(expPos,txtExp));	//play explosion animation at same position as banana					
						gExplodeSound.playSound(L"Sounds\\explosion.wav",false);//play explosion sound
						iterBanana = aBanana.erase(iterBanana);//delete the banana
						OutputDebugString("Collision!!");//output collision 
						bananaSquash++;//increment bananaSquash
						++iterBanana;// increment the iterator
						OutputDebugString("ITERBanana");//display ITERbanana

				int vSize=aBanana.size();//integer to hold the size of aBanana
				BananaPos = aBanana[vSize-1]->getSpritePos();//variable to hold the position of the banana
				if(BananaPos.y>(clientBounds.bottom-300))//check if the banana has fallen past about 3 quarters of the way down the screen
					int xPos =  (rand() % 600 + 1);//integer variable to hold a random number for the new bananas x-position
					NewPos = D3DXVECTOR3((float)xPos,(float)clientBounds.top-100,0);//variable to hold new bananas starting position
					aBanana.push_back(new cBanana());//create a new banana
					vSize=aBanana.size();//get the size of aBanana
					aBanana[vSize-1]->setSpritePos(NewPos);//set the position for the new banana
					aBanana[vSize-1]->setTranslation(D3DXVECTOR2(0.0f,speed));//set the speed and direction of the new banana
					aBanana[vSize-1]->setTexture(BananaTextures[0]);//apply a texture to the new banana

				monkeyPos = D3DXVECTOR3(monkeyTrans.x,monkeyTrans.y,0);//variable to hold the position of the monkey
				theMonkey.setSpritePos(monkeyPos);//set the position of the monkey
				theMonkey.update();//update the monkey sprite

					theBackbuffer = d3dMgr->getTheBackBuffer();//retrieve the backbuffer
				d3dMgr->updateTheSurface(GameSurface, theBackbuffer);//apply the game surface
				d3dMgr->releaseTheBackbuffer(theBackbuffer);//release the backbuffer
				d3dxSRMgr->beginDraw();//start drawing the window
				d3dxSRMgr->setTheTransform(theMonkey.getSpriteTransformMatrix());//set the position of the monkey sprite
				d3dxSRMgr->drawSprite(theMonkey.getTexture(),NULL,NULL,NULL,0xFFFFFFFF);// draw the monkey
				vector<cBanana*>::iterator iterB = aBanana.begin();
				for(iterB = aBanana.begin(); iterB != aBanana.end(); ++iterB)//for each banana in aBanana
					d3dxSRMgr->setTheTransform((*iterB)->getSpriteTransformMatrix());  //set the position of the banana
					d3dxSRMgr->drawSprite((*iterB)->getTexture(),NULL,NULL,NULL,0xFFFFFFFF);//draw the banana
				list<cExplosion*>::iterator iter = gExplode.begin();//set the iterator to begin
				while(iter != gExplode.end())//while the iterator is not set to end
					if((*iter)->isActive() == false)//if the iterator is not active 
						iter = gExplode.erase(iter);//delete the explosion
						d3dxSRMgr->setTheTransform((*iter)->getSpriteTransformMatrix());  //set the position for the explosion
						d3dxSRMgr->drawSprite((*iter)->getTexture(),&((*iter)->getSourceRect()),NULL,NULL,0xFFFFFFFF);//draw the explosion
						++iter;//increment iter
				balloonFont->printText(gScoreStr,textPos);//print the score 
				d3dxSRMgr->endDraw();//finish drawing
				d3dMgr->endRender();//finish rendering
				OutputDebugString("timeElapsed > fpsRate");
				timeElapsed = 0.0f;//set timeElapsed to zero

			previousTime = currentTime;
			StringCchPrintf(szTempOutput, 30, TEXT("dt=%f\n"), dt);
			StringCchPrintf(szTempOutput, 30, TEXT("timeElapsed=%f\n"), timeElapsed);
			StringCchPrintf(szTempOutput, 30, TEXT("previousTime=%u\n"), previousTime);
			StringCchPrintf(szTempOutput, 30, TEXT("fpsRate=%f\n"), fpsRate);
	return (int) msg.wParam;