bool Room::loadRoom(ifstream &ifs) { if(!ifs.is_open()) { cout << "Could not open file." << endl; return false; } ifs >> roomWidth; ifs >> roomHeight; ifs >> encounterLvl; //cout << encounterLvl; system("pause"); ifs.get(); string temp; for(int y = 0; y < roomHeight; y++) { getline(ifs, temp); for(int x = 0; x < roomWidth; x++) { room[x][y].setAppearance(temp[x]); if(temp[x] == '#') { room[x][y].setDoor(false); room[x][y].setSolid(true); room[x][y].setBoss(false); } else if(temp[x] == 'D') { room[x][y].setDoor(true); room[x][y].setSolid(false); room[x][y].setBoss(false); room[x][y].setDoorLoc(x, y); if(numDoors < MAX_DOORS) { doors[numDoors] = &room[x][y]; numDoors++; } } else if(temp[x] == 'S') { room[x][y].setAppearance(' '); room[x][y].setDoor(false); room[x][y].setSolid(false); room[x][y].setBoss(false); playerLoc.X = x-1; playerLoc.Y = y; } else if(temp[x] >= '0' && temp[x] <= '8') { room[x][y].setAppearance(' '); room[x][y].setDoor(false); room[x][y].setSolid(false); room[x][y].setBoss(false); room[x][y].setEncounterChance((temp[x] - 48)*10); } else if(temp[x] == '9') { room[x][y].setAppearance(' '); room[x][y].setDoor(false); room[x][y].setSolid(false); room[x][y].setBoss(false); room[x][y].setEncounterChance(100); } else if(temp[x] == 'B') { room[x][y].setAppearance(234); room[x][y].setDoor(false); room[x][y].setBoss(true); room[x][y].setSolid(false); room[x][y].setEncounterChance(0); } } } for(int i = 0; i < numDoors; i++) { int r, d; ifs >> r ; ifs >> d; doors[i]->setDestRoom(r, d); } return true; }
void lexically_analyze(ifstream &code_file, ofstream &lex_file, ofstream &symbol_file) { if ( ! code_file.is_open()) throw "File not found"; std::unordered_set<string> symbols; std::vector<token_lexeme_pair> token_lexemes; int line_number = 1; DFA dfaz[10]; initialize(dfaz[0], dfaz[1], dfaz[2], dfaz[3], dfaz[4], dfaz[5], dfaz[6], dfaz[7], dfaz[8], dfaz[9]); int curr_dfa = 0; int consecutive_break_count = 0; // To check for symbols not in the language. std::string _subject((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(code_file)), (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>())); for (unsigned int _index = 0; _index < _subject.size(); _index++) { if (_subject[_index] == '\n') line_number++; if (consecutive_break_count == DFA_COUNT || _subject[_index] == ' ' || _subject[_index] == '\n' || _subject[_index] == '\t' || _subject[_index] == '\0') { consecutive_break_count = 0; continue; } int i = _index; string str; int last_state = 0; for (unsigned int j = i; ; j++) { // DFA breaks. int result = dfaz[curr_dfa].simulate_symbol(_subject[j]); if (result == dfaz[curr_dfa].get_reserved_state()) { if (last_state) { // Keep the 'str' string because a token has been found. consecutive_break_count = 0; _index = j - 1; // Continue where this DFA broke. } else { // Return to original position. str.clear(); _index = i - 1; consecutive_break_count++; } break; } // DFA enters into a neutral state. if (result == 0) { if (_subject[j] == '\n') line_number++; str.push_back(_subject[j]); last_state = 0; } // DFA enters into an accept state. if (result == 1) { _index = j; str.push_back(_subject[j]); last_state = 1; } } // Token found. if (str.size() > 0) { if (dfaz[curr_dfa].getName() == "identifier" && check_keyword(str)) { token_lexemes.push_back(token_lexeme_pair("keyword", str, line_number)); } else { token_lexemes.push_back(token_lexeme_pair(dfaz[curr_dfa].getName(), str, line_number)); } if (dfaz[curr_dfa].getName() == "identifier" && !check_keyword(str)) { symbols.insert(str); } } // Change DFA. curr_dfa++; if (curr_dfa == DFA_COUNT) curr_dfa = 0; } for (const auto& elem : symbols) { symbol_file << elem <<endl; } lex_file << setw(15); for (std::vector<token_lexeme_pair>::iterator it = token_lexemes.begin(); it != token_lexemes.end(); it++) { lex_file.width(30); lex_file << "(" + it->name + ", '" + it->lexeme + "') "; lex_file.width(20); lex_file<< "Line: " + std::to_string(it->line_number) << endl; } }
void Labeler::readWordEmbeddings(const string& inFile, NRMat<dtype>& wordEmb) { static ifstream inf; if (inf.is_open()) { inf.close(); inf.clear(); }; static string strLine, curWord; static int wordId; //find the first line, decide the wordDim; while (1) { if (!my_getline(inf, strLine)) { break; } if (!strLine.empty()) break; } int unknownId = m_wordAlphabet.from_string(unknownkey); static vector<string> vecInfo; split_bychar(strLine, vecInfo, ' '); int wordDim = vecInfo.size() - 1; std::cout << "word embedding dim is " << wordDim << std::endl; m_options.wordEmbSize = wordDim; wordEmb.resize(m_wordAlphabet.size(), wordDim); wordEmb = 0.0; curWord = normalize_to_lowerwithdigit(vecInfo[0]); wordId = m_wordAlphabet.from_string(curWord); hash_set<int> indexers; dtype sum[wordDim]; int count = 0; bool bHasUnknown = false; if (wordId >= 0) { count++; if (unknownId == wordId) bHasUnknown = true; indexers.insert(wordId); for (int idx = 0; idx < wordDim; idx++) { dtype curValue = atof(vecInfo[idx + 1].c_str()); sum[idx] = curValue; wordEmb[wordId][idx] = curValue; } } else { for (int idx = 0; idx < wordDim; idx++) { sum[idx] = 0.0; } } while (1) { if (!my_getline(inf, strLine)) { break; } if (strLine.empty()) continue; split_bychar(strLine, vecInfo, ' '); if (vecInfo.size() != wordDim + 1) { std::cout << "error embedding file" << std::endl; } curWord = normalize_to_lowerwithdigit(vecInfo[0]); wordId = m_wordAlphabet.from_string(curWord); if (wordId >= 0) { count++; if (unknownId == wordId) bHasUnknown = true; indexers.insert(wordId); for (int idx = 0; idx < wordDim; idx++) { dtype curValue = atof(vecInfo[idx + 1].c_str()); sum[idx] += curValue; wordEmb[wordId][idx] += curValue; } } } if (!bHasUnknown) { for (int idx = 0; idx < wordDim; idx++) { wordEmb[unknownId][idx] = sum[idx] / count; } count++; std::cout << unknownkey << " not found, using averaged value to initialize." << std::endl; } int oovWords = 0; int totalWords = 0; for (int id = 0; id < m_wordAlphabet.size(); id++) { if (indexers.find(id) == indexers.end()) { oovWords++; for (int idx = 0; idx < wordDim; idx++) { wordEmb[id][idx] = wordEmb[unknownId][idx]; } } totalWords++; } std::cout << "OOV num is " << oovWords << ", total num is " << m_wordAlphabet.size() << ", embedding oov ratio is " << oovWords * 1.0 / m_wordAlphabet.size() << std::endl; }
//========================setData===================================== // Sets this Object's description to the line of characters extracted // from the infile stream. If the description is longer than // MAX_SIZE the trailing data will be omitted. // // Preconditions: The give ifstream is open. // // Postconditions: my_desc is set to the first MAX_SIZE of chars in // the infile. //==================================================================== void Object::setData (ifstream &infile) { if (infile.is_open()) infile.getline (my_desc, MAX_SIZE + 1); }
bool crush_player::read (ifstream & file_stream) { if (file_stream.is_open () == 0) { return false; } int string_size = 0; char name [PLAYER_NAME_LEN]; char team_name [TEAM_NAME_LEN]; memset (name, 0, PLAYER_NAME_LEN); memset (team_name, 0, TEAM_NAME_LEN); ((char*) &string_size, 4); if (string_size > PLAYER_NAME_LEN) { return false; } ((char*) name, string_size); m_name = name; m_name.resize (string_size); ((char*) &string_size, 4); if (string_size > TEAM_NAME_LEN) { return false; } ((char*) team_name, string_size); m_team_name = team_name; m_team_name.resize (string_size); ((char*) &m_last_crush_week, 4); ((char*) &m_last_crush_season, 4); ((char*) &m_dead, 4); ((char*) &m_first_crush_week, 4); ((char*) &m_first_crush_season, 4); ((char*) &m_jersey_color, 1); ((char*) &m_trim_color, 1); ((char*) &m_ap, 1); ((char*) &m_checking, 1); ((char*) &m_strength, 1); ((char*) &m_toughness, 1); ((char*) &m_reflexes, 1); ((char*) &m_jump, 1); ((char*) &m_hands, 1); ((char*) &m_dodge, 1); ((char*) &m_total_value, 2); ((char*) &m_points_to_spend, 2); ((char*) &m_race, sizeof (race_type)); ((char*) &m_best_rushing_tiles, 2); ((char*) &m_best_goals_scored, 2); ((char*) &m_best_kills_for, 2); ((char*) &m_best_injuries_for, 2); ((char*) &m_best_checks_thrown, 2); ((char*) &m_best_checks_landed, 2); ((char*) &m_best_rushing_attempts, 2); ((char*) &m_best_sacks_for, 2); ((char*) &m_rushing_tiles, 2); ((char*) &m_goals_scored, 2); ((char*) &m_kills_for, 2); ((char*) &m_injuries_for, 2); ((char*) &m_checks_thrown, 2); ((char*) &m_checks_landed, 2); ((char*) &m_rushing_attempts, 2); ((char*) &m_sacks_for, 2); ((char*) &m_total_rushing_tiles, 2); ((char*) &m_total_goals_scored, 2); ((char*) &m_total_kills_for, 2); ((char*) &m_total_injuries_for, 2); ((char*) &m_total_checks_thrown, 2); ((char*) &m_total_checks_landed, 2); ((char*) &m_total_rushing_attempts, 2); ((char*) &m_total_sacks_for, 2); int historical_week_list_size; ((char*) &historical_week_list_size, 4); for (int historical_week_index = 0; historical_week_index < historical_week_list_size; historical_week_index++) { crush_player_historical_week_ptr current_week = new crush_player_historical_week; current_week->read (file_stream); m_crush_player_historical_week_list.push_back (current_week); } return true; }
bool yylexopen(const char filename[]) {, ios_base::in); return fin.is_open(); }
void chkpt_t::deserialize_binary(ifstream& ifs) { if(!ifs.is_open()) { cerr << "Could not open input stream for chkpt file" << endl;; W_FATAL(fcINTERNAL); }*)&highest_tid, sizeof(tid_t)); size_t buf_tab_size;*)&buf_tab_size, sizeof(size_t)); for(uint i=0; i<buf_tab_size; i++) { PageID pid;*)&pid, sizeof(PageID)); buf_tab_entry_t entry;*)&entry, sizeof(buf_tab_entry_t)); DBGOUT1(<<"pid[]="<<pid<< " , " << "rec_lsn[]="<<entry.rec_lsn<< " , " << "page_lsn[]="<<entry.page_lsn); // buf_tab[pid] = entry; mark_page_dirty(pid, entry.page_lsn, entry.rec_lsn); } size_t xct_tab_size;*)&xct_tab_size, sizeof(size_t)); for(uint i=0; i<xct_tab_size; i++) { tid_t tid;*)&tid, sizeof(tid_t)); xct_tab_entry_t entry;*)&entry.state, sizeof(smlevel_0::xct_state_t));*)&entry.last_lsn, sizeof(lsn_t));*)&entry.first_lsn, sizeof(lsn_t)); DBGOUT1(<<"tid[]="<<tid<<" , " << "state[]="<<entry.state<< " , " << "last_lsn[]="<<entry.last_lsn<<" , " << "first_lsn[]="<<entry.first_lsn); if (entry.state != smlevel_0::xct_ended) { mark_xct_active(tid, entry.first_lsn, entry.last_lsn); if (is_xct_active(tid)) { size_t lock_tab_size;*)&lock_tab_size, sizeof(size_t)); for(uint j=0; j<lock_tab_size; j++) { lock_info_t lock_entry;*)&lock_entry, sizeof(lock_info_t)); // entry.locks.push_back(lock_entry); add_lock(tid, lock_entry.lock_mode, lock_entry.lock_hash); DBGOUT1(<< " lock_mode[]="<<lock_entry.lock_mode << " , lock_hash[]="<<lock_entry.lock_hash); } } // xct_tab[tid] = entry; } }
bool LightFile::open(ifstream &file, const char *filename) {, ios::in); return file.is_open(); }
virtual bool hasNext() { if (readFile.is_open()==false) return false; getline (readFile,line); return (readFile.eof()==false); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: PromptUserInput // Author: Scott Olmstead // Description: Prompts the user as to what file they would like to open. // Then, based on their choice, opens the input and output files // associated with that choice. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PromptUserInput(ofstream& outputFile, ifstream& inputFile) { int index; int choice; //Output a file list title to the console window cout << "File Names" << endl; //Output a divider to the console window OutputDivider((ofstream&)cout,'-',CONSOLE_WIDTH); //Output the choices to the to console window for(index = 0; index < FILE_COUNT; index++) { //Output the current file name to the console window cout << index + 1 << ". " << INPUT_NAMES[index] << endl; } //Output a divider to the console window OutputDivider((ofstream&)cout,'=',CONSOLE_WIDTH); //Prompt the user to enter a file number via console cout << "Enter the number of which file you would like to use: "; //Get choice from the keyboard via console cin >> choice; //Output whitespace to the console window cout << endl; //If choice is out of range, select default if(!(choice > 0 && choice <= FILE_COUNT)) { //Output a divider to the console window OutputDivider((ofstream&)cout,'.', 30); //Output an error message to the console window cout << "Choice " << choice << " is out of range." << endl; //Let the user know the default was selected // by outputting message to console window cout << "Opening default file choice, 1" << endl; //Set the default choice(1) choice = 1; } //Open the input file[choice - 1]); //Open output file[choice - 1]); //If the input file is open if(inputFile.is_open()) { //Output a message to the console window saying the input file // was opened cout << "SUCCESS! The file " << INPUT_NAMES[choice - 1] << " was opened successfully. " << endl; } //If the input file is not open else { //Output a message to the console window stating the file could not // be opened. cout << "ERROR: The file " << INPUT_NAMES[choice - 1] << " could not be opened. " << endl << " This program will not produce expected results"; } //Output a message to the console window stating what the // output file is named. cout << endl << "Writing output to: " << OUTPUT_NAMES[choice - 1] << endl; //Output a divider to the console window OutputDivider((ofstream&)cout,'_', CONSOLE_WIDTH); }
if(fileName.size() == 0){ // The string is a list of node numbers stringstream ss(Teuchos::getValue<string>(it->second)); int nodeID; while(ss.good()){ ss >> nodeID; // Convert from 1-based node numbering (Exodus II) to 0-based node numbering (Epetra and all the rest of Peridigm) TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(nodeID < 1, "**** Error: Node number 0 detected in nodeset definition; node numbering must begin with 1.\n"); nodeList.push_back(nodeID - 1); } } else{ // The string is the name of a file containing the node numbers ifstream inFile(fileName.c_str()); TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(!inFile.is_open(), "**** Error opening node set text file: " + fileName + "\n"); while(inFile.good()){ string str; getline(inFile, str); boost::trim(str); // Ignore comment lines, otherwise parse if( !(str[0] == '#' || str[0] == '/' || str[0] == '*' || str.size() == 0) ){ istringstream iss(str); vector<int> nodeNumbers; copy(istream_iterator<int>(iss), istream_iterator<int>(), back_inserter<vector<int> >(nodeNumbers)); for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<nodeNumbers.size() ; ++i){ // Convert from 1-based node numbering (Exodus II) to 0-based node numbering (Epetra and all the rest of Peridigm) TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT_MSG(nodeNumbers[i] < 1, "**** Error: Node number 0 detected in nodeset file; node numbering must begin with 1.\n"); nodeList.push_back(nodeNumbers[i] - 1);
void init (string simfilename) { /* intialization reads the simfile and populates the internal parameters simfilename = name of the simulation parameter file */; if (!cfile.is_open()) { cout << "ERROR: cannot find simfile!" << endl; exit (10); } // populate the internal parameters string returnstring; // string that gets returned for conversion to numbers returnstring = find_header_element ("ydim", false); ydim = atoi (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("xdim", false); xdim = atoi (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("cellsize", false); cellsize = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("yll_corner", false); yll_corner = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("xll_corner", false); xll_corner = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("max_iterations", false); max_iterations = atoi (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("len_timestep", false); len_timestep = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("global_basal_pres", false); global_basal_pres = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("viscosity", false); viscosity = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("Q_advection_global", false); Q_advection_global = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("Q_advection_stochasticity", false); Q_advection_stochasticity = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("Q_squish_coef", false); Q_squish_coef = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("ice_advection", false); ice_advection = atof (returnstring.c_str()); // entrainment variables returnstring = find_header_element ("entrainment_cavity", false); entrainment_cavity = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("entrainment_zero", false); entrainment_zero = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("entrainment_slp_1", false); entrainment_slp_1 = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("entrainment_vtx_2", false); entrainment_vtx_2 = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("entrainment_slp_2", false); entrainment_slp_2 = atof (returnstring.c_str()); // basement erosion properties returnstring = find_header_element ("abrasion_from_N_slope", false); abrasion_from_N_slope = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("abrasion_from_N_zero", false); abrasion_from_N_zero = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("abrasion_from_iceload", false); abrasion_from_iceload = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("global_bsmt_erodibility", false); global_bsmt_erodibility = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("iceload_surf_return_fraction", false); iceload_surf_return_fraction = atof (returnstring.c_str()); // sediment bleed properties returnstring = find_header_element ("iceload_bleed", false); iceload_bleed = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("surf_bleed", false); surf_bleed = atof (returnstring.c_str()); // R script parameters Rscript_path = find_header_element ("Rscript_path", true); progress_utility_name = find_header_element ("progress_utility_name", true); returnstring = find_header_element ("on_the_fly_progress_updates", false); if (returnstring == "yes") { on_the_fly_progress_updates = true; } else { on_the_fly_progress_updates = false; } // boundaries boundaries_ns = find_header_element ("boundaries_ns", false); boundaries_ew = find_header_element ("boundaries_ew", false); returnstring = find_header_element ("interim_file_output_interval", false); interim_file_output_interval = atoi (returnstring.c_str()); file_output_prefix = find_header_element ("file_output_prefix", true); init_type = find_header_element ("init_type", false); returnstring = find_header_element ("flat_init_basement_elev", false); flat_init_basement_elev = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("flat_init_sedfill_elev", false); flat_init_sedfill_elev = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("init_iceload", false); init_iceload = atof (returnstring.c_str()); returnstring = find_header_element ("init_erodibility", false); init_erodibility = atof (returnstring.c_str()); existing_surf_file = find_header_element ("existing_surf_file", true); existing_bsmt_file = find_header_element ("existing_bsmt_file", true); existing_erodibility_file = find_header_element ("existing_erodibility_file", true); cfile.close(); }