void Indentation::readFile(ifstream &inp) {int i; inp.unsetf(ios::skipws); //include white space in read for(i=0;!inp.eof();i++) inp>>store[i]; numofchar=i-1; }
size_t sprawdz_baze(ifstream &baza_pytan){ if( !baza_pytan.good() ) {cout << "bazaZla\n"; return -1;} baza_pytan.clear(); baza_pytan.seekg(0, ios::beg); baza_pytan.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); size_t line_count = count(istream_iterator<char>(baza_pytan),istream_iterator<char>(), '\n'); baza_pytan.clear(); baza_pytan.seekg(0,ios::beg); return line_count; }
void process(ifstream &icin, int type) //预处理一个标号为type_id的文档 { doc_count[type]++; map<int, int> count; int m = 0; char ch; string now=""; icin.unsetf(ios::skipws); while (icin>>ch) { if (valid(ch)) now+=ch; else { if (now!="") insert(m, count, now); now=""; } } if (now!="") insert(m, count, now); printf("%d ",type); for (map<int,int>::iterator it = count.begin(); it != count.end(); it++) printf(" %d:%lf", it->first, it->second*1.0/m); printf("\n"); }
int main () { fOut.open ( "6assign.out", ios::out ); if ( !fOut ) { cerr << "Can't open file." << endl; exit (-1); // Stops program if can't open file 6assign.out } const int MAX_SIZE = 30; char inFileName[MAX_SIZE]; const int MAX_INPUT_SIZE = 100; double a[MAX_INPUT_SIZE]; cout << "Input file name(s) separated by one space: "; cin.get ( inFileName, MAX_SIZE ); cout << "Data will be read from: " << inFileName << endl; // Get data from input file fIn.open ( inFileName, ios::in ); fIn.unsetf ( ios::skipws ); if ( !fIn ) { cerr << "Can't open input file." << endl; exit (-1); } // Print standard header information ShowHeader ( fOut ); // Calls function that calculates mininum, maxinimum and averave values //MaxMinAve ( a, MAX_INPUT_SIZE ); // Call function that will read in the arrray //readArray ( a, MAX_INPUT_SIZE ) // Call findMin function for minimum value Min1 = findMin ( a, MAX_INPUT_SIZE ); fOut << "The minimum is: " << Min1 << endl; // Call findMax function for maximum value Max1 = findMax ( a, MAX_INPUT_SIZE ); fOut << "The maximum is: " << Max1 << endl; // Call calAve function for average value Ave1 = calAve ( a, MAX_INPUT_SIZE ); fOut << "The average is: " << Ave1 << endl; // Call function that calculates the standard deviation stDev1 = CalStandDev ( a, MAX_INPUT_SIZE ); fOut << "The standard deviation is: " << stDev1 << endl; // Close the input file fIn.close(); // Close the output file fOut.close(); return 0; }