bool Pickup::handle_spillable_contents( Character &c, item &it, map &m ) { if( it.is_bucket_nonempty() ) { const item &it_cont = it.contents.front(); int num_charges = it_cont.charges; while( !it.spill_contents( c ) ) { if( num_charges > it_cont.charges ) { num_charges = it_cont.charges; } else { break; } } // If bucket is still not empty then player opted not to handle the // rest of the contents if( it.is_bucket_nonempty() ) { c.add_msg_player_or_npc( _( "To avoid spilling its contents, you set your %1$s on the %2$s." ), _( "To avoid spilling its contents, <npcname> sets their %1$s on the %2$s." ), it.display_name(), c.pos() ) ); m.add_item_or_charges( c.pos(), it ); return true; } } return false; }
pickup_answer handle_problematic_pickup( const item &it, bool &offered_swap, const std::string &explain ) { if( offered_swap ) { return CANCEL; } player &u = g->u; uimenu amenu; amenu.return_invalid = true; amenu.selected = 0; amenu.text = explain; offered_swap = true; // @todo Gray out if not enough hands if( u.is_armed() ) { amenu.addentry( WIELD, !u.weapon.has_flag( "NO_UNWIELD" ), 'w', _( "Dispose of %s and wield %s" ), u.weapon.display_name().c_str(), it.display_name().c_str() ); } else { amenu.addentry( WIELD, true, 'w', _( "Wield %s" ), it.display_name().c_str() ); } if( it.is_armor() ) { amenu.addentry( WEAR, u.can_wear( it ), 'W', _( "Wear %s" ), it.display_name().c_str() ); } if( it.is_bucket_nonempty() ) { amenu.addentry( SPILL, u.can_pickVolume( it ), 's', _( "Spill %s, then pick up %s" ), it.contents.front().tname().c_str(), it.display_name().c_str() ); } amenu.query(); int choice = amenu.ret; if( choice <= CANCEL || choice >= NUM_ANSWERS ) { return CANCEL; } return static_cast<pickup_answer>( choice ); }