IDataArray::Pointer copyData(IDataArray::Pointer inputData, size_t totalPoints, int32_t* featureIds)
  QString cellArrayName = inputData->getName();

  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer feature = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataArray<T> >(inputData);
  if (NULL == feature) { return IDataArray::NullPointer();  }

  QVector<size_t> cDims = inputData->getComponentDimensions();
  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer cell = DataArray<T>::CreateArray(totalPoints, cDims, cellArrayName);

  T* fPtr = feature->getPointer(0);
  T* cPtr = cell->getPointer(0);

  int32_t numComp = feature->getNumberOfComponents();
  int32_t featureIdx = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < totalPoints; ++i)
    // Get the feature id (or what ever the user has selected as their "Feature" identifier
    featureIdx = featureIds[i];
    // Now get the pointer to the start of the tuple for the Feature Array at the given Feature Id Index value
    T* fSourcePtr = fPtr + (numComp * featureIdx);
    // Now get the pointer to the start of the tuple for the Cell Array at the proper index
    T* cDestPtr = cPtr + (numComp * i);

    // Now just raw copy the bytes from the source to the destination
    ::memcpy(cDestPtr, fSourcePtr, sizeof(T) * numComp);
  return cell;
void reduceArrayOnly(IDataArray::Pointer inputData, IDataArray::Pointer reducedData, int compNumber)
  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer inputArrayPtr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataArray<T> >(inputData);
  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer reducedArrayPtr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataArray<T> >(reducedData);

  if (NULL == inputArrayPtr) { return; }

  T* inputArray = inputArrayPtr->getPointer(0);
  T* reducedArray = reducedArrayPtr->getPointer(0);

  size_t numPoints = inputArrayPtr->getNumberOfTuples();
  size_t numComps = inputArrayPtr->getNumberOfComponents();

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < numComps; j++)

      if (j > compNumber)
        reducedArray[(numComps - 1)*i + j - 1] = inputArray[numComps * i + j];
      else if (j < compNumber)
        reducedArray[(numComps - 1)*i + j] = inputArray[numComps * i + j];
void copyData(IDataArray::Pointer fromData, IDataArray::Pointer toData, size_t location)
  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer fData = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataArray<T>>(fromData);
  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer tData = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataArray<T>>(toData);

  //only wanting to grab data from tuple 1 to numTuples of the fromData array,s ince the zeroth slot is a placeholder the first AM should already have
  T* src = fData->getPointer(1 * fromData->getNumberOfComponents());
  T* dest = tData->getPointer(location * toData->getNumberOfComponents());
  size_t bytes = sizeof(T) * (fromData->getNumberOfTuples() - 1) * fromData->getNumberOfComponents();
  ::memcpy(dest, src, bytes);
void fitData(IDataArray::Pointer inDataPtr, float* ensembleArray, int32_t* eIds, size_t numEnsembles, uint32_t dType, bool removeBiasedFeatures, bool* biasedFeatures)
  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer inputDataPtr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataArray<T> >(inDataPtr);

  StatsData::Pointer sData = StatsData::New();

  std::vector<DistributionAnalysisOps::Pointer> distributionAnalysis;

  QString distType;
  int32_t numComp = 1;

  // Determining number of components and name given distribution type
  if (dType == SIMPL::DistributionType::Beta) { distType = "Beta", numComp = SIMPL::DistributionType::BetaColumnCount; }
  else if (dType == SIMPL::DistributionType::LogNormal) { distType = "LogNormal", numComp = SIMPL::DistributionType::LogNormalColumnCount; }
  else if (dType == SIMPL::DistributionType::Power) { distType = "PowerLaw", numComp = SIMPL::DistributionType::PowerLawColumnCount; }

  T* fPtr = inputDataPtr->getPointer(0);

  std::vector<FloatArrayType::Pointer> dist;
  std::vector<std::vector<float > > values;

  size_t numfeatures = inputDataPtr->getNumberOfTuples();


  for(size_t i = 1; i < numEnsembles; i++)
    dist[i] = sData->CreateDistributionArrays(dType);

  int32_t ensemble = 0;
  for (size_t i = 1; i < numfeatures; i++)
    if (removeBiasedFeatures == false || biasedFeatures[i] == false)
      ensemble = eIds[i];
  for (size_t i = 1; i < numEnsembles; i++)
    distributionAnalysis[dType]->calculateParameters(values[i], dist[i]);
    for (int32_t j = 0; j < numComp; j++)
      FloatArrayType::Pointer data = dist[i];
      ensembleArray[numComp * i + j] = data->getValue(j);
void replaceValue(AbstractFilter* filter, IDataArray::Pointer inDataPtr, BoolArrayType::Pointer condDataPtr, double replaceValue)
  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer inputArrayPtr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DataArray<T> >(inDataPtr);

  T replaceVal = static_cast<T>(replaceValue);

  T* inData = inputArrayPtr->getPointer(0);
  bool* condData = condDataPtr->getPointer(0);
  size_t numTuples = inputArrayPtr->getNumberOfTuples();

  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < numTuples; iter++)
    if (condData[iter] == true) { inData[iter] = replaceVal; }
int32_t readDataChunk(AttributeMatrix::Pointer attrMat, std::istream& in, bool inPreflight, bool binary,
                      const QString& scalarName, int32_t scalarNumComp)
  size_t numTuples = attrMat->getNumTuples();

  QVector<size_t> tDims = attrMat->getTupleDimensions();
  QVector<size_t> cDims(1, scalarNumComp);

  typename DataArray<T>::Pointer data = DataArray<T>::CreateArray(tDims, cDims, scalarName, !inPreflight);
  attrMat->addAttributeArray(data->getName(), data);
  if (inPreflight == true)
    return skipVolume<T>(in, binary, numTuples * scalarNumComp);
    if (binary)
      int32_t err = vtkReadBinaryData<T>(in, data->getPointer(0), numTuples, scalarNumComp);
      if( err < 0 )
        std::cout << "Error Reading Binary Data '" << scalarName.toStdString() << "' " << attrMat->getName().toStdString()
                  << " numTuples = " << numTuples << std::endl;
        return err;
      if(BIGENDIAN == 0) {data->byteSwapElements(); }
      T value = static_cast<T>(0.0);
      size_t totalSize = numTuples * scalarNumComp;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < totalSize; ++i)
        in >> value;
        data->setValue(i, value);
  return 0;
  int __ValidateArray(typename DataArray<T>::Pointer array, size_t numTuples, int numComp)
    int err = 0;
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(true, ==, array->isAllocated() );
    size_t nt = array->getNumberOfTuples();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nt, ==, numTuples);
    int nc = array->getNumberOfComponents();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nc, ==, numComp );

    size_t typeSize = array->getTypeSize();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(sizeof(T), typeSize);

    size_t numElements = array->getSize();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(numElements, ==, (nt * nc) );
    // initialize the array with zeros to get a baseline
    // Get a pointer to the data and loop through the array making sure all values are Zero
    T* ptr = array->getPointer(0);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(0, ptr[i]);
    //Splat another value across the array starting at an offset into the array
    //and test those values made it into the array correctly
    array->initializeWithValue(static_cast<T>(1), numComp);
    for(size_t i = numComp; i < numElements; i++)
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(static_cast<T>(1), ptr[i]);
    // Initialize the entire array with a value (offset = 0);
    array->initializeWithValue(static_cast<T>(2), 0);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(static_cast<T>(2), ptr[i]);

    // Initialize the entire array with a value (offset = 0), this time using the default value for the offset
    ptr = array->getPointer(0);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(static_cast<T>(3), ptr[i]);
      array->setValue(i, static_cast<T>(4));
      T val = array->getValue(i);
      DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(val, static_cast<T>(4))

    // Test setting of a Tuple with a value, which means all components of that tuple will have the same value
    size_t index = 0;
    for(size_t t = 0; t < numTuples; t++)
      array->initializeTuple(t, 6.0);
      for(int j = 0; j < numComp; j++)
        T val = array->getComponent(t, j);
        DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(val, (static_cast<T>(6)) )

    // Test setting individual components to a specific value
    index = 0;
    for(size_t t = 0; t < numTuples; t++)
      for(int j = 0; j < numComp; j++)
        index = t * numComp + j;
        array->setComponent(t, j, static_cast<T>(t + j) );
        T val = array->getComponent(t, j);
        DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(val, (static_cast<T>(t + j)))
        val = array->getValue(index);
        DREAM3D_REQUIRE_EQUAL(val, (static_cast<T>(t + j)))

    ///     virtual QVector<size_t> getComponentDimensions()
    // Test resizing the array based on a give number of tuples. The number of Components will stay the same at each tuple
    array->resize(numTuples * 2);
    array->initializeWithZeros(); // Init the grown array to all Zeros
    nt = array->getNumberOfTuples();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nt, ==, (numTuples * 2) );
    nc = array->getNumberOfComponents();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nc, ==, numComp );

    // Test resizing the array to a smaller size
    array->initializeWithZeros(); // Init the grown array to all Zeros
    nt = array->getNumberOfTuples();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nt, ==, (numTuples) );
    nc = array->getNumberOfComponents();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nc, ==, numComp );


    // This resizes the array to Zero destroying all the data in the process.
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(false, ==, array->isAllocated() );
    nt = array->getNumberOfTuples();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nt, ==, 0);
    nc = array->getNumberOfComponents();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nc, ==, numComp);
    nt = array->getSize();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nt, ==, 0);
    ptr = array->getPointer(0);

    // Test resizing the array to a any larger size
    array->initializeWithZeros(); // Init the grown array to all Zeros
    nt = array->getNumberOfTuples();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nt, ==, (numTuples) );
    nc = array->getNumberOfComponents();
    DREAM3D_REQUIRED(nc, ==, numComp );
    ptr = array->getPointer(0);

    return err;