void AABB::ProjectToAxis(const vec &axis, float &dMin, float &dMax) const
	vec c = (minPoint + maxPoint) * 0.5f;
	vec e = maxPoint - c;

#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SIMD)
	vec absAxis = axis.Abs();
	float r = Abs(e.Dot(absAxis));
	// Compute the projection interval radius of the AABB onto L(t) = aabb.center + t * plane.normal;
	float r = Abs(e[0]*Abs(axis[0]) + e[1]*Abs(axis[1]) + e[2]*Abs(axis[2]));
	// Compute the distance of the box center from plane.
	float s = axis.Dot(c);
	dMin = s - r;
	dMax = s + r;