void gen(int kk, mat &a, vec &b)
        const int m = kk+2;
        b.assign(m, 1<<kk);
        a[0][0] = a[0][1] = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
                int kkk = kk-i+1;
                for (int j = 0; j <= kkk; j++) a[i][j+1] = c[kkk][j];
 void assign(indtype Nitem, indtype cap,
             indtype minCost_1, indtype *w, valtype *v)
   this->Nitem = Nitem;
   cap = std::accumulate(w, w + Nitem, 0) - cap;
   this->cap = cap;
   INT nrow = cap + 1 - minCost_1, ncol = Nitem + 1;
   content.assign(nrow * ncol + ncol, -std::numeric_limits<valtype>::max());
   dp01kp<valtype, indtype, false>::assign(minCost_1, w, (valtype**)(&content[0]), v, 0);
   valtype *val = &content[ncol];
   for(INT i = 0; i < ncol; ++i)
     dp01kp<valtype, indtype, false>::value[i] = val + nrow * i;
valtype gapBabDp(vec<signed char> &currentSolution, vec<signed char> &Bcontainer,
              indtype Nagent, indtype Ntask, WV<valtype, indtype> **info,
              indtype *residualBudget, int maxCore, std::time_t timer, double tlimit,
              int &Nnode, int &Nkp)
  vec<signed char*> Bv(Ntask);
  for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
    INT tmp = j * (INT(Nagent) + 1);
    Bv[j] = &Bcontainer[0] + tmp;
    Bv[j][Nagent] = 0;
  signed char **B = &Bv[0];

  vec<indtype> overloadedAgent(Nagent);
  vec<vec<indtype> > overloadedAgentTask(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<indtype> > overloadedAgentWeight(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<valtype> > overloadedAgentPenalty(Nagent, vec<valtype>(Ntask)); // will be used as values in knapsacking
  vec<vec<indtype> > nextAgent(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<indtype> > reassign(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));
  vec<vec<indtype> > stay(Nagent, vec<indtype>(Ntask));

  vec<indtype> budgetExceedance(Nagent);
  vec<stackEle<valtype, indtype> > T(INT(Nagent) * Ntask);
  currentSolution.resize(INT(Nagent) * Ntask);
  valtype currentSolutionRevenue = -std::numeric_limits<valtype>::max();

  // Auxiliary containers.
  maxCore = std::min<int> (maxCore, Nagent);
  vec<indtype> agentCosts(Nagent);

  // bool postKnapsack = false;
    std::time_t now; std::time(&now);
    if(std::difftime(now, timer) > tlimit) break;

    while(true) // Repeat backtracking until knapsacking becomes necessary.
      valtype revenueUB = 0;
      bool needNoBacktrack = findOverloadedAgentsPenaltyWeightNextAgent(
        revenueUB, overloadedAgent, info, B,
        Nagent, Ntask, residualBudget, &budgetExceedance[0], &agentCosts[0],
        overloadedAgentTask, overloadedAgentWeight, // of size Nagent
        overloadedAgentPenalty, // will be used as values in knapsacking
        nextAgent, T);
      // Rcout << "needNoBacktrack = " << needNoBacktrack << "\n";
      if(needNoBacktrack and revenueUB > currentSolutionRevenue)
        if(overloadedAgent.size() > 0) break;
        currentSolution.assign(Bcontainer.begin(), Bcontainer.end());
        currentSolutionRevenue = revenueUB;
      Rcout << "revenueUB = " << revenueUB << "\n";
      Rcout << "before backtrack, T.size() = " << T.size() << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 1, iend = T.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << T[i].agent << ", " << T[i].task << ", " <<
          int(B[T[i].task][T[i].agent]) << ",    ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";

      bool bt = backtrack(T, B, Nagent, info, residualBudget);
      Rcout << "after backtrack, T.size() = " << T.size() << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 1, iend = T.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << T[i].agent << ", " << T[i].task << ", " <<
          int(B[T[i].task][T[i].agent]) << ",    ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      if(!bt) return currentSolutionRevenue;

      Rcout << "After initialization, B = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "Overloaded agent = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << overloadedAgent[i] << ", ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "Budget exceedance = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        Rcout << budgetExceedance[overloadedAgent[i]] << ", ";
      Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "overloadedAgentTask = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = overloadedAgentTask[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << overloadedAgentTask[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "overloadedAgentWeight = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = overloadedAgentWeight[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << overloadedAgentWeight[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "next agent = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = nextAgent[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << nextAgent[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "overloadedAgentPenalty = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        indtype a = overloadedAgent[i];
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = overloadedAgentPenalty[a].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << overloadedAgentPenalty[a][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";

    valtype totalPenalty = 0;
    ++Nnode; Nkp += overloadedAgent.size();
    specialBiKpDPpara<valtype, indtype> (
        totalPenalty, overloadedAgent, overloadedAgentWeight,
        overloadedAgentPenalty, stay, reassign, budgetExceedance,
        std::min<int> (maxCore, overloadedAgent.size()));

    // Set variables pointed by reassigned to -1.
    updateBafterKnapsacking<indtype> (overloadedAgent, B, nextAgent, overloadedAgentTask, reassign);

      Rcout << "After KP, reassign = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = reassign[i].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << reassign[i][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "After KP, stay = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0, iend = overloadedAgent.size(); i < iend; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0, jend = stay[i].size(); j < jend; ++j)
          Rcout << stay[i][j] << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";
      Rcout << "After KP, B = \n";
      for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
        for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
          if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
          else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
        Rcout << "\n";

    valtype totalReve = 0;
    bool thereis = thereIsOverlodedAgent(
      info, B, Nagent, Ntask, residualBudget, &agentCosts[0], totalReve);

    // Rcout << "Knapsack solution, totalReve = " << totalReve << "\n";
    // if(thereis) Rcout << "There is overloaded agent\n";
    // else Rcout << "There is no overloaded agent\n";

      if(totalReve > currentSolutionRevenue)
        currentSolutionRevenue = totalReve;
        currentSolution.assign(Bcontainer.begin(), Bcontainer.end());
      bool bt = backtrack(T, B, Nagent, info, residualBudget);
      if(!bt) break;
      pushAllBranchingVariableIntoStack<valtype, indtype, greedyBranch> (
          T, B, Nagent, overloadedAgent, stay, overloadedAgentTask,
          overloadedAgentWeight, overloadedAgentPenalty, residualBudget, info);

    // Rcout << "After KP locking, B = \n";
    // for(indtype i = 0; i < Nagent; ++i)
    // {
    //   for(indtype j = 0; j < Ntask; ++j)
    //   {
    //     if(B[j][i] >= 0) Rcout << " " << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
    //     else Rcout << int(B[j][i]) << ", ";
    //   }
    //   Rcout << "\n";
    // }

  return currentSolutionRevenue;