void drawLandscape(window &w, color skycolor, color groundcolor) { // creates landscape. only called once
    setBrushAndPenColor(w, skycolor);
    w.DrawRectangle(0, 0, w.GetWidth(), w.GetHeight(), FILLED);
    RandGen r;
    int ystart = r.RandInt((double) w.GetHeight() * 0.666, (double) w.GetHeight() * 0.75); // semi random height of ground near bottom of screen
    setBrushAndPenColor(w, groundcolor);
    for (double x = 0; x < w.GetWidth(); x++) {
        int yval = ystart + sin((double) (x / 60)) * 15; // ground will be sin curve
        w.DrawLine(x, yval, x, w.GetHeight());    // draws line from ground level to bottom of screen