/** * @author JoSch * @date 08-03-2008 * @version 1.0 */ void Fmod4SoundStitching::putSoundIntoSlot(unsigned int slot, CeGuiString label) { if (isValid()) { FMOD_MODE mode = FMOD_DEFAULT; if (is3d()) { mode |= FMOD_3D; } else { mode |= FMOD_2D; } if (isLooping()) { mode |= FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL; } else { mode |= FMOD_LOOP_OFF; } FMOD::Sound *sound; FMOD_RESULT result = mDriver->_getFmodSystem()->createStream( mSoundCache[label]->getName().c_str(), mode, NULL, &sound); CHECK_FMOD4_ERRORS(result); if (mSoundSlots[slot] != NULL) { mSoundSlots[slot]->release(); } mSoundSlots[slot] = sound; result = sound->setSubSound(slot, sound); CHECK_FMOD4_ERRORS(result); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FMOD::System *system; FMOD::Sound *sound; FMOD::Sound *subsound[2]; FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO exinfo; FMOD::Channel *channel = 0; FMOD_RESULT result; int key; unsigned int subsoundid, sentenceid; unsigned int version; const char *soundname[NUMSOUNDS] = { "../media/e.ogg", /* Ma- */ "../media/d.ogg", /* ry */ "../media/c.ogg", /* had */ "../media/d.ogg", /* a */ "../media/e.ogg", /* lit- */ "../media/e.ogg", /* tle */ "../media/e.ogg", /* lamb, */ "../media/e.ogg", /* ..... */ "../media/d.ogg", /* lit- */ "../media/d.ogg", /* tle */ "../media/d.ogg", /* lamb, */ "../media/d.ogg", /* ..... */ "../media/e.ogg", /* lit- */ "../media/e.ogg", /* tle */ "../media/e.ogg", /* lamb, */ "../media/e.ogg", /* ..... */ "../media/e.ogg", /* Ma- */ "../media/d.ogg", /* ry */ "../media/c.ogg", /* had */ "../media/d.ogg", /* a */ "../media/e.ogg", /* lit- */ "../media/e.ogg", /* tle */ "../media/e.ogg", /* lamb, */ "../media/e.ogg", /* its */ "../media/d.ogg", /* fleece */ "../media/d.ogg", /* was */ "../media/e.ogg", /* white */ "../media/d.ogg", /* as */ "../media/c.ogg", /* snow. */ "../media/c.ogg", /* ..... */ "../media/c.ogg", /* ..... */ "../media/c.ogg", /* ..... */ }; /* Create a System object and initialize. */ result = FMOD::System_Create(&system); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->getVersion(&version); ERRCHECK(result); if (version < FMOD_VERSION) { printf("Error! You are using an old version of FMOD %08x. This program requires %08x\n", version, FMOD_VERSION); return 0; } result = system->init(1, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); ERRCHECK(result); /* Set up the FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO structure for the user stream with room for 2 subsounds. (our subsound double buffer) */ memset(&exinfo, 0, sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO)); exinfo.cbsize = sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO); exinfo.defaultfrequency = 44100; exinfo.numsubsounds = 2; exinfo.numchannels = 1; exinfo.format = FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM16; /* Create the 'parent' stream that contains the substreams. Set it to loop so that it loops between subsound 0 and 1. */ result = system->createStream(0, FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL | FMOD_OPENUSER, &exinfo, &sound); ERRCHECK(result); /* Add 2 of our streams as children of the parent. They should be the same format (ie mono/stereo and bitdepth) as the parent sound. When subsound 0 has finished and it is playing subsound 1, we will swap subsound 0 with a new sound, and the same for when subsound 1 has finished, causing a continual double buffered flip, which means continuous sound. */ result = system->createStream(soundname[0], FMOD_DEFAULT, 0, &subsound[0]); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->createStream(soundname[1], FMOD_DEFAULT, 0, &subsound[1]); ERRCHECK(result); result = sound->setSubSound(0, subsound[0]); ERRCHECK(result); result = sound->setSubSound(1, subsound[1]); ERRCHECK(result); /* Set up the gapless sentence to contain these first 2 streams. */ { int soundlist[2] = { 0, 1 }; result = sound->setSubSoundSentence(soundlist, 2); ERRCHECK(result); } subsoundid = 0; sentenceid = 2; /* The next sound to be appeneded to the stream. */ printf("=============================================================================\n"); printf("Real-time stitching example. Copyright (c) Firelight Technologies 2004-2014.\n"); printf("=============================================================================\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Press space to pause, Esc to quit\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Inserted subsound %d / 2 with sound %d / %d\n", 0, 0, NUMSOUNDS); printf("Inserted subsound %d / 2 with sound %d / %d\n", 1, 1, NUMSOUNDS); /* Play the sound. */ result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound, false, &channel); ERRCHECK(result); /* Main loop. */ do { unsigned int currentsubsoundid; if (_kbhit()) { key = _getch(); switch (key) { case ' ' : { bool paused; channel->getPaused(&paused); channel->setPaused(!paused); break; } } } system->update(); /* Replace the subsound that just finished with a new subsound, to create endless seamless stitching! Note that this polls the currently playing subsound using the FMOD_TIMEUNIT_BUFFERED flag. Remember streams are decoded / buffered ahead in advance! Don't use the 'audible time' which is FMOD_TIMEUNIT_SENTENCE_SUBSOUND by itself. When streaming, sound is processed ahead of time, and things like stream buffer / sentence manipulation (as done below) is required to be in 'buffered time', or else there will be synchronization problems and you might end up releasing a sub-sound that is still playing! */ result = channel->getPosition(¤tsubsoundid, (FMOD_TIMEUNIT)(FMOD_TIMEUNIT_SENTENCE_SUBSOUND | FMOD_TIMEUNIT_BUFFERED)); ERRCHECK(result); if (currentsubsoundid != subsoundid) { /* Release the sound that isn't playing any more. */ result = subsound[subsoundid]->release(); ERRCHECK(result); /* Replace it with a new sound in our list. */ result = system->createStream(soundname[sentenceid], FMOD_DEFAULT, 0, &subsound[subsoundid]); ERRCHECK(result); result = sound->setSubSound(subsoundid, subsound[subsoundid]); ERRCHECK(result); printf("Replacing subsound %d / 2 with sound %d / %d\n", subsoundid, sentenceid, NUMSOUNDS); sentenceid++; if (sentenceid >= NUMSOUNDS) { sentenceid = 0; } subsoundid = currentsubsoundid; } Sleep(50); } while (key != 27); printf("\n"); /* Shut down */ result = sound->release(); /* Freeing a parent subsound also frees its children. */ ERRCHECK(result); result = system->close(); ERRCHECK(result); result = system->release(); ERRCHECK(result); return 0; }