static bool extractEnd(std::istringstream &strm, std::string &end) { std::stringbuf temp; strm.get(temp); end = temp.str(); return !; }
/** * @brief Recurse internal function to parse a Boolean formula from a line in the input file * @param is the input stream from which the tokens in the line are read * @param allowedTypes a list of allowed variable types - this allows to check that assumptions do not refer to 'next' output values. * @return a BF that represents the transition constraint read from the line */ BF GR1Context::parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(std::istringstream &is,std::set<VariableType> &allowedTypes, std::vector<BF> &memory) { std::string operation = ""; is >> operation; if (operation=="") { SlugsException e(false); e << "Error reading line " << lineNumberCurrentlyRead << ". Premature end of line."; throw e; } if (operation=="|") return parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memory) | parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memory); if (operation=="^") return parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memory) ^ parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memory); if (operation=="&") return parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memory) & parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memory); if (operation=="!") return !parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memory); if (operation=="1") return mgr.constantTrue(); if (operation=="0") return mgr.constantFalse(); // Memory Functionality - Create Buffer if (operation=="$") { unsigned nofElements; is >> nofElements; if ( { SlugsException e(false); e << "Error reading line " << lineNumberCurrentlyRead << ". Expected number of memory elements."; throw e; } std::vector<BF> memoryNew(nofElements); for (unsigned int i=0; i<nofElements; i++) { memoryNew[i] = parseBooleanFormulaRecurse(is,allowedTypes,memoryNew); } return memoryNew[nofElements-1]; }
bool seek(size_t v, int origin) { if (origin == SEEK_CUR) stream.seekg(v, std::ios_base::cur); else if (origin == SEEK_END) stream.seekg(v, std::ios_base::end); else stream.seekg(v, std::ios_base::beg); return !; }
template<typename T> void me_traffic_generator::do_do_store(std::istringstream &iss) { tlm::tlm_generic_payload *req_transaction_ptr = m_txn_pool.pop(); sc_dt::uint64 addr; iss >> hex >> addr >> dec; T *buffer = (T *)m_buffer; int len; for(len=0; len < m_buffer_size; len++) { unsigned tmp; iss >> hex >> tmp >> dec; if( break; *(buffer++) = T(tmp); } if(len == 0) return; req_transaction_ptr->set_command(tlm::TLM_WRITE_COMMAND); req_transaction_ptr->set_address(addr); req_transaction_ptr->set_data_ptr(m_buffer); req_transaction_ptr->set_data_length(len * sizeof(T)); req_transaction_ptr->set_streaming_width(len * sizeof(T)); req_transaction_ptr->set_byte_enable_ptr(0); req_transaction_ptr->set_response_status(tlm::TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE); if(m_endianness != m_host_endianness) tlm::tlm_to_hostendian_word<T>(req_transaction_ptr,4); request_out_port->write(req_transaction_ptr); tlm::tlm_generic_payload *resp_transaction_ptr = response_in_port->read(); if (resp_transaction_ptr != req_transaction_ptr) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << m_ID << "Response to wrong request"; REPORT_FATAL(filename, __FUNCTION__, msg.str()); } if (resp_transaction_ptr->get_response_status() != tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << m_ID << "Transaction ERROR"; REPORT_FATAL(filename, __FUNCTION__, msg.str()); } if(m_endianness != m_host_endianness) tlm::tlm_from_hostendian_word<T>(req_transaction_ptr,4); std::cout << m_prompt << ":: " << "write transaction length " << len << " (10) x " << sizeof(T)*8 << "-bit completed" << std::endl; m_txn_pool.push(resp_transaction_ptr); }