static bool extractEnd(std::istringstream &strm, std::string &end) { std::stringbuf temp; strm.get(temp); end = temp.str(); return !; }
/// directly sends the quoted text to oss /// and returns if a quote was found /// empties the given buffer in to oss if one is given /// works only if a quote char is found where the iss cursor is. bool JLDIO::skipOverQuotes(std::ostringstream& oss, std::istringstream& iss, std::list<char> *bufferToEmpty) { char charBuffer = iss.peek(); if(charBuffer == '\'' || charBuffer == '\"') { if(bufferToEmpty && !bufferToEmpty->empty()) { oss << listToString(*bufferToEmpty); bufferToEmpty->clear(); } // std::cout<<"Skipping: "; char matchedChar = charBuffer; iss.get(charBuffer); assert(matchedChar == charBuffer); do { oss << charBuffer; // std::cout<<charBuffer; } while(iss.get(charBuffer) && charBuffer != matchedChar); if(iss.good()) oss << charBuffer; // std::cout<<charBuffer<<"\n"; return true; } return false; }
void factor( std::istringstream &ss, char &lookahead ) { if ( isDigit {}( lookahead ) ){ int value = 0; do { value = value * 10 + ToDigit {}( lookahead ); lookahead = ss.get(); } while ( !ss.eof() && isDigit {} ( lookahead ) ); print ( value ); } else if ( lookahead == '(' ) { match ( ss, lookahead, '(' ); expr( ss, lookahead ); if( lookahead != ')' ){ throw fail { "Expected a closing parenthesis before end of line." }; } match ( ss, lookahead, ')' ); } else if ( isWhiteSpace {} ( lookahead ) ) { for (;; lookahead = ss.get() ){ if( isWhiteSpace {}( lookahead ) ) continue; else break; } } else { std::cerr << "Syntax Error: expecting a digit, got '" << lookahead << "' instead." << std::endl; abort(); } }
bool ossimWkt::parseObject( std::istringstream& is, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& object, ossimKeywordlist& kwl ) { bool result = false; result = parseName( is, prefix, object, kwl ); if ( result && is.good() ) { char c; ossim_uint32 myObjectIndex = 0; ossim_uint32 paramIndex = 0; while ( is.good() ) { is.get(c); if ( is.good() ) { if ( c == ',' ) { parseParam( is, prefix, object, myObjectIndex, paramIndex, kwl ); } else if ( (c == ']') || (c == ')') ) { break; // End of object. } } } } return result; }
bool ossimWkt::parseName( std::istringstream& is, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& object, ossimKeywordlist& kwl ) { bool result = false; char c; std::string name; // Find the first quote: while ( is.good() ) { is.get(c); if ( is.good() ) { if ( c == '"' ) { break; } } } // Get the name: while ( is.good() ) { is.get(c); if ( is.good() ) { if ( c != '"' ) { name.push_back(c); } else { break; // End quote: } } } if ( name.size() ) { // Add to keyword list. std::string key; if ( prefix.size() ) { key += prefix; } key += object; key += ".name"; kwl.addPair( key, name ); result = true; } return result; }
void match ( std::istringstream &ss, char &lookahead, const char &currToken ) noexcept { if ( lookahead == currToken ){ lookahead = ss.get(); if( isWhiteSpace {}( lookahead ) ){ for(;; lookahead = ss.get() ){ if(isWhiteSpace {}( lookahead ) ) continue; else break; } } } //otherwise we have an epsilon production }
void LoadArray(std::istringstream &buf, pnlVector<Type> &array, char delim = ' ') { char ch; int ich; Type val; buf >> ch; ASSERT(ch == '[' || !buf.good()); array.reserve(16); array.resize(0); for(;buf.good();) { do { ich = buf.peek(); if(ich == ']') { buf >> ch; return; } else if(ich == delim || (delim == ' ' && isspace(ich))) { buf.get(ch); } } while(buf.good() && (ich == delim || (delim == ' ' && isspace(ich)))); if(!buf.good()) { break; } buf >> val; array.push_back(val); }
/** * Read from input title and insert spaces into the title vector * @param iss input stream * @param word space word to insert * @param title vector where to store the words */ void insert_spaces( std::istringstream& iss, std::string& word, std::vector<std::string>& title ){ while( iss.peek() == ' ' ){ iss.get(); word += ' '; } if ( !word.empty() ) title.push_back( std::move(word) ); }
/// moves the iss's cursor to the next non-WS char bool JLDIO::ignoreWhiteSpace(std::istringstream& iss) { char charBuffer = iss.peek(); bool output = false; while(std::isspace(charBuffer)) { iss.get(charBuffer); charBuffer = iss.peek(); output = true; } return output; }
void skipCharacter(std::istringstream& is, char char_to_skip) { for (;;) { int c = is.get(); if ( !is.good() ) { break; } else { if (c != char_to_skip) { is.unget(); break; } } } }
bool JLDIO::moreItems(std::istringstream& iss, char delim) { char charBuffer; ignoreWhiteSpace(iss); if(iss.peek() == ',') { iss.get(charBuffer); return true; } else if(iss.peek() != delim) { std::cout<<"Expected '"<<delim<<"' but found '"<<(char)iss.peek()<<"'\n"; assert(0 && "Unexpected char"); } return false; }
void rest_2( std::istringstream &ss, char &lookahead ) { while( !ss.eof() ){ char tempToken = lookahead; if( lookahead == '*' ) { match( ss, lookahead, '*' ); factor( ss, lookahead ); print( tempToken ); } else if ( lookahead == '/' ) { match ( ss, lookahead, '/' ); factor( ss, lookahead ); print( '/' ); } else if ( isWhiteSpace {}( lookahead ) ) { for(;; lookahead = ss.get() ){ if( isWhiteSpace {}( lookahead ) ) continue; else break; } } else { break; } } }
void rest( std::istringstream &ss, char &lookahead ) { while( !ss.eof() ) { char tempToken = lookahead; if ( lookahead == '+' ) { match( ss, lookahead, '+' ); term ( ss, lookahead ); print( tempToken ); rest( ss, lookahead ); } else if ( lookahead == '-' ) { match( ss, lookahead, '-' ); term( ss, lookahead ); print( tempToken ); rest( ss, lookahead ); } else if ( isWhiteSpace {} ( lookahead ) ) { for(;; lookahead = ss.get() ){ if( isWhiteSpace {}( lookahead ) ) continue; else break; } } else { break; //we have an epsilon production } } }
bool ossimWkt::parseWktGroup( std::istringstream& is, ossimKeywordlist& kwl ) { bool result = false; if ( is.good() ) { char c; // Get the wkt group name up to '[', e.g. "PROJCS[". std::string prefix = ""; std::string object; // std::string v; while ( is.good() ) { is.get(c); if ( is.good() ) { // Look for parens or square brackets. if ( (c != '[') && (c != '(') ) { object.push_back(c); } else { result = parseObject( is, prefix, object, kwl ); } } else { break; } } } return result; }
bool HttpResponse::parse_header_content(std::istringstream &istr) { static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof(); int ch = istr.get(); while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') { std::string name; std::string value; while (ch != eof && ch != ':' && name.length() < MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { name += ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (ch != ':') return false; if (ch != eof) ch = istr.get(); // ':' while (isspace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && value.length() < MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { value += ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (ch == '\r') ch = istr.get(); if (ch == '\n') { ch = istr.get(); }else if(ch != eof) { return false; } while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') // folding { while (ch != eof && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && value.length() < MAX_VALUE_LENGTH) { value += ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (ch == '\r') { ch = istr.get(); } if (ch == '\n') { ch = istr.get(); }else if (ch != eof) { return false; } } m_nv_map[name] = value; } istr.putback(ch); return true; }
bool ossimWkt::parseParam( std::istringstream& is, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& object, ossim_uint32& objectIndex, ossim_uint32& paramIndex, ossimKeywordlist& kwl ) { bool result = false; char c; std::string name; // Get the name: while ( is.good() ) { int i = is.peek(); // Don't gobble the trailing comma or bracket. if ( (i == ',') || (i == ']') || (i == ')') ) { // End of param. if ( name.size() ) { // Add to keyword list. std::string key; if ( prefix.size() ) { key += prefix; } key += object; key += ".param"; key += ossimString::toString(paramIndex).string(); kwl.addPair( key, name ); name = ""; ++paramIndex; result = true; } break; // Next param or at end of object. } is.get(c); if ( is.good() ) { // Look nexted object. if ( (c == '[') || (c == '(') ) { std::string myPrefix; if ( prefix.size() ) { myPrefix += prefix; } myPrefix += object; myPrefix += "."; //--- // Special hack for duplicated keyword "PARAMETER" //--- if ( name == "PARAMETER" ) { name += ossimString::toString(objectIndex).string(); ++objectIndex; } result = parseObject( is, myPrefix, name, kwl ); name = ""; } else { name.push_back(c); } } } return result; }
bool at_end() { int c = stream.get(); stream.unget(); return c == EOF; }
int getc() { return stream.get(); }
bool HttpResponse::Parse(std::istringstream &istr) { static const int eof = std::char_traits<char>::eof(); std::string version; std::string status; std::string reason; int ch = istr.get(); while (isspace(ch)) { ch = istr.get(); } if (ch == eof) return false; while (!isspace(ch) && ch != eof && version.length() < MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) { version += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!isspace(ch)) return false; while(isspace(ch)) { ch = istr.get(); } while (!isspace(ch) && ch != eof && status.length() < MAX_STATUS_LENGTH) { status += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!isspace(ch)) return false; while (isspace(ch)) ch = istr.get(); while (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && ch != eof && reason.length() < MAX_REASON_LENGTH) { reason += (char) ch; ch = istr.get(); } if (!isspace(ch)) return false; if (ch == '\r') ch = istr.get(); if(!parse_header_content(istr)) return false; ch = istr.get(); while (ch != '\n' && ch != eof) { ch = istr.get(); } m_version = version; m_status = status; m_reason = reason; return true; }
/// gets the next char from iss and places it in output /// bypasses characters in quotes /// empties the given buffer in to oss before hand if possible /// returns false upon failure (i.e. returns iss.good()) bool JLDIO::getNextChar(char& output, std::ostringstream& oss, std::istringstream& iss, std::list<char> *bufferToEmpty) { skipOverQuotes(oss, iss, bufferToEmpty); iss.get(output); return iss.good(); }